lex79 | I think it causes also this bug 649539 | 00:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 649539 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Can't enable auto login - And It causes switch to General Font Andale Mono 12" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/649539 | 00:00 |
lex79 | not the part where you can't enable autologin but the part where font switch to another font | 00:00 |
lex79 | I think the part where I can't enable autologin, it's just my installation problem :) | 00:01 |
debfx | probably, if it only sets the General font | 00:02 |
lex79 | yes, it's just for general font | 00:03 |
lex79 | debfx: ping me when is done, I want test your fix ;) | 00:04 |
debfx | lex79: ping | 00:07 |
claydoh | have the kwin/intel graphics issues been fixed yet? | 00:07 |
lex79 | debfx: pogo | 00:07 |
maco | debfx: wait whats the default general font *supposed* to be? thats what Riddell said it was! | 00:08 |
lex79 | sans serif 9 is the default font | 00:09 |
maco | i had one commit that was something else (which i thought matched kne's setting) and Riddell said "no no its this other one" | 00:09 |
debfx | maco: you also changed the font size to 8 but as kde couldn't find the font it completely ignored it | 00:11 |
maco | whats the usual font size? | 00:11 |
debfx | 9 | 00:11 |
maco | is that different between netbook and desktop? | 00:12 |
maco | :( sorry | 00:12 |
debfx | maco: yes, netbook uses font size 7 | 00:13 |
Riddell | (which I think is far too small) | 00:14 |
debfx | qtcurve probably ignores that though | 00:14 |
maco | Riddell: yeah i learned at uds barcelona that you love huge font sizes. there was a bit of "grumble grumble riddell and his giant fonts! prettier would be smaller!" | 00:18 |
ScottK | Riddell: It's a lovely size for a netbook. | 00:20 |
Riddell | ScottK: I've had to get glasses to be able to read it | 00:20 |
maco | Riddell: you had to get glasses because your eyes are bad and you put it off too long! | 00:21 |
ScottK | Riddell: That's my line. I can read it just fine, you aren't old enough to need glasses for that. | 00:21 |
Riddell | maco: and my eyes are bad because this netbook his tiny fonts! | 00:21 |
maco | Riddell: that has nothing to do with the muscles in your eyeballs getting weak! | 00:21 |
debfx | lex79: does the fix work? | 00:26 |
lex79 | I still need to test it, I'm building the package | 00:27 |
lex79 | debfx: it works, thanks | 00:36 |
lex79 | and qtcurve parses the settings from k-d-s | 00:39 |
debfx | lex79: you're welcome | 00:43 |
debfx | how? | 00:43 |
lex79 | uhm, I mean QtCurve uses huge fonts is not anymore a problem in maverick | 00:44 |
debfx | ah yes, but if we did change the default font qtcurve wouldn't pick it up | 00:45 |
lex79 | ah I see | 00:47 |
* claydoh is sooo lame, just realized he could drag tabs around in his browser | 00:48 | |
* lex79 wrote "need to looking again" instead of "need to look again" in the bug report | 00:51 | |
* lex79 hides | 00:51 | |
maco | debfx: or rather if we change the default font, we have to do it in two places | 00:52 |
lex79 | should I upload k-d-s or wait after RC release? | 00:59 |
Riddell | claydoh: that upgrade of yours isn't a happy story :( | 01:00 |
claydoh | Riddell: no, not sure if it was just an anomaly or not | 01:01 |
claydoh | but thegrub thing is peculiar to my mixed ata/sata setup | 01:01 |
claydoh | Riddell: and not as bad as this: http://yfrog.com/8b20100929170426j lol | 01:02 |
Riddell | claydoh: have you tried a live image to see if it has the same problem? | 01:03 |
claydoh | not yet, that system is my telly, so I can't spend too much time on it | 01:05 |
claydoh | Riddell: actually, I did, but is was the beta 32bit image | 01:05 |
claydoh | to recover grub | 01:06 |
Riddell | claydoh: what are you doing to scale the screenshots on the release page? they look a bit blury | 01:42 |
claydoh | hmmm just gwenview, I though it was my junky crt - everything uis blurry on my end :( | 01:43 |
claydoh | will fire up gimp instead | 01:44 |
claydoh | Riddell: any particular major bugs need to be included? the intel gpu bug(s)? | 01:47 |
Riddell | claydoh: I edited the page (ubiquity description) so you may have to redo any changes you have | 01:48 |
Riddell | claydoh: bug 627815 which is very sporadic | 01:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 627815 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Maverick) "unable to save user-places.xbel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/627815 | 01:49 |
Riddell | bug 649509 | 01:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 649509 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "System settings shows wrong General font by default" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/649509 | 01:49 |
ScottK | claydoh: bug 628930 | 01:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 628930 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Maverick) "[i945GME] KDE Desktop effects not active by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628930 | 01:49 |
ScottK | claydoh: bug 651294 | 01:50 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/651294 | 01:50 |
ScottK | claydoh: bug 627815 (needs a warning that despite the scary error message, it's harmless) | 01:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 627815 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Maverick) "unable to save user-places.xbel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/627815 | 01:51 |
* Riddell snoozes | 01:54 | |
claydoh | ScottK: do you (or anyone) have a screenie showing the Global Menu? one that has the default Kubuntu theme? I don't seem to be able to get it to show whenn I switch from desktop to netbook workspace | 02:07 |
maco | i can take a screenshot | 02:08 |
claydoh | maco: that would be awesome | 02:10 |
claydoh | thank you! | 02:10 |
maco | claydoh: http://mackenzie.morgan.name/tmp/global_menu.png | 02:19 |
claydoh | maco: many thanks! | 02:20 |
ScottK | claydoh: I've also got images in blog posts I've done (see p.u.c) | 03:34 |
claydoh | ScottK: thankee | 03:35 |
claydoh | sct, is bug 628930 still open?, assuming it is | 03:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 628930 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Maverick) "[i945GME] KDE Desktop effects not active by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628930 | 03:36 |
ScottK | claydoh: Please ping me again in about 5 seconds. | 03:36 |
ScottK | Or anyone else. | 03:37 |
maco | ScottK: ping | 03:38 |
claydoh | 5 4 3 2 1..... ScottK | 03:38 |
ScottK | claydoh: Screen shot of the new message indicator http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/mindicator.png - It's worth noting if you shift-click on it, it will take you straight to the last thing that happened and not open the menu. | 03:41 |
ScottK | Thanks | 03:41 |
claydoh | nifty, I usually disable that and a couple other items to save resources | 03:47 |
claydoh | this seem a bit easier on my blind laptop | 03:48 |
claydoh | ScottK: do you think that bug 651294 is netbook-specific? | 03:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/651294 | 03:57 |
ScottK | claydoh: It's not. | 03:57 |
ScottK | I had it on my laptop too. | 03:57 |
claydoh | ScottK: kk | 03:58 |
lucidfox | Hmm, I wonder | 04:37 |
lucidfox | Has someone brought up the possibility of using colibri by default in Kubuntu, to display notify-osd-like notifications? | 04:38 |
lucidfox | although on second thought... not all KDE notifications are libnotify-compatible, IIRC? | 04:39 |
JontheEchidna | Colibri was originally intended to be part of the default Kubuntu installation. (Which is why Canonical had Aurelien develop it) It was in fact part of the 9.04 release as a patch before it was called "colibri", but was off by default. | 05:23 |
JontheEchidna | There was great backlash in the upstream KDE development community (as well as the Kubuntu user community) about libnotify's lack of support for actions, which is why it wasn't on by default | 05:23 |
JontheEchidna | Lots of drama there ;-) | 05:23 |
JontheEchidna | Though judging from more recent blogs, it seems that since Colibri is now a third-party project that at least action support is on the "maybe todo if I can figure out how" list. (See comments of http://agateau.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/return-of-the-hummingbird-colibri-0-2-1-is-out/) | 05:25 |
JontheEchidna | The Notification Plasma widget will handle the cases where Colibri isn't able to display a KDE notification, such as a file transfer. | 05:27 |
JontheEchidna | ... and at the same time defer notification of "standard" notifications to colibri | 05:28 |
JontheEchidna | So in summation, I would say that the feature regressions compared to normal KDE notifications (namely action support) would have to be ironed out, and the decision would have to be put forward at a Kubuntu meeting with discussion/ a Kubuntu Council quorom/vote before colibri notifications could become default. | 05:29 |
JontheEchidna | I, personally, would definitely use colibri if it had action support. But the lack of that functionality is a dealbreaker for me. | 05:31 |
JontheEchidna | Missing from my exposition: Tons of drama that went on on both the newly-formed ayatana mailing list and #plasma during the 9.04 cycle. ;-) | 05:35 |
JontheEchidna | 'night, guys | 05:51 |
ulysses | it's morning o.O | 05:52 |
nigelb | any of the kubuntu folks want to take a slot from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek ? | 07:54 |
Riddell | nigelb: gosh, open week, but we haven't even finished app developer week | 08:29 |
nigelb | Riddell: too many weeks closeby :) | 08:29 |
nigelb | Riddell: app developer week got moved around this cycle think | 08:29 |
persia | app developer week is still trying to find a good time to happen. | 08:31 |
nigelb | It still not a good time tbh | 08:31 |
apachelogger | oh | 08:33 |
apachelogger | I do again have a talk today | 08:33 |
apachelogger | oh my | 08:33 |
Riddell | apachelogger: and I blogged about it, don't let me down! | 08:34 |
