
astm[root@perseus ~]# showmount -e mynfsserver00:38
astmmount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive00:38
astmi'm with a problem on ubuntu server 10.0400:39
astmin some clients the nfs server just works but in a specific client it doesn't.00:39
astmcan anyone help me?00:40
astmproblem solved. thanks..00:50
osmosisis there something lspci, but for getting info about what HDs are installed in my system?01:02
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astmosmosis: lshw, lshal01:04
astmosmosis: parted01:04
osmosisastm, cool01:04
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Andre_GondimI need to copy all folder except one, how may I do this? cp -R /folder ....01:33
demonsporkwhat is a good network usage monitor for Ubuntu? I would love if there was a good one that could keep daily/weekly/monthly usage stats as well as a live load count - even better if auto generates the report in HTML or something01:49
pmatulisdemonspork: cactii mabye01:52
pmatulis!info cacti | demonspork01:54
ubottudemonspork: cacti (source: cacti): Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.7e-2 (lucid), package size 2033 kB, installed size 5488 kB01:54
kinygosAndre_Gondim: perhaps one of the experts here may answer, but i'd suggest rsync with an --exclude switch01:54
Andre_Gondimkinygos, thanks01:55
kinygosAndre_Gondim: anytime01:56
kinygosthe Full Circle interview with Leann Ogasawara has been shared on facebook...in case she didn't know she's now famous :)01:59
kinygoswould the following command delete the partition table on my disk /dev/sdb...02:13
kinygosdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=102:13
pmatuliskinygos: that will blow away the boot sector, which contains the partition table02:18
kinygospmatulis: awesome, thanks :)02:19
kinygosfor some reason, running that command not only cleared the partition table on disk /dev/sdb, it also cleared a warning about an invalid flag 0x0000 against /dev/sda02:20
kinygosbut i've also lost the disk identifier...02:22
Andre_Gondimkinygos, do you know the syntax? to copy all folder except one?02:25
kinygosAndre_Gondim: i've been using the following (again, i'm a noob so the experts may jump in)...02:27
kinygosAndre_Gondim: rsync -auHxv --exclude=/not_copied --exclude=/dest /* /dest02:28
kinygosAndre_Gondim: check the switches though, for example, -H is to preserve hard links, you may not want that02:29
Andre_Gondimwhere are the source?02:29
kinygosin my command there, the source is /*02:30
Andre_Gondimhmm ok02:30
kinygosand the destination was /dest02:30
twbYou should always specify the trailing slash of directories in rsync calls02:31
kinygosAndre_Gondim: sorry...the command should be:02:31
kinygosrsync -auHxv --exclude=/not_copied/* --exclude=/dest/* /source/* /dest/02:31
kinygostwb: absolutely right...my mistake, my mistake02:32
Andre_Gondimlet me try02:33
kinygosAndre_Gondim: and in that command, the source directory being copied is /source/ which cannot contain /not_copied/ so i will now go to sleep02:33
Andre_Gondimkinygos, many thanks02:33
kinygosAndre_Gondim: anytime, apologies for any confusion02:34
Andre_Gondimno problem ;)02:34
n3klI am new to libvirt and struggling to get the network to work like I think it should.  Is this a good place to ask about it?03:19
demonsporkCacti. I have been over the manual for over an hour and I haven't even successfully gotten it to graph or even begin monitoring my network usage. Anyone have any pointers? my current break point is that I have no idea what I am doing with snmp, all of the guides just say "enter your snmp community" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN03:40
n3kla community is like a password.  When you go into cacti, you will want to add devices, yes?  So when you add the device, you should be able to turn on snmp, then choose the version and set your community and graphs03:42
n3klyou can test to see if snmp is woking with snmpwalk from another box03:42
twbn3kl: yes, or #virt (#libvirt?)03:43
n3klor locally, but iirc you need to change your /etc/default/snmpd to listen on another interface03:43
n3kltwb: thanks03:43
DaveWMwhat package would i install to get ciphers for sshd working,  i searched apt for blowfish and arcfour  but it lists a lot of packages,  not sure what i should install05:05
DaveWMi'm working off of a openvz minimal ubuntu server template,  so i guess some of that stuff was left out05:06
DaveWMnm,  got it working05:08
twbDaveWM: sshd ciphers are compiled in05:11
twbDaveWM: you can choose which are enabled (and their order of preference) by customizing the Ciphers value in sshd_config or ssh_config.05:12
twbNote: the Cipher option (singular) only applies to legacy SSHv1 connections, and you really shouldn't use SSHv1.05:13
DaveWMtwb : thanks ,  i'm trying to get x11forwarding to perform a little better over mobile connection05:17
twbAnything telling you to set "Cipher blowfish" is obsolete; ignore it.05:17
twbOh, X11.  You should look into NX.05:18
DaveWMyea i read plenty stating it as being faster05:18
DaveWMtwb : what all would i have to do to set that up?  i just did apt-get install nxproxy05:25
twbI don't use NX, so I cna't help05:26
DaveWMah,  ok,  well thanks for the tip anyway,  looks like a good idea05:26
demonsporkcrap. I can't check snmp from another machine, my other machine is down05:26
DaveWMtwb : using nx running xterm remotely,  its oddly faster than a normal ssh session to that server ??  heh05:56
DaveWMstill not really great,  i was hoping to run quassel irc client remotely,  but i think its a bit too resource heavy for that sort of thing on this connection,   i dunno05:57
twbIf you aren't encrypting NX you probably should be.05:58
