
dasKreechcheck in /etc/init.d for something dealing with power I'd suspect00:05
bomberok thx... i'll look in there00:09
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itg_does anyone have any grid squares?00:42
James147grid squares for what?00:43
itg_no questions00:49
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sysop2I want to where to post a list of all the screen savers that work with widgets in kde4.02:45
sysop2I want to know that is.02:46
sysop2its a list of 21. I have tried every screen saver thats in kubuntu.02:47
sysop2literally. well over a hundred screen savers and only 21 work with widgets. 22 if you count blank screen.02:47
sysop2although I am using the nvidia dirvers.  but even still that seems really low.02:48
sysop2its closer to 160 screen savers02:49
sysop2ne1 there??02:49
trebuchetHow would I get konqueror-embedded in 10.0402:51
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viannabom dia pessoal05:32
bazhang!br | vianna05:32
ubottuvianna: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:32
scott__does anyone know why my sound goes out when i start up picasa?06:15
scott__happens in kubuntu and ubuntu, 64or3206:15
sresuHow to obtain ubuntuone-kde?06:25
sresuUbuntu One KDE Client??06:33
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sresuAnyone using KDE 4.5 from backports?08:01
sresuAnyone can help me?08:08
moetunessresu:  I'm sure plenty have it installed but you might have to ask again in a bit  when they're awake/here:]08:11
sresumoentunes: I got one problem after doing that, it seems quite minor but I lost some data by that08:12
sresumoentunes: I use four desktops on a single monitor and one desktop is kept specifically for notes.08:12
moetunessresu:  I haven't installed it but if I can help I will08:13
sresumoentunes: After upgrading, all the remaining three desktops are intact but one new desktop loaded in the default style eating my desktop of notes08:13
moetunes!tab | sresu08:14
ubottusresu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:14
sresumoentunes: I just want to have my notes back08:14
moetunessresu:  you prob have mixed the 4.4 and 4.5 settings in your home folder - standard answer afaik is to try with a new user08:15
moetunesmoe + tab button08:15
sresumoetunes,  Sorry for that08:17
sresumoetunes, I'll see08:17
moetunesk :]08:17
sresumoetunes, If the settings are stored in home folder, then I can retain my desktop settings as well, right?08:18
moetunessresu:  I haven't tried 4.5 - but from what I've seen on here the settings get mixed up in .local08:20
moetunessresu:  you'll have better luck in a bit when someone with experience with it comes on08:21
sresu_moetunes, Hopefully..08:22
moetunessresu:  just give it an hour or two mate08:23
phoenix_not able to send file to my mobile(nokia 5800) using kbluetooth08:39
phoenix_where can i get bluedevil deb for kubuntu 10.0408:52
moetunestry getdeb maybe08:53
phoenix_moetunes: its not available there]08:54
moetunes!find bluedevil08:54
ubottuPackage/file bluedevil does not exist in lucid08:54
moetunesI don't know anything about it - maybe sourceforge and use checkinstal ?08:55
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:55
phoenix_moetunes: ok, i will try to complie the source08:55
moetunesphoenix_:  make sure to use checkinstall so if it doesn't work it is easy to remove08:56
phoenix_moetunes: ok08:56
phoenix_moetunes: https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid/+build/191432609:04
phoenix_moetunes: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libbluedevil/1.8-0ubuntu1/+build/195814009:04
phoenix_moetunes: successfully installed bluedevil09:04
moetunesphoenix_:  it's polite to state a reason for the link - is it a bug?09:04
moetunesphoenix_:  so you can send the file ?09:05
phoenix_moetunes: i am going to try now09:05
phoenix_moetunes: those links contains the debs09:05
moetunesphoenix_:  strange they're on launchpad tho09:06
phoenix_moetunes: ya09:06
phoenix_moetunes: not able to send file09:14
moetunesphoenix_:  I don't use bluetooth for anything - is there someting on the phone you need to set up to recieve the file?09:15
phoenix_moetunes: till now i dont do anything in my mobile. the software that came with the bluetooth device is for ubuntu 9.1009:17
phoenix_moetunes: in ubuntu 9.10 it worked fine09:17
phoenix_moetunes: i will check and i will come back09:18
moetunesphoenix_:  it "still" should be - give it a little while more folk will be on in an hour or two09:18
phoenix_moetunes: ok09:18
realburbhi, I can see zeroconf announced services in dolphin at network: one is a ftp share another one is a afp share and a sleep proxy, what do I need to do to access the afp share? Clicking on the button doesnt open the folder09:20
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moetunesnobarking:  pls don't post a link without a reason for doing so09:54
naumshey guys-10:33
phoenix_moetunes: are you there10:35
moetunesphoenix_:  yep :]10:35
phoenix_moetunes: i tested the bluetooth connectivity in windows, the default windows program doesnt work10:36
phoenix_moetunes: the software bundled with the bluetooth is working10:36
moetunesphoenix_:  I know nothing about bluetooth sorry - but if in windows you need the proprietry app then it might be hard to get working in linux - you could try wine10:38
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:38