apachelogger | suggestions for the content? | 08:34 |
apachelogger | I was thinking about revising the widgetcraft talk of last fooweek | 08:34 |
* nigelb convinced you to do it remember? | 08:34 | |
apachelogger | right, it is all your fault :P | 08:35 |
persia | apachelogger, target group this week is "opportunistic developers". Pick something that can be done extra quick to make a useful widget in 15 minutes :) | 08:35 |
nigelb | oh, right, #blamenigel day today | 08:35 |
persia | Only today? | 08:36 |
nigelb | haha | 08:36 |
nigelb | specially today | 08:36 |
apachelogger | persia: the UDW talk was starting off with a simple hello world and maturing it to the point where it had a button and a spinning troll head | 08:36 |
* apachelogger would need to cut some things though, since time was running short last time | 08:37 | |
persia | nigelb, Please work on better clarification of the difference between UDW (cool stuff to do within Ubuntu as part of Ubuntu Development) and UADW (cool stuff to do using Ubuntu as a platform). | 08:38 |
persia | spinning troll heads are clearly the latter :) | 08:38 |
nigelb | persia: I thought that was clarified :) | 08:38 |
* nigelb will talk to amber though. | 08:39 | |
persia | nigelb, I thought so as well, but not in a way that led apachelogger to explain how to be a ninja last time :) | 08:39 |
apachelogger | persia: I beg to differ, you might very well need to write plasmoids for ubuntu development | 08:39 |
persia | apachelogger, Hrm. Indeed. Complicated that. | 08:40 |
apachelogger | the spinning head was only to showcase animations in a plasmoid, and animations are key IMHO | 08:40 |
nigelb | heh. | 08:40 |
apachelogger | persia: I think shadeslayer did the ninja stuff | 08:40 |
apachelogger | or at some week he did | 08:40 |
apachelogger | maybe he did a user week *shrug* | 08:40 |
apachelogger | those weeks are all a blur to me :P | 08:41 |
apachelogger | persia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek1007/PackageNinja | 08:41 |
persia | nigelb, See. We need more clarification :) | 08:41 |
persia | Aha! | 08:42 |
* persia missed that session | 08:42 | |
apachelogger | I recon we had tight control over UDW, jr did showcase QML too | 08:42 |
nigelb | see? | 08:42 |
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok | ||
apachelogger | how about quick intro, quick plasmoid, tech blah (where do I find docs, what else can I do, how do I deploy my funky stuff...) | 08:46 |
apachelogger | maybe spinning troll head if time is left ^^ | 08:46 |
* apachelogger doubts time will be left | 08:46 | |
steveire | Should I use that lernid stuff in my session? | 09:10 |
apachelogger | no | 09:10 |
apachelogger | lernid is targetting the audience | 09:10 |
Riddell | I wouldn't | 09:10 |
apachelogger | unless it grew a talkers mode | 09:10 |
steveire | So I just give people a link to slides? | 09:11 |
apachelogger | which is something I was thinking about because swaping to ClassBot query to get questions is a bit ewwy | 09:11 |
apachelogger | steveire: I am not sure, you might want to check with someone in backstage but that should be it | 09:11 |
apachelogger | supposedly it can be added to the topic too | 09:11 |
* apachelogger is wondering whether he should use slides today | 09:12 | |
Riddell | claydoh: one of the kpackagekit images is the same as another, did you mean to upload something else? | 09:12 |
agateau | apachelogger: Riddell: merge request for your pleasure: https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/plasma-widget-message-indicator/fix-text-overlap-in-systemtray/+merge/37106 | 09:16 |
Riddell | thanks agateau | 09:17 |
apachelogger | sweet | 09:17 |
Riddell | remind me about it this afternoon if I haven't handled it | 09:18 |
agateau | ok | 09:18 |
Riddell | busy trying to get Ubuntu Desktop people to actually care about their own release now | 09:18 |
agateau | oh, they don't? | 09:18 |
apachelogger | they are surely busy with UADW ^^ | 09:19 |
Riddell | I think they assume it'll happen for them | 09:19 |
apachelogger | *magic* | 09:19 |
nigelb | apachelogger: pm with classbot as opposed to you going and copying it manually? | 09:34 |
apachelogger | nigelb: yeah, actually with quassel latter is probably easier anyway | 09:34 |
apachelogger | no, what I was thinking about is create TeachIt which makes the other end of the process easier | 09:35 |
nigelb | ah, I forgot the small screen on top | 09:35 |
apachelogger | so you can have notes somewhere and a query with classbot and the main channel in one window | 09:35 |
apachelogger | and then chat in another tab or so | 09:35 |
nigelb | Please, before you try to "fix" classroom stuff, talk to classroom team. we have far too many people "fxing" thinks for us, which just breaks things. | 09:37 |
nigelb | (like Lernid - it is now unmaintained - almost) | 09:37 |
apachelogger | that is what you get for not letting cute haxx0rs in on your project .... | 09:38 |
nigelb | not my project ;D | 09:38 |
apachelogger | I know, jono's fault :P | 09:39 |
apachelogger | otherwise nixternal would maintain lernid | 09:39 |
nigelb | lol, #blamejono | 09:39 |
apachelogger | which equals unmaintained | 09:39 |
steveire | A few years ago someone worked on a feature so I could restart from kubuntu and boot into windows without having to watch my grub screen like a hawk. Dd anything come of that? | 09:39 |
apachelogger | but still :P | 09:39 |
apachelogger | steveire: that was there ... in Grub ... I think Grub2 lost that feature though | 09:39 |
apachelogger | old grub implementation was eww though because it required a file written to /boot IIRC | 09:40 |
apachelogger | which of course broke the whole thing | 09:40 |
steveire | So no modern solution? | 09:40 |
nigelb | modern solution - increase timeout | 09:40 |
apachelogger | steveire: not that I know of anyway | 09:41 |
apachelogger | Riddell: who is our guy working on grub2? cj? | 09:42 |
nigelb | yep | 09:42 |
apachelogger | steveire: if you have time, maybe try to reach cjwatson in #ubuntu-devel | 09:43 |
apachelogger | maybe he can come up with some approach for grub2 that is saner than what was there in grub | 09:43 |
nigelb | um, not today. release day. | 09:43 |
apachelogger | doing the UI foo should be no problem sinc essentially KDM contains handling code for it already IIRC | 09:44 |
apachelogger | also that would break with kexec anyway :P I always go NOOOO when I hit restart and want to get to windows ^^ | 09:45 |
maco | steveire: suse has that... and such support still exists somewhere in the lower layers in kubuntu too...but we dont have a gui for it | 09:45 |
apachelogger | then again kexec is so sweet | 09:45 |
maco | oh. wait was that a grub1 feature, apachelogger? | 09:45 |
apachelogger | maco: suse has grub all patched up to make it happen | 09:45 |
apachelogger | AH | 09:45 |
apachelogger | maco: yes | 09:46 |
maco | oh :-/ | 09:46 |
maco | nevermind then | 09:46 |
apachelogger | now I remember (I think) | 09:46 |
apachelogger | in suse they patched it so that KDM was able to place a file in /boot | 09:46 |
apachelogger | rather than the upstream default which was changing the friggin boot config itself | 09:46 |
apachelogger | (upstream == grub) | 09:47 |
=== myriam_rs is now known as Mamarok | ||
dpm | morning Riddell, did you get my e-mail on the translation imports? Have you tried uploading them again? | 10:11 |
Riddell | dpm: got it thanks, some documentation on the format accepted would be good to have on the upload page | 10:12 |
Riddell | I'll try and do that today but I guess it's missed the language packs | 10:13 |
dpm | Riddell, let's hope not. The imports queue is going down now from a peak, so there might still be a chance that they are imported. As per the missing documentation info on the supported layout, I've just filed bug 651900. Feel free to subscribe and provide more feedback | 10:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 651900 in Launchpad Translations "Add documentation on the supported layout on the tarball upload form " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/651900 | 10:49 |
apachelogger | persia, Quintasan: I am going to troll again :P | 11:28 |
* apachelogger couldnt resist | 11:28 | |
ulysses | :D | 11:29 |
* persia determines that context will eventually be forthcoming, although likely via alternate media | 11:29 | |
apachelogger | :P | 11:30 |
apachelogger | same media | 11:30 |
persia | IRC? | 11:31 |
* persia was expecting a blog entry | 11:31 | |
Riddell | same media as he last trolled I'd guess | 11:32 |
apachelogger | no | 11:32 |
apachelogger | http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/uadw/09.10/data/troll.png :P | 11:32 |
persia | Oh, heh! | 11:32 |
apachelogger | or actually, yes, last time I also trolled that on IRC :P | 11:32 |
Sput | apachelogger: that looks like you! | 11:36 |
* apachelogger smacks Sput | 11:38 | |
* Sput hands apachelogger a mirror | 11:42 | |
Sput | don't fight inconvenient truths! | 11:42 |
apachelogger | dude | 11:43 |
apachelogger | I cannot see myself in a mirror | 11:43 |
apachelogger | ... | 11:43 |
ulysses | you're a vampire? | 11:43 |
persia | This is clearly inconvenient, if a truth | 11:43 |
apachelogger | dont tell any body! | 11:44 |
Sput | persia: obviously only inconvenient to others (so-called "victims") | 11:44 |
apachelogger | L&O SVU | 11:46 |
persia | Sput, Really? Have you ever attempted to sharpen your fangs without a mirror? How about attempted to cut flesh with dull tools? It's definitely inconvenient. | 11:46 |
* persia goes away from the keyboard | 11:46 | |
Sput | I was under the impression that vampire fangs are auto-sharpening | 11:46 |
apachelogger | :O | 11:48 |
apachelogger | dude | 11:48 |
apachelogger | do you need to sharpen your teeth? | 11:48 |
* apachelogger finds that assumption itself rather strange | 11:48 | |
apachelogger | why would one need ot sharpen once fangs | 11:48 |
Sput | yeah, I'm wondering about that | 11:49 |
apachelogger | it is not like we chew on bones or anything | 11:49 |
