
Kurdistandamn when I changed back to opensource nvidia driver the ubuntu splash screen is not gone01:21
Kurdistanonly the shotdown not the startup screen splash screen01:22
zkriessephillw: pinzy02:47
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raquHi! Is there a good FTP-client in lubuntu? And I'd like to have an editor like gedit, where I can manipulate files via an FTP-plugin10:21
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manfredrastais there anybody here?15:31
manfredrastaI'll need support...15:31
manfredrastaI cannot connect to my wifi line15:32
manfredrastaI see the line, i click on it, then ask me for the password, I enter it, and click connect. The Metwork Manager icon changes to a 'loading' icon. Wait, wait, wait and then it returns me to the password page15:33
manfredrastagilir, are you here?15:33
gilirmanfredrasta, yes ?15:45
manfredrastagilir, hi15:48
manfredrastagilir, still here?15:48
giliryou should ask your question instead of pinging me :)15:53
manfredrastagilir, could you have a look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1581170g17:02
manfredrastagilir, you can answer there if you want.17:02
Tir_EoghanI've got a fairly foolish question; I understand that Chromium is the default browser for this distro; Is it fairly easy to remove chromium entirely from the system?18:07
Mohan_chmlTir_Eoghan: Of-Course18:08
Mohan_chmlBut make sure you have another browser ;)18:09
Tir_Eoghanooh, sweet. So I read a review that was entirely off base.18:09
Tir_Eoghanhaha, naturally18:09
Tir_Eoghanunless of course I'm one of those anti-internets people and don't want a browser at all18:10
* Tir_Eoghan preferes a series of tubes or trucks for his moving of data packets18:10
Tir_Eoghanwell, xubuntu has failed me for the last time... actually I'm just having trouble installing it. So I'm back to lubuntu, questionable default browser or not. Lubuntu livecd is working for me fantastically18:11
Mohan_chmlAwesome =]18:12
Tir_Eoghanyou know where that quote is from right?18:12
Tir_Eoghanthe "series of tubes, or trucks"18:13
Mohan_chmlgoogled :D18:13
Tir_Eoghanone of the people in charge of internet policy in the US18:13
Tir_Eoghanproving once and for all that the US is governed by morons18:14
Tir_Eoghanas if we didn't already know that18:14
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sgh1ever since I installed Lubuntu 10.10 beta 2 my Windows XP install can't be choosen in Grub18:55
sgh1sudo update-grub doesn't include it, aswell18:56
bioterrordo you see that partition?-)19:00
bioterrorit should be something like /dev/sda119:00
bioterror/dev/sda1              40G   29G   12G  72% /media/3EE0E0DEE0E09D8119:01
bioterrorsays my work laptop with lubuntu 10.1019:01
sgh1which command do I need to use to check it out?19:03
sgh1anyway I can access the partition with PCManFM19:03
sgh1oh, sorry I know what you mean now19:04
sgh1no after 'sudo update-grub' I only see memtest, Linux image and initrd image19:05
bioterrormenuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)" {19:05
bioterrorinsmod part_msdos19:05
bioterrorinsmod ntfs19:05
bioterrorset root='(hd0,msdos1)'19:05
bioterrorsearch --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 3ee0e0dee0e09d8119:05
bioterrordrivemap -s (hd0) ${root}19:05
bioterrorchainloader +119:05
bioterrorI think that set is the UUID of the partition19:06
bioterroryou can find partitions uuid with gparted19:06
sgh1according to GParted Windows XP is sda1, so you were right19:08
bioterrortake that my grub.cfg menuentry and edit that UUID correct ;)19:08
sgh1do I need to paste your entry in only or do I need to modify anything else also?19:10
bioterrorpaste that my entry and replace that 3EE0E0... with your own /dev/sda1's UUID19:10
sgh1do I need to run update-grub once again now or can I check out if it works already?19:19
bioterroryou can check it out19:21
sgh1thanks bioterror19:21
bioterrorif it doenst help, do the update19:21
sgh1I've done the update in advance already19:23
sgh1now it's all reversed :/19:23
sgh1what confused me is that there are sections for Linux and the memtest19:24
sgh1do I need to create one for XP also or can I simply paste your entry everywhere?19:25
phillwsgh1: if your grub2 has gotten all confused (and it does happen), then you can do a reset of it via http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1014708  Put it back so your computer can see the windows area, then put grub back on. It looks scary, but is the quicker option for people who I've helped.19:30
phillwOr, just do re-instsall of grub using the same method 1st, as that may be quicker.19:30
phillwHow to restore the Ubuntu grub bootloader (9.10 and beyond)19:31
phillwThat will force grub2 to go and look for your windows area.19:32
sgh1okay I'll try this method out then and report back if it doesn't work19:32
sgh1thanks phillw and bioterror :)19:33
phillwbioterror: soz, I came into the conversation quite late; I'm just on break19:34
phillw!grub2 | bioterror19:35
ubot5bioterror: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:35
bioterrorgotta remember ;)19:35
bioterrorhavent had any problems with grub yet, I think19:36
phillwbioterror: , it's why we have the little critter in here, to help us out when we forget stuff :-D19:36
