
donvito2any music player like winamp00:09
bazhangaudacious donvito200:09
donvito2i think it was more good another one00:10
lordcrcdonvito2: if you find one, let me know :)00:10
Oli``Anyone know where gmplayer went?00:11
Oli``used to be in a package called mplayer-gui00:12
donvito2any player that plays subtitle like bs player?00:13
yofelOli``: the last changelog says: " gmplayer is gone now, please see smplayer as alternative frontend."00:18
Oli``yofel: changelog from upstream?00:18
yofelno, ubuntu mplayer changelog00:19
yofeldone by Reinhard Tartler <siretart@tauware.de>, he's siretart in #ubuntu-devel if you want to ask him00:20
Oli``yofel: thanks for your help00:20
JontheEchidnaQt advocation! :D00:20
yofelhehe :D00:21
r00show come there are no i386 .img files for maverick netbook?00:25
bjsniderOli``, gmplayer hasn't been developed in years and deserved to be killed00:28
bjsnidergnome-mplayer and smplayer are much better00:29
Oli``bjsnider: depends on your viewpoint. gmplayer just worked for me for years, developed or not. gnome-mplayer and smplayer are both different styles of applications that suit different people. Neither suit me (I've tried, honest). Seems counter-productive to kick out things that haven't received an update if they still work just fine.00:31
Oli``Perhaps I'm a one off. Perhaps I'm the only person that cares about gmplayer or even the only person gmplayer "just works" for.00:32
kklimondawow, I've been playing minecraft and it managed to bring my system to its knees00:33
bjsniderOli``, correct. you're the only one00:34
donvito2how to install apache on maverick00:36
cjaeok so there is an sta driver for broadcom? is the new one included in 10.10?00:37
cjaeor does the sta use like ndiswrapper or something like that?00:38
donvito2how can i configure port of openssh-server00:44
jpdsdonvito2: /etc/ssh/sshd_config ; "Port" option.00:45
donvito2than how to restart?00:45
yofelsudo servide ssh restart00:48
yofelerr.. sudo service ssh restart00:48
lordcrcdonvito2: have you tried audacious 2.4?00:49
donvito2i installed audaci00:50
Ken8521i prefer audacious over all the other music players00:51
Ken8521but i hate the icon, so that has to get changed..lol00:51
donvito2what icon u use00:51
lordcrcaudacious looks very nice so far00:54
lordcrcproper playback, not too much fuzz00:54
Ken8521i like audacious.00:56
Ken8521one thing i like about it, is the interface is way way smaller than totem or rythmbox.00:56
Ken8521the "compact" view, looks much like the old winamp(matter of fact, many winamp skins will work w/ Audacious)00:57
lordcrcthe file system is perfectly able to do all i want when it comes to organizing my music00:57
lordcrci dont need another clumsy layer on top00:58
lordcrccould do with some better shell integration but that might perhaps be easy enough to fix00:58
lordcrclike play/enqueue when righ clicking on files and folders00:58
Ken8521man, i've upgraded 3x today..lol01:00
lordcrcKen8521: for tripple the fun_01:04
Ken8521anybody know some 1-800 #'s i can call and torment w/ skype?01:05
Ken8521i thouht about a suicide hotline, but figured that was a bit serious.01:05
avi_Anyone using 10.10.10 with an ATI card? If so, has plymouth's resoultion been improved?01:08
lordcrcdonvito2: in case you want enqueuing http://www.grumz.net/?q=node/20401:12
Ken8521avi_, 10.10.10... you're using a distro nobody's heard of... ;)01:15
donvito2what is that lordcrc01:15
lordcrcdonvito2: adds "enqueue" entry in context menu for music files, works with audacious01:16
zanusany reason why Ubuntu Software Center would tell me it can't do any installation because of whatever protocol, all the while I can still use apt-get in terminal01:24
Ken8521what do i need to do to make that look better?01:24
Ken8521i'm fairly happy w/ it now.01:24
zanusmooar blue01:25
Ken8521more blue?01:25
zanusadd some tits and vulgarity and such... that'll do it01:26
avi_Add anti-Apple wallpaper :)01:26
Ken8521avi_, anti-apple?01:27
