
highvoltagejappiecr: hmm... not that familiar with sabayon to be honest. hang around I'll see if I can find Scott on jabber who might be able to help...01:23
jappiecrhighvoltage, thanks that would be great!04:45
highvoltagejappiecr: I haven't seen him on jabber tonight :(04:54
jappiecrhighvoltage: ok...maybe tomorrow, he!? Thanks!04:58
jappiecrhighvoltage, if you se jabber can u also tell him that the profile editor is extremely slow and while my initial profiles were saved, now it appears that they do now get updated. I treid a restart but still slow and changes are not saved (but not warning is given about this)...thanx in advance!05:25
jappiecrMy profile and menu editors seems not be working very smoothly. I know they come standard in Edubuntu so Is it save to remove them and reinstall them_13:47
docenteHi, anyone knowns something about Glib-WARNING error on thin clients with LTSP?14:07
jappiecrdocente, Does it say "unknow user id"? happens to me from time to time. Suposingly is not so important...14:14
docentehi, jappiercr. yes, but to me is really annoying because thin clients boot enters  in a loop and the client cant open the session.14:20
docenteI'd been reading and maybe is caused by plymouth. I deactivated it on server but i don't  know how to make it on clients.14:24
jappiecrDocente, I am not an expert, but I ran into same problems. With me it had to do with equipent; I started testing with old Dell laptops and drove me crazy. When I tried  booting my new laptop PXE and use it as thin clients, everything worked perfect. Turned out that for the older equipment I had to configure the lts.conf file14:26
jappiecr to specify color depth and resolution and this solved it for me.14:26
docenteyes this Dell are kicking my head.14:27
jappiecrdocente, check this out: http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/customizing-thin-client.html It telles how to customize thin clients per MAC address14:27
jappiecrIf you have a newer laptop or pc, try to boot this one first and see if you still have the same problem. My guess is that it might work just fine on newer machines. If this is the case, it is just a matter of trying some configurations in the lts.conf file...14:29
docentewhat video parameters worked to you?14:29
jappiecrdocente, I had to lower color dept to 8 and screen resolution to 800x600. to first to get it to work. I am workking with very old and mostly damaged equipment, so I have an old laptops where screens don;t work, so I have attach monitors, or keyboards don't work, etc so it is quit a bit of work.14:33
jappiecrdocente, I just remember that it also had  something to do with decativating Compis, but do a google for this. This was the magic trick, actually! So try this first14:35
jappiecrdocente, I have to go now. I suggest to ask in #ltsp also. This is really the place to ask about thin clients and such...good luck!14:39
docenteI don't have visual efects activated, so I will take note of yours suggestions to make this boxes works the crazy thing is that with 8.04 worked fine but we are probing a massive deployment of 10.04 on many public schools in my country. those Dells are reallly annoying14:41
docentethanks jappiecr14:42
TheProfHello.  I hope everyone is well. Question - can Edubuntu be installed but not by using a DVD or USB?  Our server only has a CD drive and the BIOS does not allow USB booting.  Any recommendations - I'm very exciting to test out the new version of Edubuntu18:53
alkisg You can use the plop boot manager to boot from a usb stick on machines where the bios doesn't allow usb booting.18:54
alkisgAlso, you can install edubuntu via the local network, if another pc there boots the edubuntu live cd and shares it18:55
alkisgFinally, you can install the ubuntu cd and install "edubuntu-desktop" afterwards from the net18:55
alkisgOut of curiosity, how much RAM does your server have?18:56
TheProfalkisg: Hello. The feature I am most keen about is the LTSP integration.  If I use your third recommendation with the Ubuntu CD and install edubuntu-desktop, would that correctly install the LTSP features.18:56
TheProfthe server has 3 or 4 GB ram - haven't booted it up recently18:57
alkisgWow, and only a CD drive? I've never seen that combination... :)18:57
TheProfyeah I know :)18:57
alkisgNo, you'd need to install ubuntu+ltsp from the alternate cd and install edubuntu-desktop afterwards18:57