phillwthe ubot has even be taught about lxterminal, although I still have to teach it about pcmanfm19:39
phillw!lxterminal | bioterror19:39
ubot5bioterror: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:39
phillwbioterror: the bot is on here 24 hours a day, it covers most common commands that are shared between all the ubuntu family. I'm still in the process of teaching it lubuntu specific ones.19:40
sghI've done the first method phillw mentioned but it had no effect19:50
sghI need to say though, that I've done the method with an Lubuntu 10.10 Beta 2 USB stick19:51
phillwthen you may have re-installed grub to the wrong disk, it will default to the device you used to boot off.19:52
sghI've used the following command in the end:19:54
sghsudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sda9 /dev/sda19:54
sghsda9 is my Lubuntu install19:54
sghI wasn't sure if I should change /dev/sda in this command19:55
phillwsgh: try section 13 of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527519:57
phillwdrs305 has written up an excellent set of instructions, but he is in a different time zone, so I cannot nag him directly. If you still have problems, post what you have done and how you are booting to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 and you will get a reply from him.20:01
sghokay I will try this method out and contact him if I can't get it to work20:02
sghanyway, is it important to use a Live CD or can I use an USB stick to boot, also?20:03
sghit's a USB stick that is supposed to behave like a Live CD (no data is saved)20:03
mmaksimovHi all. I've seen on the wiki that "if you have less than 160 Mb RAM then GUI installer won't work, use minimal cmdline install path". However, for the liveCD this number is not correct, it fails in a peculiar way with even 256 Mb20:07
phillwthe usb stick will behave as a cd. - just ensure you re-install to the correct device, have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 which may help you understand partitons and actual drives better20:09
phillwmmaksimov: have you checked the iso download and the cd you have made?20:10
mmaksimovphillw: yes20:10
phillwit may be a graphics problem, what version of lubuntu are you using?20:10
mmaksimovphillw: adding another 128Mb of memory fixed the issue20:10
mmaksimovmaverick beta120:11
phillwmaverick is still out in the wild, it has not been fully tamed yet, there is a beta2 also out in the wild via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/Maverick/Beta/220:12
phillwI have not posted it up as I do not have the full testing system yet for it.20:13
mmaksimovjust read the beta2 announcement on the list and started downloading20:13
phillwmmaksimov: when you get the iso, can you let me know the exact file size of it. I'm currently on a 3G dongle, so am limited on data usage.20:14
mmaksimovChromium says it's 544 MB, not sure are those 1000's or 1024's20:16
phillwyou'd need to drop into lxterminal and give me the exact size20:17
phillwis okay, I'll go nag one of the team :-)20:17
mmaksimovDid "install" menu item work on Lucid CD?20:17
mmaksimovI will run an ls on it, however it says 34 minutes left :(20:18
phillwas far as i recall, it did. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/Maverick/Beta/2 has known bugs list for the beta2.20:19
mmaksimovaccording to the maillist, install does not work :)20:19
mmaksimovI'm thinking that the 160 Mb limit is for the "pure" install, without the little extra added by the LiveCD session20:20
mmaksimovhuh, does wget show the full size?20:21
mmaksimov570329088 octets ;)20:22
mmaksimovenjoy ;)20:22
phillwI suggested that 160Mb is the minimum, purely by people reporting back that they have had problems,20:22
phillwPersonally, I'd say a lower limit, maybe 128-140 is a better lower limit; it just works so much faster.20:24
Tir_EoghanI'm currently running the livecd on 192mb's ram (and 400mhz processor) with no issues. Well, aside from my personal issues with chromium, but we won't get into that here.20:26
mmaksimovit's not about running the livecd session, it is about installing from within it20:27
bioterrormy memory usage is 340/1497 and 2MB of swap, running chromium with 3 tabs20:27
Tir_Eoghanah, haven't tried that. Checked my livecd and it said it had errors so I decided not to try the install20:27
mmaksimovbioterror, did you try opening those tabs in other browsers?20:28
bioterrorI have only chromium ;)20:28
mmaksimovTir_Eoghan, did you check it via CD's menu option, or via "dd something | md5sum"?20:29
Tir_Eoghanmmaksimov: through the cd's menu option20:29
mmaksimovI believe it is known to be broken20:30
bioterroreven the OLPC has 256MBof ram ;)20:30
Tir_EoghanI dream of haveing a sweet rig the the OLPC!20:30
Tir_Eoghanthose third world kids have all the sweet toys20:31
bioterrormmaksimov, one laptop per child20:31
bioterrormakes me kinda wonder how people still uses computers less than 512MB of RAM20:31
mmaksimovI'm currently building one20:32
mmaksimov256 Mb should be enough for an "intelligent typewriter" usage pattern20:32
Tir_EoghanI currently can't see a reason why I'd need more then 192mb's of ram. 512mb's is just blatant overkill20:33
bioterrorI can easily, RAM is alot faster than SWAP20:33
mmaksimovwhat makes you running into swap?20:34