Ken8521never saw that one01:27
avi_there's lots.01:27
Ken8521i actually really like that wallpaper.01:27
avi_my favorites:01:27
Ken8521dunno why01:27
avi_I like dark wallpapers and minimalistic wallpapers.. so :)01:27
avi_whatever floats your boat.01:27
Ken8521i prefe "medium".. not to dark, not to bright01:27
yofelKen8521: that does look pretty nice :)01:28
Ken8521here hold on a sec, lemme vnc into my sisters machine(she's 14).. and show you a screenshot.. it's enough to kill your eyes.01:28
zanusput some badgers on it01:28
zanusi don't want to kill my eyes01:29
zanusthey've seen quite enough... I'm surprised they've not killed ME already01:30
Kurdistananybody can help me with usb?01:30
lordcrcKurdistan: ask and find out :)01:30
zanusplug it and play it01:30
KurdistanI have problem with bootable usb01:30
KurdistanI know it works under lucid01:31
KurdistanI tried install maverick from lucid01:31
Kurdistanfirst I wanted to take a look and :) told my self that I wanted to install the rc01:31
Kurdistanknow I can not install any other iso01:32
Kurdistanon usb01:32
Kurdistantried different no luck01:32
Kurdistanboth with unetbootin and usb-creator01:32
PhotoJimUSB optical drives are cheap.  why not get one and save your sanity?01:32
Kurdistanphotojim the problem is not the usb01:32
Kurdistanthe problem is a bug on maverick01:32
PhotoJimthen you have to give up some of your sanity I guess :)01:33
Kurdistanit worked great to burn maverick on the usb from lucid installation01:33
PhotoJimbooting off CD works super easily.01:33
zanuswhy not just upgrade.. one dist at a time01:33
Kurdistanguys you want to help or not?01:33
zanusor was lucid the last one... I'm kinda behind the times01:33
Kurdistanlike I said I had no problem with lucid. I should not make switch to maverick rc.01:34
Kurdistanshould wait for the stable01:34
coz_zanus,  lucid was the last release.. is that what you meant?01:34
yofelKen8521: here's mine, not everyone's taste I guess :P http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/screenshot.png01:34
zanusya coz01:34
PhotoJimI can't help.  I have an external optical drive so I never try to finagle a USB stick to be bootable.01:34
Kurdistancoz_ I had lucid installed and now have maverick rc installed instead01:35
NextopKurdistan: i believe what zanus suguested was to upgrade from lucid to maverick01:35
Ken8521yofel, here's my sisters.. i don't know how she uses it... she's 14.. but she must be color blind, thats the only thing i can figure.. running 10.0401:35
coz_yikes  that is some wallpaper :)01:36
IdleOnelol that is ugly01:36
Ken8521yofel, thats actually not bad, considering most kde screenshots repulse me01:36
Ken8521IdleOne, i know..lol01:36
Kurdistanit must be a bug01:36
IdleOneas long as she is happy with it I suppose01:36
Ken8521no kidding01:36
Ken8521thank God for user accounts(or at least i'm sure my parents think so..lol)01:36
yofelKen8521: propose fluffy to her XD http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/fluffy/01:36
coz_ok there has to be a law against this lol01:36
Nextopyofel: I believe your desktop is the best i've seen in ages :p01:37
zanusholy fuckin jesus01:37
Ken8521zanus, ?01:37
IdleOnezanus: Please keep the language family friendly01:37
zanusyour sisters .... stuff01:38
Ken8521yofel, lol, she's not exactly the type to listen to.. well, anyone..01:38
Ken8521zanus, yeah, it's bad.. lol01:38
IdleOneKen8521: as long as she is using Linux, it's all good :)01:38
Ken8521IdleOne, well, i forced her into it.01:38
Ken8521her computer wouldn't boot for about 3 weeks due to a rootkit, because i told her linux or else01:38
KurdistanI will try out removing ui01:38
Ken8521she finally gave in01:39
Ken8521not a single virus in almost 2yrs now..lol01:39
lordcrcso youtube in firefox... must i use the adobe flash player or?01:39
IdleOnelordcrc: www.youtube.com/html501:39
lordcrcIdleOne: hmm that'd require ff4... guess i could install that :)01:40
IdleOnehmm it shouldn't01:40