phoenix_moetunes: the bluetooth app installs a driver, which wine cant load right?10:39
moetunesphoenix_:  that would be a question for #winehq - I haven't used anything microsoft since 200310:40
phoenix_moetunes: the software is compiled for 9.10 kernel. is there a way to use it in a new kernel10:42
moetunesphoenix_:  afaik it should but that is a bit beyond my realm of expertise - the good folk in #ubuntu-kernel might know but it is saturday and I don't know if they're there in numbers10:44
phoenix_moetunes: how about the #ubuntu channel10:45
moetunesphoenix_:  it is worth a shot - someone there should know about bluetooth perhaps10:45
vince_Hi guys, i've got a small problem here. KDEs fancy graphic effects are disabled by default every time I start my laptop. Then I have to manually enable them and everything works smoothly. Any ideas  how to enable them by default?10:46
navetzcan somone please tell me how to use dpkg to resetup my xorg? I tried to install propritary drivers for my ati card and everything broke. I stopped using them but it is still very sluggish10:50
moetuneshave you selected a new session at login or chosen not to save the session?10:50
navetzmoetunes: yes I always start with a new session10:51
moetunesnavetz:  that'll be why - it doesn't save the fact that you want the effects enabled afaik10:51
navetzmoetunes: no it seems to save it fine. It seems to just run much slower now. I have a pretty good laptop so specs shouldn't be an issue10:52
moetunesnavetz:  afaik a new session doesn't have the effects enabled - I could be wrong but try with last session10:53
jussican someone remind me of the program for batch resizing photos?11:04
jussinvm, seems gwenview can do it... :)11:05
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yannuxI would like to make debian package for a plasmoid, for kubuntu backport, but my kde version is 4.5.1,  is there a good way to build it for kde 4.4 ?12:05
Peace-maybe it's better ask here #kde12:06
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lieuwehey, i'm trying to get amorok to play mp3s but i'm not having any luck, i've installed gstreamer0.10-good-plugins, gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins and gstreamer0.10-good-plugins gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins but it's still not working13:18
lieuwehttp://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Kubuntu doesn't help either13:20
moetunestried installing   kubuntu-restricted-extras   ?13:30
starslightshello to everyone, i have a question about privoxy, i have from longtime asked that it will be possible to backport the stable version 3.16, but my question are that their a package for debian with that version but i wouloike to be sure that it can be possible to update with it and that will not leak my security . i run kubuntu lucid 10.04.1 64 bits13:30
starslightsany suggestion welcome , thanks13:31
lieuwemoetunes: yes13:31
lieuwemoetunes: followed http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Kubuntu first13:31
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:31
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Guest31876Hi, just install maverick beta. Not seeing daap server in Amarok. Is a firewall enabled by default?13:38
moetunesGuest31876:  try in the maverick channel - #ubuntu+113:39
Guest31876ok, thanks for the tip13:40
lieuwei can actually play mp3s trough dolphin, but not trough amarok. what gives?13:42
James147lieuwe: have you restarted amarok since installing the codecs?13:42
James147(fully restarted, not just minimized to the tray)13:43
lieuweJames147: yes13:43
James147lieuwe: well, what happens when you try to play them? dose amarok skip them or just dosent produce any sound? can you play other formats?13:47
lieuweJames147: skips them13:47
lieuwedunno about other formats13:47
lieuweonly got mp3s13:47
James147lieuwe: kubuntu should have some .ogg's somewhere :) it uses them for system sounds13:48
James147they should be in /usr/share/sounds/13:49
yannuxI would like to make debian package for a plasmoid, for kubuntu backport, but my kde version is 4.5.1, is there a good way to build it for kde 4.4 ?13:49
lieuwedidn't realise that amarok minimises to the tray13:49
lieuweJames147: fixed, thanks13:49
James147yannux: if the user has kubuntubackports then tehy most likly have kde 4.5.113:50
yannuxhum isn't it a special ppa repository for 4.5.1 ?13:50
James147yannux: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports13:50
James147it is in that ^^13:50
yannuxso it's not ine the default backport repository ?13:51
BluesKajHowdy folks13:51
James147yannux: you might want to ask on #kubuntu-devel  they will know more :013:51
yannuxok :D thanks ;)13:51
starslightsoh ok, it's out for mavrick now, , i will take from here :)13:52
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volodyadoes amarok still have autotaggin via musicbrainz, and if so, what packages should I install?14:34
gaudavolodya: it has. not needed to install anything extra14:37
volodyaI must be blind14:38
volodya"Edit track details", right?14:38
volodyaI has only "guess tags from filename" for me.14:38
gaudaah sorry, i thought you meant tags, not id3tags. not sure about id3tags14:40
gaudai tagged my collection with picard14:40
svhi, i installed kubuntu-10.10rc, but when I'm trying to boot, it get error: "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg"14:40
