
JontheEchidnathis pisses me off to no end: http://imgur.com/eimg600:16
JontheEchidnaI created a new image exactly the same size as what I selected from the source image, but gimp #@@!'s it up00:16
JontheEchidnaso, all wiki images replaced except for the maverick-netbook.png/wee variant and the ubiquity images, for which I am downloading the latest CD image00:26
JontheEchidnak-d-s changing default font in approval queue, going to to gtk2-engines-qtcurve00:31
JontheEchidnaerm, please reject k-d-s. It only affected the General font, and the rest of the non-monowidth fonts are sans serif00:35
JontheEchidnaScottK, Riddell^00:35
JontheEchidnagtk2-engines-qtcurve should be good, though00:45
lex79JontheEchidna: did you change something in gtk2-engines-qtcurve?01:03
JontheEchidnalex79: patched the kdeglobals01:03
lex79just curiosity01:03
lex79oh neat01:04
lex79if you can also update the bzr branch since we can't sync anymore the package now...01:05
lex79why kpackagekit checks update weekly and not daily?01:39
lex79from the kubuntu feedback page01:40
macoRiddell: i think debfx was just saying that to make qtcurve do the right thing, we set the font in its package instead of using the modifications i did in k-d-s01:47
jjesse-netbookthis is interesting doing a full upgrade with muon and not getting a process indicator, so do i just wait ?01:48
danttilex79: does it check at all? afaik there are patches disabling it..02:44
SputRiddell: don't worry, I a) know exactly that Gentoo is superior, b) know that I can install a full system within a day with spending like 5 minutes at the computer, and c) know that I save soooo much time because updates don't break and configuration is much more easier because I don't need to use random GUI tools, and d) don't really care what others use, as I'm fully aware of me being a crazy person that's incompatible to binary distros :)02:49
SputI'm certainly not gonna leave because of some bashing :)03:02
lex79dantti: kpk here in my installation checks update weekly and it's confirmed by the last comment there: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/RC/Kubuntu/Feedback03:04
danttilex79: funny the page says he was using KPackageKit since '06 but I started to write in in 2008 :P03:07
lex79that is another comment I think from another user03:08
lex79there's this patch btw kubuntu_06_no_automatic_updates.diff03:08
danttiwell anyway would be good to see what Riddell thinks about this, since the combo to select the updates interval is hidden by some patch03:09
lex79the combo to select the updates? it's not hidden here03:11
danttihmm I think they were hidden :P03:12
danttiwell the default can be easily changed, but I guess Riddell would be better to answear that03:13
danttiI have to go work late night now :( cya03:14
shadeslayerwhat? Huh?03:34
shadeslayeri wasnt working on liblastfm03:34
shadeslayerIIRC lex79 was03:34
shadeslayeri didnt take it up surely03:35
shadeslayeri have kdelibs merge and another bug to fix first :P03:35
shadeslayeralso, im off to college, its 8 AM already :D03:35
lex79liblastfm is already uploaded anyway03:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'm going to reject your k-d-s as requested.04:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: You might also look at the amount of hinting.  Ubuntu, IIRC, went with Slight and there was pushback about doing more.04:20
ScottKNo problem.04:20
JontheEchidnapushback, as in slight being too much?04:21
JontheEchidnaor pushback about the hinting *not* being stronger?04:21
ScottKAbout not doing more.04:22
ScottKDiscussion is in Bug 62962204:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629622 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu) "MIR+FFE: Inclusion of Ubuntu Font Family ~0.70 in Maverick (10.10)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62962204:23
ScottKqapt accepted, BTW.04:23
ScottKskrooge too04:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also they bumped to 11 point because 10 point is smaller in the Ubuntu font than in whatever it's replacing.04:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: Does gtk2-engines-qtcurve need to be rejected too?04:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: no, that's fine. It's actually what made me catch the k-d-s bug04:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  I'll let it sit until there's a new k-d-s to go with it.04:27
JontheEchidnaI'm afraid I let myself get distracted with FTBFS fixing ;-)04:27
ScottKJontheEchidna: BTW, there's no need to wait for the reject before re-uploading.  The queue can hold more than one package of the same version in unapproved.  Just only one can ever make it in.04:28
JontheEchidnaaah, ok04:28
JontheEchidnaonce I finish up with ktoon I'll get back to k-d-s04:29
ScottKBTW, chromium and KDE should be able to agree that it's the default browser in Maverick again.  FTA backported some stuff to make that possible today.04:32
JontheEchidnanice. I told it to stop asking me04:32
JontheEchidnaI, personally bumped my font settings up from 8 to 8.5 when I switched to the Ubuntu font04:36
JontheEchidnastray , in there04:36
JontheEchidnawe default to 9 point currently04:36
JontheEchidnaI think 9 looks fine: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MaverickMeerkat/RC/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=view04:38
JontheEchidnahmm, that link probably won't work04:39
JontheEchidnabut we can bump things up by one if there is a need04:39
JontheEchidnaIf we make this the last upload of k-d-s, it'll be k-d-s 1:10.10ubuntu1004:39