coz_lordcrc,  well only if you intend to wathc html5 videos01:40
coz_watch rather01:40
lordcrcyeah thats another thing, not all vids are supported no?01:41
yofelIdleOne: it does says Firefox 4 on the list for firefox01:41
Ken8521is anyone successfully using Moonlight?01:41
IdleOneyofel: yeah just saw that01:41
Ken8521i used it on my laptop earlier(which admittedly is old and not exactly efficient) and it maxed my CPU to 100% for quite a while, so i shut it down.01:41
lordcrci love ff4 in windows tho01:41
zanusnever knew this place was family friendly01:44
Ken8521zanus, yeah, all ubuntu channels are01:44
zanuswell I'll be......derned01:44
zanusf* a g* n da a01:45
zanusnothing... it's just a complete acronym for complete vulgarity01:46
zanusno harm in that I hope01:46
Ken8521well, i know in some channels, thinks like lmao, wtf, etc.. aren't acceptable01:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:47
Ken8521yeah.. thats what i thought01:47
coz_hey guys... I was wondering if a few things have been    fixed in maverick that were in lucid.... wallpaper options =  fade, stretch.span etc...also multiple partitioned external drives...in lucid  when the icons for those drives appear on the desktop...highlight them all...there is no remove safely or unmount...01:47
coz_wallpaper options spedifically on dual monitors rather01:47
Ken8521coz_, i actually found the wallpaper etup on Lucid, for dual screens.. to be awesome01:48
Ken8521way better than previous versions01:48
Ken8521it works fine on my desktop.(dual screens) but i was happy w/ it in Lucid.. so i'm not sure about your issues.01:48
coz_Ken8521,  oh no  no guy... span only works if the wallpaper is at the resolution of both monitors ...it will not  actually span any wallpaper across the monitors it simpley duplicates it01:48
Ken8521i can't tell you about the multiple partition thing..01:49
Ken8521coz_, h ok.. didn't realize that was your issue, i actually like that01:49
coz_Ken8521,  oh  ok :)01:49
Ken8521you can always resize your wallpaper to 2500x something...  :)01:50
coz_Ken8521,  that part i find pretty irritating... it forces editing an image in gimp to fit the resolution of the monitors...01:50
mark2010questions for 10.10 ok here?01:50
Ken8521coz_, yea..01:50
coz_mark2010,   this is the place for it01:50
Ken8521mark2010, no.. you need ubuntu+201:50
andrilhello all01:51
andrilany major issues with 10.10?01:51
Ken8521andril, well, it is still beta/RC... but i've had no issues w/ it01:51
coz_andril,  I have it installed on one system... and it seems fine at this point...but as Ken8521  mentioned  it is not released yt01:52
Ken8521that said... it isn't final release yet, so there's still plenty of bugs, etc.01:52
andrilKen8521, thanks looking forward to the upgrade from 10.04.101:52
lordcrcandril: for me theres been some minor things... stuff keeps crashing but nothing thats kept me being productive01:52
Ken8521andril, now.. today.. i've heard a lot of people complaining about issues upgrading 10.04-10.1001:52
mark201010.04 LTS + win xp dual boot. after upgrade to 10.10 i get full white screen?01:52
Ken8521so make sure you're completely backed up01:52
Ken8521man.. if that wasn't prophetic.. :)01:53
Ken8521mark2010, using ATI?01:53
andrilcoz, thanks I love Ubuntu and hope they keep it in the same good course01:53
coz_andril,  I updraded edubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10  with no issues however the clean install of maverick did not go so well01:53
Ken8521coz_, lol, how can a clean install not go well?01:54
mark2010Ken8521 sorry ATI?01:54
coz_Ken8521,  good question :)01:54
Ken8521mark2010, ati-graphics01:54
coz_Ken8521,  I dont have an answer for that one :)01:54
andrilcoz, well I always worry about repos and ppa's during upgrade - i have my laptop to test fresh installs01:54
Ken8521thats likely your problem01:54
coz_andril,  cool01:54
Ken8521i can't remember what the issue though01:54
mark2010fine in 10.0401:55