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sresuIs there any stable version of this - https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde ??14:48
sresuJames147, I guess you are using KDE 4.5 right?14:49
James147sresu: I am14:49
James147sresu: as far as I know the only stable version of ubuntuoe for kde is in maverick14:50
James147sresu: have tryed it but it didnt work teribally well :(14:50
James147and by stable I mean launches :)14:51
kaniyanhey guys i am using kubuntu 10.10 and no sound in youtube and other flv video sites any thoughts?14:51
sresuJames147, Sure? Does it have the integration with Dolphin as this shows- http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-install-and-setup-ubuntu-one-in-kubuntu/2010/03/15  ?14:51
James147kaniyan: #ubuntu+1 for maverick support14:51
BluesKajkaniyan, install kubuntu-restricted-extras , and check out medibuntu14:52
kaniyanthanks of the info will try14:52
BluesKajoops doubt if there's any medibuntu repos for maverick14:52
James147sresu: read somewhere that the latest version of ubuntone for kde was only supported on maverick, and would only work there14:53
sresuJames147, Hopefully, then I'll wait for that then :)14:53
sresuJames147, On the other side I don't think of moving from LTS, anyways, I'll see14:54
moetunessresu:  sorry it couldn't work then :{14:54
sresuJames147, Secondly, the reason I was asking about KDE 4.5 is that I had minor data loss due to it14:55
sresumoetunes, No, still searching for it14:55
James147sresu: what data loss?14:55
sresuJames147, Yeah. Hold on14:55
sresuJames147,  I use four desktops on a single monitor and one desktop is kept specifically for notes.  After upgrading, all the remaining three desktops are intact but one new desktop loaded in the default style eating my desktop of notes. I just want to have my notes back..14:56
James147:( the notes data is stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc   but I am not sure if it will still be there14:58
colorsoundboykopete sent his url to firefox can i changed that somewhere, because everywhere it is firefox only kopete isn/ t14:58
sresuAh.. let me see14:58
* sresu hoping to get surprised 14:58
James147the desktop notes arnt the safest way to stop notes atm, espically during an upgrade... I would suggest trying 'basket'... although that now stores its notes in nepomuk14:58
James147colorsoundboy: you could try changing your default web browser in the default applications part of system settings14:59
colorsoundboyI know everywher i've done that but only kopete will not doing it :D very strange15:00
sresuJames147, Are you sure about the file? Because there is no mention of any widget here15:00
James147sresu: it dosnt mention widgets as such... but they are there15:01
sresuJames147, I mean about the notes, sorry15:02
James147sresu: as I said, I doupt that the notes data is still tehre15:02
sresuJames147, http://pastebin.com/CmSaYMRe15:03
James147sresu: as far as I can see there are no notes widgets there15:06
sresuJames147, Is there a way to restore back to my previous version?15:06
James147sresu: I dont think so15:06
sresuThose notes were really of importance to me15:06
sresuAnyways, Thanks a lot. I wish I could have got that back15:07
James147sresu: afraid this is one of those... always remember to back up... moments :( has happened to me before15:07
James147sresu: sensitive data is best keep in a program such as basket and regularly back up/exported15:08
sresuJames147, Yes, I regularly backup using sync but I never thought this notes widget would ever get lost during widget15:08
BluesKajsresu, yes or in text files , rather than notes15:08
sresuBlueKaj,Notes because they remind me.. those were not sensitive or personal. Only important to work15:09
James147sresu: :) afraid there is always a chance of losing data in unexpected ways15:09
sresuJames147, Yes, I 'm going through the website of basket notes15:09
sresuJames147, and would install from package manager if I feel the need. Thanks :)15:10
James147sresu: although I would like to point out that the latest version of baskt uses nepomuk, so I highly suggest regular backups/exporting of its notes :)15:10
sresuJames147, Sure, Thanks :)15:11
sresuJames147, Last, so there is really no chance at all of getting back my previous notes??15:11
James147sresu: you could look in plasma-appletsrc   ... but that file hasent been used since kde 4.3 or eailer15:12
James147(if it even exists anymore on you system)15:12
sresuIt exists but shows only one line - update_info=plasma_popupapplet_fix_groups.upd:PlasmaPopupAppletFixGroups115:13
James147sresu: then the only other option is to try a data recovery on the hdd, but the chances of getting the notes back from that are very very very slim... and it would be allot of hassel to attempt it15:16
sresuJames147, Those are important, I'd like to try that. (Next time I'll be taking care of such things)15:17
sresuJames147, Please guide me through data recovery15:17
ubuntuhi, I desperately need help.. I am currently running a live cd and where my linux ext4 partitions used to be, gparted now only detects unallocated hard drive space15:18
James147sresu: well, if you really want to try the first thing would be to stop using your computer.... and I am afraid I cannot guide you as I do not know how to do it15:18