Tir_Eoghanthis puter runs plenty fast, on the lubuntu livecd. It's chromium that slows it down20:34
bioterroryou could run links2 with -g switch ;)20:36
mmaksimovwell, it all kinda depends on workload.... I joined Lubuntu team since I needed more free memory on a 4 GiB machine20:37
mmaksimovbioterror, what's links2? it is not part of the default lubuntu install :)20:37
mmaksimovhuh, didn't know it does have graphic mode20:39
bioterrorphil got the host!20:39
phillwTir_Eoghan: mmaksimov my 1st computer had 64K of RAM, it was flawless and worked sweet, in fact there are areas you can still find details out of them https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw#About%20Me20:40
Tir_EoghanI will have to get a video editing rig one of these days (dual core, maybe quad core, 8gigs of ram) but for normal usage this computer is all I need.20:43
mmaksimovphillw, I didn't actually own one, but had some experience with a system with 32K (including the 16K video memory).... Those good old days...20:44
bioterrorgood ol' days were when we used C64's :)20:44
phillwmmaksimov: heck, they worked :-D  the atari was a nice system, they even released all the code as open source (and that was well over 25 years ago)20:45
bioterrorsgh, you got the XP working?20:48
sghno I haven't :/20:49
sghI've followed both methods phillw linked me to20:49
sghbut the result was the same: Linux and memtest are shown20:50
phillwsgh: restore the xp MBR and get xp running 1st.20:50
sghokay I'll try to do that20:51
IdleOneCongrats to phillw! The newest Ubuntu Member \o/20:51
phillwhiyas hyperair, I finally got around to getting the mask21:55
hyperairphillw: what mask?21:56
phillwthe @ubuntu/member bit when you log on :-)21:56
phillwand the email account, just been a bit busy of late.21:57
hyperairi see =)21:58
phillwhyperair: TBH, I'm happy being "me", but it was "suggested" that I use it. And as you know, when things are suggested, I do as I am told ;-)21:59
hyperairheh okay =)22:00
hyperairwell your "me" has just expanded to include "ubuntu member", that's all =)22:00
phillwhyperair: does that mask affect my OP stuff?22:01
hyperairno it doesn't, afaik22:01
hyperairtry /msg chanserv op #lubuntu22:01
hyperairyeah that's the command22:01
hyperairtry it?22:01
phillwthat seems to work :-D22:02
phillwhyperair: have you seen pcman about, IDK if I keep missing him because of time differences22:03
Timo_sgh1: do you need a tutorial for geting grub to work?22:03
hyperairphillw: no, not really22:04
Timo_sgh1: I've got one which perfectly works :D22:04
phillwI'm trying to get a factoid for pcmanfm together, but the information is fairly scaterred :-(22:05
sgh1Timo_: yeah it would be helpful :)22:05
Timo_mm it's not openly available22:06
phillwsgh1: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=522:06
Timo_It's a tutorial from Linux Format magazine22:06
Timo_So I should either be an illegal junk and uplaod it on my server and get it to you22:06
Timo_or I could be brave and not get it to you :p22:06
phillw^^ above link ^^ points to all the ubuntu grub2 things22:06
Timo_I can give you the steps you need to do sgh1, it's not that hard22:07
Timo_it's very easy actually ;D22:07
phillwas drs305 writes it all for grub2, you can rest assured the information is 100% correct.22:07
* hyperair wonders why pcmanfm would need a factoid22:07
hyperairis it that hard to use?22:07
phillwhyperair: No, it just for adding a factoid like22:08
phillw!lxterminal | hyperair22:08
ubot5hyperair: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:08
phillwto assist on the channel22:08
hyperairi see.22:08
hyperairwell then off i go to sleep22:08
hyperairgood night!22:09
hyperairor morning, or whatever it is over there22:09
phillwI've only just got the lxterminal one working (with a lot of help)22:09
phillwhyperair:  have a good sleep22:09
hyperairphillw: i will, i think. it's raining and the weather's awesome for sleeping =)22:09
Timo_good night hyperair22:09
sghregarding grub: I guess and know that it is really easy but it doesn't work for me in Lubuntu 10.10 Beta 2. I've already reinstalled it successfully in another distro months ago (but I can't remember which distro, guess it was Mint)22:10
sghgood night hyperair22:10
sghregarding grub: the next thing I'm gonna do is to reinstall grub from a Xubuntu 10.10 Release Candidate because it worked flawlessly when I tried it out there yesterday22:12
phillwsgh: if things have got really, really confused, then you may want to have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 it's one of the most read threads on my area and has details of how to make it better.22:15
Timo_hey guys I'm going off! Cu later!22:15
sgh1okay I'll have a look on it phill22:17
phillwsgh1 it's never broken anyones system yet.22:17
phillwthat forum area is where I store quick links to the documentation areas, which are scattered accross ubuntu / lubuntu / community help etc.22:18
phillwhave a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=57 if you are in adoubt.22:19
phillw*are in any doubt*22:19
sgh1phillw: I've saved all the links you've given me so far (also the older ones with method 13 etc.) and I'll try to get it working now in a live session22:31
sgh1see you later22:31
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