Ken8521mark2010, google "ubuntu white screen of death".. i think you'll need to disable the ati driver in safe mode, to get the machine to boot01:55
Ken8521mark2010, well, how it acted in 10.04.. is pretty much irrelevant01:55
mark2010ok, I'll check that. Thank you.01:56
andrilcoz_, i use Ubuntu as my mainstream OS on my desktops01:56
coz_andril,  same here... :)01:57
coz_andril,  I also enjoy testing the one in developement if for no other reason ...it gives me something to complain about :)01:58
coz_that was a joke guys ^^  :)02:00
coz_andril,  do you also use compiz on any of those desktops?02:01
andrilcoz_, oh yeah - trying to get Conky under hand02:02
coz_andril,   mm that application I have never really played with much .... apparenlty many use it :)  I will have to give it a go at some point02:02
andrilcoz_, not missing much just makes the desktop look more futuristic and geeky02:04
coz_andril,   I think I am too much of a "clean desktop" kind of guy :)02:08
mark2010Ken8521 looked at the page, wrote down the command, i am using the 10.04 live cd  right now and can see my partitions, unsure how to safe mode boot?02:08
Ken8521"recovery mode" i believe is what they mean..choose recovery from the grub menu02:09
andrilcoz_, do you used gnome or kde02:09
coz_andril,   gnome and  a few kde applications02:09
mark2010cant see it, just white screen02:09
mark2010no GRUB menu just white02:10
coz_andril,   I was using edubuntu but was having issues with a few libraries always erroring when compiling  compiz 0.902:10
coz_andril,   so I went back to ubuntu and just installed the kde libs etc that I needed02:10
Ken8521mark2010, hit F2 right after the bios screen comes up... that should get your grub menu, and choose rescue mode(or whatever its called)02:10
andrilcoz_, I am sticking with gnome because it's becoming so customizable and it's stable02:11
mark2010ok, even with live cd in? or not.02:11
Ken8521mark2010, no live CD.. you need to boot yoru install02:11
Ken8521but recovery mode on your install.02:11
Ken8521andril, well, forget how customizable Gnome is(i'd argue KDE is probably more customizable).. KDE is gawd awful ugly02:12
mark2010ok Thank You. I'll try.02:12
coz_andril,  yes I agree ... I have been a gnome follower for some time...although I do like a few kde applications onboard ..especially kpat and kreversi... just games  but  okular for pdf  certainly02:12
coz_andril,   this is my current desktop   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/dekstop.png02:12
Ken8521not bad, i'm not a huge fan of cairo, but looks good02:13
andrilcoz_, where did you get that nvidia icon02:13
coz_andril,  the one in the panel?  that is a little application called   nvdock02:14
coz_andril,  you have to manually place the files onto the system but let me find the download  ...it has mouse over  gpu temp  and right click options02:14
coz_andril,   I cant find the link off hand but you can download it    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/compiz%2B%2B/nvdock-bin-1.02.tar.bz202:15
andrilcoz_, way over my head i stick to debs02:16
coz_andril,  once you manually place those files  just run   nvdock   and place it in start up apps02:16
andrilcoz_, i got some screen shots trying to find them - ok02:17
coz_I suppose this could be made into a deb package  although I cannot find the source for it02:17
coz_andril,  although if you install nvclock_gtk  you can get the same infor as nvdock has02:19
coz_info rather02:19
andrilcoz_, thanks02:20
andrilcoz_, it's weird that i have seen your name on here many times before - you have been around here for a while02:23
coz_andril,  on t his particular channel or irc in general ?02:23
coz_andril,  I have been around since ubuntu first came out02:23
coz_before that on  BeOs irc channels :)02:23
coz_andril,   here is another screenshot made with wallpaper plugin in compiz and  cube maps....   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/cubemap.png   sorry guys...not trying to turn this into   "lookie what I did "  channel02:25
