
bivoTeLe{K} I get to where I can pick the os, if I pick UNR it restarts the machine. If I pick XP it boots normally00:00
TeLe{K}holmser: have you installed the restricted extras? there are some codecs on medibuntu too i think00:00
nogoholmser: did your vlc takes super-high cpu usage? such as 50%00:00
snakeis there a room specifically for torrenting? or better yet torrenting with transmission00:00
bribroderi think there's a #transmission?00:00
khyron_#join ubuntu-br00:00
obrownst__ , ron85, is there a difference between virtualbox and vm ?00:01
st__wmware? yes00:01
TeLe{K}bivo: i dont know wubi but i once read about how to recover data from wubi partitions, have to mount your windows partitions and then mount -o loop your wubi disk,  but i recommend google it00:01
khyron_i need help to join ubuntu brasil00:01
holmserI have restricted extras installed00:01
obrownst__ , ron85, because when I type leftctrl+d in virtualbox, it opens the virtual media manager, not the device menu00:02
holmserand it is using a ton of CPU00:02
khyron_because ei dont speack english00:02
khyron_help please00:02
st__obrown, use 'Device' menu if you're in QT interface00:03
st__khyron //join #ubuntu-br ?00:03
uLinuxWhen I zoom a screenshot at Software Center it shows this image http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6793/scbug.png00:04
uLinuxhow can I fix this00:04
P1asmaster!ops LoRez HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM, PLEASE TAKE NOTE! P1asmaster undecim Habs_ cutiyar wuj Gadgetwizard uLinux aliverius doyle pting phantom11141 khyron_ jcole holmser Janhouse mue bribroder brandonz fiery_orc cfairles Richiie snake gilbiere bivo emanu ede_ Evixion obrown aliverius_ Mrcheesenips gregl FiReSTaRT trism kujablak b0tz mendred_ rafaelsoaresbr Terminator XuMuK noname dirkle krabador jono Fishscene JimmyJ rinus rid00:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
obrownst__ : I am in the virtualbox visual interface, I can not see the device menu anywhere00:05
uLinuxIs this some kind of bug? http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6793/scbug.png00:06
st__uLinux, it means there's no screenshot00:06
uLinuxst__ but there is.. it shows that when i zoom :P00:07
obrownst__ : maybe I can show you a screenshot of what I see ?00:07
st__obrown, I have 3 menus in virtual machine window: Machine, Devices, and Help00:07
st__obrown, sure00:07
=== mendred_ is now known as mendred
trippswhat is the cli command to figure out what package a file belongs to?00:07
glaucousIs there a way for apt-get to recreate /var/cache? Even though it is a cached folder I apparently need to manually recreate all files apt-get wants00:08
st__tripps, dpkg -S <file>00:08
trippsst__, thanks!00:08
Out`Of`ControlHi, will there be gnome 3 with Ubuntu 10.10?00:09
st__Out`Of`Control, no obviously00:09
Habs_Sometimes, the connect to a network icon on my top bar (Ubuntu 10.04) disappears and I can't connect to a network. I can usually connect to any I have it set to autoconnect to by running killall gnome-panel, but then I still don't see the network bar. Any suggestions?00:09
st__gnome 3 will never be at all00:09
nogognome is not a normal package00:09
st__Out`Of`Control, it's myth like Duke Nuk'em Forever00:10
obrownst__: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2094/screenshotspi.png00:10
st__obrown, you need to power it up first00:10
nogoif you want to upgrade freely, just play with xfce or simpler wms00:10
st__then in its window should be menu00:10
obrownst__: aaaaah kkk, thanks for your patience00:11
Gadgetwizardhi i need help00:12
nogogadget wizard by swearing?00:12
Gadgetwizardim running ubuntu on an old ibook g3 and it works great, but i cant get the battery indicator to work, it says taht the batterying is missing and wont give me a value00:12
Habs_Oh, and if I was unclear in my last message, it's only the network icon that randomly disappears, not the whole bar.00:13
deuceponthow does one mount a raid drive to make an image with something like DD00:13
xim_can anyone help me with the expression syntax of the find command, i'm trying to find all files with out a period in them (files with no last name)00:13
trippsI am using aggressive power saving with laptop-mode and scripts to auto suspend usb, etc., when on battery power. How do I prevent my webcam from autosuspending?00:14
donpdonpxim_: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Base.html#method-c-find00:14
deucepontAnyone here have any experience with raids?00:18
cfairlesdeucepont, i've done a few 40 man's before. ba-dum ching!00:20
donpdonpcfairles: nice mmorpg reference00:21
deucepontcfairles, hu hu hu00:22
* nogo is chased by jealous pandas00:22
deucepontJust need to mount a single disk of a two disk raid00:24
deucepontimage the bastard00:24
deucepontthe gods of technology are working agaisnt me00:25
deucepontunknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member00:25
joe_edI want to do some shell scripts in a ksh on ubuntu.  anything special I shd no?00:26
donpdonpthat ksh is antiquated00:28
* nogo uninstalled ash00:29
* nogo uninstalled dash00:30
mr_meadCan an advanced user please give me some advice about potential hardware failures?  I recently replaced a failing HD.  The replacement (one I have used before) is not seen by the ubiquity installer yet is configurable by gparted when I boot from 10.10 or 10.04 USB startdisks00:30
=== sque is now known as SqUe
mr_meadit is mountable, has correct blkid output, is described correctly in Bios and by linux....  I'm flumoxed.00:31
FishsceneDoes Ubuntu support the TRIM command in SSD's?00:31
nogoFishscene: i am curious, is trim in the spec of scsi?00:33
Fishscenenogo: I have no idea.00:33
joe_edhow can i remv the hard carriage returns in a large file ^M's00:34
nogoFishscene: is it better that the sdd can support trim out of box?00:34
mr_meadI've been in here a couple times already today, and no one has been able to really help.00:34
jbrouhardmr_mead, what do you need help with /00:35
nogoa real man can help himself00:35
bradleyI NEED HELP!00:35
FishsceneSSD's depend upon the OS to tell them which blocks are free. This is done through the "TRIM" command which is very important in maintaining the drive.00:35
mr_meadjbrouhard:   I recently replaced a failing HD. The replacement (one I have used before) is not seen by the ubiquity installer yet is configurable by gparted when I boot from 10.10 or 10.04 USB startdisks00:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:36
mr_meadjbrouhard: and mountable r/w00:36
bradleyI am very very new to ubuntu. i just installed it on my sony vaio laptop. i googled how to fix it and i dont get it. my apls touch pad does not work00:36
jbrouhardit sounds like the USB Startdisk might be a problem to me.  I'd try booting off CD if at all possible00:36
bradleyPlease help, sony vaio  apls touchpad not working on ubuntu00:37
mr_meadjbrouhard: good idea, one of the few things I haven't done.  I don't have any blank CD's though.  Plus I've put 10.04 on this exact system (except different HD)00:37
jbrouhardmr_mead, is there no way to get a CDROM drive on your computer to try it that way ??  Sounds like the USB startdisk may not have the proper drivers for ubiquity (i haven o idea how that works anyway)00:37
jbrouhardmr_mead, exact same method I presume?00:38
marenostrumHello. All countdown banners that we embed to our websites are changed to "The next version of Ubuntu is coming soon" text (I believe it happened today) instead of a countdown. Is there any problem?00:38
mr_meadjbrouhard: yes, same method. but how can pampliset and gparted have all the data and not ubiquity?00:38
jbrouhardmr_mead, I have no idea, really.  Is the hard drive known to be good, or is it possible it may be going bad as well ?00:39
bradleyDoes anyone know how to make my touch pad on my laptop worj?00:39
jbrouhardbradley, what viao model ?00:39
mr_meadIt was good as far as I know.  Passes SMART diagnostics.00:39
bradleyit is the f series....vpcf126fm00:40
mr_meadI am going to load the hard drive into another working computer and see what it says.  Thanks jbrouhard.00:40
nogojbrouhard: even you are using a hdd, ubuntu still writes too much by default00:40
bradleyits brand new00:40
joe_edNew here.  Is there an option to turn off the display of joins?00:41
holmserhow can I specify which repo I want a package to come from??00:42
jbrouhardnogo: you're right...00:42
jbrouhardbradley, have you tried the symatpics drivers ?00:42
iflemaand09:38:52         <-- | rooks (~rooks@102-bem-18.acn.waw.pl) has quit (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the00:43
bradleyit is an apls touchpad. and ive googled and found articals with the same problems. they way they show how to fix it i dont understand. it looks like some type of command prompt where u change the code00:43
nerdy_kidi am desperate; i accedently erased my 2 tb drive using the "make usb startup disk" program.  is there _any_ way I can get my partitions back?00:43
iflema09:38:52         <-- | rooks (~rooks@102-bem-18.acn.waw.pl) has quit (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the00:43
iflema09:38:52         <-- | rooks (~rooks@102-bem-18.acn.waw.pl) has quit (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the00:43
DragonKeeperi cant get my finger print scanner to work in 10.04  ... anyone help ?00:43
nogojbrouhard: you may hear of 'cla cla' all the night00:43
jbrouhardnogo: I don't.. i'm deaf LOL! :)00:43
=== Xintruder_ is now known as Xintruder
d1gitalI'm looking for a window$ lookalike WM/theme (just for laughs).  any suggestions?00:44
jbrouhardbradley, have you tried this?  http://www.bhagwad.com/blog/2010/technology/alps-synaptics-touchpad-configuration-in-lucid-lynx-ubuntu-10-04.html00:44
nogod1gital: a xp theme like ylmf (panda's clone)?00:45
aaroncampbellDoes the new Ubuntu (10.10) have Thunderbird 3.1?00:45
bradleyi have not...i just looked at it and i dont know how to do what it is showing. i am very new to ubuntu00:45
CeltiberoDoes anybody know how to use Playonlinux?00:45
CeltiberoI just can't make it work.00:45
QuutarI am having trouble building gcc 5.4.1... i documented all the issues I am having, and the steps I am doing to make it here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9909822#post9909822 can anybody help?00:45
donpdonpQuutar: just curious, why are you building gcc?00:48
st__how can I recover Flash Pen Drive after it has been used as bootable CD?00:48
donpdonpst__: recover?00:48
st__donpdonp, it no longer detects as flash drive00:49
CeltiberoDoes anybody know anything about Playonlinux?00:49
donpdonpst__: that sounds bad. my bootable flash drive works as a normal flash drive00:49
=== noz__ is now known as nozes
Scunizist__: format it as FAT32 and remove the boot flag00:50
HammerHead66anyone know what room the new guys to programing hang out at?00:51
donpdonpHammerHead66: the programming channels are mostly based on language00:51
robbyoconnorHammerHead66: ##programming.00:51
robbyoconnorbut yeh00:51
robbyoconnorall of them are broken up by language00:51
donpdonprobbyoconnor: neat, joining that channel now :)00:51
st__there're always algorithms and data structures discussion etc.00:52
robbyoconnorThat's really not where most hang out.00:52
HammerHead66robbyoconnor: donpdonp: ty00:52
joe_edubuntu forum for absolute beginners has them00:52
q0_0phas anyone gotten an atom n270 to play hulu fine?00:52
q0_0pjust wondering00:52
Braber01what risks am I taking if I decide to unblock the telnet port on my router?00:53
q0_0pBraber01, why telnet00:53
nogotelnet is the lover of scrpt kiddles00:54
Braber01q0_0p: because I want to acess my computer from school and I can't download anything on the campus computers I also doubt I can find an web version of SSH00:55
HabsSo, bottom line, the little wifi icon won't show up on my top bar and I can't connect to the Internet. Help a newbie out please?00:55
st__telnet is ok00:55
nogoeven a bare ssh server is dangerous. you need something special to protect it00:55
q0_0pBraber01, telnet is plain text though00:56
Braber01q0_0q I understand that00:56
q0_0psomeone could easily grab ur credentials if they wanted to00:56
Braber01nogo: how so?00:56
q0_0pi forget but there is software that does it easily00:56
q0_0premember doing it in class00:56
nogonot auto blocking as you think00:56
st__just setup firewall...00:57
nogoif you can figure it out, it's not secure anymore00:57
nogoyou may know it at 10 years later00:57
HabsIs there a way to easily connect to a network through a terminal perhaps?, although a fix would be better.00:57
bobstroq0_0p:  if they're not local to you, and you're not on a hub, it would be hard. but still, i'd use ssh instead.00:57
Braber01my pasword is ********* do you think sombody can crack a password of that length?00:58
bobstroBraber01:  can you use a usb flash drive, portableapps maybe?00:58
q0_0pthey wouldn't need to crack00:58
bobstroBraber01:  well, it would be cleartext with telnet00:58
q0_0pif u have nothing to hide then i guess its ok :)00:58
bobstroBraber01: so if someone were using dsniff at the school router, they'd have it00:58
shodueDoes anyone know how to save an image as a .RAW file?00:59
Braber01bobstro: usb) no because all the school's computers are !windows, telnet) I know telnet is clear text00:59
notworkingwhat software program can I use to record a youtube video to my harddrive00:59
bobstroBraber01:  portableapps are windows00:59
LjL!info youtube-dl | notworking00:59
ubottunotworking: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.04.04-1 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB01:00
bobstroBraber01:  oh.. NOT windows? what are they?01:00
LjLshodue: the ".RAW" extension can be basically everything01:00
Braber01bobstro that ! was to indacate a trigger.01:00
q0_0pshodue, mv somefile new.RAW01:00
notworkingim using ubuntu 10.04 what software program can I use to record a youtube video to my harddrive01:00
bobstroshodue:  you won't be able to recover loss01:00
st__RAW is manufacturer-dependant01:00
LjLBraber01: err, you can sniff from windows too, you know01:00
shodueokay let me be more specific, I want to take an image, and convert it to a RAW image01:01
bobstrost__:  i thought it was a standard lossless format? no?01:01
Braber01LJL I know, but the school has it so nobody can download any thing01:01
bobstroBraber01:  if they ARE windows, might portableapps on a usb stick work to run putty or somesuch?01:01
q0_0pBraber01, u can download thru irc01:01
Scunizishodue: is this for a camera? if so put it in the RAW mode.. then check out the ppa for Darktable.. you'll be impressed with it's edit capabilities of RAW..01:01
bobstroBraber01:  alternately, could you boot one off a bootable usb?01:02
HabsHas this happened to any of you before?01:02
bobstroHabs:  that?01:02
Scunizishodue: the best you can do with an existing image is save as tiff01:02
shodueScunizi: I need to take an RGB image and save each color channel as a RAW file. It must be a raw file, because i'm importing it into a program that processes a bunch of images and they require RAW format (no header and footer)01:02
osmosisis there something lspci, but for getting info about what HDs are installed in my system?01:02
bobstroHabs:  do what?01:02
Habsbobstro: "Habs: So, bottom line, the little wifi icon won't show up on my top bar and I can't connect to the Internet. Help a newbie out please?" "Habs: Is there a way to easily connect to a network through a terminal perhaps?, although a fix would be better."01:03
bobstroosmosis:  administration->disk utility should do it01:03
Scunizishodue: all images coming out of your camera other than RAW (or whatever extension they are using) are already processed in the camera.. RAW relies on you to post-process.  As far as I know there is no conversion from say .jpg to RAW .. but there is the other way around01:03
bobstroHabs:  sounds like network manager applet isn't there. did you try to re-add it?01:04
Habsbobstro: How would I go about doing that?01:04
Scunizishodue: what type of process are you doing with that program?  What is the program?01:04
shoduePrinciple Component Analysis01:05
shodueit's  a statistical analysis technique01:05
bobstroHabs:  hang on, i don't use it anymore.01:06
HabsOk, thanks for helping me out.01:06
HabsI'm on this IRC from my phone right now by the way.01:07
shodueScunizi, does that help at all? I can tell you the name of the program, but it's some basic script type program that a professor wrote01:07
Scunizishodue: you should be able to strip all the exif and other extranious data from the pics01:07
shodueScunizi, how do I do that? with a text editor?01:08
Scunizishodue: I'm pretty sure that when they say you need a RAW file it's basically a .jpg with no info attached to it.  A couple things come to mind.. Imagemagick might be able to do that. and digikam01:08
notworkingI have ubuntu 10.04 and a workspace switcher on the taskbar but when I go to another workspace and click on it, it doesnt go to that desktop01:09
=== ass is now known as eiwoq
phil_in_londonif imagemagick can't yer pretty much outta luck I'd think.01:09
bobstroguys, help habs out. how do you get the network manager applet back? i'm not finding it in "add". i thought notification area would show it.01:09
phil_in_londonswiss army knife that one is.01:09
ShancI am new to ubuntu and was wondering how the computer section works.  Why don't the drives have assigned letters? How do I partition them?01:10
shodueScunizi,  that's exactly what it requires, raw image data w/o the header and stuff specifying file size, etc01:10
phil_in_londonhabs, try a right click on your icon in the upper left most of the screen, that gets you to menu editor, then look through the options for anything related to what you want that is NOT checked and check it.01:10
Scunizishodue: and that's where the confusion lays. when you say RAW to a photographer it means something entirely different than your goal.. I'm looking now hang on.01:11
Habsphil_in_london: Thanks, I'll try that.01:11
bobstroHabs:  also, right click on panel and select "add", make sure "notification area" is there.01:13
Scunizishodue: yep.. imagemagick will do it.  here's a link.. when you issue the command make sure you are in the directory containing the pics you want to strip.. also some cameras save .jpgs as .JPG .. caps make a diff on what the program will do01:13
Scunizishodue: http://scottlinux.com/?p=71301:13
shodueScunizi, thank you!01:13
Scunizishodue: I hope it works for yo.01:14
jinxzswhere i can see update manager in xubuntu01:14
phil_in_londonjinxzs, system/administration01:14
Scunizishodue: I used google.com/linux  which typically returns linux specific results.. :)01:14
Habsphil_in_london: It looks like I'm only able to edit what programs are in the top bars in that "edit menus" menu, and not the icons. And Notification Area is already added to the "Add to Panel" menu bobstro.01:15
jjgalvez__anyone having trouble with empathy? every time it starts the same person is requesting that I add them as a buddy, and every time I decline01:15
nadityamy resolution display not detected.help me!01:15
bobstroHabs:  hmm. i just tested, and adding notification area brings it back for me. it was there and you just lost it?01:15
phil_in_londonhabs, is your login account not an administrator?01:15
nadityahello all..can u help me?01:16
jinxzsanyone who know how to file share here in xubuntu10.04 with windows01:16
Habsphil_in_london: I'm on the admin account.01:16
seidos!ask | naditya01:16
ubottunaditya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:16
phil_in_londonhabs, you should see all the programs/applications, only difference between those you see and those you don't are which ones are checked and which ones are not.01:16
bobstroHabs:  what about preferences->network connections? does that come up?01:17
phil_in_londonpersonally, I'm not a huge fan of the notification app, its a little flakey.01:17
bobstroHabs:  it won't restore the handy icon, but you should be able to connect from there.01:17
notworkingI have ubuntu 10.04 and a workspace switcher on the taskbar but when I go to another workspace and click on it, it doesnt go to that desktop01:17
phil_in_londonnotworking, do you actually have apps running on other desktops?01:18
bobstroHabs:  is yours the only wireless in the area? do you have a hidden ssid?01:18
HabsShould I try removing and readding Notification Area? Preferences -> Network Connections does show up, but i don't know how to connect from there.01:18
phil_in_londonHabs, if you have that option available to you, then definitely yes.01:18
bobstroHabs:  probably can't hurt to remove and re-add. i just did that to test.01:18
bobstroHabs:  what are details of your wireless setup?01:19
notworkingphil_in_london I have the xchat on one and terminal on the other but I cant get to terminal or anyother desktop on the switcher01:19
gnftoxicHey guys. Not so much of a ubuntu issue, more as package annoyance, and finding the right package. I compiled PHP (5.3.3) myself, and I'm having issues with libjpeg. Would anyone happen to know what package, or the lib directory, I would use for libjpeg? (note: I already installed libjpeg-dev)01:19
bobstroHabs:  if you click the wireless tab, you should be able to step through it if you know the details.01:19
OpettajaWill my install of the Ubuntu 10.10 beta update to the release candidate if i run the update manager?01:19
Habsbobstro: There are 2 or three networks in my area, none of them are hidden or have any security.01:19
phil_in_londonnotworking, if you have one in one desktop and the other in the other desktop, how do you know its working or not? I'm a little confused by the reply.01:19
seidosOpettaja, you might to ask in #ubuntu+101:20
seidoswant even01:20
bobstroHabs:  oh... so not *your* wireless? :) if you know ssid, you should be able to connect via network connections.01:20
OpettajaTy seidos01:20
bobstroHabs:  might be worth removing and re-adding the notification area 1st01:21
bobstroHabs:  it *did* work at one time, right?01:22
notworkingphil_in_london Desktop switcher has by default  1 column and 4 desktop rows.. It is added to the taskbar and you can see all 4 desktops.. I have firefox open on desktop 1 with another tab to youtube.  I opened terminal and moved it to desktop 2,,  when I click on desktp 2 to get to the terminal, nothing happens.. but I can see the small window in the switvher showing me terminal is open.. I just cant get to it01:22
Habsbobstro: No, they're all my routers in my house. When I double click on the network in Network Connections, i just get to annedit screen. It workwd just yesterday.01:22
phil_in_londonnotworking, did you specifically place the terminal in a particular desktop?01:22
HabsSorry for typos, on my phones touchscreen keyboard.01:22
phil_in_londonterminal is a little different than most of the apps you're going to run.01:22
notworkingphil_in_london   Yes, terminal is on desktop 201:23
phil_in_londonnotworking, and yet it does not show?01:23
Habsbobstro: I don't see a remove button to remove Notification Area.01:23
krabadorwhere is it http://static.blogo.it/ossblog/ubuntu1010rc.png01:24
notworkingphil_in_london   Yes, terminal is on desktop 2 and it only shows on the small switcher app in the taskbar.. but I cant go to that desktop 2 to use terminal01:24
shodueScunizi, i don't think imagemagick did what I was trying to accomplish01:24
bobstroHabs:  right-click on it. you might have to unlock it 1st. then remove.01:24
lahwranremind me - isn't there a command line program (possibly a gui too) that does something vaguely similar to pandora, in that it profiles music and attempts to guess similar music?01:25
notworkingphil_in_london   Left clicking on the desktop or workspace switcher doesn't work.  I can add apps to any of the 4 desktops but cant get to them01:25
lahwranif anyone could remind me the name I would be grateful :)01:25
Scunizishodue: why do you think that?01:25
phil_in_londonnotworking, how do you have the desktop setup? Particularily for visual effects, none, normal or extra?01:25
notworkingphil_in_london  Im not sure01:25
bobstrolahwran:  not command line, but banshee has a plugin that is supposed to do something similar01:25
Habsbobstro: I don't get any right click menu when I right click "Notification Area" in the Add To Panel screen.01:25
shodueScunizi, while it seems to have stripped the original file of some of that "EXIF" data.   The modified image is opened in a normal image viewer. If it is truly raw, wouldn't i have to specify the file size in order for the image viewer to know how to orient it?01:26
con-mananyone know how to fix a broken  pipe error when trying to connect Anope to ircd?01:26
bobstroHabs:  no, sorry. in the live panel. there may be a vertical bar only showing. right-click that. if it's not there at all, just add a new one.01:26
phil_in_londonnotworking, right click the desktop, click Change Desktop Background, it will present a window with tabs at the top, click Visual Preferences, tell me what you've got set in there.01:26
lahwranbobstro: I swear there was a command line player tho .. argh, what was it!?01:27
Habsbobstro: Sorry, what's the live panel?01:27
bobstroHabs:  the one with the clock and menu buttons01:27
Scunizishodue: good question.. I don't know how that part works .. are these .jpgs you're working on?01:28
notworkingphil_in_london    Thanks my friend.. I got it with your help01:28
shodueScunizi, yes they are .jpg01:28
phil_in_london<--frustrated, fixing niece's computer, installing driver for hp printer, 230MB download W.T.F.???01:28
phil_in_londonnotworking, you good now?01:28
Scunizishodue: will the program accept any other type of format?01:28
notworkingphil_in_london    Im good thx     whats up with your niee's comp...01:29
shodueScunizi, which program?01:29
phil_in_londonmy niece has unfortunately not seen the light, its a winblows box :(01:29
tristan_what light.01:29
notworkingphil_in_london    HAHAHA   Windozzzz01:29
Scunizishodue: the one you're trying to get these pics into / read from etc.01:29
shodueScunizi, the program i'm trying to use cannot work with any other file format01:30
tristan_the light of pulse, clearly.01:30
phil_in_londontristan, the light at the end of the tunnel, you know, the train heading your way.01:30
jinxzshow to configure gigolo for windows sharedfiles im so new01:30
shodueScunizi, are you suggesting i try it out with these files and see if it works? if it does, then they're acceptable?01:30
Scunizishodue: yes01:30
dominicdinadaAll of a sudden my Vbox wont start i have not used it in a week or so but trying to get it to start nothing happens, i removed it all via ubuntu software center, reinstalled the packages with vboxgtk and made sure my user had permissions and still nothing01:31
icerootdominicdinada: kernel-update in that week?01:31
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KillerKristin1what is the Ubuntu Non Support Channel?  I forgot sorry01:32
shodueScunizi, i will try that01:32
dominicdinadaiceroot: i do believe so. Even ran aptitude update/upgrade to check all items and nothing else updates01:32
mushroomblueI do not consent to the terms.01:32
iceroot!ot | KillerKristin101:32
ubottuKillerKristin1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:32
Habsbobstro: Alright. So I removed and readded the notification area, but all I get is my printer icon.01:32
KillerKristin1thx iceroot01:32
icerootdominicdinada: vbox needed to build some moduls for the current kernel01:32
FoolishOwlWhere are the settings for gnome-appearance-properties stored? I want to reset them to defaults.01:32
bobstroHabs:  if you open a terminal and do 'ifconfig -a', does your wireless interface show up?01:33
lahwranwill banshee rearrange my music collection?01:33
krabadorwhere is it http://static.blogo.it/ossblog/ubuntu1010rc.png on maverick?01:33
bobstrolahwran:  it can01:33
dominicdinadaiceroot: so let me get this right. opensource updates = no devels on the same page so everytime i update something else is going to break ?01:33
icerootkrabador: #ubuntu+101:33
KillerKristin1I wonder if this is a support question or not?  Is there a way to setup something similar to Active Directory on Ubuntu Server??01:33
ZearthIf I forward port 3306 and web(80) should a basic Ubuntu server installation have any problems serving a MySQL DB out to the net?01:33
Zearthis there some "duh!" that I missed?01:34
icerootdominicdinada: no, normally if you update the kernel, the vbox-kernel-moduls are also updated trough apt-get01:34
lahwranbobstro: how do I make sure it won't?01:34
dominicdinadaiceroot: this is about the 5th update in the recent month that has broken packages01:34
sam555hello all!01:34
icerootKillerKristin1: samba4 has AD-support, else you want samba3 + ldap01:34
jinxzshow to set gigolo to access shared documents in windows01:35
dominicdinadaiceroot: removing older libs because one package needs new libs but others dont01:35
sam555how does one remote desktop into Ubuntu 9.04 when both users are logged out?01:35
icerootdominicdinada: its only a guess that the kernel-moduls are incorrect01:35
jribsam555: did you install openssh-server?01:35
Zearthoh remote desktop nm01:35
Zearthvnc server?01:35
Habsbobstro: I get no interface, but I get a long list of stats. I wish I could paste them in here but I'm on my phone. They're broken up into eth0, lo, pan0, vboxnet0, and wlan0.01:35
redblacktreeI am trying to configure a headless server, that I can make a remote desktop connection to.  I can connect to the server with VNC, as long as I have a monitor plugged in, but if I boot without a monitor, I cannot connect. (the connection is refused)01:35
bobstrolahwran:  there is an option to turn it on.01:35
sam555jrib: no, i just used the remote desktop option01:35
dominicdinadaiceroot: i have the newest vbox from the website but have not installed yet :/01:35
lahwranbobstro: where...?01:35
bobstroHabs:  ok, wlan0 is a good sign.01:35
jribsam555: you want vnc?01:35
Zearthwhy not just learn command line and use ssh?01:36
Zearthvia putty01:36
sam555Zearth: I use tightvnc to remote into Ubuntu which works fine when the user is signed in, but not when it's the log in screen01:36
phil_in_londonZearth, you shouldn't need to forward 3306, unless you have some kind of funky setup going on there.01:36
jrib!vnc | sam55501:36
ubottusam555: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:36
icerootdominicdinada: the vbox from the website is not managed by ubuntu01:36
bobstrolahwran:  edit->preferences->general->update file and folder names01:36
icerootdominicdinada: only the free-version is managed by ubuntu and delievering always the correct kernel-moduls01:36
dominicdinadaiceroot: so in otherwords the package is "BROKEN" until further notice eh ?01:36
lahwranbobstro: oh goodie it's off :D01:36
ZearthPhil, so dont forward 3306 at therouter?01:36
bobstrolahwran:  that will re-arrange files based on metadata in the files01:36
Zearthit can all go over 80?01:37
bobstrolahwran:  yeah, i got bit once :)01:37
redblacktreejrib, Zearth: This is a home media server, so I want to use VNC so it's friendly for my wife, and so that we can run pandora and the like through web browsers01:37
sam555jrib: I am using tightvnc right now, its just that the user needs to be signed in01:37
Zearthoh. ok redblack... I ended up using PS3 for that function01:37
icerootdominicdinada: at boot you should get a error-message telling you something about vbox-kernel-moduls. check if there are errors01:37
redblacktreeZearth: do you play pandora through your ps3?01:37
jribsam555: that web page should offer you options01:37
sam555jrib: ok, thanks!01:37
phil_in_londonZearth, I manage mysql databases all the time, I've never had a need to do any forwarding for its port yet. Unless of course you've "laid down the law" on your router and nothing gets out unless permitted.01:38
dominicdinadaiceroot: good thing i got a mac, and doze backup on when these packages fail :(01:38
Habsbobstro: Should I give you the stats in wlan0? It will take a while to type.01:38
bobstroHabs:  if wlan0 is showing up, you should be able to connect to an open network via the network connections if you know the ssid.01:38
bobstroHabs:  no, it being there is a good sign. the interface is present.01:38
icerootdominicdinada: its never a good idea to have a mac (or apple-products) but having a backup is always a good idea :)01:38
Zearthwell I thought it was either router problem or mysql server prob... can access the DB fine over LAN, just not outside01:38
bobstroHabs:  it sounds like network manager applet isn't showing but it may appear once we get you connected.01:38
jinxzsanyone how to file share xubuntu-windows01:38
Zearthredblack, cant you use the browser in PS3 for that?01:39
eiwoqiceroot, envy is bad01:39
icerootjinxzs: samba01:39
dominicdinadaiceroot: i guess it is good to have alternative when things over this way break is my point01:39
phil_in_londonZearth, the only time you should need to manage 3306 is if the database is on your system "behind" the router, then by all means you will have to point 3306 to the box that has the mysql server. But if you are just trying to use a mysql client to get out, then not necessary.01:39
FoolishOwlHow can I reset gnome-appearance-properties to its defaults?01:39
HabsThe SSID of the network I want to connect to is Home AP. Is there any way to connect to it through the terminal?01:39
redblacktreeZearth: it hasn't worked for me.  That browser (machine?) is really slow01:39
jinxzsyea i did install but i dont know what to do from there.01:39
bobstroHabs:  read man page on iwconfig.01:39
Zearthredblack, there is a modification you can make on the PS to make inet traffic faster01:39
redblacktreeZearth: plus, I'd like to control it from my laptop, and not have to turn on the PS3, grab a controller, etc.01:39
dominicdinadaiceroot: brb checking the package failures @ bootup01:39
Zearthyeah I see01:39
bobstroHabs:  so yes, it can be done, at least for an open or WEP setup.01:39
bobstroHabs:  more difficult with WPA01:40
icerootdominicdinada: starting vbox from terminal will also tel you the errors01:40
Habsbobstro: Ok. I'll read it now.01:40
redblacktreeZearth: that's interesting about faster internet on the PS3, I'll check that out01:40
Zearthok Phil, yeah it is behind the router, and I need to access from the interwebs01:40
bobstroHabs:  it's something like 'iwconfig wlan0 ssid "Your SSID" etc.01:40
redblacktreeso... can anyone help me get my headless server to be connectable from VNC?01:40
bobstroHabs:  read up on the scan option. that may help find one you can connect to.01:41
phil_in_londonZearth, then yep, point 3306 to the machine with the mysql server.01:41
redblacktreeafter doing some googling, I ended up creating an xorg.conf file, but it doesn't seem to help01:41
Zearthok I did, but I still get my 'or die' message01:41
bobstroHabs:  you're a montreal fan?01:41
redblacktreeagain, with the xorg.conf, it works with the monitor plugged in, but not without.01:41
OkThenso... can anyone help me install drivers from the flash drive i used to install ubuntu?01:41
cyrus_Is there anything more to compiling with G++ than just typing in "g++ filename"?01:41
phil_in_londonZearth, have you added the "outside" user to your mysql user list and allowed that user to be "anywhere" ? This sounds like a user management issue to me.01:42
Habsbobstro: No, actually I made up this alias several years ago when I didn't even know who the Habs were, and it stuck :P01:42
phil_in_londonZearth, I'd do some reading on users rights, any user is allowed access based on assigned priviledges, but also based on where they are coming from.01:43
jinxzsdone install samba and smbfs what else i do to see and access file shared by windows?01:43
phil_in_londonZearth, find the user in your mysql database, and pump a bunch of * into its record, kind of like an irc ident record.01:43
isaacQuestion:  I have a Fujitsu laptop, a6025.  When I move the screen (at all) relative to the keyboard the image flips out, like a video cable is loose.  When I do this it also causes any Linux I have tried so far (a lot) to either freeze up or reboot the computer instantly.01:43
Andre_Gondimis it possible to do cp -r /folder, but I don't want one of all folder01:44
isaacThe question is, can a loose video cable cause Linux to flip out?01:44
Pentium3Is there an easy way to set up my IR port and use it to recieve commands from a remote control to control Rhythmbox?  My IR port is made by SMC.01:44
icerootAndre_Gondim: imo cp dont have include, so you have to use cp with find01:46
icerootAndre_Gondim: exclude01:46
Habsbobstro: The word "scan" isn't even in the man page for iwconfig.01:46
redblacktreeoh, also, if I boot with monitor unplugged, and then plug the monitor in, it does not display anything01:47
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jribAndre_Gondim: or rsync01:47
Pentium3Is there an easy way to set up my IR port and use it to recieve commands from a remote control to control Rhythmbox?  My IR port is made by SMC.01:47
Andre_Gondimhmm, ok, thanks01:47
jjgalvez__redblacktree: don't use vnc for headless server use something like nomachine, freenx or x2go, they don't need a monitor plugged in to start the x-session01:48
demonsporkwhat is a good network usage monitor for Ubuntu? I would love if there was a good one that could keep daily/weekly/monthly usage stats as well as a live load monitor - even better if auto generates the report in HTML or something01:49
demonsporkSay CLI only01:49
isaacSo a working monitor IS required for Ubuntu to boot normal desktop properly?01:50
dominicdinadaiceroot: nothing showing up so far as errors01:50
bobstroHabs:  hmm.. it's been awhile since i used iwconfig, sorry. try just 'iwconfig wlan0 ap any'01:51
bobstroHabs:  then do just 'iwconfig' and see if it shows as associated.01:51
redblacktreejjgalvez__: that may be the best advice I've gotten yet01:51
redblacktreejjgalvez__: will check it out01:51
redblacktreejjgalvez__: do you have a favorite of the three?01:51
bobstroHabs:  try 'iwlist wlan0 scan'01:52
Habsbobstro: Thanks a lot, it worked!01:52
tovellaisaac: i would call that a hardware error more than anything else.01:52
redblacktreejjgalvez__: also, why don't I see a console if I boot without monitor, and subsequently plug a monitor in?01:52
bobstroHabs:  you're on?01:52
bobstroHabs:  does applet show now?01:52
jjgalvez__I've used nomachine, the free version allows two users to connect, and I am currently using x2go. I really like x2go, it feels really fast and so for I've not had any issues with it01:52
Habsbobstro: I can connect, but still no applet :(01:53
bobstroHabs:  ok, well you're halfway there. did you get an ip address etc?01:53
glaucousHow do I disable gnome-search-tool from indexing my files?01:53
bobstroHabs:  google around for missing network manager in ubuntu. i think i've seen help on that.01:53
phil_in_londonissac, unless you have another computer that you can either telnet to or ssh to it from.01:54
jjgalvez__redblacktree: have you tried switching tty screens after you've plugged the monitor in? try ctrl-alt-F1 and see if that brings up a screen01:54
iConstructhello everyone01:56
PolopanosI unsuccessfully tried to get unbutu to send audio over HDMI on my nvidia video-card based laptop. Now I seem to have killed all sound output. It worked by default. How can I set everything back to what it was before?01:56
phil_in_londonhabs, go to the top of your screen, somewhere in the middle where no icons are, then right click, select Add to Panel. Add anything about Network or Notification.01:56
Polopanosnothing is muted in alsamixer01:56
redblacktreejjgalvez__: that doesn't cause the console to appear, unfortunately. I was hopeful. :)  I am going to try to connect via ssh01:57
Polopanosvolume control shows that audio is being played with its equalizer, and I've tried all output sinks01:57
dominicdinadawhat the heck nothing on shutdown about vbox, nothing on bootup in any of the logs that suggest errors starting virtualbox daemon but the DANG thing wont run01:57
iConstructi have a fairly noob question about sources.list. How come there is no 'deb' line added in sources.list for programs like picasa, openoffice etc? Is it because it's supported by ubuntu team?01:57
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Habsphil_in_london: The only thing related to network or notification is the Notification Area, which is already added.01:57
phil_in_londonhabs, remove it, then go back and add it again.01:58
jjgalvez__redblacktree: interesting let me know if ssh works, it should work01:58
redblacktreejjgalvez__: yeah, it didn't.  Now, I'm wondering if It's booting at all01:58
redblacktreejjgalvez__: I've heard of BIOS settings that cause it to halt when no vga is detected, but I didn't find any setting like that in mine01:59
navetzhi can someone help me get multiple sites working with apache2 and ubuntu?01:59
jjgalvez__redblacktree: if ssh is not working, then yes I would think that something else is going in and your not booting up at all01:59
navetzi created this file in /etc/apache2/sites-avaliable : http://pastebin.com/ranbhfvV02:00
Habsphil_in_london: Already did that a while ago. The only thing that gets changed when i remove it is my printer icon and the three little lines, which come right back after i re-add it.02:00
jjgalvez__redblacktree: if your not hearing any "beeps" when it boots I would not think its a bios or hardware issue02:00
navetzit seems to be loading the site but when I go to the servername in my web broswer it crashes02:00
iConstructi have a fairly noob question about sources.list. How come there is no 'deb' line added in sources.list for programs like picasa, openoffice etc? Is it because it's supported by ubuntu team?02:00
redblacktreejjgalvez__: just looking at hard drive lights and such, it seems to do *something*02:00
jjgalvez__redblacktree: I think your going to have to plug in a monitor just to see it boot02:00
phil_in_londonHabs, nothing that says NetworkManager Applet?02:01
redblacktreejjgalvez__: yeah, I've got a monitor I can plug in02:01
redblacktreejjgalvez__: and it does boot when I plug it in02:01
jjgalvez__redblacktree: I've had drives that looked like they were doing stuff and in the end they had failed!02:01
dominicdinadawhat the heck nothing on shutdown about vbox, nothing on bootup in any of the logs that suggest errors starting virtualbox daemon but the DANG thing wont run02:01
Habsphil_in_london: Definitely nope.02:01
bradley_Can someone help me with my touchpad???02:01
phil_in_londonHabs, okay, hang on then.02:01
iConstructi have a fairly noob question about sources.list. How come there is no 'deb' line added in sources.list for programs like picasa, openoffice etc? Is it because it's supported by ubuntu team?02:02
Habsphil_in_london: Ok, thanks.02:02
=== pins is now known as pinPoint
jjgalvez__iConstruct: because openoffice is part of the normal repositories, you will have to add your own entry for picasa02:02
bradley_please someone help me with my touch pad. i do not know how to configure it02:03
bobstroHabs:  but you are connected and getting out?02:03
bobstroHabs:  is it possible you removed network manager?02:03
iConstructjjgalvez: i see. So I should add it manually or through software sources?02:03
redblacktreejjgalvez__: Do you have any idea what the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" option in /etc/default/grub does?  I'm thinking of attempting the fix here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1333717 even though that's not quite the problem I have02:04
jjgalvez__through software sourse02:04
Habsbobstro: I doubt it. I don't remember removing anything. And yes, i am fully connected now.02:04
snailbradley_ troubles wiht laptop touchpads are usually best sorted by googling for the laptop model name/number02:04
eTiger13i setup chroot jail and i thought i did it for only one group but it seems like it did it for everyone. how can i change that?02:04
jjgalvez__redblacktree: no sorry grub especially grub2 is pretty mysterious to me02:05
bradley_Snail i have....i am a noobie to linux and do not understand02:05
phil_in_londonhabs, lets go back to where you can Add to panel again, choose Application Launcher, Forward, Preferences, Network Connections.02:05
iConstructjjgalvez: So none of the restricted, universe, multiverse software installations automatically add it to sources.list correct? Just to confirm02:05
redblacktreejjgalvez__: no problem.  The good thing about this situation is that if I FUBAR it, I don't care.  I haven't done anything with the machine besides install Ubuntu and try to get a remote desktop to work.02:05
KGF2009soreau, I've compiled FFMPEG and downloaded the necessary codecs..What would be a sample line to use to convert a multi-track MKV file to an H.264 MP4?02:05
KGF2009Stupid client, wasn't meant to highlight that person.02:06
Braber01um is it worth it to learn TC shell , the TC shell has a more familler syntax, however I know bash and am confortable with it02:06
jjgalvez__iConstruct: most of that stuff actually ends up in sources.list.d02:06
jjgalvez__redblacktree: good luck :)02:06
bradley_If anyone has configured a touchpad before...please help me. i dont know how02:07
redblacktreejjgalvez__: fyi, that setting seems to have made the startup "stuff" echo to the screen.  It hadn't been doing that.02:07
dominicdinadawell that there is my problem02:07
Braber01!anyone > bradley_02:07
ubottubradley_, please see my private message02:07
Habsphil_in_london: Ok, now I get the Network Connectiojs shortcut on my top bar. I can't connect to a network through Network Connections.02:07
jjgalvez__redblacktree: good to know02:08
iConstructjjgalvez__: i see. i'm gonna check that. Also am i appearing as a normal irc chat user right now? Someone told me i should connect through port 22. I have no idea what that means.02:08
phil_in_londonhabs, did you already have a network connections icon before?02:08
phil_in_londonhabs, is this wireless you're trying to connect with, sorry, wasn't paying really good attention earlier.02:08
jjgalvez__iConstruct: I can see you and I've not using anything special to connect02:08
sam555ok, i need help cause this is WAY confusing02:09
bradley_ubottu i did not see a private message02:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
iConstructjjgalvez__: ok thanks alot for your help. :)02:09
phil_in_londonits all wayyyyy confusing :)02:10
jjgalvez__iConstruct: no worries, have fun02:10
sam555my situation:  I'm using vpn to remote desktop from a client using winxp and remote into an ubuntu 9.04 desktop using tight vnc02:10
Habsphil_in_london: I am connecting to wireless, and no, I didn't have a network connections icon before, but it doesn't help much that I have one now because i cant connect to a network through it and I can access it from System -> Preferences.02:10
sam555so everything works IF the user is signed in02:11
phil_in_londonhabs, use synaptec and install wicd02:11
joe_edhi, i use ":g/\r/s\r//" to remove those pesky carriage returns.  Is there an ubuntu command line equivalent for bash?02:11
sam555however, when the ubuntu desktop that i'm remoting into just has the log in screen, i cannot remote in02:11
sam555i was told to use openssh and I installed openssh server02:11
phil_in_londonsam555, have you tried ultravnc?02:12
iConstructubuntu rocks02:12
bradley_does anyone know how to configure a touch pad i am a linux newbie02:12
{bosco}msg nickserv identify ec&ut#102:12
FunctasticDoes anybody know how to modify the error sound with a custom .ogg?02:12
phil_in_londonbosco you forgot the /02:12
sam555phil_in_london: why would that be different from tightvnc?02:12
Habsphil_in_london: Ok, one sec.02:12
=== {bosco} is now known as Guest76248
kellnolaFunctastic, sound preferences (GNOME)02:12
phil_in_londonsam555, dunno, but I use ultra and I've not had the problems you speak of.02:12
redblacktreewhoops... forget the slash and give everyone your password :-p02:13
phil_in_londonbut then I don't log into windows any more than I have to, fortunately I'm almost 5 weeks windows free, other than my nieces p.o.s. laptop.02:13
Functastickellnola: No, sorry but I meant without a gui interface.02:13
Functastickellnola: I don't use gnome. I probably should have stated that.02:13
redblacktreephil_in_london: you sound like an alcoholic.  windowsholic?02:13
Guest76248hey what processor is better  AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition 3.4 GHz or AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 GHz???????02:14
kellnolaFunctastic, which "error sound"? You mean the terminal bell?02:14
phil_in_londonredblacktree, you got one of them right, but I'm certainly not a windowsholic.02:14
iConstructhaha, i'm a ubuntu-aholic :P02:14
redblacktreephil_in_london: hahaha02:14
Habsphil_in_london: So wicd is installed.02:14
Functastickellnola: Yeah the bell.02:14
phil_in_londonredblacktree, just spent an hour installing a 203mb driver for an hp printer on my niece's laptop, I was reminded how much I love winblows.02:15
phil_in_londonhabs, go mess with the wicd, see if you can get where you need to be with that.02:15
TryptychGuest76248 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google02:15
phil_in_londonhabs, b.t.w what wireless nic are you using? its not one of those softnics like the old softmodems is it?02:16
kellnolaFunctastic, I don't think you can ... but I'm not sure.02:16
Habsphil_in_london: "Home AP".02:16
phil_in_londonhabs, nah, thats your ssid02:16
phil_in_londonwhats the manufacturer, model of the unit?02:17
redblacktreeGuest76248: check out tomshardware.com02:17
redblacktreeGuest76248: they do all kinds of benchmarks and such.02:17
Habsphil_in_london: Oh. I don't know my nick then.02:17
chrysanthemumHow can I get grep to return a substring of a line?02:17
redblacktreechrysanthemum: try sed02:17
redblacktreechrysanthemum: that is, pipe the output of grep to sed02:17
phil_in_londonhabs, nic not nick, (N)etwork (I)nterface (C)ard.02:18
phil_in_londonhabs, generally, you can manage your wireless through the regular network manager, so, I have to assume that your particular nic requires some kind of driver. Is it onboard, built-in kind of deal? Laptop?02:18
Habsphil_in_london: So wcid seems to work. Still not getting the top icon though. I don't know my nic, but I know I was able to connect to this network a few days ago on Ubuntu.02:19
HabsOn this very same laptop.02:19
phil_in_londonHabs, okay, so, wicd can see it , so its a piece of hardware familiar to ubuntu, now we just gotta figure out how to get it back into the notification bar.02:20
phil_in_londonhabs, what other icons are currently in your notification bar?02:20
phil_in_londonhabs, one other thing, no more indistriminate deleting eh?02:20
RxDxi have a core2duo, should i install the amd64 version of ubuntu?02:20
chrysanthemumredblacktree: So lets say i have a string "--name [some name]" how can sed return [some name]?02:20
kellnolaRxDx, yes of course02:21
phil_in_londongrep -o "--...."02:21
RxDxkellnola, amd64 supports the intel archteture?02:21
Habsphil_in_london: Printer, time, Bluetooth, sound, messages, my user, and the shutoff controls.02:21
HabsI don't remember deleting anything.02:21
kellnolaRxDx, they just say "AMD64" - it's all the same thing02:21
phil_in_londonhabs, wow! thats a busy notification panel.02:21
RxDxwill flash run with no problems?02:21
RxDxand java too02:21
kellnolaRxDx, yes, none at all02:22
RxDxok :) thanks dude02:22
kellnolaRxDx, both, yes02:22
redblacktreechrysanthemum: try sed s/--name //02:22
* crack05 is away (Gone)02:22
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
redblacktreechrysanthemum: that should work as long as you're not expecting the string "--name " in a name :)02:22
chrysanthemumredblacktree: I see what your doing there... But let's assume that the line is filled with other text before and after that, that can change02:23
bastidrazorubottu: tell CRACK05 about away02:23
ubottuCRACK05, please see my private message02:23
kellnolaRxDx, flash and java are in the repository already, just search for them after you install02:23
redblacktreechrysanthemum: the portion of the command between slashes is a regular expression02:23
phil_in_londonhabs, you do have a network connections icon in your notification area right? and if so, if you right click it and click edit connections, do you have a Wireless tab?02:24
redblacktreechrysanthemum: so, you're replacing whatever matches the regex on the left, with the string on the right.  e.g. /myregex/myreplacement/02:24
chrysanthemumredblacktree: Yes, im familiar with it from vim... Though never knew i was doing sed02:24
redblacktreechrysanthemum: you were doing regular expressions, not sed02:25
chrysanthemumSo let's say the line is "some info some thing that can change --name [some name] some more stuff that can change"02:26
Habsphil_in_london: When I right click it i just see launch, properties, remove from panel, etc.02:26
chrysanthemumIm still not grasping how to get [some name]02:26
phil_in_londonis [some name] a fixed length?02:26
chrysanthemum.. /.*--name// wouldn't work because the stuff after it is still there02:27
chrysanthemumphil_in_london: No...02:27
saurabhcan someone help me out with default boot loader? i am newbie02:28
phil_in_londonbut the possibility that [ or ] may exist in the prefix or suffix is true right?02:28
chrysanthemumLets assume they cant02:28
chrysanthemumSome name doesnt actually have [ or ] around it... Just spaces02:29
phil_in_londonbut then what would be the parameters for the extraction of the subscing.02:29
chrysanthemumBut i know its always one word, thst folloes --name02:29
phil_in_londonI'd grep for x characters, x being something larger than you'd ever expect and then search the string for a space and rip the left side off.02:29
redblacktreechrysanthemum: try: sed s/.*?--name [\(.*?\)].*/\1/02:29
redblacktreechrysanthemum: I'm not sure if that's the proper way to make the .* lazy instead of greedy02:30
redblacktreechrysanthemum: so no guarantees..02:30
phil_in_londonor grep "--name ........................................................" and then mangle the string for the left side up until the space.02:30
redblacktreebut what we're doing there is creating a group with the (escaped) parentheses, and then referencing the group with \102:30
chrysanthemumGroups... Thats what i was looking for02:31
=== spvensko__ is now known as spvensko_
redblacktreechrysanthemum: seems like you're on your way. gl02:32
DrikAnyone free here to help?02:33
redblacktreeDrik: don't ask to ask, just ask.02:34
scribawfhow do I force a kernal update?02:34
Driki want to boot windows 7 as default instead of uberstudent in grub02:34
Drikhow to do it?02:35
TeslaTonyscribawf: You could install it via synaptic, or apt in the command line02:35
scribawfTelsaTony;  when I get an update of kernal it just wont install but how to do it via apt-get?02:36
kellnolascribawf, huh? just do your regular updates and you will get the new kernels. Unless, you need some special one for some reason02:37
TeslaTonyscribawf: Normally "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" or "sudo apt-get install (whichever kernel it is you want)"02:37
scribawfTeslaTony;  OK think that's the direction I want to go, TNX for the guidance02:38
TeslaTonyscribawf: If it doesn't work, darken our doorstep again until it does02:39
Driki have uberstudent cicero 1.0 installed as second system with windows 7. i need to start is as default selection from the grub boot loader menu.02:39
jigarquick question. is /etc/event.d is removed from lucid ? what is it replaced with ?02:40
scribawfTeslaTony;  hmm think sumptin' not be right?? just wont upgrade or update says nothin needed for upgrade02:40
jjgalvez__anyone having trouble with empathy? every time it starts the same person is requesting that I add them as a buddy, and every time I decline02:41
TeslaTonyscribawf: Which kernel are you trying to go to?02:41
Driki dont see "menu.lst" in boot/grub/  I need to edit it!02:41
scribawfTeslaTony;  well (I think??) the most recent, but think?? got   xxx.x.21 now02:42
jjgalvez__Drik: grub2 doesn't use it anymore02:42
Drikjiggalvez: how do i edit boot loader then?02:43
jigaredit /boot/grub/grub.cfg instead Drik02:43
OkThenheyheyheyheyhey guys02:43
jjgalvez__Drik: give https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 a look02:43
OkTheni have a question02:43
OkTheni installed ubuntu netbook off of a flash drive02:43
OkThenand it wont extract drivers off of a flash drive02:44
OkThenwat do?02:44
TeslaTonyscribawf: Do you have linux-generic installed?02:44
jigarquick question. is /etc/event.d is removed from lucid ? what is it replaced with ?02:44
scribawfTeslaTony; yup sure 'nuf02:44
Driki c thnx all02:44
TeslaTonyscribawf: What about linux-headers-generic?02:44
Dulakno edit /etc/default/grub, not grub.cfg, since that will be regenerated again and your changes lost02:45
scribawfTeslaTony: Correct also02:45
phil_in_londonhabs, still here?02:45
scribawfTeslaTony; in fact whole machine is actin' kinda stupid, probably along with this op02:45
TeslaTonyscribawf: Hrm. Those depend on the latest kernel updates...which version of Ubuntu do you have?02:46
sam555does anyone know if this is still valid for ubuntu 9.04 http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=79824&postcount=202:46
jigarhey guys.. i cant find /etc/event.d in my Lucid...02:47
scribawfTeslaTony: uh let me see umm what is syntax in terminal to find that, please02:47
jjgalvez__OkThen: what drivers are you talking about?02:47
OkThenthe broadcom sta driver02:47
OkThenall of them actually02:47
OkThenit tries to install off of the cd02:47
OkThenwhich i do not have02:47
OkTheni have a flash drive02:48
FloodBot2OkThen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
jjgalvez__OkThen: is this after the install? or during the install?02:48
OkThen10.04 is fully installed02:49
OkThenfrom my flash drive02:49
TeslaTonyscribawf: cat /etc/issue02:49
jjgalvez__OkThen: BTW most drivers are actually compiled in the kernel so are you sure you need them, is something not being recognised?02:49
JohnTeddyI did a regular Ubuntu install, everything works great. I've decided I want to encrypt all my data by default. So I suppose everything in /home? What is the best way to do this, is there a guide somewhere?02:49
scribawfTeslaTony;  ok will tell 'ya in a sec02:49
OkThenyes i need the broadcom sta driver for my wifi on my dell inspiron 1501 to work02:50
OkThenthank you for helping by the way :D02:50
jjgalvez__OkThen: Also you can go into your sources and tell it not to use the CD, and it will get everything from the internet02:50
OkThenbut i dont have internet.... how do i do that?02:50
scribawfTeslaTony:  9.10 \n \t02:50
scribawfTeslaTony, thats 9.10 \n \l02:51
ramonhi all. im having trouble connecting to an AP with hidden SSID. Ubuntu just won't connect at all. I know its not a prolem with the AP or my hardware, because i get no problems with this when in Windows.02:51