ubuntuis there a recovery tool which would find my partitions for me again?15:18
James147sresu: but the longer you use your hdd the less chance of a recovery....15:18
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sresuJames147, I'll see what I can do. Thank you. Could you guide me through the installation of ubuntuone-kde from https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde ??15:21
James147sresu: afraid I dont have the time right now to lookin to compiling it15:24
sresuJames147, Thanks. No prob15:25
sresuCould anyone guide me through the installation of ubuntuone-kde from https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde ??15:25
ahox___Hi, how do I check which pc's have an open port 80 in a network? I know that nmap should be a way, but I can not figure out the precise command15:29
BluesKajsresu, whynot install ubuntuone with your package manager?15:30
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sresuBluesKaj, That doesn't have integration with dolphin15:30
James147BluesKaj: ubuntuone-kde is not availble via a package in lucid (at least not taht I know of)15:30
sresuJames147, He said about ubuntuone-client alone15:30
BluesKajJames147, if you some gtklibs like I do , due to synaptic being installed then those gnome apps become available15:32
James147BluesKaj: the point is he wants the -kde version as only that one has intergration with dolphin15:32
sysop2I have an issue with the kde3 screen saver packages in kubuntu. the desktop files are not in the correct format for kde4. I had to write a bash script to convert them so I could use them.15:34
BluesKajsresu, I use gnome desktop at times to help in #ubuntu ...I found being a kde purist is too restrictive in many ways , altho my primary desktop is kde15:34
sresuBluesKaj, Then I guess for that I would need to try nautilus on KDE?15:34
sresuBluesKaj, No I wish to continue with KDE. Thanks :)15:35
sysop2and then almost all of them dont work with widgets., but even some of the kde4 screensavers dont work with widgets.15:35
sysop2I made a list of which ones work with widgets. I wonder where I could post it?15:35
sysop2I test almost 160 screen savers and only 22 work with widgets15:36
sysop2and thats including blank screen.15:36
BluesKajsresu,` wll then start bugging the de devs about a "kubuntuone"  :)15:37
BluesKajkde devs15:37
sresuBluesKaj, Oh.. No... Thats not needed.. I'm just waiting for it to work :)15:38
James147BluesKaj: there is already a -kde version in the works, just not availble on lucid :(15:39
BluesKajJames147, won't it run on lucid ?15:40
James147BluesKaj: no packages for lucid, there was one fore maverick15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375145 in Ubuntu One Client "Ubuntu One should have a KDE client" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:40
BluesKajmaverick will be out in a week or so...maybe some patience is in order15:41
James147sresu: I do have to mention that the kde version is still in alpha... so is very very flacky atm15:45
James147sresu: I would recomend for now using something like dropbox untill ubuntuone stablises more15:46
yao_ziyuanwhat is the sound recorder for kde?15:46
muzerI don't know, I tend to just use audacity15:47
sresuLook at this : https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ubuntuone-kde15:48
yao_ziyuanall right15:48
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James147sresu: thats the ppa for amverick15:51
James147(only contains the packages for amverick that is)15:51
James147maverick ^^15:51
sresuYeah, I know15:52
BluesKajsresu, so are you gonna take a chance on tha kde ppa ?15:52
sresuJust informing15:53
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BluesKajwait for 10 days or so , after the maverick repos dust settles15:54
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IdleOnethank you jussi16:21
sanoopwant to know more about IRC?16:22
IdleOnesanoop: like what?16:23
IdleOnehehe thanks ikonia16:24
ikoniaoops, just seen jussi do it16:24
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angel__chanel in spanish please16:58
skaftiHei i installed kubuntu on my thosiba satellite a100 (old machine) and when i close it it doest hibernate, and itś hot as hell all the time does someone know what i can do16:59
James147skafti: does it hybernate when you tell it to manually?17:00
SJrSince yesterday, kate seems to take forever to actually open a file17:08
SJrlike if I go to the file open dialog box, it just hangs17:08
James147SJr: does it happen with other application17:09
skafti_kinda turned off actually when i tried it17:12
SJrNope just Kate it seems17:12
SJrkwrite seems fine17:12
SJrit takes maybe 2 minutes for the file open dialog box to appear17:13
James147SJr: try testing it on a new user17:13
SJrthat's a good idea17:15
SJrlet me just wait for this to finish17:16
SJrthe log seems to hang on17:16
SJrkbuildsycoca4(3362) kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("servicetypes", "xdgdata-mime", "services", "apps")17:16
BluesKajSJr, try launching kate from the terminal, then pastebin the output17:19
SJrYeah that's what I was doing17:19
SJrthat was the last line17:19
SJrII gave up on the last run17:19
SJrI gave up on trying to see any more output17:20
SJrnew users seem to work17:20
BluesKajSJr, run sudo updatedb17:20