\sh | apachelogger: there are people who are doing that to look like a tiger, cat, dog or vampire ;) | 11:49 |
Sput | impostors! | 11:50 |
Sput | also, hi \sh! | 11:50 |
apachelogger | yeah, sick peopel those are | 11:50 |
apachelogger | also I think that would be called forming, rather than sharpening | 11:50 |
apachelogger | although the sharpening is probably a side effect | 11:50 |
\sh | apachelogger: I call it "Verstümmelung" ;) | 11:50 |
\sh | hey sput | 11:50 |
apachelogger | oh | 11:51 |
apachelogger | then your threshold is not very high in that regard | 11:51 |
apachelogger | ...what some people do to other body parts... | 11:51 |
apachelogger | oi, just thinking about that creeped me out | 11:51 |
* apachelogger goes for a smoke | 11:51 | |
Sput | wtf? didn't you stop? | 11:53 |
* \sh needs a coffee...I have a night shift tonight, which means I'll have to stay more then 20 hours at office...great sh*t | 11:54 | |
Sput | the usual | 11:55 |
apachelogger | Sput: and then things started to go wrong... | 11:57 |
Sput | right. | 11:57 |
Sput | the usual | 11:57 |
apachelogger | aight | 11:58 |
apachelogger | \sh: are you having campfires and such stuff? I bet night shifts would be half as bad if you had campfires and horror stories and whatnot | 11:59 |
apachelogger | sheytan_: before we can dive into properly creating a video player I need to properly align the basics | 12:00 |
apachelogger | for those who care: I am working on making it possible to use phonon videos in a qgraphicsscene | 12:01 |
Sput | I hope you get paid for that | 12:01 |
apachelogger | no | 12:01 |
apachelogger | but I want a usable videoplayer | 12:01 |
apachelogger | also it is not that much of a problem with the right phonon backend | 12:01 |
apachelogger | there are in particular 2 problems (actually more like 3 problems) | 12:02 |
apachelogger | 1) phonon does not have an explicit surface rendering capability, i.e. you cannot be sure that the backend supports rendering/drawing frame-by-frame on a random rect you specify | 12:03 |
apachelogger | 2) even if phonon had that not all backends currently support it, to my knowledge xine for example does not, whereas GST and VLC can od it implicitly (latter I implemented as part of the qtwebkit+html5 fun I blogged about some time ago) | 12:04 |
apachelogger | 3) which sort of is cause to 1) there is no way to handle vidoeoutputdata directly, which is however currently experimentally around (called Phonon::VideoDataOutput) | 12:05 |
apachelogger | once 3 is in place it becomes way easier to do 1 and once 1 is done you really just need to write a qgraphicsitem that updates whenever a new frame arrives | 12:05 |
Riddell | sheytan_: fancy doing us a countdown timer image? | 12:06 |
apachelogger | actually I already have a bit of a graphicsitem | 12:06 |
apachelogger | http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/qgraphicsscene+phonon.ogv | 12:06 |
apachelogger | I imagine the better part of the work there is to handle the rects properly | 12:06 |
JontheEchidna | apachelogger: http://imgur.com/LEzR1 | 12:15 |
JontheEchidna | I call that one lintiantroll | 12:15 |
\sh | apachelogger: nope...but I have pizza and beer during the night shift and product rollout ;) | 12:16 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: will you blog that? | 12:16 |
apachelogger | \sh: mhh, pizza | 12:17 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: also, what about the kubuntu aubertruck? I still miss context on that pic :P | 12:17 |
JontheEchidna | http://imgur.com/KjgBS | 12:18 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: yeah, what about the blog post for that one? | 12:18 |
apachelogger | never saw one | 12:18 |
apachelogger | even though you promised | 12:18 |
JontheEchidna | oops | 12:18 |
* apachelogger dents the linitantroll | 12:19 | |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: also, I believe the brits call them fish fingers, do they not? | 12:20 |
apachelogger | btw, did anyone ever try custard with fish sticks/fingers? | 12:20 |
apachelogger | maybe that is like super delicious ^^ | 12:20 |
JontheEchidna | aubertruck dented, but now I have to get ready for class | 12:25 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: hf | 12:25 |
JontheEchidna | (have fun?) I'll try | 12:26 |
apachelogger | I always have ^^ | 12:28 |
sheytan_ | Riddell sure :D | 12:28 |
Riddell | sheytan_: 10 days to go so i guess 10 images to make | 12:30 |
sheytan_ | apachelogger sure, if you need any new/redesigned stuff just tell me | 12:30 |
sheytan_ | Riddell can't we make one and display date with js? :D | 12:30 |
Riddell | sheytan_: not with my js skills | 12:31 |
Riddell | see http://www.edubuntu.org/ and bottom right of http://www.ubuntu.com/ for inspiration | 12:31 |
sheytan_ | Riddell I've a js script for that. Just need a new image | 12:31 |
apachelogger | sheytan_: I'll try to make the current thing working first ^^ | 12:32 |
sheytan_ | apachelogger ok, fine ;) | 12:32 |
sheytan_ | btw, how do i change my nick to get rid of the _ ? | 12:33 |
apachelogger | well, actually I have something working but it is still not over the video and still not transparent or anything | 12:33 |
apachelogger | sheytan_: /nick newnick | 12:33 |
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan | ||
apachelogger | or use the drop down list left of the line where you enter stuff ;) | 12:33 |
sheytan | apachelogger thanks :D | 12:33 |
sheytan | oh yeah :D | 12:33 |
ScottK | http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/09/some-kde-pulseaudio-bugfixes/ seems worth looking into. | 12:38 |
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening | ||
shadeslayer | craps | 13:12 |
sheytan | Riddell http://sheytan-files.xt.pl/kubuntu-10-10-counter.htm | 13:13 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: where? | 13:15 |
apachelogger | sheytan: I only see a 10 | 13:15 |
sheytan | apachelogger refresh | 13:15 |
apachelogger | ah | 13:15 |
apachelogger | now | 13:15 |
apachelogger | uhhh | 13:15 |
apachelogger | sweet | 13:15 |
sheytan | Thanks :D | 13:15 |
apachelogger | I'll buy that one | 13:15 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: im afraid i wont get the visa | 13:16 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: how is that? | 13:16 |
sheytan | Riddell so, do you like it? :D | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: any good books for QML? | 13:36 |
shadeslayer | like any free ones | 13:36 |
shadeslayer | and wth is the nokia emulator thingy in qtcreator | 13:37 |
shadeslayer | oh | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | its all JS | 13:39 |
* shadeslayer runs to learn more JS | 13:39 | |
Riddell | sheytan: looks lovely | 13:40 |
sheytan | Riddell http://www.sendspace.com/file/w46sni you can put it on the website ;) | 13:41 |
* sheytan is downloading RC | 13:41 | |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: the nokia emulator is for symbion I think | 13:47 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: no books on QML yet (none that I know of anyway) | 13:47 |
shadeslayer | hm | 13:48 |
apachelogger | I can write one if you want | 13:50 |
apachelogger | but then I would have to delay my video player project | 13:50 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: is your video player on git? | 13:51 |
apachelogger | "Unicorns < Bunnies < QML" by Harald Sitter | 13:51 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: there is none yet, see my ramblings earlier about phonon missing stuff | 13:51 |
shadeslayer | meh | 13:51 |
shadeslayer | that is fails | 13:52 |
shadeslayer | fix phonon -> git your video player | 13:52 |
apachelogger | G-I-T | 13:53 |
apachelogger | I shall do no such thing | 13:53 |
apachelogger | mercurial ftw! | 13:54 |
shadeslayer | no one thinks about bzr :P | 13:54 |
apachelogger | for mercurial is mostly written in ubuntulanguage | 13:54 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: if I want something pyth0rn I use mercurial, if I want something hot I use git, if I want something portable I use svn, if I want something painful I use something CVS, if I want something slow I use bzr | 13:55 |
apachelogger | if more people follow that rule it is no wonder why no one thinks about bzr :P | 13:55 |
apachelogger | "QML is nothing like a Isle" | 13:56 |
ScottK | Somewhat ironically, the Debian packaging for Mercurial is maintained in svn. | 13:56 |
apachelogger | "how Qt Made my Life" | 13:56 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 13:57 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: iirc cvs is switching to git for its code hosting | 13:57 |
apachelogger | rofl | 13:57 |
apachelogger | now that is plain awesome | 13:57 |
shadeslayer | hahahaha | 13:57 |
apachelogger | sudo dpkg -i build/libphononexperimental*deb | 13:58 |
apachelogger | debian did not package them experimentals | 13:58 |
apachelogger | silly debian | 13:58 |
ulysses | this Kubuntu Mobile is awesome | 13:58 |
apachelogger | do we have working images yet? | 13:59 |
apachelogger | then I just need to get someone to sponsor me a N900 and I can have proper phone again ^^ | 13:59 |
ulysses | I just look at the picture on the wiki page | 14:00 |
steveire | What channel do I go for for this talk? | 14:02 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: get one for me too :P | 14:02 |
shadeslayer | steveire: eh whut? :D | 14:02 |
steveire | 3ubuntu-classroom | 14:03 |
steveire | #ubuntu-classroom | 14:03 |
Riddell | sheytan: yes #ubuntu-classroom, you should also join #ubuntu-classroom-chat where people will be talking | 14:04 |
Riddell | steveire: ^^ rather | 14:04 |
steveire | Yep, got it. Thanks | 14:04 |
steveire | I know this is kind of the wrong channel, but does anyone know if any popular gnome applications that do themeing use rendered html for the themed part? I'm looking for an example that I can point at | 14:10 |
steveire | Maybe evolution for email rendering in the reader? | 14:10 |
steveire | Meh, I 'll just say that's true anyway. It's bound to be. | 14:11 |