jjgalvez__OkThen: on now its making sense, do you not have a wired connection? sometimes you have to use a wired connection to get things started, like downloading wireless drivers, which I don't think would be on the CD anyway02:51
TeslaTonyscribawf: OK. So an older version. the latest kernel might not have been released for it.02:52
OkThenI have no wired connection, but I have a flash drive and I could use it to transfer drivers from windows to ubuntu02:52
ramonive already downlaoded drivers and everything. it works fine with a BSSID. but not with hidden SSID02:52
chrysanthemumOk... So here's another one... I now have a name.. And i want to cat a file that is name.txt ...02:52
scribawfTeslaTony:  do you recommend to upgrade to 10.04, but a little nervous about that as had an instance on a machine and lost alot02:53
jigarhi everybody. I am still waiting for help on my /etc/event.d missing thing02:53
chrysanthemumHow can I get echo "name" | ??? equivalent to cat name.txt02:53
jjgalvez__OkThen: ok then you are going to have to find the deb file for the driver you need and install that directly using dpkg02:53
OkTheni found the file02:54
OkThenbut when i try to extract it it looks for it on the cd02:54
phil_in_londonjigar, never heard of /etc/event.d   perhaps you're talking about trapping events that plugging devices in cause?02:54
jjgalvez__OkThen: is is a deb?02:54
TeslaTonyscribawf: If your current setup is working OK, I'd say just leave it be. If you have an external hard drive and can back everything up, going to 10.04 might not be bad02:54
OkThenwhen i press the 'extract' on the file in the flash drive, it looks for the file on the cd02:54
OkThenim not sure but i dont think so02:54
ramonanyone know how to get hidden SSIDs working?02:54
rwwchrysanthemum: cat $(echo "name").txt02:54
scribawfTelsaTony: yup exactly my thoughts as well and indeed have an external HD to to that with or even using Clonezilla02:55
chrysanthemumrww:  perfect thanks02:55
jjgalvez__OkThen: thats odd what exactly did you download? are you trying to use a linux driver or a windows driver?02:56
dloragI think I messed up the permissions on /usr/local would someone mind checking what the default settings are? I used ls -an before to see02:56
OkTheni didnt download anything but the original 10.04 netbook. I'm extracting the linux driver for my computer's wireless, but even off of the flash drive it keeps looking for the cd02:57
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
Drikgrubcfg is read only in gedit, how to make it read-write access?02:58
dloragOkThen: what wireless you using?02:58
TeslaTonyscribawf: Something you might also try is double checking what kernels are available via synaptic. If you can't find it, you aren't going to update to it02:58
dloragDrik: do sudo su then enter pass and edit it (I'd recommend nano though so it doesn't leave config files laying about)02:59
Steristhellos, i just had my update manager tell me i have a broken package in the system, and to use "broken filter" to locate it. where do i find this "broken filter"?02:59
jjgalvez__OkThen: where are you extracting it from? the only thing on the install are all debs02:59
OkThendell wireless 139002:59
dloragSterist: its in synaptic run that and under the options you will see fix broken02:59
OkThenIm extracting it from the 10.04 install flashdrive03:00
jjgalvez__OkThen: or rather how are you trying to install the wireless driver?03:00
OkThenby clicking on the package and pressing extract03:00
Steristdlorag is it a simple process?03:00
dloragOkThen: if you do lspci and find the line refering to your wireless would be more helpful and if its a usb plugin one try lsusb03:00
OkThenlspci? lsusb?03:01
phil_in_londonlist pci devices, list usb devices03:01
dloragSterist: very simple sudo su makes you root so you can edit system files then nano is a command line text editor you just arrowkey around editing stuff then ctrl + x when done to save. I assume your trying to add other systems to grub?03:01
seidosOkThen, terminal commands.03:01
jjgalvez__OkThen: you don't hit extract it should install if you just double click it03:01
OkThenwhenever i do it tries to find the install cd03:02
OkThenoh well I guess ill try again03:02
jewalotMy rectum has fallen out. :(03:02
jjgalvez__jewalot: sorry to hear that03:02
dloragjjgalvez__: did you tell him to autorun some wireless install cd??03:02
Steristdlorag i think you mixed me up with someone else.. i'm just trying to find and fix / remove whatever is broken03:02
OkThenthank you for helping <303:03
jjgalvez__dlorag: nope, I've been trying to figure out what he has been doing to try to install this driver03:03
dloragsterist: oh lol I'm sorry I thought you were drik yeah fix broken packages with synaptic03:03
sam555is remote desktop tightvnc?03:03
ramonwhy can't ubuntu connect to hidden SSIDs, even though the feature seems almsot advertised.03:04
sam555or do I have to install tightvnc?03:04
dloragsterist: when your done selecting that option hit apply and it should work if not there a few other commands but most likely won't need those03:04
Steristdlorag i checked the broken filter and nothing changes, even after reloading03:04
SheepAreScaryHow do I set up apache that I can access the files in my /var/web from any computer connected to the internet?03:04
Driki dont know how to "do sudo su". am newbie..03:04
KlesscI have a few questions about my Dual Moniter set up when someone has some time03:04
jjgalvez__sam555: you don't need tightvnc you have a vnc client already isntalled03:04
phil_in_londonsam likes it tight tho.03:04
sam555phil_in_london: oh my, phil!03:05
jjgalvez__sam555: remotedestp viewer will do it03:05
dloragjjgalvez__: I know it sounds quite amazing hopefully he will write a post on his epic journey and all but seriously if we just new what wireless card he was using its probably already there in the system somewhere03:05
ramonI really need to get this "Connect to hidden wireless network" thing working.03:05
sam555i'm trying to get this to work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16953&page=203:05
phil_in_londonramon, do you know the name of the hidden network?03:05
sam555allegedly it allows you to start a vnc server prior to someone logging in03:06
jjgalvez__dlorag: seriously03:06
x0rs_haAre there any packages I need to install as pre-requisites if I want to compile most programs.03:06
dloragDrik: open the terminal its under accessories03:06
tomoyuki28jpIs there a command line brightness control tool for ubuntu 10.04?03:06
ramonphil: yes and i know the password and everything.03:06
Drikdoen dlorag03:06
jjgalvez__sam555: don't do it, use something else like nomachine, freenx or x2go03:06
BeirutyI am running wubi 10.04 64 bits, I could not upgrade to 10.10 I got a message that I have broken pacakges03:06
sam555jjgalvez__: are those already install on ubuntu?03:06
dloragDrik: you know about root right? sudo su lets you access those privileges you can edit the system config files with nano go ahead and poke around the # in files means that option is blocked but you can remove those to enable things03:07
phil_in_londonramon, and you're setting the same kind of security layer as well?03:07
Beirutyany solution or should I wait the release?03:07
matiasHi guys03:07
jjgalvez__sam555: no you will have to install them google them to see which sounds better to you, I have used nomachine, in the past and am currently using x2go, both were very easy to set up and use03:08
matiasI have an issue with folders share03:08
KlesscDose anyone have a Clue why my Secondary monitor Will not show up? i just updated ubuntu 10.04 and now it my other monitor dose not work03:08
matiasLa «red compartida» devolvió el error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Invalid parameter.03:08
sam555jjgalvez__: so you were able to remote to an ubuntu machine and log in remotely without someone signing in first?03:08
ramonyeah. i know about that stuff. this even works in Win XP. but for some reason. it wont work in Ubuntu.03:08
matiasCan anyone help me please?03:08
phil_in_londonramon, hmm, okay, sounds like you're up on the parameters, I was just wondering, cause it works here very well on 6 different pc's03:09
jjgalvez__sam555: I do it all the time now03:09
dloragDrik: if you need help fixing up something https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/index.html has some useful tips for beginners03:09
phil_in_londonramon, you don't have mac filtering on the router do you?03:09
x0rs_haIf I do a search using aptitude and there is a capital A before the name of the package, does that mean it's already installed?03:09
rwwx0rs_ha: "A" means that it's automatically installed as a dependency of some other package. "i" is the generic indicator for installed.03:10
Drikdlorag: i just did it by opening as "open as administartor", thanx for help03:10
ramonit wouldnt have anything to do with mac filtering. because running Win XP on the same laptop, it works fine and without problems.03:11
phil_in_londonramon, sorry, wasn't aware it was same system with dual boot, just trying to rule out options.03:11
x0rs_harww: the package i was looking at is build-essential, I heard it is a prerequisite if I want to compile programs with success... Anyone know what I need to do to install it? aptitude install doesn't work03:11
rwwx0rs_ha: "sudo aptitude install build-essential" doesn't work?03:12
dloragDrik: no prob when you do open as administrator the system runs gksudo to give you a visual authentication box to gain necessary privs03:12
x0rs_harww: nope03:12
ramonphil, its okay. im grateful you're trying to help.03:12
x0rs_harww: since it has an A on it, i'm thinking i am suppose to install something else to get it03:12
rwwx0rs_ha: which error do you get?03:12
rwwx0rs_ha: does it have an "i" next to that "A"?03:12
x0rs_hano i03:13
Beirutydoes upgrade to  a wubi 10.04 work?03:13
x0rs_haand no error, just says 0 packages to install and 0 installed03:13
phil_in_londonramon, if you change the router to broadcast its ssid, and create your connection, then change the router to hide it, does that make a difference?03:13
infidwhat's the 'daemon' user for in /etc/passwd?03:14
rwwx0rs_ha: run "apt-cache policy build-essential", copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, link the page it creates here.03:14
ramoni dont have permission to change router settings. it's a workplace network that im trying to connect to.03:14
phil_in_londonramon, is security wpa2 ?03:16
x0rs_harww: i;m sorry I see it now, says "build-essential is already newest version" and the output of that last file says it is installed03:16
ramonno. its wep03:16
jjgalvez__By all have a good nite03:16
x0rs_harww: not sure why there is no i when I search it03:16
rwwx0rs_ha: me either. but hey, problem solved.03:17
phil_in_londonramon, wep or dynamic wep?03:17
x0rs_harww: yep, thanks so much for the help03:17
BeirutyI am getting this error: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.03:17
ramonidk. all i have is an SSID and a key.03:18
ramonthis is the first im hearing about dynamic wep, though03:18
phil_in_londonramon, there are wep 40/128, dynamic, and its variants on wep203:18
phil_in_londonwindows is very limited in its security layer, I'd have to assume its at best doing wep 12803:18
renedoxBinaryDigits: oh hai03:19
SuperMiguelany of you guys running obuntu on a macbook pro?03:19
phil_in_londonramon, have you tried each of the security options available to you in ubuntu?03:19
phil_in_londonramon, keep the ssid, keep the wep, but check the security options, there are about 6 different versions of wep you can try.03:19
dloragSuperMiguel: what is obuntu03:19
ramonalright ill try those. the key is 10 characters long, if that helps03:20
phil_in_londonramon, my bet, its its wp2 enterprise, which will require you to also know if its TLS, LEAP, Tunneled TLS or Protected EAP.03:21
phil_in_londonramon, best bet, check all the parameters of the XP setup, it may not show them all, but get every bit you can out of the security settings there and match them as best you can. Alternatively it should only take you about 10 mins to run through all the possibilities with the Ubuntu settings.03:22
x0rs_hashould I upgrade my 10.04 to 10.10? or should I wait for official release?03:22
rwwx0rs_ha: you should wait03:22
x0rs_harww: ok thanks03:22
iConstructa little bit of help. I"m getting this error when running apt-get update03:23
ramonthanks phil. ill try that tomorrow, as im not in the vicinity of the AP to even test that. but why doesnt Ubuntu configure all that automatically, like in Windows?03:23
iConstructErr http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/multiverse Translation-en_CA03:24
iConstructfor some reason it's not connecting03:24
phil_in_londonramon, it can't, there are many parameters that are set by the system administrator of your network. Its not a guessing kind of thing, as security shouldn't be.03:24
iConstructand this translation-en_ca what the heck is this?03:24
ramoni guess you're right. Thanks again, Phil.03:25
phil_in_londonramon, just have a look through all the security settings on ubuntu, get a little familiar with it, and if you actually know the sys-admin ask them what they are using.03:25
ramongood night03:25
dloragramon: sudo su then nano /etc/network/interfaces and put http://pastebin.com/XBQ2VjB503:25
dloragramon: then just do ifdown wlan0 and ifup wlan0 for it to load proper dhcp info from router03:25
ramonthe terminal is a scary place for a beginner like myself. but im tired. goodnight03:26
dloragramon: networkmanager is crap really I never bother with it, its just a frontend for that one config file and /etc/resolv.conf03:27
iConstructanyone know how to register my nick name?03:32
rwwubottu: tell iConstruct about register03:32
ubottuiConstruct, please see my private message03:32
=== administrator is now known as Guest35705
VisualAssassinphil....lemme guess.....03:34
VisualAssassinur from london?03:34
phil_in_londonyer quick03:34
phil_in_londonI'll definitely ask you all the questions from now on.03:34
phil_in_londonbut probably not the london you think.03:35
D3RGPS31i'm using an ati mobile 5870, with fglrx; my mouse doesn't respond with the trackpad or when i set it to use keyboard keys, wut do03:36
VisualAssassinim sure there a bunch of londons all over....not just london, england03:37
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dloragD3RGPS31: do you have a spare external mouse to plugin for temporary use?03:37
phil_in_londonyeah, theres even one in canada03:37
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D3RGPS31dlorag: not an option03:37
VisualAssassinyeah...is that where ur from canada?03:37
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dloragD3RGPS31: I would suggest doing ctrl + alt + f1 then logging in and doing sudo su then apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade to make sure your system is up to date then type reboot03:38
=== Solaris is now known as Skynet
D3RGPS31it is03:38
D3RGPS31freshly installed, aswell03:38
=== Skynet is now known as get
phil_in_londonyep, 2 hrs from Detroit, and 2 hrs from Toronto.03:38
=== get is now known as Iori
dloragD3RGPS31: fresh install is out of date by time its first burned always updates rolling out you sure?03:39
rwwtrj021782: now talk in here03:39
VisualAssassinwell i am 10 minutes from detroit lol03:39
D3RGPS31dlorag: it is up to date03:39
phil_in_londonall the assassins are03:39
trj021782awesome - thank you rww03:39
VisualAssassinha...yeah right...im glad i live outside the city03:39
dloragD3RGPS31: and you rebooted to make sure all the new modules or kernel are loaded properly?03:39
D3RGPS31dlorag: yes03:39
rwwtrj021782: no problem, my apologies for the confusion03:40
v12extremexOk peoples, i has a problem, I wanted the beta version of ubuntu so i downloaded it, i updated and it asked me to upgrade a distribution, so i did, when i restarted i got the, Cannot find GRLDR error. Ive tried everything and cnt figure out how to boot into ubuntu03:40
dloragD3RGPS31: is there a touchpad on/off button?03:40
phil_in_londonbeta? is that the 10.10?03:40
trj021782no apology needed, it was my own ignorance about IRC03:40
v12extremexYes, yes it is03:40
D3RGPS31dlorag: no03:41
v12extremexbut ive uninstalled the beta and tried 10.04 and still the same error03:41
trj021782Now down to business - I need help compiling03:41
neil_dwhen I use gnome to mount a samba share where is it mounted?03:41
phil_in_londontrj, what are you compiling?03:41
ronaldJEJE SOY NUEVO03:41
phil_in_londonque pasa03:42
rww!es | ronald03:42
ubotturonald: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:42
rww!caps | ronald03:42
ubotturonald: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:42
D3RGPS31dlorag: when i used the open source drivers, it worked well, but the resolution was way off; when i used recent fglrx drivers, the resolution was fine but the mouse was too responsive and i couldn't tap to click; with ubuntu's current fglrx drivers, my mouse doesn't work (with keyboard mouse or trackpad)03:42
v12extremexDoes anyone know what i should do?03:42
dloragD3RGPS31: in /var/log there is a xorg output there and you can try dmesg to see if you find any errors when loading up your touchpad03:42
phil_in_londonv12, are you installing this on a system by itself, or is it a dual boot?03:42
v12extremexDual boot03:43
=== Iori is now known as Cid
phil_in_londonv12, and I have to assume that the other half is that insideous piece of filthy crap otherwise known as winblows?03:43
D3RGPS31dlorag: i'll try that, brb03:43
dloragD3RGPS31: I'm not sure if lshw lists such information about peripherals but perhaps there is a suitable ls based option03:43
DBOcan anyone tell me how to rebase a git branch off of trunk?03:43
v12extremexlol Yes, Ive grown bored of windows 703:43
rwwphil_in_london: that's a little excessive :\03:43
=== Cid is now known as Zenogias
dloragD3RGPS31: it would be good to know what the system is recognizing the device as03:44
phil_in_londonrww, sorry :( I'll tape my mouth shut.03:44
=== Zenogias is now known as Dainn
dloragD3RGPS31: pastebin all the info you get there should help to narrow things down03:44
corinthHi all. Is there a way that I can temporarily disable the need for a program to have executable permission?03:44
=== Dainn is now known as Helmont
rusiviphil_in_london: I'm interested as to why you may not like Windows, can you please mention what you do not like?03:45
corinthI'm running into trouble with a program on a CD - not being able to save "execute" permissions03:45
dloragcorinth: not a clue but if you do chmod +x on it then it will have executable permission03:45
corinthdlorag, see above03:45
dloragcorinth: some way to mount it with executable permissions then?03:45
corinthguess so, yeah03:45
trj021782so is there anyone out there that can lend me a hand with compiling03:46
phil_in_londonrusivi, I've been involved with every version since 1.0, and yes, there was a 1.0, it just didn't live long. I've watched the bloat get bigger. I spent an hour tonight downloading a 203mb file for my niece so that I could install a 1mb file contained within it that allowed her to print to an HP printer. I think thats completely out of control.03:46
v12extremexHmm, ive read through various fourms and cnt find the problem. Different ones have told me to do different things. Ive deleaded the files associated and reinstalled. Whatever was in the update that i done seems to have caused this because it was working before in updated03:46
phil_in_londontrj what are you compiling?03:46
trj021782xorhack 2.003:46
dloragcorinth: what does mount -l say in regards to that device?03:47
=== Helmont is now known as Vash
=== Vash is now known as Legato
corinthdlorag, /dev/sr0 on /media/jediacad_1 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500)03:47
phil_in_londonv12, if you're not too queasy about doing the install in manual mode, I'd suggest creating the partition yourself to ensure that the previous install is gone. Perhaps windows 7 has a disk manager facility that will allow you to do the same. But what it sounds like is that you have bits left over from the previous version.03:47
phil_in_londontrj and this xorhack is it for x86 i686 arm mips ???03:48
rusiviphil_in_london: Thank you for sharing this experience. Just wanted to mention I have an HP OfficeJet 5610v All-in-One and it has been auto-print/scan to paper/file since Ubuntu 9.10 (currently on 10.10 for beta testing).03:48
trj021782PPC 64 architechture03:48
=== Legato is now known as Vaan
dloragcorinth: man I am really old school no clue about this I would just umount /dev/sr0 and mkdir a directory then mount /dev/sr0 directory that auto mount with hal has some trippy settings I suppose03:49
v12extremexYes must be and ive ran a defrag, registry scan, and deleted all that i could. Ima try to create a new partition, i never have so i dnt exactly know how but let me mess with it and see03:49
phil_in_londonrusivi, and I bet the install for it took minutes at the most right? my Photosmart C4250 took 1 1/2 minutes on Ubuntu, as I said earlier, 203mb and an hour later for Windows.03:49
scgtrpi installed kernel 2.6.35 from a PPA yesterday but now i can't get the corresponding headers because "linux-headers-2.6.35-13-generic: Depends: linux-headers-2.6.35-13 but it is not installable" - anyone know how to get around this?03:50
phil_in_londonv12, in your control panel there is an administrator, disk managment, something to that effect that lets you manage partitions. see if you can find that.03:50
v12extremexlol im already on that03:50
phil_in_londonv12, if you can find that, blow the f***er away03:50
v12extremexi right clicked on my hard and clicked shrink, but i dnt think that was right03:51
phil_in_londonnah, thats the first thing that Ubuntu is going to do for you.03:51
D3RGPS31woo, guess it was just a freak moment; fglrx drivers work fine now :303:51
lahwranis there a way to shut up banshee's alerts?03:51
phil_in_londonv12, do you see the unused space?03:51
lahwranthey're filling up my entire screen, see.03:51
phil_in_londonv12, or do you see a defined partition that is not used by windows?03:51
v12extremexno, its stuck right now trying to shrink the hard drive, i need to wait till its finished03:51
dloraglahwran: just installed banshee yesterday so not a clue probably under its settings. I mostly used exaile up until now though03:52
trj021782 0..phil_in_london did you hear me i said it is PPC 6403:52
phil_in_londonv12, well, you could wait for that, and then create a partition in the unused space, format it (which would blow away all the data on it) and then delete the partition.03:52
phil_in_londontry, sorry, no I didn't catch that.03:52
dloraglahwran: mind me asking how are its syncing abilities with playlists and other devices?03:52
phil_in_londontrj, you'll need a cross-compiler for ppc03:52
trj021782can I apt-get that?03:53
v12extremexhopefully it dosent take too long03:53
kellnolascgtrp, obviously, the packager didn't take care of everything. Why do you need that kernel?03:53
lahwrandlorag: I've been using amarok ... and loving it ... but this has such a sweet auto-playlist feature ..03:53
rusiviphil_in_london: The Ubuntu installer/updating is far faster (by a full day) then Vista/XP. Quite a few months ago a relative of mine was working for a Fortune 500 company and I wanted to introduce her to Ubuntu on a Dell 1515 laptop. I tried 9.04/9.10 but the Broadcom wifi would not work so I literally spent an entire day baby-sitting her Vista computer until it was fully installed/updated and had all the programs she was accustomed wit03:53
rusivih. In hindsight that was a great opportunity to bug it but I was not familiar enough with Ubuntu as I am now.03:53
scgtrpkellnola: it contains a patch which makes acpi work on my laptop03:53
trj021782Phil it is important to point out that this code was written speciffically for my hardware03:54
phil_in_londonrusivi, I hear ya...its almost excruciating at times.03:54
phil_in_londontrj, you are running your ubuntu on the ppc?03:54
dloragrusivi: b43 fwcutter and that wl driver sta thing from broadcom are two alternatives to test b43 being most used just requiring firmware cut from the broadcom release03:54
trj021782phil - ubuntu on a PPC based PS303:54
v12extremexHmm, would inserting wubildr into the ubuntu partition instead of my main hard drive work?03:54
phil_in_londonv12, I have no idea what wubilder is.03:55
rusividlorag: I briefly tried fwcutter but was not patient enough as I am now.03:55
phil_in_londontrj, do a search on your computer for c++ or gcc03:55
v12extremexIts the file that isnt found at startup03:55
rusividlorag: Thank you for mentioning that.03:55
v12extremexthe reason i cnt boot into ubuntu03:55
dloraglahwran: have you tried songbird yet? It seems like a total nuke and the kitchen sink in one but if your really into music maybe03:55
=== Vaan is now known as Luffy
phil_in_londonv12, as I say, I don't know, I've never heard of that file before.03:55
=== Luffy is now known as Zenogias
trj021782Phil - OK be back after a bit03:56
v12extremexit may not be exactly like that03:56
lahwrandlorag: does it have a song similarity feature/03:56
v12extremexits something along that spelling03:56
=== Zenogias is now known as Kenshin
=== Kenshin is now known as Shishio
v12extremexSo should i make a new partition, or format the one ubuntu is currently installed on?03:56
phil_in_londonv12, actually ,it should be exactly like one of those03:56
sumosumy audio just crashed. is there a command to restart it? (mint9/ubuntu 10.4)03:57
phil_in_londonv12, you seemed to have a problem as a result of having installed a demo system right?03:57
trj021782Phil - 72 filles with c++ in them03:57
phil_in_londonv12, and from what you can see, does that partition still exist?03:57
v12extremexnvm, ubuntu isnt installed, i just forgot to unmount it from my drive03:57
phil_in_londontrj, any file that is just c++   not c++* , but just c++ ?03:58
dloragrusivi: if you don't find enough info I usually use a few other distro help guides arch,gentoo,slackware. just remember the names and the lspci entry for the card03:58
=== Shishio is now known as Vaan
=== Vaan is now known as Dainn
=== Dainn is now known as Vash
=== Vash is now known as Helmont
phil_in_londontrj, this program you are trying to install, did you extract it to its own folder?03:59
trj021782phil - yes, in /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/03:59
=== Helmont is now known as Gosu
phil_in_londontrj, use a terminal and navigate yourself to that folder.03:59
phil_in_londontrj, then type   ./configure03:59
v12extremexIdk what a demo system is, i cant get it fully installed anymore seeing as how i need to reboot to complete installation.03:59
v12extremexIma try to reinstall it, format the partition that appears, the reinstall it again03:59
phil_in_londonv12, I thought you said you installed an ubuntu demo?04:00
=== Gosu is now known as Zenogias
adantenoob qn but what is the difference between vi and vim04:00
rusividlorag: Thank you.04:00
v12extremexI dnt have a demo, nothing is installed anymore, i uninstalled ubuntu because of this problem04:00
zaneHi. I was trying to make my user account need sudo, and somehow locked myself out.  In users and groups account is disabled04:00
phil_in_londonvim is a little more friendly, but its still not Word.04:00
dloragrusivi: ah here is the page I was looking for http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 just what you need04:00
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
v12extremexI have the beta iso and the latest stable iso04:00
scgtrpkellnola: is there any other way to get the headers, at least temporarily until 10.10 comes out (presumably with new kernel)?04:01
phil_in_londonv12, and did you get this same problem by installing the stable iso as well?04:01
rusividlorag: ty04:01
dloragrusivi: that known pci device chart should come in handy picking which driver you need04:01
v12extremexYes i did04:01
phil_in_londonv12, how are you installing, within Windows?04:01
scgtrp(can i just extract the vanilla kernel somewhere and point things at that or is ubuntu's kernel patched too much?)04:01
v12extremexWith Wubi04:01
phil_in_londonwtf is wubi?04:01
trj021782Phil - no such file or directory04:01
v12extremexIdk, i mount the iso and wubi pops up and i just install it04:01
phil_in_londonv12, nope, not the way to do it.04:01
rusiviphil_in_london: It allows for dual-booting of Ubuntu/Windows on the same HDD04:02
kellnolaso, is xmms completely gone? there is no longer a gui at all?04:02
phil_in_londonv12, does your computer allow you to boot from cd?04:02
v12extremexYes it does04:02
phil_in_londonv12, insert cd, reboot computer, allow it to boot from cd.04:02
v12extremexSo i suppose i shall burn it to a blank cd and continue from there04:02
phil_in_londonyes sir.04:02
braxtonHi I have a printer connected to a pc that's directly connected to my wireless router which this laptop is receiving internet access from. Is there a way I can access that printer?04:02
v12extremexOk, let me try that04:02
plovsphil_in_london http://wubi-installer.org/ quite cool actually04:02
KGF2009Is anyone here good with FFMPEG?04:03
=== Zenogias is now known as MiNdCaNdY
phil_in_londontrj, I don't know what you downloaded but a source without configure is not a compilable source.04:03
trj021782phil - did you hear me say that ./configure did not work04:03
kellnolabraxton, yes, cups04:03
braxtonkellnola: Shall I google it?04:03
kellnolabraxton, lpstat -a -h <pc name>04:03
phil_in_londonplovs, I've managed without it, and without v12's problems, I'll still with the old farts method.04:03
phil_in_londonthanks tho.04:03
v12extremexanyone know a quick and easy iso burner program to download?04:03
phil_in_londontrj, I did hear you and did respond to you.04:04
kellnolav12extremex, brasilero, cdrecord04:04
phil_in_londontrj, I don't know what you downloaded but a source without configure is not a compilable source.04:04
braxtonkellnola: How can I find the pc names of anything connected to my network?04:04
KGF2009Anyone with experience with FFMPEG: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/HydsqCDE Any tips?04:04
kellnolabraxton, the name of the pc with the printer connected (or the ip)04:04
=== orlando is now known as Guest39370
braxtonkellnola: Yes, that one.04:05
phil_in_londonbraxton nmap 192.168.0.*04:05
kellnolabraxton, are you using CUPS on the PC?04:05
phil_in_londonbraxton, that is if your mask is 192.168.004:05
braxtonphil_in_london: Thanks.04:05
braxtonkellnola: No, I've never used anything called CUPS, consciously.04:06
kellnolabraxton, wait, are both of these linux?04:06
v12extremexOk peeps, ill be back if i cnt get it, catcha lata.04:06
braxtonkellnola: Yes, indee.04:06
phil_in_londonbraxton to confirm, type ifconfig in a terminal, that will tell you your ip address, if it begins with 192.168.0 then thats your subnet, if it begins with 192.168.1.  then .... etc.04:06
kellnolabraxton, cups is installed by default04:06
trj021782Phil - IT JUST WORKED!!! I have no idea why this time was successful and the others were not but it worked - I am off to hack my PS3 thanks for eveything04:06
braxtonphil_in_london: I know how to find my IP, thank you. :304:06
drbutti have this funky problem with the audio ports on my laptop. if i plug-in speakers/headphones all the way in the port i get no sound. but, if i put them 3/4 in they work perfectly (sometimes i have to fiddle with them like the wire is loose_04:06
braxtonkellnola: alright.04:06
phil_in_londonk braxton.04:07
kellnolabraxton, ifconfig at a terminal will tell you your ip address04:07
braxtontrj021782: What did you do?04:07
drbuttany ideas why, i guess is what i'm getting at04:07
braxtonkellnola: I am looking for the name of another computer on my network, I'm fully capable of finding my own.04:07
trj021782Braxton - i finnally compiled something in linux - and not just anything but the software to allow me to hack my PS3 and dump the hypervisor04:07
braxtonkellnola: I could easily perform it on that one, but I thought it may be useful if I knew how to do this anyway.04:08
phil_in_londondrbutt, check the connections that you are plugging into the audio ports, do they have 2 black lines on them or 3?04:08
braxtontrj021782: Wow! Good job. What exactly did that entail?04:08
phil_in_londonhmm, so thats stereo, got a ruler handy? are them 3.5mm long or 2.5mm long?04:08
trj021782su root - make - make install - I tried this 2 or 3 times previously but for some reason it worked this time04:08
braxtontrj021782: I meant the code, haha.04:09
trj021782oh I do not know - it was source downloaded from the authors website04:09
braxtontrj021782: Was this a problem with the new firmware update Sony issued disallowing linux?04:09
drbutti mean it's not a big deal, just an odd issue i guess04:09
phil_in_londondrbutt, when you say you get sound when they are 3/4 of the way in , is it stereo or mono?04:10
phil_in_londonyou sure?04:10
trj021782braxton - not for me, i am in linux on my PS3 right now - I never updated past 3.15 (the last firware to allow the OtherOS feature)04:10
=== MiNdCaNdY is now known as Zenogias
braxtontrj021782: I'm envious, I was almost contemplating doing that but now it seems nearly impossible without undue effort.04:11
drbuttactually i'm not 100% sure. let me play something higher sound quality.04:11
trj021782this hack will however remove ALL the restrictions imposed by sony about what can be done in linux04:11
phil_in_londontrj, as I understand it, the PS3 is really kick a$$ with linux on it.04:11
drbuttits mono04:11
nytek_phil_in_london: How does it run?04:11
Braber01Shell: queston, Im more familer with the syntax that TCSH uses, however I know bash well, I can't decide wich one to use04:12
rwwubottu: offtopic04:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:12
trj021782braxton - i got lucky - I bought this PS3 a week ago for $100 and found out that it was still running the old firmware04:12
phil_in_londonnytek, ask trj, he's the expert.04:12
phil_in_londondrbutt, thats what I thought.04:12
phil_in_londondrbutt, do you have access to the sound settings?04:12
trj021782Phil - sorry whats up?04:12
phil_in_londondrbutt, the one with the advanced sound settings parameters.04:12
phil_in_londondrbutt, lets check that, in the Hardware tab, go through the list of options in the dropdown there...see if any of them work better than what is happening now.04:13
beefncheese!info xcompmgr04:13
ubottuxcompmgr (source: xcompmgr): X composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-0.1 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 88 kB04:13
phil_in_londontrj, not much is up just dr's butt04:13
Braber01!info tcsh04:14
ubottutcsh (source: tcsh): TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.17.00-3 (lucid), package size 350 kB, installed size 716 kB04:14
trj021782phil - the PS3 is good with linux this hack should make it kick ass - alot of the processor usage is locked by the hypervisor and this hack will let me dump the h-visor04:14
phil_in_londontrj, I watched a show with a prof from Berkeley that used a cloud of 16 parallel PS3's and it matched a cloud of 48 top of the line pc's04:15
trj021782sorry to cut and run but I must be going, I will come back with a report on my success or failure04:15
drbuttonly one i get sound from is: analog stero duplex.04:16
phil_in_londondrbutt, sorry about that, I had you go there cause I was wondering if your audio was outputting digital or analog, you've answered that.04:18
phil_in_londondrbutt, sure sounds like the ports are perhaps faulty.04:18
drbuttyou could be right04:18
drbutti don't have another os to test it04:19
perlsyntaxWhat does this  error mean04:19
drbuttoh well, guess i'll make use out of my hdmi output finally04:19
phil_in_londondrbutt, it seems a physical problem though, you say yourself that they don't actually go in all the way...which we all hate :)04:19
perlsyntax(initramfs) mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed input/output error04:20
wentrunahuelhola alguien que hable español?04:20
drbuttrefurbished laptop is refurbished. i have a warranty, i dunno if i wanna pay shipping costs on something like that though.04:20
drbuttthanks for the help phil, afk04:21
phil_in_londondrbutt, as you say, you've got hdmi04:21
rwwubottu es | wentrunahuel04:21
ubottuwentrunahuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:21
Braber01!ubuntu-es | wentrunahue104:21
drewbertI keep getting "X server does not support the specified resolution" at login.04:21
thedayturnsi nuked my computer somehow and am trying to save it with a live cd. so i grabbed "ubuntu desktop edition" off the website.. i go to burn it, but it says that it's about 700mb too big.04:22
Izinucs!resolution | drewbert04:22
ubottudrewbert: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:22
thedayturnsand i found this weird file called ubuntu inside the iso that, when i get rid of it, makes the cd precisely the right size (and it doesn't show up in the md5sum list either)04:22
thedayturnsbut i have a feeling like this is a sketchy thing to do04:23
x0rs_haWhat's sketchy about it? Ubuntu is already free and under GNU, so you can edit it all you want.04:23
gnubuntusketchy as in might break the system04:24
thedayturns:) of course, i wouldn't want to edit it so much that it wouldn't work04:24
Braber01I'm trying to figure out which shell to use I'm comfortable with bash however the tcsh uses a syntax I'm more comfortable with04:24
thedayturnsit seems to be just a reference to itself, an "alias", but im using a mac (which i haven't used before) and im not quite sure what that means04:25
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!04:27
IdleOneBraber01: Please stop with the offtopic comments and also stop messing with the bot in here04:27
x0rs_ha!brad pitt04:27
thedayturnsit appears to be an alias...to itself.04:28
thedayturnsnow that makes no sense at all04:28
Braber01IdleOne: just one queston how is which shell to use an off-topic comment? just wondering...04:28
IdleOneBraber01: it isn't Ubuntu support related, it's your personal preference, you can ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots if you really need to take a poll04:29
Braber01IdleOne: thank you , wasn't really sure where to ask that queston04:30
happydudeAs the responsible adult I am, I am reporting back to inform you that, unless you click the "make default" button in powermanagement, your screen will go black every now and then regardless of screensaver and powermanagement config. :-P04:30
IdleOneBraber01: maybe a more general linux discussion channel. #linux maybe04:30
nuestramaybe :)04:31
IdleOnenuestra: yeah :)04:31
IdleOneBraber01: also #ubuntu-offtopic04:31
drewbertIzinucs: there's nothing in there that addresses my error04:33
drewbertI keep getting "X server does not support the specified resolution" at login, but it still appears to be displaying everything at the specified resolution04:35
Detroit_Bad_BoyAnyone know why minized web pages and programs don't show up in the bottom panel of ubuntu 10.4.1?04:36
el_seanoDetroit_Bad_Boy: you might have removed the window selector app.04:37
el_seanoDetroit_Bad_Boy: try right clicking the panel ->add to panel->Window Selector->Add04:38
manboobs!ops LoRez HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM, PLEASE TAKE NOTE! manboobs funnylookinhat Sylphid ericm|ubuntu hariprs Nextop Okitain slgma Detroit_Bad_Boy tomas-_ Italian_Plumber xev joe75 subir AbhiJit linxeh happydude hitman_ Stevethepirate MetaBot iarp icarus-c Exp1r3d Roush427r jhesketh_ raido gnubuntu drewbert ravic lresende quanru rafaelsoaresbr thedayturns lumgwada shodue nuestra Nozy beefncheese jaykub Nwab dreamer000_ onet1me Gu04:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:38
Roush427rHey, I just torrented a Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six vegas 2, and I don't know how to get it to work in PlayOnLinux. I have the unrar and iso mounter downloaded and installed. I just don't know how to unrar or anything...04:38
thedayturnsoh dear that is a bad question to ask here04:39
IdleOne!warez | Roush427r04:39
ubottuRoush427r: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:39
Detroit_Bad_Boyel_seano: that did it. TYVM04:39
rww!rar | Roush427r04:39
ubottuRoush427r: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:39
* el_seano bumps fists04:39
Roush427rIdleOne, rww: wait, what? via terminal?04:40
AlbertoPRoush427r: typically you just need unrar and everything works in file-roller04:41
* Detroit_Bad_Boy bumps fists back04:41
icarus-ciso mounter?..04:41
Roush427rAlbertoP: Weird... it's not here. just go $ sudo apt-get install unrar?04:41
* nuestra is listening to Ray Charles, Hellelujah, I Love Her So. Great tune when you're as inebriated as I am. :)04:43
nuestraha! Hallelujah! :)04:43
IdleOneRoush427r: the package name is unrar-free04:44
nuestraoops, wrong channel, sry :)04:46
perlsyntaxanyone download ubuntu 10.10 rc?04:47
AlbertoPRoush427r: well I do not know exactly... my experience with ubuntu is limited, I came only recently :)04:47
thedayturnsi did, but then it exploded my computer :(04:47
AlbertoPRoush427r: search for the package providing unrar in synaptics04:48
ndevastatorwhats up with the floodbot thing ?04:48
thedayturnson a related note, does anyone know if the ubuntu live cd is supposed to take like a super long time to start up04:48
thedayturnsit's been showing me the five dots for like 5 minutes, but it's not making any noise or giving any sign of life04:49
ndevastatorthedayturns, depends on your system, and typically it does take some time04:49
AlbertoPthedayturns: no it is not supposed to04:49
CowboyTechmany singlr cores take tenish minutes04:49
thedayturnsten minutes?04:49
thedayturnswell, im on a dual core04:49
thedayturnsbut i guess i can hold out for a few more04:49
thedayturnsi'm just antsy i guess. i hope i didnt lose all my data :(04:49
AlbertoPit should boot in < 5 mins on your machine then thedayturns04:49
IdleOneshould boot in less the 45 seconds04:50
IdleOne!nox | thedayturns04:50
ubottuthedayturns: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:50
xevmy wlan0 not up.. SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13204:50
xevsudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:50
IdleOnetry booting to text mode and after logging in do: startx04:50
thedayturnsthanks idle, i'll try that04:50
Roush427rAlbertoP: yeah, it's called RAR04:51
perlsyntaxanyone try out the new ubuntu 10.10 rc?04:51
Flannelperlsyntax: #ubuntu+1 has!04:52
AlbertoPperlsyntax: thedayturns answered you before :)04:52
dougpistoni need some help getting video to play04:52
thedayturnsi hope that my answer wasn't definitive though :-P04:52
dougpistonall dl'd video will not play04:52
dougpistonbut in browser will04:52
dougpistonthoughts* 3rd time is a charm04:53
johntrampHi.  I am wanting to execute a command once a file is modified. Is there a trivial way for me to do this, or will I need to create a script to compare md5sums after a time inverval?04:54
christelisaman!ops LoRez HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM, PLEASE TAKE NOTE! christelisaman Italian_Plumber digim0nk bachstudies johntramp almz Genie dougpiston el_seano ndevastator CowboyTech l34k K_Dallas jenue MetaBot h4z|da spvensko_ DualProxy joe75 darthganesh pipeep funnylookinhat Sylphid ericm|ubuntu Nextop slgma tomas-_ xev subir AbhiJit linxeh happydude Stevethepirate iarp icarus-c Roush427r jhesketh_ raido gnubuntu04:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:56
Roush427rAlbertoP: did you get my last message?04:56
brianskiis anyone else seeing all security updates being shown as "recommended updates" instead of "security updates" for the last month or two?05:01
CowboyTechnot here brianski05:02
brianskialso apt-check --human-readable tells me "15 packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates."05:02
brianskiCowboyTech: have you upgraded avahi-* yet?05:02
wgrantbrianski: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list05:02
brianskiwgrant: http://pastebin.com/4FQJpH8x05:04
brianskiCowboyTech: what do you get from apt-check --human-readable?05:04
enetichey.. im having problems mounting my harddisk.. i accedentially plugged it out when i was using it, and now i cant mount it..05:05
brianskienetic: did you fsck the partitions on it yet?05:06
eneticbrianski, i dont know what you mean.. im sorry05:06
brianskienetic: open a command line window05:06
eneticbrianski, yes, and then ?05:06
brianskienetic: then sudo fsck /dev/sdc3 or what have you05:06
TheMusicGuyWhen I am asked "Are you sure you want to logout? [Logout] [Cancel]" and I click "logout," nothing happens. No notices, no hard drive activity, no hangups...it just acts as if I had hit "cancel."05:07
trismjohntramp: you can use inotify to monitor files for changes, either directly in some code, or you could use inotifywait from the inotify-tools package to write a shell script to loop, waiting for changes to a file, then execute your command05:08
TheMusicGuySometimes it does work--like when I just recently logged in--but if I try to logout after I've been logged in for a long time, nothing happens.05:08
Roush427rAlbertoP: ok, so what do I do now05:08
johntrampcheers trism ,  i will look into that05:08
eneticnothing came up brianski .. i dropped it on the floor too.. can that have something to do with it?05:08
AlbertoPRoush427r: no idea05:08
pedestrianentranwhen I plug in usb devices, they aren't always detected automatically.... Only when I reboot. Is there any command I can use to mount a device automatically?05:09
brianskienetic: can you paste the output of sudo fdisk -l ?05:09
TheMusicGuypedestrianentran, are you talking about a storage device? If so, then check out mount.05:09
brianskipedestrianentran: sure - sudo mount /dev/sdXN, where X is a letter and N is a number corresponding to the device and partition thereon05:10
DBoyzhi there05:10
DBoyzi need help with ubuntu05:10
DBoyzi tried installing ubuntu05:10
DBoyzbut i had blackscreen problem05:10
DBoyzso i used an external monitor05:10
thedayturnsi'm getting "no init found. try passing init= bootarg" and my computer will not start up. I'm not sure what to do...05:10
pedestrianentranbrianski: is there anyway without knowing X or N? The system used to do this automatically until I upgraded to latest release of ubuntu05:10
wgrantbrianski: There are no lucid-security sources there.05:10
DBoyznow that i installed ubuntu05:11
wgrantbrianski: Enable security updates in System->Administration->Software Sources.05:11
pedestrianentranbrianski: it works automatically when I reboot05:11
brianskiwgrant: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse05:11
eneticbrianski, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vDKSBXeA05:11
DBoyzwhat can i to not depend on external monitor05:11
wgrantbrianski: lucid-updates != lucid-security05:11
DBoyzanyone help me?05:11
brianskioh sheep05:11
brianskihow the heck did that happen?05:11
wgrantbrianski: Security updates are copied to updates later, but they won't show up as security updates.05:12
TheMusicGuypedestrianentran, there are always a lot of problems with upgrades (at lease any time I've ever tried it). I end up having to do a clean install each time to prevent those sort of issues.05:12
* DBoyz waits for help05:12
BumOnBoaton the new netbook edition, how can I add stuff to the launchbar?05:12
TheMusicGuyDBoyz, more info needed. What sort of system do you have? Laptop I'm assuming? What sort of graphics card?05:13
wgrantBumOnBoat: You mean the Ubuntu 10.10 Release Candidate?05:13
DBoyzhang on, TheMusicGuy05:13
pedestrianentranTheMusicGuy: Yeah I guess i should have done that. But everything else works fine. Surely there is a way of making the system automatically check for connected devices... usb mass storage or cameras etc. It works automatically if I reboot and sporadically at other times.05:13
wgrantBumOnBoat: See #ubuntu+1 for Ubuntu 10.10 pre-release support.05:13
brianskiwgrant: thanks, that fixed it alright05:13
* brianski apt-get installs chkrootkit05:13
wgrantbrianski: Don't worry -- updates are copied from -security to -updates an hour or two after they are published, so you won't be behind much.05:14
brianskiwgrant: that quick? why?05:14
brianskiwgrant: where can i read more?05:14
wgrantbrianski: Because security.ubuntu.com isn't mirrored.05:14
DBoyzLenovo V360 Laptop05:14
BumOnBoatjoin #ubuntu+105:14
wgrantbrianski: So we copy it onto the mirrors as quickly as possible.05:14
DBoyzIntel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator HD05:14
brianskiwgrant: i thought that was a "security feature" ?05:14
DBoyzthats my display adapter05:15
TheMusicGuypedestrianentran, I think automounting is handeled by HAL. Beyond that I don't know what to tell you...anytime this issue has come up for me I just reinstalled.05:15
wgrantbrianski: Every Ubuntu machine points at security.ubuntu.com so they know about security updates ASAP, even if their mirror is slow to update.05:15
johntramptrism: inotifywait is exactly what i am after. cheers05:15
wgrantbrianski: But most machines point at up-to-date mirrors, so they'll download from there instead.05:15
wgrantbrianski: This is what stops the security.ubuntu.com DC from melting :)05:15
brianskiwgrant: is it possible that new installs don't include security by default, or is it more likely i clobbered my sources.list ?05:16
brianskii suppose someone else would have noticed that before...05:16
brianskiwgrant: anyhow thanks for your help05:16
wgrantbrianski: You must have changed it.05:16
TheMusicGuyDBoyz, for starters, you may need to check the documentation for the X intel drivers. Most likely you need to change the X server config file to use the internal monitor by default. I'm not familiar with how that works for the Intel drivers myself.05:17
brianskiwgrant: yeah i think i did. i don't like how the lines take up so much space, so i usually reformat them at some point. and then i probably copied from my server to my laptop or vice versa :-/05:17
ad_I'm trying to figure out how to change the refresh rate of my screen to 48Hz (from 50Hz) any suggestions?05:17
wgrantbrianski: Yeah, the default sources.list is a bit verbose.05:18
wgrantad_: Why would you want to do that?05:18
wgrantad_: What sort of screen is it?05:18
DBoyz[12:17:21] <TheMusicGuy> DBoyz, for starters, you may need to check the documentation for the X intel drivers. Most likely you need to change the X server config file to use the internal monitor by default. I'm not familiar with how that works for the Intel drivers myself. <-- wow... can someone explain that to me?05:19
* DBoyz ish new to ubuntu05:19
ad_Because when you playback content at 24fps, you can't really get perfectly smooth playback unless the rates are synchronized05:19
wgrantDBoyz: Does your internal screen turn on at all?05:19
DBoyzit does05:19
chadbumbIn case you didn't know:05:19
DBoyzi could turn it on and off05:20
DBoyzso obviously its turned on05:20
wgrantDBoyz: It display an image?05:20
chadbumbThe linux kernel was created by a far-left Finnish nationalist by the name of Linus Torvalds. He has stolen code from the then-propreitary operating system which is known by MINIX 3. The creator of MINIX 3, a socialist sympathiser by the name of Andrew Tennanbaum has denied this ever happening, but has secretly received compensation from the wildly succesful Linux kernel. This puts many home users, system administrators, and oems on05:20
DBoyzit displays NOTHING after i boot ubuntu05:20
chadbumbnforce legal action at any time, crippling many industries in capitalist economies. This threat cannot be taken more seriously05:21
wgrantDBoyz: But you're able to log in fine witht he external monitor?05:21
DBoyzi couldn't see anything without the external monitor05:21
DBoyzonly blackscreen05:21
TheMusicGuyDBoyz, if you can access your system through the external monitor, see if you can change you screen settings using tool in Gnome Menu -> System -> Preferences -> Monitor05:22
TheMusicGuy(wow, that was terrible english on my part)05:22
DBoyzgnome menu as in the menu asking for recovery mode and etc.?05:23
suigeneristhis crontab should work, right? 40 15 * * 1-5 cd /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/ && rm today.xml && wget http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml05:23
TheMusicGuythe one on the panel./05:23
wgrantDBoyz: The menu once you log in.05:23
DBoyzoh ok05:24
DBoyzget it05:24
DBoyzhang on05:24
=== AbhiJit is now known as `abhijit
=== `abhijit is now known as AbhiJit
bejohallo ... any one who no ... where i must download camfrog for linux ?05:26
DBoyzone more question05:30
DBoyzi uninstalled ubuntu05:30
DBoyzand im trying to reinstall it back05:30
deenahow about gnome-shell? is it working fine ?05:31
DBoyzi used pendrivelinux to copy my files to my flash drive05:33
sikunjust recently i've been having an annoying problem with my laptop, i'll be listening to music and i'll do something whether it be clicking a link in a browser, or minimizing a window, and it will cause music I am listening to to skip/pause ( I use exaile ) how would i go about finding the cause to this?05:34
DBoyzmy question is05:34
terminalvelocityanybody know how to configure and customize MGM system monitor?05:34
DBoyzwhy does wubi download another iso whenever i try to install?05:34
terminalvelocityany help will be appreciated05:34
csemplehi for some reason whenever I reset the computer the resolution defaults back to 800 x 60005:35
csempleI have to manually change it  every time05:35
csemplehow do I make it stay at the resolution I need?05:35
=== blueman is now known as PorfirioG
Deus_UltimaI have mysqlserver running on my ubuntu box and I can access the DB tables localhost, but not from any other machine on the LAN. By default, should i be able to if its on the same network?05:38
Deus_Ultimain mysql user admin I even have the user enabled on % hosts,05:39
zeleftikamhow do i invoke the on-screen keyboard in 10.10 without having a keyboard?05:40
crazy2kWhat does futex_wait_queue_me as waiting channel mean? I have a process that blocks with that every time...05:44
shaiHow can I list and then, terminate, x11vnc active sessions?05:48
sikunah, figured out my problem... damn cpu throttling was screwing stuff up05:49
mitherealhello all, I am having an error message appearing in my logs that seems to be causing some instability, i cannot find anything on this error in ubuntu support forums  error is "Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO site:ubuntu.com"05:49
DBoyzso i tried changing the resolution on ubuntu05:50
DBoyzit didn't work05:50
* DBoyz ish using windows7 atm, i havent configured the wifi and etc.05:51
DBoyzit only changes my 'mirror monitor' (or something like that)05:52
DBoyznot my internal monitor05:52
zeleftikamjesus christ 10.10 upgrade broke everything that ever worked05:53
zeleftikamsamba, vncserver won't start05:53
zeleftikamthat is all05:53
aldinhi, if there's someone from ubuntu web admins should fix counters on this link http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown05:56
=== mharlow is now known as greppy
JohnTeddyI did a regular Ubuntu install, everything works great. I've decided I want to encrypt all my data by default. So I suppose everything in /home? What is the best way to do this, is there a guide somewhere?05:57
blakkheimJohnTeddy: cryptsetup+LUKS05:58
* DBoyz needs help05:59
DBoyzsomeone help me with my internal monitor05:59
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
DBoyzit wont show anything but a blackscreen05:59
greppyDBoyz: what's the problem?06:00
wgrantJohnTeddy: The easiest way is to reinstall, selecting the "Encrypt my home directory" option in the installer.06:00
wgrantJohnTeddy: There are probably instructions for migrating to that setup, though.06:00
DBoyzgreppy: i installed ubuntu earlier, with the help of an external monitor. my internal monitor has a blackscreen problem06:00
DBoyzhow can i solve the problem?06:01
* DBoyz is new to ubuntu06:01
greppyDBoyz: have you taken a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen06:02
terminalvelocityhow do i  capture drivers for wireshark with lucid06:03
blakkheim"capture drivers"?06:03
DBoyzSymptoms: This class of bug occurs right before the GDM login screen would normally display. The BIOS boot screen, grub screen, and the "Ubuntu" usplash screen all display more or less correctly. There is perhaps a slight flicker as the video card changes modes, and then the screen just never comes back. It is either blank (no backlight or indication that the leds or crt phosphors are lit up)06:04
DBoyzor black (the monitor is on and displaying video, it's just 100% pure black). Often you can still login in by entering your username/password, hear the login sounds, etc.  <-- yup this is what happening to me06:04
DBoyzbut i cannot see the ubuntu splash screen too06:04
dwxreaperterminalvelocity: you might need libpcap06:04
terminalvelocityblakkheim: the program "wireshark" requires capture enabling06:04
blakkheimterminalvelocity: i know how wireshark works, but your sentence didn't make sensse06:05
terminalvelocitydwxreaper: libpcap is available in the synaptic?06:05
DBoyzWorkaround A: VESA Driver <-- how do i do this?06:06
wgrantterminalvelocity: What is message you get?06:06
DBoyzsomebody teach me?06:06
wgrantDBoyz: If you can't see the purple boot splash screen, it's a different issue.06:06
DBoyzoh ok06:06
terminalvelocityblakkheim: the setup is asking me to enable capture drivers06:06
wgrantDBoyz: Your laptop doesn't have hybrid (ATI or NVIDIA) graphics?06:07
wgrantterminalvelocity: Which setup?06:07
DBoyzpurple boot splash screen which has the word 'ubuntu' and a few dots below it?06:07
wgrantterminalvelocity: How did you install Wireshark?06:07
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
wgrantDBoyz: That's the one.06:07
wgrantDBoyz: If you can't see that, there's a deeper problem.06:08
DBoyz[09:07:11] <wgrant> DBoyz: Your laptop doesn't have hybrid (ATI or NVIDIA) graphics? <-- explain that to me, i dont get you06:08
terminalvelocitydwxreaper: which version of libpcap?06:08
robterminalvelocity: are you running in su mode?06:08
AndorinSo the left side of my screen extends past the edge of my monitor by a few pixels... running 64-bit 10.04 in 1440x900 resolution. Anyone know why it's doing this?06:08
terminalvelocitywgrant: installed software center06:08
wgrantDBoyz: Some Lenovo laptops come with "switchable graphics". They contain both an Intel graphics card and an ATI or NVIDIA card.06:09
wgrantDBoyz: Is yours one of them?06:09
DBoyzyup, wgrant06:09
zfeis the problem with with installation from usb solved? (10.10)06:09
=== Anom01y is now known as lsemple
bazhangzfe, #ubuntu+1 for that06:10
zfeok thanks06:10