Ken8521that's cool coz_ .. out of my league though02:25
coz_Ken8521,  thanks... "out of your league" ?02:26
Ken8521not really smart enough to do stuff like that02:26
Ken8521not to mention, it would give me a headache looking at that02:26
Ken8521i don't do desktop effects02:26
coz_Ken8521, oh ok :)02:27
dugger5688_Has anyone gotten the VNC viewer on Maverick to work?02:27
coz_Ken8521,  yeah I dont use that desktop except for screenshots...it would definitly give me a headache as well :)02:27
andrilcoz_, awesome - how do i make a link02:27
Ken8521dugger5688, yeah, i have.02:27
Ken8521i can vnc into my desktop no prob.02:27
coz_andril,   a link?02:27
andrilcoz_, to my screenshot in dropbox02:28
dugger5688_You're using maverick? What are you using as a server on the other end?02:28
coz_andril,  if you have dropbox already installed  ....place the image in a folder  ...let it upload  then right click the image  Dropbox   copy public link02:28
coz_andril, place the image in the "Public"  folder02:29
andrilcoz_, ahhh thank you master here we go http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6920525/100110.png02:31
coz_andril,  nice :)02:31
coz_andril,   is that cairo dock    awn or docky?02:31
andrilcoz_, Docky - again stable but i use AWN for side folders02:32
coz_andril,  ok cool... have you tried cairo dock?02:32
dugger5688_Ken8521: What client/server are you using for vnc?02:33
andrilcoz_, yeah did not like the themes - Docky is cut and simple02:33
coz_andril,   ouch  :)  many of the cairo themes are mine02:33
Ken8521dugger5688, tightvnc02:33
andrilcoz_, yeah you were here when Ubuntu  spawned I always saw your name there02:34
andrilcoz_, no disrespect all my friends like the Cairo dock but I am minimalistic02:34
andrilcoz_, you are a Ubuntu legend of sorts02:35
coz_andril,  no offense taken :)  but minimal is easy in cairo dock and  sorry guys...didnt mean to get way offtopic02:35
coz_andril,   I doubt a legend  believe me ... I am a complainer at best02:35
andrilcoz_, sorry too02:35
donvito2how can i make icons like in picture down02:36
coz_donvito2,  on the dock?02:37
donvito2down there02:37
donvito2like in picture02:37
Ken8521i think thats Avant window manager02:37
donvito2some says donky02:37
donvito2its called docky02:37
coz_donvito2,  to make icons clear regardless of their size  you want to use inkscape02:37
dtoanyone else notice Pidgin sounds having a click or noise at the beginning?02:38
Ken8521coz_, what does inkskape do?02:38
coz_dto,   I cant help there... i rarely use pidgin02:38
coz_Ken8521,  inkscape is a vector illustraton application02:38
Ken8521hmm, never heard of it02:39
coz_Ken8521,  it is in the repositories02:39
Ken8521yah, installing now02:39
Ken8521you gotta love linux02:39
coz_Ken8521,  ooo guy well...there are several graphics apps that any artist on linux should have   gimp...inkscape,,, mypain...agave...and pencil02:39
coz_mypaint   rather02:39
Ken8521yeah, i use Gimp most of the time02:39
Ken8521im not really much of an artist, but i do like making icons sometimes02:40
dugger5688_What wallpaper was that?02:40
coz_Ken8521,  then inkscape is the application for that  ...you can even export it as a png  image if you want or need02:40
Ken8521yeah, i like png's02:41
coz_Ken8521,  png is faster to render but  svg is always clear at any size  ...png images will pixelate if enlarged to much02:41
Ken8521dugger5688, that donvito2 posted? i don't even think he knows02:42
coz_donvito2,  what icon do you want to make?02:43
coz_donvito2,  you can go to #inkscape if you want to learn more about it02:43
mark2010join/ #ubuntu+202:48
mark2010join ubuntu202:48
lilpodput that slash before join02:48
lilpodlike in the first one you said02:49
coz_lilpod,  isnt ubuntu+2 invite only?02:51
mark2010had talked to Ken8521. white screen. Safe mode. couldn't get it.02:52
mark2010live cd now02:53