* apachelogger thinks that maybe gwibber does it | 14:15 | |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: helps me with rekonq bug | 14:28 |
shadeslayer | bug 647332 | 14:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 647332 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "[maverick] Rekonq crashes without network connection. " [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/647332 | 14:28 |
shadeslayer | soo.. we need to check if connection is active or not, but that var is not accessible from current cpp file | 14:31 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/Pyq3XFGf | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | results in a compile error for now :( | 14:34 |
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter | ||
Riddell | persia: what are the relative merits of dove vs omap vs omap4 and which do we want for kubuntu and kubuntu-mobile release? | 14:56 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: btw, could you please update the kdevplatform packages in the beta ppa so that libsublime2 conflicts libsublime1? It's causing upgrade issues. TIA (I have to go now.) | 15:02 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: IIRC didnt you do that? | 15:02 |
shadeslayer | ill do it if its not been done | 15:02 |
JontheEchidna | I didn't put conflicts/breaks because I assumed that the un-numbered .so was in the -dev package | 15:03 |
JontheEchidna | but libsublime.so is in both libsublime1 and libsublime2 | 15:03 |
JontheEchidna | breaking upgrades | 15:03 |
shadeslayer | ah.. overwrite upgrades i guess | 15:03 |
shadeslayer | s/upgrades/issues | 15:04 |
JontheEchidna | yeah | 15:04 |
shadeslayer | ill fix it | 15:04 |
JontheEchidna | really we should see if we can get debian to place the unnumbered .so in the -dev package | 15:04 |
JontheEchidna | but yeah, thanks. g2g | 15:04 |
yofel | my lucid -> maverick upgrade on the desktop pc just now didn't go too well either... bug 652029, bug 652055, bug 652056 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 652029 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "package libqt4-help 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_help_cs.qm', which is also in package libqtcore4 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/652029 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 652055 in kdebase-runtime (Ubuntu) "package kdebase-runtime-dbg 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdontchangethehostname', which is also in package kdelibs5-dbg 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/652055 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 652056 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kdebase-workspace-dev 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libksignalplotter.so', which is also in package libksignalplotter4 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/652056 | 15:05 |
shadeslayer | err | 15:05 |
Riddell | fooey | 15:06 |
Riddell | yofel: you presumably didn't do the supported upgrade method? | 15:07 |
yofel | not really, did you put some workarounds in u-m for this? | 15:07 |
Riddell | yofel: how did you upgrade? | 15:08 |
yofel | with aptitude, since I manage my sources.list manually | 15:08 |
Riddell | update-manager's dist upgrade tool sets allow overwrites to on | 15:08 |
yofel | ah, didn't know that | 15:09 |
Riddell | we should still fix those things though I guess | 15:09 |
shadeslayer | want me to set them to triaged? | 15:09 |
shadeslayer | hmm.. | 15:10 |
Riddell | better if you just fix them :) | 15:11 |
shadeslayer | :D | 15:12 |
shadeslayer | i always end up doing this, take up coding work -> get distracted -> start packaging stuff :P | 15:14 |
sheytan | Hey | 15:17 |
sheytan | is there a list of ALL dev packages i need to compile KDE trunk? | 15:17 |
sheytan | it looks like endless hell with all of them :D | 15:17 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: apt-get build-dep foobar | 15:18 |
Riddell | sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | where foobar is a kde package | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: http://techbase.kde.org/Build_KDE4.6_on_Kubuntu | 15:20 |
sheytan | shadeslayer, thanks :D | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | well.. kdevelop fix uploaded | 15:29 |
shadeslayer | yofel: which one of the bugs you reported are you going to fix? :D | 15:30 |
shadeslayer | im taking 652055 | 15:31 |
shadeslayer | and then i have to do kdelibs merge | 15:32 |
yofel | might as well do one, right.. I'll take 652056 | 15:32 |
shadeslayer | yep | 15:33 |
shadeslayer | hmm so kdontchangethehostname doesnt seem to be in kdelibs5-dbg | 15:45 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: well it won't be in maverick, it'll have moved to kdebase-runtime-dbg, that's the bug | 15:49 |
shadeslayer | its in kdebase-runtime .. not even in -dbg | 15:51 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: ^ | 15:54 |
yofel | well, there should be a copy in -runtime and the debug symbols copy in -runtime-dbg | 15:54 |
yofel | !find kdontchangethehostname maverick | 15:55 |
ubottu | File kdontchangethehostname found in kdebase-runtime, kdebase-runtime-dbg, kdelibs-dbg, kdelibs4c2a | 15:55 |
shadeslayer | zomg.. no kdebase-runtime-dbg.install :S | 15:57 |
shadeslayer | ive gtg out for a while, cya | 15:58 |
yofel | cu | 15:58 |
sheytan | Riddell will you put the countdown to the page? :D | 15:58 |
Riddell | sheytan: yes, we should get rid of the lucid banner and replace with with a coming soon sort of notice | 16:01 |
sheytan | Riddell i've got one made for the new webpage. It only needs some changes to fit with the new page | 16:01 |
sheytan | if you want it, just tell me the size | 16:01 |
agateau | Riddell: afternoon reminder as requested: https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/plasma-widget-message-indicator/fix-text-overlap-in-systemtray/+merge/37106 | 16:08 |
sheytan | Riddell http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/2961/mainimage.png this one :) | 16:11 |
dasKreech | Hi sheytan! :) | 16:30 |
sheytan | dasKreech Hey | 16:30 |
dasKreech | how are you? | 16:31 |
sheytan | Fine, thanks, and you? :) | 16:31 |
dasKreech | Sneezy | 16:35 |
dasKreech | been raining for 5 days straight | 16:35 |
dasKreech | stupid hurricane conditions | 16:35 |
Riddell | apachelogger: ping | 16:38 |
apachelogger | Riddell: pong | 16:38 |
Riddell | apachelogger: do you know about coding kwallet, a guy on launchpad has some questions | 16:39 |
Riddell | 16:35 <leonardr> how effective is the wallet's per-application access control? for instance, is it easy for an application to claim to be some other application? | 16:39 |
dasKreech | how is the GNOME/KDE secrets thing going? | 16:40 |
Riddell | dunno, lemma was coding on it at Akademy, not heard anything since | 16:41 |
apachelogger | Riddell: for a QApplication: setWindowTitle() and you are another application | 16:41 |
Riddell | I expect it's a slow and fiddly operation getting agreent on everything | 16:41 |
apachelogger | for a KApplication you'd need to fiddle the KAboutData, but same thing basically | 16:41 |
* apachelogger nots that KWallet is really just secure storage, everything else is not particularly secure | 16:41 | |
markey | what do I need to do to make a NFS shared folder show up in Dolphin? | 16:41 |
apachelogger | e.g. data is transfered in plain text over dbus | 16:41 |
markey | I'm too newb to figure it out :) | 16:41 |
apachelogger | could be easily intercepted too | 16:42 |
apachelogger | that way one could actually sniff a users every password | 16:42 |
Riddell | apachelogger: naughty dbus | 16:42 |
dasKreech | Can't you tube dbus? | 16:43 |
apachelogger | more like naughty kwallet, doing encryption using QCA would really not that much of an effort... the fdo secrets thing is going to fix at least the transfer problem | 16:43 |
apachelogger | the issue that you can just claim to be another app remains | 16:44 |
apachelogger | AFAIK anyway ^^ | 16:44 |
dasKreech | Kinda hard to prevent that in anycase | 16:44 |
apachelogger | *nod* | 16:45 |
ScottK | Good reason not to allow multiple access for any apps. | 16:46 |
apachelogger | oh dear, I think my session is coming up | 16:47 |
ScottK | Better decide what it's about then. | 16:47 |
Riddell | I just microblogged about it, so no chickening out now | 16:49 |
shadeslayer | oh boi | 16:50 |
apachelogger | oh noes | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | jefferai is going to kill me | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | i didnt leave #ubuntu-classroom | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | :P | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | Sput: can you add something like /clear to clear buffers? | 16:52 |
Riddell | ** 10 minutes until Harald talks about Qt unicorn sparkles, 1 hour 10 mins until steveire talks about "Using Grantlee to create application themes", in #ubuntu-classroom | 16:52 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: i still dont understand what you mean earlier about kdelibs-dbg bug | 16:53 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: where? | 16:53 |
shadeslayer | <Riddell> shadeslayer: well it won't be in maverick, it'll have moved to kdebase-runtime-dbg, that's the bug | 16:54 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: according to the bug it moved from kdelibs-dbg in lucid to kdebase-runtime-dbg in maverick | 16:54 |
Riddell | so kdebase-runtime-dbg needs a Replaces: kdelibs-dbg (<<old version) | 16:54 |
shadeslayer | ok.. | 16:54 |
shadeslayer | ahh | 16:54 |
Riddell | but do check that's correct first | 16:54 |
shadeslayer | ok ill have a look where kdelibs-dbg went | 16:55 |
shadeslayer | :S ... lp timing out | 16:56 |
sheytan | Hey guys | 16:56 |
sheytan | what do you think about a video that will show some cool features when user runs kubuntu first time? | 16:57 |
sheytan | we can do it for the next rlease | 16:57 |
dasKreech | sheytan: streamed? | 16:58 |