qman__I prefer the irssi + screen method05:58
twbI dunno why you wouldn't just learn irssi and run it in screen on a server05:58
DaveWMi like GUI,  heh05:58
twbGUIs are for pussies05:58
DaveWMi am what i eat05:58
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DaveWMbare in mind i'm like 70% windows and only 30% linux...   and that 30% has really mostly spawned recently06:00
demonsporkso I get graphs that generate and update properly in cacti for localhost users, processes, load and memory06:22
demonsporkbut the graph for my snmp traffic monitoring isn't generating06:23
_Techie_has anyone had experience with ioncube loader?06:23
demonsporkI think it is because I have no idea what to put for Index Value in the Custom Data section of the data source06:23
cedmcan anyone let me know if I can upgrade an EC2 ubuntu server from 9.10 to 10.04 LTS with a plain dist-upgrade?06:40
cedmas in the same way as upgrading a local machine?06:41
cedmok... how about just upgrading the kernel via a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? is it safe? will the server automatically pick up the newest kernel on reboot?06:46
savidHi, I have a crontab in /etc/cron.d,  but it doesn't appear to be running.   Any ideas what might keep it from running?   I have a simple test which does not seem to be working:   * * * * * root /bin/echo "TEST" &> /var/log/test.log07:16
savidoh nm,  I keep forgetting crontab files can't have "." in the name07:17
_Techie_has anyone had experience with ioncube loader?07:25
DaveWMtwb : apparently i could have saved myself some trouble,  i didnt realize that quassel has a client/core(server) component to it,  so no need to forward the GUI,  just gotta run the client and connect to the core remotely07:28
twbWhatever man07:28
RoAkkirkland, if I wanted to setup a UEC in VM's, should I use briged networking or with NAT will be enough?07:29
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_rubenguess i should give up on trying to have dots in my non-fqdn hostname and go for a naming scheme based on dashes or whatever instead08:24
UweBollsFunderI'm planning to install Ubuntu Server in a VM. Does it matter whether I select 32-bit or 64-bit? Are there some packages only made for one but not the other?08:30
UweBollsFunderis...uh...anyone around?08:33
UweBollsFunderI already got my answer in #ubuntu: the 64-bit version would not have run at all in Vmware. Thanks anyway though08:37
_ruben64bits works fine in vmware, *if* your host supports it08:38
_rubenthen again, vmware's a company, not a product08:38
UweBollsFunderYeah, sorry, I meant  Vmware Workstation , which is a 32-bit program.08:39
_rubenUweBollsFunder: doesnt matter either, it depends on if your cpu supports 64bits virtualization extensions (amd-v or intel-vt)08:40
UweBollsFunderbtw, give a medal to the guy who designed that "Get Ubuntu Server Edition download" page.  3 steps, collapsed by default, with a "Show me how" button that provides screenshots. Page is very minimal but extremely informative.08:42
UweBollsFunderruben: oh, I see. Yeah, mine doesn't, it's a lower-end C2D.08:42
UweBollsFunderI can always buy a fancier one if I ever need it08:44
UweBollsFunderwe'll see how this goes08:45
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UweBollsFunderhow stable is mdadm between upgrades? Is it the sort of software I should never update because it's risker than sticking with the version that created the RAID?08:46
_rubennever had any problems myself with mdadm upgrades, ymmv though :)08:49
UweBollsFunderthanks, and gn08:57
Osmosis good mornig everybody09:17
Osmosis   somebody know a way to intall a deb package with dpkg that accept console clauses09:17
Osmosis   i need install a software remotely and this is a problem09:17
Osmosismy doubt is how install an aplication that force to you to acept some clause in the middle of the instalation09:18
Osmosis and i want install remotely and can not accept this clausules09:18
Osmosisand i do with a Script, so no option like ssh dpkg or something like that09:18
_rubenthose things tend to be controlled through debconf, so with debconf-setselections you can pre-set the proper value, might need to use debconf-getselections or the logfiles to find out the proper debconf entry09:20
Osmosis_ruben where you from?09:24
tom_whi... what do i need to create a dyndns like service with bind9? (not update clinet for external service)09:30
_rubentom_w: what is it exactly what you are looking for ?09:33
Osmosisruben what is the name of the package i can not installed09:34
tom_wseveral routers on dsl should be able to change thir subdomain entries on a local DNS server09:34
tom_wfound a howto... http://idefix.net/~koos/dyndnshowto/dyndnshowto.html09:39
Osmosis_ruben already have in my system debconf, that is the aplication? only have one page in the man and dont explain basicaly nothing09:41
_rubenOsmosis: debconf-set-selections is installed by defaul, for debconf-get-selections you need to install debconf-utils09:50
Osmosisalready done thanks09:50
overlord_tmMy computer need more time every boot to detect LVM drives. On fresh install it booted just fine, then next day i had to change rootdelay to 90 in order to boot. Today even 90s is not enough :/ What could be cause of that? im using 2VG, each on its own md device, using RAID110:13
overlord_tmrailing disks?10:13
kinygosis it strange that /boot is not on the primary partition flagged as the boot partition?10:18
twbkinygos: no10:24
twbthe bootable flag is ignored by grub10:24
kinygostwb: thanks :)10:28
overlord_tmhow can i check if disk is ok? smartctl? anything else?10:31