James147SJr: if the new user works then try renaming kates config file: ~/.kde/share/config/katerc    it will reset kate to the default settings17:21
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SJrI love you James147 :)17:22
James147:) most of the time its a bad config file17:23
SJrYeah I thought of that17:23
SJrbut I renamed the wrong file17:23
SJrI renamed it in /apps/17:23
SJrOkay, so the next question is why does Kubuntu keep wanting to update packages I've marked as blocked17:24
James147SJr: :) that tends to store aplication data rather then settings17:24
James147marked as blocked in what?17:24
SJrthe dpkg database or whatever17:24
BluesKajSJr, then back as the default user , run sudo updatedb17:25
SJryeah I already did BluesKaj17:25
BluesKajok good17:25
SJrwhat was the point of that?17:25
James147^^ as far as I know it updates the database used by locate... not sure what else uses it though, BluesKaj?17:26
SJryeah it doesn't seem to be relevant17:26
BluesKajwell, this was part of the output seems relavent to the db  "kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged"17:27
James147BluesKaj: not sure t was refering to the updatedb? ^^ that sounds like the signal notifyData.... was emitted by something, meaning the database had already changed :)   ... but signals are a qt thing and as far as I know dont have anything to do with updatedb17:29
BluesKajwhwn the database changes ,it occurs to me that might need updating17:29
SJrthere is more than one database17:30
anirudhIs kubuntu better suited to be a server or a personal computer?17:30
James147BluesKaj: I think that is what that signal is ment to be doing :) telling whom ever cares that the database has changed17:30
SJrum personal computer exclusively17:30
SJrUBuntu-Server is what you want17:30
James147anirudh: computer, ubuntu server is best as a server :)17:30
anirudhthank you17:30
anirudhby the way, is there in difference in the kernel between ubuntu and ubuntu server?17:31
BluesKajwell I use kubuntu as a media server , haven't tried it as awebserver but I assume with lamp install one could configure it to be a server17:31
James147anirudh: yes, not entirly sure on what thougyh17:31
James147anirudh: but essentially, all *ubuntu editions use the same repos and the only real difference is what is installed by default17:32
James147anirudh: uubntu server  is set up for most server envrioments and will work best by default in that envrioment17:33
James147anirudh: where as kubuntu is setup as a desktop pc that uses the kde envroment17:33
James147(or laptop)17:33
anirudhJames147: ok17:33
James147anirudh: the main differnce you will find in them is the graphcal interface (o lack of in the case of ubuntu server)17:34
BluesKajinstalled ubuntu-server on this machine and added kubuntu-desktop during the install17:34
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Why server?17:56
sresuJames147, BluesKaj, moetunes, I got the notes back. It was hidden with the activities option (right click on desktop) :)18:14
James147sresu: :D18:14
* sresu can now be happy about exploring KDE18:14
James147sresu: now would be a good time to back them up then :)18:14
sresuYes doing that with basket :)18:15
James147sresu: dont forget to backup basket as well ;)18:15
sresuJames147, Yes, it was done a moment ago18:15
sresuJames147, Thanks18:15
sresuJames147, What all new you found in KDE 4.5?18:16
James147sresu: What new thing have I found in kde4.5? ... o I cant remember, its all so old to me now :D18:16
James147sresu: most notably though, they have rearranged system settings, and made everything more responsive18:17
sresuJames147, Yes18:17
James147and the notifications have been improved18:18
sresuJames147, Yup18:18
sresuJames147, Got to go... ciao :D18:18
phoenix__best flash replacement18:19
James147bye sresu18:19
James147phoenix__: replacment?18:19
James147i would say html5 :)18:19
phoenix__hello james18:19
James147but that is a developer thing to change, not much you can do but bug the web devs18:19
phoenix__James147: what to replace adobe flas player plugin18:20
phoenix__James147: gnash is not working18:20
James147phoenix__: then purge it and dont use it :) as crap as it is its the best flash player for linux around...18:20
phoenix__James147: any other alternate?18:21
James147phoenix__: not really18:21
phoenix__James147: does mplayer play flv18:24
James147not sure18:24
James147Hello peti18:32
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JackStoneris there a way to close some widgets that are not visible on KDE4??18:38
James147JackStoner: which version of kde4?18:39
JackStonerim not sure, im quite new in KDE...(gnome user here)18:39
JackStonerJames147: how do i check?18:40
James147JackStoner: any kde app > help > about kde18:40
JackStonerits 4.4.218:41
JackStonerJames147: i had some widgets on my dashboard...and i think something happened and they are not there, i logged out and in but it appears that they are running but they are nowhere to be found18:43
James147JackStoner: hmm, if i rememver right you can remove all of one type of widget in that version by right clicking the desktop > add widgets > find the widget type you want to remove > click the - button18:43
James147JackStoner: have you checked on all your activities?18:43
JackStonerJames147: how do i do that?18:44
JackStonerSorry, i feel like such a n00b18:44