yofelcoz_: it is02:53
coz_yofel,  and that will remain that way for a week or so after maverick release ...yes?02:54
mark2010upgrade 10.10 with 10.04 + win xp duel boot white screen02:54
lilpodI was just telling mark2010 about the correct command to join I have never even been to #ubuntu+202:54
yofelcoz_: acutally I don't know, never found +2 to be not-invite02:55
yofelthis channel will be invite only until natty toolchain opens02:55
mark2010join/ #ubuntu+202:55
coz_yofel,  ah understood     yes  I was a bit confused02:55
yofelmark2010: it's '/join #ubuntu+2' but you can't join unless you get invited02:56
mark2010sorry i haven't been invited02:56
mark2010just trying to figure this out02:56
Ken8521mark2010, ubuntu+2 was actually a joke02:57
Ken8521did you not get it resolved?02:57
mark2010suppose like a left-handed smoke shifter?   LOL02:58
Ken8521sort of.. ;)02:58
Ken8521unfortunately, i'm just not familiar enough w/ ATI to be much help02:59
Ken8521but it's almost definitely an ATI problem02:59
mark2010F2 of course was the bios menu. however passing that, i saw the menu fleeting and then white screen.03:00
mark2010i saw it but it didnt stop03:00
mark2010background was black03:00
mark2010have had this before with the full clean install03:02
mark2010thank you for your help anyhow03:03
noahis there a workaround for this issue?   dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/perl_5.10.1-12ubuntu2_amd64.deb (--unpack): subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 203:03
yofelany other error message?03:04
mark2010must not like this card...inspiron 9100 w/ radeon on board vid03:04
yofelnoah: if not, try to delete the file and let apt download it again03:05
mark2010the good thing is i can still see both partitions03:05
Ken8521mark2010, the card is likely fine... it's likely the upgrade broke the driver.03:05
mark2010thinkin that, but how to go back...just install over the U 10.04 partition?03:07
Ken8521mark2010, if you're gnna do that, just clean install 10.1003:07
mark2010like to have the @^**(#@% win xp on there also for stuff.03:08
noahyofel, thank you! i should have thought of that03:08
noahseems to be working03:08
mark2010i tried clean 10.10 with same result03:08
* yofel wishes apt would be intelligent enough to try that itself -.-03:08
noahgood idea03:09
mark2010it dont like my system i guess03:09
mark2010no win no nothing03:09
bjsnideryofel, perhaps it doesn't know for sure that the problem is a corrupted download03:10
bjsnideranyway users should do an apt-get autoclean from time to time03:10
mark2010downloaded new files with same result03:10
BUGabundoguys a little hand here03:10
BUGabundoI need to fix my video playback03:10
Ken8521mark2010, you tried to clean install 10.10, w/ the same result?03:10
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you still awake?03:10
BUGabundothis is impossible to watch anything03:10
BUGabundobjsnider: I am03:11
BUGabundoonly 3am03:11
BUGabundoand ill be up at 8am03:11
BUGabundofor a technical meeting03:11
BUGabundomore of LUG, but ok03:11
BUGabundobut still my problem remains: I can't watch any video03:12
BUGabundowithout it stalls03:12
mark2010yes full HDD format, wiped the drives clean install win xp, full 10.04 install and worked fine.03:13
bjsniderin which player?03:13
BUGabundobjsnider: all03:13
BUGabundototem, mplayer, vlc03:13
BUGabundovlc has even more porbs with audio03:13
bjsniderwhat kind of video?03:13
BUGabundopausing , and fastfw makes it works03:13
BUGabundobjsnider: mostly xvid03:13
bjsnideralright try mplayer -vo xv movie.avi03:14
mark2010has worked...i was ok with duel boot with 10.04... then i tried 10.10 and it broke again03:14
mark201010.10 did not work03:14
BUGabundoVIDEO:  [WMV3]  960x540  24bpp  1000.000 fps  3129.7 kbps (382.0 kbyte/s)03:15
mark2010single install03:15
bjsniderBUGabundo, your system may not be able to handle that without vdpau03:15
BUGabundobjsnider: never had any probs for 2 years03:16