twboverlord_tm: smartctl can tell the disk to run self-tests10:31
twbsmartctl on its own is unlikely to find anything10:32
overlord_tmwhat should i do then? i have booted with sysrescuecd and it took 3 minutes to detect logical volumes10:32
overlord_tmyesterday 90s was enough, two days ago it booted in seconds10:33
twbThe command is something like "smartctl /dev/sda -T short"10:34
twbThe manpage should be clear10:34
twbI'd also ask hdparm if it's in DMA5* mode or so, and check dmesg and logfiles for warnings10:35
overlord_tmtwb, i have just executed long test :)10:35
twbAlso, maybe you plugged the (external) disk into a USB-1 bus, or you added another device to the machine which slows down the probe cycle10:35
twboverlord_tm: do a short test first10:35
overlord_tmyeah, i did, but it didnt get any faster when i unpluged and rebooted10:37
twbThere's a small chance that a full power-off will help10:37
overlord_tmtwb, another thing i noticed was that copy speed was dropping. Yesterday it was bout 40MB/s, today i barely reached 12MB/s10:43
twbI don't really care10:44
sid when i try to boot ubuntu 10.04 it gives message mount of filesystem failed CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and retry10:59
sid<sid> snd gives prompt10:59
kinygoscan anyone spare 2 mins to look at my rsync command and tell me if i'm doing something silly (i've rebuilt my server so many times) ?  i'm trying to copy the contents of one disk into a set of raid partitions that i've mounted in /raid/.  what worries me is i'll be doing this on a running system: # rsync -auHxv --exclude=/raid/* /* /raid/11:21
kinygos(i spent yesterday trying all sorts of ways to do file copies on a running system and failed miserably)11:22
overlord_tmremount read only the filesystem you read from?11:23
kinygosit's a remote server...and i don't have access to external media :(11:24
overlord_tmusing LVM?11:24
kinygosi wasn't planning to11:24
overlord_tmi never copied files from live system, you never know in which state it was copied11:25
overlord_tmi either shutdown or use lvm snapshot11:26
sidwhen i try to boot ubuntu 10.04 it gives message mount of filesystem failed CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and retry11:27
overlord_tmsid, have you checked? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130543411:28
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RoyKis there a way to completely disable fb on boot?12:03
DavieySpamapS: When you get this, can you update bug #644587 to state reasons for removal, and the future direction please?13:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 644587 in drizzle "Please remove drizzle from maverick (was: fails to build from source on maverick)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64458713:08
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mianosmHey guys, could someone tell me why this might happen? http://pastebin.com/uhrrDg8Z13:54
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Babblebackwhy when i install an ide drive to use as a back up I get errors on startup about the drives automatically mounted and it stating that the mount points are busy and it doesn't finish starting up?14:03
Babblebackhaven't had a chance to format and add the new drive to fstab yet because I can't start up with it installed14:03
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AlanHow do i get ubuntu server to automatically get an IPv6 address?14:05
AlanI've got an IPv6 router running on my network now, and all the other machines manage it fine...14:05
Babblebackshould just show up as hda after its recognized in the BIOS correct?14:06
xfafDaviey: about that nmbd bug i havent been able to reproduce it can you?14:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #652545 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65254514:45
SpamapSDaviey: bug 644587 updated14:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 644587 in drizzle "Please remove drizzle from maverick (was: fails to build from source on maverick)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64458714:55
DavieySpamapS: Awesome... the release team wanted a little more clarification..   it's "Fix Released" now \o/14:55
SpamapScjwatson: thanks for that btw. :)14:56
* SpamapS wonders if cjwatson ever sleeps.14:56
cjwatsonso does my wife14:56
ScottKWant more clarification?14:57
SpamapSScottK: on cjwatson's wife's perception of cjwatson's sleep schedule, or the bug?15:00
ScottKI wasn't sure, so I was seeking clarification.15:01
ScottKSpamapS: It didn't need to go in the bug, but don't forget once drizzle is in Natty, you can ask for a backport to get it in earlier releases.15:03
SpamapSScottK: I often forget about backports, good point.15:05
SpamapSThat reminds me that I need to backport the latest moinmoin to lucid15:05
SpamapSScottK: whats the word on backporting something in main, that has new requirements not in main in the targetted release?15:06
ScottKSpamapS: Backports doesn't care about Main/Universe.15:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #653020 in apache2 (main) "apache2 crashed with SIGSEGV in T.312()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65302015:17
jetolejoin #android15:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #653027 in clamav (main) "package clamav-freshclam 0.96.1 dfsg-0ubuntu0.10.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65302715:26
progre55hi people. Having a problem creating a directory, although doing it under root priv. and have +w priv for the folder16:02
progre55I get "mkdir: cannot create directory `scripts': No such file or directory"16:03
progre55the dir /srv is in place16:03
hggdhDaviey: just a Q: what about euca-add-user?16:06