James147you should be able to change activities by clicking the cachew (the thing in the corner that looks like half a yin yang symbol) > zoom out > click the zoom in icon on the activity you want to zoom in on....18:45
JackStonerJames147: i'll give it a try18:45
JackStonerJames147: i've removed all activities but 1 (which im using), but the widget still doesnt appear to stop running and its not visible18:50
James147JackStoner: you could reset plasma-desktop to its default settings (removeing all widgets) by deleting ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*18:51
James147(that is plasma* means all files that begin with plasma)18:51
JackStonerJames147: does that mean my themes and icons will be removed also?18:53
James147JackStoner: your plasma themes wont be removed but it will default back to oxygen, your icons wont be touched18:53
James147JackStoner: you can rename the files instead, and rename them back if you want to revert18:54
JackStonerso since the widgets are under plasma..its the only thing changed? and after deleted what should i next?18:54
JackStonerJames147: rebooting...will return soon18:56
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drbobb /msg NickServ identify #!/bin/sh19:33
sresu</msg NickServ identify #!/bin/sh>19:34
drbobbthis is weird19:34
sresuRemove the space in the beginning19:34
drbobbthere was NO space19:34
James147there must have been when you sent it ;)19:35
drbobbI'm using quassel for the first time19:35
drbobbso I suppose it's just a POS19:35
drbobband I must stop using it19:35
dmattdrbobb: what is POS?19:35
drbobbpiece of sh*t19:36
sresu!ohmy | dmatt19:36
ubottudmatt: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:36
sresu!ohmy | drbobb19:36
ubottudrbobb: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:36
drbobbwell he asked, I answered19:36
dmattI am using quassel right now and it is OK19:36
drbobband even censored my answer19:36
dmattmy bad this time19:37
sresuJames147, Would you mind a pm?19:37
drbobbI see no bad at all19:37
dmattdrbobb: what was your problem with quassel anyway?19:37
drbobbsome weirdness with slash-commands19:38
drbobbnever mind19:38
drbobbback on topic, I meant to ask whether grub2 currently supports booting from a LVM volume19:39
James147thats only because you put a space infrount of it :)  .. i doupt it was quessals doings, its never happened here19:39
drbobbyeah probably right19:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:41
drbobbso the problem involves selection & copy/paste, not slash commands19:41
James147drbobb: from what I can see it does, but I have never tried it19:41
drbobbsresu: yes to what?19:41
James147(from: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-grub2/ -- GRUB 2 supports Linux's forms of RAID and LVM. Thus, you can configure your system with nothing but RAID or LVM partitions.)19:42
drbobbthat I no longer need a separate /boot partition?19:42
sresudrbobb, <drbobb> so the problem involves selection & copy/paste, not slash commands19:42
drbobbsresu: yeah I see now, hiighlighting doesn't work the way everybody is used to19:43
drbobblike if I double click and drag, I doesn't do what I expect19:43
drbobbany way, great news about grub219:44
drbobbalthough it still is a PITA in several ways19:44
drbobboops forgot, family values and so on19:44
James147:) ... why is it being a pain for you? just works here, better then grub 1 did19:45
dmattdrbobb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/563895 this was the bug for LVM I suppose, it should be fixed in MM19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub2 fails to boot or install when an LVM snapshot exists" [High,Fix released]19:45
drbobbJames147: I really can't bring myself to figure out the config system19:46
drbobbit's way too contrived19:46
James147^^ mostly you just edit /etc/default/grub  and run sudo update-grub19:46
drbobband I really should cause fixing broken and unbootable linux systems is like part of my job19:47
drbobbppl manage to break their systems in multiple & creative ways19:47
drbobbhey could it be that bug is affecting my lucid system, on my laptop19:49
drbobbthe first grub menu entry won't boot no matter what19:50
drbobbpanics on can't mount root fs19:50
sresudrbobb, Which laptop/netbook?19:50
drbobbthe second and further entries boot ok19:50
drbobbsresu: as in what sort of h/w?19:51
drbobbwould that really make a difference?19:51
drbobbit's an acer aspire, a couple of years old19:51
sresudrbobb, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks19:51
sresudrbobb, if it helps in any way19:52
drbobbsresu: is that page even updated any longer?19:52
sresudrbobb, afaik, Yes19:52
drbobbthis particular laptop has been running ubuntu since breezy19:52
sresudrbobb, last edited 2010-09-25 12:57:20. I linked that just in case it says about grub issues19:53
drbobbwell I make it work by booting the second entry19:54
drbobband in any case, I only reboot once a week or two19:55
drbobbcause sleep mode works justs fine19:55
drbobbok just one more: this crap laptop has a broken cd/dvd19:56
drbobbis there still some way to boot the install image from the hdd?19:57
sresudrbobb, You can try LiveUSB19:57
drbobbsresu: never had much success with that for some reason19:57
drbobbbut I could try, yes19:57
drbobbit would work faster if possible from hdd though19:58
sresudrbobb, Or get USB based CD/DVD drive and see if it works19:58