JontheEchidnaturns out we're already using medium hinting04:49
CIA-116[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101001035053-al69ml646rrag5l2 * (debian/changelog debian/control share/config/kdeglobals) * Switch to the Ubuntu font as the default font, as approved by the Kubuntu Council * Add a dependency on ttf-ubuntu-font-family for the above04:50
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1181452 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (2 files in 2 dirs) SVN_SILENT: Krazy2 fixes05:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: Both accepted.05:43
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
markeyis this bad:07:34
markeyW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:34
jussiHrm, bug 651050 affects me, on a normal kubuntu install, but has been marked as invalid. what to do? 07:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 651050 in Plymouth "User shown Ubuntu 10.10 splash screen when booting Kubuntu 10.10 Netbook" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65105007:54
markeythanks for LibLastFM update, seems to work fine :)08:05
yao_ziyuanwhen you release an alpha or beta, you're supposed to build apps with more debugging information, and therefore they would run slower than a final release, right?08:17
Riddellone can do08:19
agateauRiddell: morning, this is your daily reminder for https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/plasma-widget-message-indicator/fix-text-overlap-in-systemtray/+merge/37106 :)08:32
Riddellyep, I'll get onto that momentarily, thanks agateau 08:32
agateauRiddell: great08:32
apacheloggeryay, it is always a good thing to start a new semester with calculus \o/08:33
apacheloggerI will derive!08:33
* ulysses passed calulus 1 and 2 \o/08:35
apacheloggerulysses: congrats08:37
ulysses2 years ago, in my first year08:38
apacheloggerulysses: still congratuatable, no?08:38
ulyssesyes, some of my friends still doing it08:38
apacheloggermaybe they like it so much, I personally do08:39
apacheloggernot that I would be paritcularly good at it, but I like it ;)08:39
* apachelogger builds his own vlc thinking that maybe the packages might be what broke his paintaing code so badly08:40
ulyssesBeautiful: http://imagebin.ca/img/D4HbWF9.png08:56
valoriegood lord, what is that?09:04
ulyssesKubuntu 10.10 RC in Virtualbox, right after installing guest additions09:05
persiaIs that some sort of AA rendering environment?09:05
apacheloggersweet baby jesus!09:06
valorielooks like a nightmare09:06
* persia is impressed that aalib can handle that sort of environment09:06
Mamarokulysses: beautiful is different, but nice POC09:13
Mamaroktoo many colors in the text, though, makes it unreadable09:13
debfxulysses: how did you install the guest additions?09:16
ulyssessudo /media/VBoxGuestAdditions/VboxLinuxadditions-x86.run09:19
debfxulysses: you should install the package virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 instead09:20
ulyssesDidn't know that, thanks09:20
debfxyeah the guest additions are packaged09:21
ulyssesgood news09:23
nigelbRiddell: Um, were you able to find someone for kubuntu in open week?10:07
Riddellnigelb: not given the matter much thought10:08
nigelboh, ok10:10
debfxapachelogger: do you know a workaround for the openoffice crash when using the raster graphicssystem?10:19
Riddelluse KOffice :)10:22
lucidfoxLast I tried, KWord was slow and had eye-burning font rendering10:38
Riddellbut now that it defaults to the Ubuntu font it'll be nice and smooth10:40
lucidfoxIs that sarcasm?10:42
lucidfoxI mean on the page, actually. The documents I tried to edit used Verdana. The fonts were much crisper in AbiWord and OOo10:42
lucidfoxit seems to me that KWord just ignores the full hinting setting, and always did since early 2.0 beta10:43
apacheloggerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/phonon+proper-qgraphicitem.ogv check this out10:46
apacheloggerohw it is so beautiful and nice and and omg10:46
apacheloggerdebfx: kApp->setGraphicsSystem("native");10:47
apacheloggerdebfx: whereever kapp gets constructed10:47
apacheloggerI did not find out where also I found ooo code scary so I did not bother to look closer10:47
apacheloggerif you cannot find where the kapp comes from then just do that before every K* function does things10:48
apacheloggeralso FTR: that is not even a workaround but the proper way to do it, because shtylman told me ooo hands the KDE integration foo a widget to paint on, which is of course dependent on X11 and hence native paintaing *must* be enforced globally via setGraphicsSystem10:49
debfxapachelogger: I was thinking about a workaround that doesn't involve recompiling OO.o :)10:50
apacheloggeralso FTR: one can manually swap the system on a per-painter basis, so say only a minor part of your software requires X11 foo and the painting is reasonable accessable one can (or maybe even should) just swap the graphicsengine for that particular painter10:50
apacheloggeralso FTR: graphicssystem == graphicsengine (when one browses the painting docu usually they talk about the engine, which is synonymous to the system)10:51
debfxI guess setting QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native in /usr/bin/ooffice should fix it10:51
apacheloggerdebfx: yep10:51
apacheloggerjust wanted to say that10:51
apacheloggerhowever, that really is a workaround ;)10:51
Riddellapachelogger: ooh pretty10:52
apacheloggerRiddell: that is native painted now, rather than the thing I did the other day (which asked Phonon::VideoWidget to do the painting)10:54