wgrantDBoyz: Try setting the Switchable Graphics option in the BIOS to Discrete or Integrated, then try to boot again.06:10
=== root__ is now known as kiss1
wgrantDBoyz: Some of the newer implementations of switchable graphics can cause problems, so we should try to eliminate that as a possible cause.06:10
DBoyzok wgrant06:11
zack`ubuntuDBoyz, do you have a lenovo laptop?06:11
DBoyzzack`ubuntu: V36006:11
terminalvelocitywgrant: should i install wireshark from the terminal instead or from a different source?.06:11
DBoyzim using Levono V36006:11
wgrantterminalvelocity: No. Software Center is fine. What happens when you run it? It just doesn't show any devices to capture from?06:11
DBoyzi forgot if its thinkpad or ideapad06:11
zack`ubuntuDBoyz: Yeah, I have the Y460 with switchable graphics, I'm trying to to use the onboard video card when I run Ubuntu, but instead it runs my ati 5650 and my computer gets so hot :(06:12
wgrantzack`ubuntu: Ubuntu 10.10's kernel should allow you to select between them. But does it not have an option in the BIOS?06:12
wgrantMy T400 (about 18 months old) has a BIOS option for it, and it works fine.06:12
DBoyzi have no idea which graphic card does my ubuntu uses06:13
DBoyzhow can i check?06:13
zack`ubuntuwgrant: i think we talked about this last week .. in bios, under configuration, i can only choose discrete or switchable06:13
DBoyzim using nvidia atm (using w7)06:13
DBoyzbrb pee06:14
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
zack`ubuntuwgrant: but you said theres a way to change it in Ubuntu?06:14
wgrantzack`ubuntu: Ah, so that was you.06:15
wgrantzack`ubuntu: In Ubuntu 10.10 there should be, yes.06:15
zack`ubuntuerr i have no idea what version im running, lol06:15
zack`ubuntui just got ubuntu like 4 weeks ago, so im assuming its the latest.06:15
wgrantzack`ubuntu: The latest is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. 10.10 will be released in a week.06:15
zack`ubuntuoh, so i have to wait a week then before i can do it06:15
terminalvelocitywgrant yes exactly, and in the setup instructions part 1 is says somthing about  capture support and capture driver enabled06:15
wgrantterminalvelocity: Ah. Your user account doesn't have access to the raw network devices. You need to run it with gksudo. Hit Alt+F2, then run "gksudo wireshark"06:16
wgrantEnter your password, and it should work.06:16
zack`ubuntuwgrant: so i just need to wait till 10.10 is released?06:17
=== david is now known as Guest52373
wgrantzack`ubuntu: Worth a try. Its release date is 10/10/10.06:17
=== Andorin is now known as keyboard
=== keyboard is now known as Andorin
* DBoyz reboots06:17
terminalvelocityAlt+F2? is that your shortcut to open a terminal?06:18
zack`ubuntuwgrant: how does ubuntu go about updating itself? .. do i have to download something from the site?06:18
greppyterminalvelocity: alt-F2 opens a "run" dialog06:18
blakkheimzack`ubuntu: as root, aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade06:19
shaiHi :) In /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf ; I want to change the DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL so that it doesn't load Gnome at boot. What runlevel should I have there instead of '2' ?06:20
zack`ubuntublakkheim: i have no idea what that means, im new to linux :(06:20
cjae_is wext  the driver I would select when configuring broadcom wireless by cli? I installed the firmware with bf-cutter06:20
mzuverinkI have a laptop that I hooked an another external monitor to,i would like to use that as anther series of virtual desktops. How do I do that?06:20
adamonline451Hi!  I'm upgrading from Karmic to Lucid, and I have a dialog asking me to specify a GRIB install device.  Do I need to choose /dev/sda or /devlsda1 (my /boot)?06:21
Queefubuntu is not reconginzing my external burner, it is mounting something, but i cannot access it, what should i do/06:21
wgrantzack`ubuntu: The usual update manager will pop up and inform you of the new release.06:21
rwwadamonline451: is Ubuntu the only operating system on your computer?06:21
zack`ubuntuwgrant: okay thanks.06:21
adamonline451rww: yes it is...06:21
terminalvelocitycan i modify the icon protocol to run as root for wireshark?06:21
rwwadamonline451: choose /dev/sda06:21
adamonline451rww: Thank you! :D06:22
terminalvelocitygreppy: can i modify the icon launcher to run automatically as root/06:23
AndorinSo the left side of my screen extends past the edge of my monitor by a few pixels... running 64-bit 10.04 in 1440x900 resolution. Anyone know why it's doing this?06:23
RyenAndorin: If your monitor is older, then the geometry could be messed up.06:24
AndorinRyen: Nope, just a few-years-old flatscreen06:25
AndorinLCD monitor*06:25
RyenAndorin: Have you tried your "Auto" mode?06:25
AndorinOh, also, when I switch to something like 1280x1024, the left side is fine.06:25
greppyterminalvelocity: I think if you put gksudo in front of the command, it should pop up and ask for your password to then run it as root.06:25
AndorinActually, hrm. I fixed it with the position adjustment control on the monitor itself. Sorry for the uncharacteristically stupid question xD06:26
AndorinGuess it got bumped over a couple notches somehow o_006:27
shaiHi :) In /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf ; I want to change the DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL so that it doesn't load Gnome at boot. What runlevel should I have there instead of '2' ?06:27
=== zack`ubuntu is now known as zackk
zeebledoes aptitude install xfce4 install the whole xfce environment?06:28
icarus-cterminalvelocity, like press Alt-F2,  enter "gksudo  gparted"06:28
bazhangzeeble, xubuntu-desktop does06:28
TanLizxxxhello,my transmission(2.04).all of the torrents are stuck at "Tracker did not respond"06:28
erfolgzeeble: you can install xubuntu-desktop06:28
zeeblebazhang: oh. i want to stay with the normal gnome, but have xfce4 as an alternative. i'll just install the packages manually06:29
zeebleafter aptitude search xfce06:29
erfolgTanLizxxx: That's probably a problem with the torrent, not Transmission.06:29
bazhangzeeble, you can choose between them (ie kubuntu-desktop , xubuntu, lubuntu etc) at the login window06:29
erfolgzeeble: Install xubuntu-desktop and you can switch back and forth.06:29
TanLizxxxit work well about 10 days ago.and i changed nothing.06:30
terminalvelocityicarus-c: we are talking about wireshark....I am in no need of new partitions or formatting06:30
zeeblebazhang: ah, okay.06:30
zeeblewhat's "lubuntu"?06:30
TanLizxxxerfolg: No,maybe not.06:30
bazhangzeeble, lxde and openbox06:30
erfolgzeeble: lxde06:30
zeeblebazhang: oh06:30
icarus-cterminalvelocity, that was just an example,  you are smart enough to run  "gksudo wireshark" instead right :)06:30
cromagit is lighter than gnome and KDE right ?06:30
zeeblethanks, let me install xubuntuthen06:30
zeebleeverything's lighter than gnome and kde06:31
erfolgzeeble: fluxbox is nice too06:31
bazhangcromag, lubuntu? yes very much so06:31
erfolgzeeble: takes a lot of configuring though.06:31
cromagand xubuntu ? - lighter than lubunto or maybe same ?06:31
TanLizxxxerfolg: I download some torrent to test.The deluge , ktorrent  and vuze all work well but transmission.PS:It's private torrent.06:31
bazhangcromag, not really. closer to gnome06:31
cromagoh dang06:32
zeebleerfolg: heh. i'll stick with the normal ubuntu.. my cousin like xfce06:32
icarus-cterminalvelocity, or you could edit  the "Exec="  line  in  "wireshark.desktop" (probably in /usr/share/applications/ )06:32
erfolgTanLizxxx: It's probably the torrent itself. Try downloading a Ubuntu torrent and see what it does then.06:32
zeeblexubuntu is light, cromag .. xfce, windowmaker and fluxbox were nice06:32
icarus-cterminalvelocity, but such change will be reverted everytime you update/reinstall wireshark06:32
TanLizxxxerfolg: OK.06:33
zeebleTanLizxxx: if all of them share the same tracker, then it is a tracker issue. the error is "tracker did not respond"06:33
erfolgzeeble: to each his own. that's what's so great.06:33
sidhow to save image/photo to mysql database using C06:33
icarus-czeeble, just so you know, the user could choose to run whatever Desktop Environment you have install at login06:33
icarus-c(language even)06:33
icarus-c!ot | sid06:33
ubottusid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:33
cjae_when using wpa-passphase how long does it take?06:33
cjae_when using wpa_passphase*06:34
TanLizxxxzeeble: No,there are 7 tracker.And all of the error are"tracker did not respond"06:34
zeebleTanLizxxx: weird.06:35
erfolgTanLizxxx: That's a problem with the torrent tracker then. Probably an old torrent. Does the torrent have multiple trackers or just 1?06:35
zeeblei use rtorrent. havent had a problem with it.06:35
TanLizxxxzeeble: Yeah,that is.06:35
klaypigeonI need some advice06:35
icarus-crtorrent is awesome06:36
erfolgi run transmission-daemon on my server w/ the web interface. works really nice.06:36
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TanLizxxxerfolg: No,that's all private tracker.I am just seeding the torrent not downloading.06:36
klaypigeonis there a better channel to go to for support?06:37
erfolgTanLizxxx: well it still has to have a working tracker for you to seed.06:37
erfolgklaypigeon: what's your problem?06:37
bazhangklaypigeon, ask a question please06:37
icarus-cklaypigeon, why don't you simply ask first and worry later06:38
terminalvelocitygreppy: i put gksudo before the command and it works for wireshark but not etherape.....what is the deal?06:38
erfolgterminalvelocity: are you trying to run etherape as root?06:38
TanLizxxxerfolg: The same torrent.Deluge can link to the tracker well but transmission just encounter a tracker "tracker did not error"06:39
klaypigeonHi. Well I am trying to install ubuntu side by side, but it does not recognize any OS being there and I am not prepared to risk losing my Win7 64. Any ideas how to get the installer to recognize Win7 64?06:39
icarus-cTanLizxxx, dig into transmission settings in that case06:39
icarus-clike proxy and stuff06:39
erfolgklaypigeon: are you using 1 harddrive or 2?06:39
TashiaI'm just wondering, is there anyway to convert mkfs.ext3 to a mac binary?06:39
icarus-cTashia, probably not06:40
terminalvelocityerfolg : i have had success running etherape only while logged in as root.06:40
zeebleKlaypigeon:it recognises Win 7 64 bit just fine. i've been dual booting my laptop for a long time06:40
klaypigeonits a 1TB sata with 150GB unallocated06:40
erfolgklaypigeon: it should pick it up then. try it again and see if it recognizes it.06:40
erfolgterminalvelocity: etherape needs to be run as root to work correctly.06:40
terminalvelocityerfolg: i would prefer to log in as user and run etherape only as root06:40
Tashiaicarus-c, What utility in mac can do the functions that mkfs can?06:40
klaypigeonhmm, Ive tried 4 times. It keeps telling me "No OS installations found"06:40
erfolgterminalvelocity: there should be an "etherape-as root" program somewhere.06:41
icarus-cTashia, why dont you ask in #mac06:41
icarus-cTashia, but i don't think mac osx got ext3 driver06:41
Tashiaok, Thanks i'll go try asking in another channel06:41
greppyTashia: Disk Utility06:41
TanLizxxxicarus-c: I have tried to initialize the setting of transmission and tried another version.Nothing work.06:41
zeebleklaypigeon: not sure how you are trying to install. i installed to a 8GB root, 10GB /home , 5G /opt and some 4G as swap. and share ntfs partitions for storing data. it detected 64 bit win 7 just fine after install.06:42
greppyTashia: but it will only make FAT or HFS file systems06:42
Tashiagreppy, I dont want to use disk utility. I want to use a CLI program06:42
terminalvelocityerfolg: i have the etherape as root program but it only works while logged in as root. I tried putting gksudo in front of the run command but it doesnt work06:42
klaypigeonso you think I should just install and hope for the best? sounds risky06:43
greppyTashia: not sure then... lemme see if I can find something real quick06:43
icarus-cTashia, google suggest "newfs"  instead06:43
greppy... or that.06:43
icarus-cTashia, in contrast to mkfs for linux06:43
erfolgterminalvelocity: login as your normal user, then under internet > etherape as root works for me. just tried it.06:44
icarus-cTashia, OSX is more like BSD after all.06:44
icarus-canyway off topic06:44
brentjust got pinguy ubuntu rolling.. wow!06:44
bazhangbrent, that is not supported here06:45
terminalvelocityerfolg: yes but the start button is greyed out and the program does not work06:45
icarus-cklaypigeon, you better use manual disk partitioning instead06:45
CityscapeIs 8 MB graphics enough for Ubuntu?06:45
klaypigeonIf it doesnt recognize Win7 during installation how will the boot loader get configured?06:45
zeebleklaypigeon: no. dont go that way. make sure you have unpartitioned space on your disk. install ubuntu to the unpartitioned space - partitioning during the install process.06:45
cuddlefish_XOCityscape: Probably not. Xubuntu or Lubuntu might, though.06:45
icarus-cCityscape, without GUI, yes of course06:45
cuddlefish_XO!xubuntu > Cityscape06:46
ubottuCityscape, please see my private message06:46
icarus-cklaypigeon, configure the boot loader yourself?06:46
erfolgterminalvelocity: the command it uses is "su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/etherape"06:46
erfolgterminalvelocity: so try making a launcher w/ that command.06:47
erfolgand see if it works06:47
Cityscapeicarus-c: I want to run it with GUI. XP runs fine with 2 MB but Vista needs 64, I was wondering what Ubuntu required.06:47
TanLizxxxerfolg:   icarus-c: I am downloading the ubuntu torrent and the torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 error is also "tracker did not respond "06:47
klaypigeonicarus . not sure I am smart enough to configure the boot loader.06:47
bazhang!requirements > Cityscape06:47
ubottuCityscape, please see my private message06:47
icarus-cCityscape, what the heck.  define "8MB graphics"06:48
zeebleok. time to test xfce06:48
erfolgTanLizxxx: are you using a firewall or anything?06:48
Cityscapehttp://www.nvidia.com/page/vanta.html   8 MB model06:49
icarus-cCityscape, i have never read anything mention graphics memory requirement for anything about linux06:50
icarus-cCityscape, why don't you try with a livecd and see06:50
Cityscapebazhang: it only says 1024 by 768. most graphics cards can do that.06:50
TanLizxxxerfolg: Yes,just iptables.I always used it and the transmission worked well once.I have tried that delete the EXP of iptables and the transmission also did not work.06:51
icarus-cCityscape, but i bet ubuntu will work fine  if windows runs06:51
klaypigeonoh man, I just know this is gonna screw my win7 installation and I am going to go back to hating linux06:51
bazhangCityscape, then try the live cd as suggested06:51
erfolgklaypigeon: scaredy cat06:51
erfolgklaypigeon: just get rid of windows altogether. you'll be better off.06:51
Cityscapeicarus-c: I guess i will. I  have a 64 MB card to but the 8 MB is the only one with a Linux driver.06:52
klaypigeonya right, try playing cod4 in wine06:52
erfolgTanLizxxx: no clue. that's pretty strange though.06:52
Cityscapeicarus-c: XP runs fine.06:52
erfolgklaypigeon: l2 virtualbox it06:52
icarus-cklaypigeon, probably something unusual with your windows setup, therefore ubuntu's installer can't identify your windows isntall06:52
Tryptychits time to invest $10 in a used graphic card.06:52
xfactAny one can tell me how to get the latest stable version of GIMP in Lucid Lynx? (e.g. via PPA)06:52
klaypigeoncould be06:52
CityscapeWell, good night all.06:52
icarus-cCityscape, um... linux should got the driver anyway06:52
MOPI got UNR installed. Got java and flash and chrome installed06:53
erfolgxfact: google gimp ppa. once you find it it'll have instructions on how to install it.06:53
MOPwhat else should I do?06:53
TanLizxxxerfolg: yes.After googling,there is just a post  https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1040106:53
erfolgTanLizxxx: hmm. seems like it's a transmission problem.06:54
terminalvelocityerfolg: made the launcher and it no longer gives an error message but does not work06:55
klaypigeoni better do some more research06:55
erfolgdoes it give you a prompt for administrator pw?06:55
klaypigeonthanks, lata06:55
terminalvelocityerfolg: no06:56
TanLizxxxerfolg: And one of my friends encountered the error,too.He said he tried every solution he can thought but did not work.06:56
erfolgterminalvelocity: for some reason it's not getting root properly. try running that command in terminal and observe the output.06:57
TanLizxxxerfolg:Eventually,he reinstall his ubuntu then the transmission can work now.06:57
erfolgTanLizxxx: see if you can find an older version to install.06:57
erfolgis there a reason not to use ext4 or btrfs for a /boot partition?06:58
TanLizxxxerfolg: I have tried 1.76 1.92 version.The same result.06:58
erfolgTanLizxxx: I guess try using something besides transmission until they have a fix. I hate that b/c i like transmission.06:59
bazhangerfolg, in maverick?07:00
terminalvelocityerfolg:(etherape:8686): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated07:01
terminalvelocity(etherape:8686): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated07:01
terminalvelocity(etherape:8686): EtherApe-WARNING **: Couldn't obtain netmask info (eth0: no IPv4 address assigned). Filters involving broadcast addresses could behave incorrectly.07:01
FloodBot2terminalvelocity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
erfolgbazhang: well in general. i only said btrfs b/c i'm testing the new server in a virtualbox but it applies to any version.07:01
TanLizxxxerfolg: Something strange is happening.Though,the ubuntu torrent respond that error,it can download.07:02
bazhangerfolg, ext4 is fine, you'll be warned about not doing it for /boot with btrfs though07:02
erfolgbazhang: ok. i was wondering. i've always used ext2 but i didn't understand what the prob w/ ext4 was. does btrfs have fsck yet?07:02
Kartagisthis crontab should work, right? 40 15 * * 1-5 cd /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/ && rm today.xml && wget http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml well it doesn't07:03
TanLizxxxerfolg: And the speed is not slow too07:03
bazhangerfolg, I'd investigate in #ubuntu+1 as that does not exist in any currently released version07:03
erfolgbazhang: alright. thanks.07:03
erfolgTanLizxxx: i know my transmission says at times that it has errors but it still downloads anyhow at good speeds.07:04
erfolgterminalvelocity: try running it by logging into terminal as root and running the command then see what it does.07:05
TanLizxxxerfolg: but,i just add a new torrent.if the tracker really did not respond,how can transmission get other peers?07:06
steve_via dht07:07
steve_look it up07:07
steve_and peer exchange07:07
erfolgTanLizxxx: it's strange but i've had torrents that wouldn't download at first b/c of errors. then i'd let them sit there for awhile and they'd download anyhow.07:07
TanLizxxxsteve_: Should that.07:08
steve_is that a statement?07:08
ratdoghi, how can  i resore the volume control applet07:08
steve_dht and the peer exchange have outdated trackers for about 2 years now07:08
TanLizxxxerfolg: THX07:09
TanLizxxxsteve_:I mean,you are right i guess.Maybe the transmission use DHT to find other peers.07:10
greppyratdog: right click on the panel and select "add to panel"07:10
ratdoghi, how can  i restore the volume control applet on panel07:11
ratdogthe option isnt there07:11
Kartagisthis crontab should work, right? 40 15 * * 1-5 cd /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/ && rm today.xml && wget http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml why would this not run even though cron is running?07:11
TanLizxxxerfolg: I guess the problem is my computer's setting.07:11
erfolgTanLizxxx: possibly. how old is your install?07:12
ratdogvulumr control isnt listed in the applet list07:12
TanLizxxxerfolg: the version is 10.04.Maybe in May.07:12
erfolgratdog: it's part of indicator applet07:13
greppyKartagis: why not do "rm /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/today.xml && http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml -o /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/today.xml"07:13
erfolgTanLizxxx: If it were me I'd just reinstall. But i reinstall a lot.07:13
greppyKartagis: sorry, should be -O not -o07:15
TanLizxxxerfolg: hehe....I used to reinstall a lot.This time is very long for me to use it.Maybe,it is need indeed to reinstall now.07:15
Kartagisgreppy let me try that07:15
erfolgTanLizxxx: the only reason it's needed to reinstall is if your settings get messed up or you REALLY hat your partition scheme or something though.07:15
greppyKartagis: actually, you should be able to use just the wget commaond, it will overwrite the existing file, no need to delete it.07:16
ratdoganother sastified bbutu user. azzzzzztyppp==07:16
greppyso "wget http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml -O /var/www/drupal/webrary.net/sites/default/today.xml"07:16
Kartagisgreppy I remember trying that a while ago, it does today.xml.107:17
ratdoganother sastified bbutu user. TY ubunbtu engineers07:17
TanLizxxxerfolg: the first reason always07:17
philmikehockAnyone familiar with xubuntu specifically?07:17
erfolgTanLizxxx: pretty much07:17
ratdogine thing i dnt gtwhy oesp07:18
philmikehockI am running xubuntu on 384mb of ram on a 1ghz p3 processor, to my understand it should be running rather smooth but it is not.07:18
erfolgratdog: this is an english language channel07:18
philmikehockWhat could be the reason why it is so slow?07:18
greppyKartagis: I just tested it, and using -O overwrote the file, did not create a today.xml.107:18
philmikehockI mean literally, I just clicked to open the calculator and it took 3 seconds.07:19
philmikehockMaybe 4.07:19
ratdogine thing i dnt gtwhy does gnome&kde work together on on awsome deskop\07:19
philmikehockIs that normal?07:19
shaiHow can I have my Ubuntu not boot into X and instead, boot into console?07:19
erfolgphilmikehock: 1 ghz is going to be slow with that little ram.07:19
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philmikehockReally? Would 512mb make it run smoother? And should it be taking that long to open up a simple program?07:19
philmikehockWas that a yup ratdog?07:20
tigertv69hey guys07:21
tigertv69can anoyone help me with lftp07:21
Aemaethwhen my computer updates to .25 from xubuntu it boots into a gnu grub ubuntu screen07:21
tigertv69i want to basically know the command to transfer a folder from one server to my local server.. and do it in multipart (split files up to transfer faster)??07:21
erfolgphilmikehock: more ram makes a difference. i'm not sure how much that would help though. 512 is decent with the p4 i've got in one of my computers but it's like 2.1 not 1 ghz. so it's going to be slow.07:22
Aemaethtigertv69, you can split the files easily using rar (read man rar), and sftp can do a command line transfer07:22
TanLizxxxerfolg:i am trying to uninstall transmission completely.If that dose not work.hehe....reinstall the ubutnu in a few days.THX for helping.07:22
erfolgTanLizxxx: good luck.07:22
philmikehockHmm so try 512mb but do not hope for it to be any smoother?07:22
philmikehockAlso, I've been reading about the sudo nautilus command on ubuntu but whenever I try it in terminal nothing comes up. Is nautilus not in xubuntu?07:23
ratdogput the gnomr an KDE team in a cage for  a week " tellthem they have a week to create a new schell based on gnome&kde. bet, ti bt dam goog,,07:23
philmikehockAnd is there a xbuntu alternative?07:23
bazhangratdog, what?07:23
erfolgphilmikehock: p3 is going to be slow.07:23
erfolgphilmikehock: i believe xubuntu uses thunar07:23
ratdogput them 2 toghther07:24
philmikehockWhat is the command to open it?07:24
bazhangratdog, stop that.07:24
Aemaethphilmikehock, thunar07:24
erfolgphilmikehock: as root?07:24
philmikehockAs root.07:24
Aemaethsudo thunar?07:24
philmikehocksudo thunar?07:24
erfolgphilmikehock: alt+f2 then gksudo thunar07:24
ratdoggnome & KGE ciolspb07:24
bazhangratdog, stay on topic. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat07:25
ratdogotarung on bugs in the sane room07:25
philmikehockThanks erfolg :D Makes it so much easier to change file names :D07:26
erfolgphilmikehock: be careful07:26
erfolgphilmikehock: usually doing it in terminal is better.07:26
ratdogisnt there handicppaps her for bad typers / slow thinker ect ect likr me?07:27
erfolgwhat's the command to request to kick him?07:27
bazhangratdog, in #ubuntu-offtopic07:27
philmikehockHmm we'll I'm just trying xubuntu on this machine to get used to it.07:27
bazhangerfolg, no need yet07:27
philmikehockI just ordered a phenom x4 , should I move up to ubuntu or stick with xubuntu?07:28
erfolgphilmikehock: try fluxbox if you like weird window managers. takes some configuration but it's actually really nice.07:28
ratdogi waer a hearing aide too07:28
philmikehockI'll check it out erfolg.07:28
greppyratdog: please take anything not related to ubuntu to #ubuntu-offtopic07:29
erfolgphilmikehock: nah you'll be good w/ ubuntu. my ubuntu only uses like 350 mb/3.25gb at idle.07:29
philmikehockHmm ok. I have to say I'm loving the interface of xubuntu, better than Mac OS.07:29
erfolgphilmikehock: and your processor is plenty fast enough.07:29
Kartagisgreppy no, it didn't run07:29
Aemaethphilmikehock, is your system fully updated right now?07:30
swebwhen stable version of ubuntu 10.10 will be released ?07:30
cjaeI installed b43cutter from cli on my ubuntu server and modified /etc/networks/interface following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 but still cant seem to make it connect07:30
philmikehockYes Aemaeth, just updated about 30 minutes ago.07:30
Aemaethsweb, 10/10/1007:30
swebWhat's GNOME version07:30
Aemaethphilmikehock, i updated, and it did something horrible to my grub, did you have any problems like that?07:31
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philmikehockI do not know what grub is to be honest but no problems that I can see so far.07:31
swebAemaeth, on next version ubuntu use GNOME 3 ?07:31
philmikehockIs grub the boot loader?07:31
bazhangsweb, no07:31
bazhangsweb, #ubuntu+1 for maverick discussion07:32
Aemaethphilmikehock, yes, i guess it's only a problem with my specific hardware then, very odd, i guess i can't upgrade :(07:32
Kartagisgreppy I've also looked in messages, no sign of it running07:32
erfolgAemaeth: what happened to your grub?07:32
philmikehockWell, I would not know then aemath, I installed xubuntu on a clean hard drive so I guess no need to use grub.07:32
Aemaetherfolg, i did a clean install of xubuntu, then when it restarted it boots into a very strange grub shell07:33
philmikehockBut I am getting error messages before I even updated say no terminal and a blank screen.07:33
erfolgphilmikehock: you've got grub installed.07:33
philmikehockOh? I thought it was only for dual booting.07:33
erfolgAemaeth: try reinstalling grub from a live cd.07:33
tigertv69hey guys07:33
coz_hey guys... i have noticed something ...on ubuntu  lucid  the mouse cursor will..without warning jump to the upper left of the screen ...it is consistent but not predicatble...however on edubuntu lucid this never occurs...is this somehow connected with touch scren implimentation and  tell me there is a way to disable touch screen if it is the case :)07:33
philmikehockIn that case I am getting errors but it boots into xubuntu after turning on/off a few times but that was before I even updated.07:34
greppyKartagis: which users crontab are you putting that in?07:34
erfolgphilmikehock: no. grub is still installed no matter what.07:34
Aemaetherfolg, correction, i updated then restarted.   and and update is what killed my system which is why i did clean install, because i got to this point and nothing worked :(07:34
McPelsHI. I've install Macbuntu!07:34
McPelsHI. I've install Macbuntu!thing to my panel!07:34
Aemaethi'd be happy to run though the list again, i have a live cd ready07:35
erfolgAemaeth: can you link to a picture of what comes up when you try to login or something?07:35
McPelsThen on I can not add anything to my panel!07:35
McPelsWhat can i do?07:35
Aemaetherfolg, i will type it out in a pastebin for you...07:36
erfolgAemaeth: ok07:36
Dynetrekkhi. I plugged an old internal hdd into my xubuntu box. it does not mount automagically. how can I see if it is properly installed, and if it is, how can I mount it?07:37
erfolgDynetrekk: sudo fdisk -l07:37
McPelsCan anyone help me?07:38
the_germanMcPels: What excactly is your problem?07:38
Dynetrekkerfolg: ah, thanks! I see the second drive, with 2 partitions and a swap area. it says it is disk /dev/sdb. maybe I can find mounting instructions on the interwebs...07:38
erfolgDynetrekk: you see your 2nd harddrive?07:39
greppyDynetrekk: man mount :)07:39
Dynetrekkgreppy: not "mount man" I trust. thanks07:39
peepingtomMcPels: the panel spans left to right, and items/applets added to the panel have a position on that panel. So, something aligned to the left might take up all the space to the right of it.  To reset default:07:39
Guest44064.n |Dougie|07:39
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erfolgDynetrekk: man mount works.07:39
peepingtomalt+F2, "paste gconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel" and run, sans/without quotes.07:40
lifestream[QUESTION] I have a drive partitioned as such: Windows Recovery partition, windows partition, unallocated. I'm trying to  create a 10GB ext3 for  the root of linux. No matter what size I try, it creates it, BUT puts a gap between it and the windows one! And no matter which size I try to make the partition, this "gap" always seems to be 2.37 MiB .. O_O What is it?07:41
tigertv69anyone help me with ubuntu ftp07:41
erfolgAemaeth: not sure what the command is to start exactly but that shouldn't come up. most likely happened b/c grub didn't update properly during the kernel upgrade. try reinstalling and updating grub from a live cd. i've had to do it before.07:41
erfolglifestream: unusable space. ignore it.07:42
tigertv69basically i am running a server install i have a machine here locally and i want to transfer a folder from a remote server to my local server.. i have lftp installed.. how do i setup a folder transfer to my local machine?07:42
Dynetrekkhm, I guess I should set up auto-mounting at boot time (or whatever you call it). any hints on how to do that? fstab?07:42
tigertv69what is hte ftp commands for that?07:42
lifestreamerfolg,  okay, good, thanks. hope it doesn't mean "damaged space" :P07:42
Aemaetherfolg, how do i do that from live-cd?07:42
Aemaethbooting up now ;(07:43
McPelspeepingtom: TNX!07:43
erfolgDynetrekk: yes. fstab. be sure that you try it first though. sudo umount -a then sudo mount -a07:43
peepingtomMcPels: no problem!07:43
Dynetrekkerfolg: you mean try it before you reboot07:43
erfolgAemaeth: let me see if i can google the directions i followed.07:43
t|rantrver us.undernet..org07:43
erfolgDynetrekk: yes, or else it may not boot at all and you'll have to use a live cd to edit it.07:43
|Dougie|Bye bye Bye bye Bye bye Bye07:44
Dynetrekkerfolg: aha... oh, and I remember, I need to partition it first :P07:44
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erfolgDynetrekk: sudo fdisk /dev/sdx07:45
erfolgDynetrekk: x=whichever one you're doing.07:45
erfolgAemaeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD07:45
Dynetrekkerfolg: sorry, I don't follow. what does fdisk /dev/sdb do? (b is my value of x)07:46
erfolgDynetrekk: you said you needed to format your partition.07:46
erfolgDynetrekk: try man fdisk07:46
h4x07_sup yall07:46
Dynetrekkerfolg: that formats it? I read the man page, I didn't get that far, obviously07:46
Dynetrekkerfolg: I just fired up gparted07:47
erfolgDynetrekk: yes. once you get into fdisk there are commands you can use.07:47
beefncheeseh4x07, sup dude07:47
erfolgDynetrekk: or if you have a gui you can use that.07:47
erfolgDynetrekk: i'm used to doing EVERYTHING from cli07:47
[nogias]sup h4x07:47
Dynetrekkerfolg: good habit :)07:47
h4x07_beefncheese: nm breww07:47
Galaxyhey could someone tell me how to customize the login screen in 10.4 and how to get flashplayer 10 on x6407:48
Dynetrekkerfolg: me too, more or less - on my mac. I don't know linux in enough detail to do mounting and so on, I rarely need it07:48
erfolgDynetrekk: b/c if you can do soething you can always do it from command line.07:48
pixilGalaxy: No flash on x64.  period.07:48
Dynetrekkerfolg: exactly. cli ftw :)07:48
tigertv69how do i do ftp07:48
erfolgDynetrekk: mac and linux are very similar with commands. a bit different but not too much.07:48
pixiltigertv69: 'do' ftp?07:48
Dynetrekkerfolg: I know. that's why I usually get by :)07:48
Galaxythey have flash for x64 the .so just dont know where to put it07:48
peepingtomGalaxy: Flashplayer 10 is easy, and to search for help with login screen it's called GDM07:49
Galaxypeepingtom, i have GDM installed07:49
erfolgDynetrekk: i never use cli in windows though. not since 3.1 dos anyhow. lol.07:49
Galaxyjust cant find where to configure it shows login screen not login window07:49
Aemaethhow do i install mac to my pc?07:49
Dynetrekkerfolg: I never use windows. lucky me. well, almost never07:49
bazhangAemaeth, you dont07:49
DynetrekkAemaeth: get ubuntu instead07:50
bazhangAemaeth, its offtopic for this network07:50
DynetrekkAemaeth: it's illegal, a hassle, and it breaks _all_ the time07:50
avengingwatcheranyone running 10.10 rc with fglrx yet?07:50
Aemaethubuntu is prettier but i need that audio software i use all the time07:50
erfolgAemaeth: google iAtkos07:50
bazhangavengingwatcher, #ubuntu+1 for that07:50
bazhangerfolg, please dont assist in this07:50
erfolgbazhang: no prob07:50
Dynetrekkerfolg: I guess I can just copy the line in fstab for my /home partition, but what the **** is that UUID stuff?07:51
bazhang!blkid | Dynetrekk07:52
ubottuDynetrekk: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:52
erfolgDynetrekk: do what bazhang said. it's better to use uuid instead of just /dev/sdx07:52
erfolgDynetrekk: just be sure to check your configuration before you restart07:53
erfolgyour line should look something like "UUID=uuidofdisk /mount/point    fs type     defaults      0          007:54
Aemaethalways go with uuid07:55
megacoolI'd like to register on freenode does anyone know where the server tab is? (noob)07:55
Aemaethi tried that other way and my face melted07:55
bazhang!register | megacool07:55
ubottumegacool: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:55
erfolg/dev/sdx usually works but uuid ALWAYS works07:55
=== root is now known as wirelessninja
bazhangmegacool, which client07:55
megacooldude this is soooo cool - I'm starting to love ubuntu07:56
bazhangnot sure there07:56
Aemaethjust start?07:56
megacoolinterested in a good C++ IDE too....07:56
erfolgmegacool: how long have you been using ubuntu?07:56
Aemaethare you going for the flashy shiny or the sleek professional?07:56
megacoolwell, I know a little linux, but this ismy first time on freenode07:57
Lachigood morning07:57
erfolgcool. welcome.07:57
megacoolI want to learn as much as possible about c++, SQL, screw LINQ and ADO07:57
[nogias]welcome here, megacool :)07:57
Aemaethsql gives me the sads07:57
megacoolI mean LINQ and ADO have thier places...07:57
Deus_Ultimahow do I edit the firewall settings via ssh?07:57
Kartagisdo you have any idea what charset to feed mencoder -subcp option if iconv gives me "Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators"?07:57
skyscraperanyone now an application to act as an wlan "router" ? i have eth0 cable-lan with internet and want to create a wlan hotspot07:58
Deus_Ultimaonly that awful iptables?07:58
annaki2321what a good linux online poker?07:58
Dynetrekkerfolg_: where is /moint/point conventionally? /mnt?07:58
Aemaethi thought you could just bridge connections07:58
skyscraperAemaeth: how to do that?07:58
Aemaethlol, annaki2321, some of the programs people use in windows work in wine07:59
Aemaethskyscraper, i saw instructions online, i will check07:59
annaki2321Aemaeth: thanks.. what about a native one?07:59
Aemaethskyscraper, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge  good luck08:00
megacoolif I type a forward slash msg08:00
Deus_Ultimarather I just need to check which ports are open, how do I through ssh?08:00
Aemaethannaki2321, haven't seen one, not sure if that's a priority for either the ubuntu community or the poker community08:00
megacooldo you guys see it?08:00
greppymegacool: no.08:01
Aemaethno megacool08:01
megacoolI'm really not that stupid, but08:01
megacoolnew to irc too08:01
angelete2is it safe to deactivate avahi-daemon in a system that is always up?08:01
Aemaethmy system took many tries to boot live cd, is this bad?08:01
Dynetrekkhm, what is <dump> and <pass> in /etc/fstab?08:01
beefncheeseRyen, if your there duddee hit me up08:02
tigertv69so can anyone tell me whats wrong with this command08:02
megacoolwould this be an ok place to ask for a recommendation for an ide?08:02
tigertv69im in the FTP08:02
megacoolfor c++?08:02
tigertv69like ftp:> but how do i get it to copy a folder from a remote ftp server(login require) and then copy to a local directory????08:02
megacoolput? lol idk08:03
Dynetrekkmegacool: why not vim+make? btw, I have heard of anjuta and kdevelop, but I don't know if they're great08:03
megacoolanything that is good for drawing?08:03
Dynetrekktigertv69: not sure with ftp, but with sftp it is "get" and "put" to down- and upload08:03
greppymegacool: you may want to look at emacs, eclipse, vim and make08:03
jellowneed help getting logisism to run , Its a .jar program i get this output when i run it http://pastebin.com/hirgBCYs08:03
megacoolI'll check them out08:03
greppymegacool: gimp08:03
Dynetrekkmegacool: ah yeah, eclipse of course :) and/or vim.08:04
tigertv69so Dynetrekk so what would hte sftp command be?08:04
Dynetrekkget file_on_remote_machine08:04
Dynetrekktigertv69: first: "sftp user@host" of course08:04
Dynetrekktigertv69: would recommend sftp over ftp usually08:04
Aemaethmegacool, gimp?08:05
tigertv69ok i did that now what?08:05
Dynetrekkmegacool:  inkscape for vector graphics08:05
Dynetrekktigertv69: "ls" lists files you can download08:05
jusgri032Hello to everybody. Who can help me graphic card drivers?08:05
tigertv69Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory08:05
Dynetrekktigertv69: if you only need to do this only once in a while, a GUI may be simpler.08:06
tigertv69im trying to cd to other directories08:06
the_germanjusgri032: what excactly is your problem08:06
tigertv69no this is a permananet thing08:06
Dynetrekktigertv69: that works almost like in bash08:06
megacoolgimp eclipse vim anjuta kdevelope inkscape - I've heard so far - I need to just be able to have an X window open and draw shapes with c++ or c08:06
Dynetrekktigertv69: also scp is rather handpy08:06
tigertv69i did cd ~/the directs?08:06
tigertv69scp is too slow08:06
tigertv69of transfer08:06
Dynetrekktigertv69: scp user@host:/some/folder/and/filename.txt .08:06
tigertv69but scp is slow08:06
Dynetrekktigertv69:  that copies /some/folder/and/filename.txt from host to where you are right now. easier to script etc08:07
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Dynetrekktigertv69: hm, that may be... then sftp, cd, ls, get is what you need if I recall correctly08:07
tigertv69ok so for example08:08
tigertv69in sftp08:08
tigertv69i did ls and it saw a folder.. how do i cd into that folder08:09
Dynetrekkcd foldername08:09
tigertv69Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory08:09
tigertv69i get that error when i do cd ~/folder/208:09
annaki2321linux w0rX! fL@sH SuXz! -------------------------------> with social networking and online flash games, apps, vidz.. linux is still behind..08:09
etherealiteHow can I get applications to read files mounted with gvfs?08:09
id31dni have a web-server apache+nginx. in one moment it started to work only locally. i guess the problem is with nginx. does somebody know how can i find the problem and fix it?08:09
annaki2321sadly i must say08:10
Dynetrekktigertv69: 101% sure it's a folder?08:11
trj021782Error: zlib check failed Make sure to have the zlib libs and headers installed. - anyone know how to correct this error when compiling?08:11
Blue1how do I stop the gnome-screensaver from starting?  I want to use xscreensaver.  I tried rcconf, but no luck.08:12
id31dni have a web-server apache+nginx. in one moment it started to work only locally. i guess the problem is with nginx. does somebody know how can i find the problematic place and fix it?08:13
trj021782blue goto system>preferences>startup programs and deselect the screensaver app08:13
megacoolis there any help on here for learning shell scripting?  or any good web pages, etc.?08:14
Blue1trj021782: there is no screensaver app.08:14
bazhang!abs | megacool08:14
ubottumegacool: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/08:14
batpepoUbuntu 10.10 rc1 is great. Thanks08:15
trj021782really? what version are you on?08:15
Blue110.04 (64 bit)08:15
trj021782because i just checked mine and it is right there08:15
Blue1trj021782: 10.04 64 bit.08:15
trj021782well i am on 9.10 so they must have changed that08:15
megacoolubottu is bot? or are you real?08:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:16
bazhangmegacool, bot08:16
megacoolwhat lol08:16
megacoolwow this is cool08:16
Blue1trj021782: i figured rcconf usually controls what starts up - not listed.08:16
trj021782blue - well i am lost in 10.04 - 9.10 is the highest i have ever used08:17
DBoyzi my problem is fixed08:17
Blue1trj021782: lots of things changed in 10.1008:17
Vardanhi all08:17
DBoyzthanks a lot buddies08:17
DBoyzdo i have to permanently set my switchable graphics that way? (discrete)08:17
trj021782Blue1 I don't suppose you can give some compiling advice?08:18
Blue1trj021782: depends what are trying to comple?08:18
Vardanpeople I have problem with watching on-line movies (by flash player) when compiz started. I08:18
VardanI'm using kubuntu 10.1008:18
trj021782Verdan what system are you running08:19
Guest75946hello guys. is it possible to install ubuntu without having a cd or usb stick?08:19
cmykI got a eee pc 900AX with 10.04.1 on it. Wifi is not able to connect, the wifi radar doesn't list any networks albeit the ssid isn't hidden08:19
trj021782guest - i have no idea how it would work08:19
Vardankubuntu 10.10, 2.6.35-22-generic, 64bit08:20
megacoolmagicjack under ubuntu anyone?  is it possible? lol08:20
Blue1trj021782: well usually thre recipe is:  ./configure followed by make and then sudo make install08:20
trj021782verdan - x86 64bit or PPC 64 bit?08:20
DynetrekkGuest37232: you need something to save it on, right?08:20
sahilmy wifi switch turns off at every reboot is there a way to keep it on by default?08:20
Vardan x86_64 GNU/Linux08:21
bazhangVardan, #ubuntu+1 for maverick08:21
trj021782well you shouldn't need compiz running to view flash based content what browser are you using?08:22
robint91Is there a ubuntu server live cd?08:23
megacoolany good text2speech progs recommended if any?08:24
bazhangrobint91, no08:24
Vardanpeople is that a big different between ia64 and amd64 versions? I have IntelCore 2 Duo processor.08:24
icerootVardan: its a totally different architecture08:24
greppyVardan: you want amd608:25
Vardanbut amd64 works on my processor08:25
megacoolamd vs intel08:25
terminalvelocitytrying to use "grooveshark" internet radio media site and it works for a few minutes and then goes black and says "missing plug-in" ...any ideas which plugin?08:25
greppyerr amd6408:25
Blue1megacool: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=1708:25
megacoolthanks so much08:25
trj021782Vardan - No they are both x86 architecture, it would be a big difference if it were PPC08:25
DravekxI want to install ubuntu on my laptop, but not sure if I should get 10.10 or 10.04. Is the RC stable?08:25
Vardanso ia64 is for PPC?08:26
greppyVardan: ia64 is for the intel itanium line of processors08:26
megacoolare the keyboard shortcuts to the desktop areas?08:26
Vardanso, for my processor amd64 version is ok?08:27
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Blue1Dravekx: if you don;t need legacy nvidia support, 10.10 should be okay.08:27
greppymegacool: ctrl-alt left arrow, right arrow08:27
trj021782cvardan - sorry if i wasn't clear. . . . my bad08:27
* DBoyz is away now Reason: (lunch)08:27
=== DBoyz is now known as DBoyz[A]
greppyVardan: I have the amd64 installed on my core2duo, you're fine :)08:27
Vardangreppy: ok, thanks :)08:28
DravekxBlue1, I think this laptop is intel graphics.08:28
DravekxBlue1, maybe ATI08:28
FloodBot2Guest31698: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
Blue1Dravekx: i have found ati's legacy support, disappointing to see the least.08:29
megacoolmysql is good for sql? (I'm new)08:29
trj021782any one know how to resolve the zlib error when trying to run ./configure ?08:29
icerootVardan: and your intel core 2 duo is a amd64 cpu08:29
greppymegacool: mysql, postgresql and sqlite are all handy08:29
megacoolpentium dual core too prolly (that's what I have) but I'm just using 32 for now - k thanks on the sql08:30
icerootmegacool: sure08:30
DravekxIll stick with 10.04.. I can always upgrade later on.08:30
tigertv69getting this error when doing ls in ftp08:30
tigertv69200 PORT command successful08:30
tigertv69425 Unable to build data connection: Connection timed out08:30
tigertv69any ideas???08:30
Blue1yeah!  I finally got some seti work to do after 2 weeks downtime by them08:30
Blue1tigertv69: can you at least ping the ftp server?08:31
tigertv69im connected to the ftp08:31
tigertv69thats fine08:31
tigertv69but hte ls is not wokring08:31
Blue1tigertv69: is it a local machine?08:31
Dravekxmay need a do a usb install. I think Im out of DVDRWs08:31
megacoolfor usb install08:32
Dravekxcool thx08:32
Blue1tigertv69: you can at least see if port 21 is open.  telnet <domainnamehere> 2108:32
tigertv69says 220 proFTPD server08:33
ljsoftnethow do i install AWN applets?08:33
UweBollsFunderI'm planning to install Ubuntu Server in a VM. Does it matter whether I select 32-bit or 64-bit? Are there some packages only made for one but not the other?08:33
Blue1tigertv69: private message ok?08:34
DynetrekkI have managed to mount a hard drive with read-write, but only root can read/write to it. how do I let all users read and write?08:34
Blue1UweBollsFunder: 64 bit will NOT run in a 32 bit environment yes it matters08:34
UweBollsFunderUweBollsFunder: good thing I asked, thanks :P08:34
UweBollsFunderI didn't think Vmware was 32-bit but it's installed in Program Files (x86) so you're right08:35
UweBollsFunderBlue1: obviously I meant to thank you, not myself08:35
UweBollsFunderwhat are the differences between Ubuntu Server and Debian? From what I know of Ubuntu, it's Debian with a focus on desktop usage and services. In a server version, what still makes it different?08:36
greppyUweBollsFunder: the packages and the versions08:37
greppyUweBollsFunder: also, if you use one of the LTS versions, it will be maintained longer than a typical debian version08:38
DynetrekkUweBollsFunder: debian is much more conservative wrt. software versions08:38
terminalvelocitygrooveshark? anbody? ideas?08:39
oxidkorhello - I have a question - I have a program which is in source code - I don't know how to compile it - would you please help me if I may ask?08:39
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
greppyoxidkor: what program?08:39
oxidkorgreppy: it is OSS Internet Speed Booster08:41
robint91bazhang: Can I make one?08:41
oxidkorbut it is in source code - I dont know how to compile it - it came with tar.gz08:41
ed10Hi there,haveing trouble with launching skype in ubuntu 9.0408:41
megacoolI have a general question - I want PHP, SQL and flash dev under ubuntu - I've found programs for all of my dev knowledge - is there much I will ever need microsoft for again? honest question08:41
FloodBot2bill__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
greppyoxidkor: there should be a readme or isntall.txt file in the directory after you unpack it.08:41
bill__能不 能08:42
robint91Is it possible to make a custom ubuntu server live cd?08:42
bazhangrobint91, with server? sure, or install ubuntu desktop and install lamp08:42
KillerbooiHi everyone, i have been looking over the internet for days now and i still cant find any drivers for my "Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family". Is anyone willing to help me? :p08:42
oxidkorgreppy: what is the general steps compiling a source code?08:42
bazhang!cn | bill__08:42
ubottubill__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:42
tgywaHi all ... what is the use of chroot ... for eg in case of Postfix ?08:42
greppyoxidkor: usually ./configure && make && make install will work08:42
megacoolis flash on ubuntu as good as MS?08:43
oxidkorgreppy: thanks alot08:43
megacoolfor dev08:43
robint91bazhang: jep server08:43
megacoolI want to make good web pages08:43
megacoolreally good web pages08:43
robint91cd in server08:43
bazhangrobint91, custom server? including what perchance08:44
robint91and than a show a webpage via lamp08:44
greppymegacool: webdesign is more about artistic abilities and good design practices than the tools you use to make them.08:44
robint91everything must be on a ramdisk08:44
robint91the whole webpage and database08:44
bazhangrobint91, either way; server install ubuntu-desktop , or desktop install lamp08:44
megacoolthat's a good answer thanks greppy08:45
bazhangrobint91, on ram disk? that's not going to happen08:45
megacoolany suggestions on flash dev for ubuntu..or anything better?08:45
robint91you bootup via cd08:45
bill__Are you a chinese08:45
robint91and then it copies the image to a ramdisk08:45
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
megacoolramdisk = no reboot08:45
bazhangbill__, not here.  #ubuntu-cn08:45
robint91megacool: I know08:46
ed10Can anyone help with a skype question?08:46
robint91it is only for a demo08:46
megacoolactually I really don't know much about this stuff08:46
bazhangrobint91, then do it in a virtualbox08:46
robint91virtualbox isn't an option08:47
kworkhello, my ubuntu 10.4 installer just stays at loading, can i somehow see some text output with it? rather then some moving slider08:47
robint91because It must also have an installer08:47
DemetriusHOW KILLED ratbert?08:48
KillerbooiHi everyone, i have been looking over the internet for days now and i still cant find any drivers for my "Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family". Is anyone willing to help me? :p08:48
bazhangDemetrius, what?08:48
h4x07_can anyone help with ggetting widgets working in awesome3xx?08:48
beefncheeseh4x07_, BUMPPPP!!!!!08:49
bazhang!ot | beefncheese08:49
ubottubeefncheese: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:49
ShishKababIs there any way to list manually installed packages since installation?08:51
chilli0Hello , what is the command in terminal to cut a file and not copy?08:54
robint91mv ?08:54
greppychilli0: to delete a file?08:54
wellfingerHi ,08:55
wellfingerIs anybody here now ?08:56
chilli0greppy, umm , like copy , cut paste?08:56
el_seanoHey #ubuntu, what do you think of Mint?08:56
chilli0greppy, Cuting is alot faster than copying a file then deleting it.08:56
bazhangwellfinger, yes08:56
greppychilli0: mv08:56
bazhangel_seano, unsupported and offtopic here08:56
Banhi all08:56
el_seanobazhang: understood.08:57
bazhangel_seano, welcome to hear about it #ubuntu-offtopic08:57
el_seanobazhang: I'll try my luck there then.08:58
kworkdoes anyone have idea how to get some console/messages running with ubuntu 10.4 installer?08:58
wellfingerthis is a place to speak english08:58
wellfinger I use ubuntu 2 months ago08:59
beefncheeseshuttup wellfinger08:59
beefncheeseyou mean to say08:59
beefncheeseive been using ubuntu for 2 months08:59
bazhangbeefncheese, thats uncalled for09:00
* pLr makes trumpet sound09:00
bazhangwellfinger, support question?09:00
beefncheesebazhang, im just trying to help with his english?09:00
bazhangbeefncheese, thats not helping so dont09:00
bazhangwellfinger, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic09:00
wellfingerI think iI need to say sorry to all09:01
wellfingersee you all next time09:02
* pLr is weirded out by wellfinger09:03
twermundhey, is anyone running the 10.10 RC?09:03
bazhangtwermund, in #ubuntu+109:03
Osmosis good mornig everybody09:05
Osmosis somebody know a way to intall a deb package with dpkg that accept console clauses09:05
Osmosis i need install a software remotely and this is a problem09:05
the_germanhi @ all...I already asked in the pidgin channel but nobody answered, but how can I configure xmonad to open my IRC-Channels in one window and my conversations in another one?09:05
greppyshyamgai: try /quit09:06
spiderstepsgahhh need help >.<09:06
twermundwith what?09:07
spiderstepscant install this plugin for flash player, and cant install wine >.<09:07
greppyspidersteps: what error do you get when trying to install wine?09:08
Osmosis  good mornig everybody09:08
Osmosis  somebody know a way to intall a deb package with dpkg that accept console clauses09:08
Osmosis  i need install a software remotely and this is a problem09:08
kipp0hello everybody09:08
spiderstepsi dont get an error, it just doesnt do anything09:08
greppyOsmosis: apt-get install name_of_package09:08
kipp0where is ooffice binary package in ubuntu?09:08
greppyOsmosis: or dpkgi -i file.deb09:09
greppyOsmosis: bah, dpkg -i file.deb09:09
Osmosisis not in the repository, my doubt is how install an aplication that force to you to acept some clause in the middle of the instalation09:09
Osmosisand i want install remotely and can accept this clausules09:09
Osmosisdo you understand09:09
pLrOsmosis: enlish trouble?09:09
Osmosiswhat is enlish?09:10
pLrOsmosis: you can try ssh server dpkg -i filename09:10
Osmosisno, is not a human who do this, is a ruby script that i create to install this software atumaticly for scale servers09:11
twermundspidersteps: do the applications not work, or do the packages just not install?09:11
pLrOsmosis: #puppet  ?09:11
spiderstepsthey just dont install >.<09:11
Osmosisis better than puppet but yeah is the same concept09:11
twermundspidersteps, are you suing Synaptic or Software Center?09:12
pLrOsmosis: you can use dpkg to install .deb files in your ruby script09:12
twermundhah, what program did you use to install WINE etc09:12
pLrOsmosis: what is your problem?09:12
Osmosisalready do09:12
spiderstepssynaptic, i think :S09:13
Osmosisok imagine when you install an aplication that in the middle of the aplication, a color screen apears and you need to accept the disclamer, and another things09:13
Osmosisyou need a human that tab into the ok button and follow with the instalatiob09:13
Osmosisbut in my case is a script in a mainframe that send a bootstrap to another nodes to install remotely this software09:14
Osmosisa syslog09:14
greppyOsmosis: I think you may be better served asking this in a chef channel or mailing list.09:14
Osmosisthis is my script09:15
twermundspidersteps: did you get them off of a website or pick them out of a list?09:15
spiderstepsi got them off the linux website09:15
spiderstepsi know that for certain09:15
Osmosisis not a problem of chef about what do you try to do with his framework09:15
bazhangspidersteps, the linux website?09:16
Osmosisi'm new in Linux but i can believe that this situation dont happend someone before, i see very common09:16
twermundspidersteps, okay. So, you just downloaded to install.deb files? yes?09:16
Osmosissomebody know a good channel of server administration to ask?09:16
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
bazhangOsmosis, #ubuntu-server09:17
pLrOsmosis: you can modify the files to not prompt09:17
pLrOsmosis: you need to also check postinst steps for prompts09:19
pLrOsmosis: man dpkg has info on that09:19
uwsbhi, I am using ubuntu 10.04 and would like to know how I can use skype on my machine.09:19
Osmosisi read the whole man dpkg(1) and i dont see mothing usefull09:19
cmykI just install the acrobat reader via software-center. Where did it put it? can't find it.09:19
cmykuwsb: it's aleady installed09:20
KartagisI'm trying to add a news server account to thunderbird. the address is news.sabanciuniv.edu but as soon as I type u at the end, the Next button is grayed out. any thoughts?09:21
cmykwow, it's slow as molasses on a netbook09:21
nickchenghi everyone09:21
mick02msg /NickServ mick02 password09:23
Inferusmick02 might want to change your password09:24
kworkstrange that no-one has ghosted him yet :P09:24
twermundcmyk: what is uwsb??09:24
Inferusearly morning yet ;-)09:24
cmyka use?09:25
jehow can i see my friend list?09:25
Inferustime to go check on my kubuntu print server09:25
Inferusits new and shiny09:25
cmykmy question was: I installed Acrobat Reader, where the heck is it?09:25
cmykI use the netbook 10.04.1 edition09:25
mick02Dems was jokes nias ... that's not my password at all!09:26
jewho can tell me how can i see my friend list? I am using xchat.09:26
cmykjeez, this is like really basic: I install software, and should be prompted where to I'd like to put the start icon or whatever. Instead it just puts it somewhere and doesn't tell you about it.09:26
greppycmyk: is it not under applications?09:27
cmykthere is no applications thing09:27
cmykit's the netbook desktop09:27
bodwickhello, recent update broke may kde, i can't install any kde dependant app, please help!09:27
cmykit's divided into categories and you have to guess where it put it in, but this time it didn't put it anywhere. no start icon for acro09:28
cmykthis is ridiculous09:28
zaidkahi. since maverick RC, im not able to connect to Google Talk in Empathy. someone help me please?09:30
bodwickhello, recent update broke may kde, i can't install any kde dependant app, please help!09:30
twermundCMYK: sorry about the wait, it should be under "office" in the leftmost sidebar09:31
cmyknope, it's not twermund09:31
cmykit's nowhere to be found, albeit it says it's installed in the package manger09:32
tensorpuddingzaidka: maverick is supported in #ubuntu+109:32
cmykI'm going postal in a second.09:32
zaidkatensorpudding: thanks. will ask thee09:32
cmykwhy must this be so friggin hard?09:32
cmykcan't it just work?09:33
twermundI just tried to recreate your scenario09:33
twermunddefinitely showing up for me under office..09:33
bodwickhello, recent update broke may kde, i can't install any kde dependant app, please help!09:33
twermundare you using Unity?09:33
cmykmaybe it's because I have the swiss german lang setting and the german version of acro09:33
tensorpuddingcmyk: most packages install an icon in the GNOME menu somewhere, are you sure you don't see it?09:33
cmyktensorpudding: I don't even have a gnome menu09:34
tensorpuddingoh, netbook edition09:34
cmykI just have this useless netbook desktop09:34