sheytan | dasKreech no, put it on the cd | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: no space on CD if youre thinking of putting it there | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | :P | 16:58 |
sheytan | shadeslayer removes some unneeded stuff like kmag (or how it's called) | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: i cant get wallpapers on the CD and your talking about videos :D | 16:59 |
Riddell | dantti_work: app-install isn't available on fedora? but surely Richard would have written the Fedora bits first since it's his distro? | 16:59 |
sheytan | shadeslayer another reason to switch to dvd :P | 16:59 |
dasKreech | sheytan: You would like to take off the only means some people have to see the screen for a movie? | 16:59 |
sheytan | shadeslayer with dvd we could include cool software like gimp kdenlive etc | 16:59 |
shadeslayer | i agree | 16:59 |
dasKreech | sheytan: Blu-Ray :) | 16:59 |
shadeslayer | but then... whats the limit? | 16:59 |
sheytan | shadeslayer of the dvd? | 17:00 |
dasKreech | sheytan: But you are arguing to the wrong people. speak to sabdfl | 17:00 |
shadeslayer | dasKreech: we can have the whole archive on Blu-Ray | 17:00 |
dasKreech | shadeslayer: I know. would make the semi yearly choice as to what we ship really really quick | 17:00 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: no i mean, people who have low bandwidths, like me, would prefer to download 700 Megs | 17:00 |
shadeslayer | than download 4.7 GB's ... | 17:01 |
sheytan | shadeslayer i really don't say you should replace cd with DVD :P | 17:01 |
sheytan | shadeslayer and the dvd image doesn't really have to be 4.7 gig | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | also.. you can fit 700 MB's onto a 1 GB USB | 17:01 |
yofel | please keep the dvd << 4GiB though, I don't want to get 8GiB flash drives for them :/ | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: i guess it can go onto the DVD | 17:02 |
shadeslayer | but then Riddell maintains the seeds :) | 17:02 |
shadeslayer | i cant help there | 17:02 |
sheytan | if you add few apps to the ~700mb cd image, it will not be 4.7 gig. ;P | 17:02 |
* yofel is gone for a while | 17:02 | |
shadeslayer | sheytan: apps + translations | 17:02 |
sheytan | shadeslayer what's the size of current dvd? | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/ | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | 3.7 GB | 17:03 |
sheytan | lol :D | 17:03 |
Riddell | we already don't include everything on the DVD that we'd like | 17:09 |
Riddell | but if there's a cool video which doesn't take up large amounts of space that could be included | 17:09 |
markey | guys | 17:20 |
markey | Maverick's liblastfm is borked | 17:20 |
markey | Amarok no longer builds with it | 17:20 |
markey | try it :) | 17:20 |
markey | :: error: CMakeFiles/amarok_service_lastfm.dir/LastFmTreeModel.o: in function LastFmTreeModel::slotAddNeighbors():/home/mark/kde/src/amarok/src/services/lastfm/LastFmTreeModel.cpp:97: error: undefined reference to 'lastfm::ws::ParseError::~ParseError()' | 17:20 |
markey | and more | 17:20 |
markey | anyone know what Git revision you used for it? | 17:21 |
markey | <lfranchi> make sure you have 0fd9f298a18ced1b497b | 17:21 |
markey | Riddell: apachelogger: ^ | 17:21 |
shadeslayer | markey: IIRC lex packaged a new upload | 17:22 |
Riddell | markey: we know, fix is packaged, was just waiting for RC to get uploaded | 17:22 |
markey | thanks Riddell :) | 17:22 |
Riddell | debfx: did you ever hear from the Debian packager? is he going to fix the package there? | 17:23 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: also kdebase-runtime doesnt have a dbg install file | 17:24 |
Riddell | -dbg packages get made magically | 17:25 |
Riddell | when the files get stripped | 17:25 |
dasKreech | yofel: a 4GB USB drive won't hold a full DVD in any case | 17:25 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: thats parsed automagically in rules? | 17:27 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: yes | 17:27 |
shadeslayer | cant we remove that one file from either of the pacakge? | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | oh wait | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | thats stripped using rules, cant do that | 17:29 |
Riddell | why would we? | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | right... i guess it should have a breaks, replaces for it | 17:30 |
shadeslayer | each should break/replace the other | 17:31 |
shadeslayer | Replaces: kdelibs5-dbg (<< 4:4.1.80), kdebase-dbg (<< 4:4.2.90), kdebase-workspace-dbg (<< 4:4.2.90) :: already there | 17:31 |
Riddell | verion needs updating kdelibs5-dbg (<< 4:4.5.0) or something | 17:33 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 17:33 |
* Riddell out | 17:33 | |
shadeslayer | can i put in a break/replaces http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/control#L514 | 17:33 |
shadeslayer | there ^ | 17:34 |
jefferai | shadeslayer: why would I kill you? | 17:34 |
shadeslayer | jefferai: because the logs would have shot your DB again :D | 17:34 |
* jefferai shrugs | 17:35 | |
jefferai | the DB is already huge | 17:35 |
shadeslayer | ah .. | 17:35 |
jefferai | not much to be done about it at this point | 17:35 |
shadeslayer | how come a few 10K of lines cause a huge DB? | 17:35 |
shadeslayer | i mean a few MB's at most per user | 17:35 |
jefferai | until such a time as you can delete a large buffer without it kicking everyone off and losing its connection to networks | 17:35 |
jefferai | shadeslayer: what do you mean a few MB per user? | 17:36 |
shadeslayer | jefferai: quassel stores logs for each channel right? text is just a few Bytes, so each channel can be a max of a few 100 KB or 1 MB at most | 17:36 |
shadeslayer | if im in 15 channels, that would be ~20 MB | 17:37 |
jefferai | shadeslayer: you are sooooooooooooooo wrong | 17:37 |
shadeslayer | ok tell me how it works then? :P | 17:37 |
jefferai | right now there are 6 or 7 people on my core | 17:37 |
jefferai | and we have a 8.5GB database | 17:37 |
shadeslayer | :O | 17:37 |
jefferai | and that's with a vacuum being run every night | 17:38 |
shadeslayer | thats about 1.2 GB for each guy | 17:38 |
jefferai | yes | 17:38 |
shadeslayer | zomg.. | 17:38 |
jefferai | I'm not sure why you think each channel is max a few 100 KB | 17:38 |
shadeslayer | jefferai: because text doesnt take up alot of space? | 17:39 |
jefferai | a lot of text takes up a lot of space | 17:39 |
stikonas | Hello, I have a strange problem on 10.10. After installing any ttf* package something (I guess fontconfig scripts) changes default KDE font. | 17:39 |
stikonas | Has anybody seen anything like this? | 17:40 |
shadeslayer | no | 17:41 |
jefferai | shadeslayer: the real problem is you underestimate just how much text there is in all the various channels that people are joined to | 17:46 |
jefferai | and in addition | 17:46 |
jefferai | how long they've been joined to it | 17:46 |
shadeslayer | ok i agree that the logs get larger as people dont leave the channel | 17:46 |
sheytan | shadeslayer stikonas for me the font changes when i enter locale KCM | 17:46 |
sheytan | this is really a bug | 17:46 |
shadeslayer | but.. for ever day i think it wont be more than 1 MB | 17:47 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: stikonas so you install new font > font changes to newly installed font? | 17:47 |
sheytan | to reproduce: change general font to something, restart systemsettings, start again, enter locale kcm, restart ss, checkout if font changed | 17:47 |
sheytan | shadeslayer ^ | 17:47 |
stikonas | shadeslayer: no, it always changes to Balker | 17:48 |
stikonas | I've tried deleting Balker font, then it changes to some other font | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | ok so it doesnt follow the settings as defined by you? | 17:48 |
sheytan | shadeslayer yes | 17:48 |
sheytan | but only when you enter locale kcm | 17:48 |
sheytan | atleast for me | 17:48 |
stikonas | sheytan: maybe your reproduction is more correct, since I haven't produced reliable way to reproduce the problem | 17:49 |
sheytan | stikonas try it too | 17:49 |
stikonas | it doesn't work, maybe I'm doing something wrong | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | works for me | 17:51 |
sheytan | shadeslayer you mean the font changes to crap? :D | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | well | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | i installed the ubuntu fonts > went to ss > changed fonts to ubuntu fonts > restart SS > go to KCM locale > restart SS > fonts are same | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | they do look crap tho | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | the ubuntu fonts | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | everything is squashed | 17:54 |
sheytan | shadeslayer are you on RC? | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | yus | 17:54 |
sheytan | maybe something changed | 17:54 |
sheytan | for me the font changes to something else | 17:54 |
sheytan | i mean when i have ubuntu, it changes to the Balker | 17:54 |
sheytan | or something | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | could be a cache issue | 17:55 |
sheytan | shadeslayer please take a look at it and fix if you can :) | 17:56 |
shadeslayer | sorry cant have a look... :( | 17:56 |
sheytan | anyone else? | 17:57 |
bulldog98 | apachelogger: nice presentation, but I have to hurry (by) | 18:00 |
shadeslayer | yofel: pingly | 18:01 |
shadeslayer | yofel: is that a karmic -> lucid PPA upgrade ? | 18:02 |
shadeslayer | InstallationMedia: Kubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Release amd64 (20091027.1) :S | 18:02 |
shadeslayer | ill look at this tomorrow then, since yofel is afk ... | 18:06 |
* apachelogger thinks that version of Widgetcraft was much better compared to UDW, if not as fancy. | 18:07 | |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: did you follow? | 18:07 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: i was having dinner at that time :P | 18:08 |
* shadeslayer will read logs | 18:08 | |