tacomasteri was wondering because i had read on a ubuntu server  forum that updating regularly is hazardous is that true?16:30
zoopsterhuh? updates are provided because the fix a serious problem or security issue - it's hazardous to NOT update regularly16:32
tacomasterzoopster: ok ty because that sounded wrong but its what it said16:32
mathiazJamesPage: o/16:33
JamesPagemathiaz: o/16:33
mathiazJamesPage: have you worked around the couchdb issue for the iso testing system?16:34
JamesPagemathiaz: yes but not much success - unable to get vm's to boot of a cloud hosted instance.16:34
mathiazJamesPage: how does it fail?16:34
JamesPagemathiaz: gPXE randomly can't get files from the server - I can screenprint some of the errors if that would be helpful16:35
mathiazJamesPage: yeah - if you can easily reproduce them16:36
mathiazJamesPage: I'd have a look at the error messages16:36
JamesPagemathiaz: I'll spin one up now :-)16:36
JamesPagemathiaz: current hudson cloud instance is setup to configure the couchdb instance on a per slave basis so easy to change :-)16:38
mathiazJamesPage: hm - what do you mean?16:38
mathiazJamesPage: is there a couchdb running on each slave now?16:38
JamesPagemathiaz: pinged you and email a few minutes ago - take a look16:39
mathiazJamesPage: ah - minutes...16:39
* mathiaz gets new email16:39
JamesPagemathiaz: basically each slave can be configured to point at different couchdb instance so can be localised if need be16:39
mathiazJamesPage: nice16:40
mathiazJamesPage: I think we should move couchdb to each slave for now16:40
JamesPagemathiaz: also takes quite a long time to upload initrd and kernel on my adsl to the cloud!16:40
* mathiaz nods16:40
mathiazJamesPage: eventually we'll look at getting rid of couchdb16:40
mathiazJamesPage: but for now everything is glued together16:41
mathiazJamesPage: and it seems that running couchdb on the slave is the easiest workaround for now16:41
JamesPagemathias: agreed and it works; current successful tests where run in this way.16:41
JamesPagemathiaz: just tricky on desktop installs as conflicts with desktop-couch16:42
mathiazJamesPage: I've just read your email16:43
mathiazJamesPage: so it seems that local couchdb is the way to go for now16:43
mathiazJamesPage: IMO it makes much more sense16:44
mathiazJamesPage: that way (ie local couchdb)16:44
JamesPagemathiaz: I agree - keeps the test execution completely local with control in the master.16:44
mathiazJamesPage: I'll try to setup a second slave on monday16:44
mathiazJamesPage: it may be interesting to have an option to set whether to upload artifacts or not16:45
mathiazJamesPage: I plan to setup my hudson slave on a server running in a DC16:45
mathiazJamesPage: so uploading artifacts shouldn't take so much time16:45
mathiazJamesPage: however for a DSL connection it may be better16:45
JamesPagemathiaz: suspect it gets more that 400Kbps upload!16:45
mathiazJamesPage: or may be skip some artificats16:45
mathiazJamesPage: IIUC initrd and kernel are the biggest files16:46
mathiazJamesPage: how about not uploading these to the hudson master16:46
JamesPagemathiaz: makes sense - they don't add huge value16:46
mathiazJamesPage: all the other files are smaller - it shouldn't take that much time16:46
mathiazJamesPage: and we'd still have some debugging information in case16:46
JamesPagemathiaz: OK - I will work on this on Monday before you try your slave setup16:47
mathiazJamesPage: great - is the trunk up-to-date?16:47
JamesPageI'll push at the end of today (so next 10 minutes)16:47
tacomasterquick question people keep saying that samba is best for sharing if you have windows computers in your network but what if i only have ubuntu linux computers and no windows computer is there a better file sharing software out there?16:47
mathiazJamesPage: great - could you update the TODO file with the discussion point above?16:48
mathiazJamesPage: to summarize:16:48
mathiazJamesPage: 1. update documentation to outline couchdb setup on slave instead of master16:48
mathiazJamesPage: 2. don't upload kernel and initrd as artifacts16:48
mathiazJamesPage: that's all?16:49
JamesPagemathiaz: yep - no problem - I think that covers it.16:49
kinygostacomaster: i'm not an expert here (they're all kinda busy with maverick) so my noobish answer is NFS16:49
mathiazJamesPage: excellent - keep up the good work!16:49
tacomasterkinygos: lol its fine if there busy i will probally figure it out sooner or later and ty for the advice on NFS :P16:50
kinygostacomaster: here's a page that may shed some light for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo16:50
tacomasterkinygos: lol funny i had just found the page on google as you linked it16:51
kinygostacomaster: lol..sorry, i was a bit slow :)16:52
tacomasterkinygos: lol no reason to be sorry ty for the consideration16:52
JamesPagemathiaz: TODO updated and branch now up-to-date in LP.16:54
sh00terhi all16:54
mathiazJamesPage: awesome!16:54
JamesPagemathiaz: :-( it took a really long time but my test PXE boot from ec2 is actually working now.16:55
JamesPagemathiaz: they where failing before.....16:55
mathiazJamesPage: oh well16:55
mathiazJamesPage: given that you've got a working setup with couchdb on the slave16:55
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mathiazJamesPage: it doesn't really matter now16:55
mathiazJamesPage: couchdb running on the slave makes more sense anwyay16:56
JamesPagemathiaz: will you be using -server for your slave install?16:56
mathiazJamesPage: I'm not running the desktop edition on the system I plan to convert to a hudson slave16:56
mathiazJamesPage: (if that's what you meant?)16:56