tensorpuddingi'm not sure how that one handles it09:34
cmykright :)09:34
cmykjeez, easypeasy my ass09:34
twermunddo you have any other applications open presently, or are you just looking at the selection screen?09:34
cmyktwermund: you talking to me?09:35
tensorpuddingthere is a gnome menu09:35
ljsoftnetcan i apply my metacity theme Clearlooks-compact to AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"?09:35
twermundcmyk: yup09:35
rurufufussguys, is there a list somewhere of non-compatible nvidia cards for ubuntu lucid?09:35
tensorpuddingit just looks different09:35
cmyki have the file browser and the software center open09:35
rurufufussor, even better, list of compatible cards09:35
twermundcmyk: did you click the top-leftmost icon on your desktop?09:35
KartagisI'm trying to add a news server account to thunderbird. the address is news.sabanciuniv.edu but as soon as I type u at the end, the Next button is grayed out. any thoughts?09:35
cmyktwermund: in the top left menu I got the citrus logo from easypeasy, you mean that?09:36
twermundcmyk: yup09:36
cmykyeah, of course I clicked that09:36
cmykit shows you the netbook desktop09:37
tensorpuddingactually now that i think of it, i don't think acrobat reader puts an icon in that menu09:37
cmykit's not in any of those categories09:37
tensorpuddingthey don't put evince there either09:37
tensorpuddingtry opening a PDF file09:38
twermundcmyk: have you tried uninstalling it and then re installing it?09:38
cmykokay I'll rephrase my question: How do I get the Icon into the netbook desktop, the genius installed didn't put it there?09:38
cmykups... my typing sucks today09:38
tensorpuddingit should be listed as one of the choices for Open With...09:38
cmyki'll try. makes no sense tho09:38
twermundmeh, sounds like it just had a hiccup when adding it to the NBR desktop09:39
ljsoftnetcan i apply my Clearlooks-compact control theme to AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"?09:39
greppycmyk: I haven't used the netbook version, but can you right click on the desktop and hit create launcher?09:39
cmykoh, it seems to more hickups than anything else.09:39
twermundcmyk: yeah, next week they are rolling out Unity which makes a lot more sense.09:39
tensorpuddingah! evince is put on Graphics09:39
cmykevince is incapable09:40
tensorpuddingand there is a launcher created but it is not shown by default09:40
tensorpuddingso maybe acrobat reader gets the same treatment09:40
cmyklook, i cannot right click the darn desktop or whatever you call that flash-piece of garb09:41
cmykI can just change the background, lol09:41
tensorpuddingIs there an "Edit Menu" option when you right-click the easy-peasy menu?09:41
kworkcan you use ext4 has boot partition?09:41
tensorpuddingyou can09:42
cmyktensorpudding: nope09:42
tensorpuddingbut if you have a separate boot partition there isn't really any point09:42
kworktensorpudding my worry is will grub be able to handle it nothing else actualy09:42
kworkbut i guess grub doesnot care what filesystem it is09:43
benyis ther any tools from bt that i can use for network monitoring?? i'm a newbie for backtrack..09:43
tensorpuddingkwork: when you install with no separate boot partition, grub works fine, so i'm thinking that grub can work with all the common linux filesystems09:45
cmyka channel full of linux buff can't tell me how to start acrobat once it's installed?09:45
tensorpuddingi didn't think that easypeasy was officially supported in here09:45
shyamgaicmyk: Have you tried gnome-open <pdf-file>?09:45
cmyk"Super-fast and great-looking, Ubuntu is a secure, intuitive operating system that powers desktops, servers, netbooks and laptops." < riiight09:46
shyamgaiAssuming you are running gnome desktop.09:46
tensorpuddingmore likely that not gnome-open would open it using evince09:46
cmyktensorpudding: it's the same as the ubuntu netbook09:46
cmykit's looks exactly the same except for the darn citrus icon09:46
tensorpuddingIs it? It has its own website.09:46
cmykit is09:47
cmyki had problem installing both versions since, they left out to tell you that you have to set you hd bios settings to IDE compatible mode09:47
cmykotherwise the installed on the usb flash wouldn't even see the hd09:48
tensorpuddingthey probably can't anticipate all hardware variations09:49
cmykthat was pretty basic09:49
cmykvery basic09:49
cmykha, uninstall, reinstall, and the launch icon is in office09:50
tensorpuddingthat is werid09:50
twermundnice to hear09:50
cmykoh and restart, don't forge that09:50
twermundha, stuff happens09:50
tensorpuddingi'm glad i never have to use the menu09:51
cmykmy nerves had enough linux for the day, I'll go back to free bsd09:51
oxidkorI am trying to compile from a source code and here it is the READ ME file in the source code folder (http://paste.ubuntu.com/503772/) but when I tried ./configure - it spits out "No such files or directory" -also the ./configure --help spits out the same output... Please Help Me!!!...09:51
cmyktensorpudding: you should be :)09:51
FalsetteSo, would you guys consider Ubuntu a good place to start for someone who has only worked with Windows and Mac OS's?09:51
kworkFalsette for sure09:52
tensorpuddingUbuntu isn't just a training wheels distro, it is useful for gurus too.09:52
twermundFalsette: unless you want all the bells of whistles of OS X mixed with Ubuntu http://http://pinguy-os.sourceforge.net/09:53
cmykFalsette: stay with mac os for god's sake!09:53
LeroyFalsette: go dark, scrap it all. forget what you know.09:54
plovsFalsette i use osx and ubuntu and ubntu isa nice place to start, it is a linux distro that mostly just works, and if not it is easy to find help to make things work09:54
cmykPinguyOS, shitty name but looks promising09:56
oxidkornoone knows anything about ./configure?09:56
cmyktry the linux channel09:56
grubthemesplsHello, I would like to use grub2 themes found at http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/228/.  Karmic has grub 1.97beta4 and the site recommends grub experimental r1499.  How can I interpret that?09:56
tensorpuddingoxidkor: if there is no ./configure file, you might need to run autoconf first.09:56
oxidkortensorpudding: how could I do that?09:56
tensorpuddingoxidkor: This isn't the channel for "i need to compile X from source plz help" kinds of questions09:56
venky10Hi. I need some help with grub.cfg. I'm using Lucid with stock kernel (2.6.32) on VirtualBox. I downloaded, compiled and installed 2.6.36 kernel. I generated initrd image as well and updated grub. When I select the new kernel upon starup, it throws up a few errors saying that 'init' is not available and drops to the initramfs prompt. When I do uname -a in this prompt, I get the new kernel...09:57
venky10...version. But I don't go into the new kernel shell. Anyone can help me?09:57
bazhangcmyk, watch the language09:58
tensorpuddingoxidkor: You should read the INSTALL and README files if they exist, look at the documentation on the website, check the forums, make sure you have all the build dependencies listed, and definitely installing the build-essentials packages09:58
oxidkortensorpudding thanks09:59
cmykbazhang: didn't use the f word did I?09:59
uplinkcan i install ubuntu off a USB drive?09:59
bazhangcmyk, no cursing here please09:59
tensorpuddingoxidkor: also autoconf, since it seems you might need it09:59
bazhanguplink, from flash or hdd09:59
bodwickhello, recent update broke may kde, i can't install any kde dependant app, please help!09:59
cmykoh, sh****, that, sorry09:59
bazhangoxidkor, is this some kind of download accelerator?10:00
uplinkbazhang: flash10:00
bazhanguplink, unetbootin10:00
sidhow to add image to mysql in c10:00
oxidkorbazhang: kind of10:00
bazhangsid, try a mysql channel?10:01
bazhangbodwick, details please10:01
uplinkbazhang: my usb flash drive has 352MB of storage, will it fit?10:02
bodwickbazhang when i try to install any kde/qt package i get an error that packages are broken10:02
bazhanguplink, bit too small try 1gb10:02
bazhangbodwick, pastebin the errors please10:02
uplinkbazhang: lol thats the biggest one i got... oh but i have a 40GB external HDD10:03
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 10, 2010 - Maverick Release Candidate at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 , discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:03
bodwickbazhang: http://pastebin.ca/195245910:03
bazhangbodwick, having a bit of a tough time reading that (Polish, I presume)10:04
bodwickbahang yep .. it just says that packages like kdelibs5 are needed but can't be installed ..10:05
=== wolverine is now known as Guest70177
bazhangbodwick, standard kubuntu 10.04 install?10:05
bodwickbazhang yes10:06
Guest70177\nick lebeau10:06
bazhangbodwick, does anything install? or only that is problematic10:06
=== Guest70177 is now known as lebeau
Riddellbodwick: do you have any PPAs enabled?10:07
bodwickbazhang other packages install fine10:08
bodwickRidell well yes, i have some ppa's .. but kde and qt libs are from the official repository10:08
bazhangbodwick, not sure about kubuntu, you may wish to answer Riddell though :) as he knows everything about it10:09
lebeauhi all in ubuntu 10.10 beta mac spoofing is temporary if we logout it changes to original do they fixed it in final release?10:09
tarzeaulebeau: final is not there yet10:09
bazhanglebeau, #ubuntu+1 for maverick please10:09
tarzeaulebeau: 8 more days10:09
bodwickbazhang this is not kubuntu, i just use kde apps like kile or kbibtex .. and need those kde libs10:09
tarzeauwell 9 or 1010:09
ljsoftnetcan i apply my Clearlooks-compact control theme to AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"?10:09
knollsi can't find what i'm looking for on google.. i need to know what application i can use in ubuntu to test a hdd for any issues10:09
ljsoftnetcan i apply my Clearlooks-compact control theme to AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"? i just wanted a compact layout10:09
tensorpuddingknolls: you can use SMART10:09
knollstensorpudding: thanks10:10
bazhangknolls, smartmonttools?10:10
tensorpuddingknolls: check out smartmontools10:10
lebeautarzeau! did u tried mac spoofing in beta 10.10?10:10
tensorpuddingknolls: you need to have drives which support SMART though10:10
tensorpuddingknolls: if they were made in the last five years they will10:10
knollshmm that's what i'm worried about- it's a very old looking external hard drive10:10
knollsit's made by "simple tech".. never heard of them10:11
knollsit seems to work fine but it like... vibrates10:11
knollsin a weird way10:11
tensorpuddingknolls: simple tech seems to be by hitachi10:12
=== Xintruder_ is now known as Xintruder
tensorpuddingknolls: what's the capacity?10:12
knollstensorpudding: 400gb10:12
tensorpuddingknolls: I don't think they made 400 GB drives that long ago10:12
tensorpuddingknolls: it's possible that it doesn't support SMART, but it's worth a try10:13
knollsthe guy who gave it to me said it cost him a fortune when he bought it, and it looks like a rock... the first usb hdd ever created10:13
kworkdrive that doesnot support SMART havent seen one of thouse in ages10:13
knollsbut i'm about to find out10:13
ljsoftnetcan i apply my Clearlooks-compact control theme to AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"? i just wanted a compact layout10:13
Riddellbodwick: please pastebin the output of apt-cache policy kdelibs5  and sudo apt-get install kdelibs510:13
tensorpudding2003 was when SMART appeared it seems10:14
tensorpuddingthey might have made drives with 400 GB capacity back then10:15
bodwickRidell http://pastebin.ca/195246310:15
bodwickRiddell http://pastebin.ca/195246410:15
maedoxWhere did the countdown images go?! 404 not found.  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown10:16
knollsA mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.10:16
amikropHi, after last updates when I boot, I get "Ubuntu couldn10:16
amikropHi, after last updates when I boot, I get "Ubuntu couldn't boot with nVidia settings and has to run in low graphics mode" and I get options. If I choose the "Restart X" option it gets fixed.10:17
amikropIs that a known bug?10:17
UbubeginI just updated my ubuntu 10.0.4 and now, I cant boot in. It stuck at the Acer bootup .... Anyone knows10:18
knollsyeah this drive is too old tensorpudding , i was about to use it as a backup so i could format my internal drives and start a fresh server install10:19
tensorpuddingit'd probably last long enough to work as a data lifeboat10:19
UbubeginGoddamn... seems like the latest update has just fucked up my comp for good...10:19
amikropPlease help, it is a critical issue10:20
knollsyeah i hope so, i'll start transfering, it seems to work fine at least10:20
amikropI think the latest kernel broke it10:20
tensorpuddingamikrop: are you using the binary nvidia drivers?10:20
zulutshakaHi guys10:21
amikroptensorpudding: yes, but before the last updates (kernel 2.6.32-25-generic-pae) it worked fine10:21
zulutshakahow can i redirect facebook.com to localhost?10:21
greppyzulutshaka: edit /etc/hosts, add facebook.com10:22
dwarderwith this .fonts.conf http://pastebin.com/remP9ECY i have this sort of fonts in my Firefox http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4951/fflinux.png . Is it possible to change my .fonts.conf so that this fonts look like this http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/570/ffwindows.png10:22
Riddellbodwick: well you're mixing karmic and lucid reponsitories there so it's not surprising you have conflicts10:22
amikroptensorpudding: so, any ideas?10:22
Ububeginamikrop: mine is ATI and my machine also cant boot up after the latest kernel update...10:23
ljsoftnetcan i change the look or theme of AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet"? i just wanted a compact layout10:23
arifovicAnyone, how to connect CDMA modem C8800 on ubuntu?10:23
Ububegin*Pls dont install the latest kernel update.. It will fuck up your system for good.. Public Service Notice...*10:24
amikropUbubegin: wow10:24
zulutshakai can always access it in firefox10:24
zulutshakai added www.facebook.com to /etc/hosts10:24
arifovicAnyone, how to connect CDMA modem C8800 on ubuntu?10:25
jrib!language | Ububegin10:25
ubottuUbubegin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:25
BinaryManis anyone in here alive and awake with any kind of background in complete file system corruption.10:26
jribBinaryMan: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)10:26
Ububeginjrib; sorry dude, was a bit frustrated...10:26
cdwillisi accidentally formatted my home partition on my new install and switched from fat32 to ext4, is any of my data recoverable?10:26
cdwillis*ntfs to ext4, sorry10:26
BinaryManokay, so I turned on my laptop after putting it into hibernate. I have a LUKS+LVM2 partition on my laptop. It kept dropping me to a busybox shell after booting.10:27
carlotolineroit seems that im having difficulties in empathy specially i cant see all your names. who is online or whos im gonna gp private chat with. any suggestion?10:27
xuekancdwillis:yes,it's recoverable.10:27
ikoniacdwillis: no - it's not10:27
amikropUbubegin: ok, so how do I downgrade the kernel?10:27
BinaryManso I booted from a 10.04, unlocked the LUKS partition, and proceeded to mount my lvm2 volume.10:27
BinaryManand the livecd couldn't. originally, it didn't recognize the volume as ext410:28
cdwillisikonia: i figured that changing the file system type would prevent any recovery, thanks10:28
BinaryManI ran fsck.ext4 -f /dev/christnet-mapper/root for hours.10:28
BinaryManand when it was done and I could mount the volume.10:28
Ububeginamikrop: beats me dude.. I cant even get past the Acer boot screen... Think I will ask the tech guys on Monday... They have all gone back...10:28
amikroptensorpudding: so, I have to downgrade the kernel, how do I do that? :S10:28
BinaryManevery single file and folder on my computer was renamed to the inode number it corresponded to and stuck in the lost+found folder.10:29
BinaryManhalp pl0x!10:29
carlotolineroany one not busy today :P10:29
Ububeginamikrop: cant u change the grub.. so that the default bootup uses the older kernel..10:29
amikropUbubegin: how?10:29
Ububeginamikrop: use LiveCD.. and access the HD10:30
teolicyHi. I've just a double disk failure on my home server (mdadm/RAID5). I didn't touch anything, for fear of worsening the case, other than stopping anything I could think of that was writing to the filesystem.10:30
carlotolineropls respond to my msg so that i know that  you guys aare recieving my chars :)10:31
teolicyIf someone has the relevant mdadm-fu and would like to help (I'm no newbie myself), I'd be happy for your suggestions on what to do now.10:31
teolicydmesg is, as expected, full of errors re sdd/sdc.10:31
Ububeginamikrop: It shld work, i suppose..  What do u think ?10:31
BinaryManteolicy: 2+ disk failures on RAID5? you screwed.10:31
carlotolineropls respond. :(10:31
amikropUbubegin: yes. thanks10:31
seidoscarlotolinero, i see you.10:32
dwarderwith this .fonts.conf http://pastebin.com/remP9ECY i have this sort of fonts in my Firefox http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4951/fflinux.png . Is it possible to change my .fonts.conf so that this fonts look like this http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/570/ffwindows.png10:32
carlotolinerothanks. thought im still hving problems.10:32
teolicyBinaryMan: Yes, well, two disks failing EXACTLY at the same time is a bit weird, no? How about it's just an interface problem, and I reboot the server and everything will be fine?10:32
teolicy(these are brand new less than one month old 2TB WD's)10:32
BinaryManteolicty: my LUKS+LVM2 decided to die on me tonight. after running fsck, everything has been moved into /lost+found10:32
tensorpuddingamikrop keeps parting just as i'm about to talk to him10:33
seidoscarlotolinero, just ask your question.10:33
xevcan I boot to console only? without getting to ubuntu login?10:33
BinaryManteolicy: if it's not actual drive failures, try rebooting.10:33
carlotolineroseidos: hey bro im having difficulties here at empathy. seems i cant view yournames10:33
jribxev: why?10:33
tensorpuddingxev: you can disable gdm from starting10:33
teolicyBinaryMan: I'm still working under the assumption it's not really drive failures, it's just that I don't want to lose useful things I may have in my buffer cache right now.10:33
BinaryManteolicy: i'm booted in via a live CD and i'll probably be in here all night backing up everything up to my external hard drive.10:33
seidoscarlotolinero, you can try another irc client.  perhaps xchat will work for you.10:33
bazhang!nox | xev10:33
ubottuxev: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:33
teolicyFor example, maybe a dumpe2fs now would be useful.10:33
doktoreashello everybody..is there any alternative to gnome do? I see that latest release is 1 year old10:33
BinaryManteolicy: can you force a reboot? that should properly clear the buffer cache, but let me double check before you do.10:34
teolicyBinaryMan: This is a 4x2TB RAID... I /can't/ back it up... Not enough media!10:34
teolicyBinaryMan: I probably WANT what's in the buffer cache... ugh... never mind.10:34
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
xevtensorpudding, how do i add list in grub menu..?10:34
BinaryMansucks doesn't it?10:34
carlotolinerothanks seidos. i think a have change my client. thanks for your suggestions10:35
seidoscarlotolinero, good luck10:35
Resnikanyone got some spare time to help me with iptables?10:35
tensorpuddingxev: did you check that link that was given to you?10:35
jribResnik: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)10:35
xevtensorpudding,  so i'm using GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=text10:36
BinaryManteolicy: yes, and it should be written first.10:36
Test17hey i have a printer i need to share to windows clients frmo ubuntu10:36
teolicyBinaryMan: Exactly, I want the data there.10:36
xevbut I what i want is .. different menu.. 1 for normal and another one is for console10:37
Test17i can see it in 'available printers' in cups but im not sure where to go from here10:37
tensorpuddingxev: i'm not sure how you'd do that10:37
tensorpuddingxev: probably need to read the grub 2 docs10:38
xevyes.. I'm using grub210:38
xev/etc/default/grub and change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=text10:38
xevbut what i want now.. is add another menu10:39
carlotolinerowhats the best client for now? :) im still new to ubuntu10:39
glebihanxev: you can do that by editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom and putting your custom grub entry there10:39
virtudelivros_olá bom dia a todos10:40
xevglebihan, ok.. thanks :)10:40
virtudelivros_se algm puder me ajudar por favor não consigo fazer upgrade no ubuntu 10.1010:40
jrib!pt | virtudelivros_10:40
ubottuvirtudelivros_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:40
glebihanxev: you'll need to run grub-update again afterwards10:40
xevglebihan, it's possible to add a new menu with some services stop?10:42
xevbecause what I need is.. 1 for normal boot.. and another is for console.10:42
Resniki would like to set in iptables that i can connect from work on port 3389 to my ubuntu server, and that would be redirected to my home ip on port 61000, how can i do that?10:42
glebihanxev: grub does not control the services that start, however the "text" option you mentioned earlier should take you to the console10:42
xevglebihan, because everytime I log to console i need to kill networkmanager to use my wireless..10:44
DrHackhello all...10:44
Test17when i try to add a printer shared it says on my windows pc 'the server does not have the correct printer driver installed'10:44
carlotolineroDrHack: Hello10:44
xevso, i think if anyway to automaticly stop the networkmanager service "if I log to console" and start when I log back to GDM10:44
DrHacki need to install the c headers for my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system.10:44
DrHackthe result of uname -a is: Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.028stab068.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 15 19:26:36 MSK 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:45
bogdomaniacheers guys.. any ideea why i get this while trying to start nautilus manually?   symbol lookup error: nautilus: undefined symbol: g_application_get_type10:45
glebihanxev: I guess you could edit /etc/init/network-manager.conf and add an option to prevent ir from starting if the text option is passed to the kernel10:45
xevglebihan, ok..thanks.. i'm going to try it..10:46
glebihanxev: maybe it's /etc/init.d/network-manager that needs to be edited10:47
carlotolinero@everyone: whats your irc client? suggestions please. im using empathy.10:48
xevcarlotolinero, irssi = terminal, and xchat10:48
lorenzocabrinicarlotolinero: irssi10:48
greppycarlotolinero: irssi10:49
teolicyFuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I realized what happened: last night I added a disk to the server, I forgot to re-attach the powerline to ALL the fans (it's a 14 disk server...). I friggin cooked m data!10:49
teolicyOMG, I can't believe this happened to me.10:49
carlotolineroxev;lorenzocabrini;greppy: thanks. ill switch to that client10:50
xevcarlotolinero, good luck :)10:50
knollsteolicy: that's terrible...10:50
greppycarlotolinero: you may want to take a look at http://irssi.org10:50
teolicyknolls: thanks for the sympathy... :-(10:50
DrHackis anyone able to give me a hand?10:51
knollsteolicy: i was sitting here praying this old external drive will keep my 100gb of music safe, and you just lost the whole fleet- was enough of it backed up?10:51
dwarderdoes visual tool exist to manage .fonts.conf?10:52
dwardergui tool10:52
jribdwarder: system -> preferences -> appearance -> ... -> fonts10:53
dwarderjrib: it doesn't apply for firefox, but .fonts.conf does10:53
jribdwarder: are you sure?10:53
dwarderjrib: absolutely10:53
jribdwarder: I am pretty sure it does...10:53
jribdwarder: note you need to restart apps after making changes probably10:54
dwarderjrib: are you able to set firefox not to use AA at all?10:54
jribdwarder: if you have a .fonts.conf it may override settings as well10:54
dwarderjrib: with this .fonts.conf http://pastebin.com/remP9ECY i have this sort of fonts in my Firefox http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4951/fflinux.png . Is it possible to change my .fonts.conf so that this fonts look like this http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/570/ffwindows.png10:55
jribdwarder: I don't know10:55
Rohanccan anyone help me to update to latest version of inkscape? I've 0.47.0.. i want to update it to 0.48.010:56
g4tsuCould somebody tells me if remastersys keeps root data ?10:56
teolicyknolls: The reason I changed a disk in my server was to setup my cool new disaster recovery server with the critical data...10:56
teolicy(after the old disaster recovery server, a Pentium III with two PATA 250GB disks, died)10:57
teolicyI so can't believe this happened.10:57
teolicyI'm cooling it down now, I hope I'll be able to get the data out.10:57
teolicyMy wife and I just came back from a long trip, I have 100GB of photos on that server!10:57
DrHackis anyone able to give me a hand?10:58
knollsteolicy: i know first hand that either i'm lucky, or hard drives can get pretty hot without it being as dangerous as i've read online10:58
sidwhen i try to boot ubuntu 10.04 it gives message mount of filesystem failed CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and retry10:58
sidsnd gives prompt10:58
teolicyAs it happens, I used to work for a SAN startup which was acquired by IBM. I wasn't in the area of the disks (more software), but in a small company, you hear things.11:00
teolicyHeat /is/ as bad as they make it out to be, and luck has a lot to do with everything when it comes to mechanical HDDs.11:00
teolicyReducing 5 degrees from your HDD can really make it live longer. 10 degrees far longer.11:00
knollswell i am lucky then11:00
teolicyIf you disks are at 40, they're too hot. I BROUGHT MINE TO 70. Ouch.11:01
knollsi should add a fan somewhere in this case11:01
teolicy(celsius, of course)11:01
* samiz is away: Away11:01
aubreyAnyway to speed up scrolling and graphics in Xubuntu ?11:01
aubreyesp. scrolling in web browser.11:01
SmokeyDhey everyone, is there a keyboard shortcut or command or something I could use to display all non-minimized windows side by side?11:01
carlotolineroi downloaded the IRSSI but it seems icant see the client. can any one help me out(im new here sorry)11:01
glebihanRohanc: you should be able to get it by adding ppa:ricotz/ppa to your software sources11:02
glebihanRohanc: btw did you solve your issues yesterday ?11:02
knollsteolicy: i guess i'll fix something tomorrow11:02
knollsnight :]11:02
knollsgood luck teolicy11:02
aubreyhow can a dual core w. nvidia 512mb gpx feel sluggish with xubuntu ? its weird ...11:02
Dragon64do you have the nvidia drivers loaded?11:03
teolicyCheers, good night.11:03
Rohancglebihan: thanks buddy, yes I did sort out yesterday's issue.. I dont know really how I did it.. rebooted the system and then it asked me to update some files11:03
Rohancglebihan: how did u find that ppa of inkscape? i can't get one from launchpad.net11:04
glebihanRohanc: it was mentioned on inkscape's page on launchpad11:04
Dragon64aubrey -- u have the nvidia drivers loaded?11:05
Dragon64may seem sluggish without it11:05
glebihanRohanc: "Other versions of 'inkscape' in untrusted archives." on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape11:05
aubreyDragon64, yes i have11:05
aubrey256.53 version11:06
Dragon64the ubuntu supplied one, or from the nvidia site, it freq makes a difference11:06
aubreyDragon64, freq. what/how ?11:06
Rohancglebihan: similarly I want to know the ppa of gimp app? is this the correct page of inkscape on launchpad? - https://launchpad.net/inkscape11:06
Dragon64seems to me there are also some options in nvidia setup that can make a huge difference, one sec11:06
aubreyDragon64, much appreciated, i compared to Windows XP and Windows 7 on this same machine, and the difference in speed is huge11:07
Dragon64im sure11:07
aubreyboth ubuntu and xubuntu11:07
aubreyDragon64, so the linux nvidia drivers are inferior to the windows ?11:08
Rohancglebihan: I'm really confused, where did u find the PPA? I couldn't see either here - https://launchpad.net/inkscape or here - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape11:08
Dragon64did you use ones from nvidia site, or supplied drivers?11:08
glebihanRohanc: there doesn't seem to be a ppa for gimp11:09
aubreyi use the propertiary drivers11:09
aubreyso it must be nvidia11:09
aubreyDragon64, wait, i used synaptic to install them11:09
aubreyDragon64, i didnt manually download from nvidia11:09
dwarderdoes gui tool exist to manage .fonts.conf11:09
glebihanRohanc: at the bottom of the page on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape click on "Other versions of 'inkscape' in untrusted archives. "11:09
Dragon64ok there ya go11:10
aubreyDragon64, ok, how do you mean ?11:10
Dragon64first off uninstall them, then get the driver from nvidia11:10
aubreyDragon64, ok11:10
Dragon64makes  a world of difference11:10
carlotolinerook nga e11:10
carlotolinerooooops wrong send11:10
aubreyDragon64, its difficult to install them prop. nvidia drivers manually ?11:10
Dragon64also i see a bunch of complaints on google about slow nvidia performance, should be able to get some help there11:11
Dragon64usually its a .bin file11:11
abe3khello, anyone having an issue with gnome-screensaver when lock screen is active ?11:11
glebihanRohanc: oh yes found gimp ppa: ppa:grumbel/gimp11:11
Dragon64set the properties so it will be executeable11:11
aubreyDragon64, ok, double click i guess ..11:11
Rohancglebihan: thank you I got it now.. so I have to check " https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ " instead of https://launchpad.net/ to find a ppa right?11:11
Dragon64and then kick it off11:11
aubreyDragon64, thanks for your help !11:11
jribDragon64: the nvidia drivers the Hardware Drivers program provides are the same as the drivers from nvidia11:12
glebihanRohanc: well usually to find a ppa, I either go to a project's page or make a search for "packagename ppa" on launchpad11:12
matclaytonDoes anyone know how to upgrade apache to the latest version 2.2.16 on ubuntu 9.10? its not available in apt and the configure/make/install setup puts everything in strange places11:12
Rohancglebihan: ok.. hmm.. so it is not enough to search "packagename" on launchpad? that's all i did so far...11:13
glebihanRohanc: better to add the "ppa" keyword11:13
JoeCoolDeskIs there a decent file explorer?11:14
jribJoeCoolDesk: nautilus?11:14
JoeCoolDeskNo, a decent one.11:14
jribJoeCoolDesk: obviously, you need to be more specific as to why you think nautilus isn't decent...11:15
greppyJoeCoolDesk: what features make a file manager "decent" to you?11:15
Rohancglebihan: and thanks for input on this.. and one more thing I've installed ubuntu on my windows 7 machine using wubi .. i'm really getting black screens now and then.. do u think installing inside windows 7 is the main problem?11:15
JoeCoolDeskSomething that can keep up with Win7 or OS X, instead of XP11:15
jribJoeCoolDesk: "specific"11:15
glebihanRohanc: I wouldn't know, I've never used wubi... maybe somebody else would be more helpful on this11:16
JoeCoolDeskMore organization options, libraries, etc.11:16
JoeCoolDeskBetter interface11:16
JoeCoolDeskMore integrated networking11:16
abe3kheres the solution for the lock screen issue http://quinnmadson.blogspot.com/2010/07/gnome-screensaver-missing-lock-screen.html11:16
zetheroowhat is the command to take ownership of all folders and subfolders and files in a directory?11:17
jribzetheroo: what directory?11:17
greppyzetheroo: chown -R username:usergroup directory11:17
jribzetheroo: changing ownership recursively on the wrong files can break your system11:17
zetheroojrib: directories on my second hard drive11:18
Rohancglebihan: no problem, hey I got another doubt on packages - at the bottom of the page - https://launchpad.net/inkscape i see different packages named squeeze, maverick, lucid, karmic,lenny etc.. which one do i have to choose?11:18
zetheroojrib: nothing that I should not have ownership to :)11:18
zetheroogreppy: is that the best way to change everything on a hard drive in one go?11:19
glebihanRohanc: I guess you're running lucid (10.04) so choose lucid packages, if unsure use the "lsb_release -a" command and check the Codename11:19
greppyzetheroo: pretty much, yeah.11:20
greppyzetheroo: 'man chown' will give you some more info on the command11:20
zetheroogreppy: would I do sudo chown -R username:usergroup /media/main  ...  "main" being where my hdd is mounted!?11:20
JoeCoolDeskBecause honestly, jrib, Nautalis is stuck in 2004.11:20
greppyzetheroo: yeah11:20
jribJoeCoolDesk: k11:20
Rohancglebihan: yes indeed I'm running Lucid, so according to this page - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inkscape I'm running the latest version11:21
JoeCoolDeskSo how are there any decent file managers out?11:21
jribJoeCoolDesk: you still haven't told us exactly what you are looking for...11:22
JoeCoolDeskI just did.11:22
glebihanRohanc: yes you are running the latest official build of inkscape for lucid... that's why you need to use ppas if you want a more recent version11:22
jribJoeCoolDesk: no, you just make general statements.  I have no clue what you are looking for11:22
JoeCoolDeskjrib, More organization options, libraries, Better interface,m etc. In general more like Win711:22
prodigelhi all. I have a strange problem: suddenly my laptop pad scroll doesn't work. I did a software update earlier but I doubt that has affected it. Can I test my pad functionalities somehow?11:22
jribJoeCoolDesk: I read this11:23
glebihanRohanc: another way would be to compile the sources of the latest version11:23
greppyJoeCoolDesk: have you looked at the plugins available for nautilus?11:23
Rohancglebihan: unlike windows - this ubuntu releases are so confusing to me .. why is that official inkscape website didn't state any of this? So actually u mean PPA's are not supported by official developments?11:23
JoeCoolDeskNo, greppy.11:23
lorenzocabriniJoeCoolDesk: I don't know how the Win7 file works, but zsh, mc and rox-filer all work fine for me...11:24
glebihanRohanc: well this is mentioned on inkscape's page because it's the way things work for most packages11:24
JoeCoolDeskJrib, That's because I like to leave options open, I';m not discounting anything if it can make up for it.  Use your opinions/ judgment11:24
Nirkushi! interesting question (ubuntu): how do i tell ubuntu to bring up an interface with IPv6 autoconfiguration only using /etc/network/interfaces?11:24
greppyJoeCoolDesk: apt-cache search nautilus may be able to get you pointed in the direction you want to go11:24
Nirkus(ubuntu 10.04)11:24
tgywaHi ...how to list SASL as a trusted mechanism ?11:25
jribJoeCoolDesk: I just use a shell for file management11:25
Rohancglebihan: Yes, I tried and failed to compile the sources of latest version, I've download .bz2 file of latest inkscape 0.48.0 and extracted to my downloads folder and failed at commands in terminal11:25
glebihanRohanc: and you're right, ppa stands for "Personal package archive" and they're not officially supported11:25
Nirkusor do i need to leave it out of /etc/network/interface so networkmanager takes over?11:25
glebihanRohanc: I may be able to help you with compilation if you want11:26
sidwhen i try to boot ubuntu 10.04 it gives message mount of filesystem failed CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and retry11:27
Rohancglebihan: yes u can help me with this - i tried the commands at - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingUbuntu (deep inside the page at subheading - "Update your version ") but no use for me11:27
ranjan_Hi all11:28
ranjan_How to convert an mpeg file to flv with a better clarity11:29
ranjan_any good video convertor for ubuntu??11:29
glebihanRohanc: could you pastebin the error messages you get when you try ?11:30
JoeCoolDeskjrib, are you a sysadmin for a server?11:30
hmwWhat is a good tool to monitor my ubuntu (using it as router) - i'd like to see stats about network traffic, cpu load, memory etc.11:31
Roketman(ranjan_) mancoder can do the trick11:31
hmw...on the console11:31
Roketmanmencoder, sorry11:32
greppyhmw: htop, itop, iptraf11:32
ranjan_Roketman, is there a gui for that?11:32
Rohancglebihan: sure, here you go - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/C29KmpdX   wow. interface of pastebin has changed11:32
hmwthanks greppy11:33
Rohancglebihan: check the last 20 commands or so11:33
Roketmanranjan_, the only one I've heard about is for KDE, Konverter11:33
ranjan_Roketman, ok thank you11:34
Roketman;) good luck ranjan_ this is the link http://www.kraus.tk/projects/konverter/11:34
carlotolinero_magandang evening po.11:34
Rohancranjan_ maybe u can use google for this - check this site if u want - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/best-video-converter-613821/11:34
ljsoftnetcan i change AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet" of its looks?11:35
ljsoftnetcan i change AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet" of its looks? wanted to go for a compact one11:35
glebihanRohanc: you're not using svn right,  maybe you should download the source package directly11:35
Rohancglebihan: actually I don't know what's SVN exactly.. u can guide me the steps11:36
JoeCoolDeskWhat the big new headline feature for October?11:36
Kartagishow do I kill processes that use cdrom? I can't eject it for the life of me11:36
tgywawhere can I change the value of merge_passwd in Ubuntu 10.04 ?11:37
glebihanRohanc: it'll be easier to directly download the source : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54503492/inkscape-0.48.0.tar.gz11:37
g4tsuis ubuntu pentest more completed than BT or GT ?11:39
oCean_Kartagis: do you know what process is using the cdrom?11:39
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
Dragon64aubrey you still with us?11:40
carlotolinero_may pinoy b dito11:40
KartagisoCean it seems my cdrom is /dev/cdrom1. I ejected it, thanks11:40
oCeanKartagis: ah, okay11:40
Kartagis!ph | carlotolinero_11:40
ubottucarlotolinero_: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog11:40
Rohancglebihan: like i said I've already did download the source file from here - http://inkscape.org/download/?lang=en (but I downloaded .bz2 file - for somewhat small size); is this different from the download link u gave me?11:41
jinkDragon64: Quit 30 minutes ago.  Right after "thanks for you help !".11:41
glebihanRohanc: no should be the same, sorry didn't understand you already had the package. You won't need to use svn  then11:42
Dragon64aubrey https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/+bug/61261411:42
jinkDragon64: That won't work. ^__^11:42
Rohancglebihan: I guess it's my bad english, it's not my native language11:42
glebihanRohanc: extract the package, then from the folder where you extracted the files, run "./configure"11:43
glebihanRohanc: np11:43
fxhi all... does i686 suppors more than 3gB of ram?11:45
Rohancglebihan: error again.. check this - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qCuQB4nR11:45
ljsoftnetcan i change AWN "Yet Another Menu Applet" of its looks? wanted to go for a compact one11:45
=== fx is now known as Guest15539
=== Guest15539 is now known as Fxis
glebihanRohanc: run "sudo apt-get install intltool"11:46
=== carlotolinero_ is now known as Acheng
Rohancglebihan: ok it's downloading a 5MB files.. what's this intltool? any thing related to Intel?11:48
glebihanRohanc: no those are internationalization tools11:49
=== Acheng is now known as CarloTolinero
Rohancglebihan: but how come it didn't get updated to when I updated my ubuntu through "Update Manager" ?11:50
glebihanRohanc: I think you didn't have it installed at all... the error message is not very clear though11:51
Rohancglebihan: hmm.. ok. error again , says - configure: error: libpng >= 1.2 is needed to compile inkscape , do u want me to paste whole thing in pastebin?11:53
glebihanRohanc: no it's ok, run "sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev"11:53
robint91does anyone know how to install ubuntu server for debootstrap?11:54
Rohancglebihan: error again, says - configure: error: libgc (the Boehm Conservative Collector) 6.4+, is needed to compile inkscape -- http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc11:56
oCeanrobint91: have you seen this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot11:56
jribRohanc: inkscape is in the repositories, it's better to use the repositories11:57
robint91oCean: yes11:57
robint91there isn't a11:57
robint91sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server11:58
glebihanRohanc: in order to save some time, run "sudo apt-get install libpopt-dev libboost-dev libgsl0-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev liblcms1-dev libgc-dev"11:58
Rohancjrib: so just leave it alone in latest stable version at 0.47 for Ubuntu Lucid? than trying to update to 0.48 ?11:58
glebihanRohanc: this should provide all the needed libraries11:58
jribRohanc: yes... unless you have some really good reason not to.  And in that case you, should probably see if inkscape has a repository setup somewhere11:58
venky10For ubuntu - what are the linux kernel headers?11:59
oCeanrobint91: the -server install is a basic install, you could "add" (for example) the ubuntu-desktop by using that metapackage11:59
oCeanrobint91: there is no metapackage for ubuntu-server11:59
robint91I do only want the lamp  + openssh11:59
robint91and the server kernel11:59
oCeanrobint91: then use the server image download & install12:00
robint91oCean: it is for a livecd12:00
padhuany one suggest me good laser printer or multi function printer for home usage which should work in Lucid12:01
oCeanpadhu: using hplip a whole lot op HP printers work just fine. I only have a little deskjet though..12:04
david00Hi.  I have a remote server running Hardy, it has a network card which was not supported by Hardy.  Last time I ran dist-upgrade the kernel module for the network card, which was manually installed before, was not there after rebooting into the new kernel.  This meant I had to call the hosting company.  Is there any way to tell which cards (PCI IDs) are supported by an update before installing it?12:08
dwarderanyone has better non untilised looking fonts than mine http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4951/fflinux.png12:09
david00oops ;)12:13
david00how come this channel is so quiet?  My question used to scroll off the screen 2 seconds after I typed it12:14
greppydavid00: it's been pretty consistant this morning.12:14
magnetrondavid00: any manually compiled kernel modules will be invalid when you upgrade the kernel12:14
sburjanhello. i have a hard question. Can someone tell me why OpenOffice that comes with Ubuntu doesn;t have it's own Environment variable ? like office.home .. where is the binary ?12:14
magnetrondavid00: either you recompile manually after each kernel update, or you set up DKMS to do this automatically12:15
sim642Whats with the countdown scripts not working on Ubuntu site? The images dont show up (and on my site either).12:15
david00magnetron: yes, that's what happened before.  I think support for this card might be backported to the new ubuntu kernel releases, though.12:15
david00magnetron: So I want to find out if it *has* been backported or not before upgrading.12:15
ravenheart Hi, i bought a new mouse today, a razer imperator, but my computer wont start if the mouse is plugged, if i plug it later, there is no problem... what is going wrong?12:16
magnetrondavid00: each kernel update in ubuntu has a changelog attached to it, i usually read it in the update manager12:16
magnetrondavid00: i think you could just grep for your chipset name12:16
tensorpuddingsburjan: The binary is probably in /usr/bin/ooffice12:16
david00magnetron: cheers.  are modules generally contained in linux-ubuntu-modules package?12:16
tensorpuddingsburjan: actually, that file is a script which runs /usr/lib/openoffice/programs/soffice12:17
sburjanyes, but if a program wants to start OO server, using System.getProperty("office.home") will fail. because there is no ENV var12:17
ljsoftnetcan i change the Avant Window Manager > "Yet Another Menu Applet" look?, just wanted to go for a compact one12:18
magnetrondavid00: no, many are contained in the current linux-image package12:18
tensorpuddingsburjan: Is setting this environment variable supposed to be portable?12:18
sburjanwell.. it would be utopic to have an universal env var of OO on all OSes12:19
sburjanthis will ensure a greater portability from platform to platform12:19
david00cheers magnetron :)12:19
magnetrondavid00: do you know which chipset/driver name applies to your network card?12:20
sburjannow I don;t know if this is a Ubuntu thing, or OO installer doesnt create this12:20
bazhangsburjan, perhaps try #openoffice.org as well12:20
tensorpuddingsburjan: Generally speaking, the binary should be in PATH12:20
vinnie_is there a log file somewhere that i can check to see exactly what time my computer was rebooted? I came home 10 minutes ago to a rebooted machine.12:20
greppyvinnie_: you could check /var/log/messages12:21
david00magnetron, yes, it's intel e1000e12:21
sburjantensorpudding: I have only 3 lines in PATH, none related to Open Office12:21
ravenheartanyone an idea for me?12:21
vinnie_greppy: what exact text should i look for?12:21
greppyvinnie_: look for services starting12:22
tensorpuddingsburjan: They don't have OpenOffice in the name, but there is a script which runs OpenOffice in /usr/bin, which is always in $PATH12:22
tarzeauvinnie_: the command last12:22
cptblodrunning ubuntu 10.10 (tried 10.04 too) and i cannot get any hdmi audio, here's aplay -l / -L : http://pastebin.ca/1952453 any ideas?12:24
gaelfxI'm having trouble playing anything in mplayer, it gives me an error that some reference in libavformat doesn't exist, anyone have any idea what the problem might be?12:24
ljsoftnetcan i change the Avant Window Manager > "Yet Another Menu Applet" look?, just wanted to go for a compact one12:24
CarloTolinerogaelfx:are you sure its in the right format?12:25
vinnie_greppy, tarzeau: thanx... found it 11:08 pm eastern. that would have been a few minutes before my 3 yr old son went to bed. he probably came in the computer room and pushed the shiny big blue light button. lol :)12:25
greppyvinnie_: duct tape :)12:25
gaelfxCarloTolinero: I'm trying to play an .mkv, if that's what you mean12:25
vinnie_greppy: lol12:25
gaelfxCarloTolinero: and the same video plays in VLC, but then I have no way to use vdpau12:26
OfeK˜ Xscript™ version 10.0a - by XCITE - get it at: www.xscript.2ya.com ˜12:26
LjLOfeK: please don't do that12:26
wolf23help! how can i let gnome nanny works everytime when ubuntu starts?12:26
LjLOfeK: the script thing12:26
vinnie_greppy: ive actually heard of people moving the power, and reset buttons to the back of there machines12:27
gaelfxcptblod: as far as I know, HDMI audio still doesn't work, and I'm pretty sure it's a pulse audio and/or ALSA problem12:27
ravenheartcan anyone tell me why my computer doesnt start with a new mouse? does bios not recognize it? what can i do?12:27
OfeKi can oper12:27
cptblodgaelfx: oh :(( was it introduced in 10.04 or something, the problem i mean? so would it help going back to 9.04 for example?12:28
gaelfxcptblod: no, I tried to get it to work in Karmic to no avail as well12:28
gaelfxcptblod: it's not like something that got broken, it's more like something that was never properly implemented12:28
giannishello! i installed ubuntu with encypted Home directory but now it can't perfom auto login. is that a problem?12:29
gaelfxcptblod: you might try some googlefu on the old "HDMI audio out NVidia Ubuntu" tune12:29
greppygiannis: what's the point of an encrypted home dir if you have auto login?12:29
gaelfxbut I'm not getting my hopes up, personally12:29
cptblodwell, i've seen others getting it to work?12:30
mukk0boyhi. i have a problem which my laptop, i've installed ubuntu in my compaq and now the wi-fi switch buttom doesn't respond anymore.12:30
SexyNexyanyone good with theming here?12:30
icerootgreppy: encrypted / for that you have to enter a passwort on boot12:31
magnetronravenheart: i've seen some BIOS trying to use the mouse as a boot device if you have enabled "boot from USB" in the bios12:31
gaelfxcptblod: you have a url for that? it might be doable by uninstalling pulse and installing the lastest ALSA, I know they were working on it12:31
magnetronravenheart: which will obviously not work :D12:31
giannisgreppy: i don't want to be stolen data from other ways...like hdd stolen or within internet. but only me i use the desktop. is there any solution to have autologin?12:32
gaelfxcptblod: by the way, I don't suppose you have VDPAU working on your box?12:32
greppyiceroot: right, but why try to do that and have auto login, it kind of defeats the purpose.12:32
greppygiannis: if someone steals the hdd, and you have autologin, they just have to plug it in to a computer12:32
ravenheartmagnetron: on the other hand my last mouse was usb too12:33
magnetronravenheart: yeah it depends on the mouse12:33
magnetronravenheart: kind of a lottery when the BIOS will fuck up12:33
cptblodactually, vdpau is working fine12:33
giannisgreppy: yes you are right :) can someone steal my data within the internet?12:34
oCeanmagnetron: watch the language here12:34
icerootgreppy: the auto-login-feature is on encrypted /home12:34
cptblodnever had any issues with vdpau really gaelfx12:34
gaelfxcptblod: did you use PPA for that?12:34
magnetronoCean: yeah i just rememebered this was a family establishment12:34
oCeanmagnetron: thanks12:34
icerootgreppy: just because the key is not stored on /home, auto-login is working, so if you steal the hdd, auto-login is not working because its crypted on /home12:34
greppygiannis: if they get access to your computer, yes.12:34
cptblodi installed libvdpau1 & libdvdpau-dev gaelfx from terminal12:34
giannisgreppy: so i might be protected from that now right? and last question..is the home dir slower (about speeds) at read/write? if yes how slower?12:35
greppygiannis: there is going to be some overhead from enabling encryption, I don't have details on how much, sorry.12:36
KimIskovHi. The last month my Ubuntu 10.04 are running slower and slower. I have searched google for advise but nothing helps. Any suggestion for an action to that maybe help?12:37
icerootKimIskov: looking at top if something is eating the cpu12:37
KimIskoviceroot: CPU and memory usage looks normal, strange.12:38
icerootKimIskov: and the %wa value?12:38
mukk0boyplease, someone can help me which my wi-fi switch button that don't respond? the laptop is a compaq cq40-312br, i've installed ubuntu on it.12:39
KimIskoviceroot: 0,3%wa,12:39
smalltown_boy345hi room..12:40
Anti84Hello! Can someone help me with install my webcam?12:41
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rafahlhi guyz12:42
rafahlI have installed ubuntu12:42
Rohancglebihan: sorry buddy, it was a power cut from here.. in addition to the frequeent black screens in Ubunut12:42
glebihanRohanc: np, wondered why you were gone12:43
Rohancglebihan: yeah... I know, my UPS was troubling me lately.. so no power backup at that time12:43
Rohancglebihan: anyway, i think i'll settle with 0.47.0 inkscape for now12:44
pyghassenany one knows how to do select all in the nano editor12:44
glebihanRohanc: ok12:44
DhulKarnainhey folks, is the mesa driver only for ati cards, or does it support nvidia as well?12:45
pyghassenany one knows how to do select all in the nano editor12:46
SexyNexyAnyone here who;s experienced in Ubuntu theming?12:46
rileypIf I want surround sound in myth on my front end do I need to adjust settings on my backend in the shed to ensure recording are recorded in 5.1 or is all that info embedded in the mpeg2 stream12:46
jofo`Hello. I have a question about Gucharmap (the character map installed by default with Ubuntu and Gnome). When a character is not available in the selected font, Gucharmap uses another font which contains it, if there is one. The problem is I'd like to know whether a given character exists in the selected font. So I'd like that Gucharmap displays only the characters available in the font I've chosen, in this case, Verdana. Is this poss12:46
Rohancglebihan: how long have u been using Ubuntu buddy?12:46
glebihanRohanc: about 5 years12:47
gaelfxlooks like I had to install libavformat-extra to get it working12:47
Anti84someone can help me?12:48
Anti84i need help!12:48
Rohancglebihan: wow that's amazing, my experience is not even 5 days.. just 2 days for now :) but actually I think I'll use more often than windows from now on12:48
AbhiJit!ask | Anti8412:48
ubottuAnti84: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
Inferusthere's no reason to use windows12:48
Inferusapart from photoshop12:48
Inferuseverything else i do in linu12:48
FloodBot2Inferus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
oCeanSexyNexy: there is #ubuntu-artwork channel, and of course various gnome channels, they might be of more help for you?12:49
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.12:49
rileypIf I want surround sound in myth on my front end do I need to adjust settings on my backend in the shed to ensure recording are recorded in 5.1 or is all that info embedded in the mpeg2 stream12:49
glebihanInferus: I personally use Windows only to test cross-platform apps12:49
Inferusglebihan: i just wish i could get photoshop working in ubuntu12:50
glebihanInferus: you don't like gimp ?12:50
logan_wolfI am doing text2html on a doc file and fetching all the urls listed in that .doc file as hyperlinks. The only problem is that the command is giving all the 1000 urls in continuity I want a line break after every url . How can I do that12:50
Inferusits crap12:50
Rohancinferus: maybe gimp can help you more12:50
Inferusplus, i use indesign/illustrator also12:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:51
Inferusand linux is pants for those12:51
jofo`[13:48] <Inferus> there's no reason to use windows ← Except when you work in a company where that's the only available system, or when you need a very specialised software which has only been developped for Windows and which doesn't work with Wine, or if you are a gamer, etc.12:51
jofo`Nobody has an answer to my question?12:53
rileyphey can you see me joffo12:53
rileypwhat joffo?12:54
AbhiJitits jofo` not joffo12:54
rileypah so i am visible12:54
logan_wolfI am doing text2html on a doc file and fetching all the urls listed in that .doc file as hyperlinks. The only problem is that the command is giving all the 1000 urls in continuity I want a line break after every url . How can I do that12:54
logan_wolfkindly help me out12:54
rileypAfhfdhfyh blah blah12:54
jwfoxjris there currently a problem with some of the ubuntu repos?   I'm trying to update and it's failing to connect to universe12:55
Babblebackwhen i log on I get the message that 8 packages can be updated.3 updates are security updates however after i run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-upgrade I still get the message after reboot12:55
jofo`rileyp: That's about gucharmap: [13:46] <jofo`> Hello. I have a question about Gucharmap (the character map installed by default with Ubuntu and Gnome). When a character is not available in the selected font, Gucharmap uses another font which contains it, if there is one. The problem is I'd like to know whether a given character exists in the selected font. So I'd like that Gucharmap displays only the characters available in the font 12:55
glebihanlogan_wolf: what command are using exactly ?12:56
Mixxitif i want to order a server12:56
Mixxitwhich would you recommend12:56
dwardererror: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory12:56
Mixxitlucid, hardy, jaunty or karmic?12:56
Mixxitfor a production server12:56
dwarderwhitch ubuntu package is this : error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory12:56
dwarderi mean in which package i can find this?12:57
BabblebackMixxit, production server needing to run what?12:57
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sipiorMixxit: you'll want to use the latest LTS release; i.e., Lucid.12:57
jwfoxjrMixxit: Lucid is LTS so that's what I would on it12:57
oCeanMixxit: maybe #ubuntu-server channel could offer better help, but the 10.04 is latest LTS release12:57
Mixxitlts means lucid?12:57
Mixxitit doesn't say the version numbers next to them just the name12:58
Koreetsgood day to all!12:58
BabblebackMixxit, Lucid is the name for that release12:58
Mixxitthank you!12:58
jwfoxjrMixxit: no Lucid is an LTS Release - meaning it'll be supported for 3 years I think12:58
oCeanBabbleback: the login message is from the update-motd.d files. Check this command to see if there are updates availble: /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable12:58
jbldwarder: libgtk2.0-dev12:58
* jwfoxjr can never remember how long LTS releases are supported12:58
oCeanMixxit: jwfoxjr LTS is 5 years supported for server (3 for desktop)12:58
BabblebackoCean, why would it state there are updates available if i run the update and upgrade afterwards and still give the same notification?12:59
jwfoxjroCean: thanks for the heads up.12:59
oCeanBabbleback: Please run the command I showed and see if *that* command says there are updates available12:59
reeniginEesreveRwhats the easiest way of mounting a unix drive on a windows machine?12:59
oCeanBabbleback: since the contents of the message you see @login might not have been updated after you performed the updates13:00
rileypshare the dir with samba and away you go13:00
dwarderjbl: thank you13:00
BabblebackBabbleback, yet i've rebooted so shouldn't those message be updated then? same message is returned by apt-check13:01
rileypreeniginEesreveR,  samba13:01
BabblebackoCean, , yet i've rebooted so shouldn't those message be updated then? same message is returned by apt-check13:01
oCeanBabbleback: yes it should. If apt-check is returning, then the system really thinks there are updates available. So you either did not upgrade, or there are new packages available13:02
reeniginEesreveRrileyp, whats the easiest way of settings up samba? :S13:02
jwfoxjroCean: any idea why I might be seeing unauthenticated packages when I go to update with apt-get?13:02
imaginoishi i need some help with opensc more specifically working with cardreader omnikey 612113:03
oCeanBabbleback: run "sudo apt-get update" then the apt-check command again to make sure13:03
rileypsorry its a google make sure you enter your variant of buntu as well eg lucid samba as it changes slightly with each version13:03
XtazyHi can anyone help me with a lil problem ?13:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:04