apachelogger | oh, ok :) | 18:09 |
* apachelogger needs some feedback | 18:09 | |
dantti_work | Riddell: yes, there is no app-install in Fedora yet, the yum/rpm guys are not happy with a bunch of metadata in that package... | 18:11 |
* apachelogger really needs to try grantlee | 18:58 | |
apachelogger | steveire: btw, do you think we should package the examples? I am sure one could integrate them in qtcreator somehow | 18:58 |
steveire | Possibly. How would that work by the way? would they just be a source pacakge? | 18:59 |
steveire | They are not currently part of the build | 18:59 |
steveire | I don't think they make loads of sense as binaries. The point is to look at the code :) | 19:00 |
apachelogger | steveire: yes, package with sources | 19:04 |
steveire | I'll mention it to bricks maybe. | 19:05 |
steveire | He maintains the package in debian | 19:05 |
apachelogger | *nod* | 19:05 |
steveire | I'll see him next week probably, so I'll corner him to make hi package the 0.1.6 release including examples. | 19:06 |
steveire | I'm gone for the weekend now. Bye. | 19:06 |
Daskreech | does anyone have debhelper installed? | 19:16 |
Daskreech | It lists dh_prep as an installed file but installing it doesn't give a dh_prep command | 19:18 |
Daskreech | hmm ok resolved :) | 19:28 |
sheytan | RC still doesn't install mp3 codecs when selected in installer :P | 19:37 |
yofel | shadeslayer: erm, no? I just installed karmic on that machine, upgraded to lucid half a year ago and now upgraded to maverick. You could very well have Warty as "InstallationMedia" | 19:49 |
ScottK | Or Sarge. | 19:51 |
ScottK | Pre-Edgy cross-grades weren't particularly impossible. | 19:51 |
Daskreech | LOL | 19:51 |
Daskreech | Who's your daddy? | 19:52 |
Daskreech | Umm Debian | 19:52 |
Daskreech | Debian what? | 19:52 |
Daskreech | Sir! Debian Sarge Sir! | 19:52 |
sabdfl | oh dear | 19:55 |
sabdfl | Riddell: you realise apachelogger is going to accuse me of preventing kubuntu from having the beauty of the ubuntu font in the interface at the same time as that other desktop ;-) | 19:56 |
* ScottK sighs. | 19:59 | |
ScottK | What has apachelogger done now? | 20:00 |
* Daskreech signs | 20:00 | |
maco | Daskreech: s/h/n/? | 20:00 |
Daskreech | s\s/h/n/\ | 20:00 |
maco | O_O | 20:02 |
Daskreech | :-D | 20:03 |
sheytan | someone wants to help me out with kubuntu web page? | 20:07 |
apachelogger | sabdfl: well, are you | 20:08 |
apachelogger | ? | 20:08 |
apachelogger | in any case I personally would not want a font that does not do hebrew or arabic or kanji or ... | 20:09 |
ScottK | apachelogger: No. That was me. | 20:09 |
apachelogger | ScottK: what have you done now? :P | 20:09 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Remember the KC discussion where we decided to seed the font, but not make it default? | 20:10 |
ScottK | That one. | 20:10 |
ScottK | sabdfl: Not making the font default for Maverick was a community decision. Not even nixternal could blame you for that one. | 20:10 |
apachelogger | I am sure nixternal could | 20:10 |
ScottK | OK. Maybe nixternal. | 20:11 |
apachelogger | but today is blame nigelb day, so... | 20:11 |
ScottK | Oh, right. Forgot. | 20:11 |
apachelogger | also I propose that tomorrow be blame phonon day | 20:11 |
JontheEchidna | We did ask that Kubuntu's PR position to be taken in to consideration when deciding whether or not to have the font as a default for Ubuntu... | 20:14 |
JontheEchidna | though I do wonder if that reply harald sent actually got to all the intended parties: http://imgur.com/riUNz | 20:15 |
JontheEchidna | at any rate, I think that changing the default Ubuntu font this late in the game and giving derivatives 0 time to do proper governance on the issue would be severely callous. | 20:16 |
apachelogger | I actually like how documentation screenies will look out of sync with the system if the font gets changed now | 20:16 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, it totally breaks UI freeze in that regard, in perhaps the most severe way possible | 20:17 |
apachelogger | theme change would be more servere I think | 20:17 |
apachelogger | anyhow | 20:17 |
* apachelogger goes back to poking phonon and vlc with a long fluffy stick | 20:18 | |
ScottK | I'm glad to give it time for people to try it in a release and see what the user feedback is. | 20:18 |
ScottK | sabdfl: I just accepted the ubuntu-artwork change that makes it default, so it's in. | 20:20 |
Riddell | tsk, I go away for a couple of hours and it's all flamewars while my back is turned :) | 20:20 |
maco | Riddell: we let you in on the last flamewar! | 20:21 |
Riddell | apachelogger: no font does all scripts, that's why fontconfig is clever at grabbing the missing glyphs from other fonts | 20:21 |
maco | i thought Deja Vu was known to be the only complete Unicode font? | 20:22 |
apachelogger | maco: most complete, not entirely complete | 20:22 |
Riddell | I think Arial Unicode is the only complete one | 20:22 |
apachelogger | Riddell: yes, but every other font does not look alien :P | 20:22 |
* apachelogger still thinks that the umlauts look completely odd btw | 20:23 | |
maco | woah. GNU Unifont has shedloads more characters and glyphs than deja vu | 20:24 |
maco | it has 13,000 more than Arial Unicode does | 20:24 |
Riddell | that's a lot of glyphs, I hope they're all hinted and every different DPI | 20:24 |
maco | deja vu sans has ~5000 | 20:25 |
maco | <cite>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_typefaces</cite> | 20:25 |
apachelogger | hmmmmmmmm | 20:25 |
apachelogger | my phonon is broken | 20:25 |
* maco hands apachelogger a wrench | 20:25 | |
apachelogger | ScottK: you broke my phonon!!!!!! | 20:26 |
Riddell | at least we're the first to have it on our website by default (if your browser supports CSS fonts) :) | 20:26 |
ScottK | apachelogger: All that sound was just distracting you from coding anyway. | 20:26 |
markey | can we please have an updated LibLastFM? :) | 20:26 |
apachelogger | meh. | 20:26 |
markey | I can't build... | 20:26 |
apachelogger | ohhhh | 20:27 |
ScottK | apachelogger: I think shadeslayer was working on that, but then got lazy and went to sleep or something. Someone ought to fix it. | 20:27 |
sabdfl | JontheEchidna: we did in fact provide a way for screenshotters to get the font, for that reason ;-) | 20:27 |
apachelogger | ScottK: so I shall go to india and fix shadeslayer even though he is hopefully coming to disney world anyway? :O | 20:28 |
lex79 | poor shadeslayer | 20:29 |
ScottK | That for fix the package. Whichever you fine more convenient. Fortunately you won't be distracted by noise from your computer. | 20:29 |
ScottK | for/or | 20:30 |
apachelogger | http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot66.png | 20:31 |
apachelogger | look how off my colors are | 20:31 |
Riddell | ScottK: liblastfm uploaded if you are able to review and approve, else markey will convert to gentoo | 20:31 |
apachelogger | that is like if my screen was seriously badly and entirely broken | 20:31 |
markey | Gentoo, that's right! compiling all day and cursing | 20:31 |
apachelogger | <3 cursing | 20:31 |
* apachelogger curses phonon and vlc | 20:33 | |
ScottK | Riddell: Looking | 20:34 |
* Daskreech checks if w3m supports CSS fonts | 20:34 | |
apachelogger | belay that curse! | 20:35 |
apachelogger | http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot67.png | 20:35 |
apachelogger | colors | 20:35 |
apachelogger | look a them colors | 20:35 |
apachelogger | not sure, but they still look a bit off though | 20:36 |
\sh | markey converts to gentoo?? *rotflbtc^5* | 20:40 |
* apachelogger giggles away | 20:40 | |
ScottK | Riddell and markey: liblastfm is accepted. | 20:41 |
markey | \sh: I just started migrating. expect to be ready compiling by the end of the year | 20:41 |
markey | ScottK: I love you | 20:41 |
markey | wait, that did come out wrong | 20:41 |
markey | I like you! | 20:41 |
markey | thanks :p | 20:41 |
ScottK | You're welcome. | 20:41 |
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna | ||
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\sh | markey: lol...you started from stage 1 right? if not, you are not a gentoo ricer ;) | 20:42 |
markey | \sh: planning to attend OpenRheinRuhr? | 20:43 |
Riddell | we should probably stop this gentoo flameage before Sput gets annoyed and leaves :) | 20:43 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: Please be fixing: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qapt/1.0.3-0ubuntu1/+build/1981389/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.qapt_1.0.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 20:43 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: no clue what's wrong. the thing builds perfectly on i386 | 20:44 |
ScottK | Riddell: I think he's used to the fact that we enjoy our obsolete software. | 20:44 |
debfx | Riddell: could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/amarok/mpris2-raise-fix/+merge/36999 | 20:44 |
\sh | markey: I don't have the time .. we are in the middle of testing the deployment of half of our datacenter with lucid without downtimes...so this will bug me until the end of the year :( | 20:44 |
markey | ok | 20:44 |
debfx | amarok should be rebuilt anyway as liblastfm doesn't exactly stick to ABI compatibility | 20:44 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: btw, the KStatusNotifierItem bug I was hitting with kubuntu-notification-helper was fixed. For 11.04 I should be able to implement a tray icon mode | 20:45 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: OK. I'll be happier when it builds on all archs ... | 20:45 |
Riddell | debfx: looks fine, you want to merge it or shall I? | 20:46 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: I suppose I'll just remove the offending symbols | 20:46 |
* ScottK averts his eyes. | 20:46 | |
apachelogger | markey: any clues as to what coudl go wrong if a qgraphicsitem only appears at resizing? | 20:47 |
apachelogger | though it is constantly redrawn | 20:47 |