JamesPagemathiaz: thats great - allows you to avoid the desktop-couch conflict16:57
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kinygosdoes grub want to mount the / or /boot partition?  (grub legacy)17:30
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DavieyScottK: Regarding bug #651138 , zul said he would look at it today.17:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 651138 in likewise-open "likewise-open fails to build from source in maverick" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65113817:39
ScottKDaviey: Thanks.17:39
kentbdoes anyone know how to overcome the automated install error during an automated install of a Node Controller?: "The file needed for preconfiguration could not be retrieved from http://#2"17:56
kentbmy cc, clc, walurs, & ss are all on the same node17:56
kentbor machine rather17:56
SpamapSkentb: thats a very odd url its showing18:02
SpamapSkentb: maybe a type-o in the configuration?18:02
kentbyeah, this about the only related bug I could find on it, but, I don't have more than one CC on my network:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/52414718:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524147 in eucalyptus "UEC NC failed to fetch preseed.conf from CC using lucid-server-amd64-20100218" [Medium,Invalid]18:04
kinygosis there an easy way to completely wipe a physical disk?  i'm still trying to get raid on my live box, and when i ask my isp to reset the box, they only reset the first disk18:09
kinygoslive box?  i meant remote server18:10
* RoyK can't wait to get his hands dirty on the new 120TB boxes arriving next week18:10
SpamapSkinygos: lol.. still?18:16
RoyKkinygos: dd?18:18
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kinygosSpamapS: you have no idea :(  i've found articles that make it sound like it should be easy, like http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/432-setting-up-raid-1-mirroring-running-remote-linux-system.html, but i fail at the first step18:19
RoyKkinygos: how many drives?18:19
kinygosRoyK: 2 physical disks18:19
RoyKkinygos: sd[ab]?18:19
SpamapSkinygos: you were doing so well last time. Where did it fail this time?18:20
kinygosRoyK: yep18:20
kinygosSpamapS: installing grub...18:20
SpamapSkinygos: nobody could help you in here?18:20
kinygosSpamapS: everyone seemed busy, so i've been searching online...18:21
RoyKkinygos: boot on an install cd, switch to console two after the drivers have been loaded, for dev i a b; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd$dev bs=1M count=1k; done18:21
RoyKkinygos: boot on an install cd, switch to console two after the drivers have been loaded, for dev in a b; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd$dev bs=1M count=1k; done18:21
kinygosRoyK: unfortunately, that's my challenge...it's a remote server, and i don't have access to any external media :(18:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #652815 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-common 2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4 not configured after package upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65281518:22
kinygosRoyK: but that command is useful to blat my sdb at least :)18:22
kinygosshall i post to ubuntuforums, or is that a form of cross-posting given that i've been asking for help in here?18:25
RoyKkinygos: explain your setup, please18:27
SpamapSRoyK: he's got a lame hosting provider that will only image his box, no install media possible.18:27
SpamapSRoyK: so we were trying to walk him through creating a broken raid1, copying everything to it, then booting off it18:28
SpamapSkinygos: so how eactly did it fail to install grub?18:28
SpamapSexactly rather18:28
RoyKah - right - I remember from last night18:28
SpamapSbeen like 3 days now18:28
kinygosRoyK: i'm just having it rebuilt now. as SpamapS says, i have a dedicated server with 9.04 on one disk.  a second disk is installed, but not mounted or partitioned.18:28
kinygosSpamapS: here's the last set of steps i took: 1. copied partition layout from sda to sdb with sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk --force /dev/sdb18:29
RoyKkinygos: then run dd to erase that drive and try to create a broken mirror there18:29
kinygosSpamapS: 2. changed partition types to raid auto with # for partition in 1 5 6 7 8; do sfdisk --change-id /dev/sdb $partition fd; done18:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #653152 in dovecot (main) "package mail-stack-delivery 1:1.2.12-1ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65315218:31
kinygosRoyK: here's where i've had a lot of confusion...sda has a swap partition and an extended partition that contains 4 logical partitions...18:32
kinygosRoyK: so originally i was trying to mirror the disk, i'm now trying to mirror each partition18:33
RoyKkinygos: I don't think you can create a mirror of an existing non-mirrored partition or disk18:34
RoyKkinygos: just get the data over, install grub, try to boot on the new broken mirror18:34
kinygosRoyK: that's what i thought...so that's what i've been trying to do, but i failed to install grub...18:34
kinygosSpamapS: 3. i created corresponding raid partitions with # for partition in 1 5 6 7 8; do mdadm --create /dev/md$partition --level=1 --raid-disks=2 missing /dev/sdb$partition; done18:35
RoyKkinygos: try over, please, first dd zeros over the first gigabyte or so on the secondary drive, then make new partitions and so on there, copy the data, try to install grub18:35
SpamapSkinygos: sounds great18:35
kinygosRoyK: ok, that's what i'm doing just now18:35
RoyKyeah, sounds good18:35
kinygosapologies all in this channel, i should've put this in a pastebin18:36