apacheloggeralso FTR again: Phonon::Experimental contains about all the stuff that currently sets QtMultimediaKit apart from phonon so once more I am  not sure why the kit is even existing10:55
apachelogger(most importantly QtMultimediaKit does have a graphicsitem already ;))10:55
Riddellnobody outside Brisbane knows that10:58
howlymowlyhi poeple.. shor question abot maverick: my plasama effects right now are turned off by default... my default settings do not matter in this case. I always have to turn them on manually (using the keaboard shortcut for example) is this supposed to be like this?11:05
Riddellyou probably have a blacklisted driver11:06
howlymowlyRiddell: will this change, until the release of maverick?11:06
howlymowly(i got an intel graphics chipset btw...)11:07
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
debfxapachelogger: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/go-openoffice-qt-native/go-openoffice-qt-native/qt-use-native-backend.diff11:17
apachelogger...ah, yeah, why upstream fixes...11:17
Riddellhowlymowly: probably not, how well does it work with effects?11:17
howlymowlyRiddell: I have not seen the slightest problems..  In fact on maverick it runs better than ever11:18
howlymowlyits an intel 965gm chipse11:18
Riddellhmm, I have "Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics" and when I turn on effects it works much of the time but e.g. konsole has notable refreshing problems and the systray has funny colours11:19
debfxapachelogger: there is an upstream bug with a link to that patch: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11324611:35
ubottuOpenOffice.org bug 113246 in kde "Openoffice fail when qt build with raster engine by default" [Defect,New: ]11:35
debfxfiling a bug against libreoffice might be more promising11:35
Tm_TRiddell: I remember there has been discussion and bugfixing related to konsole drawing, there were some technical reason why it is/was slow11:39
Tm_T...during the KDE4 developmet11:39
ScottKRiddell or JontheEchidna: Does kubuntu-netbook-default-settings need an upload for the font?11:39
debfxScottK: yes11:41
ScottKRiddell: Can you do it?11:44
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.11:44
Tm_TScottK: any images incoming that needs some testing?11:45
ScottKTm_T: If you could take the latest daily for a spin and see how it goes, that would be good.11:46
Tm_Twi l look at it today then (:11:46
RiddellScottK: keeping the eye wateringly small size?11:50
ScottKRiddell: I'd knock it up one point from what we had since allegedly this font renders smaller.11:51
apacheloggerdebfx: Ic11:52
apacheloggershtylman: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11324611:52
ubottuOpenOffice.org bug 113246 in kde "Openoffice fail when qt build with raster engine by default" [Defect,New: ]11:52
mokushhey, I've updated to 10.10 beta, and completly lost wifi support. any way to kickstart it manualy?12:07
* Riddell uploads kubuntu-netbook-default-settings12:11
Riddellmokush: try installing the RC?12:12
mokushI was hopeing to be able to update the beta to the rc, without burning a disc12:12
ScottKRiddell: k-n-d-s accepted.12:32
davmor2mokush: is your machine unplgged?12:34
mokushunplugged as in network plug?12:35
davmor2mokush: as in no power goning into the machine12:38
mokushdavmor2: is this some kind of joke?12:39
davmor2mokush: nope pm-utils causes some wifi cards to not connect if the machine is not connect to power.  if that was the case there is a work around you can try12:40
davmor2mokush: try "sudo pm-powersave false" then try to connect again12:42
mokushI'm on a toshiba l300 laptop, always plugged. Atheros AR5007EG wireless card. The network manager does not start at all.12:42
davmor2mokush: Ah okay that's something completely different then12:43
apacheloggerRiddell: did we reach conclusion on the font?12:45
ScottKapachelogger: It's in.12:46
apacheloggeras default?12:46
Riddellshadeslayer and 999 million other Indians will be most happy12:47
apacheloggerdolphin has some serious scaling issues 12:50
apachelogger11k files and dolphin goes wocka12:50
apacheloggerupdateMetaData(): artist: Apollo 440 13:03
apacheloggerupdateMetaData(): title: Stop The Rock 13:03
apacheloggerthose were good times13:03
apacheloggerthe 1990's werent so bad after all ^^13:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: what font? :P13:03
shadeslayerthe ubuntu font?13:03
shadeslayeri hates it now ..13:04
apacheloggerthe supreme master font that fell from the heaven after devine intervention by sabdfl13:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, so mainstream, horrible13:04
* apachelogger shall use gnuunicode or what it was called13:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: it looks all squashed on my LCD now13:04
shadeslayerdunno what happened13:04
shadeslayerthe beta one was awesome13:04
ScottKshadeslayer: Try changing the hinting from medium to slight.13:05
apacheloggerwell, open source -> degrading quality right there13:05
apacheloggerScottK: should that not be defaulted?13:05
apacheloggerif it makes the system look better?13:05
shadeslayerScottK: is hinting enabled?13:05
sabdflit should, yes13:05
shadeslayer( by default )13:05
ScottKThat was part of yesterday's discussion.13:05
shadeslayerbecause it is *necessary* for the ubuntu fonts13:05
shadeslayerah ok ..13:06
ScottKCurrently Ubuntu is defaulting to slight and we are defaulting to medium13:06
ScottK(which is what we had before)13:06