TheProfI was able to install the stock Ubuntu from the regular CD a version or so ago to test it and that worked.18:57
alkisgI think your best route then is to use the plop boot manager and boot edubuntu from a usb stick.18:58
TheProfMaybe the plop boot manager is a better option.18:58
TheProfOK :)18:58
alkisgIf the server is recent enough, it's possible that it supports usb booting, and it just doesn't have an option for it on BIOS, you can then boot a usb stick directly from grub18:59
alkisgE.g. get to a grub shell and run : root (hd1,0) and then chainloader +119:00
TheProfI spent some time looking at the details of the server (HP Proliant DL360 G3) and it doesn't seem to have USB booting as a feature19:00
alkisgIt doesn't matter, the grub trick might still work19:01
TheProfah - found the RAM - sorry it has 2 GB RAM, 2x2.28Ghz P4 Xeon processors.19:01
alkisgDo you have grub installed on it?19:02
TheProfI've got a full basic Ubuntu installation. I believe Grub is installed by default, no?19:02
alkisgIf so, get a grub shell, type: root (hd       and press tab twice. If the bios enables grub to "see" the usb stick, you can then boot from it19:02
alkisg(you'll see it giving some autocompletion proposals, like "hd0 hd1" so hd1 is your stick)19:03
TheProfAnd it would then just over-write itself during the bootup?19:03
alkisgNo, it won't write anything when the usb boots19:04
TheProfsorry i meant during installation19:04
alkisgIf you install edubuntu afterwards, sure, it'll overwrite itself as usual19:04
TheProfbut by then it would be fine running off the usb stuck19:04
TheProfOK I understand19:04
alkisgBut plop will also work, whichever seems easier to you...19:04
TheProfThat's great news.  Thanks so very much.  I'll give it a try. A related question - is the process of installing edubuntu on the USB destructive to the data on the stick?19:06
alkisg(plop also loads some basic usb "drivers", so it usually works even on older computers)19:06
alkisgIf the usb stick is already format with vfat, then no, it doesn't delete the existing data19:06
alkisg(unless you tell it to)19:06
TheProfThis is pretty awesome. Been using a Fedora-based LTSP for several years now, just looking to upgrade.19:07
TheProfDo you recommend I wait the 9 days until the final release comes out or will the beta upgrade to that release when it is done?19:09
alkisgErm, not sure, I'll be using 10.04 for the next 2 years for my classrooms myself.19:10
alkisgI like the LTS stability + 2 years upgrade path better19:11
TheProfThat does make sense yes19:12
alkisg(even though Lucid isn't the most stable LTS release of them all... :D)19:12
TheProfI'm not yet familiar with Ubuntu to know all the differences :)19:13
alkisgHow was the fedora+ltsp combination the last years? I think LTSP was a little unmaintained on fedora?19:14
TheProfIt was rock-solid, turn-key up til Fedora 10.  After that I believe the maintainer(s) got busy and were unable to follow-up, and we're now on Fedora 13 going into Fedora 1419:18
TheProfI've been running the Fedora 10+LTSP way past it's EOL but at this point there are too many issues that I need to update it.  I believe some people took over the maintenance of it but it's not yet at the "pop in ISO and hit install" level it was so I thought to try this out.19:20
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
=== TheProf_ is now known as TheProf
alkisg"...the background of the Edubuntu Ubiquity Slideshow happens to be #424242." hehe nice one highvoltage :)21:08
dgroosWhat should I consider when I decide whether or not to copy the /etc/apt/ from my server to my chroot?  Or, can I consider nothing and just do it :)21:14
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:17
dgroosThat link didn't help either...21:22
alkisgdgroos: just think of the programs you need installed to your chroot, then you'll know which sources you want there...21:23
dgroosOK, so I now know which source. list and d.list.source files.  Do I just copy these files?  There are no other conf files or scripts or other kind of dependency in any of the other folders in the /etc/apt folder?21:26
alkisgDon't copy the whole apt folder, there's no reason to do so21:27
alkisgIt has settings there that you don't want to blindly copy21:28
alkisgJust copy sources.list  and/or sources.list.d21:28
dgroosThanks alkisg.21:28

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