RoyKit's just a line18:36
RoyKno problem18:36
SpamapSkinygos: All of that sounds right. So that should have created empty partitions. the next step would have been to mkfs/mkswap on them18:36
RoyKmultiline pastes should go to pastebin18:36
RoyKat least > 318:36
kinygosSpamaps: yep..that's what i did, # mkswap /dev/md118:36
kinygos# for partition in 5 6 7 8; do mkfs.ext3 /dev/md$partition; done18:36
RoyKkinygos: I think you should use ext2 for /boot18:37
kinygosRoyK: /boot on sda is ext3, i was going like-for-like18:38
RoyKjust use ext2 - well - just in case18:38
RoyKsome grub versions are a bit, well, grubby18:38
kinygosSpamapS: so next i created a directory /raid, mounted /dev/md1p6 in there, then created /raid/var, /raid/home, and /raid/boot, and mounted the corresponding /md1p partition18:40
kinygosSpamapS: then attempted to copy all data with rsync -auHxv --exclude=/raid/* /* /raid/18:40
RoyKkinygos: just use /, not /*18:41
RoyKin case there are hidden files around18:41
kinygosRoyK: excellent :)18:41
RoyKand -u is not needed in this18:42
kinygosSpamapS: sorry, i missed 2 steps before i did the copy...18:42
RoyKalso, with -x, you'll only copy the root fs18:42
RoyKso you need to rsync each fs18:42
RoyKand then you won't need to exclude /raid, since -x does that18:43
kinygosoh, i wonder if that's why it hasn't worked18:43
RoyKkinygos: but so far it looks good, just man rsync first :þ18:43
kinygosbefore the copy, i did 2 other things, one of which i don't understand (...)18:44
RoyKkinygos: what was that?18:45
kinygosRoyK: 1. mdadm -Es >>/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf (which i think puts the uuid of the raid disk into the conf file)18:45
RoyKpastebin mdadm.conf18:45
kinygosRoyK: 2. update-initramfs -u (which i have no idea what it does)18:45
RoyKnormally mdadm.conf won't be needed18:45
RoyKthat's normally read from the drives in recent kernels (after y2k or so?)18:46
kinygosRoyK: my server is currently being rebuilt, so i won't have any files for a bit18:46
RoyKkinygos: you probably won't need to update-initramfs since you copy the bunch over18:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #653154 in dovecot (main) "package mail-stack-delivery (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65315418:47
RoyKupdate-initramfs updates the drivers database, the drivers loaded before the root fs is mounted18:47
kinygosRoyK: at last, a straightforward description of what that does :) thanks!!18:47
RoyKor - well - it creates a cpio archive of needed drivers18:47
RoyKbut still the same, really18:48
RoyKanyway - your initrd file resides in /boot and will be copied if you copy that filesystem with rsync18:48
kinygosso once i'd copied all the data over, at least i thought i had, but it seems i hadn't because of the -x switch, i tried to install grub on the second harddisk18:48
RoyKkinygos: chrooting into /raid might help a lot18:49
RoyKchroot /raid18:49
RoyKthen check if things look familiar18:49
RoyKfrom there, install grub18:49
RoyKonto /dev/sdb18:49
kinygosok..that may have been the issue...when i launched grub, i called root (hd1), then setup (hd1) which failed18:51
kinygosi then rebooted and escaped into the grub menu there...18:51
kinygosi entered find /boot/grub/stage1 and got file not found...which baffled me because i can still boot into the first disk18:52
RoyKwell, try again with chroot18:52
kinygosRoyK: but what you've suggested sounds right, so i'll do that and report back...it may be a while as i need to wait for the re-imaging to be complete, but thank you very much for your time and advice...i really appreciate it18:53
=== Barre_ is now known as Barre
RoyKnp :)18:54
RoyKkinygos: can you pastebin 'mount' now?18:54
kinygosRoyK: what do you mean?  the mount commands i was using?18:58
kinygosRoyK: or the output from running mount?18:58
RoyKjust which filesystems are mounted where - the output of 'mount'18:58
kinygosRoyK: my server is being rebuilt, apologies :(18:59
kinygosbrief afk..real life issue18:59
Dravekxoh cool. i didnt know this was a channel lol19:06
MTecknologyDravekx: they can get kinda whiny over there ;)19:07
MTecknologyjust ask your question though - no need to ask to ask19:07
DravekxI have lamp setup on ubuntu server and want to jail users in their home directories so they can create web pages in a certain directory. how can I do this and can someone help me set this up?19:07
Dravekxnot sure I said that right.19:08
DravekxI want to allow each user to have a folder ( say public_html ) that, when they go to the web and point to foo.com/~user  it will display the contents of /home/user/public_html/19:09
DravekxIve had this setup before, but my server crashed and bought a new one.19:10
EkipsI guess that's the easiest way ;)19:11
DravekxEkips, ahhh!! that looks right!! thanks. :)19:11
Ekipsnp :)19:12
Dravekxany idea how I can jail users over ssh so they cant login and cd around the server?19:17
patdk-wkdravekx, ya, use ssh19:19
patdk-wkand do you actually mean jail? not chroot19:19
patdk-wkcause, ssh logs in users, that is all it does19:19
patdk-wkor did you mean scp/sftp?19:19
Dravekxpatdk-wk, scp/sftp :)19:20
Dravekxsorry lol19:20
patdk-wkwell, sftp is easy, scp not so much19:20
patdk-wkscp is just normal ssh really19:20
patdk-wkit's easy to chroot users, using sshd.config19:20
Dravekxpatdk-wk, honestly, when I create a user, I want them to have access and view to nothing but their home directories19:21
patdk-wkthat is old19:21
patdk-wkI wonder if ubuntu has a new enough ssh for this in lucid, I haven't checked19:21
DravekxI found this one, but not sure if it's what I'm talking about: http://www.marthijnvandenheuvel.com/2010/03/10/how-to-create-a-chroot-ssh-user-in-ubuntu/19:22