Xtazyok dwarder13:04
oCeanjwfoxjr: you might have a source for downloads for which you don't have a key, I think you can use the --allow-unauthenticated, but you have to lookup the manpage for that13:05
rileypreeniginEesreveR, http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=159013:05
rileypXtazy cut the chit chat ands ask away please13:05
jwfoxjroCean: I'll check that, but this a fresh install, I haven't added any external repos yet except for canonical-partner13:06
gaelfxI get an error that LIBAVFORMAT_52 is not defined in the libavformat.so.52 with link time reference every time I try to play any video using mplayer, does anyone know what the problem is?13:07
XtazyDid they fix the boot problem after updating ubuntu 10.04 in wubi?13:08
reeniginEesreveR*sigh* ... why is setting up samba such a big PITA?13:08
glaucousHave anyone tried data=writeback on root partition with a SSD, and noticed a difference?13:09
jwfoxjroCean: looks like its a problem with the US Servers. Changed to "Main Server" in Software Sources13:09
oCeanjwfoxjr: ah, okay13:09
oCeanjwfoxjr: in software sources, you can go to the authentication tab and install keys I think13:10
Xtazyjwfoxjr : Did they fix the boot problem after updating ubuntu 10.04 in wubi? Can I now install the updates without having the same problem again ?13:10
Goodiwould anyone know when/if the sun-java6 packages will be available for Maverick?13:11
jwfoxjroCean: yeah you can, but the reason it was failing was that it wasn't able to pull the update information from one of the US servers. it must be down.13:11
jwfoxjrXtazy: I don't know - I don't use wubi. :(13:11
Xtazyok thx anyway13:11
jwfoxjrXtazy: if you have a recent copy of the iso, I would imagine so, as the current spin is 10.04.113:11
adzyHi All!13:12
adzycan anyone help me with my grub menu and it been filled up with kernell updates? how do i remove the old menu options?13:12
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oCeanadzy: first: be careful :) - not to delete your current version that is13:14
AbhiJitadzy, try ubuntu tweak to remove old entries13:15
engieHi. When I run top or htop I can't see distcc processes run by root. How can I give my user permission to see these?13:15
oCeanadzy: then: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/503867/ (I just removed the old kernel-image installation, the -24 one)13:15
engieThey're there if I sudo top13:15
adzyi just want them out of the menu :D13:15
glebihanadzy: well if you need the old ones, the simplest way is to uninstall them (I'd recommend keeping 2 kernels though)13:15
oCeanadzy: when the purge of the kernel packages is done, the menu entries will be removed also13:15
adzyoCean: there are 3 kernels listed there and 3 recovery modes13:16
adzycant i just edit the grubboot file or something?13:16
oCeanadzy: why. Why not remove the old kernel images as i showed in the url?13:16
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bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts13:18
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adzyif i formatted my drive would the ubuntu grub menu still boot?13:19
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adzyor would format remove it too?13:20
Koreetshello everyone!13:20
koolhead11hello all13:20
junboyen a13:20
logan_wolfglebihan, sry man my internet messed up13:20
jofo`If that's not possible with gucharmap, is there another character map with which that's possible?13:21
Babblebackjust installed an ide drive to use as a backupdrive and get the following error when running cfdisk: "FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends in the final partial cylind"13:21
logan_wolfI am using --link_only with text2html13:21
Koreetsi've got router with 100+mbps traffic on 9.10. All went well. But Now i've upgraded to 10.04.1 LTS. And here comes problems: one of one ksoftirqd took heavy load sometimes, up to 100% usage of one CPU core.13:21
Koreetsany ideas?13:21
junboywhat  is13:21
logan_wolfhey koolhead1113:21
glebihanlogan_wolf: np13:22
glebihanjunboy: do you have a question ?13:22
logan_wolfso glebihan could you tell me what can be done13:22
glebihanlogan_wolf: I'm looking at it13:22
cmykIs there a way to prevent any system messages or other windows from popping up? It's just supposed to show a pdf in fullscreen forever.13:23
notworkingim using compiz and my min max close buttons are gone again..  also the fusion icon isnt in the taskbar anymore..  How do I get these things back...  unfortunetly, "again"13:23
Koreetsi checked with powertop and saw that "[kernel scheduler] Load balancing tick" and "extra timer interrupt" comes to work when ping loss accurs...13:23
logan_wolfI'll post the issue again13:23
logan_wolfI am doing text2html on a doc file and fetching all the urls listed in that .doc file as hyperlinks. The only problem is that the command is giving all the 1000 urls in continuity I want a line break after every url . How can I do that13:23
Koreetsany ideas what changed in networking and interrupts from 9.10 to 10.04.1 &13:23
glebihanlogan_wolf: could you pastebin an example of the output you're getting ?13:24
koolhead11Koreets, i doubt there can be nay issue as such13:24
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koolhead11did u checked routing table, was that changed13:24
Koreetskoolhead11, but it does.. i rolled back to 9.10 - all was fine..13:24
Koreetskoolhead11, well, what could I see in routing table? it's retty simple with 2 static and one default route13:25
Koreetsno NAT there13:25
logan_wolfglebihan, koolhead11 will do that for you13:25
Babblebackopps guess i forgot to specify the device... how do i determine the mount location though?13:25
Koreets and IPSEC with one peer with ipsec-tools and racoon13:25
koolhead11logan_wolf, http://pastebin.com/BNLufaYK13:26
BluesKajHey all13:26
notworkingMy Damn buttons keep disappearing and google isnt much help....  im using compiz and my min max close buttons are gone again..  also the fusion icon isnt in the taskbar anymore..  How do I get these things back...  unfortunetly, "again"13:26
vipul-biharikoolhead11,  ram ram badee bhiya !13:27
glebihanlogan_wolf: got it, but I don't understand, there seem to be line breaks there...13:27
koolhead11vipul-bihari, buzy. laters13:27
logan_wolfyeah there are glebihan . but not with all13:27
logan_wolfI'll ask koolhead11 to paste the faulty outputs13:28
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skrothi. how can I set static IP on my ubuntu box? my /etc/network/interfaces file looks like: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/269816/13:31
Fafnirosj #sex13:31
Koreetshttp://pastebin.com/TYqi2AGN - here problem. eth1 disappears and ping fails for 2-3 seconds... then restores, then again fails. Something changed in networking in 10.04.1 but I can't figure out what. Any suggestions?13:33
xuekanhow to filter the junk message?13:33
koolhead11glebihan the issue is i had generated a list of urls and kept it inside a text file13:33
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bazhangxuekan, what client13:34
koolhead11now i tried conveting the text file that had contents per line with a links13:34
moetunesskrot:  you spelt iface wrong for eth013:34
koolhead11now i used txt2html to convert those links into a hyperlink13:34
bazhangxuekan, right click channel name hide joins/parts13:34
koolhead11once i do that everything breaks13:34
xuekanbazhang:thank you very much.13:35
glebihankoolhead11: coul d13:35
bazhangxuekan, welcome13:35
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notworkingBluesKaj  Can you please help me.. Nobody is responding   im using compiz and my min max close buttons are gone again..  also the fusion icon isnt in the taskbar anymore..  How do I get these things back...  unfortunetly, "again"13:35
[DarkSun]not sure what happened, lastnight durring some updates my battery died (didnt realize it was unpluged) now when it boots it freezes at the gdm login screen, cant get to any console screens either, anyone know whats going on?13:35
koolhead11glebihan yes13:35
notsogeekfinally, the Ubuntu realm13:37
notsogeekhi there, am I allowed to ask for help?13:37
Koreetsnotsogeek, yes13:38
bruceleeim trying to do a 'sudo apt-get install g++'13:38
bruceleeand its getting stuck here: 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]13:38
bruceleeanyone know how i can install g++?13:38
notsogeekgreat, I think I broke my gdm13:38
ectospasmbrucelee: try a different mirror13:38
LjLbrucelee: maybe us. is down, try a different mirror13:38
Koreetsbrucelee check firewall yours or providers13:38
jpdsbrucelee / LjL: Machines died.13:39
bruceleeKoreets: i think that mirror is down, how do i change the mirror?13:39
ectospasmbrucelee: System/Administration/Software Sources13:39
notsogeekI enabled grub2 for the first time and cant get outside the console anymore, when tried to run gdm manually it gave me error message13:39
Koreetsbrucelee try ping
LjLjpds: also, did it always resolve to a swedish host? :o13:39
jpdsLjL: No.13:39
glebihankoolhead11: could you pastebin a faulty output so that I can see if I can find something to hel13:39
jpdsLjL: The Swedes wanted to benchmark their new 10Gbps network though.13:40
BluesKajnotworking, which ububtu version are you running ?13:41
glaucousDoes Kdevelop have a ppa for Ubuntu? Doesn't seem to exist in the main repo13:41
bruceleeectospasm: thanks13:42
jpdsLjL: But America waking up was a bit too much.13:42
notworkingBluesKaj 10.04  and i got my fusion icon back and reset the manager but still no buttons min,max,close13:42
jpdsbrucelee: Use mirror.anl.gov as a mirror or something.13:42
Faissalhello, what will change in ubuntu 10.10 ?13:42
BluesKajnotworking, compiz is already installed in desktop effects , why another layer ?13:43
bruceleetheres a huge list of mirrors under 'Software Sources' under 'Choose a download server'13:43
* DrManhattan kicks brucelee in the testicles.13:43
reeniginEesreveRcould somebody help me with samba authentication issues?13:43
karmic-koalaHello, I am trying to write rules for UFW to allow samba from a certain IP but UFW doesn't like that. ufw allow from to any port samba doesn't work :(13:43
icerootBluesKaj: compiz = fusion13:43
bazhangFaissal, #ubuntu+1 for that13:43
bazhangDrManhattan, thats not appropriate here.13:43
Faissalok bazhang13:44
bruceleethis is my first time using ubuntu hehe13:44
notworkingBluesKaj   DOnt understand why another layer.....   Got buttons back on apps but not on Firefox13:44
icerootreeniginEesreveR: depending on the question, normally #samba is a good place for that13:44
bruceleei'm at software sources, im not sure where to add this mirror: "mirror.anl.gov"13:44
reeniginEesreveRiceroot, thx13:44
notsogeekhow can i enable the GUI in Ubuntu 10.04 using GRUB2?13:45
BluesKajiceroot, I'm aware , but I don't see the point...perhaps you can help because I haven't used compz-fusion much, I'm satisfied with the effects I have by default13:45
jpdsbrucelee: Click on "Choose best one".13:45
brucelee'Select Best Server' is looking through all the servers im assuming13:46
bruceleetesting out of 325 tests13:46
jpdsbrucelee: Or, look under United States on the list.13:46
bruceleei selected a few different ones, but when i performed 'sudo apt-get install g++' it said "couldn't find package g13:47
bruceleeit didnt say that before13:47
bruceleei just reloaded information about software sources13:47
cptblodrunning ubuntu 10.10 (tried 10.04 too) and i cannot get any hdmi audio, here's aplay -l / -L : http://pastebin.ca/1952453 any ideas?13:47
bruceleei might be using an old version of ubuntu which is why13:47
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bazhangcptblod, #ubuntu+1 for 10.1013:48
bazhangbrucelee, which version13:48
bruceleei believe it's 9.*13:49
notworkingBluesKaj   sorry lost connection... The only remaining issue is the min max close button on firefox.. They have not come back13:49
bazhanglsb_release -a in terminal brucelee13:50
Koreetssee u13:50
bruceleewhen i type 'sudo apt-get install g++', it keeps telling me13:50
bruceleeE: Couldn't find package g13:50
BluesKajnotworking, sorry i'm not very knowledgeable about compix-fusion, maybe iceroot can help you.13:51
bruceleethis is after i changed the server13:51
BluesKajhave to go13:51
bazhangnotworking, or try #compiz13:51
bruceleewith the old software source server, it was able to say:13:51
bruceleeThe following extra packages will be installed:13:51
brucelee  cpp-4.4 g++-4.4 gcc-4.4 gcc-4.4-base libgcc1 libgomp1 libstdc++6 libstdc++6-4.4-dev13:51
dwarderwhy google chrome renders fons nicely (not AA version) and firefox makes them ugly?13:51
kishoni want to connect 2 monitors to a single ubuntu pc..13:52
notsogeekwhen I run sudo gdm it returns "Maximum number of X display failures reached: Check X server log for errors."13:52
TanLizxxxkishon: Windows to ubuntu?13:52
KimIskoviceroot: I have found a solution. A frind told me to take a look at my ATI preformace. Something was going wrong with my ATI driver. Then I uninstalled my driver from terminal, because this was actualy not posible from hardware drivers, made a reboot and installed fglrx from synaptic. Somehow Ubuntu still belive there are ATI ddrivers13:53
kishonany links on getting 2 monitors (DVI + VGA) connected to a single ubuntu pc??13:53
notworkingBluesKaj   thx   do you know how to upgrade to 10.10 or do you think it would be too soon13:53
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bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts13:56
KimIskoviceroot: I have found a solution. A frind told me to take a look at my ATI preformace. Something was going wrong with my ATI driver. Then I uninstalled my driver from terminal, because this was actualy not posible from hardware drivers, made a reboot and installed fglrx from synaptic. Somehow Ubuntu still belive there are ATI drivers and show an active ATI driver. Anyhow, now it was possible to deactivate this. Then another reboot and a new13:57
KimIskovATI driver installation. And I got my full preformance back again.13:57
afrazhey guys13:57
Babblebackwhy when i install an ide drive to use as a back up I get errors on startup about the drives automatically mounted and it doesn't finish starting up?13:59
Babblebackmy main drive is sda, my second drive is sdb, and the new drive is an ide drive14:00
bodwickcould someone help me with broken apt?14:02
jwfoxjroCean: whatever the problem with the US repos was, it's fixed.  just updated my one box that I hadn't changed the sources on yet14:02
DroneWorkanyone here use a decent cablecard tuner with multistream capabilities on their ubuntu system?  The only reviews I can find are of outdated cards that arent on the market anymore14:03
Babblebackhaven't had a chance to format and add the new drive to fstab yet because I can't start up with it installed14:04
poacheRany ideas why my system beep doesn't work?14:04
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poacheRI'm trying echo -e '\a'  but it doesn't do anything14:04
poacheRmy system sounds are enabled14:04
bruceleethis installation.txt tells me to run gmake to install this application, however it says 'gmake: command not found'14:05
bruceleeany idea whats going on?14:05
bruceleeim googling this, and some say that gmake = make14:05
bruceleejust want to confirm with you guys14:05
bodwicksystem update broke my kde libs, could someone help?14:05
GalvatronI'm using Opera 10.62/1070 with Ubuntu 9.10 GNOME. I'ma also using font smoothing, but yesterday, it suddenly ceased to work with some webpages, such as my homepage: http://pclab.pl - reinstalling Opera with purging setiings in /home folder and even resetting GNOME to defaults didn't help. I guess something's messed in font configuration.14:05
phisher1gmake = gnu make14:05
bruceleephisher1: does that mean i can run make?14:06
phisher1have you tried?14:06
phisher1so try14:06
moetunespoacheR:  are you using the default dash or bash?14:06
ethereticI need help with some serious dns problem in my setup. It's a wifi connection. Using a usb stick install, the connection is fine with the same AP.14:06
poacheRI'm on gnome-terminal14:06
bruceleeits doing something...14:06
poacheRso bash14:06
AbhiJitis there any software which will search all the 'videos' for me in a folder? i dont want to remember all the video codecs types. i will just tell that software that i want 'all' the 'videos'14:07
bucknastyis is possible to have a primary partition after an extended volume?14:07
moetunespoacheR:  dash is the default afaik14:07
Babblebackwhy when i install an ide drive to use as a back up I get errors on startup about the drives automatically mounted and it doesn't finish starting up?my main drive is sda, my second drive is sdb, and the new drive is an ide drive. haven't had a chance to format and add the new drive to fstab yet because I can't start up with it installed.  should just show up as hda after its recognized in the BIOS correct?14:07
juk9 days remaining to 10.10 release!14:08
poacheRdoesn't work on dash either14:08
clab_hi all14:08
poacheRI'm sure the system is redirecting the system beeps to a sound option ... which isn't getting through14:08
clab_"error while loading shared libraries: libXft.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64"14:08
moetunespoacheR:  try   /bin/bash echo -e '\a'14:09
* etheretic looks around for a DNS guru14:09
clab_this is the error when i am installing gaussview in amd 64 machine14:09
Turbozetheretic: Maybe i can help14:09
clab_can any one help me14:09
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poacheRit says cannot execute binary file ... but either way, gnome-terminal is bash, and echo -e '\a' doesn't work14:09
ethereticTurboz: Good! Where do we begin?14:10
Turbozetheretic: With the problem lading to this question ? :)14:10
kishonany links on getting 2 monitors (DVI + VGA) connected to a single ubuntu pc and work with both the monitors??14:10
Turbozetheretic: With the problem leading to this question ? :)14:10
clab_"error while loading shared libraries: libXft.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" this is the error when i am installing gaussview in amd 64 machine  can any one help me/14:10
poacheRand in my sound preferences I've selected an alert sound and put the alert volume on max, and enabled window and button sounds14:10
razz1every time I update the kernel, I lose Nvidia graphics, it goes back to the open source driver. Any help?14:11
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts14:11
clab_"error while loading shared libraries: libXft.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" this is the error when i am installing gaussview in amd 64 machine  can any one help me?14:11
ethereticTurboz: Indeed. :) In a nutshell; it used to work, now it doesn't.14:11
adhok_hkkishon, have you installed the proprietary driver for your video card?14:11
Turbozclab_: gaussview is compiled for iX86 instead of what you should have: x86-64bits14:11
Turbozetheretic: And you see what error ?14:12
ethereticTurboz: The connection works partly - p2p and irc works, web/amule doesn't.14:12
kishoni have not installed any drivers as such.. is there a way to know the video card present in my system???14:12
clab_Turboz: how to get that X86-64 bit libXft file14:13
Turbozclab_: gaussview 64 bits you mean ?.. :)14:13
adhok_hkgo to system > administrative, and the third or fourth option down should be hardware drivers14:13
clab_Turboz: yes14:13
Turbozetheretic: So youre not running a DNS-server ?14:13
ethereticTurboz: I run the link monitor applet. The two sites monitored are mostly "unable to resolve"14:14
Turbozclab_: I havnt used or seen that application. Perhaps google can be used ?14:14
Turbozetheretic: So youre not running a DNS-server ?14:14
ethereticTurboz: I hope not! It's a common notebook.14:15
Turbozy/n ?14:15
erdnaseExcuse me, do you guys know of any trending analysis programs?14:15
kishonit shows "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"14:15
clab_Turboz: So according to you we cant run gaussview in 64 bit verson as it is for 32-bit verson. Am I right?14:15
adhok_hkkishon: and going to System > preferences > monitors and clicking on the detect monitors option isn't showing the second monitor for you?14:16
TurbozOk, so then you need to figure out why something isnt resolving properly. DNS-Guru would rather be some guy with good skills on a DNS-server. But ok..14:16
ethereticTurboz: Right.14:16
kishonit's not able to detect my another monitor with DVI cable attached to it..14:16
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nogokishon: dvi-a, dvi-i or dvi-d?14:17
adhok_hkKishon: I'm at a loss then sorry man, that's all I remember off the top of my head as how to set it up14:18
Turbozetheretic: What doesnt it rwesolv and what does it resolv and why is there any difference ?14:18
kishonadhok_hk: it's ok. Thanks.14:19
clab_bye all14:19
=== donato is now known as Guest7634
Turbozetheretic: Next time you have a problem, please state the problem in the initial question.14:19
ethereticTurboz: After many attempts, irc finally connected. Transmission (p2p) works partly.14:20
Turbozetheretic: Could be a simple isp routing problem. Kinda common unfortunately14:21
Turbozetheretic: Sometimes they even do battle that way and blaiming it on the other isp etc.14:22
ethereticTurboz: Did - the symptom is a flakey wifi connection. The diagnosis is botched dns config. Need a cure. :14:22
arinyaIn the dialog of save as ..., for example, gedit, the left panel is the place for "Places". I just found that pressing backspace will remove bookmark created in nautilus. Is it a feature or bug? How do you think?14:22
Turbozetheretic: I cant stand wifi, its insecure and works like crap (Goes for windows too).14:22
geekwanabewhat would the error "GdmLocalDisplayFactory: Maximum number of X display failures reached: Check X server log for errors." mean ?14:23
ethereticTurboz: Sadly there is only one open ap I can use here - othervise I could try another with a differen isp.14:23
Turbozetheretic: Try some of those ether crackers on your own wifi and see if it takes more then 10 minutes to get into :)14:23
TurbozAha... totally open ?14:24
ethereticTurboz: Well, wifi is what I've got...14:24
TurbozThen all your neighbours are using it too14:24
Leman_RussHey, does anyone know of any games which work perfectly in WINE?14:24
Braber01What kind of Scerity Risks am I taking if I decide to have my router unblock the telnet port?14:24
TurbozLeman_Russ: Plants VS Zombies is great fun and works perfectly for all aspects. Version 2 is coming soon.14:25
ethereticTurboz: Probably not - they can probably affor wire broadband. 8)14:25
ukine_workBraber01, why not use openssh?14:25
opumy modem is not detected in usb-modeswitch14:26
Leman_RussThanks I will have a look.  Any more recommendations?14:26
moetunes!appdb | Leman_Russ14:26
ubottuLeman_Russ: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:26
Turbozetheretic: I bet that router (AP) is the issue though.14:26
Braber01ukine_work, because my school does not have an open Unix/Linux Lab :(14:26
Leman_RussThanks a lot14:26
Turbozetheretic: Net1 is nice ;)14:26
darksbaneBraber01: the obvious security risk with telnet is that everything transmitted is plaintext, including your username and password.14:26
opu my modem is not detected in usb-modeswitch14:27
Gadgetwizardtelnets for the pros14:27
ethereticTurboz: Ah. As long as I can't access its web ui and reset it, ... ?14:27
Braber01darksbane: are there any other security risks?14:27
Turbozetheretic: Wireless from the ISP to the house and got good coverage (with the D35 modem and preferrably with the external antenna)14:27
ukine_workBraber01, http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/14:27
Turbozetheretic: Looks to me that the router isnt feeling well or maybe is too far away ?14:28
Braber01ukine_work: I'm on a campus computer and I can't download anything.14:28
ethereticTurboz: Have to work with what I've got.14:28
ethereticTurboz: Signal strength/quality is fine.14:28
Turbozetheretic: I see, hmm... is the signal low ... maybe you can get an external antenna for the wifi card in the comp ?14:28
ukine_workBraber01, YOUR router or the school's?14:29
darksbaneBraber01: are you trying to connect to home from school?14:29
Braber01darksbane: I'm trying to connect to home from school; yes14:29
Turbozetheretic: The connection is fluctuating / not working the same from time to time ?14:29
ethereticTurboz: I'll try again with the usb stick install. If it works, it's my config somehow.14:30
ukine_workBraber01, install http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/ or regular openssh if you're on ubuntu at home14:30
ethereticTurboz: yes.14:30
james296does anyone here know if its possible to configure notifyOSD in Ubunutu 10.10 yet?14:30
Turbozetheretic: Does it work ok with other computers ?14:30
darksbanethere's alot of reasons ssh is better if you can download putty or some other ssh client at school. it doesn't require installation.14:30
ethereticTurboz: Have only one w. wifi.14:31
ukine_workBraber01, forward the ssh port on your router at home, then use putty or ssh to connect from school14:31
magnetronjames296: we don't discuss development software here14:31
magnetronjames296: ask in #ubuntu+114:31
Braber01ukine_work: I don't think I can download anything here at school, I've tried downloading putty here at school14:31
Braber01ukine_work: the ssh port is port 22 right?14:31
ukine_workcan you use programs from flash drives? and yes, but it is changeable in sshd_config14:31
darksbaneBraber01: by default, but you can set it to whatever. i use 443 to get through the firewall at work.14:31
Turbozetheretic: Ok... tricky... If you install a local caching dns server youll have much better responsetimes14:31
ukine_workdarksbane, me too :p14:32
ethereticTurboz:  Link Quality=15/70  Signal level=-95 dBm14:32
Turbozetheretic: 15/70 doesnt seem nice..14:32
Turbozetheretic: the Db seems fair i think14:33
magnetronetheretic: you might have interference14:33
ethereticTurboz: Have a hard time installing programs in the current state.14:33
irkDoes anyone know of a way to ping *out* (to force arp cache update) on an eth0:0 alias without moving the ip to the primary interface? :P14:33
ethereticTurboz: now it's 22/7014:34
Turbozetheretic: But your connection here is fine: sudo apt-get install bind14:34
pankajcan anyone tell me how to install java in ubuntu?14:35
Turbozetheretic: I think you only need to start it in order for it to resolve on behalf of localhost..14:35
ethereticTurboz: bind9?14:35
magnetronirk: hping has an option for choosing interface14:35
ethereticTurboz: It is already installed.14:36
bazhang!java > pankaj14:36
ubottupankaj, please see my private message14:36
Turbozetheretic: start it then..14:36
irkmagnetron: thanks!14:36
magnetronirk: the package is called "hping3" in ubuntu14:36
ethereticTurboz: Er, how?14:37
Turbozmagnetron: Isnt it incredibly painful that they tack on those extra numbers onto package names (Its the thing i hate most)14:37
Turbozetheretic: sudo named14:37
magnetronTurboz: it's done for a good reason14:38
ethereticTurboz: bind9: command not found14:38
DhulKarnainpankaj, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sun-java6-packages-got-new-ppa-new-for-ubuntu-10-1010-04.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sun-java6-packages-got-new-ppa-new-for-ubuntu-10-1010-0414:38
magnetronetheretic: it's a service14:38
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magnetronetheretic: probably started by default14:38
ethereticTurboz: It's running. What now?14:39
DhulKarnainhow can i add a specific ascii character to my terminal command, like you could in DOS i.e. Alt+6214:39
pankajty dhulkarnain14:39
magnetronirk: seems like "arping" can choose device too14:39
Turbozmagnetron: I would beg to differ because its not made with admins in mind and older software should not be used, such as when they kapt apache and called the newer binary apache2 etc etc. Whats the good reason ?14:39
magnetronTurboz: because hping3 is incompatible with hping214:40
magnetronTurboz: complete rewrite14:40
linelevelHi. I'm running Karmic. I use the built-in vino server for VNC access to my Ubuntu box. The problem is that it doesn't update--whatever the VNC client window shows when the session starts is all it shows. I can verify that the client is sending input correctly, but the server is not sending the screen updates. How can I troubleshoot this problem?14:40
Turbozmagnetron: Its gets even worse when installing development packages.. Instead of gtk+-dev its gtk+-2.0-dev and it get much much weirder :)14:40
rainerGood afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! Any whether an Akan Version of Ubuntu is existing? Google doesn't tell me atm...14:40
rainers/Any/Any idea14:41
bazhangrainer, what is akan14:41
magnetronTurboz: bring your rants to #ubuntu-offtopic instead. they are not needed nor wanted here14:41
Turbozmagnetron: Doesnt matter, they should have called it "apache" and replaces version 114:41
rainerAkan is a group of languages used mostly at Ghana.14:41
bazhangrainer, language support? most likely14:41
ethereticTurboz:  ps  -e | grep named - it's even running in two instances.14:41
bazhangrainer, apt-cache search akan14:41
rainerbazhang: Hopefully a fully translated version. I am searching for a friend from Ghana...14:41
Turbozmagnetron: Sorry for talking to you. Dont say rant because you simply dissagree.14:42
rainerKeyboard layout support for Akan is existing.14:42
bazhangTurboz, this is not the channel for it14:42
Turbozetheretic: Good. Do you feel a connection is 10 times faster or so ?14:42
Turbozbazhang: Goes without saying14:42
rainerbazhang: Any idea...?14:43
ethereticTurboz: nope. The link monitor is still blank.14:43
Turbozbazhang: add this first in resolv. conf "nameserver"14:43
rainerOr is another channel better for that question?14:43
pankajturboz how to add that14:44
Turbozbazhang: if this fails and your connection goes down, then remove the line.14:44
Turbozetheretic: if this fails and your connection goes down, then remove the line.14:44
bazhangTurboz, mistab14:44
Turbozyep :)14:44
ethereticTurboz: In stead of what ns'es already there?14:47
Turbozetheretic. its /etc/resolv.conf14:47
* etheretic knows14:47
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Turbozetheretic: no, add it at the top of that conf. Leave the other lines be14:47
stethoDoes anyone know where I can find a howto for setting up a router on Ubuntu? I've never done it before so don't even know where to start but I'm not after anything too amazing. I have two ethernet cards, one with network and one with I want to be able to do http, smtp and so on between the networks while keeping other things (dns/dhcp for example) separate. Google has been no use...14:48
ethereticTurboz: ok.14:48
ethereticTurboz: No change.14:49
pankajsomebody help stetho......... i have the same problem..14:49
zanushow can I upgrade to RC1 from the beta14:49
Turbozetheretic: Use firefox and check the difference. I dont trust the tool youre using atm as i havnt used it etc14:49
agentgasmaskHi guys, I was wondering if anyone could point me to an explenation of why compiled source is specific to each machine. Or is it? Can you compile source on one machine for use on another machine (just copying the binaries)?14:49
bazhang!final > zanus14:50
ubottuzanus, please see my private message14:50
whizzfor some reason my $DISPLAY isn't set anymore (using nvidia-current drivers in Ubuntu 10.04); now I've tried setting it in /env/environment; but that doesn't work? should it be set anywhere else? does anyone have a clue why it isn't set automatically anymore?14:50
icarus-cagentgasmask, it depends how you compile it14:50
Turbozetheretic: a "traceroute somesite" should be very fast14:50
ethereticTurboz: http://imgur.com/o2N0u14:51
agentgasmaskicarus-c: hmm, Can you give me some buzz wards that I can google to learn more?14:51
zanusW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch14:51
icarus-cagentgasmask, you could tell the compiler to use some instructions that is only available on your CPU,  but not others, hence the compiled binary can only be executed on your cpu14:51
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Turbozetheretic: Very slow site..14:51
icarus-cagentgasmask, you could also tell the compiler to use generic instructions that works for all cpu14:51
icarus-cagentgasmask, like this http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gcc-optimization.xml14:52
agentgasmaskicarus-c: would that disicion be mad in the source or on the command line at compile time?14:52
ethereticTurboz: FF complains "server not foud to all sites.14:52
Turbozetheretic: "Last reply 1:53 ago" /hehe14:52
icarus-cagentgasmask, not the source, but how you compile it14:52
glebihanzanus: please join #ubuntu+1 for maverick support14:53
Turbozetheretic: Did that happen after you added your local dns resolver ?14:53
agentgasmask icarus-c ok, cool! Thanks14:53
ethereticTurboz: No, snapshot is from yesterday.14:53
agentgasmaskicarus-c: so if you had two of the same machines, you could compile any way and still copy between systems?14:53
icarus-cagentgasmask, yes.14:54
marcosrorizHello guys, I've got a new computer. Should I go with Kubuntu 10.10 RC, or wait for the release?14:54
Turbozetheretic: Add this first then... its one of my isps dns:es "nameserver"14:54
icarus-cagentgasmask, it is just about cpu model14:54
agentgasmaskicarus-c: that is the only thing that separates computers?14:55
pankajmarcosroriz: why dont go for ubuntu 10.0414:55
icarus-cagentgasmask, like, core2,  pentium4, athlon64....etc14:55
agentgasmaskicarus-c: Right. Thanks! :)14:55
icarus-cagentgasmask, different cpu family has different features and instructions.14:55
ethereticTurboz: Done. No immediate change.14:56
mintsauceHow do I remove a broken package? apt-get purge gives a file missing error. dpkg-reconfigure gives 'broken or not fully installed'14:56
icarus-cagentgasmask, you could optimize for one to make it run faster on that specific cpu,  but may not run at all on other cpu14:56
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts14:56
mintsauceapt-get install gives much the same error as purge14:56
Turbozetheretic: Test it by surfing around for a while (If this doesnt work any better then you need a better antenna)14:56
Turbozetheretic: Use traceroute to find out where things take too long. I bet its the remote AP14:57
Turbozetheretic: traceroute www.sunet.se or something14:58
agentgasmaskicarus-c: can you optimize for another cpu other than the in the computer you compile on so it can be used on a slower one?14:58
moetunesmintsauce:  tried   sudo apt-get install -f   ?14:58
icarus-cagentgasmask, yes i think. never tried though14:58
zanusmy volume control has disappeared from the top, how can I get it back14:58
abstraktok, so I need to take some metrics on server performance... first I simluate some traffic with e.g. ab and or linklint, and then I take performance reasings with `time curl -o /dev/null http://www.website.com/` ...should I just grep/preg parse the output of time? and average the numbers? seems like there should be some combination of utilities or options I can do this with already14:58
Turbozetheretic: "19" is wrong, you meant to say 192 ?14:58
irkmagnetron: just a heads up that ping itself has the -I option also, however when I tried it out it didn't seem to work - still pinging from the primary iface. we got the arp cache cleared tho so we're good14:58
icarus-cagentgasmask, but you can't use gcc's "native" autodetection14:58
aeon-ltdzanus: right click on the panel, add to panel14:58
ethereticTurboz: yes.14:58
mintsaucemoetunes: same error14:59
Turbozetheretic: "traceroute www.sunet.se" Paste the screenshot14:59
agentgasmaskicarus-c: I think the term "cpu optimize" for google will do nicely! :)14:59
magnetronirk: you need sudo rights for that low-level control of your packets14:59
detrix42Hi everyone.  I am playing with conky. I am trying to get it to display my cpu temp. I have an AMD Athlon II x2.  How do I do this?14:59
zanusaeon-ltd: it isn't in the list14:59
magnetronirk: sorry that i didn't tell you14:59
mralnserver localhost15:00
mintsaucemoetunes: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sybeytkh15:00
irkmagnetron: ah, i bet that was it. no helpful error told me that15:00
moetunesmintsauce:  dpkg has the -f option to fix - does that work?15:00
agentgasmaskicarus-c: could you use the "native" command on the other machine just to dump the options to use on the compile machine?15:00
oxymoronCan someone help me fix the freaking BankID from Nexus for Linux ... I hate it, same ****** problem each time and nobody make solutions for it either.15:00
ttiiccwhats the difference between desktop and server version?15:00
mintsaucemoetunes: As in sudo apt-get install -f packagename15:00
* Turboz all hail the san miguel! (Its good this time of year:)15:01
aeon-ltdzanus: did you uninstall something recently?15:01
Turbozetheretic: Have you pastebinned it or so ?15:01
moetunesmintsauce:  seems it wants to make a weirdly named dir... line 1015:02
ethereticTurboz: the builtin network tools traceroute just hangs, and I can't install traceroute.15:02
Turbozetheretic: I have some VPN servers but that would probably not help you.15:02
Turbozetheretic: Cant ? Therwes no such thing as cant! :)15:03
Turbozetheretic: Cant ? Theres no such thing as cant! :)15:03
bazhangennio, not here15:03
ethereticTurboz: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?15:03
* aeon-ltd 15:04
Turbozetheretic: Dont you have traceroute by default ?15:04
zanusaeon-ltd: I did but I can't remember what it was exactly15:04
bazhangennio, wrong channel, no films here15:04
Turbozetheretic: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade15:04
moetunesmintsauce:  you could try to make that dir yourself then do dpkg-reconfigure15:04
ethereticTurboz: apparently not.15:04
ward|so now debootstrap is just broken? niiiiiiice NOT15:04
aeon-ltdzanus: any names you can remember?15:04
ethereticTurboz: doesn't work!15:05
mintsaucemoetunes: Annoyingly, that folder was the problem I had with the package im trying to uninstall. will try your advice15:05
zanusI believe it was jackd, but I reinstalled it afterwards15:05
Turbozetheretic: A bad situation that is. Hmmz... cant you afford a wireless internet thing ?15:06
ethereticTurboz: nope.15:06
aeon-ltdzanus: any others?15:06
aeon-ltdserver_: its nicer to just say 'test'15:06
zanusthat's all, I have done numerous update attempts, perhaps that removed something15:07
ethereticTurboz: I'll reboot w. the usb stick - brb.15:07
Turbozetheretic: Im on a tight budget myself.. Hmm... Internet is essential... Use another AP, aircrack it if need be15:07
aeon-ltdzanus: unlikely, a volume control applet would never be removed unless you got rid of pulseaudio, alsa or gnome-panel15:07
zanusI constantly got a kernel error in the middle of an update... either that or I would get a hash mismatch15:07
trelaynehi all, when I to do ssh  -L 10180: something@example.com  for some reason I see the following error when logged in: "bind: Cannot assign requested address". Does anyone know why that might be?15:07
Turboztrelayne: Youre running a webserver locally ?15:08
trelayneTurboz,  yes15:08
Turboztrelayne: You cant bind to that port then15:08
ljsoftnetin Avant Window Manager can i change the "Yet Another Menu Applet" look, just wanted to go for a compact one? and can i let it use the control theme currently im using?15:09
Turboztrelayne: ssh  -L 10180: something@example.com15:09
trelayneTurboz, I want to access a web page existing on example.com using http://localhost:10180 though15:10
trelayneso it has to say :80, no?15:10
ward|so when i format a disk with ubuntu it doesnt end up in fstab15:10
ward|so it mounts fine15:10
donvito2When maverick will final release15:10
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ward|untill its unmounted then the crap begins15:11
icerootdonvito2: 10.10.10  see #ubuntu+115:11
bazhangdonvito2, 10/10/1015:11
Turboztrelayne: i changed it to :81 .. wont that pass the proxy, then use 2020 or 202115:11
ward|this is one gigantic fight15:11
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ward|i'll never use it again, 10.04 is the worst linux distro i ever seen15:11
Turboztrelayne: :21 can also work etc15:11
* ward| pukes15:11
trelayneTurboz,  no it doesn't work...15:11
=== pankaj is now known as pankaj_sharma
donvito2When maverick will be able to download?15:11
tarzeaudonvito2: in 9 days15:12
Turboztrelayne: Facinatingly cool :)15:12
bazhangdonvito2, October 10th, #ubuntu+1 for more15:12
ljsoftnetin Avant Window Manager can i change the "Yet Another Menu Applet" look, just wanted to go for a compact one? and can i let it use the control theme currently im using?15:12
trelayneTurboz,  nah it doesn't work. I've done this in past.... it's probably a config issue in ssh15:13
r0bby|androidHow to google... jk15:13
krisphillipsHey everybody, does anybody know how to enable a screensaver at the login screen?15:13
r0bby|androidI'm just kidding by the way15:14
krisphillipsGuys?  How do you display a screensaver at the ubuntu log in screen?15:14
sanoopwhat about RHCE certification?15:14
Turboztrelayne: But bypassing a proxy isnt that hard. Use HTTP_PROXY="YourProxy" to redirect the flow thru it.15:14
Turboztrelayne: But bypassing a proxy isnt that hard. Use export HTTP_PROXY="YourProxy" to redirect the flow thru it.15:15
AbhiJit!ot | sanoop15:15
ubottusanoop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:15
Turboztrelayne: tack on a proxydns:port if required15:15
Turboztrelayne: tack on a proxyhost:port if required.15:16
krisphillipsHow do you make the login screen on ubuntu display a screensaver?15:16
trelaynethanks Turboz  I'm a geek but not geek enough to try that yet LOL. But thanks for your help!15:16
tomek_hi all15:16
bazhangkrisphillips, not possible15:16
Turboztrelayne: Np15:16
krisphillipsbazhang, is it possible to make the screen go blank without the computer going to sleep?  I just want to make the screens go black to avoid burn in15:17
tomek_i have installed in my ubuntu 10.04 ati graphic card driver but i have no acceleration... what i should do?15:17
Turboztrelayne: My geekdom is great :P (25 years atleast) coding and serverings15:17
bazhangkrisphillips, sure, just log in and set to blank in screensaver settings15:17
trelayneTurboz,  well then that proves my point that you're more geek than me LOL.15:17
krisphillipsbazhang: No, I want the monitor at the login screen to go blank.  Not when the users are logged in.  I have that already.15:18
Turboztrelayne: Neck, back and stuff, not so fine. But with some beers as a mild pain reliever and BAM! Its all good :P15:18
dave65anyone know the path to ffmpeg in 8.10 using Plesk?15:18
krisphillipsdave65, are you talking about the path to the application?15:19
r0bby|androidThat should be on PATH....15:19
dave65yeah, seeting up some social network software and it cant find it, tried the usual paths?15:19
r0bby|androidSo put it on it.15:19
krisphillipsbazhang, any idea how to do what I was asking?15:20
r0bby|androidYou can define it at the user level too.15:20
bazhangkrisphillips, no sorry15:20
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krisphillipsOk.  Thanks anyway.  Anybody else know how to make the screen go idle and blank at the login screen without the computer going to sleep?15:20
r0bby|android.exe? Seriously15:20
r0bby|androidGo find a linux binary.15:21
dave65thats what I thought lol just installed ffmpeg using apptitude15:21
Turboztrelayne: Evil cops crashed into a "late night cab" i got a hold of leaving the car all destroyed and me in a very backbrakingly painful state. No effort was made by the police to even check if i was ok.15:21
bazhang!ot | Turboz trelayne15:21
ubottuTurboz trelayne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:21
jukkrisphillips: in power managment settings15:21
krisphillipsjuk, where at?  I don't want it to sleep at the login screen, just go blank15:21
b0otIm using crontab to start some scripts that I want to run when my computer starts using @reboot, but the problem is that they all run in the background, and I can't see any of my echo statments? Any ideas on what I could to do to allow myself to see my debugging messages? Is there a way to view the terminals of the scripts running in the background?15:21
Wakko10Warnerwhat does this command in Ubuntu do: "traceroute -w 2147483647 -I -f 2 -q 8 1460"15:21
bazhangTurboz, please stop that15:22
r0bby|androidGo read a linux howto...15:22
krisphillipsjuk: I thought the power management settings was only for when the user was logged in15:22
maxneedshelphi i have a quick question, i recently installed pysdm and then changed the name of the partition my windows boot is on, now eery time io restart is gives me an error message saying it was unable to mount the partition i renamed, i logged back in and it changed the name back but now there are two invalid entried in my media folder, someone please help15:22
Guest86194In Debian where the Wired network connection icon is next to the date in the upper right corner of the screen, it shows an Exclamation Point error.  How do I make it work again15:22
ljsoftnetcan i launch gnome main menu in a launcher?15:22
abc_join #gentoo-de15:22
Turbozbazhang: Im unsure as to what you mean ?15:22
bazhangGuest86194, try #debian15:22
jukkrisphillips: preferences -> power management -> put computer to sleep pick Never from pull down15:23
bazhangTurboz, the offtopic nonsense stop it15:23
sipiorWakko10Warner: "man traceroute" will give you a fair bit of information about all of those options.15:23
krisphillipsjuk: OK.  Now how do I get the monitor to turn off when idle without sleeping the computer?15:23
Turbozbazhang: Oh, the non-sence.15:23
krisphillipsKeep in mind, this is at the login screen, please15:23
krisphillipsNot when logged in15:23
* Turboz fires up some musikz! :)15:23
maxneedshelpwhere should i go for someone whoe knows mounting15:23
Wakko10Warnersipior: I know. I read, but didn't understand it all :-?15:24
r0bby|androidmaxneedshelp: rtfm.15:24
bazhangr0bby|android, dont say that here15:24
pankaj_sharmahi all15:24
sipiorWakko10Warner: then ask about the things you're unsure about.15:24
r0bby|androidType man mount15:24
maxneedshelpman mount15:24
r0bby|androidIn a console window.15:25
Wakko10Warnersipior: I was told it could crash the computer it was doing the traceroute too is that true ???15:25
sipiorWakko10Warner: that seems fairly unlikely.15:25
jukkrisphillips: preferences -> screensaver, check tick on Activate screensaver when computer is idle15:25
* r0bby|android sighs15:25
Wakko10Warneroh. good I was worried over nothing :-D15:25
maxneedshelpwher can i talk to an expert 1 on 1 or just be able to ask some adice15:26
krisphillipsjuk: screensavers don't work at the login screen.15:26
AbhiJit!ask | maxneedshelp15:26
ubottumaxneedshelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:26
r0bby|androidWhat do you need?15:26
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:26
r0bby|androidGo read that.15:26
jukkrisphillips: imagebin it15:27
dr0idguys there's no www in /var/ in my friends pc, why?15:27
dr0idbecause that should be the webroot locally15:27
d3v0hello i have a problem with warcraft 3 and wine, everything was working fine then i installed a linux kernel image update and i cant connect to battle net15:27
chomwitt_is there a way to install from cd with no internet?15:27
r0bby|androidIs apache installed?15:27
krisphillipsjuk: imagebin?15:27
Wakko10Warnermaxneedshelp: If you don't wind talking to retards, you could always call Answers By Gateway. Since I worked there, be forwarned that getting good advice from ABG is bloody unlikely.15:27
dr0idr0bby|android: no idea, newly installed ubuntu15:27
krisphillipsWhat do you want me to take an image of?15:27
ljsoftnetcan i launch gnome main menu in a launcher?15:27
jukkrisphillips: yeah take a shot and imagebin it, to get me visualised, i don't know what are you talking about15:27
maxneedshelpFULL Q:  hi i have a quick question, i recently installed pysdm and then changed the name of the partition my windows boot is on, now eery time io restart is gives me an error message saying it was unable to mount the partition i renamed, i logged back in and it changed the name back but now there are two invalid entried in my media folder, someone please help15:28
lolcatnm-applet wont appear, how can 8 connect to a network?15:28
dr0idanyone else? no www in /var/15:28
jukdr0id:mkdir /var/www15:28
dr0idjuk: or is it not there because apache is not installed ?15:28
jukdr0id: no15:29
krisphillipsjuk: I have "Put computer to sleep when inactive for: Never" selected in power management.  It won't sleep while the computer is logged into a user's account, BUT when its at the login screen it will.  That's what I want to avoid.15:29
dr0idwell, on an ubuntu machine, how should, whats the best way to install, php, mysql, and apache15:29
administratorI am come15:29
d3v0hello i have a problem with warcraft 3 and wine, everything was working fine then i installed a linux kernel image update and i cant connect to battle net15:29
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moetunes!lamp | dr0id15:30
ubottudr0id: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:30
Guest92135I don't no15:30
lolcatcan I connect to a wireless network without nm-applet?15:30
krisphillipsd3v0: I think you want to join the Win IRC channel for help with that15:30
maxneedshelphi i have a quick question, i recently installed pysdm and then changed the name of the partition my windows boot is on, now eery time io restart is gives me an error message saying it was unable to mount the partition i renamed, i logged back in and it changed the name back but now there are two invalid entried in my media folder, someone please help15:31
jukkrisphillips: i don't know15:31
maxneedshelpsorry for pasting it again15:31
maxneedshelpjust hoping someone will see and know15:31
lolcatmaxneedshelp: rm -r15:31
moetuneslolcat:  that's not smart15:32
maxneedshelpive been searching all night for a solution15:32
maxneedshelpits driving me crazy!115:32
krisphillipsmaxneedshelp: I've been trying to resolve this issue for 2 weeks.  Don't talk about crazy to me.  This IRC is no help and neither is the Ubuntu Forums15:32
lolcatmoetunes: It is if he want to remove folders in /media or /mount15:32
nkdhelp me in ubuntu15:33
sipiorkrisphillips: and yet here you are...15:33
moetunesmaxneedshelp:  check the uuid didn't change - blkid in terminal and fstab should match15:33
krisphillipssipior: Out of desperation15:33
maxneedshelpyes lolcat! i do15:33
Daniel0108i have a problem.. can someone help me?15:33
maxneedshelpit wont let me15:33
krisphillipsDaniel0108: what's up?15:33
sipiorkrisphillips:  keep asking your question every ten minutes or so. repeat as necessary. or contact Canonical for a support contract.15:33
lolcatmaxneedshelp: sudo rm -r then15:33
dave6510.10 beta is agreat desktop btw, thanks15:34
Daniel0108krisphillips: hi :) I have a problem... I launched a forkbomb, but not on purpose... and now i cannot start any process... it says: Unable to fork process(resource temporary unaviable)15:34
sipiorlolcat: that's poor manners. if you can't help, best just to keep quiet.15:35
lolcatsipior: isnt the issue folder he want to get rid off?15:35
ethereticTurboz: back onna stick :915:35
maxneedshelpjust tried your command in the terminal lolcat15:35
Turbozetheretic: Hows it going / Any better ?15:35
nkdmy min max ,close button are removed15:35
Turbozetheretic: Haha, cool eh ?15:35
krisphillipsDaniel0108: I'm assuming you've rebooted the computer.  I know how sounds dumb, but I need to ask in a resource unavailable situation15:36
dave65for people with problems just keep good backups of important stuff, fresh installs do wonders :)15:36
maxneedshelpnope just said rm: missing command15:36
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ZykoticK9nkd, use "compiz --replace" or if that fails "metacity --replace"15:36
ethereticTurboz: A bi better, but not much. Managed to install Pidgin.15:36
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sipiorlolcat: the issue was about a problem mounting a partition. perhaps i'm mistaken, in which case i'll happily offer you an apology :-)15:36
Daniel0108krisphillips: i already restarted my computer... it didn't help.. i also tried failsafe mode... :(15:36
sanoop_how to know the connection speed when connected via bluetooth?15:36
Turbozetheretic: I have that pidgin too, very nice. Hmm, it was called ... before ?15:36
krisphillipsDaniel0108: What did you try installing?15:37
maxneedshelpthere should be a way to clean the media folder if there are invalid entried, i tried to edit fstab but it wouldn't let me, then someone siad i have to edit it from the root and i got confused15:37
ethereticTurboz: Err.. It'll come to me.15:37
Daniel0108krisphillips: nothing.. i wanted to test something out.. i changed the process limit, and then launched a forkbomb to try out if it works.. but then my pc freeze and now i cannot start processes15:38
nkdZykoticK9: my title bar is removed so i cant use ,which is hidden behind15:38
Turbozetheretic: Gaim ! :) / I like Pidgin better though15:38
ZykoticK9nkd, try Alt+F215:38
nkdZykoticK9: any method else15:38
dave65Pidgin is a great program15:39
Turbozryaxnb: Mornin Ryan15:39
ethereticTurboz: Roight. Anyways, seems to be the router.15:39
ZykoticK9nkd, "any method else" sorry i don't understand what you are asking15:39
Turbozdave65: Does the sound and video work good too /havnt tried it yet ?15:39
dave65not tried, just use it for irc15:39
maxneedshelppysdm fucked up my fstab i thin idk, every time i turn the computer on it tries to mount a device that dosn't exist15:40
Turbozetheretic: Yep, its always the first troublesome hop in the chain unless its elaborate.15:40
dave65language Timothy15:40
ZykoticK9!language | maxneedshelp15:40
ubottumaxneedshelp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:40
nkdZykoticK9: where we type command that is also not visible15:40
sipiormaxneedshelp: could you pastebin your /etc/fstab?15:40
maxneedshelplike enter that in terminal'?15:40
ZykoticK9nkd, if you can't open a terminal & alt+f2 doesn't work - i have no ideas...15:41
sipior!pastebin > maxneedshelp15:41
ubottumaxneedshelp, please see my private message15:41
Turbozdave65: Be so kind as to hush mam.15:41
ZykoticK9nkd, if you restart you computer does it work again?15:41
bazhangTurboz, ?15:41
maxneedshelpim going to take a pic15:42
Daniel0108krisphillips: i cannot even "normally" restart my pc :P because it says that it cannot execute the command :P15:42
progre55hi guys. I have a folder called /srv and I want to create another folder in it, callec /srv/scripts but I get "mkdir: cannot create directory `/srv/scripts': No such file or directory" wtf? and of course, I'm with root priv15:42
maxneedshelpcan i send a picture?15:42
Misterio!paste | maxneedshelp15:43
ubottumaxneedshelp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:43
nkd  i opened my terminal15:43
fuzzyhi all, I am looking for help in finding what entry my cd-rom is in terminal (ie. /dev/scd0) so I can use the cat command to create an iso. Thanks.15:44
nkdi already uninstalled compiz15:45
phil_in_londonfuzzy, how about   df -h15:45
nkdZykoticK9: i already uninstalled compiz15:45
maxneedshelpwhere do i ask perticular questions15:45
fuzzyphil, that was it, I am new, had trouble remembering...thanks.15:45
maxneedshelpabout mounting15:45
ZykoticK9nkd, so try "metacity --replace"15:45
Misteriomaxneedshelp: This is a good place for doing it15:45
dave65Turboz:  stop harrasing me plz15:46
krisphillipsDaniel0108: Time for a wipe and reinstall :)15:46
dave652nd time, plz stop15:46
Misteriodave65: Yoy may want /help ignore15:47
Daniel0108krisphillips: you mean, reinstall ubuntu? umm... i dont want to lose my data! :)15:47
Turbozdave65: What ?15:47
dave65I try not to ignore anyone :)15:47
maxneedshelphi i have a quick question, i recently installed pysdm and then changed the name of the partition my windows boot is on, now eery time io restart is gives me an error message saying it was unable to mount the partition i renamed, i logged back in and it changed the name back but now there are two invalid entried in my media folder, someone please help15:47
lolcatdave65: hello15:47
Daniel0108krisphillips: I have an idea, bye ;)15:47
dave65hi, this aint a chat channel lol15:47
TurbozBots... grr dave65: "I am in Win7 at the mo, working"15:47
nkdZykoticK9: recovered it but when i restart the system it again disappear15:48
Misterio!ot | Turboz, dave6515:48
ubottuTurboz, dave65: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:48
sipiormaxneedshelp: did you pastebin your fstab? i must've missed it.15:48
bazhangTurboz, stop it15:48
progre55anyone? why would one get an error creating a dir?15:48
maxneedshelppaste it in terminal15:48
progre55"mkdir: cannot create directory `/srv/scripts': No such file or directory"15:48
Misterioprogre55: What error?15:48
progre55although /srv exists15:49
maxneedshelpor as a command?15:49
sipior!pastebin > maxneedshelp15:49
ubottumaxneedshelp, please see my private message15:49
sipiorprogre55: what are your permissions with respect to that directory?15:49
Misterioprogre55: Try first "sudo mkdir /srv"15:49
=== richard is now known as Guest24187
Turbozbazhang: Your "mission" here is to let bots in and remove all the good folks or what ? or Dave65 is your bot ?15:50
Misterioprogre55: After that, try again15:50
maxneedshelppasted th q15:50
sipiorTurboz: look, just let it go.15:50
progre55Misterio: mkdir: cannot create directory `/srv': File exists15:50
progre55sipior: I'm sudo mkdir'ing15:50
f0gI'm struggling with this static route.  I can't ping the gateway, even though I've set the default route.15:51
sipiorprogre55: what is the result of "ls -l /srv"?15:51
f0gAny tips? I know I'm missing something simple, but I can't figure out what it is!15:51
Misterioprogre55: Try this >> "cd /" >> "cd /srv" >> "sudo mkdir scripts"15:51
cyrus_How do you get to the GUI of Vim?15:51
lolcathow can I connect to a wireless network?! nm applet is gone...15:51
cyrus_(in Ubuntu)15:51
Misterioprogre55: Well, sorry "cd srv"15:52
lorenzocabrinicyrus_: gvim15:52
cyrus_Oh wow, so simple. Thanks mate15:52
sipiorcyrus_: the package you need is "vim-gtk"15:52
lorenzocabrinicyrus_: of course, assuming you have installed it...15:52
phil_in_londonlolcat, apt-get install nm-applet, then reboot or logout and log back in.15:52
cyrus_Yes, it's installed and I have it running right now, thanks :]15:52
progre55Misterio: done that, no use15:52
lolcatphil_in_london: it is installed, but thr icon is gone15:53
Misterioprogre55: Did it work?15:53
f0gWhat would stop me from being able to ping the gateway?15:53
progre55Misterio: nope, the same error15:53