mark2010single install of 10.1003:16
BUGabundoRequested video codec family [wmv9dmo] (vfm=dmo) not available. Enable it at compilation.03:16
BUGabundoRequested video codec family [wmvdmo] (vfm=dmo) not available. Enable it at compilation.03:16
bjsnideruh, try an xvid file03:16
BUGabundoFailed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:16
coz_BUGabundo,  out of curiosity...does the same thing occur with any of the video formats?03:18
lordcrcubuntu is now randomly shifting keyboard layouts03:18
lordcrcgood stuff03:19
lordcrcah stopped now, weird03:19
BUGabundocoz_: seems to be happening over the last two weeks with prety much anything I trow at it03:19
BUGabundobut I have a few VOBs around03:19
BUGabundolet me try those03:19
coz_BUGabundo,   are you using mplayer gui ?03:19
bjsniderBUGabundo, have you still got ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?03:19
coz_BUGabundo,  ah ok03:19
=== {Titan} is now known as weirdo-
BUGabundo  Installed: 4203:20
BUGabundo  Candidate: 4203:20
BUGabundoyep, VOBs also slow down03:20
bjsniderBUGabundo, if you try mplayer at the command line with a reasonable standard-def file it should provide specific complaints if it won't play right03:20
BUGabundothis is on an SSD03:20
mark2010Ken8521 Thanks for your help. i might just have to go back to 10.0403:21
Ken8521mark2010, good luck w/ it.. i wish i could've been more help03:21
mark2010ok g'nite03:21
BUGabundobjsnider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/504270/03:23
bjsniderBUGabundo, what graphics chip is in that thing?03:23
BUGabundoNvidia 8400mG03:23
BUGabundorunning on open source driver with 3D03:23
bjsniderwell, that's it for me03:25
bjsniderfind someone who knows about that driver03:25
coz_BUGabundo,   why not the nvidia drver?03:25
BUGabundoSarvat isn't here03:26
BUGabundocoz way slower boot03:26
BUGabundonouveu is good enough for every day usage03:26
coz_BUGabundo,  but better performance  yes?03:26
bjsniderhe's in the -x channel right now03:26
kklimondaBUGabundo: you can't vdpau with nouveau03:27
BUGabundoand do I even need it ?03:28
kklimondaBUGabundo: so you shouldn't use a vdpau backend for mplayer03:28
BUGabundoplus from what sarvatt told me in the past, my card doesn't support it either03:28
BUGabundokklimonda: its stock settings03:28
kklimondayes, every cycle I have to report that vdpau as defualt is a terrible setting03:29
kklimondaI've forgotten to do it this time :/03:29
BUGabundoso how can I tune mine ?03:29
kklimondaBUGabundo: edit ~/.mplayer/config add line vo=xv03:29
bjsniderBUGabundo, i'd be very interested about what would happen to your video playback if you switched to the blob for a test session03:30
BUGabundothere goes my 20sec boot and pretty TTYs03:30
BUGabundojokey good for it?03:30
bjsniderBUGabundo, for a test session03:31
bjsnideris what i said03:31
coz_it has one of the "ok"  drivers there03:31
kklimondabjsnider: I'm getting quite a lot of errors related to vdpeau when I use it starting with "[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_output_surface_create: The system does not have enough resources to complete the requested operation at this time."03:32
kklimondamy quadro 140m is unable to support both vdpau and compiz at the same time03:33
bjsniderthat error about resources is all about video ram03:33
BUGabundoSystemError: installArchives() failed03:34
bjsnidercan you add more from the system?03:34
BUGabundoYAY for jockey03:34
bjsniderhow much is it, like 128?03:34
kklimondaI have 128MB on my card and it's, at least in theory, supposed to use RAM to compensate but I've never seen it doing that ;)03:34
BUGabundoso is this thing activated or not?03:35
bjsniderthat's just a crap situation to be in, there's no way around it03:35
kklimondabjsnider: that's why I don't think vdpau should be default in mplayer - it doesn't just fail to play movie - it can actually render whole X session unresonsible03:35
nogojockey = apparmor?03:36
