
mtaylorhey ho - launchpad is rejecting packages from my ppa with the error: Unable to find source package drizzle/2010.09.1802-1.3~lucid01 in lucid06:13
wgrantmtaylor: Is that in a build's upload log?06:17
mtaylorwgrant: I got that in an email just now06:17
wgrantmtaylor: From a build? or a source upload?06:17
mtaylorI'm going to say a build ... hrm.06:18
wgrantIf it was a build, can you link me to it?06:19
mtaylorwgrant: look like perhaps 2010.09.1802-1.3~lucid01 was doing something and 2010.09.1802-1.4~lucid01 got uploaded...06:19
mtaylorlemme find a link06:19
wgrantmtaylor: That would do it, yes.06:20
mtaylorok. the message was just a little disturbing06:20
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
LinuxJeditimeouts whilst filing bugs :( "(Error ID: OOPS-1736F673)"09:19
bilalakhtarI am also dacing similar problems09:23
bilalakhtar(Error ID: OOPS-1736ED371)09:24
wgrantbilalakhtar, LinuxJedi: Filing bugs with apport?09:24
wgrantAgainst which package? linux?09:25
bilalakhtarwgrant: I get this when I go to the ubuntu +bugs url09:25
bilalakhtarwgrant: 6^09:25
LinuxJediwgrant: no, launchpad website against the drizzle project.  Just started working again now though09:25
bilalakhtarwgrant: Can you access the OOPS thing?09:25
bilalakhtarwgrant: Working now for me as well!09:25
wgrantbilalakhtar: No, unfortunately.09:26
wgrantIt does still seem a bit sluggish.09:26
bilalakhtarwgrant: I think only members of ~launchpad can access09:27
LinuxJediwould be nice if I didn't have to file bugs, with this beta release of drizzle people are find client side bugs faster than I can fix them ;)09:27
wgrantbilalakhtar: It's somewhat wider than that.09:28
wgrantPossibly anyone in ~canonical.09:28
=== LinuxJedi is now known as LinuxJedi|away
sladenspam on Launchpad, can somebody delete/block:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/653473/comments/214:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 653473 in udev (Ubuntu) "Sony vaio Laptops acpi-supports (brightness control doesnt work true) (dup-of: 627890)" [Undecided,New]14:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 627890 in udev (Ubuntu) "My Laptop special buttons doesnt work (affected: 1, heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:18
nigelbsladen: might help opening a question since its the weekend and there is no chr :)14:41
* sladen ponders and tries to work out how to format that as a question14:56
nigelbsladen: heh, you ended up quoting me for the question :)15:29
seiflotfyguys i need ur help15:51
seiflotfyi accedentaly set the wrong person as a miantainer of a project15:51
seiflotfyand now i cant change it back15:51
seiflotfyi just created the launchpad project http://launchpad.net/trophylicious15:52
* sladen suspects the answer will be "file a +question"...15:52
nigelbseiflotfy: being a weekend, I don't think there are folks around.  You'd bnefit from asking a question :)15:52
nigelbsladen: heh15:52
* nigelb highlights that he doesn't work on LP at all, but just likes to help :)15:53
mtaylorI'm getting errors in a PPA about it being full - but when I try to go delete superseeded packages, they don't show up as eligible for deletion17:56
LinuxJedimtaylor: :(17:57
mtaylorLinuxJedi: :) ... I have filed a question17:58
LinuxJedicool :)17:58
shadeslayermtaylor: maybe wait for a few mins for lp to actually delete the packages?18:47
mtaylorshadeslayer: it never gave me the option to mark them for deletion18:48
shadeslayeroic ..18:48
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
rajeeim unable to add PPA to my system18:58
rajeereceiving error as 'Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint'18:58
rajeeneed help18:59
mtayloris there any way to submit new bugs via email with launchpad?21:04
gesermtaylor: yes, see the LP page about the email interface21:18
gesermtaylor: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface21:19
mtaylorgeser: heh. perhaps I should look at docs more often than just bugging folks in here :) thanks!21:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
paissad_guys, would like to upload my package to https://launchpad.net/~paissad/+archive/pms-linux22:59
paissad_i did ' dput ppa:paissad/ppa *.changes'23:00
paissad_here is the logfile after dput -> http://pastebin.com/Q3jwVMjK23:01
paissad_but i receive a mail noticing a failure23:03
paissadLaunchpad failed to process the upload path '~paissad/ppa/ubuntu':23:05
paissadCould not find a PPA named 'ppa' for 'paissad'.23:05
kklimondapaissad: it should be dput ppa:paissad/pms-linux *.changes23:05
paissad_ok, thanks23:05
paissad[PPA paissad-pms-linux] [ubuntu/lucid] pms-linux1.20.409+svn411-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)23:31
paissadthanks !23:31
paissadmust i do the upload for maverick too ? ...23:36
paissadi think about changing the debian/changelog file & replace lucid by maverick & the re-run dput ...23:36

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