patdk-wkactually, that url I posted wasn't the one I thought it was :)19:22
patdk-wkthat was more what I was looking for19:23
patdk-wkand it looks like lucid sshd is good19:23
* RoyK can't wait to get his hands dirty on the new 120TB boxes arriving next week19:33
Dravekxthat's a lot of space19:34
kinygosRoyK: i'm not sure if you still have time, but my server has been reimaged, and i've pasted output from mount, fdisk -l, and cat /etc/fstab here http://dpaste.com/251612/19:34
RoyKkinygos: I don't get it - why aren't the md devices mounted?19:36
kinygosRoyK: this is the initial setup, i haven't done anything to it yet...19:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #332156 in kvm (main) "Network issues with hardy guests/hosts, using default nic and virtio" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33215619:37
RoyKkinygos: you obviously need to mount the md devices before you can copy anything to them, don't you think?19:37
kinygosRoyK: ofc :) i'll do that now and run the commands again...brb19:38
RoyKkinygos: just make sure /raid isn't full of old crap first19:38
RoyKkinygos: you don't want that if it's not on a separate filesystem, do you?19:38
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
kinygosRoyK: indeed19:41
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
kinygosRoyK: i've just mounted my raid partitions, i've not called chroot yet...my mount and fdisk -l output can be seen http://dpaste.com/251617/19:54
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
kinygosoff topic, i know...but i just saw this, very funny, reckon peeps in here may appreciate the humour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg20:21
Dravekxpatdk-wk, I set it up as followed and now my users get this error: Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with this application (BASH is recommended)20:26
qman__Dravekx, not sure what you're doing, but ubuntu's default shell is actually dash, so specify bash if you can20:30
patdk-wkactually, that example only works for sftp20:31
Dravekxqman__, Im trying this: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=22920:31
patdk-wkas I said, scp is really normal ssh, so to limit scp, you would have to limit the shell itself20:31
Dravekxits not working for sftp20:31
Dravekxkeeps giving the error20:31
qman__I have that set up on one of mine20:32
patdk-wkI'm using it too20:32
DravekxI'll double check.20:32
qman__IIRC /bin/false is not ok20:33
qman__try /sbin/nologin instead20:33
qman__my users are configured that way, so I'm pretty sure that's what I ran into20:34
Dravekxalmost. SFTP is saying 'access denied' now and refusing the user password.20:38
Dravekxmaybe permissions?20:39
qman__could be20:41
qman__there's an odd stipulation that the user's home directory must be root-owned20:41
patdk-wkI forget, been a few years since I set mine up :)20:41
qman__and not writable by anyone else20:41
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Dravekxnope. access denied.20:46
DravekxI set the user home to root:root20:46
Dravekxwhat's the default for user shell access?20:53
Dravekxnvm I got it20:57
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=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
kinygosRoyK: i've just tried to install grub after chroot to my mounted drive, and i get the error /dev/sdb: Not found or not a block device...21:22
silentwater77hi ,  i would like to run apparmor on an openvz container(vps at my hoster). but the great google-oracle told me it's not possible. same with selinux. When this is true, which alternatives are possible21:29
jjohansensilentwater77: it is possible21:30
jjohansenbut it requires some work on your part21:30
jjohansensilentwater77: which version of ubuntu21:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #653248 in php5 (main) "package php5-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess dpkg-deb --control gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65324821:30
silentwater77minimal 32 bit21:31
jjohansensilentwater77: okay, the problem is that the setup tools aren't in place21:31
jjohansenand the maverick kernel supports this better21:32
jjohansenbut either should work21:32
silentwater77i looked everywhere. in openvz forums i read that apparmor wont be supported21:32
jjohansenright they don't support at the moment21:32
jjohansenand probably won't until some more base work is done21:32
jjohansenand then we can propose a patch for openvz21:33
jjohansensilentwater77: basically apparmor has the concept of profile namespaces21:33
silentwater77i understand. you telling me thats even possible maed my day21:33
jjohansenyou create a new namespace and then launch the container in it21:33
jjohansenthe container then loads its profiles into the namespace21:33
jjohansenthere is work on a pam_module to do this setup for you and a few other tools but its not done yet so it is all very manual atm21:34
silentwater77i understand. the thing is i dont have access to the host system as i just rent a vps21:35
jjohansenwell that is a problem atm21:35
jjohansenit is possible to create a new namespace within the container, but its more tricky21:36
jjohansennamespaces are inherited so having it setup before the container is created is ideal21:36
silentwater77hmm...maybe i better wait then and until its possible i have to chroot everything21:37
jjohansenbut with a little hackery it could be done in early boot21:37
jjohansensilentwater77: oh and the same thing can be done with chroots, where the chroot gets its own namespace, and can load its own profiles21:37
jjohansenbut again its hackery atm21:38
