
yro_anjosboa noite!00:28
rlameiroboa noite yro_anjos, fico contente por ver por aqui alguem que fale portugues, mas por norma o pessoal tenta falar em ingles :D00:34
yro_anjosentão terei muita dificuldades00:35
rlameiroyro_anjos: Portugal ou Brasil?01:01
yro_anjosAinda no Brasil01:02
rlameirotens #ubuntu-br :D01:03
yro_anjossim estou migrando aos pouco para Ubuntu Studio01:05
rlameiroo que fazes com ele?01:07
yro_anjosBoa pergunta, nada! hahahuahuah, apenas sou usuário normal, mas estou usando ele para criar vídeos caseiros, conecer novos aplicativos para educação infantil01:11
yro_anjose vc?01:13
rlameiroMusica, efeitos em tempo real principalmente01:19
yro_anjosbem interessante01:21
yro_anjostens blog, wiki, homepage?01:21
* persia reads extra slow, and wonders if #ubuntu-br refused support for Studio, or just didn't have answers.01:33
rlameiropersia: :D01:36
persiaportugues no em muita dificuldades, mas ...01:37
yro_anjospersia, exercita um pouco01:38
persiaheh, yeah.  I need to review my studies again.01:40
persiaAnyway, question still not answered: did someone say they couldn't support it because it was Ubuntu Studio, or just that here might also be a good place to ask because nobody in #ubuntu-br knew the answer?01:40
rlameiroand he went away01:47
persiaMy portuguese is clearly frighteningly bad, rather than just incomprehensible :)01:49
rlameirogood enough :D01:53
nevynwhat's the ubuntu equivilent of packages.debian.org?01:53
persianevyn, packages.ubuntu.com01:55
persiaI believe Rhonda has deployed nearly identical code to both, CSS aside (although p.u.c tends to lag a bit because of deployment issues with the infrastructure provider)01:55
nevynhrm does that track ubuntustudio packages or not?01:56
persiaOught do.  Ubuntu Studio is part of Ubuntu.  No special repositories or packages or anything.02:00
Teemukin65I have onboard soundcard ALC1200, about the same as Realtek 888s card.08:26
Teemukin65That has 2 stereo inputs specified. How to set up the Alsa so that Jack could see 4 capture ports ?08:26
Teemukin65Or how ?08:27
persiaWhen you run JACK, what do you see in patchage?08:36
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