Riddell | you know I don't remember any meeting where we rejected using the Ubuntu font as default, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/Minutes/2010-07-27 says "We will decide on including the Ubuntu Font as our default font when it is publicly released" | 20:48 |
Riddell | debfx: I need to go out, I can upload amarok later | 20:49 |
JontheEchidna | hmm, this is true. Maybe it's premature to feel pissy ;-) | 20:49 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: you'd be annoyed if we didn't get it? | 20:49 |
debfx | Riddell: ok, i'll merge it | 20:50 |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: well, the PR not shipping with it would most certainly be quite negative | 20:50 |
Riddell | yes | 20:50 |
JontheEchidna | and I do like the font, personally | 20:50 |
Riddell | me too | 20:51 |
Riddell | so if we're both +1, I wonder how that would leave a vote | 20:51 |
* Riddell eyes up apachelogger, ScottK, neversfelde and rgreening_ | 20:51 | |
* Riddell runs off to tea, debate to be continued later | 20:52 | |
debfx | JontheEchidna: you should build qapt 1.1 with -fvisibility=hidden :) | 20:52 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: would this mean I wouldn't have to expose symbols that I get from linking to other libraries? | 20:53 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: mostly, yes | 20:54 |
apachelogger | +0 (+maverick being not LTS making it a good target for that change +didnt get compelling bad feedback when we discussed this last -I personally still find the umlauts fishy -the fact that but a minor fraction of languages is supportted does not make me overly confident it would help our image of being an english-only distro -limited audience testing) | 20:56 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: if it's any consolation, the symbols I'm removing from the file don't come from libqapt, but libapt-pkg | 20:56 |
JontheEchidna | on the subject of other languages, fontconfig should fall back to other fonts if it can't find a certain glyph | 20:56 |
JontheEchidna | so at the very least it wouldn't change for other languages | 20:57 |
apachelogger | it does hurt coherence | 20:59 |
apachelogger | y | 20:59 |
apachelogger | specially since dejavu is a very complete font set and hence had surely greater coherency | 20:59 |
maco | i like the font too | 21:01 |
CIA-116 | [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100930200358-0u6hg637pl10xd8x * src/daemon/ (event.cpp event.h) Initial KStatusNotifierItem support. KNotification support can be turned off by setting the useKNotify option in the notificationhelper config file. No GUI for disabling it quite yet, though. Will come in time. | 21:05 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: I actually tried building qapt with visiblity=hidden once but the problem is that qapt-batch uses the auto-generated dbus worker class | 21:05 |
JontheEchidna | <3 autogenerated dbus interface | 21:05 |
JontheEchidna | oh, it's 4 pm. time to go | 21:06 |
debfx | problem is that you can't control its visibility | 21:06 |
JontheEchidna | hmm | 21:06 |
JontheEchidna | be back in ~30 minutes | 21:07 |
ScottK | Riddell: When we had the discussion about seeding it, I thought the conclusion was we would seed it, but not make it default. | 21:15 |
ScottK | In any case, I'm -1 on post RC changes to visible things like fonts except in emergencies (and this isn't one of those). | 21:16 |
ScottK | BBL | 21:16 |
neversfelde | Riddell: didn't we already vote on having the font on the cd? | 21:22 |
neversfelde | ah default | 21:24 |
lex79 | I think they are asking you if the font should be the default font | 21:24 |
lex79 | yes | 21:24 |
nixternal | ScottK and apachelogger: I coldn't even blame sabdfl for anything, as I have no clue wth is going on. I will admit I use and like the new Ubuntu font though :) | 21:26 |
neversfelde | well, we are too late in the cycle from my point of view. So I would vote -1, but I did not follow the discussion, because I am still mostly offline. | 21:27 |
nixternal | <-- offline mentally | 21:27 |
maco | nixternal: your turn to vote: ubuntu font as default in 10.10 or no? | 21:28 |
nixternal | +0 as I could care less to be honest. i like it if that counts for anything these days | 21:28 |
maco | so that's two +1, two +0, and one -1 | 21:29 |
nixternal | i think a lot of users switch the font to droid first thing after an install anyways | 21:29 |
maco | oh wait two -1 | 21:29 |
maco | hmm currently at a tie. rgreening is the decision-maker then | 21:29 |
nixternal | if it is a KC thing, why did I just vote? | 21:30 |
lex79 | maco: nixternal is not in the kubuntu council | 21:30 |
rgreening_ | Riddell: I'm ok with the font. So, I guess +1 from me | 21:30 |
maco | lex79: oh, Riddell mis-pinged him on the voting? | 21:30 |
maco | well doesnt matter. he gave a 0 anyway :P | 21:30 |
lex79 | :) | 21:30 |
* maco SMS Riddell the result | 21:33 | |
neversfelde | we should really decide such things before the first beta :) | 21:33 |
debfx | indeed | 21:33 |
maco | the decision was "wait til its released, then decide" :P | 21:33 |
debfx | what are the arguments for changing the default font? | 21:34 |
debfx | why is it a must-have? | 21:34 |
neversfelde | is it possible that we will get problems with localization again, for example not having proper Umlauts in german or something else? | 21:35 |
nixternal | neversfelde: +1 actually stuff like this needs to be decided before UI freeze. though no docs were touched this release, it doesn't matter i guess | 21:35 |
lex79 | debfx: the argument is that ubuntu will be release with that font | 21:36 |
debfx | lex79: yes, but why should we do the same? | 21:38 |
lex79 | debfx: use your imagination :P | 21:39 |
neversfelde | I remember a post about the font not supporting all languages on sabdfl's blog, but I might be wrong | 21:39 |
rgreening_ | when a font isn't available for a locale a sensiible defaul/fallback would be used | 21:39 |
sabdfl | that's confirmed, yes | 21:40 |
sabdfl | i don't *think* kubuntu needs to do anything special there, i think that's freetype | 21:40 |
rgreening_ | yeah, pretty sure | 21:41 |
neversfelde | ok | 21:41 |
neversfelde | so no special problem there, but we are still post RC ;) | 21:41 |
CIA-116 | [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100930204759-mk92n829h8ij6fs5 * src/daemon/event.cpp More proper include for QStringBuilder | 21:48 |
lex79 | JontheEchidna: do you know (are you sure) if a glyph is not found, kubuntu can use a fallback ? or if we need to do some tricks? | 21:48 |
JontheEchidna | fairly sure it's automatic | 21:51 |
lex79 | ok | 21:51 |
maco | i have no trouble seeing japanese characters, and ive been using it as my font for a month | 21:52 |
maco | *typing* them, on the other hand.... | 21:52 |
* maco scowls at ibus | 21:52 | |
maco | hi seele_! | 21:53 |
neversfelde | I asked about translations, because we lost a lot of users and trust after the last time we shipped with broken translations, that should never ever happen again | 21:53 |
seele_ | maco: yo | 21:53 |
=== seele_ is now known as seele | ||
lex79 | neversfelde: well we shipped also with a buggy kpackage kit and network manager :P | 21:55 |
neversfelde | hehe | 21:55 |
neversfelde | yes | 21:55 |
lex79 | :D | 21:55 |
CIA-116 | [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100930205435-c0lp61x3lvdelmhp * src/daemon/ (event.cpp event.h) Also add a config on whether or not to use a tray icon, and only show actions in the KNotifications if the KNotifications are being used exclusively. | 21:56 |
neversfelde | so time to be more stable | 21:57 |
nixternal | i guess i am going to have to get back into the swing of things. cycling season is coming to close here in chicago. yesterday and today was beautiful. rode a lot. tomorrow and this weekend, 'Freeze/Frost Advisory in effect' :( | 22:02 |
ScottK | apachelogger needs to vote too. | 22:09 |
ScottK | Riddell, JontheEchidna, and rgreening_: Have you checked to see how much of the docs/screenshots will have to be redone? | 22:09 |
apachelogger | I voted +0 | 22:09 |
ScottK | Oh. | 22:09 |
ScottK | I know the stuff I did for claydoh yesterday used the old font. | 22:10 |
maco | yeah so did my screenshot | 22:10 |
ScottK | Right, so release is the new feature freeze. | 22:11 |
nixternal | ScottK: hahahahahahahahaha, docs/screenshots...that's funny. all screenshots (60+ I think)... | 22:12 |
nixternal | nothing was changed in docs this go round. i was busy with life and it seems darkwing and jjesse were as well | 22:12 |
debfx | ScottK: we could still change the default font in lucid ... | 22:12 |
nixternal | on that note, i need to find something to eat and get ready to go ride my bike some more :) | 22:12 |
* Tm_T huggles nixternal | 22:13 | |
neversfelde | we are going to release in 10 days? That is not enough time to test and we really shouldn't do major changes after beta is released, better do them before feature freeze :( | 22:13 |
JontheEchidna | ScottK: I think a different font would be the least of our concerns irt the doc pictures, if they haven't in fact been changed at all since last release | 22:14 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: True, but the ones for the release notes are all fresh. | 22:14 |
JontheEchidna | I would volunteer to redo all of those | 22:15 |
ScottK | Great. | 22:15 |
ScottK | claydoh: ^^^ | 22:15 |
JontheEchidna | neversfelde: as a note, the font has been tested by k/ubuntu-members for a few months already | 22:18 |
neversfelde | JontheEchidna: ok, but the time after beta and rc is important, because everything is tested by a bigger community, so I am still against major chages after first beta | 22:20 |
sheytan | http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/img/876381-9302010110110PM | 22:21 |
sheytan | already working stuff :D | 22:21 |
neversfelde | from my point of view it is not enough, if only developers are testing things, because they are experienced users | 22:21 |