drbobbI think the last time I did a fresh install I actually used debootstrap19:58
drbobbsresu: why buy a device I'll most likely never need again19:59
sresudrbobb, only a suggestion:) Maybe you can borrow :)20:00
drbobbyeah I won't be able to do that until monday20:00
drbobband obviously the weekend is when I have time to fool around20:00
drbobbI could try to pick up some one-night stand somewhere, but since I'm kinda old for that, I figured I'd try the new kubuntu RC instead ;-D20:01
drbobbshould usb-creator work with an image of the alternate cd?20:14
abhi_anyone knows how to use logitec100c with ekiga20:14
abhi_am i the onnlllyy oneee.. .... yeaaaahhhh!20:15
drbobbhow's the status of support for broadcom wireless in maverick?20:34
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drbobbhmm it looks like kde is giving me an incorrect low-space notification, it disagrees with what df says20:42
elcucocan anyone recommend a good mp3 audio ripper?20:45
vivek40Hi i am buying a lenovo ideapad s10 3t tomo. It is supposed to a tablet netbook and has touchscreen abilities. i want to know if Kubuntu's netbook edition will work out of the box on it > there seems to be thread about this on the ubuntu forums but does not talk much or anything about running kubuntu on the device20:53
Peace-vivek40: try it with a live cd20:53
Peace-with alive cd you can test it without touch your HD20:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.20:54
vivek40I cant use a live cd on it without buying it Peace: and I wont buy it if it does not work on it. It comes loaded with win 7 and no way I am goin to use that crap20:54
vivek40Peace: so it is a round robin situation20:54
vivek40Peace: buy means buying the netbook20:55
Peace-yea yea20:55
Peace-i didn't read before well20:55
vivek40Peace: no prob20:55
Peace-the best thing you can do it's try kubuntu ion device some sellers20:56
Peace-have not problem with livecd20:56
Peace-but if you can't20:56
Peace-you should know which video audio card it has20:56
Peace-for the touch screen ...20:56
vivek40Peace:ok ...20:56
Peace-that is the big issue20:56
Peace-just a moment i would like serach20:57
vivek40could you tell me how could I get to know that.. I am sure the sellers here wont even have an idea20:57
vivek40Peace:yeah I would search too20:57
Peace-vivek40: i have found meego shoudl work on it20:58
Peace-i guess it should work20:58
Peace-meego it's a debian ....20:58
vivek40Peace:what is this meego20:58
FloodBotK1Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
Peace-vivek40: it's a distro based on debian that nokia and intel had developed20:58
Peace-for tablet netpc20:58
vivek40Peace: oh so you mean Kubuntu netbook will work on it20:59
Peace-vivek40: i guess yes20:59
vivek40Peace:Then why are the Ubuntu guys running a thread on it for months and still have issues.. sorry to bother21:00
lieuwethis is probably the wrong place to ask, but amarok stops playing after one song, even tho i have ~300 songs in my playlist21:00
Peace-vivek40: oh sorry21:01
Peace-vivek40:  Some folks have asked how MeeGo works on a touchscreen device. Turns out that while there is a build for the Nokia N900 with touchscreen support, there are no touchscreen drivers fro the netbook version of MeeGo yet. I tested it on a Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3t and while the touchpad worked just fine, touching the screen did nothing at all.21:01
vivek40lieuwe:I had this problem too, but i solved it , i dont remember how though, was something to do with settings21:01
vivek40Peace:hmmmm .. so21:01
vivek40it might not work21:01
Peace-vivek40: that meand no driver for touchscreen21:01
vivek40sounds bad , the device looks kinda cool21:02
Peace-i suggest to wait for a while21:02
Peace-vivek40: you can send a mail to lenovo21:02
Peace-company and try to ask them if they know something21:03
vivek40Peace: would they tell me how to make kubuntu work on their sys21:03
lieuwevivek40: guessed that yeah21:03
vivek40sorry lieuwe: held up in my own issues as of now.but just give me 10-15 minutes, I need time to come out of this heartbreak i just had21:04
Peace-vivek40: if a linux distro works it should work on kubuntu21:04
Peace-vivek40: remmeber that if ubuntu works kubuntu will21:04
Peace-lieuwe: version of amarok?21:04
vivek40looks like ubuntu 10.10 is working out of the box on it but still has issues , but i would love to see that lovely plasma screen on my netbook , Peace:21:05
lieuwePeace-: eh, dunno, lemme check21:05
Peace-vivek40: kernel is the same on ubuntu and in kubuntu21:06
lieuwePeace-: 2.3.021:06
vivek40yeah thanks Peace:21:06
Peace-lieuwe: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=8523521:06
Peace-folks here in italy it's time to go out21:08
Peace-so... seee yeaaaa21:08
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drbobbok now I know why I never used a usb stick for installation: usb-creator is broken, has been broken for a long time, and remains broken still21:47
drbobbit just does not work21:48
drbobbfunny isn't it? such a severe bug has been open and unfixed for many months now21:50
dmattdrbobb: funny it worked for me22:16
simo163i use kmail or evolution but i can't see all my message22:26
simo163in my inbox22:26
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simo163any solution ?22:26
eugenekorpanhello everyone22:27