jjohansensilentwater77: Natty should have much better support for this as that is when the tools are scheduled to land21:38
silentwater77hackery isnt my thing right now. im pretty new to linux, but willing to learn21:38
jjohansenalright, if you have AA questions feel free to ping me, or ask on #apparmor on irc.oftc.net21:39
silentwater77thank you! i really appreciate your help21:39
silentwater77have you got a link to some AA hackery at early boot reading for me ?21:40
jjohansensilentwater77: no, I'd have to make it up as I went, its something I've meant to get to writing but have not gotten around to yet21:41
jjohansensilentwater77: the best place to do it would be in the initramfs as part of startup before upstart gets started, so that upstart is in the new namespace and all of its children21:42
jjohansenso it is not the simplest of hackery21:42
silentwater77ok, this tells me i really should keep my hands off... i had enough trouble with starting mysql by upstart after reboot21:44
silentwater77anyway, i really thank you for your help!21:45
raubvogelIn which of the 3 named.conf files do I put the acls in?21:55
_Techie_is there any major security flaws with webmin, that i should be worried about... im already making it so that you cant access the port directly, and forcing SSL on all connections22:34
demonsporkI have a single physical interface with 5 IP adresses, each IP has various uses and users and I want to monitor and possibly graph usage statistics for connections made to each of these IP addresses22:44
demonsporkwhat would be the simplest way to do this?22:44
demonsporkI am working with cacti right now, and the learning curve is turning out to be quite the obstacle22:45
demonsporkHOW IS SHOT GRAPH?22:45
patdk-wkcacti defently is not user friendly22:45
demonsporkyeah, but so so powerful22:45
patdk-wkatleast when you need to build something custom from scratch22:45
patdk-wkI find munin more powerful and friendly :)22:45
patdk-wkI only use cacti when I have to, and just drop in preformed packages22:46
demonsporkhow quickly do you think I could go from setup to monitoring traffic on a per IP basis instead of a per Port basis22:47
patdk-wkthat all depends on how long it takes you to setup iptables rules, and a script to collect that data22:47
demonsporkper physical port22:47
demonsporkoh, so iptables is used to log the traffic with that setup?22:48
patdk-wkpersonally, I use shorewall, so I use the shorewall munin script, and make shorewall accounting rules22:48
patdk-wkno, iptables is used to count the traffic22:48
demonsporkwell, iptables is another thing I am still learning, as I haven't used it much because the server I ran in my dad's office for years was behing an NAT firewall and I just used port fowarding through that to provide services22:49
demonsporknow I have an internet facing box and I am actually having to learn some more stuff22:49
patdk-wkdunno, I did iptables and ipchains by hand for years22:49
patdk-wkbut shorewall is so much simpler22:49
demonsporkI have a giant stack of pepsi cans22:50
patdk-wkand makes reading and accounting for changes, so much easier22:50
demonsporkwell, imma learn iptables first I think because it is the most widely used and would be useful to know22:50
demonsporkand then I might switch to other options once I am comfortable with iptables22:50
patdk-wkhmm, it doesn't matter22:50
patdk-wkeverything uses iptables22:51
patdk-wkshorewall is just a script that creates the iptables commands for you22:51
patdk-wkyou can always look at the iptables stuff manually if you wish, I do often22:51
demonsporkwell, everything uses iptables except for ufw22:51
patdk-wklike, ubuntu's ufw22:51
patdk-wkufw is just a script that runs iptables stuff22:51
jdstrandufw uses iptables22:51
demonsporkwow, everything is hiding iptables22:51
patdk-wkthough, ufw is just raw iptables commands though :)22:52
patdk-wkiptables is nice, but you can easily cause interactions between rules you didn't intend22:52
demonsporkyeah, I am writing any rules I add for a specific IP and then applying them more broadly once I have confirmed they do what I intend on that IP22:52
patdk-wkplus, when you get more complex, it's nice to hide iptables,ebtables,xtables,ipset, ... :)22:53
demonsporkI could do this sooo much faster if I would just stop playing minecraft for a few minutes22:53
* patdk-wk doesn't understand people that play games22:54
demonsporkbut since my server isn't making any money yet, the most useful thing it does is run a minecraft server22:54
demonsporkminecraft is like LEGO: Online22:54
demonsporkit also is written in java and has a horribly optimized server22:54
demonspork15 users = 100% CPU utilization. And it can't multithread, so I am stuck with a single core of a single CPU22:55
_Techie_is there any major security flaws with webmin, that i should be worried about... im already making it so that you cant access the port directly, and forcing SSL on all connections23:02
demonsporkpatdk-wk, is it usable to install munin from the repository or should I download it and install it myself23:09
euxneksHello, I would like to add another RAID array to my server, but I've never done this before. I have already added the two new drives and would like to set up RAID123:19
euxneksI seem to have already created one :)23:27
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ruben23 hi guys how do i check my ubuntu version installed on my system..?23:47
delimitercat /etc/issue23:48
demonsporkI have an iso from HP with some extra software for my HP server, it apparently is a package repo, so how do I add it to my sources.list properly to be used23:54

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