progre55sipior: there's just one other dir in srv/services15:53
Misterioprogre55: And what if you try with "gksu nautilus"? Try doing it with x15:54
jukf0g: cable connection15:54
sipiorprogre55: what is the result of "ls -l /srv"?15:54
krisphillipsAnybody got an idea how to disable sleep at the login screen without stopping the monitors from going to sleep?15:54
progre55Misterio: that's a server =)15:54
f0gNo, I can reach one of the other servers.  Just only one of them.15:54
krisphillipsOr how to disable USB sleep, but let the rest of the computer sleep15:54
arifovichelp me to connect my iconnect c8800!15:54
cyrus_Is there a way to set vim to auto-indent?15:54
Misterioprogre55: Oh ok15:54
krisphillipsarifovic, I don't even know what that is?15:54
=== dr0id is now known as sh00ter
sipiorcyrus_: "set autoindent" :-)15:55
phil_in_londonlolcat , have you tried Add to Panel, is it in the list of items you can add?15:55
arifovicAnyone, how to connect CDMA modem C8800 on ubuntu?15:55
cyrus_Where would I do that, sipior?15:55
sipiorcyrus_: in a terminal, preferably15:55
Lollipop56yo frank__15:55
arifovickrisphillips: iconnect c880015:56
sipiorcyrus_: beg pardon, in vim itself: ":set autoindent"15:56
sipiorcyrus_: mind the colon...15:56
progre55sipior: http://pastie.org/119351015:56
krisphillipsarifovic: I still have no idea what it is.  Repeating the name of it will make no difference15:56
dave65arifovic: google how to connect CDMA modem C8800 on ubuntu a few suggestions there15:57
sh00terok, so i wanna install php, mysql, apache on my ubuntu 9.10 , wats the best way? installing them separately or sudo apt-get install lamp-server ?15:57
cyrus_sipior, sorry for being such a "noob" at this, but where would I actually type this in at? All I have is my file15:57
cyrus_(I'm new to *nix period :[)15:57
sh00tersomeone pls help me with the best solution15:57
phil_in_londonshooter, lamp is gonna be easiest.15:58
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:58
sipiorcyrus_: that's fine. you have the file loaded in vim at the moment?15:58
sh00teris there any difference between installing them separately and isntalling just lamp ?15:58
arifovicdave65: I've tried but not working.15:58
nothingspecialkrisphillips: he said it`s a modem15:58
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
totalizatorhi, is there some app to count mouse clicks?15:59
nothingspecialarifovic: I don`t know what the problem is, you just plug it in right, or is the internet not working15:59
cyrus_It's loaded now, but I've just noticed something else; it won't let me edit anything15:59
sipiorprogre55: can you move /srv, out of curiosity?15:59
sipiorprogre55: temporarily, i mean16:00
arifovicnothingspecial: so how to identify like another modem cdma?16:00
sipiorcyrus_: you've never used vim before?16:00
progre55sipior: mv: cannot move `/srv' to `./srv': Device or resource busy16:00
nkdi want to reinstall ubuntu but boot process does not start16:00
Ken8521arifovic, usb modems are problematic on linux, and have been for a while16:00
progre55let me see if it's been mounted..16:00
cyrus_No, sipior.16:00
^MikeDoes ubuntu run /well/ on new MacBook Pro models?16:01
cyrus_I usually do my C++ in VS16:01
progre55sipior: yeah it has been mounted.. "/srv/services on /srv/services type none (rw,bind)"16:01
arifovicAny suggest for best distro for usb modem?16:01
arifovicKen8521: Any suggest for best distro for usb modem?16:01
sipiorcyrus_: vim uses modal editing, which takes a bit of getting used to. there are a number of tutorials around to get you started: try this one, for example: http://www.linuxconfig.org/Vim_Tutorial16:01
nnnqqqwww!ops bazhang HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM. WHEN YOU COMMENT ON THIS SPAM, THE GNAA WINS! nnnqqqwww wbadger sleeyoyo notsogeek serapophis @FloodBot2 llutz_ totalizator tizbac drrob2 sabalaba rrittenhouse timepilot Lollipop56 anton zulgaban kbrosnan luis__lopez sandbernd MaximLevitsky arifovic trijntje heg cyrus_ sh00ter dywi kthomas_vh_ Guest24187 oracle jterrill Guest_854 mbroeker moon jono tails8 KennethP geraudk16:01
nnnqqqwww!ops bazhang HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM. WHEN YOU COMMENT ON THIS SPAM, THE GNAA WINS! GodFather vaibhav ede_ Misterio kheuch semajc count ZykoticK9 Zwei bsaibes vanadis bilalakhtar Genie Schoentoon mx nkd vipershadow cdiaz MrDrew andrej zatan alldunn shoonya bentob0x lolcat docsy heaviside chomwitt_ d3v0 ITXpander Turboz BlackBinary loofmo shro0ms matclayton cannonball Guest86194 mdr wieshka HinHin maxneedshelp16:01
nnnqqqwww!ops bazhang HAS MOVED THIS CHANNEL TO #GNAA ON IRC.HARDCHATS.COM. WHEN YOU COMMENT ON THIS SPAM, THE GNAA WINS! spGrob jonathan__ donvito2 MadAGu Faissal quake_guy CyberSix Gnea MohammadAG bobba natschil dajhorn radioman-lt pksadiq dobran alakoo alexxio m_tadeu ljsoftnet RambJoe trelayne tPl0ch graviton Bass10 prower brendan- msanchez oxymoron kslt1 danber bfiller abstrakt murphy chibihogoshino marcosroriz _magez_ Leman_Russ Andycas tan16:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
Ken8521arifovic, windows...16:01
arifovicKen8521: hahahaha..16:02
maxneedshelphttp://imagebin.org/116554 somebody please take a look16:02
nothingspecialarifovic: is it one of those mobile broadband thingys?16:02
maxneedshelpi wouldgreatly appreciate it16:02
Ken8521arifovic, really.... most of the usb modem manufacturers, do not make drivers for Linux...16:02
MohammadAGgrrr, shitty spam16:02
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts16:03
sipiorprogre55: oh, this makes more sense now. /srv is a mounted volume? which filesystem, and can you show me the fstab line for it (or equivalent)?16:03
Ken8521arifovic, if it's one of those that has a USB port, and a cat6 port, use the cat616:03
arifovicnothingspecial: yes is it.16:03
cyrus_Thank you :]16:03
progre55sipior: not /srv, but /srv/services was mounted, and I've unmounted it, but still16:03
llutz_maxneedshelp: give at least a short description of you problem, don't force people to click on an unknown image-link16:03
timmillwoodanyone got dual screen working on Macbook Pro and Apple LED Cinema display16:03
sipiorcyrus_: have fun, it's a fine editor, and will repay the time you invest handsomely16:03
maxneedshelphi i have a quick question, i recently installed pysdm and then changed the name of the partition my windows boot is on, now eery time io restart is gives me an error giving me the choice to skip or manualy repare saying it was unable to mount the partition i renamed, i logged back in and it changed the name back but now there are two invalid entried in my media folder, can someone please help!http://imagebin.org/11655416:04
nothingspecialarifovic: They are a pain in linux, some work, some don`t. You on a contract?16:04
arifovicKen8521: what do you mean cat6? I don't get it..16:04
Ken8521a standard ethernet port, as opposed to a usb port16:04
llutz_Ken8521: rj45/ethernet-port you mean?16:05
Ken8521llutz, yes, thought i clarified that16:05
maxneedshelpcan someone explaine in dumb words how to edit fstab so i can see if that works16:05
arifovicnothingspecial: you're right!16:05
xax200wow, is spam a big problem now a days?16:06
arifovicSo there is no solution for my cdma modem??? huft...16:06
xax200Which channel is the dev channel?16:07
sipiorprogre55: once you unmount that volume, does deleting and recreating /srv help?16:07
Ken8521xax200, ubuntu+116:07
nogoxax200: dev of what? cloud 2.0?16:07
Ken8521oh dev, nevermind16:07
Ken8521i'm tired16:07
xax200dev for client side decoration preferably16:08
nothingspecialarifovic: There might be16:08
progre55sipior: it still says "rm: cannot remove directory `srv/services': Device or resource busy" and cant delete it16:08
* nogo kicks xax200 back to ylmf16:08
arifovicnothingspecial: how?16:08
xax200I'm just looking for some resources so I can get involved16:09
glaucousI'm having some problems when updating the kernel to 2.6.32-25-generic. http://paste.ubuntu.com/503956/ . What should I do?16:09
maxneedshelpi can't even get into recovery mode because of the fucking shitty error16:09
sipiorprogre55: have a look at "lsof", use it to figure out what's holding that open. can you pastebin the result of "mount" as well?16:09
maxneedshelppardon my language16:09
maxneedshelpi am just soooo mad16:09
maxneedshelpthere must be a simple way to get your machine to realize that it's trying to mount partitions that were renamed thats all16:10
progre55sipior: ah again! mount shows "/srv/services on /srv/services type none (rw,bind)"16:11
progre55I've just unmounted it16:11
sipiormaxneedshelp: did you ever pastebin your fstab? i missed the link.16:12
sipiormaxneedshelp: you can always try booting from a rescue/live cd, and modifying your fstab file from there.16:13
=== FazLeeeN` is now known as FazLeeeN
zanus is there a simple way to find every ppd file in my system16:13
glaucousmaxneedshelp, mount by UUID instead of sdX/hdX (which I guess you use), and modify fstab with live cd like sipior said.16:13
llutz_zanus: find / -iname '*.ppd'16:14
=== ukine_work is now known as ukine_work_outfo
=== ukine_work_outfo is now known as ukine_work_smoke
azunyaa-rokuI launch videos with mplayer : "mplayer video.mkv" this mkv have a ass and a srt file included, how to run the .ass ?16:16
xax200or `find / -type f | grep ".ppd"16:17
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts16:17
CoinBRI did "apt-get install php5-sqlite". Now, where is the sqlite.so? I have no idea16:18
CoinBRi really need this library16:18
llutz_CoinBR: dpkg -L php5-sqlite16:19
CoinBRi'll try :D16:19
nothingspecialazunyaa-roku: azunyaa-roku .ass files are subtitles I think, man mplayer, then / then subtitles16:19
pksadiq!help | pksadiq16:19
ubottupksadiq, please see my private message16:19
nothingspecialazunyaa-roku: that will search the enourmous mplayer manpages for subtitles16:19
=== Guest86194 is now known as Lynx__
CoinBRllutz_: It sem's to be in the right directory... there's a way to reinstall ? does "apt-get reinstall" exists?16:20
Pentium3Good morning.16:20
llutz_CoinBR: if its in the right dir, why reinstall? apt-get install --reinstall <package>16:21
CoinBRCause i'm getting erros o016:21
CoinBR1 minute16:21
pksadiqHow to change the default Timeout time for ftp ?16:21
nothingspecialnothingspecial: There`s all sorts of ass options in there16:21
nothingspecialnothingspecial: Did I just type that?16:22
cyrus_sipior, I turned on autoindent by (:set autoindent) without the parenthesis, and it works in that it holds the tab I was at but it doesn't auto-indent if I put a semi-colon, is there a way to get it to do this?16:22
pksadiqHow to change the default Timeout time for ftp ?16:22
Pentium3How do I disable the network firewall at my school?16:24
sipiorcyrus_: this might be helpful: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Indenting_source_code16:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:24
llutz_Pentium3: ask your admin16:25
sipiorPentium3: i think the folks who run your school's network may have something to say about that...16:25
Pentium3llutz_: My school blocks BitTorrent and that causes problems for my downloading torrents.16:25
CoinBRllutz_: http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6808/capturadetelac.png16:26
llutz_Pentium3: they have reasons to do that. So go, ask your admin16:26
Pentium3llutz_: ok. thanks.16:26
CoinBRllutz_: Should i go to #sqlite? LinuxStock documentation sucks16:26
sipiorllutz_: i would *love* to be a fly on the wall for that conversation...16:26
llutz_sipior: +116:27
cyrus_Ah, good read! Thank you very much sipior.16:29
=== jojolabel is now known as seblabel
cyrus_:set cindent ftw :]16:29
nogocyrus? you were killed by spartans16:31
morenotaes eapañol por favor16:31
=== ukine_work_smoke is now known as ukine_work
AbhiJit!es | morenota16:31
jpds!es | morenota16:31
ubottumorenota: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:31
morenotawatch televicion16:34
sh00terwow, ubuntu is quite now :D16:35
sh00terso whats taskel ?16:35
sh00terand why cant I do sudo apt-get install lamp-server but use taskel ?16:35
ja660khey does anyone know of a weather forcast xml feed that i can use16:36
ja660knot rss, xml16:36
pllHi folks, does anyone know which repo still includes apache 1 debs ?16:36
linelevelHi. I'm running Karmic. I use the built-in vino server for VNC access to my Ubuntu box. The problem is that it doesn't update--whatever the VNC client window shows when the session starts is all it shows. I can verify that the client is sending input correctly, but the server is not sending the screen updates. How can I troubleshoot this problem?16:36
thunorHey what's the command to view your system's specifications/OS?16:36
glaucousThere's a bug that FGLRX (ATI drivers) libGL.so in /usr/lib32 continues to point to mesa/libGL.so instead of fglrx/libGL.so. Should I report this in LaunchPad, or to AMD/ATI?16:37
realubotWhat is the name of the GUI that for example Ubuntu Server uses during the installation process?16:37
realubotI'm lookung for a cli like gui. I've tried Zenity, but I think there is a nice "Terminal GUI"?16:38
aboudreaultguys, why ubuntu lucid doesn't have the vboxdrv for virtualbox? can't find /etc/init.d/vboxdrv16:39
EuthanatosMy phone's 2gb storage (samsung juke) won't mount or even be recognized in lsusb (lucid64)  I've read the forums and tried many of the things suggested wondering if being on 64bit would affect that?16:39
Euthanatosmaybe i need to get a 32bit libmtp?16:40
=== Guest75849 is now known as warriorforGod
sacarlsonaboudreault: virtualbox works fine for me.  how did you install it?  did you upgrade your kernel?16:41
happydudeI have an ubuntu installation on a 16gb usbstick. How do I transfere that installation to a 16gb memorycard without having to install everything again?16:42
jpdssofi: Nice password.16:42
jpdssofi: Por favor, para.16:42
happydudemy password is ******* ;P16:42
teolicyhappydude: What? When you type your password on IRC it appears as asterisks?16:43
prowerhello :> Anyone know if the upcoming 10.10 release is going to be using openoffice 3.3 or "libreoffice" as it's default office suite (depending on if it's out of beta i suppose)16:44
=== Weust`afk is now known as Weust`
brandinihello all, can someone help me align my SSD before installing 10.04.1?16:46
aboudreaultsacarlson, well... I installed it normally with apt-get install virtualbox-ose (the the dkps something package)16:47
brandiniI'm booted up into the live environment and I'm able to fdisk, but I'm not sure those settings will be preserved during the install16:47
aboudreaultbut it keep saying that the driver vboxdrv doesn't exist16:48
TiKaboudreault: ose sucks you are better off going to http16:48
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
TiKaboudreault: ose sucks you are better off going to http://www.virtualbox.org16:48
m-gataHello all: i need help to configure my apache2 to enable cgi scripting. i have googled and followed wiki, but no luck16:48
llutz_m-gata: /j #httpd   and ask there16:49
sacarlsonaboudreault: I found the one direct from sun is better but that should work.  I also found when I installed a new kernel that I needed to reinstall so it could recompile the needed drivers.16:49
m-gatallutz_: thanks16:50
aboudreaultOk, will try that tonight. thanks16:50
urnahello I install 10.04 on my eeepc and x wont start, any idea?16:50
sacarlsonaboudreault: try the one from here http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads16:52
JoeSomebodyhi, does wine and mirc work ok?16:52
aboudreaultsacarlson, ok16:52
sh00tersudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default16:52
sh00terno such file or direcroty16:52
helpmeoutguys i upgraded to 10.10 and know i have a provblem whit my fonts, it hurts the eyes, its like theyre not focused16:52
helpmeoutor something16:52
urnaJoeSomebody: pirch works better than mirc in wine16:52
sh00terbut i can see it in file browser16:52
sh00tery so ?16:52
JoeSomebodyin windows xp / mirc i keep gettting * Break: command halted16:52
FloodBot1sh00ter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:53
sh00teranyone ?16:53
raphaOMG! HELP! usb-creator-gtk just deleted everything I own!!!16:53
sh00terany lamp expert here? wanna talk on PM ?16:53
AbhiJitsh00ter, try in #ubuntu-server or #httpd16:53
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.16:54
AbhiJit!details | rapha16:54
ubotturapha: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:54
oCeansh00ter: the file is called 00-default or 000-default i think16:54
sh00teri did this16:54
aboudreaultmoetunes, is it ok to write the full words rather than the accronym then?16:54
sh00tersudo taskel install lamp-server16:55
sh00terbut when i go to localhost/phpinfo.php16:55
llutz_sh00ter: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-available/16:55
sh00terdownload box opens16:55
moetunesaboudreault:  do what you like :]16:55
bilalakhtarsh00ter: ah, I know your problem16:55
fserbhey guys. I just dist-upgraded to the release candidate and I was looking for info on configuring the touchpad for macbookpro7,1. It seems there's a new way of doing it, but the documentation is still incomplete. Does anyone know where I can find more info about it?16:55
Murdoxyes hello16:55
sh00terbash: -l /etc/apache2/sites-available/: No such file or directory16:55
raphaAbhiJit: I have two partitions on my external 1TB disk. One is 4GB, the other the rest. I wanted to put Ubuntu on the first. usb-creator-gtk wouldn't let me and had a button to format the disk, but it looked like it meant *the partition that is selected*. So I selected /dev/sdb1, but what it did was delete all partitions and create a new VFAT one over the entire drive!!!16:55
clockwarehow can i revert to default gnome session in netbook edition?16:55
sh00terllutz_: bash: -l /etc/apache2/sites-available/: No such file or directory16:56
urnaMurdox: I install ubuntu 10.04 on my eeepc but x wont start, any idea?16:56
bilalakhtarsh00ter: Are you able to view normal html files?16:56
bilalakhtar!server | sh00ter16:56
ubottush00ter: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server16:56
AbhiJitfserb, you mean 10.10? ask in #ubuntu+1 for maverick16:56
llutz_sh00ter: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-available/16:56
bilalakhtarsh00ter: you may ask your question in #ubuntu-server16:56
fserbAbhiJit, ok thanks. :)16:56
bilalakhtarsh00ter: Please run this command : sudo a2enmode php516:57
AbhiJitrapha, oh thats very sad.16:57
bilalakhtarsh00ter: Please run this command : sudo a2enmod php516:57
sh00tercommand not found16:57
oCeanbilalakhtar: there is no php/html issue16:57
oCeanbilalakhtar: he's trying to find the file(s)16:57
raphaAbhiJit: the big problem is I can't remember just how large exactly the first partition was or else I might be able to recreate them16:57
sh00terthe problem is16:57
raphaAbhiJit: and it's not only very sad, it's a CATASTROPHE!16:57
sh00terwhen i execute a php file, the download box opens16:58
sh00terwhile html files are shown correct16:58
bilalakhtarsh00ter: you know the doc root?16:58
sh00terlocalhost/hello.html works fine16:58
AbhiJitrapha, see if you can recover the data using testdisk. and next time onwards use gparted to formating operations16:58
oCeanrapha: stop using caps16:58
bilalakhtar!caps | rapha16:58
ubotturapha: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:58
sh00terbilalakhtar: /var/www16:58
AbhiJitpoor rapha16:58
bilalakhtarsh00ter: and that works?16:58
oCeanbilalakhtar: wait, it seems that you were on the right track there, sorry16:58
sh00terbilalakhtar: didnt get u16:58
bobstrorapha:  no backups?16:58
* AbhiJit prays for rapha 16:58
raphaoCean: bilalakhtar: sorry, but I bet you can imagine that this is kind of emotional.16:58
sh00teru mean DocumentRoot value in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default16:58
sh00ter ?16:58
bilalakhtarsh00ter: yes16:59
AbhiJitrapha, try test disk see if you can recover it16:59
oCeanrapha: you can come here if you have calmed down16:59
sh00teryes, its /var/www16:59
urnabackups are for fags, real men upload their stuff on some ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it16:59
bilalakhtarsh00ter: okay, so run sudo a2enmod php516:59
raphabobstro: Of a minority of things, yes, but 1TB is really a lot and I didn't have the money to buy a second disk yet.16:59
Ekipsrapha: Tried to recover?16:59
bilalakhtarsh00ter: and then sudo service apache2 restart16:59
sh00ter sudo a2enmode php516:59
sh00tersudo: a2enmode: command not found16:59
bilalakhtarsh00ter: its a2enmod, not a2enmodE16:59
AbhiJitrapha, you shoulndt ever think of using your main imp data disk to be as experiment disk16:59
raphaAbhiJit: Ekips: that's what I want to do, but before I resort to things like TestDisk (for which you need a second disk of the same size) I want to see if there is no way to figure out where the original ReiserFS partition started...17:00
EkipsAh, I was gonna suggest testdisk yeah17:00
AbhiJitrapha, ohh that i dunno17:00
sh00terbilalakhtar: gimme a min17:00
sh00terdoing it17:00
raphaAbhiJit: what does "imp" mean? (and I didn't want to 'experiment', I just wanted to put Ubuntu on it)17:00
nothingspecialrapha: Do not write to that disk whatever you do, cleanly unmount it right away17:00
AbhiJitrapha, imp= important17:01
raphanothingspecial: I'm afraid I freaked out once I realized what was happening and kill -9'd the mkfs.vfat process.17:01
raphaAbhiJit: oh okay, yeah17:01
nothingspecialrapha: Have a look at testdisk or photorec17:01
raphanothingspecial: do you know if these can find partitions, too? I thought they could only find files?17:01
EkipsYeah, I don't know another tool either (because it works so damn well)17:01
EkipsNono, testdisk finds partitions17:01
raphaaaah perfect17:02
raphathen i'll try it right away17:02
Ekips"TestDisk is powerful free data recovery software! It was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions"17:02
sh00terbilalakhtar: lol, wat was the problem ?17:02
nothingspecialrapha: You may be able to pay to get it all back, listen, all hard drives will fail in the end, eventually, you must have backups. But I guess you know that dnow17:02
sh00terit works now17:02
raphajust have to hope mkfs.vfat didn't do a very thorough job17:02
bilalakhtarsh00ter: worked?17:02
sh00teri didnt understand the problem tho17:03
bilalakhtarsh00ter: It was a very very simple problem: The mod_php5 module wasn't loading17:03
sh00ter:( i am a ubuntu n00b, really need to leanr, new to ubuntu17:03
raphanothingspecial: yes I was planning on buying the same disk again, but I'm still saving up money for that17:03
bilalakhtarsince it was disabled :)17:03
Ekipsnothingspecial: I don't think they charge for another edition of those tools17:03
bilalakhtarsh00ter: You just enabled it17:03
sh00terbut it said17:03
Fishscenesh00ter: Welcome to Ubuntu.17:03
sh00terModule php5 already enabled17:03
sh00terFishscene: thx :)17:03
nothingspecialEkips: I meant there are companies that do it, if they don`t work17:03
sh00terdo i need to install phpmyadmin now ?17:04
bilalakhtarsh00ter: probably you didn't restart the server since you installed libapache2-mod-php517:04
bilalakhtarsh00ter: you can, if you wish17:04
sh00tersudo apt-get install phpmyadmin?17:04
EkipsOh yeah nothingspecial, true, data recovery by pro's is very exspensive business :)17:04
bilalakhtarsh00ter: yes ^^17:04
bilalakhtarsh00ter: Its a good bundle, though its not necessary17:04
raphanothingspecial: Ekips: AbhiJit: TestDisk is searching for it now... will take a couple hours it looks like.17:04
sh00ternow let me bug u guys with loads of questions heh17:04
sh00terwats taskel?17:04
Ekipsbilalakhtar: Well, "good" if you don't forget to disable your setup.php *cough*17:05
AbhiJitrapha, dear17:05
sh00terand y not sudo apt-get install lamp-server but sudo taksel install lamp-server ?17:05
nothingspecialrapha: When you do get another disk, don`t have it connected to the same computer, not even in the same room. In a different building if possible17:05
bilalakhtarsh00ter: lamp-server is a task, not a pckage17:05
raphaoh already found a lot of partitions17:05
AbhiJitrapha, first read testdisk documentation carefully. if used in wrong direction testdisk can ruin your that 1tb hdd so that you will not be able to recover data from it afterwords17:05
bilalakhtarEkips: Installing it from the ubuntu package is completely safe17:05
EkipsAh, ok bilalakhtar17:05
sh00terthat means it already there in my ubuntu installation ?17:06
wh_Hi, I've recently started getting TCP connections on my Ubuntu server from localhost to localhost on port 113 (IDENT).  Any ideas how I might go about tracking them down?17:06
bilalakhtarsh00ter: What is already there?17:06
raphanothingspecial: it's an external usb disk, this one, and i'm planning on getting that another time, so that will be quite easy. i want to leave one at home and make regular backups onto that one and have one with me on the go.17:06
bilalakhtarsh00ter: Tasksel? yes, its already there17:06
zysoksblackmatter: u around?17:06
Dr_Williswh_:  have you only recently started using IRC ?17:06
raphaAbhiJit: only doing strictly read-only operations for now, anyway17:06
AbhiJitrapha, i done my part of warning17:06
rbellamyIs there a better place to ask ubiquity questions?17:06
jain0709Hello I have purchased my laptop I have installed ubuntu to it my hot key are not working so cant control brightness etc .. my laptop in lenovo Z56017:07
wh_Dr_Willis: yes although I was on here yesterday evening, too.17:07
raphaAbhiJit: indeed you have :)17:07
Dr_Williswh_:  some irc servers use that se4rvice..  but not sure why it would be doing localhost to localhost. How are you 'seeing' it do this?17:07
AbhiJitrapha, :)17:07
Ekipswh_: netstat. Are you running a local ircd?17:07
jain0709please help me where I can find drivers for this17:07
joanethi! i got a problem while mounting hfsplus with fstab, with mounts it with noexec flag, even if i put exec flag on17:07
ikoniajoanet: not all file systems have all options17:07
nothingspecialwh_: bitlbee?17:07
wh_Dr_Willis, Ekips: I'm not running IRC (server or client) from the box in question.  It's a web and mail server.17:07
Dr_Willisjain0709:  check the forums.  Theres often a thread or two on specific brand/make laptops and how to tweak them for all the features17:08
joanetikonia: what can i do? mac can make files executables17:08
wh_member:Dr_Willis, member:Ekips: I was alerted by e-mails sent by psad (port scan attack detector).  I found the specifics with dmesg | tail17:08
EkipsHm, weird :)17:09
wh_nothingspecial: what's bitlbee?17:09
EkipsRegular interval?17:09
ikoniajoanet: make have access to the file system as a native file system, check the kernel if it supports exec on the file system you want17:09
wh_nothingspecial: sorry, found it.  no, not using that.17:09
joanetikonia: thanks, ill do17:10
jain0709Dr_Willis: I have checked forum but that didnt helped much  :( are there any other places where I can look for drivers?17:10
nothingspecialwh_: that answers that, it`s a local irc server thingamajig that lets you googletalk and twitter and what have you in your irc client17:10
Dr_Willisjoanet:  if its like the ntfs-3g filesystem - you may need to use the proper 'uid/gid/fmask/dmask' options17:10
supernapalmhello, I've got what appears to be a graphics drivers problem. I'm trying to run various steam games (mostly source based) under wine 1.3.3 in Lucid. Games all seem to load up correctly but once in game I cannot see any models, only the background environment is visible. Also the keyboard doesn't react (mouse works) and I have to alt+tab out of wine. I'm running on Open Source drivers (Edge I think they're called) with my radeon x1650 pro. If there17:10
supernapalmare better drivers I'd really appreciate help on uninstalling the old ones and installing better ones :)17:10
Ekipsnothingspecial: He isn't using it he said :p17:10
Dr_Willisjain0709:  any 'drivers' are proberly allready built in. and  theres proberly just some tweaks needed to get the keys working.17:10
nothingspecialEkips: He asked what it was17:10
joanetDr_Willis: hm, will this make all files exec isnt?17:11
EkipsUhu, but it's not the cause17:11
tsankohello everyone17:11
m-gata#http: cannot send to channel. what should i do? i am new here please17:11
AbhiJittsanko, hi how can we help you?17:11
tsankom gata what you wanna do17:11
AbhiJitm-gata, you register your nick17:12
wh_nothingspecial, ekips, dr_willis: Do you know of any way I can tell whether the source address ( was spoofed or whether something on localhost really is trying to connect to itself?17:12
tsankono i just wanna speak about ubuntu17:12
tsankothat s all17:12
Dr_Willisjoanet:  that  is how it works on ntfs, and vfat.. I  have never used hfs..17:12
AbhiJittsanko, free feel to join #ubuntu-offtopic17:12
Braber01!ubuntu offtopic | tsanko17:12
Dr_Williswh_:  unplug it from the lan.. see if its still doing it. :)  that way you know its not comming from outside perhaps?17:12
jain0709Dr_Willis: I am very new to ubuntu so dont have much idea what and How to tweak with the drivers17:12
Braber01!oftopic | tsanko17:12
joanetDr_Willis: ill look that thanks17:13
* AbhiJit 's brain is not working17:13
AbhiJitBraber01, its !ot17:13
tsankohow i can change the colors of the words17:13
bobstrowh_:  did you find it yet?17:13
AbhiJittsanko, which words?17:13
Braber01!ot | tsanko17:13
ubottutsanko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:13
Braber01Abhijit: thank you :)17:13
AbhiJitBraber01, lol :D17:13
Ekipswh_: I doubt it's anyone else17:13
Dr_Willisjain0709:   You may want to test out the 10.10 rc (live cd) also. Its possible that the things may start working in the next release.17:13
Braber01<-- is not up to date with his factoids :(17:13
wh_Dr_Willis, Ekips, bobstro: hmm, I will if I have to but it's our production server (for both web and mail) so I'd rather not disconnect it if I can avoid it.17:13
=== supernapalm is now known as s_napalm
jain0709Yes I will try with that17:14
bobstrowh_:  try 'lsof -i -n | less' and search for :11317:14
jain0709Thanks Dr_Willis17:14
EkipsSo lsof -i -n | grep :113 ?17:14
bobstrowh_:  you should be able to figure out what process is using it, unless you've been rooted17:14
Dr_Williswh_: i dont enough networking/debugging to really suggest anything else..17:14
TiKlsof -i -n | grep :11317:15
TiKlsof -i -n | grep :113 ?17:15
bobstroEkips:  i like to see what else is going on, but suit yourself17:15
wh_Dr_Willis, ekips, bobstro: lsof -i -n | grep 113 yields nothing17:15
wh_dr_willis: ok, thanks.17:15
EkipsYeah, likely17:15
bobstroEkips:  the lsof is the key bit17:15
MagPulseHey guys, I have a wierd problem. I had a USB harddrive connected when I upgraded to 10.04, and now at startup the system tells me that the USB fails to mount. Everytime. Is there a way I can stop it doing that.17:16
tsankosomebody here knows cool icons for my pc17:16
AbhiJittsanko, see bisigi project17:16
barberanWhen 10.10 is going to be released ?17:16
AbhiJittsanko, http://www.bisigi-project.org/?lang=en17:16
MagPulsebarberan, october17:16
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  you mean you No longer have the HD plugged in? and it boots IF the hd is plugged in?17:16
* AbhiJit waves at bazhang 17:16
Dr_Willisbarberan:  on the 10th.. ive heard.17:16
MagPulseDr_Willis, the HD is no longer plugged in. It is an external HD. system boots of laptop HD.17:16
barberanIs it worth to wait for 10.10 instead of installing 10.04 on my laptop?17:17
Braber01um the bots have somthing to prevent flooding programmed in them right?17:17
AbhiJitbarberan, only 10 days remained you can wait17:17
l0deHello ubuntu17:17
MagPulsebarberan, The second 10 in 10.10 denotes the month that the update will be released.17:17
AbhiJitBraber01, yah17:17
Braber01I thought so.17:17
AbhiJit!bot | Braber0117:17
ubottuBraber01: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:17
zain_Hi guys17:18
wh_ekips, bobstro: the last few timestamps in dmesg are 153155.724047, 154310.779552 and 154313.776052.  I presume they're seconds (Unix timestamps, perhaps?)17:18
Dreamangnome 2.32.0 and ubuntu 10.10 is world wide most distro all time17:18
MagPulsebarberan, upgrading to 10.10 will involve installing alot of the files needed to upgrade to 10.0417:18
zain_why is it sometimes I press caps lock off button my key will still be in caps lock for one character17:18
MagPulsebarberan, prob easier to just upgrade to 10.04. Unless you have bandwidth issues.17:18
zain_bug ?17:18
s_napalmhello, I've got what appears to be a graphics drivers problem. I'm trying to run various steam games (mostly source based) under wine 1.3.3 in Lucid. Games all seem to load up correctly but once in game I cannot see any models, only the background environment is visible. Also the keyboard doesn't react (mouse works) and I have to alt+tab out of wine. I'm running on Open Source drivers (Edge I think they're called) with my radeon x1650 pro. If there are17:18
s_napalm better drivers I'd really appreciate help on uninstalling the old ones and installing better ones :)17:18
barberanMagPulse: It must be that 10.04 was released in april of 2010 year)17:18
sreeju i have installed cairo dock, but a black background for it .why is it?17:19
barberanMagPulse: thx17:19
MagPulseDr_Willis, any ideas on how to fix my problem?17:19
sreejucan i remove it17:19
bobstrowh_:  a quick google makes me think postgres looks at ident. are you running that? (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/auth-methods.html)17:19
sreejuplease help17:20
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  clarify what its doing.. system does boot? gets past grub menu.. then gives some error?17:20
AbhiJitsreeju, try asking in #cairo-dock17:21
m-gatatrying to chat in #httpd: was asked to register with nickserv; steps please17:21
MagPulseDr_Willis, System does get past grub menue, then stops right before log in, purple screen appears tells me there is an error and /**/**/usb failed to mount. Asterix denotes unknown strings.17:21
Dr_Willis!register | m-gata17:21
ubottum-gata: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:21
=== _sjm_ is now known as sjm
wh_bobstro: nope.  apache2, mysql, php, webmin, ssh, awstats, exim4, dovecot, avg, bastillelinux17:21
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  try recovery mode, or boot live cd.. check the /etc/fstab - there may be an entry for the usb hd in there.17:22
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  or see if you can get to the other consoles.. and check fstab file17:22
tsankono i don t find any cool icons17:22
MagPulseDr_Willis, how do I check the fstab file?17:22
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  its a text file.. use an editor.17:22
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  /etc/fstab17:22
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:22
MagPulsegedit /etc/fstab?17:22
zain_why is it sometimes I press caps lock off button my key will still be in caps lock for one character17:23
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  sudo EDITORYOULIKE /etc/fstab17:23
zain_bug ?17:23
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts17:23
MagPulseDr_Willis, Sorry, I'm not too experienced with editing config files, which entry do I delete. http://paste.ubuntu.com/503996/17:24
Dr_Willis!fstab | MagPulse17:25
ubottuMagPulse: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:25
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  for starters back up the file. incase you mess it up17:25
MagPulseDr_Willis, thanks.17:26
bobstrowh_:  this only started recently? nothing else getting flagged by psad?17:26
lucenutI'm drawing a blank today. How do I browse my windows network from ubuntu?17:26
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  ive never seen a line like the last one in your fstab.. not sure what the point of it is.. what version of ubuntu are you uysing exactly?17:27
sacarlsonlucenut: try Places>Network17:27
Dr_WillisANyone else seen a fstab entry like this? --->17:27
Dr_Willisnone           /proc/bus/usb    usbfs  auto,listuid=0,listgid=1001,listmode=0664,busuid=0,busgid=1001,busmode=0775,devuid=0,devgid=1001,devmode=0664 0 017:27
MagPulseDr_Willis, Ubuntu 10.04, but I'm using the netbook edition.17:27
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  try commenting out that line.. add a # to the front.  Ive no idea what its doing in there.   I dont recall ever seeing that on any of my machines.17:28
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:28
llutz_Dr_Willis: that line seems to be virtualbox non-ose related, activates usbfs17:28
Dr_Willisllutz_:  thats what i was thinking also...17:29
MagPulseDr_Willis, I typed sudo blkid and one of the entries is an ext4 thing. Would that be the USB?17:29
wh_bobstro: yes, a couple of days ago.  I was getting e-mails every minute citing TCP 113 (ident) and UDP 123 (network time protocol) but since stopping the ntp daemon, they've slowed to a few per hour.  The last few have been 15:57, 15:38, 14:58, 14:24, 14:22, 13:24...17:29
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  are you using Virtualbox?17:29
MagPulseDr_Willis, nope. Don't ever remember installing it.17:29
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  what filesystem is the USB? You have  your / partition thats  ext4. if you ran blkid whild the HD is unplugged..  then it cant be giving any info about the USB HD.17:30
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  try commenting out that last line..  save file, then reboot.. see if it works..17:30
MagPulseDr_Willis, actually, I have an idea. I'll restart, write down the thing mount address that doesn't load and comment it out and see iff it works.17:30
Dr_WillisMagPulse:  theres not really much to your fstab...17:30
MagPulseDr_Willis, thanks for your help. If I don't come back then it means it worked, lol.17:30
Braber01I can't rember if in bash if the -eq op is for numerical or string comparsion17:30
wildc4rdafternoon all17:31
Dr_Willisllutz_:  i seem to recall somthing about that line to let users access usb devices via vbox.. i also recall it not beeing needed and a forum thread or 2 on the topic. :) but that was a few Mo back.17:31
zain_why is it sometimes I press caps lock off button my key will still be in caps lock for one character17:32
zain_bug ?17:32
zain_why is no one answering me17:32
Dr_Williszain_:  ive never seen the problem.. never seen anyone else in here ask/mention a similer problem.17:33
Dr_Williszain_:  so what sort of answer do you want. :) all i can suggest is  a check of the forums.17:33
SamualHmm odd, my dbus-daemon is using 1.04gb of RAM currently.... Uptime of 2 days and 14 hours....17:34
zain_first letter is caps then HAhah when I off caps lock second letter will be caps sometimes17:34
SamualSystem is idle :P17:34
nguzenvuonghi hi17:34
MagPulseDr_Willis, hey man, it worked. It was the ext4 thing and commenting it out fixed it. Thanks.17:35
nguzenvuongcan you speak vietnamese17:35
MagPulsenguzenvuong, Du ma.17:35
Athlan_hi guys!17:35
Athlan_I recently tried to install linux mint 9 on a PC, but for some reason, right after selecting "install linux mint" from the bootloader, the monitor just goes to sleep - same when running the compatibility mode. Has anyone encountered this issue, if so, has anyone found a solution?17:35
maco!mintsupport | Athlan_17:36
ubottuAthlan_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:36
docsyhey, i get a segmentation fault when running unhide brute?  anyone had similar issues?17:37
Dr_Willisand whats 'unhide brute' ?17:37
master-lie /msg ubuntuhelp !help17:37
dajhorndocsy: Yes, it can be flakey.17:37
docsyunhide package @ Dr_Willis17:38
dajhorndocsy: Are you getting any false positives with it?17:38
tbrockhey guys, can you help me configure openvpn?17:38
Athlan_maco the mint channel is down. i am not able to connect.17:38
tbrockon ubuntu17:38
l0deHey ever since I installed ubutu I have been getting spyware nonstop17:38
l0deDoes anyone know of a good antivirus for it?17:38
machetehello, I am using zend server+zend studio on ubuntu... zend server seems to be off.. how do I turn it on?17:38
docsy[*]Starting scanning using brute force against PIDS17:38
docsySegmentation fault17:38
macoAthlan_: works here17:39
docsyunhide proc / sys work fine17:39
l0deor how I can clean up this virus? It keeps asking me to install win antivirus 200717:39
zain_I notice there is a delay when I turn off and on the caps lock key17:39
macol0de: that's just an ad in your browser17:39
zain_wtf why17:39
l0deno it's on the desktop when I boot up17:39
l0deand it wont go away no matter how many times you click it17:39
macol0de: someone change your wallpaper as a prank?17:40
l0demy desktop background is bsod blue too17:40
bivoafter installing updates yesterday that required restart I can no longer boot my Wubi install of UNR. I get as far as the Grub OS select, if I pick XP it boots, if I pick Ubuntu the machine restarts17:40
l0deno this is a window that is over documents and everything17:40
l0deIt's on the screen right now, I have to move the irc window over to see your chat17:40
l0deI tried to find an ubuntu andtivirus but not coming up with anything17:40
dajhorndocsy: Running `unhide brute` with the latest package works for me.17:40
Dr_Willisl0de:  one of the many reasons to use 'noscript' and 'adblock'17:41
Athlan_maco "* I have 183 clients and 1 servers17:41
Athlan_* Current Local Users: 183  Max: 22317:41
Athlan_* Current Global Users: 211  Max: 25217:41
Athlan_* SpotChat-c8d5228c.vc-graz.ac.at :is now your displayed host17:41
Athlan_* Athlan sets mode +i Athlan17:41
FloodBot1Athlan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:41
Athlan_* Athlan sets mode +x Athlan17:41
docsyl0de, there is avast and avg i believe for linux17:41
macoAthlan_: yeah thatd be saying you're connected17:41
Dr_Willisl0de:  theres clamav for linux, and a few others.. but if its a silly browser popup/scam.. an av program wont see that.17:41
docsyok daj, what version is latest17:41
l0deok trying avg17:41
dajhorndocsy: 2010020117:41
l0deI wish this OS were more secure17:41
Dr_Willisl0de:  clamav is in the repos.17:41
l0deI never had these problems on windows17:41
Dr_Willisl0de:  oh? ive never had the issue on linux.. and all the time on windows.17:42
Athlan_maco why is the connection being reset all the time then? The channel is in a loop. :(17:42
docsyk thx daj, think this ones out dated17:42
Dr_Willisl0de:  a browser scam ad. is not a virus.. and not really a OS  security 'issue' so have fun.17:42
FishsceneAthlan, you were kicked for flooding the channel.17:42
jay_ #4chanbirthday @ irc.rizon.net17:43
macol0de: we've seen this routine from you before17:43
l0deDr_willis well it's certainly on my system17:43
macol0de: i remember the punchline17:43
l0deand I'm using the latest konquerer17:43
Fishscene!OT | jay_17:43
ubottujay_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:43
l0deyeah I have had this issue maco, I don't need you acting smart about it17:43
chombeeHey, I'm getting errors from lots of applications about not being able to read configuration files. Other users on the same machine are fine. Must be some corrupt gconf files in my homedir? Where should I be looking?17:43
=== Cariyla is now known as Gerwin
l0demaybe you never got a virus yourself but you don't have to talk down to me just because I do17:44
macol0de: whatever you say. i remember the image you showed last time as an example of your "virus" and that it got you removed from the channel17:44
docsydajhorn, did you download from somewhere else other than apt-get ?17:44
l0deYou might be thinking of someone else17:44
l0deI might have complained about ubuntu being unsecured but I certainly haven't been banned17:44
dajhorndocsy: No.  Ubuntu has the February 1st release.  The latest upstream is August 19th.17:45
Dr_Willisl0de:  theres 3 differnt av softeares for linux,  try them out if you want.17:45
l0dethat's what I'm doing now Dr_Willis, thanks17:45
Dr_WillisClamav, avg, and what was the other.. avast?17:45
l0deMidway through an avg scan and it's not finding anything17:45
docsysorry to be a pain, but what is the homepage for unhide?17:45
docsycant seem to get a hit on google17:45
Dr_Willisl0de:  as we mentioned.. a browser popup/scam - is not a virus.17:45
oneofth3msudo apt-get build-dep openoffice.org , on 10.10 gives me error : E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_maverick_main_source_Sources - open (2: No such file or directory)17:45
oneofth3mWorkaround at http://ca.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9905127 doesn't help..17:46
oneofth3many ideas on this please?17:46
bobstrol0de:  does same thing happen if you log in as another user?17:46
=== Weust` is now known as Weust`afk
l0deDr_Willis it is when it launches with your computer17:46
bobstrol0de:  have you checked your startup applications?17:47
l0debobstro the only account I have on here is root17:47
oneofth3mHa...changing server source from India to Main helped, dont bother17:47
l0deit's not in there17:47
bobstrol0de:  ah... you're in as root.17:47
mkanyicyHow can I configure KDE Control Module's Mobile Broadband so that I can use my cellphone for the internet. Now I am using wvdial via terminal.17:47
bobstrol0de:  i imagine you've been advised using root for all activities is risky?17:47
l0deyeah it's more powerful17:47
l0deI thought I would need it to remove the virus17:47
macol0de: please stop it17:48
bobstrol0de:  ah yes, i have seen this bit before.17:48
l0debobstro- risky if someone sits down at your screen maybe17:48
l0deYou've seen this virus?17:48
l0deor are you accusing me of trolling too?17:48
bobstrol0de:  i've seen your bit. this routine.17:48
l0deI'm trying to get help here17:48
ZearthFirestarter is basically a gui for iptables?17:49
bobstrol0de:  no, just saying it's not original.17:49
Dr_Willisl0de:  best help.. reformat, reinstall, dont run as root next time. Have a nice day.17:49
l0dewell I would imagine a lot of people have had the virus17:49
bobstrol0de:  no, apparently not.17:49
l0dethat's how viruses work17:49
bobstrol0de:  when you run as root, yes it is.17:49
l0deI'm just going to idle and run virus scans until someone less snarky comes along17:49
mecoi just downloaded the latest version of Opera, but it insists on being opened with "gnome-open" which I don't have and which Sybnaptic doesn't recognize. What should I do?17:50
l0dethanks for the avg tip, but it found nothing17:50
macol0de: no, viruses work by sharing infected files. you're getting your terminology wrong17:50
nimbioticscan someone please tell me how can i install google gears for ff 3.6.10 in ubuntu 10.04? I keep geting {"Google Gears" could not be installed because it is not compatible with your Firefox build type (Linux_x86-gcc3). Please contact the author of this item about the problem}17:50
bobstrol0de:  i was trying to suggest fixes, but you don't seem interested.17:50
mkanyicyHow can I configure KDE Control Module's Mobile Broadband so that I can use my cellphone for the internet. Now I am using wvdial via terminal.17:50
ZearthI am not able to get any mysql traffic from an ubuntu server on my LAN17:50
AbhiJitmkanyicy, try in #kubuntu17:50
Zearthlocally I can see data from it on a website hosted on the same machine, and I can get port 80 traffic over the LAN, just not able to access the mysql DB directly17:51
mkanyicyAbhiJit, ok thanks.17:52
mkanyicyZearth, what are you using to access your DB?17:54
Zearthits a PHP script17:54
docsygot the uptodate version dajhorn, cheers!17:55
ZearthI just get my 'or die' message17:55
mecoi just downloaded the latest version of Opera, but it insists on being opened with "gnome-open" which I don't have and which Synaptic doesn't recognize. What should I do?17:55
mkanyicyZearth, what is the die message?17:55
Zearthwell it could be anything, but I have it as 'could not connect to database'17:56
rooksmeco, hmm.. gnomeopen is something that comes by default with ubuntu17:56
Dr_Willismeco:  you dowloaded a .deb? or a .tar.gz ? i belive theres some ppa/repos that have opera in them also.17:56
Zearthrather, unable to select...17:56
RippleEffectHow do I activate WLAN on my old Toshiba Sattelite notebook? I use Gnome.17:57
rooksmeco, there is a official opera ubuntu source17:57
Zearthits really annoying, but I think my issue is with mysql, but I have enabled the user of this DB to access it from all sources.17:57
mecoDr_Willis: I downloaded a .deb17:57
mkanyicyZearth, did you try 'or die(mysql_error())'  instead?17:57
ZearthI thought it was an iptables block, but even with firestarter, i forced 3306 open... still no cigar17:58
Dr_Willismeco:  try 'sudo gdebi whatever.deb'17:58
Zearthok, good idea, let me see what it prints17:58
rooksmeco https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser#Install via repository (recommended)17:58
mecorooks: What do you mean the url via repository?17:59
rooksmeco, when you install via adding an oera repository, it will be automatically checked for upgrades17:59
dludldinhi everyone!18:00
mkanyicyhi dludldin18:00
=== max is now known as Guest97340
mecoDr_Willis/rooks: OK, I'll see whichever way works :-)18:01
Zearthit says 'unknown database'... so I guess its a problem with mysql... dang Thanks mkanyicy for the direction18:01
Dr_Willismeco:  i noticed that Ubuntu-tweak has a check box to enable the opera repo. :) thats how i normally add it.18:02
sandkingis the new ubuntu font available anywhere for download?18:02
=== lati is now known as burki
burkiguten abend18:03
max__hello, is this the correct place for ubuntu support questions?18:03
xanguayou can get it once maverick is released sandking18:03
sandkingxangua: thx18:03
sandkingi just was curious how it would work on my kindle :]18:04
mkanyicyZearth, are you using something like: $db = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("database_name",$db) or die(mysql_error()); on your php script?18:04
AbhiJitmax__, yes18:04
Zearthyes I am18:05
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max__thanks, AbhiJit. I just installed Ubuntu (first linux attempt), and I set up a Fat32 partition to be shared w XP dual boot18:05
AbhiJit!manual | max__18:06
ubottumax__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:06
max__I cant access the Fat32 partition18:06
max__i've looked on the manual18:06
Dr_Willismax__:  Linux can read/write to ntfs now a days rather well. :) no need for fat32 really.18:07
Dr_Willismax__:  You made a new fat32 partition? You did format it?18:07
max__ubuntu did not give the option to make the partition ntfs18:07
Dr_Willismax__:  you could of formated it from windows...18:07
max__yes, made and formatted when installing18:08
max__when installing ubuntu18:08
Dr_Willismax__:  did you give it a mount point?18:08
Dr_Williswhen doing the install?18:08
max__i'm not sure18:08
max__what should the mount point have been?18:08
Dr_Willismax__:  whatever you wanted....18:08
Dr_Willismax__:  it dosent show up under the 'computer' icon?18:08
max__only the xp partition18:09
Dr_Willismax__:  you could install/run the ntfs-config tool. it will scan and add a proper entry to the fstab i belive for it.18:09
Dr_Willismax__:  also check the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' to see what partition the fat32 is..18:09
DemoOnumm, ive problem, i dont see my Panel, only desktop, how can i get my panel back? I just restarted pc and i cant see panel with applications, clock etc.18:10
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:10
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  it would be odd that the panel crashed and dident restart..18:10
DemoOnhow can i get terminal?18:10
mecoDr_Willis: What is Ubuntu-tweak?18:10
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  you are not using 2 monitors are you? Ive had the panel jump monitors befor.18:11
DemoOnDr_Willis: nop, only one18:11
Dr_Willismeco:  a handy little unsupported 3rd party tool.18:11
max__okay, i'll give it a try, thanks18:11
danielaHas ubuntu generic support of nforce2 audio in 2.6.32-25?18:11
DemoOnHow can i get terminal?18:11
dludldini want to have two ubuntu installed. right know i have ubuntu installed in a ext 4 and i have free space to create another partition. what option do i choose to install another ubuntu in the new directory?18:11
theTroyUbuntu 10.04.1 -  My video replay is EXTREMELY slow, to the extent of a slideshow. Even with ogv/theora codecs, it is still extremely slow. Similar issue with flash players, whenever I fullscreen them, they become unresponsive and playing at .5 fps. Everything was fine for 9.10 ubuntu.18:12
theTroyNvidia video card, proprietary drivers installed*18:12
Fishscenedludldin: Using the regular installer, you should be able to select your device/partition and install normally.18:12
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  alt-f2 normally does it if you have no icons18:13
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  alt-f2 'gnome-terminal'  for a gnome terminal18:13
Dr_WillistheTroy:  what nvidia card? whats the rest of the system specs.18:13
dludldinthanks Fishscene18:14
theTroyDr_Willis:  8600gt, dual core 2.4 Ghz, 4GB RAM18:14
theTroy9.10 ubuntu was flawless in video playback with the same hardware18:14
Dr_WillistheTroy:  was this a upgrade? or a clean install?18:15
yanthow are you18:15
theTroyDr_Willis:  clean install18:15
ilovefairuz!cn | yant18:16
ubottuyant: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:16
blinki got a .txt file from my previous system "Windows", but when I try to open it Arabic fond does not display properly. What can I do to fix that?18:16
pzerohow do you kill a process that isn't ending after kill -9?18:17
researcher123 I have just installed Lynx.How to create root password now18:17
ilovefairuzblink: what application are you using to open it18:17
pzeroresearcher123, "passwd"18:17
blinkilovefairuz: gedit18:17
glebihanpzero: are you sure it is not ending and respawning ?18:17
researcher123  pzero Can u give me the command to be used    18:18
mkanyicyresearcher123, you should not create a root password!18:18
pzeroglebihan 32152 pts/0    00:13:40 transmission <defunct> (how can i tell if it's respawning?)18:18
llutz_!root > researcher12318:18
ubotturesearcher123, please see my private message18:18
glebihan!root | researcher12318:18
ubotturesearcher123: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:18
ilovefairuzblink: in gedit's open dialog there's a select box to pick the encoding of the file .. try "windows 1256"18:19
llutz_researcher123: theres no reason to set a root-password, its not supported here18:19
researcher123llutz but I want to set root password.Whats the way to do that18:19
glebihanpzero: the <defunct> info indicates that the process has ended and is waiting for its parent to kill it18:19
glebihanpzero: you won't be able to kill it18:20
llutz_researcher123: what part of " not supported here" you don't understand?18:20
pzerohow can i find it's parent?18:20
LjLresearcher123: i'm sure you can google and find out18:20
glebihanpzero: ps -ef should give you the id of the parent process18:20
blinkilovefairuz: i can't find it18:20
glebihanpzero: PPID column18:21
pzeroppid is "1", something makes me uncomfortable about killing that...18:22
glebihanpzero: process with pid 1 is init, so you're right, don't kill it ;)18:22
pzeroso how do i end this process?18:23
blinkilovefairuz: i actually found that in Openoffice Word Writer. as for gedit, it's not there!18:23
Dr_Williskill #1 = reboot time.. i seem to recall..18:23
glebihanpzero: why do you absolutely want to kill it (you won't able to anyway)18:23
ilovefairuzblink: one moment, i'm installing gedit18:23
pzerobecause i cant re-open the program18:23
ehcahI'm having trouble with imon lcd displaying properly on my external case LCD. I think it may have something to do with fact that my imon.pl file is located in the /root directory. Can any, or a specific user be assigned permission to access that particular file, or would they require access to the /root directory?18:24
pzeroi want to run transmission, i dont want to reboot, and it crashed earlier leaving me with a defunct password and no parent. Is there really nothing I can do except reboot?18:25
Dr_Willisehcah:  you could link it somewhere else. or set the proper chmod on /root/ and the file to let others execute it..18:25
glebihanpzero: that's odd, a process in defunct state should have freed all its resources... something must have wrong18:25
Dr_Willisnever seen transmission crash that badly.18:25
guntbertpzero: don't mix up pid and ppid though - ppid is the parent's id18:26
glebihanpzero: I don't think you have any other solution than reboot...18:26
ehcahOk, so if I move the file to a universally accessible directory, that should work?18:26
Dr_Willispzero:  perhaps log out/back in. may kick it in the hdead..18:26
glebihanDr_Willis: neither have I18:26
ilovefairuzblink: click character enconding > add or remove > then select "arabic (windows 1256)" and press add.. after you finish adding, select it in the open dialog18:26
wolfric_when i try to change panel main menu to key windows via "keyboard shortcuts" it doesn't move. It's as if it doesn't detect me pressing the windows key. If i select the option to change the key and press another key it works18:26
guntbertpzero: if you want to kill transmission don't kill its parent18:27
Dr_Williswolfric_:  the windows key is special i recall people trying to get the menu to popup with Just the windows key befor.. im not sure if its doable.. now alt-win Might do it.. I have other uses for my win key. :)18:27
tarik_kplhow to make just a one application another language ?18:28
blinkilovefairuz: sorry, i can't seem to be finding this one. "Character" i mean. All I can see which is related to fonts in within "Preferences".18:28
glaucousI can't get OSS to work with Pulseaudio on Ubuntu 10.04. I need it because one application on Wine doesn't work too good when using ALSA.18:28
Hendrik1where would i report a bug in the installer of ubuntu 10.10 rc18:29
ilovefairuzblink: not the preferences dialog, the "open" dialog .. from file > open18:29
tarik_kplhow to make just a one application another language ?18:30
guntbert!bug | Hendrik118:30
blakkheim!repeat | tarik_kpl18:30
ubottuHendrik1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:30
ubottutarik_kpl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com18:30
roygbivtarik_kpl,  there may be a freenode ubuntu channel for the language you are interested in18:31
pzeroyeah, "top" says that transmission is using 93% of my cpu. It's defunct and it's parent is "1". Lame : (18:31
theoshey!! what is the name of the weather applet in ubuntu?18:31
tarik_kpl roygbiv: i just know that i ahev to install appa-german package something like that...18:32
pzerotheos: sudo apt-cache search weather18:32
ehcahDr_Willis: Would "chmod 755 *.pl" give everyone access to my imon.pl file or, will they still be limited due to it's /root/imon.pl location?18:32
