
charlie-tcaRelease Candidate Testing begins today for Maverick! Great job on the is release.14:29
charlie-tcamr_pouit, cody-somerville : Can we turn quadrapassel off in maverick. There is no point having it in the menu when it won't run.16:15
charlie-tcabug 56173416:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561734 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "quadrapassel doesn't start: Failed to initialise clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56173416:15
mr_pouitit should work with 3d acceleration afaik (i.e. not in virtualbox)16:38
mr_pouitI'll check that when i'm back home16:38
charlie-tcaIt won't work at all here, on three hardware systems16:38
charlie-tcaI would prefer it not be a choice, than to be a choice for part of the users16:41
charlie-tcanvidia does not have 3d acceleration without installing hardware drivers, too16:51
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, fixed17:03
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, the Germany mirror links17:03
charlie-tcaThank you17:03
ochosicharlie-tca: quadrapassel works just fine here17:08
ochosibut then again: i have 3daccel on17:09
ochosimaybe it doesn't without17:09
charlie-tcaIt works for "some" users17:09
davmor2charlie-tca: it requires clutter which in turn requires 3d drivers :(17:10
charlie-tcaBut not all users have 3d drivers17:10
charlie-tcaOlder nvidia cards have no hardware drivers, newer nvidia MUST have hardware drivers installed to enable 3d17:11
charlie-tcaVirtualBox will fail also17:11
davmor2charlie-tca: I agree but I think we'll be in the minority L(17:11
charlie-tcaI do not want a program in the menus that only some users can use. They can install it themselves. 17:12
ochosidavmor2: why do you think you would be a minority?17:12
ochosii guess i agree with you, charlie-tca 17:12
charlie-tcaHmm, I suppose release notes, too17:13
ochosi(not that it matters much :) )17:13
davmor2ochosi: because it's part of the default games package for ubuntu17:13
charlie-tcayes, it does matters much. I hate being the only voice of disagreement here17:13
charlie-tcadavmor2: but the .desktop file can have "do not show = true"17:14
ochosialrighty, i just meant since i'm not part of the team, that's all17:14
charlie-tcaIt does have it's own .desktop file17:14
ochosidavmor2: i have no clue what you mean, quadrapassel is a package of its own17:15
davmor2charlie-tca: but that neither solves the issue or frees up space and general public won't know how to access it17:15
charlie-tcahmm, true enough17:15
ochosiyou can just remove the package quadrapassel from the default install (if you get a freeze exception)17:16
charlie-tcaSo, let's see how many people complain and file duplicate reports for something that should have been fixed... :-(17:16
ochosidepends on how many people play those games17:16
charlie-tcajust that one, the rest work17:16
ochosias i said before, it's fairly straight-forward to remove quadrapassel17:18
ochosi(without removing the others)17:18
charlie-tcaThat's what I think, too17:18
charlie-tcamr_pouit: everything except quadrapassel works in the live environment18:05
charlie-tcaw00t! My internet connection hit 1.64kB/s... just 78 hours left to sync the alt-386 image18:50
* charlie-tca thinks testing will take a while at this rate :-)18:53

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