* shadeslayer has autohinting13:06
ScottKGiven we have not very long to make changes, if people aren't happy with it as it is, I'd like to know soon if that helps.13:06
apacheloggercouldnt that be set on fontconfig level?13:06
ScottKapachelogger: It's in k-d-s/k-n-d-s.13:07
ScottKNo idea if it could or not.13:07
shadeslayeroh wait.. its says medium.. weird13:07
shadeslayeralso K/Ubuntu is catching up in my university.. finally13:08
apacheloggernot here13:08
apacheloggerwe are all diehard debian fanbois13:08
shadeslayerhehe ..13:08
* apachelogger has a debian install just so he does not stick out when he is @ university ^^13:08
shadeslayermy university is all pro-MS13:08
Riddell10 year old debian in my case13:09
shadeslayergood to see people poking me about k/ubuntu these days13:09
apacheloggerRiddell: so what, the 3 minor versions more up-to-date kernel does not change much :P13:09
apacheloggerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/503863/ is it me or does that function look like something you would not want to call every day?13:10
shadeslayerScottK: still squashed :(13:11
ScottKOK.  No idea then.13:12
shadeslayerScottK:  http://imgur.com/vJ1xz13:12
shadeslayerjust to show how it looks like13:12
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ ?13:12
yofelthat looks fine to me, at least it looks like that here too (slight hinting set in fontconfig and KDE to system settings)13:13
shadeslayeryofel: ill show it with droid sans font13:13
yofelthe ubuntu font is more slim than other fonts, but that's not bad..13:14
shadeslayercompare those side by side :>13:14
* apachelogger starts singing13:15
ScottKI like the Ubuntu one better.13:15
shadeslayerScottK: dont the ubuntu ones seem squashed to you?13:16
yofelright, it's smaller, but it doesn't look different from the beta one, just takes some getting used to13:16
ScottKThe problem with fonts is that your opinion is largely colored by what you're used to.13:16
* yofel misses a mono version though :/13:16
shadeslayerits alot different than beta13:16
shadeslayerfrom what i observed13:16
ScottKshadeslayer: No, but I don't use either of those fonts, so they are both new to me.13:16
apacheloggerScottK: hence I would have +1'd on setting a mono font default13:16
apacheloggermuhahaha :D13:16
apacheloggermono spaced fonts are the uberawesome13:17
* ScottK was voting for delivering the features before feature freeze.13:17
yofelwell, I couldn't really compare them, as my font settings got messed up for a while when I switched them13:17
yofelI only use monospace for IRC and Konsole13:17
* ScottK will let the people who wanted the font figure it out.13:17
* shadeslayer wants better graphics for installer 13:23
apacheloggerI rather have someone findout why my kmix is broken since I removed pulse13:31
alother way around for me since 4.513:34
alkmix started simulating some kind of pulse support, but went from working fine to doing all kinds of weird stuff13:35
apacheloggernot nice at all13:37
debfxthe font settings in k-d-s and k-n-d-s are broken (has a dot instead of comma)13:58
ScottKRiddell: ^^^14:00
ScottKThey seem to be doing something as I have the new font.14:00
debfxyes, but the size is set to 1214:01
ScottKWhere do I check that?14:06
ScottKMine are Ubuntu 7 or * on netbook.14:07
ScottKWhich means the new size didn't take effect.14:07
Tm_Thuh, is there any way to disable spell checking entirely? The fact that Konqueror keeps it enabled no matter what I have set for it, keeps crippling my system in time to time14:10
debfxScottK: have you changed the fonts in the kcm before?14:18
ScottKdebfx: I had not.14:20
shtylmanapachelogger: will do14:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Coming to US?14:49
ScottKOops.  I know you are.14:49
ScottKshtylman: Coming to UDS?14:49
ScottKshadeslayer: Now that I've got the font on my netbook, I agree it looks squashed, but maybe I'll get used to it.15:04
Riddelldebfx: tsk, I knew that didn't look right15:06
ScottKRiddell: Bumping the font up one size in netbook like we agree was definitely the right choice.15:07
ScottKclaydoh_: Please have a look at the proposed release note in Bug #651294 and add it to ours too.15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65129415:20
debfxRiddell: do you want me to fix the font settings?15:35
shadeslayerScottK: :D15:38
shadeslayer<3 the beta fonts, the final release is squashed :(15:38
shadeslayerScottK: also, everything depends on the Visa15:39
shadeslayeri hope i get it, but cant say15:39
* shadeslayer notes amarok is all broken15:43
debfxmarkey: any news on the applet width bug?15:49
shadeslayeryeah thats the one i have i think ^15:49
zanoiare there any plans to add some installation instructions to the Kubuntu website, similar to the ones the Ubuntu website has?15:52
zanoimy girlfriend tried to install kubuntu but didnt know what to do after the download15:52
ScottKryanakca: ^^^15:52
zanoiwhen i showed her the ubuntu website it worked out fine15:53
ulysseszanoi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall/Kubuntu15:53
ulyssesI guess the screenshots should be updated15:53
zanoiulysses: cool, now if that page could be linked to where one download the iso it would be great15:54
zanoiulysses: also the way the ubuntu website does it is unbelievable user friendly15:54
zanoi(except that it doesn't work with konqueror)15:54
ulyssesI don't know how they do, but I'll look at15:55
zanoiulysses: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download15:55
ulyssesaham, I see15:55