blinkilovefairuz: i've added all the Arabic encoders and none of them worked.18:32
roygbivtarik_kpl, try #ubuntu-de18:32
tarik_kpl roygbiv: ok thanks!18:32
theospzero, thanks i did that. but its already installed. its integrated with the clock applet. i just wanted to know the name18:32
mzuverinklooking to use two monitors, each showing dif virt screens, anyone got and idea?18:34
guntbertpzero: for a kill you need the pid and not the ppid - even a defunct process should have a pid18:34
pzeroguntbert, killing the pid doesn't do anything18:34
guntbertpzero: how did you try to kill it?18:35
glebihanguntbert: there's no way to kill a defunct process18:35
llutz_pzero: you cannot kill a dead man like a defunct process, its already dead18:35
gaelfxkill -9?18:35
blinkilovefairuz: i gtg. it is working perfect for OpenOffice atm, we'll see what we can do later. Thanks for the help dude.18:35
Dr_Willisehcah:  a directory has to have right permissions also - so they can access stuff in the dir.18:35
ilovefairuzblink: did you select the encoding after adding it?18:36
blinkilovefairuz: yes i did. nothing changed.18:36
guntbertglebihan: defunct == zombie?   then his htop is telling rubbish - a zombie cannot use cpu time18:36
ilovefairuzblink: ok, and you're welcome18:36
glebihanguntbert: yes defunct=zombie18:36
shatly_one quick question, what is the keystroke to see the grub menu on boot?18:37
guntbertglebihan: thx for the reminder :-)18:37
glebihanshatly: hold shift18:37
shatly_glebihan: thanks18:37
TiKshatly_: hold down shift if its grub2 or hit left alt18:37
glebihanguntbert, shatly : you're welcome18:37
guntbertpzero: can you post a screenshot of the htop display?18:38
pzerosure, one sec18:38
guntbertshatly: it may have to be the *left* shift key though18:38
glebihanguntbert: shatly_'s left18:39
b0rdenest-ce que quelqu'un sait comment je peux me connecter sur le serveur Otaku ?18:39
glebihan!fr | b0rden18:39
ubottub0rden: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:39
guntbert!fr | b0ot18:40
ubottub0ot: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:40
b0rdenok thanks18:40
pzeroguntbert: http://imgur.com/fQAuV18:40
glebihanpzero: wow that's odd18:41
shatly_How do i get the grub boot menu, not checkdisk is what i asked18:42
shatly_as i need memtest18:42
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guntbertshatly: press/hold the *left* shift key immediately after the boot process18:43
shatlyguntbert: that got me to checkdisk not grub bootscreen18:43
guntbertpzero: never seen that before - I'm afraid your best bet would be a reboot18:43
guntbertshatly: what checkdisk? that is a windows program if I remember correctly18:44
shatlywell same thing it starteed to check my harddrives18:44
shatlyand i know one of my ram sticks is BAD18:44
shatlylike capatle undelined bad18:45
pzerohmm, alright thanks18:45
hdtdidooes anyone knows how to install en2mod on apache2? because right now i get "command not found18:45
llutz_hdtdi:" a2enmod" it is18:45
glebihan!cn | sj110yh33018:46
ubottusj110yh330: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:46
hdtdillutz, ups :D hihihih thanks verry much18:46
sj110yh330where are you from18:47
ilovefairuzhdtdi: did you install apache?18:49
DravekxI have an apache web server set up. how can I jail new users to a directory in the their homes in ubuntu server for hosting?18:50
hdtdiilovefairuz, i was misspelling the name :)18:50
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ilovefairuzDravekx: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=22918:51
Dravekxoh cool thx :)18:51
Ray2Ubuntu lucid..Grub2 v1.98..I upgraded to the newest kernel and now have 23,24,25 kernels along with windows and another os and memtest on the display..I want to comment out the older kernel..Where in grub2 do I do this18:52
rocket16Is there a good Punnett Square calc for Ubuntu?18:52
ilovefairuz!grub2 | Ray218:52
ubottuRay2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:52
happydudeMy screen blacks out when idle even though I turned off screensaver and power management. I want it to never become black. How do I fix this?18:52
guntbertRay2: use your package managing tool to uninstall those old kernels, just keep one (in case...)18:53
rocket16I tried the Java calculator, but I would like to have a better one.18:53
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Ray2guntbert, Thanks to both for the info18:54
guntbertRay2: you're welcome :-) you will be searching for linux-image....18:54
perlsyntaxHow do i downgrade to gdm 2.20?18:55
amaureaIt seems I need curl.h, so I guess I should install libcurl-dev, but I can't seem to find it in the repository. How do I get this?18:55
perlsyntaxi try sudo  apt-get install gdm-2.20 no luck.18:56
ilovefairuz!info libcurl4-openssl-dev | amaurea18:56
gaelfxamaurea: did you try doing a search in Synaptic Package Manager?18:56
ubottuamaurea: libcurl4-openssl-dev (source: curl): Development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL). In component main, is optional. Version 7.19.7-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 947 kB, installed size 2364 kB18:56
xax200downgading is a epic pain18:56
perlsyntaxi try to install gdm 2.2018:57
xax200What version of gdm do you have?18:57
DrupalJimIs ther an easy way to ban an IP? i need something central across my load balanced servers .18:57
amaureagaelfx: yes, I tried. I found many libcurl-something-dev packages, but they all seemed to be extra addons to curl, and not the basic libcurl18:57
perlsyntaxno one care look like it.18:57
amaureailovefairuz: but I will try that one18:57
gaelfxperlsyntax: well, you would probably have to start by uninstalling the current version of GDM and then manually installing the older version18:58
xax200meh, he left already18:58
ilovefairuzDrupalJim: ufw18:58
danielaDrupalJim: /etc/hosts.deny should do the trick18:58
cowlvin1hi all. ubuntu novice here. big prob installing ubuntu 10.04.1 - half of it doesn't work.18:58
DrupalJimthankyou daniela!18:59
gaelfxamaurea: you said you just need libcurl.h? shouldn't you need the headers repo from libcurl?18:59
ilovefairuz!details | cowlvin18:59
ubottucowlvin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:59
FusionXcowlvin1: explain briefly18:59
Ken8521cowlvin, half of what? are you getting completely installed, or is the install failing?.. doesn't work doesn't say much18:59
gaelfxamaurea: it seems like any of the dev packages would be unnecessary and possibly not useful18:59
blackhawk0042I have an issue where ubuntu crashes and I think its the gnome panel18:59
FusionXcowlvin1: tell us the exact errors19:00
amaureagaelfx: the libcurl4-openssl-dev package contained curl.h, so things work now19:00
danielais there any console program that can read my hd drive temp?19:00
amaureagaelfx: you generally need -dev packages to get header files, don't you?19:00
llutz_daniela: hddtemp19:00
gaelfxor there's that :D19:00
danielallutz_: thx, hdparm isn't able to do so, right?19:01
gaelfxamaurea: actually, I thought for headers there was usually a separate repo19:01
dwarderplease suggest me a normal font viewer for ubuntu19:01
amaureagaelfx: or did I misunderstand what you meant?19:01
llutz_daniela: afaik no19:01
gaelfxamaurea: I dunno, the whole thing seems kinda moot now, since you got what you were looking for19:01
amaureagaelfx: ok. Thanks anyway, thoughy19:01
ilovefairuzdamiankw:  smartctl -A /dev/sda | grep Temp19:02
danielallutz_: works great with hddtemp ;) 41 degree19:02
blackhawk0042Can some one help me out? everything crashes except for the background and right before it all crashes it shows gnome panel using all CPU usage.19:03
DravekxI dont think I want to jail users like that...19:03
sharperguyIs it safe to take an image of my root partition (which doesn't include /home) and save it somewhere so I can install a new linux distro on top?19:04
DravekxI really just want it to where all users can create web pages inside a certain folder in their home directories. anyone know how to do this?19:04
i_is_brokeblackhawk0042: have you tried resetting gnome panel?19:04
sharperguy^oh and does anyone have a link on how todo it?19:04
Dr_Willisdwarder:  theres a font preview tool in the repos i thought.. actually I though the file manager also shows a little thumbnail19:04
blackhawk0042no, but it does it after about 5-10 minutes after restarting the computer19:04
Dr_Willisblackhawk0042:  as a test. try making a new user, and see if they also crash.19:05
cowlvin1gnome menu doesn't appear unless i do gnome-panel. Alt-F1 gives me part of menu. no usable mode message on bootup. Also unknown terminal message on bootup. tried all fixes i could find on the net. many of the menu items I can access return messages claiming package is missing. no problem with actual installation. have done four full installs. no other os on machine which is an old HP Pavillion 6730. desktop iconsappear sometimes and other times they19:05
blackhawk0042ok, I will give that a shot19:05
djznfor i in */*.flac; do metaflac --import-picture-from=front.jpg "$i" ... does not work... what is the trick to get a front.jpg for each current directory?19:06
Dr_Willisdjzn:  im not sure that  */* is right19:06
djznDr_Willis: it is...19:07
swordzHi. I've recently moved and moved my (previously working) ubuntu computer with me. I'm now getting various errors when trying to update.19:07
swordzW: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'dl.google.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) is one of them19:07
greppydjzn: you are ending it with ;done, right?19:07
djzngreppy: yes19:07
DagdaHello, i would like to know how to lunch (into Ubuntu Server) a software(with the command "screen") at the system start. I want lanch a soft on the server, and with ssh after, with a client, make "screen -rD" to see the screen of this soft.19:08
swordzThere are others, 1 in particular that may be separate, the others I think are just different manifestations19:08
DagdaAll that (Ubuntu server) without any login19:08
Dr_Willisdjzn:  see what 'echo */*' shows..  it looks weird to me..19:08
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:  I am using ubuntu on a dell notebook..  my soundcard is very quiet with the default settings... I would like to know.. where can I change the setting for the maximum level of the master channel of my soundcard?19:09
Dr_Willisdjzn:  there is a limit to the # of arguments a single bash line can be also..19:09
djznDr_Willis: the echo coomand returns all files and subdirs inside this directory19:09
Dr_Willisdjzn:  how many have spaces in the names also.. that often causes issues for me.19:09
senti@howlymowly: do you test :    sudo alsamixer19:10
djznDr_Willis: someone just told me to extract the path in i, and putting in front of front.pg19:11
cowlvin1just got called into work. gotta go. i'll check back later. bye.19:11
yclianhi all, when i run a program, i receive this error, what can i really do? relocation error: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_files.so.2: symbol strcmp, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference19:11
=== ukine_work_smoke is now known as ukine_work
howlymowlysenti: everything is on 100% there...19:11
sentihi all, after last update i have no sound soundcard is SigmaTel STAC9228 intel ich819:12
senti@howlymowly: have you a notebook with FN keys19:13
DagdaHello, i would like to know how to lunch (into Ubuntu Server) a software(with the command "screen") at the system start. I want lanch a soft on the server, and with ssh after("ssh name@ip"), with a client, make "screen -rD" to see the screen of this soft.19:13
x0rs_wDoes anybody find that ubuntu drains a laptop battery faster than windows?19:14
CloneAHey guys, my fresh 10.04 install doesn't have a xorg.conf file, but I need to enable SHMConfig. how can I do this?19:14
CloneAx0rs_w: it's the opposite for me19:14
howlymowlysenti: yepp :)  but those keys are mapped onto the normal mixer ...  my problem is the maximum soundlevel..  even when everything is 100% I can still barely hear the sound...19:14
x0rs_wCloneA: okay thanks a lot =)19:15
howlymowlyCloneA: I think SHMConfig is obsolete...19:15
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DagdaHello, i would like to know how to lunch (into Ubuntu Server) a software(with the command "screen") at the system start. I want lanch a soft on the server, and with ssh after("ssh name@ip"), with a client, make "screen -rD" to see the screen of this soft.19:18
dywiDagda: you could add "screen -d -m $CMD" to your rc.local, but there may be a better solution for that19:19
Dagdadywi, ok, thx for this tip .. and do you have another best way ?19:20
sentihowlymowly: have you tried different options for soundmodule, some modules have many options - i have no idea what it else coud be. Maybe you could help me on my sound problem after last update i have no sound19:20
howlymowlysenti: sorry..  but I have no clue about linux & soundcards :(19:21
oxidkorhello - I just wanna know that when you want to go to an upper level of directory - you simply put .. like cd .. - but I don't know the command to go down a step where we came from - the only way to do that is just writing the path name again? I hope I made myself clear...19:21
greppyoxidkor: or cd -19:22
oxidkorgreppy: cd - makes it?19:23
greppycd - goes to your previous directory19:23
AbhiJitbye all gn sd ! :)19:23
greppywhatever that was19:23
FriarI am going to do a fresh install with the 10.10 release candidate. Is there a problem if I use: sudo cp -R /home /media/'My Passport'   to backup my home directories and then put them back once the upgrade is done? Might I have permissions issues? or problems with incompatible config files?19:23
oxidkorgreppy: thanks man .... ;)19:23
sentihowlymowly: arghhh, so they are two more people with soundproblems, it will be a long night. bye19:24
AndrewMCFriar: a simpler way to backup and restore home to external storage is to use this tool: http://j.mp/cALCEb19:25
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AndrewMCFriar: i have useed it and found it to work quite well19:25
FriarAndrewMC, thanks. I have pretty small home partitions though....I have an SSD so all my media is on external drives anyways.19:26
dywiDagda: you could also set it up as a service (in /etc/init.d) with the advantage of a correct stop function19:26
CloneAI have a synaptic touchpad with multitouch, how do I get the synaptics control panel?19:26
tpdd_workhas anyone experienced the bug where network manager detects a cdma 3g card as gsm on 10.04?19:26
sentican i make with 10.04 a automatic system repair19:27
wbadgeroxidkor, do you want to "cd" to the last directory you were?19:28
X-Sleepy-Xsenti: press and hold shift at boot and you should see the grub menu from there you can select the recovery mode19:30
oxidkorwbadger: I wanna go up and down in the directory using a command19:30
schnableI'm looking for a lowcost rack server that is Ubuntu compatible.. any suggestions? i cant find a decent list of compatible  servers.19:30
X-Sleepy-Xsenti: you should perhaps google a bit on ubuntu+repair mode19:30
oxidkorwbadger: cd - works strange - because it does not take me to the deeper of the level of the directory after I go upper of the directory using cd .. command19:31
Dagdadywi, and how to lanch it with the correct user ? (when my server start, he must do all that automatic). I must connect to ssh user@ipserver and found my "screen -rD" directly ... i think imust start the soft into the server with an user ... no ? I'm very new (not in linux world, but in linux config, yes) :s19:31
CkhiKuzadare there any window picker type applets for gnome-panel that support a vertical panel?19:31
alketIs it possible to install Ubuntu from one partiotion to another, i means 1st one has ISO the second one is going to be installed19:32
sentiX-Sleepy-X: thnx19:33
CkhiKuzadAlket, i've tried to do that thousands of times. the best idea is to download the iso, put it on a thumb drive, and burn it with your burner, or go to a friends house, or the library, or your school, and burn it.19:33
oxidkorwbadger: can I pm you for a while?19:34
alketCkhiKuzad, thank you19:34
gaelfxI am trying to get my audio to play through HDMI, but when I select the graphics card in alsamixer, it says the device has no controls. I know that my card has audio-through-hdmi built-in, so anyone have any ideas about what might be wrong?19:34
CkhiKuzadalket, while it might boot, it wants you to unmount the partition the ISO is on, inevitably making the install fail.19:34
Pungenbazhang: HJave you stopped kicking people that code what you use and stopped pissing on the coders (Fucking cunt) ?19:34
CkhiKuzad!language | Pungen19:35
ubottuPungen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:35
PungenPiss off lamers19:35
CkhiKuzadno you.19:35
dywiDagda: extend the screen command to           su $USER -c "screen -d -m $CMD"19:35
CkhiKuzadthanks, IdleOne.19:35
tomoyuki28jpWhy ubuntu reset the brightness setting every time restart?19:36
Dagdadywi, ok, i test that now.. thw alot for your help !!!19:36
CkhiKuzadbut like I asked a few minutes ago, are there any window selection applets for the gnome panel that will still work if it is vertical?19:36
X-Sleepy-Xtomoyuki28jp: Check out the power settings in the settings menu...19:37
Dagdadywi, new file, executable, and inside : su Dagda -c "screen -d -m irssi" for exemple ?19:37
tomoyuki28jpX-Sleepy-X: ah, thanks!19:38
DhulKarnainhey folks, who here uses mplayer in the command line?19:38
tomoyuki28jpX-Sleepy-X: take a enough sleep, bro!19:38
tpdd_workhas anyone experienced the bug where network manager detects a cdma 3g card as gsm on 10.04?19:38
ashok_shettywhat is mplayer19:38
X-Sleepy-Xtomoyuki28jp: :)19:38
morenotai can to de toilet19:38
D4CHHey guys19:39
IdleOne!es | morenota19:39
ubottumorenota: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:39
D4CHI have a question about screen19:39
tomoyuki28jpX-Sleepy-X: works perfect! thanks a lot.19:39
D4CHoh damn so many quits and joins19:39
alechHi, I've got a problem with bluetooth on karmic. It just won't work with either the built-in or a USB dongle (which works fine on another laptop with intrepid) ...19:39
X-Sleepy-Xtomoyuki28jp: you're welcome!19:39
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alechhttp://gist.github.com/606647 is the output of bluetoothd -n -d, if someone cares to have a look at it19:39
D4CHOh well here goes my question: I have a setup a minecraft server on my VPS. I SSH into the box. I start the server with a command to run the java server. I do this through screen. How do I exit putty without shutting down the server?19:40
gaelfxwhat is the command that lists sound devices?19:40
oxidkoris there any other command rather than "cd -" in order to go down to the directory where I have been before because "cd -" command forgets my path after two levels down and I am stuck in the middle of my directory paths...19:40
alechD4CH: Ctrl-A-D to detach from screen19:40
D4CHNeat. And now I can close putty and it will still run?19:41
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
D4CHHow do I then get it back so I can see it?19:41
vsMShow do I configure a second ip address for a bridge? Is it auto br0:1 and then iface br0:1 inet static ...?19:41
Evil_Erichey bobstro19:41
dywiDagda: the easiest way is to add this line to rc.local (and check that rc.local is executed at startup), for the init.d way, cat some files in /etc/init.d or google it to get an idea19:42
carandraugoxidkor, you mean cd ../ ?19:42
oxidkorcarandraug: yes19:42
carandraugoxidkor, with me it works for more than 2 levels. For example, if I'm at ~/Documents, I can do cd ../../../etc/ to move into /etc/19:43
oxidkorcarandraug: I see now - thanks alot19:43
BadKiDops.. non è una chat  italiana eh? >_<19:43
carandraugoxidkor, np19:43
CpOphoraKnulla Bazhang i Rövva19:44
IdleOne!it | BadKiD19:44
ubottuBadKiD: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:44
alechD4CH: log in again and to screen -x19:44
D4CHType "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.19:45
Evil_Ericis there anyway to move the log in manager screen down 1 inch19:45
Evil_Ericis screwing up my login screen back ground19:45
bobstroEvil_Eric:  oh, hi19:45
hporsehi. this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beagle) site says, i have to put user_xattr into my fstab file, in order to get decent performance for beagle. do i have to restart my computer for the change to take effect?19:46
Evil_Erichi hi bobstro19:46
gaelfxok, still trying to get HDMI audio out to work, but aplay -L doesn't list the graphics card at all. Do I need to change a conf file somewhere, and if so where?19:46
bobstroEvil_Eric:  there used to be configuration stuff under /etc/X11/gdm IIRC, but unsure if it still works19:46
oxidkorcarandraug: can I pm you?19:48
carandraugoxidkor, no. you can use the channel. Evryne can help that way. And I'll be leaving soon anyway19:48
eppCpOphora, varfor talar du skit?19:49
cfkaneI'm trying to boo an asus eee box 202 off an ltsp server. I've tried both karmic and lucid. Both times dhcp is happy and the initrd image comes across but all I get is the 3 segment circle, never the login screen. Is this a video driver issue? I've tried nvidia-glx-185 in the chroot but no luck so far.19:50
IdleOneepp: Please ignore the trolls and keep the language clean19:50
X-Sleepy-XIdleOne: epp is the same troll19:50
eppi asked him why hes gotta talk nasty19:50
X-Sleepy-XIdleOne: Never mind19:50
X-Sleepy-XIdleOne: I got confused... :)19:50
oxidkorhere I have this problem when I do "cd /home/Downloads/A_Folder" it goes to the folder then I go upper level of the directory using "cd ../../" and there I am in /home folder again. So how can I go to lower level of the directory again?19:51
CkhiKuzad._. I've asked twice already, are there any window management applets for gnome-panel that will still work if the panel is set to be vertical?19:51
CkhiKuzadwindow selection**19:51
epphey so im having a problem where anytime I hit network then windows shares, it lists my workgroups but I cant access them19:51
carandraugoxidkor, you have to do ../ one more time19:52
gaelfxwhere are the conf files for pulseaudio and how can I edit them?19:52
Flare183epp: Check the permissions on the Windows side19:52
FriarIf I save my .ssh file and then do a fresh install. will I be able to just copy my .ssh file into my home directory and still have my rsa keys working for my ssh connection?19:52
carandraugthe first ../ takes you to /home/userrname, second ../ takes you /home, third ../ takes you to /19:52
X-Sleepy-Xoxidkor: i mostly just use the tab key to auto complete the dir. names when i want to change dir.19:53
eppFlare183, It should be fine, Everyone was added for read and write19:53
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Flare183epp: Yet, if the windows side doesn't have printer and file sharing enabled it won't work.19:53
oxidkorcarandraug: what about coming back to where I was? which command does that?19:53
CkhiKuzadX-Sleepy-X, do you mind if i ping you to make sure my client is sending outgoing text?19:53
X-Sleepy-XCkhiKuzad: i don't mind19:54
eppFlare183, I can go //mmaxtest on any windows machine and it shows my shares19:54
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)19:54
CkhiKuzadX-Sleepy-X, I dont need to. its obvious that a reply to what i said means that it had outgoing text.19:54
TomassoSKHi all I am not able to automount usb drive in xfce, I found that thunar-volman shows me thunar-volman --device-added /dev/sdb119:55
TomassoSKlibhal.c 1365 : invalid udi: /dev/sdb1 doesn't startwith '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/'. Segmentation fault, What can I do?19:55
X-Sleepy-XCkhiKuzad: :)19:55
oxidkorcarandraug: cd /../../.. takes me to the upper level of the directory but when I wanna go down, I always have to write the exact path name - there must be an easier way like "cd -" command but "cd -" command forgets my path after going up in the directory second time...19:55
Friaranyone have a quick answer on whether .ssh will work when I copy it and do a fresh install? I have an ssh server that I don't have physical access to, but I want to make sure I'll be able to get in if I do a fresh install.19:55
X-Sleepy-XFriar: do you connect with password or not?19:56
FriarX-Sleepy-X, I use an RSA key.19:56
addbba- -19:57
Friarbut I think the information is saved in the .ssh folder.19:57
oxidkorcarandraug: or Am I wanting so much? :D :))19:57
gaelfxsurvey: can you read this, yes or no?19:57
X-Sleepy-XFriar: you probably need to copy the key, perhaps it's tied to the hardware? i'm not using keys yet myself... ;)19:57
Evil_Erichey bobstro19:58
FriarX-Sleepy-X, I think the key is in the .ssh file....but I'm not sure and that is why I'm asking here.19:58
Evil_Ericno good19:58
santi1Good evening! Could somebody please help me with looking for a printer driver of Epson TM200 with Cut, it's a thermal receipt printer and I didn't find a driver yet :(19:59
Evil_Ericanyone els this a know how19:59
carandraugoxidkor, I'm not following you. I get confused with upper and lower level19:59
Evil_Ericall i wanna do is move my login manager screen down 1 inch19:59
Dr_Willissanti1:  check the cups.org site and theres another linux printing site that may mention the printer19:59
st33lhello ther20:01
st33lcertain webpages are not loading for me any idea20:01
santi1Dr_Willis: Thank you for this advice, I have a look at this site now! (Sorry my bad english :D)20:01
thechitowst33l, you're typing them wrong20:01
st33lwhat did u mean20:02
thechitowst33l, what websites?20:02
st33lwell many20:02
X-Sleepy-Xst33l: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/20:02
carandraugoxidkor, tell me again. Give me your location and where you want to go and I'll give you a cd command for that20:02
st33lits loading perfectly fine on windows20:02
st33lwebpages like mintheatre.org20:02
st33lits just me mate20:04
st33lso does wordpress.org20:04
santi1Dr_Willis: cups.org doesn't got my driver, is there a solution to use a windows driver?20:04
st33lits jsut stuck at waiting for the page to load20:04
X-Sleepy-Xst33l: typo? http://www.minitheatre.org/20:05
st33lno no20:05
st33lthe page used to load all of a sudden it doesnt20:05
oxidkorcarandraug: let's say our top directory is /home - so when we want to go into our Downloads directory - we do "cd /home/username/Downloads and here we are in Downloads folder... so when we do "cd ../ we go upper level of the directory which is username because we go up - if we do cd ../../ then we are in home folder so we go up everytime we say "cd ../etc... but for example when I hit the home directory again I might want to go back to down level like /Do20:05
oxidkorwnloads again for instance so "cd ../../ makes us go to upper level back on top of our home directory - my question is how can we go the reverse (going down to Download directory for instance without writing the whole path name (like "cd -" command)20:06
IdleOneclear your browser cache and try again20:06
oxidkorI hope I made myself clear20:06
X-Sleepy-Xyou typed mintheatre.org before and perhaps you meant minitheatre.org20:06
st33li did that on chrome didnt work20:06
Dr_Willissanti1: proberly not. Theres some sites other then the cups one that has 'drivers'  but ive rarely had to check them out20:06
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:06
st33li guess i have to do it on ff too20:06
Dr_Willissanti1:  thats the one. linuxprinting.org20:06
st33lno its not typo man im not that dumb20:06
santi1Dr_Willis: Thank you again, I will search on it20:07
Dr_WillisNight all..20:07
X-Sleepy-Xsanti1: dns settings?20:07
X-Sleepy-Xsanti1: never mind...20:07
X-Sleepy-Xst33l: dns settings?20:07
santi1X-Sleepy-X: Pardon? What do you mean?20:07
st33lno change20:07
st33lgoogle dns20:07
lacrymologyI'm starting with a fresh install of LL, haven't used ubuntu for like a year and a half now20:08
st33lthe site is resolved20:08
lacrymologyand I'm having some trouble20:08
X-Sleepy-Xsanti1: i typed the wrong nick, sorry20:08
santi1X-Sleepy-X: That's no problem :)20:08
st33lits jsut stuck at waiting for the page to load20:08
carandraugoxidkor, so if you're in ~/Downloads and you want to go to ~/Desktop, you can do cd ../Desktop. Is that it?20:08
lacrymologyfirst, aptitude seems to forget to remove /var/cache/apt/archives/lock almost every time20:08
oxidkorcarandraug: I guess thats it because I cannot find the other way around using some other command20:09
oxidkorcarandraug: sorry to bothered you20:09
oxidkorthanks alot20:09
oxidkorso much really20:09
FloodBot2oxidkor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
agentgasmaskHi guys. I'm trying to run links2 with the -g flag inside a screen session, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/504100/  any ideas? Is this imposible from within screen?20:09
carandraugoxidkor, I'm not sure I ever got what your problem was exactly but oh well20:10
oxidkorcarandraug: thanks alot :)20:10
sobyrealtek driver fails most of the time during boot.... help needed??20:11
lacrymologysecond of all, I need some help getting some sound through JACK20:12
carandraugoxidkor, no problem20:12
st33lany help anyone20:13
gaelfxok, still no joy on HDMI audio, how can I get pulse to recognize the audio chip on my graphics card?20:14
zanusis there a way to add to the context menu of a file, so that I can open as root20:14
santi1Neiter on cups.org nor on linuxprinting.org I found a driver for Epson TM200 (or TM-88II), any other ideas?20:16
gaelfxzanus: I think the idea in not having that is safety. Best to use terminal20:16
kranyzanus, yes20:16
kranyzanus, take a look at     *20:16
krany      nautilus-gksu20:16
kranyzanus, But I think you have to enter your password when using this20:17
mattyokcan anyone help me with info on rooting a cdma htc hero w/ 2.1?20:17
Ken8521zanus, you'll still have to enter your password, are you trying to do this w/o a password? if so, thats not a good idea20:18
zanustrying to do it with the password of course20:18
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zanusI found a tutorial just now20:18
Ken8521zanus, ok, then just create a menu entry for it.20:18
zanusyeah, followed these instructions... but still no menu item http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-open-files-as-root-via-a-right-click/20:20
ubuntu3292quick question if I get ubuntu 10.10 release candidate, on the 10th of Oct I'll be alble to update to the stable without actually downloading the iso?20:20
Seeker`ubuntu3292: yes20:20
markharmerI want to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04. The documentation says I must go to System - Administration - Software Properties where I will find an Update tab. Help - I don't have "Software Properties". -20:20
Ken8521zanus, that's a long way to do it... are you just trying to make a menu entry, so you can call it up when you need it?20:20
ubuntu3292seeker` thanks, I figured that just wanted to make sure20:20
Seeker`ubuntu3292: the RC probably won't be far off the finished version, if at all20:20
kranysanti1, maybe you can take a look at Gutenprint 5.2.620:21
zanusKen8521, yeah.. so if I want to edit a .conf or something I don't have to go to terminal ... sudo nano blah blah20:21
alketIm trying to make a bootable USB ,ubuntu maverick RC with Startup Disk Creator , at 99% it displays an error " Checksum didn't match" I checked the ISO and the chekcsum did match ?20:21
lacrymologyalso there's a google talk account I'm having trouble to connect to with empathy20:21
zanusI'd rather right click... open as root.. enter password20:21
Viliny_on_N900random question: i had trouble on a older box with a p4 etc. my fileserver and gateway among other things. i couldn't get it to wake from suspend untill i added the option in bios. set it spcifically to the key p and when doing a 'pmi action suspend' it worked well but when i resumed the machine it returned a blank screen... shut the thing down and it hasn't powered up since - any tips? the machine is physically difficult to get to so20:21
Viliny_on_N900im pending on trying to clear the cmos but if anyone has any good ideas it would be welcome. sitting on a train bored20:21
kranyzanus, to work as root in a terminal for more than one command just type: sudo su20:22
Ken8521zanus, well, sudo nano etc.. you'd have to create a shortcut for each one of them,20:22
floatingeeebuntu better than ubuntu for eeepc ?20:22
sharperguyAnyone know what might be causing this? I'm trying to run usb-creator and when I try to open an iso nothing happens and I get the terminal output: "isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD"20:22
Ken8521zanus, i thought you were just wanting to call up nautilus w/ root20:22
glebihankrany, zanus: do not use sudo su20:22
kranyGlebelg, why?20:23
glebihanzanus: sudo -i will open a root login shell20:23
santi1krany: I only have to install Gutenprint an then?20:23
Ken8521zanus, i agree w/ glebihan20:23
glebihankrany: it doesn't set environment properly20:23
Edward_Elricgood afternon20:24
Ken8521zanus, if you just want a terminal to open w/ root privileges... right click your menu, click edit menu, then go down to systm tools, and put a check next to "root terminal"... when you open the terminal, your password will be required, then you'll have your root terminal20:24
Ubt104can anyone help please, dhclient keeps restarting even after killing the avahi daemon20:24
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X-Sleepy-Xkrany: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Drag%20&%20Drop%20sudo20:25
Ken8521zanus, but all that is going to do, is keep you from typing sudo...20:25
b0rdensomebody know how i can show "users bar" on Xchat ?20:25
glebihanb0rden: Ctrl+F720:25
Ken8521b0rden, refer to xchat documentation20:25
zanusmy goal is to not have to use the terminal for arbitrary edits..20:25
Ken8521zanus, i think i'm unclear what exactly you're trying to do.20:26
X-Sleepy-Xzanus: Check out the link I sent, there you'll find a neat little trick.20:26
Ubt104please help20:26
mattyokany info on rooting a cdma htc hero 2.1 with linux?20:26
X-Sleepy-Xzanus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Drag%20&%20Drop%20sudo20:26
* zanus looks for link20:26
b0rdendoesn't work20:26
X-Sleepy-Xzanus: I sent the link to the wrong nick, haha. I seem to do that alot today...20:27
b0rdenI have Xchat for Gnome20:27
zanusX-Sleepy-X, nice, I like that trick20:27
zanusI think I'll go with that20:27
glebihanb0rden: ah maybe it's different then, go to the "View" menu you should something there20:27
Ubt104anyone knows what could be restarting dhclient on lucid everytime i kill it?20:28
b0rdennothing :(20:28
glebihanUbt104: the network manager20:28
X-Sleepy-Xglebihan: bonobo activation something something server perhaps? not sure...20:28
X-Sleepy-Xglebihan: sorry, wring nick20:29
glebihanX-Sleepy-X: ?20:29
glebihanX-Sleepy-X: ok np20:29
dogmatrixhello everyone.  I need some help please.  I ran suggested updates last night, had to re-install my nvidia drivers, and now I'm getting constant program crashes with segfault errors20:29
b0rdenit does not matter20:29
b0rdenI try different irc clients for now, I'll try them all20:30
b0rdenthanks ^^20:30
Ubt104glebihan: service network-manager stop > stop: Unknown instance:20:30
zanusxchat FTW20:30
X-Sleepy-XPhong_: I don't care much for such PM's, please don't contact me again.20:30
markharmerI want to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04. Documentation tells me to go to System - Administration - Software Properties where I will find an Upgrade Tab. Help, I have no "Software Properties" Help20:30
=== Bluey is now known as Guest93606
omanimarkharmer, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:31
glebihanUbt104: that's weird...20:32
glebihanUbt104: try "/etc/init.d/network-manager stop"20:32
toxictuxyeah! samsung just replaced my broken harddisk *dance*20:32
X-Sleepy-Xmarkharmer: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:32
Ubt104glebihan: http://pastebin.com/tEDeAh9e20:35
Ubt104tried both20:35
Ubt104glebihan: with the same response > stop: Unknown instance:20:36
markharmerX-Sleepy-X: I have already done updates - I do not get the message informing me of a new release20:37
glebihanUbt104: well I don't get what can cause this20:37
glebihanmarkharmer: run "software-properties-gtk"20:38
markharmeromani: I get: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded20:38
omanimarkharmer, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:39
Richiieim having problem whit blueproximity20:39
Richiiewhen i start it i get this : The program cannot import the module gobject.20:39
RichiiePlease make sure the GObject bindings for python are installed.20:39
Richiiee.g. with Ubuntu Linux, type sudo apt-get install python-gobject20:39
glebihanmarkharmer: or run "update-manager"20:39
BTRhello guys20:39
X-Sleepy-Xmarkharmer: sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade20:39
Richiieand when i write apt-get install python-gobject i got the latest version20:40
BTRwhy its said that ubuntu 64 bit not recommended for desktop daily usage ?20:40
Richiieanyone having problem to open blueproximity ?20:40
Richiiei just get "The program cannot import the module gobject.20:40
RichiiePlease make sure the GObject bindings for python are installed.20:40
Richiiee.g. with Ubuntu Linux, type sudo apt-get install python-gobject20:40
donpdonpBTR: 64bit used to be problematic, but i believe its pretty usable for desktop today20:40
Richiieand i already got the latest python-gobject so how can i do ?20:40
opieAnyone have issues trying to set up google chat? When I go to settings to make sure it is picking up my speakers, camera and mic, it crashes my browser, any ideas?20:40
TyphBTR: some things can be finnicky. Mainly Firefox plugins like Flash/Java, in my experience20:40
BTRI want to install ubuntu 64 bit on my laptop but i am afraid because that recommendation20:41
donpdonpTyph: is that still the case? i thought flash on 64bit had its problems worked out20:41
TyphI don't know, I gave up after last time :)20:41
donpdonpnote i dont touch 64bit with a 10 foot pole on my laptop because of just such problems, but ive become jaded20:41
donpdonpTyph: haha. same here20:41
Richiiecan anyone help me whit blueproximity ?20:42
KurdistanHey dear ubuntu user I have problem booting with usb. This comes up when I press enter: Could not find kernel image20:42
Richiieim having trouble to start it, reply to me if you want to see my output20:42
donpdonpBTR: so to the new generation of 64bit desktop users, we say go forward bravely! and let us know if the water is really safe, finally20:42
Kurdistanwhat should I do?20:42
Ken8521Kurdistan, how did you prepare the USB?20:42
guntbertRichiie: your question is hard to read --- please put it into one line (don't press <enter> so often20:42
omaniX-Sleepy-X, is do-release-upgrade a script for apt-get? or maybe a function using the apt api?20:42
BTRbtw where i can find themes for ubuntu20:42
RichiieI am having problems whit blueproximity When i start it nothing happens, and when im starting it from a terminal my output looks like this "The program cannot import the module gobject.20:42
RichiiePlease make sure the GObject bindings for python are installed.20:43
Richiiee.g. with Ubuntu Linux, type sudo apt-get install python-gobject20:43
KurdistanKen8521, with unetbootin.20:43
toxictuxsoftware raid 1 is it the more traditional type or does it stripe?20:43
omaniBTR, gnome-look.org (if ur using gnome)20:43
glebihan!enter | Richiie20:43
ubottuRichiie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
X-Sleepy-Xomani: not sure20:43
KurdistanI download iso image I wanted to try out.20:43
glebihan!repeat | Richiie20:43
ubottuRichiie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:43
Ken8521Kurdistan, i can't say it's your problem, but the Linux version of Unetbootin has given me problems for a while.... did you try using Ubuntu's tool?(assuming you're using 10.04)20:43
guntbertRichiie: how did you install blueproximity20:43
Kurdistanthe same usb works without problem for my friends computer. I can boot.20:43
opieI am having an issues where when I go into the google chat settings to verify that my camera, mic and speakers are working, my browser will lock up and crash, any ideas?20:44
guntbertglebihan: I asked him to repeat <in one line>20:44
Richiieguntbert: sudo aptitude-install blueproximity20:44
RJ_F1kurdistan, I believe that Jaunty (9.04) also has a Tool For putting Iso's on USB20:44
KurdistanYes Ken8521 same problem with Ubuntus usb-creator20:44
markharmerglebian: "command not found"20:44
glebihanguntbert: oh didn't see, sorry20:44
glebihanmarkharmer: which one ?20:44
Goblin123Hello, how is this folding effect(Show me how/Hide) named ? http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download . Is there any software that I can use to get this for my webpage, I'm not a programmer :)20:44
Ken8521Kurdistan, then i'd say it's either your image, or your thumb drive... some thumb drives just don't lend htemselves well to booting live distros20:44
omaniRichiie, s/aptitude-install/aptitude install20:44
Ken8521i've got some that do it fine, and others that give all sorts of errors20:45
stealth_Hey people can someone here please help me rename my USB stick?20:45
markharmeromani: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:45
guntbertRichiie: and no errors/warnings about missing dependencies?20:45
KurdistanKen8521 but the same usb works great for my friends computer20:45
KurdistanHe did try it out20:45
RJ_F1check the MD5 sum of the image against that of the one stated on the site.20:45
omanimarkharmer, give us output of "uname -a"20:45
UnorthodoxParadoSomeone in a channel I visit is getting segfault errors on Ubuntu 10.04. Here's an example: Oct  1 11:56:10 debbie-desktop kernel: [44720.118287] chromium-browse[4259]: segfault at aa06 ip 000000000000aa06 sp 00007fffaedab9f8 error 14 in libasound_module_conf_pulse.so[7fc0a8779000+1000]20:45
Ken8521Kurdistan, dunno..20:45
X-Sleepy-Xstealth_: install gparted if you want a gui to do it20:45
Richiieguntbert: nope20:45
zanusok another question, how can I make a launcher that opens up the mysql console.. ready for password entry20:45
markharmerX-sleepy-X: Calculating upgrade... Done  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded20:45
UnorthodoxParadoChecked the kern.log, and it lists segfault errors for more programs than just chrome. Any ideas?20:46
glebihanGoblin123: this is not an ubuntu question... but have a look at ajax and jquery20:46
X-Sleepy-Xmarkharmer: hmm20:46
stealth_X-Sleepy-X I already got it20:46
stealth_X-Sleepy-X: how do I do it from gparted?20:46
KurdistanKen8521 thumb drives is it the same has usb stick?20:46
Ken8521Kurdistan, yes20:46
Goblin123glebihan: oh, sorry is there any channel for ajax and jquery?20:46
markharmerglebian: software-properties-ctk20:47
Richiieguntbert: the only problem i get is that im not having python-gobject but im having it installed and newest version20:47
guntbertRichiie: strange, if have it running just fine here20:47
X-Sleepy-Xstealth_: right-click on the partition and change label. you better backup your data before doing it though...20:47
RJ_F1Thumb drive, flash drive, USB drive, Usb stick, all same.20:47
hadiUse ubuntu at the first Time,Soooooooo Exited20:47
glebihanGoblin123: #ajax and #jquery :)20:47
markharmeromani: Linux markharmer 2.6.24-27-lpia #1 SMP Thu Apr 8 18:04:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux20:47
64MAAMUVThi all, i'd like to install skype but according to my laptop its not in the repo's. i've added the necessary one and still gives me that msg20:47
stealth_Sleepy, its givin me a error messae20:47
jindI have a problem with the alt-gr button, which does not work when pressed with 7 in order to print {, but only in netbeans. I have googled this and found that it may be a java problem. Have anybody heard of this problem and a fix to it?20:47
Richiieguntbert: yeah i know i googled it but no answers :( don't know what to do, i tried to remove python-gobject and install it again but whitout any result20:48
stealth_X-Sleepy-X: If you want support, you need to provide the saved details!20:48
stealth_See http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.20:48
stealth_Why is it doin that?20:48
jacobwkeyboard just stopped working :s20:48
omanimarkharmer, give us the output of "cat /etc/*-release"20:48
Goblin123glebihan: thank you sir20:48
glebihanGoblin123: you're welcome20:48
Ken8521stealth_, did you figure it out?20:49
stealth_ken8521, not yet20:49
stealth_its givin me error messages now20:49
64MAAMUVTcan anyone help me install skype? unavailable to me from the repositorys20:49
markharmeromani: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=8.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=hardy DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.2"20:49
guntbertRichiie: you tried to start it from CLI I guess?20:50
Ken8521stealth_, plug in the thumb drive, then open disk utility -- sys/admin/disk utility.. highlight your drive, unmount it, then Click edit Filesystem label.. and give it it's new name20:50
UnorthodoxParadoOct  1 11:56:10 debbie-desktop kernel: [44720.118287] chromium-browse[4259]: segfault at aa06 ip 000000000000aa06 sp 00007fffaedab9f8 error 14 in libasound_module_conf_pulse.so[7fc0a8779000+1000] -- Any ideas as to what would cause this segfault error?20:50
glebihan64MAAMUVT: there's a repo on skype's website you can add to your software sources20:50
stealth_disk utility is gparted right Ken8521?20:50
Richiieguntbert: thats what i done... blueproximity in terminal and i get that output that python-gobject is missing but it is in the newest verison20:50
Ken8521stealth_, no, disk utility, is disk utility20:50
stealth_Hmm ok20:50
stealth_Ken8521: where about's is Disk Utility20:51
jacobwsystem -> prefs -> disk utility20:51
Ken8521stealth_, i'm using 10.10 now, but i'm pretty sure it's in the same place on 10.04.. its under sys/admin/disk utility(or maybe disk manager?)20:51
nerdy_kidquick question about upgrading ubuntu versions:  do I have to have ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop installed for the upgrade to work correctly?20:51
Ken8521nerdy_kid, ? well if it's not installed, how is it going to upgrade?20:51
Ken8521nerdy_kid, oh wait, nevermind, i see what you're saying20:52
nerdy_kidKen8521 lol ok good20:52
Ken8521nerdy_kid, long day.. :)20:52
ratdogis avant window navigator applets work with gnome panel?20:52
guntbertRichiie: try to run strace blueproximity and look for errors there20:53
omanimarkharmer, output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i lucid"20:53
jacobwthe ubuntu font = awesome20:53
ratdogi ment awn20:53
adacHi guys. I try to start a bash script via the auto starter (vlc to start immediately) but somehow this doesn't work quite right. Either the webinterface is not available, or , when I try to add delay of 10 seconds and then let vlc start, the whole player doesn't start. Any ideas?20:53
stealth_Ehh Ken8521, thanks for the help but its just not there20:53
Richiieguntbert: strace blueproximity ?20:53
ratdogis(awn) avant window navigator applets work with gnome panel?20:53
Ken8521stealth_, what version of ubuntu are you using?20:53
stealth_Ken8521: brb, 2 mins20:53
X-Sleepy-Xstealth_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=53e43f02ffdeb102d9c29f3466a1f117&p=1915514&postcount=620:54
synt4x_HI! Does anyone know if it's possible to share my wifi connection over a second wifi adapter?20:54
dogmatrixrunning 10.04 lts and getting a bunch of segfaults after updating20:54
guntbertRichiie: yes, it lists all system events, file access ... when that program is running20:54
seanwhat's the name of the spanish channel?20:54
seanis there one?20:54
=== sean is now known as Guest73367
=== Guest73367 is now known as sje46
sje46is there a spanish ubuntu support channel?20:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:55
Richiieguntbert: im sorry never done that, how do i strace a program in the terminal ?20:55
b0rdenallo ?20:55
Richiieguntbert: alright i straced it now, should i paste the output ?20:55
bsmith093is ther a quicker way to decrease the bitrate of a mp3 than just re encoding it20:55
stealth_Ok back20:55
stealth_Ken8521: I had to sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility20:56
Ken8521stealth_, ok..20:56
stealth_But I am in disk utility20:56
Ken8521stealth_, i was gonna suggest that20:56
guntbertRichiie: you can !pastebin the output, yes, maybe we see any difference20:56
ratdoghi is (awn) avant window navigator applets work with gnome panel?20:56
Ken8521stealth_, you must have removed it at some point, cuz i'm pretty sure it's there by default.20:56
Edward_Elricsje46, #ubuntu-mx20:56
duffydackbsmith093, with a decent enough cpu it takes no time at all.20:56
stealth_Ken8521, I do not know how20:56
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
bsmith093k then20:56
Ken8521stealth_, ok... is your thumb drive plugged in?20:56
stealth_I get this message ken20:57
stealth_"Daemon is inhibited"20:57
Ken8521stealth_, you get that when you try to start disk utility?20:57
synt4x_HI! Does anyone know if it's possible to share my wifi connection over a second wifi adapter? Please?20:57
ratdogonly one helper today >:/20:57
stealth_No, when I try to unmount the USB drivve from disk utility20:57
duffydackbsmith093,  soundconverter is a nice enough gui for the task, and uses all of my i7 when I have an albums woeth.20:57
Richiieguntbert: should i paste the whole output i got from strace.. it is much20:57
stealth_No wait disregard that its done it now20:58
guntbert!pastebin | Richiie20:58
ubottuRichiie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:58
Ken8521stealth_, ok.. now on the right, where it say s"Edit Filesystem"... click that, and change the label to whatever you ant20:58
ratdogguess im dumb20:58
Ken8521stealth_, now, after you change the label, remount it20:59
markharmeromani: cat /etc/apt/sources.list  |  grep -i lucid does't work as a command20:59
stealth_Ken, Ok.20:59
stealth_I gottaa work this around my netbook screen it seems lol20:59
stealth_Gimme 2 mins20:59
* ratdog looks @ ph33r20:59
omanimarkharmer, "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i lucid"20:59
leyushi  guys21:00
omanimarkharmer, why not?21:00
ratdogam i hated21:00
ratdogthought so21:00
=== claw_ is now known as claw
Richiieguntbert: here you go, http://pastebin.com/xtcUDcHE21:00
stealth_Lol Ken8521, I am getting there21:01
stealth_I now get21:01
=== murderertoy is now known as MariaBuntu
theTroyI am having problems with video playback. It is extremely slow and slide-show like for most decoders (including ogg/vorbis) when fullscreened. ubuntu 9.10 did not behaive that way, currently installed clean 10.04.1 where the problem started21:01
stealth_KINGSTON 2.0 : Memory stick21:01
=== solarswordsman is now known as Solarswordsman
stealth_Is there any way to remove the KINGSTON 2.0 part?21:02
RJ_F1Floodbot1 is a bot, id i am not mistaken, talking to it would be pointless, besides its not in the member list?21:02
Ken8521honestly... i'm not sure.. i take it you named it memory stick?21:02
ratdogno one else is talimg to me, i might as well talk to an opper bot21:02
RJ_F1nope, its here, it just doesnt have ops..21:03
RJ_F12 has it, who would thought, heh?21:03
iirciphonety voe21:03
guntbertRichiie: could it be that you installed another version of python manually too?21:03
* RJ_F1 is Watching Mythbusters21:03
Richiiei installed python 2.5 manually yesterday21:03
ratdoghey ph33r, you h33r?21:03
Richiieguntbert: should i do an apt-get remove on that ?21:03
RJ_F11337 ?21:03
markharmeromani: deb http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb-src http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb-src http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main universe multiverse restricted21:04
FloodBot2markharmer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
markharmerdeb-src http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-netbook-base main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb-src http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-netbook-base main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-dell-mini main universe multiverse restricted21:04
markharmerdeb-src http://dell-mini.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ hardy-dell-mini main universe multiverse restricted21:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!21:04
markharmercat: grep: No such file or directory21:04
duffydackouch, dell mini with orig repo!!21:04
omanimarkharmer, NOPASTE21:04
markharmercat /etc/apt/sorces.list | grep -i lucid21:04
markharmercat /etc/apt/souces.list  grep -i lucid21:04
ratdoghi idoru21:04
markharmercat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i lucid21:04
markharmer"cat /etc/apt/sources.list  |  grep -i lucid"21:04
markharmercat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i lucid21:04
RJ_F1what is +q?21:04
omanimarkharmer, !nopaste21:04
duffydackin 2 yrs there must be what, 30meg of updates now?/21:04
RJ_F1looks like chanserv and floodbot are fighting?21:05
LjLnot really21:05
neriukasi have problem with my plymouth uplash it is loading but looks very bad it is in the corner and with line so how to fix it?21:05
guntbertRichiie: I'm asking because you obviously have a python executable in /usr/local/bin (see line 48) which I have not21:05
SomelauwI'm using empathy21:05
omanimarkharmer, do it manually. change hardy in lucid and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:05
SomelauwBut it keeps changing my status to busy when I want to be invisible.21:05
guntbertRichiie: what is the output of    which python   ?21:06
Richiieguntbert: alright, but should i completly remove pyton 2.5 ?21:06
guntbertRichiie: don't jump to conclusions yet, lets get the facts21:06
ratdogno here herd of forgiveness?21:06
Richiieguntbert: alright what do you want me to do?21:07
bazhangratdog, stay on topic21:07
ratdoghi is (awn) avant window navigator applets work with gnome panel?21:07
LjLjpds: do you think that was intentional?21:07
jpdsLjL: Potentially.21:07
guntbertRichiie: type : which python    and tell me the output21:07
Otacon22What can I use to copy a root folder keeping all the ownership (and also writing/execution/suid permissions) ?21:08
Otacon22cp --preserve=ownership does not do the right job21:08
Richiieguntbert: /usr/local/bin/python21:08
RJ_F1Otacon22: Try the Gui?21:08
markharmeromani: sorry I am new to this, did you get it?21:08
Otacon22I've a disk broken21:09
Otacon22(some sectors broken)21:09
Otacon22i need to copy all to another one21:09
Otacon22I can do it21:09
Otacon22but i can't preserve the ownership and the permissions21:09
trijntje!enter | Otacon2221:09
ubottuOtacon22: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:09
guntbertRichiie: and that is clearly not the default ubuntu place - so you installed python manually (not with aptitude)?21:09
X-Sleepy-Xoctanium: use dd ?21:09
Otacon22if i use cp --preserve=ownership, after booting there are a lot of errors due to wrong suid settings on some files21:09
X-Sleepy-XOtacon22: use dd ?21:10
X-Sleepy-Xoctanium: nm.. sry21:10
Otacon22X-Sleepy-X, the other disk is not of the same size21:10
Richiieguntbert: well ubuntu 10.04 includes a version of python but yesterday i compiled in python 2.521:10
X-Sleepy-XOtacon22: i c21:10
RJ_F1Otacon22 have you tried the fsck  ?21:10
RJ_F1isnt that file-system checker?21:10
=== billybigrigger_ is now known as billybigrigger
Otacon22RJ_F1, ovviusly21:11
SomelauwEmpathy keeps changing my status to busy when I want to be invisible.21:11
Richiieguntbert: i can remove the old python 2.5 if it will make any differnece21:11
X-Sleepy-XOtacon22: tried it from live session?21:11
synt4x_HI! Does anyone know if it's possible to share my wifi connection over a second wifi adapter? Please?21:11
donvito2how to install ubuntu with dualboot21:11
guntbertRichiie: there you made your error - you should try to uninstall that other version - but you also *could* try and just rename /usr/local/bin/python to /usr/loca/bin/python-dontuse21:12
Otacon22X-Sleepy-X, yes21:12
xorwhyIs there a way to cause Nautlius to display all files existing on a given partition, in order of descending file size?21:12
ratdog[03:12:31] -ChanServ- Founder    : UbuntuIrcCouncil21:12
ratdogk i know whom to contact now21:12
bazhangratdog, ?21:13
Gnearatdog: something wrong?21:13
donvito2how to install ubuntu with dualboot21:13
ratdogi emailing them21:13
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:13
xorwhyI have the partition loaded and a search box open in Nautilus. Is there a wild card I can enter to get it to display all files in partition?21:14
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:14
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:14
X-Sleepy-Xxorwhy: go to the "view" menu in nautilus and check "show hidden files" and then "arrange objects" or something like that in the "view" menu..21:14
llvllonkI cannot seem to install my printer...said I don't have the driver...I downloaded the .ppd file and used command line to install...and still get "connection refused" error21:14
Gneabazhang: pm?21:15
bazhangGnea, of course21:15
Edward_Elricllutz, run as sudo21:15
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:15
Richiieguntbert: ok i try to rename it21:15
zanuswhat's the best SVN client for ubuntu21:15
xorwhyX-Sleepy-X: I have show hidden files enabled. But what I want to do is have all files  be shown, from all folders and subfolders, in the same window.21:15
ratdogis there any other admins i can contact at Canonical Ltd.21:15
Ken8521!msgthebot > RJ_F121:16
ubottuRJ_F1, please see my private message21:16
xorwhyBasically I want to find out which files on this disk are largest, so I can delete them.21:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:16
IdleOneratdog: canonical.com will have contact info.21:16
ratdogthey will after i email them21:16
Germanaz0hello everybody, someone knows, how to put togheter the gnome menu, on gnome panel, togheter, I mean "Application, Places and System" in one button, I remember that was with gconf-editor21:16
Germanaz0but don't remember how21:16
X-Sleepy-Xxorwhy: perhaps if you search with the search term * in / ?21:16
Richiieguntbert: YES!!! thank you so much!21:16
Richiieguntbert: im so glad! it worked to rename it21:17
andrilhello all21:17
Ken8521Germanaz0, what do you mean "put together"21:17
Germanaz0in one button21:17
guntbertRichiie: nice :-), but you better uninstall it too :-)21:17
Germanaz0instead be sepparated Ken852121:17
Esathow can i space any wolrd a few step right on wiki?21:18
Ken8521Germanaz0, right click panel, add to panel, add "Menu Bar"21:18
Richiieguntbert: how do i uninstall something i compiled in?21:18
SomelauwSo, does anyone use empathy?21:18
Richiieis it same thing apt-get remove right ?21:18