eugenekorpanHave a small question. Where can i download drivers from for matherboard?22:28
simo163Hii! i use kmail and evolution but i can't see all my message in my inbox22:28
simo163someone know how fix this ?22:30
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simo163Hii! i use kmail and evolution but i can't see all my message in my inbox22:31
JaSoN369hello all22:32
simo163Hii! i use kmail and evolution but i can't see all my message in my inbox22:34
megadevilanyone here? :)22:44
JaSoN369im new here but here22:47
megadevilI have  a problem installing 32 bit version on some machines22:48
megadevilsome install22:49
megadevilother say it expected x86_6422:49
kb_Anyone here know anything about the apache mod_chroot module22:49
megadevilkb_: sorry I dont22:50
JaSoN369i thought x86 was 32 bit22:50
megadevilwell it says expected x86 but found pentium 422:50
megadevilsomething like that22:51
megadeviland pentium 4 is 32 bits, no??22:51
megadevilhum... maybe a bios bug22:51
JaSoN369check and see if theres a bios update22:52
JaSoN369that fixed a problem i had a while back22:52
megadevilIf I could pass some parameter on the boot menu, so the kernel wouldn't check 32 bits22:52
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JaSoN369megadevil: sorry if im not much help but im new to kbuntu and having trouble myself22:55
megadevilyou don't have to apologise ;)22:56
megadevilI have to thank you for trying22:56
JaSoN369u now much about it22:56
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JaSoN369does anyone why when i install kbuntu 8.10 the first boot goes through fine and i can log in but after a restart  i get a text screen to login in to terminal --im stuck at that23:08
coz_hey guys.. well I have both ubuntu and kubuntu installed...running compiz of course... stll dual monitor wallpaper rendering is  non funtional  and also this   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/kubuntu.png  when dragging a folder from primary monitor to secondary23:11
coz_anyone know if kde has fixed the dual monitor wallpaper rendering issues?23:11
James147coz_: your running compiz inside kde?23:19
coz_James147,  yes  but the issue is dual monitor wallpaper23:25
coz_James147,  interesting question though...why wouldnt you think I would be running compiz on kde?23:26
James147coz_: because kwin is better intergrated and can do most of whatat compiz can23:28
coz_James147,  well I am going to disagree... i prefer compiz  over kwin  by a large margin23:28
coz_howevr... still  kde  is not working well on dual monitors ...cannot stretch or "span" the wallpaper over and onto the secondary monitor23:29
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:30
coz_this doesn make for a sensible workspace...  any workarounds for this?23:30
James147coz_: what graphics card do you have?23:30
coz_James147,  nvidia  7600GT23:30
James147coz_: with the nvidia drivers?23:30
James147coz_: twinview or seprate screens?23:31
James147coz_: well, its working here fine, with kwin23:31
James147under that setup23:31
James147have you tried kwin to see if that works (will tell you if its compiz or not)?23:32
coz_James147,  on dual monitors  a single wallpaper is "spanned"  onto secondary monitor ?  not dubplicated?23:32
James147coz_: in kde its ment to be dulicated... well, not duplicated, but a seperate wall papaer (it can be the same or different)23:32
coz_James147,   yeah that is the problem...23:33
coz_James147,  I want a single wallpaper spanned across both monitors23:33
coz_James147,   gnome has taken a similar approach however on gnome I can edit an image to the resolution of combined monitors and it spans well however on kde it doesn seem to work that way23:33
James147coz_: I presonally dont see the point in a stretched wall papaer, then the only ones that look and good are the ones designed for two screens, but then I ahve to ask why you cant just have two seprate wallpapaers...23:33
James147coz_: you could try splitting the image in two and displaying each half on either screen23:34
James147thats about the only way I think is possible23:34
coz_James147,    that doesn work23:34
coz_James147,  this used to work on kde  prior to this version as I recall23:34
James147coz_: which version?23:35
coz_James147,  I dont see the sense of NOt having the span option23:35
coz_James147,  early 4.023:35
James147coz_: it has always worked here and still does23:35
coz_James147,  no it has changed dramatically  since early 4.0   dual monitor span is no longer available and was hoping there was a work around or plans to re incorporate that otherwise kde is useless to me23:36
coz_so I am guessing this is not going to change...well ok  I will use kde only for testing compiz   ....  thanks23:36
v3nd3ttahey James147... someone on gentoo (+kde 4.5.1) has problems with mic input... does pulseaudio solve the issue?23:40
James147v3nd3tta: I have no clue :p23:41
v3nd3ttakk me 223:41
James147only way to know is to try it :)23:41
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dmatthi guys, could anybody try and confirm https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=253078 ?23:57
ubottuKDE bug 253078 in panel "panel application tooltips cause visual corruption when kickof menu is open while compositing turned off" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:57

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