JontheEchidna | I don't think that a font change is a large change from a technical point of view. Low risk as long as at least people with vision have been running it for a few months and haven't seen catastrophic failure. ;-) | 22:21 |
JontheEchidna | imho | 22:22 |
ScottK | Clearly we need a different name for our "Release Candidate" milestone because it's nothing of the sort. | 22:23 |
ScottK | Not just this change, but others too. | 22:23 |
JontheEchidna | well, we broke just about every freeze possible in updating KPK after beta ;-) | 22:24 |
JontheEchidna | worth it, but we did break feature, string, and UI freeze in doing so | 22:24 |
JontheEchidna | clearly in retaliation for being forced to release early on 10.10.10 :P | 22:24 |
lex79 | =42 | 22:25 |
apachelogger | we only freeze so that we have more politics anyway | 22:25 |
apachelogger | it is not like those freezes have any enforcement whatsoever, well except for we-are-rolling-a-release-image-freeze | 22:26 |
JontheEchidna | There is merit for UI and string freezes aside from politics | 22:27 |
JontheEchidna | like, allowing translators and documentators to be able to work ;-) | 22:27 |
apachelogger | and only expect 50% of the stuff to change rather than 100, right? :P | 22:27 |
* apachelogger gets all grumpy over phonon | 22:29 | |
apachelogger | bah | 22:29 |
apachelogger | to be continued... | 22:29 |
apachelogger | actually I have a maths exam in like 10 hours | 22:29 |
nonickname2 | no freezes? does that also count for plymouth themes? :P | 22:29 |
nonickname2 | nitpick admittedly, but http://imagebin.ca/view/U73NFMyX.html is looking ... suboptimal at best (running in virtualbox) | 22:30 |
apachelogger | it is not like vbox is our target device | 22:31 |
apachelogger | (can one even call it a device?) | 22:31 |
nonickname2 | yes, but it would nevertheless be nice if the text theme (assuming that it is the text theme) had properly readable, nicely-coloured text | 22:32 |
apachelogger | it seems the phonon-graphisviewvideoitem that worked yesterday is broken today | 22:32 |
apachelogger | hooray hooray | 22:32 |
apachelogger | either someone broke vlc or phonon or something in between | 22:32 |
* yofel looks at the splash of his today upgraded desktop pc that looks exactly like that and shudders... (nvidia) | 22:33 | |
apachelogger | no vidia | 22:34 |
apachelogger | hm | 22:37 |
apachelogger | yesterday i updated vlc it seems | 22:38 |
apachelogger | and today my stuff is broken | 22:38 |
apachelogger | one has to wonder | 22:38 |
lex79 | plymouth is broken, but I'm wondering when it wasn't | 22:38 |
lex79 | :P | 22:38 |
neversfelde | the whole maverick kernel does not really work with my ideapad :) | 22:39 |
* Riddell wanders back | 22:39 | |
Riddell | a plus point for the Ubuntu font is it's the only font in the world to include the new Rupee symbol | 22:40 |
Riddell | so that'll make a billion Indians instantly fans | 22:40 |
JontheEchidna | and also Legend of Zelda fans | 22:40 |
lex79 | what about klingon? | 22:40 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: Zelda uses Indian Rupees? | 22:41 |
lex79 | JontheEchidna: I'm a fan of Zelda :) | 22:41 |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: no, but the currency is called that :P | 22:41 |
Riddell | lex79: as far as I know no free desktop has a non-romanised Klingon translation, so that's a non issue | 22:41 |
JontheEchidna | http://z.about.com/f/wiki/e/en/1/1a/Zelda_rupees.png | 22:41 |
lex79 | Riddell: ok we can sleep well then | 22:42 |
Riddell | on the docs screenshots, well the docs haven't been updated this cycle so they're all out of date anyway | 22:42 |
JontheEchidna | probably because there aren't any non-romanised klingon keyboards :P | 22:43 |
Riddell | well I make that +3 and -1 on the font, so I think we can change it | 22:45 |
* lex79 discovered mulve (the new napster) | 22:46 | |
ScottK | Riddell: Since JontheEchidna volunteered to redo the screenshots for the release notes, I think it's OK from a screen shot perspective. | 22:46 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: can you make the change to kubuntu-default-settings? I'm not at my home machine just now | 22:50 |
JontheEchidna | I will just after I commit this: | 22:51 |
CIA-116 | [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100930215142-q8mytkkee5y1yfv3 * src/kcmodule/ (2 files) Add a GUI for selecting notify type to the KCM. Now I just have to wire the KCM and the Daemon together so that the settings control the daemon and vice versa | 22:52 |
Riddell | but kubuntu-notification-helper already has a kcm for selecting notifications no? | 22:53 |
JontheEchidna | tray icon vs knotify | 22:54 |
JontheEchidna | vs both, where the knotify will not have actions | 22:54 |
JontheEchidna | and will be nonpersistant | 22:54 |
* JontheEchidna checking out k-d-s | 22:55 | |
Riddell | nice to have options I suppose | 22:56 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
JontheEchidna | it was part of the maverick specs, but I had to defer because of a KStatusNotifierItem bug: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuMaverickUpdates | 22:59 |
Riddell | tsk to KStatusNotifierItem | 23:00 |
lex79 | someone saw that with ubuntu font there's no padding in the buttons ? | 23:02 |
lex79 | http://imagebin.ca/view/d0BrTV8.html | 23:03 |
lex79 | http://imagebin.ca/view/4k96SNe.html | 23:03 |
lex79 | the second, with ubuntu font, OK button doesn't look nice | 23:03 |
Riddell | convince the someone to report a bug | 23:04 |
Riddell | upstream are pretty responsive | 23:04 |
* JontheEchidna got bit by the "restarting kwin compositing crashes kwin" bug | 23:06 | |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: so what's the recommended way of changing the default font? kdeglobals? | 23:07 |
dantti | Riddell: you said from today kpk should be packaged or it's like last date today? | 23:09 |
Riddell | dantti: we can still add patches if there's important fixes | 23:09 |
Riddell | tomorrow is ok too | 23:09 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: yes I think kdeglobals | 23:09 |
Riddell | although we do need to check it doesn't cause the same issues as lex79 found last time | 23:10 |
JontheEchidna | that was due to sans not being a real font, iirc. | 23:10 |
JontheEchidna | making k-d-s depend on the ubuntu font should be enough | 23:10 |
Riddell | and setting it in kdeglobals | 23:10 |
dantti | Riddell: k, there are a bunch of fixes, also I asked i18n to translate till monday when I'd do 0.6.2 official, so i don't know what's best for you. | 23:11 |
JontheEchidna | right | 23:11 |
lex79 | what about qtcurve? we have to change something also there? | 23:11 |
lex79 | or qtcurve parses kdeglobals? | 23:11 |
debfx | yes, we need to patch kdeglobals in qtcurve | 23:12 |
dantti | Riddell: there is still that icon problem which I don't think is related to KStatusNotifierItem, and I found a way to crash plasma :P | 23:12 |
lex79 | good qtcurve will not be sync'd anymore with debian :) | 23:13 |
Riddell | "patch kdeglobals in qtcurve" what does that mean? | 23:15 |
Riddell | dantti: translations are done I'm afraid, I took a snapshot from today and launchpad will generate the language packs over night | 23:15 |
Riddell | although we can still do updates, I think they get uploaded every few weeks after release | 23:15 |
Riddell | dantti: but important code fixes are fine so long as an archive admin can sensibly eye them over and be happy they won't break things | 23:16 |
dantti | Riddell: right, so if you if you prefer to do today, give me just a few minutes that I forgot to add the package version to the description of the package (if not shown in the list), I'm sure ppl will complain about this | 23:18 |
debfx | Riddell: qtcurve doesn't link to kde so it has to parse the kdeglobals files manually | 23:20 |
debfx | and it has an embedded kdeglobals file which is supposed to have the defaults | 23:20 |
Riddell | debfx: sounds messy | 23:24 |
JontheEchidna | hmm | 23:26 |
JontheEchidna | kdeglobals didn't quite do it. Got Anadale Mono | 23:26 |
JontheEchidna | oh, typo on my part. ;-) | 23:27 |
JontheEchidna | forgot to capitalize ubuntu | 23:27 |
JontheEchidna | Huge success: http://imgur.com/luAoP | 23:32 |
JontheEchidna | more directly: http://imgur.com/aWYt2 | 23:32 |
JontheEchidna | er | 23:32 |
JontheEchidna | pastebin applet changed my clipboard contents :/ | 23:32 |
JontheEchidna | http://i.imgur.com/luAoP.png | 23:32 |
persia | Riddell, I don't know much about dove, other than that it is not available to most folk. "omap" is for beagle boards, IGEPv2 boards. "omap4" is for the new "panda" boards and some 2-screen development unit called "Blaze". I believe you want omap (as that is what most random folk seem to have) for everything, and you may want omap4 for desktop/netbook (for demos). I defer to ian_brasil/rbelem about omap4 for mobile, but I think they current | 23:36 |
persia | ly recommend disassembly of an image and insertion of an N900 kernel, so the specific image is less important. | 23:36 |
rbelem | guys, I'm not finding some info about dolphin plugins. Do you know where I can find more info or whom?? | 23:36 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: score | 23:37 |
Riddell | rbelem: e-mailing the authors? (they don't use IRC) | 23:37 |
Riddell | apachelogger has looked into Dolphin plugins | 23:38 |
Riddell | rbelem: but aren't you more interested in file properties dialogue plugins? | 23:38 |
rbelem | yup | 23:38 |
Riddell | rbelem: can't you just start with the old samba file properties dialogue plugin as a template? | 23:38 |
Riddell | dantti: e-mail me the patch and I'll upload it tomorrow morning | 23:40 |
* Riddell snoozes | 23:40 | |
dantti | Riddell: k, good :) | 23:40 |
rbelem | Riddell, I'm starting from that, but I still need more info, like path, owner and permission. | 23:41 |
rbelem | persia, this weekend we will write the docs about installing plasma-mobile on n900 :-) | 23:42 |
rbelem | apachelogger, \o/ | 23:44 |
persia | rbelem, Cool. | 23:45 |
rbelem | oh! i just found the info that i need :-) | 23:48 |
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