ratdogCanonical Group Limited Main switchboard number: +44 207 630 240021:18
ratdogi will simply phone them21:18
Ken8521ratdog, why are you trying to call them?21:18
ratdogcause of rudeness in there21:18
Ken8521ratdog, in where?21:19
bazhangratdog, this is not the place for that. Please stop it21:19
ratdogtheu channel21:19
Germanaz0yes the menu bar, but it show me 3 buttons, APplication, Places and System21:19
nishttal2how do I installed Ubuntu 10.0.6 on a raid disk system21:19
Germanaz0I wanna put it in 1 button21:19
Gnearatdog: please, call them.21:19
Germanaz0like Emac Ken852121:19
ratdogindeed i ma21:19
Ken8521Germanaz0, then add main menu21:19
* X-Sleepy-X smells a troll21:19
alechHi, I've got a problem with bluetooth on karmic. It just won't work with either the built-in or a USB dongle (which works fine on another laptop with intrepid) ...21:19
alechhttp://gist.github.com/606647 is the output of bluetoothd -n -d, if someone cares to have a look at it21:19
Ken8521ratdog, man, this is the internet... lol, you better lighten up21:19
* ratdog smells rudness on apart of channel ops21:20
nishttal2anyone please21:20
guntbertRichiie: that depends on the application - but sometimes there exists a "make target" uninstall , so that you could cd into the source directory and type "make uninstall"21:20
ikoniaratdog: please join #ubuntu-ops21:20
Germanaz0thats true Ken852121:20
Germanaz0is working fine :D21:20
ratdognope im calling Canonical21:20
Gnea!raid | nishttal221:20
ubottunishttal2: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:20
guntbertRichiie: you cannot uninstall it with apt-get21:20
Ken8521ratdog, lol.. that'll show em21:20
ratdogdarn str821:20
ikoniaratdog: then please leave and call canonical. It will not be mentioned in here again21:20
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:21
ratdoggood i got logs21:21
nishttal2ubottu, this machine has hardware raid21:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:21
nishttal2two disks21:21
ratdogty kick me again21:21
guntbertnishttal2: ubottu is a bot21:21
X-Sleepy-X!cookie | ikonia21:22
ubottuikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:22
Richiieguntbert: ill be back my friend thank you21:23
guntbertRichiie: glad to help and Good luck :-)21:23
Richiiei will look a bit later on how i should uninstall python2.5 think i need to grep it and look up where all files are21:23
Richiieguntbert: but i mean it should work to have that file dont-use21:23
al__morning all21:24
X-Sleepy-Xal__: evening! :)21:24
BennitHi, can you update packages (like virtualbox) to newer versions than the default one in the repositories?21:24
X-Sleepy-XBennit: perhaps if they have a repository or i you compile from source or install a deb file...21:25
guntbertRichiie: that is true, but I don't want files lying around I cannot use anyway, and you don't know where else in your system there files from that manual install21:25
al__is there a way to update compiz from the command line?21:25
ActionParsnipBennit: sure if you can find a ppa with it, or deb21:25
ActionParsnip!ppa | Bennit21:25
ubottuBennit: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:25
Bennitokay, I'll google on ppa's then21:25
Ellise a way to test and see my network speeds using ubuntu 10.0421:26
ActionParsnipBennit: that link lets you search the PPAs on launchpad21:26
al__...not being able to use VNC because of compiz is very annoying21:26
SomelauwSo, does anyone use empathy?21:26
ActionParsnipEllis: do you mean interweb speed or lan?21:26
ActionParsnip!anyone | Somelauw21:26
ubottuSomelauw: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:26
Somelauwokay, ubottu: Empathy keeps changing my status to busy when I want to be invisible?21:27
Bennitthanks ActionParsnip21:27
=== Braber01 is now known as Braber
Ellisumm i dont know what interweb is i just got a new modem which is connected to my wireless router and i want to see if im actually getting the speed im paying for21:29
Braberum is there a way to hook up Evolution to Mailx?21:29
ActionParsnipEllis: http://www.speedtest.net/21:29
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opieAnyone have any idea why my sound won't work in google chat?21:29
ActionParsnipEllis: interwebs == internet ;)21:29
Ellisok thanx21:30
BennitActionParsnip: apt-get upgrade says packages have been kept back (the ones I'd like to upgrade to a newer version)21:30
ActionParsnipBennit: it means the packages are there but the dependancies they need are not ready, so they get kept back21:31
Bennitis there an easy way to make apt resolve the unmet deps?21:31
daniela  Bennit: man apt-get21:33
al__anyone here use metacity or compiz?21:33
RJ_F1I had compiz for a while.21:34
eppal__, if you run gone you run metacity21:34
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al__epp: ta - I have been running compiz but it dont work with VNC - annoying!21:34
CoinBRWhen I try to run a PHP-GTK app, I got a error like: "Your PHP doesn't support sqlite". But I've already did: "apt-get install php5-sqlite".   So why I still got this error?21:34
eppal__, sacrifice effects for stabiloty and run metacity21:35
al__epp: is metacity package a complete theme, or just a way a window looks?21:35
st__how can I zero unused diskspace in Ubuntu?21:36
eppal__, Its the way gnome handles the display of windows21:36
ikoniast__: you'd have to know what blocks are used and not21:36
ikoniast__: file system is not "zero" so you'd have to damage your file system21:36
eppal__, AKA window manager21:36
al__epp: k21:36
tigertv69hey guys i have somewhat an easy qquestion.... Ok basically i have an ubuntu server and a windows machine... The ubuntu server uses a paid vpn provider so all the data being tunneled is secure... i want to setup chrome on my non server(my desktop gui) to tunnel through my server.. SO basically all the internet on my computer here is just through that computer21:36
eppal__, you can get the compiz icon and turn it off quickly21:37
st__definitely there should be some tool as it's standard security masere21:37
tigertv69is there a setting i can setup in chrome to do taht and what do i need to do on my ubutu server to get that to work??21:37
eppal__, switch between window managers quickly21:37
tigertv69(just my chrome browser) all my other browsers will be my normal internet21:37
ikoniast__: unused space should be blank anyway21:37
alii have got a file with a foldername in each line. now, for each line i want to change to that folder and execute the command "make" - how can i do this?21:37
adimitHello folks. I've got two sound cards, how do I get, say, VLC (or any other random app) to play sound on the secondary one (while pulse stays on the primary)21:37
st__ikonia, no, it's cluttered with dead files contents21:37
ikoniast__: then it's not unused21:38
st__it was used before file got deleted21:38
ikoniast__: then it's not there21:38
alechali: for dir in `cat file`; do cd $dir; make; cd -; done21:38
alialech, ty - trying21:38
alechali: if the directory names don't have spaces, that is21:38
al__alech: ?21:38
alechspaces in directory names are a problem with this kind of stuff21:39
navetzHi are there any tricks to lower your cpu temperture in linux?21:39
navetzmy laptop runs fairly hot21:39
eppnavetz, dust it out21:39
st__son't tell me rm overwrite the file contents21:39
llvllonkUnable to load the requested driver:21:39
llvllonkUnable to create the Foomatic driver [HP-LaserJet_6L,ljet4]. Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.21:39
navetzepp: it is very clean. Just bought it recently21:39
guntbertalech: therefore you should use "$dir" ... instead21:39
ikoniast__: rm removes reference pointers to the file21:39
llvllonki found the printer driver and i'm in root...what's going on.. :(21:40
alialech, no spaces - works fine, thanks21:40
VoltapleinUbuntu One question:  I view the Ubuntu One folder in Nautilus.  Some entries have a red circle with an x in it.  What does this mean?21:40
victoriaHey there, I'm trying to get ubuntu to work on my gf's netbook (samsung n210). The wifi is there but is extremely flaky, and currently refuses to connect to an unsecured router. Can you help me debug and figure out what the problem is? :)21:40
RJ_F1rm will also remove the file, if there are no more references to it.21:40
alechali: np21:40
st__but contents still exist and can be recovered by disk ediror tools, i don;t want this21:40
eppnavetz, if you have a speed step tech processor you can use the applet for CPU frequency control to turn your CPU to the lowest speed thus reducing heat.21:40
zeleftikamhey all. installing 10.04.1: on boot from a USB key, i get a bunch of errors on a black screen ending in Switching to clocksource tsc and then something 81 seconds later about the clock source being unstable. what the heck is this?21:40
ikoniast__: that's not strictly true21:41
RJ_F1!about RM21:41
navetzepp: I have an hp envy 15 with an i7 processor. When I go to the battery option settings it says that cpu's cannot be disable and I don't know where this applet to reduce speed is.21:41
st__RJ_F1, it's builtin21:41
bazhangRJ_F1, /msg ubottu21:42
ikoniatigertv69: saying "anyone" won't get you far21:42
eppnavetz, right click on your bottom panel and add applet21:42
eppnavetz, frequency controller21:42
RJ_F1yes, but how come the bot doesnt have any info on "rm" ?21:42
ikoniawendy: please dont send channel wide mesages21:42
st__does some idiot spread "/server XXX" PMs in the channel?21:43
tsimpsonst__: it was a /notice, just ignore them21:43
navetzepp: oh crap i'm in ubuntu channel :( sorry I'm running kde. I'll look to download this frequency controller though21:43
eppnavetz, google KDE frequency control21:44
navetzepp: thanks21:44
QuutarI am running Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix in a VirtualBox... when i load the virtualbox guestOS additions and reboot, the coreUI is always on top... i start firefox and it remains minimized on the task bar up top, i can't run it as the main GUI retakes over21:44
sje46what was that thing wendy did?21:44
Guest_39482can i make a request for ubuntu 10.10? can the company canonical host wine program21:44
eppnavetz, and if that doesnt work check ur bios for ways to speed up fans or scale cpu there21:44
RJ_F1what is a /server XXX PM?21:44
Jon--I am SSHd into a system with X11 forwarding, how do I run VLC with an x interface so it can be forwarded over the wire?21:45
navetzepp: alright I will, thanks.21:45
ikoniaRJ_F1: just forget it and move on21:45
sje46 /server usually connects you to a server.  So I guess she was trying to get us to the server with the domain "MEMO"21:45
st__i've just read man and it says rm just calls unlink. then i ask again: is there a tool to zero out unused space on volume21:45
sje46which doesn't make any sense21:45
Jon--st__: Try google. Should be easy to find21:46
RJ_F1st__ there are many tools that can "shred" free space. but I cant think of any that are 4 linux.21:46
ikoniast__: I'll tell you again "no there sin't"21:46
aleixoskhey everybody, i can't connect to my home network... It was working until last week, but now it just keeps asking the password... I really don't know what could be wrong, could someone help me?21:46
victoriacan anyone help?21:46
eppI cant access my windows shares in any way, is anyone familliar with this issue?21:46
Guest_39482Hello,  can i talk to a staff member from canonical please21:46
Ken8521aleixosk, is it asking for your wireless password(ie, your network password) or is it asking for your keyring password?21:47
st__epp, it's not how you describe a problem21:47
VoltapleinUbuntu One question:  I view the Ubuntu One folder in Nautilus.  Some entries have a red circle with an x in it.  What does this mean?21:47
ikoniaGuest_39482: please join #ubuntu-ops21:47
Braberis there a way to hook up Mailx to Evolution?21:47
Guest_39482thank you ikonia21:47
guntbertst__: take a look at http://techthrob.com/2009/03/02/howto-delete-files-permanently-and-securely-in-linux/21:47
fruitwerksBraber, probably need some courier action21:47
MyWayhello, does somebody know if the soundcard asus xonar dg works with ubutu?21:48
Braberfruitwerks: courier?21:48
aleixoskKen8521, it's asking for the wireless password. It tries to connect and asks again after a while.21:48
fruitwerksumm so after about a week or two, NFS takes a dump, and restarting nfs-kernel-server, rpc and portmap in any combination doesn't fix it, I have to reboot21:48
st__whuch is a proper way to terminate running X login manager?21:48
fruitwerksany ideas?21:48
Ken8521aleixosk, well, i'll state the obvious, have you selected the right ESSID and is your password correct21:48
Jon--I am SSHd into a system with X11 forwarding, how do I run VLC with an x interface so it can be forwarded over the wire?21:49
fruitwerksst__ stop gdm?21:49
eppWhen I try to browse or mount any SAMBA share it doesnt work, but i can access them from any windows machine instantly, what can i try?21:49
RJ_F1try Wine?21:49
mtx_initJon--: vlc doesnt need ssh21:49
plovsst__ /etc/init.d/gdm top21:49
mtx_initits purpose is for network video21:49
Jon--mtx_init: ... I'm aware.. I'm sshed into my house I want to open VLC over x11 forwarding21:50
aarHi, whatcommand could I use to find out how much memory is taken up by the PNG files in a directory? (i.e. only PNG, ignoring the rest)21:50
Jon--mtx_init: I was being dumb and used -x instead of -X and thus disabled X11 forwarding on my end :P. I got it working now21:50
st__Stopping X display manager: Not responding to TERM signals <- ehm?21:50
tigertv69guys ... what are the ftp commands for multipart download21:51
fruitwerksaar, man du21:51
tigertv69i want to download an entire directory21:51
tigertv69but like i want to have multiple transfers going at once.. (not just one file per time)??21:51
mtx_initaar you can do something like du -a *.png21:51
aleixoskKen8521, yes, I know it's my network. The first time I just clicked "OK" and it reconnected again, but now it keeps asking. It only happens with my PC.21:51
mtx_inittigertv69: filezilla can do that21:51
guntbertst__: did you see the link about secure deleting?21:52
tigertv69on ubuntu21:52
tigertv69filezilla works21:52
tigertv69i dont have a gui?21:52
st__guntbert, yes21:52
MyWaydoes somebody know if the soundcard Asus Xonar DG works with ubutu?21:52
aarmtx_init, that lists the memory for each file but doesn't give a summary (i.e. a total calculation)21:52
guntbert!enter | tigertv6921:52
ubottutigertv69: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:52
tigertv69does filezilla work in command line21:52
ubuntu_madhi all21:52
ubuntu_madany idea how long i will wait for a bug report to be looked at/fixed?21:52
Ken8521aleixosk, i dunno, maybe your password got fubar'd?.. try deleting your network, and re-enter everything manuall?21:53
mtx_initaar, Im not aware of any app that does what you want, you would likely need to pipe them together21:53
guntbertubuntu_mad: not really predictable unless you do it yourself :-)21:53
aarmtx_init, ok thx21:54
Ken8521ubuntu_mad, depends on priority, etc... could be a while, could be tonight21:54
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sje46tigertv69: firezilla doesn't work on the command line.  There are browsers tat do though21:55
tigertv69no i knw21:55
tigertv69are there browsers that work on CLI...21:56
Jon--I have a network share at my house on a Windows machine that does not require authentication. I am remotely logged into my box but I don't know how to mount the drive from CLI. Anyone know how?21:56
tigertv69that support mutlipard downloading sje46?21:56
aleixosk Ken8521, I already tried that. Like 4 or 5 times. I am really lost, this is weird...21:56
sje46tigertv69: I don't know about that.  You can try elinks, w3m, links2...those are all very good browsers.  Don't know if they do what you want21:56
Ken8521aleixosk, yes, that is weird.. what wireless device?21:56
rafpagaar you could try this on terminal: du *.png | awk '{TOTAL=TOTAL+$1}END{print "PNG files: " TOTAL "kb"}'21:56
tigertv69i need an ftp thing21:56
tigertv69i use w3m for browsing thats fine..21:57
* TrinityX picks bum21:57
guntberttigertv69: and please don't press <enter> so often21:57
tigertv69ok i wont.. is ther a way to run filezilla with just X installed?21:57
sje46tigertv69: filezilla is gui...so yes?21:58
st__tigertv69, install xterm or use DISPLAY=:<#> env var21:58
tigertv69 i installed xterm and dwm21:58
bomberhey fellaz/fellaettes       i have kubuntu and on bootup i get the msg "checking battery state" and it seems to hang there..... im on a desktop and and when i do an alt-f1 i can login but i'd like to get rid of that message21:58
tigertv69i might use filezilla for the transfers because its wayyyyy faster..21:59
aleixoskKen8521, a wireless PCI card21:59
Ken8521aleixosk, well, there's a lot of wireless pci cards21:59
sje46bomber: does it say that as soon as you login the virtual terminal?21:59
aleixoskKen8521, BCM430621:59
tigertv69how do i start x (i forgot21:59
bomberit says it as a boot msg21:59
sje46bomber: does it prevent you from going on the gui?22:00
Ken8521aleixosk, i dunno, i don't mess w/ broadcom.. to big a pain22:00
bomberonce i login its fine...     i have to do alt-f1 to get to a login22:00
sje46bomber: I'm a little confused as to what the problem is22:00
sje46is it preventing you from doing anything?  Or is it just an annoyance?22:01
bomberwell it hangs there... i have to manually press alt-f122:01
aleixoskKen8521, ok, I get it...22:01
bomberso it does hang22:01
MyWaydoes somebody know if the soundcard Asus Xonar DG works with ubutu? Or an alternative with internal spdif for hdmi22:01
sje46bomber: so you have to go to the virtual terminal to go to the gui.  What do you do after you're in VT1?22:02
bomberi tyte startx22:02
bomberand it starts x22:02
zonkers1is there a way to update the current version of ubuntu without destroying my personal data on the hard drive?22:02
st__zonkers1, you can even reinstall it without losing anything22:03
st__zonkers1, try update-manager -d22:03
sje46bomber: have you tried doing control alt 7?22:03
gartral|pHow do i force a user name to logout?22:03
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sje46not that it matters, nevermind22:03
bomberwhen i press alt f7 it shows the login hanging..22:03
st__gartral|p, kill his session manager or shell22:03
Ken8521zonkers1, with any update/upgrade, a failure is possible, and can result in needing to reinstall, so make sure all your important stuff is backed up22:03
Jon--st__: About your previous issue I believe there are boot cds that can zero out unallocated space22:03
bomberwell just the msg that checking battery state22:04
sje46bomber: and your desktop doesn't have a battery, right?22:04
zonkers1st_,  I can't get my machine to boot as something messed up in and update.  I tried recovery move and then it still won't boot. I'm looking for something from the live cd22:04
Jon--st__: I don't know enough about the ext3/4 filesystem to know if blocks are marked as explicitly empty however, that may be the issue.22:04
Jon--"empty" being in quotations :P22:04
zonkers1ken8521:  I want to restore from the live cd and then upgrade from there.22:04
bomberi have it set for bootup without the kdm.... i like seeing the boot msgs22:05
gartral|pst__: example pease22:05
sje46bomber: I don't know what I can suggest except googling your problem.  sorry22:05
bomberok.. thats for listening... i did.. maybe i'll try somemore22:06
bomberi got tired of reading..... it makes me sleepy22:06
gartral|pSt__ may I have an example?22:07
st__gartral|p, sorry, I'm not scripting expert22:07
svklkhi all22:07
ActionParsniphi svklk22:07
svklki'm running ubuntu server 8.04 on a vm22:08
svklkor at least i was!22:08
svklki just tried rebooting and got this: http://i.imgur.com/bzHG4.png22:08
brianfreudThis seems a newbie Q, but I'm blocking...    Using gnome-search-tool, with the regexp match, .*ogg|.*flac|.*mp3 will give me all ogg/etc in that dir.  But how can I negate that?  ie, get everything *but* ogg, mp3, and flac?22:08
ActionParsnipsvklk: never considered lucid?22:08
st__8.04 is OOL22:08
svklkactionparsnip: ya i have lucid on a couple of other vms22:08
svklkst__: what is ool?22:08
gartral|pst__: im not looking for a script, I just screwed up adding a user name, and didn't set the group. And now its logged into a blank session with no way for that user to loout22:08
ActionParsnipst__: still alive and supported though :)22:08
ActionParsnipsvklk: boot to liveCD and run:   sudo blkid    does the UUID for the partition match the output?22:09
gartral|pst__: and I can't do anything to it right now cause its logged in.22:09
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ActionParsnipgartral|p: restart the x server, you'll drop to logon screen22:11
st__gartral|p, ps -u <his name> and kill everything you see22:11
svklkactionparsnip: thanks, let me try that22:12
ZOMG_LOLhi, I love ubuntu fyi22:12
ZOMG_LOLhi, I love ubuntu fyi22:12
ZOMG_LOLhi, I love ubuntu fyi22:12
ZOMG_LOLhi, I love ubuntu fyi22:12
FloodBot2ZOMG_LOL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:12
=== Shaman is now known as Guest12364
MxxConanyone know why there's no PHP eAccelerator package in ubuntu repos?22:15
wazzupi have ubuntu and windows install on 1hdd is it possible to only encrypt the ubuntu partition ?22:16
st__wazzup, yes22:16
wazzupst__ you have a guide for that ?22:16
st__wazzup, wih what?22:16
wazzuptruecrypt ?22:16
svklkactionparsnip: i can't seem to find the live cd on ubuntu.com.  i ended up here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/, is one of those the right download?22:17
SomelauwIs it a security risk that you can get around the password questions in windows by inserting an ubuntu live cd?22:17
st__wazzup, then I'd studied their site documentation first22:17
wazzupok i will22:17
st__Somelauw, no, security risk is that you allow to boot your machine from arbitrary media22:17
lumatoSomelauw: if data is really sensitive it should be encrypted22:18
IdleOneSomelauw: that is a windows support question. try ##windows22:18
ActionParsnipsvklk: sure, grab the 32bit ISO and you should be ok22:19
lumatohow can i make a 6to4 interface that goes up and down with a ppp interface?22:19
svklkactionparsnip: is that the install cd?  i already have that mounted for the vm22:19
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svklkactionparsnip: but i don't get an option to boot from cd22:19
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ActionParsnipsvklk: the install desktop cd can give a desktop OS running in RAM, you can then fix the installed OS22:20
svklkactionparnsip: oic, it's got to be the desktop cd22:20
svklki'll give that a try, thanks!22:20
SomelauwIt seems smartest to me to protect the bios.22:20
SomelauwWhy are you all wispering. I don't see anything anymore. My irc-client is messing with me.22:21
lumatoSomelauw: at which point someone just has to disconnect the drive and stick it in another machine22:21
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st__lumato, that's why you have lockable chassis22:22
ActionParsnipSomelauw: try logging off and on, i'm certainly not whispering22:22
lumatost__: and cutting tools :-P22:22
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SomelauwActionParsnip, okay, I can hear you again.22:23
Vasekkkkkкто нить знает как сохранить настройки введенные в консоли?22:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:24
Somelauwpjang yang jang22:24
st__Vasekkkkk, which settings?22:24
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:24
st__what does "-" in ps mean, like "-bash"?22:30
raphaEkips: The recovery with TestDisk worked, I got my data back!22:31
lumatost__: -bash means it was invoked as a login shell, which has certain effects on how it interprets its configuration and whatnot22:32
gridbagI'm logged into the console on ctrl+alt+F1.  How do I disable X and the X login screen on ctrl+alt+F7 until after i install my new video driver?22:34
julius__pongo chat en español22:35
jrib!nvidia | gridbag22:35
ubottugridbag: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:35
st__gridbag, how it prevents you from new driver?22:35
julius__como me pongo chat en español22:35
ActionParsnipst__: its to apply switches to the app22:35
julius__como me cambio a la sala de español de ubuntu22:36
tigertv69how do i get x server to work on windows22:36
lumatogridbag: you can disable the X login with 'stop gdm', and restart it with 'start gdm'22:36
SomelauwWhat is a suitable learning curve if I want to migrate from ubuntu to archlinux.22:36
ActionParsnip!es | julius__22:36
ubottujulius__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:36
tigertv69im trying to use Xming but i cannot get a picture22:36
ActionParsnipSomelauw: depends on the individual22:36
kabin ldap, how can I change this password -D cn=admin,cn=config22:37
jribSomelauw: you learn a new package system and read more to get things done basically22:37
julius__join #ubuntu-es22:37
ActionParsniptigertv69: did you ssh with the -X option (the X is capitalized (important))22:37
SomelauwBut are there some tools or interdistros which you recommend to learn first.22:37
ikoniaSomelauw: no22:37
kabI followed this page https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html installing my LDAP server, but I can't get this password22:37
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jribSomelauw: nope...22:37
ikoniaSomelauw: read the archlinux website22:37
st__Somelauw, just read up on rc.cong and go ahead22:38
afeijohi guys22:41
afeijohow can I check for a url named stats?22:41
ikoniawhat ?22:41
afeijobad question22:41
afeijoI want to test my site if it is properly configured by named and httpd22:41
afeijoI forgot the cmd22:41
ActionParsnipafeijo: whats the url?22:41
ikoniaopen a web browser, thats the command22:41
ikoniaafeijo: hit the site using the DNS name22:42
afeijoActionParsnip: loja.feijo.pro.br22:42
afeijoikonia: I use drupal and multisite, that wouldnt work22:42
ikoniaafeijo: yes it would22:42
mac9416How do I determine whether a package is "essential"?22:42
ikoniaafeijo: you open a browser and go to the site22:42
jribmac9416: define essential?22:43
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afeijoikonia: it open my main site, not the new one, that is a subdomain controled by drupal22:43
afeijoikonia: the url is essential to open the right db22:43
ikoniaafeijo: then that is nothing to do with ubuntu22:43
ActionParsnipafeijo: looks fine22:43
ikoniaafeijo: so you visit the right URL in your browser22:43
st__mac9416, dpkg -s PACKAGE | grep 'Essential'22:43
ikoniaexactly as ActionParsnip just has done22:43
mac9416jrib, The essential package they're talking about in this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/56101822:43
afeijoActionParsnip: what did it show you? to me it say the link appear to be invalid something like that22:43
tigertv69ActionParsnip sorry i am back i  just installed Xming.. i have no idea how to set it up.. i have putty installed also22:44
mac9416st__, is there an apt-cache tool? The package I'm looking at isn't installed.22:44
tigertv69so how do i login with ssh?22:44
afeijoActionParsnip: that is my main site, not the new one... argh22:44
ikoniaafeijo: shows a page where you talk about a "cool game"22:44
ikoniaafeijo: join #drupal for drupal support22:45
afeijoif I remove the mysql db it show as offline as it should, so it is not apache or named config22:45
afeijoikonia: ok thanks22:45
ActionParsniptigertv69: you need to tell putty to allow x forwarding or put the binary in the windows directory and run it with: putty -X user@server22:45
st__mac9416, apt-cache show PACKAGE | grep 'Priority'22:45
tigertv69ok one sec i will uninstall and install xming hold on22:45
davidfetteri'm on 10.04. i'd like to get x to start at boot time, but i don't see anything like an /etc/inittab where i'd do that22:45
davidfetterwhat am i missing here?22:45
ActionParsniptigertv69: why, its already installed....22:45
tigertv69ok one sec22:45
mac9416st__, muchas gracias.22:45
ActionParsnipdavidfetter: by default it does22:46
tigertv69ok do i want to install normal Putty or portable putty?22:46
davidfetterclearly i did something that wasn't quite right22:46
st__why half of ubuntu desktop depends on libthai?22:46
davidfetterthis is in vmware workstation22:46
ActionParsniptigertv69: you want putty.exe22:46
davidfetterwhat might i have done wrong?22:46
tigertv69so portable putty?22:47
ActionParsniptigertv69: whatever that one is, yes. Whack it in %WINDIR%22:47
tigertv69do i want to put it in the Xming directory22:47
tigertv69or do i want to put it into the /programfiles directory?22:47
* davidfetter happy to do a reinstall if needed, as he hasn't started using any of it22:48
ActionParsniptigertv69: no, you just need to have xming running to give windows an x server for apps to stick to22:48
tigertv69ok so that does not matter22:48
tigertv69alrighty i will turn on xming right now .,. just click the icon correct? no setup stuff?22:48
ActionParsniptigertv69: the default settings are fine22:49
tigertv69ok i just turned on xming and im launching putty.. login normally or configure stuff on putty ActionParsnip22:49
ActionParsniptigertv69: in putty you need to enable the x forwarding: http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32/xfwd_putty-sm.png22:49
davidfetterhow come i'm not seeing an /etc/inittab?22:49
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:50
tigertv69ActionParsnip i tried that my stuff is different22:50
tigertv69i have an X11 thing22:50
tigertv69and i have enable forward enabled22:50
tigertv69and localhost:0 setup.. with MIT-Magic-Cookie-1 security22:50
ActionParsniptigertv69: if you put the binary in the windows directory you can use a command line like use of it and use: putty -X user@server22:50
tigertv69ohh in the windows cli?22:51
tigertv69ok taht started putty fine22:52
tigertv69but no X?22:52
tigertv69ActionParsnip: when i do that it pops up putty and i get this http://pastebin.com/fzQzURA422:53
tigertv69but its not going to X (which i am currently running DWM22:53
tigertv69i currently have DWM running on my ubuntu server22:54
gartralis there something wrong with the ubuntu bluetooth stck on UNR 10.04? I can't initiate pairing from my phone to the netbook, but the other way around works. however, the applet for Droid requires pairing be initiated from the phone to the desktop-server.22:54
PrimeRadHi everyone. I'm having problems with empathy and google talk and could use some help.22:54
=== xTCx is now known as thomashc
gartralis there anyway to go about doing this?22:54
PrimeRadI'm not getting any rooms in the room list when I try to join a room (server) and am uncertain what to do?22:55
Moral_Every time I start cheese, to load my webcam, my wireless drops, I have logs from dmesg... Is this a bug?22:55
ActionParsniptigertv69: run apps, not X22:55
tigertv69ohh so like22:55
tigertv69so like22:55
PrimeRadIs there maybe a room list somewhere?22:55
tigertv69putty -xterm me@user22:56
tigertv69it says no command -xterm?22:56
ActionParsniptigertv69: no, once you have a login run apps like oowriter or gedit etc22:56
Moral_Where is the website to report bugs?22:56
jrib!bugs | Moral_22:57
ubottuMoral_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:57
ActionParsnip!bug | Moral_22:57
PrimeRadWould someone respond to me because I'm new to IRC too and don't know if my messages have gotten through.22:58
st__PrimeRad, they do22:58
ActionParsnipPrimeRad: looks like a success to me22:58
PrimeRadok thx22:58
tigertv69ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/ePC5iZ4R22:58
tigertv69i get this error in putty?22:58
st__Moral_, be ready to wait though; bugs can be reviewed for several years22:59
ActionParsniptigertv69: http://www.breitenlee.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=33:xlib-putty-x11-proxy-wrong-authentication-protocol-attempted&catid=16:linux-howto&Itemid=5422:59
Moral_Ill just fix it myself them22:59
FloodBot2Moral_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
ikoniaMoral_: drop the attitude22:59
Moral_Not attidude22:59
Moral_meerly a satement22:59
ikoniaMoral_: log the bug - or don't22:59
=== orlando is now known as Guest79124
Moral_It will be logged23:00
gartralis there something wrong with the ubuntu bluetooth stck on UNR 10.04? I can't initiate pairing from my phone to the netbook, but the other way around works. however, the applet for Droid requires pairing be initiated from the phone to the desktop-server. Is this  known issue?23:00
Cricketi'm getting "No module named 'config'" in python, but i'm not sure what package to install, any help?23:00
aleskaHow do I register my nick?  I'm using the Empathy chat client23:02
LjL!register | aleska23:02
ubottualeska: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:02
dogmatrix_I've got programs constantly crashing and giving segfault errors.  ubuntu 10.04 lts23:02
st__Cricket, there are many 'config' modules, which one you need23:03
tigertv69ActionParsnip: i do not have that ForwardX11Trusted line in my that putty config file23:03
Cricketst__: the one which is named "config" in python ;p23:03
lordcrchi, im trying to get my logitech g35 usb headset working in 10.10... in 10.04 they worked flawlessly out of the box, but in 10.10 i cant seem to select it, and running "test speakers" just crashes the test applet thingy23:03
tigertv69i tried adding it and it said it was a bad config23:03
tigertv69so i deleted taht ..?23:03
bazhanglordcrc, #ubuntu+1 for that23:04
lordcrcbazhang: thanks, sorry23:04
fordfasterrhas anyone managed to get ebox to actually work?23:04
wlfsbrghey all, are the security servers acting really slow right now for anyone else? it's taking me forever to ap-get upgrade23:04
wlfsbrg*apt-get upgrade23:04
fordfasterri've managed to blow up a few installs so far...23:04
fordfasterrlucky for me they were just for testing purposes...23:05
ActionParsniptigertv69: not sure than, I just launch xming then connect putty straight through, only settin I added was the x forwarding and the server etc23:05
oxymoronWhats this piece of crap: "[00:03] <FloodBot1> oxymoron, this is a check to ensure that you're human and not a spambot: What is the last name of Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux)?"?23:05
st__oxymoron, just what it says23:05
LjLoxymoron: i think it's exactly what it looks like and says23:05
oxymoronIt appear every single time I shall join ubvuntu ... ergh not annoying ...23:06
LjLoxymoron: so join it after identifying. then it won't happen.23:06
oxymoronLjL: Identify by nickserv or what do you mean?23:07
LjLoxymoron: yes, nickserv. you only get sent to #ubuntu-unregged if you're not identified to nickserv at the time you attempt to join #ubuntu23:07
oxymoronLjL: And I have automatic join and login. But I think joining appear before login xd23:07
tigertv69so can anyone else help with the X server Xming23:08
tigertv69i have Xming installed23:08
tigertv69and when i log into Putty i get this error: PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attempteddwm: cannot open display23:08
oxymoronLjL: Hmm no it seems not. But it seems your boot is to fast or slow I dont know which. I am identified in my client at the same time I join almost which make boot doesnt get along ...23:08
rwwoxymoron: you should set your client to wait a couple of seconds after identifying before autojoining.23:09
LjLoxymoron: the bot doesn't really have to do with it, whether you join #ubuntu-unregged or not is only dependent on freenode. try inserting a delay perhaps, if you can? also, do you know you can identify to nickserv by using your nickserv password as the server password? (that should also make it happen a little bit faster)23:09
oxymoronrww: How to change that then? Cannot you guys change bot to me more flexible? :D23:09
LjLoxymoron: no, as i said, it's not a matter of bots.23:09
rwwoxymoron: it's not the bot doing it, it's freenode, and the problem is with your client's expectations.23:09
rwwoxymoron: as for how to do it, depends on the client.23:09
ownerhey guys23:10
ownercan any one help me a little bit?23:10
oxymoronI am using Konversation as client23:10
LjLoxymoron: note you don't actually have to answer the bot. you can just join #ubuntu the moment you're identified.23:10
ownercan any one tell me how to mount a hdd from an live cd?23:10
LjLoxymoron: first thing to try is, set your nickserv password as the server password.23:10
ActionParsnipowner: you dont mount drives, you mount partitions23:10
ActionParsnipowner: if you use the places menu, you will see the partitions and can mount them23:11
ownerok partitions....but in Computer folder i see just FIle System foldert23:11
oxymoronLjL: Yes but I want autojoin in the client, which stop working when someone added this kind of "limit"23:11
oxymoronHow to setup server password?23:11
owneri cant see partitions23:12
ownermaybe because im on a live cd23:12
zaidkawhat's the best particise when it comes to mounting windows partitions. do people mount them during ubuntu installation? if so, what mount do you use for c: and d:?23:12
LjLoxymoron: this "limit" happens when the channel is being the victim of spam, and it's been done since 2006 at least.23:12
owneri have JUlinux live cd23:12
st__zaidka, usually in / by their labels23:13
oxymoronLjL: Not sure what I changed but I think it might work as it should now :P23:13
LjLFile / Server List / click server / Edit / set the password23:13
ActionParsnipowner: JUlinux isn't supported here23:13
oxymoronLjL: I changed some kind of server password.23:13
zaidkast__: might be better to mount to /media/windows or /media/d?23:13
wlfsbrgbah... ubuntu archive servers are crapping out right now23:13
wlfsbrgcan't install anything :-\23:13
gartralis there something wrong with the ubuntu bluetooth stck on UNR 10.04? I can't initiate pairing from my phone to the netbook, but the other way around works. however, the applet for Droid requires pairing be initiated from the phone to the desktop-server. Is this  known issue?23:13
familiafamilia> hi23:13
familia<familia> Xubuntu accept the comand23:13
familia<familia> control alt back?23:13
st__wlfsbrg, everyone updates their Maverick RC :)23:14
dogmatrix_oh man, even update manager is segfaulting23:14
st__familia, not by default23:14
wlfsbrgst__: doh! bad day to try and make my new business site23:14
oxymoronBtw, does anyone know if support for iOS 4.1 is on its way? I can access photos now directly in my file browser but I cannot fix anything with music yet it seems.23:14
ownerowner@owner:~$ su23:14
ownersu: Authentication failure23:14
ownerwhat is default password23:15
pheonixmandefault command line browser ubuntu..?23:15
FloodBot2owner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
ownerin live cd?23:15
ActionParsnipowner: use: sudo -i23:15
ActionParsnipowner: there isn't one23:15
st__owner, root account is disabled by default23:15
litropyhi, peeps. I need to remove pam-face-authentication, and it's proving quite difficult. Sinthe module is new, there's not documentation for removal. sudo aptitude remove pam-face-authentication can't find the module.23:15
ActionParsnippheonixman: don't think there is one, theres lynks and lynks2 as well as w2m23:15
tigertv69but yea.. im still havin that problem i get to the part .. but its aying "wrong authenticaiton protocal23:16
st__default is w3m23:16
ownersudo -i worked23:16
ownerbut what is comand to mount my partition?23:16
owneri have an 250 gb hdd and cant see it23:16
tigertv69do i need to change display from localhost:0 to localhost:1023:16
pankajmount /dev/hd1 /mnt23:17
ActionParsnip!mount | owner23:17
ubottuowner: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:17
st__familia, usually it's in keyboard advanced properties23:17
ownerroot@owner:~# mount /dev/hd1 /mnt23:17
ownermount: special device /dev/hd1 does not exist23:17
st__owner, try sda123:18
GrubulousHow do I get the number of physical cores or sockets available, not just logical cpus? On intel chips, hyperthreading seems to double the number of logical cpus23:18
pankajfirst check your device name..23:18
tigertv69anoyne get htat problem?23:18
pankajtigert show me your problem first?23:18
SolvedI have a Kodak CD with a bunch of pictures that I got from walmart, but when I click on it it just shows me a bunch of folders23:19
ActionParsnipowner: run: sudo fdisk -l    to see the available partitions23:19
ActionParsnipSolved: any images in the folders?23:20
SolvedI have a Kodak CD with a bunch of pictures that I got from walmart, but when I click on it it just shows me a bunch of folders. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS23:20
wrekthey im tryin to fix a minor issue regarding the repos. i keep getting errors about untrusted sources when i d/l thru the software manger. how do i fix this?23:20
Solvedgot it to work23:20
ownerdosent work whit sda1 or hd123:20
SolvedI cant print on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. When I try to print (OpenOffice) it does not show my printer as one of the options of which printer to use. When I boot Microsoft, it works fine.23:21
ikoniaSolved: is your printer supported under linux23:22
ownerhow to see what is my HDD name to mount it?23:22
ZykoticK9owner, "sudo fdisk -l"23:22
Solvedikonia: it worked with ubuntu 8.0423:22
kaos_buuenas nochesss23:22
ikoniaSolved: how is it connected ?23:22
kaos_alguien de españa??23:23
ZykoticK9!es | kaos_23:23
ubottukaos_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:23
ownerroot@owner:~# sudo fdisk -l23:23
ownerDisk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes23:23
owner255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders23:23
ownerUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:23
ownerSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes23:23
ownerI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes23:23
FloodBot2owner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
dogmatrix_can someone give me a place to start to try to fix segfault errors?  It's tough to google it when the browser crashes if I click the wrong spot23:23
ZykoticK9!paste > owner23:23
ubottuowner, please see my private message23:23
ikoniadogmatrix_: what's crashing23:23
kaos_ok!!! thank you!!!23:23
Solvedikonia: it is connected by a cable to a power supply, and another to a usb port in the computer23:23
st__dogmatrix_, try reboot first23:23
dogmatrix_ikonia almost everything that I've tried so far.23:24
ikoniaSolved: does lsusb show it ?23:24
dogmatrix_st__: I have rebooted23:24
st__which browser?23:24
ikoniadogmatrix_: if everything is crashing its most likley a hardware fault, have you tested your memory23:24
ownerok i wont flood sorry , but now can you help whit what i have copy paste?23:24
Solvedikonia:  yes it does23:24
dogmatrix_firefox and chromium both crash, update manager crashes, synaptic hasn't yet, terminal hasn't, minecraft hasn't for some reason23:25
st__if it's bloatfox, disable all plugins first23:25
ikoniaSolved: ok, so have you configured the printer23:25
ikoniast__: it's called firefox - use the correct names23:25
ikoniaSolved: system->administration->printing23:25
Solvedikonia: ok im there23:25
st__dogmatrix_, check in terminal if sme packages failed to update23:26
ZykoticK9owner, with what we see in the channel, we only see an SDA but no partition info or other drives - could you pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"?23:26
Solvedikonia: do I press "add"23:26
ownerafter i type : mount /dev/sda /mnt , it tell me i must specify filesystem type , how i do this?23:26
nihil_nullHI ppl!23:26
ikoniaSolved: add a printer23:26
ikoniaowner: you mount a partition, not a disk23:26
st__owner, you cannot mount HDs23:26
ikoniaowner: sda is a disk, sda1(2,3,4) is a partition23:26
dogmatrix_st__: do you mean run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?   no errors there23:26
owneroh i understand23:26
ownerbut i dont see any disk so thats why i cant mount it23:26
ZykoticK9owner, don't mount a drive (eg sda) mount a partition (eg sda1), as ikonia pointed out ;)23:26
st__dogmatrix_, can you reproduce crash reliably?23:27
dogmatrix_st__: yes, to some extent23:27
tigertv69any help guys.. different problem i tried to run Filezilla??23:27
nihil_nullits possible to install 10.04 server to SATA Intel RAID????23:27
dogmatrix_st__: some programs crash instantly.  Chromium seems to only crash if I click the browser chrome23:27
ikonianihil_null: if you are using fake raid, I'd strongly advise you not to23:27
st__dogmatrix_, try to get stack trace in the moment of crash and see the library it crashes in23:27
ikoniatigertv69: why are you root23:28
Solvedikonia: the Cannon MX 330 is not in the list of drivers23:28
dogmatrix_st__: I don't know how to do that, sorry23:28
tigertv69only way for X to work23:28
ikoniaSolved: find the compatible one23:28
ownerwhen try to mount sda1 , tells me that cant find /dev/sda1 in etc/fstab23:28
ikoniatigertv69: no it's not23:28
ZykoticK9tigertv69, first filezilla is a GUI app i believe so you need to be in X, second and this is more important - DO NOT RUN GUI APPS AS ROOT23:28
dogmatrix_st__: is that in the kern.log?23:28
Solvedikonia: where?23:28
ikoniaSolved: the cups website23:28
st__sadly i'm not proficient with gnu toolchain too23:28
Solvedikonia: i dont know what you mean23:28
tigertv69PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authentication protocol attemptedError: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?23:28
ikoniaSolved: research the printer (and correct cups driver) on the cups.org website23:29
ikoniatigertv69: you should not be root, root does not have the display environment setup23:29
tigertv69i got out of root23:29
tigertv69but i got taht erorr when trying to run filezilla23:29
dogmatrix_st__: is this useful info?  Oct  1 15:14:08 debbie-desktop kernel: [56598.352022] update-manager[5910]: segfault at aa06 ip 000000000000aa06 sp 00007fff3f8462f8 error 14 in python2.6[400000+21c000]23:29
tigertv69i would prefer to use Xlaunch if possible... just to run filezilla on my windows pc eventhough its runnin on my ubuntu server???23:29
ikoniatigertv69: your display enviornment varible is not setup, which suggests you are not using ssh X11 forwarding23:29
=== pankaj is now known as pankaj_sharma
nihil_nullikonia: thanx! using dmraid is reliably?23:30
ZykoticK9tigertv69, do you have Xorg installed on your Windows PC? - don't ask me how i don't know.23:30
tigertv69i have xming23:30
st__dogmatrix_, seems your python installation is corrupted somehow or outdated...23:30
xdaveHy all23:30
ikonianihil_null: , no thats fake raid23:30
ikoniatigertv69: your making it hard and you don't really know what your doing23:30
ikoniatigertv69: just use a command line client to ftp23:31
ZykoticK9tigertv69, your current issue does not seem Ubuntu related, it's Xming on Windows issue.23:31
dogmatrix_st__: it's not just python.  I've got messages for gnome-system-log, libasound_module_config_pulse something, and other things23:31
tigertv69ikonia i woudl love to do command line ftp..23:31
ikoniatigertv69: ok, do it23:31
tigertv69the problem is that i want to do multipart downloading23:31
tigertv69and im not sure how to set that up in command line.. so like you can download parts of a file in multiple connections to get faster DL's23:32
ikoniatigertv69: why not just run filezilla on your windows client23:32
dogmatrix_hm.. so maybe it is the memory after all?23:32
ownerDisk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table .... what this means?23:32
ikoniaowner: there are no partitions on that isk23:32
st__tigertv69, try RDP23:32
ZykoticK9owner, it would "suggest" you haven't partitioned the drive23:32
ownerso how i make them?23:32
owneri need to see the disk to low format it23:32
pankaj_sharmaowner first tell me the partition type is NTFS , Fat what?23:33
st__low format is a myth23:33
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
pankaj_sharmau have only 1 partition?23:33
tigertv69ikonia long story..23:33
ikoniatigertv69: ok, then you need to setup ssh forwarding properly and get xming support (not here)23:33
rwwGuest98032: now talk in here23:34
pankaj_sharmaowner: first type   fdisk -l | grep NTFS23:34
ZykoticK9pankaj_sharma, owner you need to use "sudo fdisk -l" for it to show you anything23:35
ownerpankaj_sharma it tell me same thing23:35
ownerthat sda dosent have a vald partition23:35
pankaj_sharmamay be your partition not valid..23:36
pankaj_sharmai m not sure.23:36
st__owner, what kind of computer it is?23:36
owneri have got on ti windows 7 , and when i have returned home , my pc was : insert another disk and restart , and i have left it in windows normal mode....23:37
ownerand found it like that23:37
ownerst__ is dual core 1.8 ghz , 250 gb hdd, 1 gb ram23:37
pankaj_sharmaowner .. is this your external hd?23:38
ownerno is internal23:38
Guest98032New to operating system. Firefox question. can't get into email. . . google or Excite or MS. anybody had the same problem? Screen goes blank and doesn't load after log in?23:38
ownerthats why i want to low format it, cause is seems is buged23:38
st__Guest98032, firewall? supported ssl protocols?23:39
techexpert1i need Kodak Aio 5100 Drivers23:39
ikoniaGuest98032: your using ubuntu yes/no ?23:39
techexpert1tried it23:39
Guest98032st_ Haven't figured that out yet.23:39
techexpert1yes using ubuntu23:39
ikoniaGuest98032: your using ubuntu yes/no ?23:40
pankaj_sharmaowner r u using virtual machine?23:40
ActionParsniptechexpert1: kodak don't make linux drivers. you may not get this going23:40
Ellishey guys does anyone know anything about iphone/ipod jailbreaking? i dont need help with the actual jailbreaking process but i recentlly switched to ubuntu from windows and dont know what to use with ubuntu 10.04 or where to get it. Any help?23:40
ownerpankaj_sharma what is virtual machine? if is vmware then the answare is no23:40
Guest98032Ikonia: using ubuntu for the first time yes23:40
ikoniaGuest98032: you login, do you get a desktop yes/no23:40
owneri just insert my live cd and boot from it23:41
OerEllis you don't need to yailbreak, unlock the iphone/ipod before connecting usb, it helps23:41
Elliswhat do you mean unlock? unlock carrier?23:41
OerIf you have a password set up on your device, unlock it first before connecting the USB cable, otherwise Ubuntu will not recognize it.23:42
ActionParsnip!ot | Ellis23:42
ubottuEllis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:42
Guest98032ikonia: yes have desk top and get through log in. the issue is actually trying to log into mail from firefox.23:42
st__piracy discussion in unacceptable here23:42
ikoniaGuest98032: can you browse the web in general23:42
Ellis0er what im attempting is to port the android 2.2 os to my iphone as a dual boot but i need to restore it to its original jailbroken state23:43
Oerunlock ->password, no piracy or waranty-breaking at all :-)23:43
ikoniaEllis: that's nothing to do with ubuntu, so offtopic for here23:43
ActionParsnipEllis: thats not an ubuntu issue though so you need to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic23:43
pankaj_sharmaowner: check your harddrive .. or the other way is to low format23:43
Ellisikonia if you paid atteniton im asking what ubuntu software i need23:43
Guest98032ikonia: yes, at least the simpler sites like gutenberg project or craigslist and search engines23:43
ikoniaEllis: jail breaking the iphone is not an ubuntu issue23:44
OerEllis, then enable the plugin in rhytmbox23:44
Ellisso questions about ubuntu software is not ubuntu related?23:44
ikoniaGuest98032: ok, so that means there is a valid web connection,23:44
ownerpankaj_sharma, how i low format it?23:44
ikoniaEllis: there is no jail break software for ubuntu23:44
ZykoticK9Oer, thanks for the iphone link - it was info i was interested in, although i don't own an iPhone.23:44
ownercause this im try to do, but how if i dont get acces at hdd23:44
pankaj_sharmaformat <drivename>23:45
Guest98032ikonia: I just have not figured out why it does not load up the page, like is there not enough memory alocated for loading up the web page or something like that?23:45
ruben23hi guys how do i check my ubuntu desktop version installed on my system..?23:45
Shaman__anybody can help me to configure sound setting? idont have sound and my microphone dont work23:45
ruben23any idea.23:45
xdavexdcc list23:46
Ellisikonia ok thank you thats all i needed to know it would have went alot smoother without all the douche bags telling me asking about ubuntu software" regardless of the use for the software" isn't ubuntu related topic23:46
ikoniaGuest98032: doubtful23:46
pie_timecould anyone tell me how to fix a static ip for my pc so i can upload new firmware usinfg tftp to my router?23:46
tigertv69ok i got it somewhat working..23:46
ikoniaEllis: drop the name calling23:46
tigertv69final question: if i use something in X... and i have it in screen... (like in ubuntu the program screen)23:46
tigertv69shutdown my windows computer... i come back to my windows computer log in ssh back to my ubuntu machine.. screen back to the "screen" with the X program runnig.. will it still work..23:47
st__pie_time, usually router has that setting23:47
Ellisikonia i called no one in particular a name just made a point that too many people see the word iphone or jailbreak and thereby assume it isnt an appropriate topic23:47
jsimmonsis there a way to tell apt that a package has been installed manually, as in replacing a system package with some code manually compiled, but doing it without apt removing half the apps on my system?23:47
ikoniatigertv69: no, X will die23:47
ZykoticK9tigertv69, i don't think screen works for X apps - but i'm interested in someone answer differently (don't think i've tried it)23:47
ikoniaEllis: and I said drop the name calling23:47
daftykinspie_time: which router is it to use TFTP only 0o23:47
pie_timest__, my router is bricked at the moment23:47
pie_time!ot | daftykins23:47
ubottudaftykins: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:47
Ellisikonia although i thought i was done taking orders when i left the marine corp. SIR YES SIR!! HOO RAH!!!23:48
Richiieguntbert: you there?23:48
daftykinspie_time: don't tell me how to conduct myself in here, you're asking a router question, that's non-Ubuntu :P23:48
Shaman__подскажите как настроить звук и микрофон плз23:48
pie_timeim asking how to set my pc's ip to be static in ubuntu23:48
pankaj_sharmaopen network tools23:48
ikoniapie_time: open gnome network manager applet, and select static IP23:48
pie_time!ua | Shaman__23:49
daftykinspie_time: open a terminal, sudo ifconfig eth0 (or whatever interface) 192.168.x.x netmask
st__pie_time, lol23:49
pankaj_sharmaowner: format complete or not?23:49
owneri want to total format it23:50
st__Shaman__, you could tell us your hardware for a start23:50
pie_timeikonia, under where?23:50
pankaj_sharmathen use format <drivename>23:50
pankaj_sharmaas there is only 1 partition.. so i think its default name would be c:23:50
Guest98032here is another message I get frequently "connection was reset while loading" when trying to sign on to mail23:50
ikoniapie_time: gnome network manager applet, or network tools from system->preferences23:50
ownerpankaj_sharma but how i format it if my computer dosent recogniz my hdd23:51
ikoniapie_time: sorry, system->administration->networ connections23:51
OrkiboHi guys, how do I completely remove OpenOffice manually, every single time I try to upgrade or reinstall via apt-get email-merge throws errors and hangs23:51
SolvedI have just downloaded the game "Tremulous" and I do not know where to move it to in order to play it23:51
pie_timethanks ikonia, but then what?23:51
ikoniaGuest98032: sounds like your ISP is dropping the connetion23:51
st__Orkibo, purge it first23:51
ikoniapie_time: select the interface, select "static IP" enter the IP details you want23:51
Orkibohow st__?23:52
SolvedI have just downloaded the game "Tremulous" and I do not know where to move it to in order to play it. My current Operating System is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 9 (32 bit)23:52
ikoniaSolved: the documentation is on the website23:52
st__apt-get purge email-merge23:52
ikoniaSolved: asking every 15 seconds will get you ignored23:52
pankaj_sharmaowner: do u have winxp cd?23:52
BadElvishi, i first installed win7 on my hard disk and now installed ubuntu on another harddisk. how can i configure grub to let me choose between those two?23:52
pie_timeI cant find what the heck you're talking about23:52
Solvedikonia: On which Website?23:53
Guest98032ikonia: which means I need to call them and talk to them about my really bad upload speeds? What's weird is that it does not do the same thing when I use windows23:53
ownerpankaj_sharma no23:53
pankaj_sharmaowner: is win7 working?23:53
ikoniaSolved: where you get the game from23:53
ikoniapie_time: system->preferences->network-connections23:53
pankaj_sharmaowner: do u have startup disk?23:53
owneris not cause when i start my pc, it tells me : insert system disk and pres any key, and i dont have floppy disk23:53
ikoniaowner: this is nothing to do with ubuntu23:53
bazhangSolved, install tremulous from repos23:54
pankaj_sharmaholy mother of god23:54
Shaman__st__ analog divices ad198823:54
ikoniaowner: get a windows disk and boot from that if you want to install windows23:54
owneri want to install both23:54
ownerlike w7 and linux23:54
ikoniaowner: ok - you need to install windows first23:54
Solvedbazhag: i dont want it installed to root23:54
ikoniaowner: get a windows install CD and boot from that23:54
pankaj_sharmaowner: first get a cd of windows23:54
ownerok i need to make my hdd working again23:54
OrkiboError code 1 st__23:54
bazhangSolved, then its not supported23:54
Scunizibazhang: tremulous from the repos is ok.. but out of date.. playdeb.net has a current one.23:54
ikoniaowner: the windows install CD will do that23:54
owneri have windows 7 ok let me do this ...23:55
st__Orkibo, there should be some lines of explanation above23:55
ownerok i will come back , cya soon23:55
OrkiboPackage is in an inconsistent state and I should reinstall it st__ but it won't let me reinstall it, any attempts and dkpg hangs and I have to kill the process23:56
st__Orkibo, remove it from var/lib/dpkg/status file23:57
ubuntuhsd1 where have i seen that23:57
ubuntu_Hello! I have a triple-boot system with OSX, Mac, and Windows on my Apple desktop. This has been working flawlessly and still is. However, I would like to add a fourth partition. I would like to resize the Ubuntu partition, and have ample space to do that. However, can I just simply drag and resize the existing Ubuntu partition from the liveCD? I do not want any data loss and would just like to shrink the existing Ubuntu partition an23:59
ubuntu_d make another parititon. Thanks so much in advance!23:59
st__ubuntu_, resizing partitions is always dangerous23:59
OrkiboDone st__, now I should be able to remove it?23:59

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