ulyssesNot bad15:56
zanoithey let you choose which os you're on and whether you want a cd or usb and then present simple steps on how to install15:56
ScottKagateau: Do we have a messaging indicator or a messaging menu in Kubuntu?15:56
agateauScottK: mmm, what's the difference?15:57
agateauScottK: we have a Plasma widget15:57
ScottKagateau: I want to describe it correctly.15:57
ScottK(it being the plasma widget)15:57
agateauScottK: ok, the widget is named plasma-widget-message-indicator so I would go for "indicator"15:58
debfxScottK: I've fixed k-d-s, could you upload it?16:04
ScottKPerhaps in a bit if Riddell doesn't get to it first.16:05
ScottKdebfx: Are you doing k-n-d-s too?16:05
ScottKdebfx: Does gtk2-engines-qtcurve need fixing too?16:06
debfxScottK: yes, it doesn't have a bzr branch, right?16:06
ScottKNo idea.16:06
debfxScottK: qtcurve is fine16:06
debfxScottK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/kubuntu-netbook-default-settings_10.10.6.debdiff16:07
ScottKRiddell: Would you mind doing Bug #624512 so I can say it's done when we get to the MOTU section of the release meeting.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624512 in mozc (Ubuntu Maverick) "Please move mozc from Universe to Multiverse" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62451216:19
markeydebfx: pong. you asked about news regarding applet sizes? in 2.3.2 I applied a (very hacky) patch shortly before tagging that gets around the issue16:36
markeycalling resize() on the MainWindow right after startup16:36
markeyseems to work for most people16:36
markeyit would however be nice to have this solved for real16:36
markeythe bug is in Plasma and/or Qt16:36
markeynoone knows...16:36
danttiRiddell: I generated the patch here, but as I renamed some .png files they do not appear in the patch, isn't it better just to resync? since the patch would be the same thing?16:36
danttiI can send you the patch so that you see what changed, mostly bug fixes and a few speedy improvements16:37
debfxmarkey: it doesn't work for shadeslayer and me16:37
markeydebfx: which KDE and Qt version?16:37
debfxmarkey: 4.5.1 and 4.7.016:38
markeyI have the same setup16:38
debfxdoes it work for you on maverick?16:38
markeyI only heard about issues with KDE trunk now16:38
markeyyes, it does16:38
markeybut I suspect this is timing sensitive. my patch simple resizes 1500ms after Amarok is shown16:38
RiddellScottK: but I should be paying attention to the meeting not processing bugs!16:38
markeyI guess that time could be too short in some situations16:39
debfxmaybe it's a problem if the window is still hidden?16:39
ScottKRiddell: I know you're a king of multi-tasking16:39
markeydebfx: aaah, absolutely. that could very well render the patch useless16:39
markeyI never thought of this16:39
markeybut we don't have any other solutions anyway... 16:40
debfxcalling resize when the window is first shown might do the trick16:41
markeydebfx: Plasma in KDE 4.5 brought so many regressions for us, it's not even funny16:41
markeywe had to deal with 4 different bugs16:41
markeydebfx: that might work, if you can figure out when it is actually rendered on the screen, for real16:41
markeypolish() doesn't suffice16:41
markeymaybe waiting for a showEvent()16:42
markeyor similar16:42
markeydebfx: my patch is very small, it's in App::resizeMainWindow()16:42
RiddellScottK: done16:42
markeyif you look at the code, you'll see instantly how it works16:42
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.16:42
shadeslayermarkey: its pretty randomn16:44
markeyshadeslayer: this sucks :(16:44
shadeslayerit works when you start amarok, but then when you restore it, it from systray it sometimes doesnt show it properly 16:44
markeyI spent like 10 hours working around all those Plasma bugs16:45
markeyat this point, I'd rather switch to Qt Quick at some point16:45
debfxshadeslayer: for me it only happens when amarok is started hidden to tray16:45
shadeslayerdebfx: how does one do that?16:45
debfxshadeslayer: close amarok when it's hidden16:46
debfxit remebers the hidden/shown state16:46
RiddellScottK: I'm a bit short of things to say in the meeting, we don't have enough problems this release, anything I should say?16:47
ScottKRiddell: Wax poetic about the font.16:47
shadeslayeroh yus16:47
shadeslayermarkey:  debfx: confirmed : http://imgur.com/bSDjD16:47
ScottKKDM still crashing on logout for me, but workaround in a proposed release note16:47
markeyshadeslayer: you started it hidden in the tray?16:48
shadeslayermarkey: yes16:48
markeyyeah, that was to be expected16:48
markeythe way my patch works16:48
markeyI could try to make an improved version, but not tonight16:48
markeycould we get it into maverick still, say, on Monday?16:48
markeyalso, for crying out loud, it would be nice to get some help from the Plasma folks... 16:49
ScottKRiddell: The X/KDM thing is Bug 65129416:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 651294 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X crash on KDM logout (still - yes, really)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65129416:50
shadeslayermarkey: #plasma is _that_ way :P16:50
ScottKI didn't milestone it since I knew it wouldn't be fixed.16:50
shadeslayermarkey: ive just started getting my hands dirty with plasma, simple stuff for now :)16:51
markeyshadeslayer: hehe, they focus on the KDE Plasma desktop. Amarok's use case is rare, there are hardly any apps that usee LibPlasma 16:52
markeyso it gets little testing16:52
shadeslayermarkey: use something else then... why use something that breaks stuff :(16:52
markeyas I said, I want to experiment with Qt Quick. but we can'T depend on Qt 4.7 just yet :)16:53
shadeslayermarkey: maybe it needs another  App::resizeMainWindow() somewhere?16:54
ScottKmarkey: Why not?  It's been released for a week now hasn't it?  It's practically obsolete.16:54
markeyshadeslayer: I think the patch should work like this: detect when Amarok is actually _shown_ (which is not so easy), and then trigger the resize()16:55
markeyit's the hackiest patch ever:16:56
markey    m_mainWindow->resize( m_mainWindow->width(), m_mainWindow->height() - 1 );16:56
markey    m_mainWindow->resize( m_mainWindow->width(), m_mainWindow->height() + 1 );16:56
shadeslayeryeah :D16:56
shadeslayerok now i really need to finish kdelibs merge or ScottK will come after me :P16:57
markeyapachelogger: you're a big fan of hacks that make baby jesus cry, right? see above ^ 16:58
dasKreechIt's an opportunity  16:59
apacheloggeryou just topped the way I triggered painting of a whole graphicsscene to get a video ....16:59
apacheloggerby like a 1000000 times16:59
* apachelogger needs a cigarette17:00
markeysmoking is bad, m'kay? I stopped long ago, and  here I'm sitting with a nice tasty cigar17:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: drugs + KDE == fluffy ? :)17:01
markeycan't stop loving cigars.... screw cigarettes though17:02
dasKreechOutside of Soviet Russia. Ciggies screw you!17:03
shadeslayerhehe ...17:04
* shadeslayer gets 2 tickets for Russia and gives one to apachelogger17:04
shadeslayerScottK: how did you sync control and control.in in the last merge? i dont understand 17:05
shadeslayerScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-3ubuntu1 :: specifically17:05
ScottKshadeslayer: control.in should rebuild control if it's changed when you build the source package, IIRC.17:05
ScottKI may have in fact just hand edited them both to be sure.  I don't recall.17:06
shadeslayerScottK: hmm... right now the diff between control and control.in is http://paste.ubuntu.com/503992/ , i dont think it needs any work, can you tell me if im right?17:07
shadeslayerim working with control.in only for the second time i think17:07
dasKreechshadeslayer: nice airlines :) they have tickets for Russia and separate ones for Soviet Russia? :)17:07
ScottKshadeslayer: line 26 you want to fix17:07
shadeslayerdasKreech: hahaha :P17:08
shadeslayerScottK: ah ok ..17:08
shadeslayer18 too i guess?17:09
ScottKYes, but less important.17:17
shadeslayerScottK: erm.. i find 2 patches in debian/patches that have not been documented ( 17_kdelibs_rubberband.diff and 19_debianize_useragent.diff )17:28
shadeslayerfrom debian package17:28
ScottKAs long as they aren't new, I wouldn't worry about it.  That's a VERY old package.17:29
shadeslayerhmm... yeah i noticed :(17:29
shadeslayerbut since the changelog doesnt mention them...17:30
ScottKI'm reasonabyl sure 19 isn't needed, but I really wouldn't change more than I have to in that package.17:31
JontheEchidnaif I had to guess, I'd think that the package would be almost as old as debian itself17:32
shadeslayerhehe ...17:32
shadeslayerthen theres 68_support_khelpcenter4.diff17:33
shadeslayerdunno where that came from either17:33
shadeslayerScottK: do we want debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kspell/* ?17:43
ScottKI don't remember.17:44
shadeslayerhmm... debian has them...17:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: No, KDE didn't get to Debian until ~2000 IIRC.  Debian is considerably older.17:45
shadeslayerbut we didnt for last release 17:45
shadeslayeralso ... its that time of the year again :D17:45
RiddellScottK: the KDE packages have been around almost as long as Debian, I think they were even in Debian before they got kicked out17:55
ScottKAh. I did not know that.17:55
Riddellanyway, why is shadeslayer looking at the kde 3 libs package?17:55
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell, ScottK17:56
ScottKRiddell: Security fixes in a merge from Debian.17:56
ScottKHello DarkwingDuck17:56
shadeslayerim almost done17:56
shadeslayerneed to test build after this17:56
DarkwingDuckMaking the move back to california17:56
Riddellhi DarkwingDuck 17:58
Riddell"I just finished uploading the first set of KDE 4.5.2 tarballs."17:58
jjessehello DarkwingDuck17:58
Riddellor something like that17:58
jjesseDarkwingDuck i thought you were moving to indiana?17:58
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger17:58
shadeslayerRiddell: we does not have kubotu :(17:58
jjessewow only getting 4.6 kb/s down on the torrent of the rc :(17:59
shadeslayerand i forgot about !kubuntu :P17:59
DarkwingDuckJob fell through17:59
shadeslayerjjesse: zsync++17:59
shadeslayerrgreening: to the bat cave!17:59
jjesseshadeslayer: can't figure out zsync on my windows 7 box i'm on17:59
bulldog98shadeslayer: what’s up?17:59
shadeslayerhehe :P18:00
rgreeningna-na na-na na na... 18:00
DarkwingDuckAye but, cali is where I belong18:00
macorgreening: batman?18:00
shadeslayerbulldog98: 4.5.2 on ktown ...18:00
shadeslayerhaz fun.. i have to finish kde 3 libs first :P18:00
rgreeningmaco rul3z18:00
txwikingerninja time?18:01
shadeslayeroh oh oh oh 18:01
rgreeningmaco == batgirl18:01
shadeslayerRiddell: 0.6.1 rekonq out in a few days.. can we haz in final release ?18:01
* txwikinger wonders if rgreening wants to be Robin18:01
* ScottK makes a note to let rgreening's wife know he's making advances on young women on IRC.18:01
rgreeningno one wants to be robin18:01
Riddellshadeslayer: unlikely18:01
rgreeningnot even robin18:02
bulldog98shadeslayer: the problem is that I don’t have acces to ktown18:02
shadeslayerRiddell: ^18:02
Riddellbulldog98: we can fix that, where's your ssh key?18:02
ScottKRiddell can fix that.18:02
* txwikinger has to prepare for his presentation tomorrow: Kubuntu Hacking18:02
Riddelltxwikinger: where's that?18:03
shadeslayerScottK: what is ksvntopng? :P18:03
txwikingerSouthern Ontario Hackerspace Conference Riddell18:03
Riddellsounds fun18:03
ScottKshadeslayer: No idea.18:03
txwikingerRiddell: yeah.. the name badge is a pcb board with microcontroller for prototyping18:03
txwikingerI am trying to build a free toolchain working on Kubuntu for this18:04
* txwikinger is wondering about Hackers and their dependency on proprietary software18:04
txwikingerRiddell: how difficult is it to use kdevelop with a specialised gcc toolchain?18:08
RiddellI've no idea18:08
RiddellI've never used either18:09
RiddellI've never used e18:09
txwikingermaybe I just present the hwo to hack Qt stuff18:09
shadeslayer\o/ kdelibs done18:09
txwikingeroh this is interesting: kdevelop: symbol lookup error: kdevelop: undefined symbol: _ZN8KDevelop4Core10initializeENS0_5SetupE18:10
shadeslayertxwikinger: broken packages :S18:11
shadeslayertxwikinger: which release ?18:11
txwikingershadeslayer: lucid18:11
shadeslayertxwikinger: i mean which kdevelop version ?18:11
txwikingerah.. I think it is still the old kdevelop-kde4 package lingering around18:13
txwikingerwhat is the ninja time for... maverick or preparing for m+1?18:14
Riddellshadeslayer: do you know why rekonq seems to not pick up our font settings?  18:14
Riddellit seems to like Liberation over Ubuntu18:14
shadeslayeri think it uses its own config files18:14
shadeslayerthere was a discussion about that IIRC18:14
txwikingerok.. this kdevelop is better :D18:15
shadeslayerRiddell: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/rekonq/2010-May/001316.html ?18:16
shadeslayerlemme confirm18:17
* markey huggles apachelogger18:19
markeyapachelogger: you gonna come to Dornbirn?18:19
jjesseheres a question whenever i go to start the 386 rc download torrent i get a message the file is missing18:21
jjesse"errors file missing please recheck"18:22
bulldog98Riddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Ebulldog98/+sshkeys the JonathansRechner one18:24
bulldog98shadeslayer: can you remind adjam that the translation for documentation has to be includet into the next tarball18:25
Riddellbulldog98: ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org18:25
Riddellhmm, documentation translations18:25
shadeslayerbulldog98: i think he already mentioned it18:25
bulldog98shadeslayer: ok18:25
shadeslayeri hate these patches :S18:27
shadeslayerRiddell: do you guys still have some 10.04 Kubuntu CD stock left over?18:29
Riddellshadeslayer: I think we do 18:29
Riddellshadeslayer: want to take them off canonical's hands?18:29
shadeslayeryeah sure :)18:29
Riddellhow many?18:29
shadeslayerRiddell: not for me, one of my friends wants them, he will mail you the details :D18:30
shadeslayer( he will distribute them in his tech fest )18:30
Riddellshadeslayer: I need a postal address where someone will be in to collect them and a phone number18:31
shadeslayersure .. 18:31
macohmm i suspect the dc loco could use some too. i think there are more kde users than gnome users among us, so we tend to give out the kubuntu cds pretty quickly18:33
Riddellsame rules then18:34
debfxmarkey: this patch seems to work: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/amarok_resize_window_hack.diff18:43
markeydebfx: looking now18:44
Riddelldantti: was there a patch for kpackagekit updates?18:46
shadeslayerbahahaha ... archive skew18:49
shadeslayer  bzip2: Depends: libbz2-1.0 (= 1.0.5-4) but 1.0.5-4ubuntu1 is to be installed.18:49
lex79in pbuilder?18:52
shadeslayerlex79: yus18:52
shadeslayerRiddell: did you get the mail? 18:52
lex79just login into pbuilder and run the upgrade18:52
shadeslayerok ... lets see :)18:53
shadeslayerlex79: great works :D18:55
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellshadeslayer: yes thanks18:58
ScottKRiddell: The font fixes for the various default settings packages are accepted.19:00
Riddellsilly mistake that19:03
lex79so finally we have the right font ;)19:05
Riddellgo go ninjas https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging19:05
shadeslayeri wonder when the wiki gets a new theme19:06
lex79since we broken the rules yesterday, today we can upload 4.5.2 in the archive?19:06
* lex79 giggles19:06
shadeslayerhehe.. i dont think so19:06
lex79why not? :)19:07
shadeslayerIIRC we are supposed to release with 4.5.119:07
Riddellthat'll annoy both ubuntu people (for breaking freezes with stuff we havn't sufficiently tested) and upstream (for releasing packages before they do)19:07
lex79I know I'm just kidding :P19:08
* maco checks the setting on Riddell's Humour Detector19:08
macooh or maybe you have an imbalance of the humours?19:08
* lex79 takes the hand of maco for a dance19:11
macoim thinking of a Doctor Who episode now19:13
nixternaljust reformat/reinstall maverick. hot! only issue thus far is the stupid ass intel/mesa/whatever issue that prevents and/or corrupts the display19:18
nixternalprevents compositing that is19:18
shadeslayerlex79: issue still present :(19:20
shtylmanapachelogger: out of curiosity, how does office fail when using the raster engine?19:20
lex79shadeslayer: where?19:20
shadeslayerlex79: when running pdebuild19:20
lex79did you say that it worked before?19:21
shadeslayeryes, but as in, when i logged in -> ran dist-upgrade it worked fine19:21
lex79did you run sudo pbuilder login with --save-after-login ?19:22
shadeslayerno ... :S19:23
debfxshtylman: openoffice crashes right after starting it19:32
howlymowlyhi poeple...  I am using ubuntu on my laptop... my soundcard works, but the maximum volume level is very low (even though i have turned everything to 100% with alsamixer). does anyone know how to configure the maximum sound level? 19:39
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
Riddelloh, nixternal gone19:41
shadeslayer!support | howlymowly19:42
ubottuhowlymowly: The official Kubuntu support channel is #kubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for development only.19:42
shadeslayerlex79: v19:44
lex79this means you didnt' save the changes when you exit from pbuilder chroot19:46
shadeslayererm.. im running pdebuild, im not in pbuilder chroot19:47
shadeslayerapparently control.in wasnt edited to remove arts19:47
lex79I don't know about pdebuild19:47
shadeslayerhmm im sleeping, too tired to continue this...19:49
Riddellcontrol.in files are evil19:53
ScottKYou'd love updating python-defaults then.20:11
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
apacheloggershadeslayer: ooo going down20:56
apacheloggermarkey: possibly, still not sure about it20:57
danttiRiddell: I thought there was a patch for that, wasn't it?21:06
* ScottK wanted to point agateau at my latest blog post, but he's not here.21:11
* bulldog98 managed to get out what patches were included into kdelibs 4.5.221:14
bulldog98does someone knows if FAM should be used for kdelibs? cause kdelibs says that FAM and aspell weren’t found21:16
ScottKbulldog98: It's in Universe.  No.21:18
ScottKIIRC aspell is on purpose too.21:19
bulldog98ScottK: ok21:19
debfxScottK: middle-click would be much more convenient than shift-click21:25
ScottKdebfx: Not on my laptop.21:25
ScottKI could see having both though.21:25
Riddelldantti: what what?21:25
Riddelldantti: I don't know if it needs patches or not21:26
danttiRiddell: me neither, yesterday lex79 was asking why weekly is the default check for updates21:27
debfxScottK: yeah I guess both wouldn't hurt21:28
ScottKdebfx: I'd suggest chat with agateau about it when he's around.21:28
danttiRiddell: and btw how will we update kpk ? I can send you that patch but it has the .pngs problem21:28
ScottK(but don't bother with a patch unless you are going to do the Canonical copyright assignment.)21:29
lex79a new fresh bug 65327422:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653274 in linux (Ubuntu) "Plymouth doesn't show Kubuntu logo with Nvidia proprietary driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65327422:14
lex79if someone is affected, click on "this bug affects you"22:14
lex79this is a regression from Lucid22:14
bulldog98Do I have to write into changelog if I added some files to .install?22:50
bulldog98And if I fixed that errors must I rebuild it completly?22:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKbulldog98: Yes and depending how you build it probably.22:58
bulldog98ScottK: I tryed it via debuild22:59
ScottKIf you've got the partial build available you can add -nc to your dpkg-buildpackage or debuild invocation to avoid clean and recomopling everything.22:59
ScottKYou should talk to apachelogger about his hooks so you can have the pbuilder run fail open so you can have access to the build in progress.22:59
bulldog98ScottK: ok thanks for that info22:59
ScottKYou're welcome.23:00
bulldog98ScottK: do you know what this means: E: libkdecore5: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZN6Sonnet17BackgroundChecker7restoreEP7KConfig@Base23:02
ScottKbulldog98: Run lintian with -i for a detailed explanation.23:03
ScottKIf that isn't enough, ask again and we can discuss.23:03
bulldog98ScottK: is debuild using as many treads as possible?23:04
ScottKYou need to feed is something like -j $asmanycoresasyouhave23:05
bulldog98ScottK: Ok that’s really helpfull cause it will speed up everthing (4 times the treads before)23:08
apacheloggerwell, then, great23:11
apacheloggerI am going to take a break23:12
* apachelogger is not doing terribly well23:12
Riddelldantti: yo, what needs updated in kpackagekit?23:18
RiddellPNG diffs are ok, those can be handled in debian packaging these days23:18
danttiRiddell: well you could update everything, since kpk is a svn snapshot23:26
danttisvn diff showed a message instead of a png diff23:26
danttiThere are still a few png with quetion marks but I didn't had time to investigate that, cause sometimes the icon is showed and when you pass your mouse over it it shows the question mark... weird enough23:28
danttisounds like a bug in kdelibs23:28
Riddellok I'll just take a 23:32
Riddellan svn snapshot23:32
danttiperfect, if found any issues just poke me23:39
lex79how to add Affects Ubuntu release notes in a bug?23:42
Riddelllex79: if it's kubuntu add a "kubuntu" tag and milestone to 10.1023:53
Riddellthere's a rag for release notes which I forget now23:53
Riddellcheck with skeat23:53
lex79I already did in these days, but they can't fix this bug 65327423:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653274 in linux (Ubuntu) "Plymouth doesn't show Kubuntu or Ubuntu logo with Nvidia proprietary driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65327423:53
lex79so it should go in release note23:54

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