coz_BUGabundo,  if you mean the nvidia driver  I would reboot  to be sure03:36
bjsnidervdpau always works here, and i have a generation 4 chip, with feature set c, so it accelerates everything03:36
kklimondabjsnider: funny thing is, even if I don't run any fancy WM (which makes it possible to run mplayer with vdpau output) I still get a higher cpu usage..03:37
bjsniderhow high?03:37
kklimonda~46% with vdpau, ~36% without default^W xv ;)03:38
bjsnider46% is not using vdpau at all03:39
bjsniderit should be no more than 5%03:39
bjsniderwhat graphics core is that?03:39
kklimondag84 or g86 - mobile03:39
bjsniderthat's generation 2 feature set a03:42
bjsniderit should accelerate h26403:42
nogois there any h264 chip?03:42
bjsniderkklimonda, you should make sure you're trying to play only supported video files. it will not accelerate everything03:43
BUGabundobjsnider: still happening03:43
BUGabundoSection "Module"03:44
BUGabundo        Load    "glx"03:44
BUGabundo        Driver  "nvidia"03:44
bjsniderglxinfo|grep vendor03:44
BUGabundoserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation03:45
BUGabundoclient glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation03:45
BUGabundoOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation03:45
bjsniderand the video is still bad?03:45
kklimondabjsnider: I've tested with sintel-2048-stereo.mp4 which is h26403:45
kklimondabjsnider: but don't waste time on me - I'm happy with the xv/gl output03:46
kklimondawell, at least until it burns my gpu :/03:46
bjsniderBUGabundo, try mplayer with -vo gl203:46
bjsniderwait a minute. change audio. -ao alsa03:47
bjsnidermaybe pulse is to blame03:47
BUGabundobjsnider: with gl2 seems to be better03:49
BUGabundolonger seek times03:49
BUGabundobut plays nicer03:49
nogoa igp with mesa is enough to play with h26403:50
BUGabundoand yes, audio at 22k could be jerking pulse, then CPU03:50
nogoBUGabundo: no03:50
nogoBUGabundo: you just need to fix the bugs of ubuntu03:50
BUGabundo$ mplayer -ao alsa -vo gl2 file03:50
bjsniderBUGabundo, there's a switch to turn off audio in mplayer, for testing03:50
bjsnideri think it's -noaudio, or -nosound03:50
nogoBUGabundo: pulse is good for sure03:50
bjsniderBUGabundo, it's -nosound03:52
BUGabundoand seems to be working better03:53
i_is_brokecan you run a 64bit in a 32 vbox?03:53
BUGabundoi_is_broke: yes03:53
i_is_brokeBUGabundo: ok thank you03:53
i_is_brokei was just wondering, cause i am running lucid 32bit right now as my host and i want to try the maveric 64bit.03:54
BUGabundobjsnider: so sound ?03:54
bjsnidercertainly looks that way03:54
bjsnidermaybe your sound chip is garbage03:54
BUGabundoaren't they all?03:55
coz_BUGabundo,  or maybe compile the alsa driver for that specific card ?03:55
BUGabundoat leasr crismum says so :P03:55
bjsniderthe onboard ones all seem to be03:55
BUGabundocoz_: can't it "just work" ?03:55
bjsniderthere's the audio-dev ppa03:56
nogoa onboard intel hda has 192khz sample rate03:56
bjsniderbut the hardware may be such a piece of crap that even a cleaned up driver won't fix it03:56
nogoyour old ac97 has just 96-48 khz03:56
BUGabundoupgrading to audio-dev ppa03:58
BUGabundohow do I return to nouveua 3d?03:58
BUGabundodisable blob in jockey03:59
bjsnidergo to jockey and deactivate the blob03:59
BUGabundoand there was soemthng else03:59
BUGabundoperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:03:59
BUGabundoLANGUAGE = "en",03:59
BUGabundoLC_ALL = (unset),03:59
BUGabundoLANG = "pt_PT.utf8"03:59
BUGabundostill haven't managed to fix that lang stuff either03:59
BUGabundoif I have PT lang pack, apps like firefox are in Portuguese04:00
BUGabundoif I don't, apps complain of no fallback04:00
kklimondaBUGabundo: your LANGUAGE doesn't look right04:00
BUGabundotell me about it04:00
BUGabundoI want english everywhere, but PT locale settings04:01
kklimondaI love how compiz and metacity hate each other and, when I change them, all windows end up at the current workspace04:02
coz_kklimonda,   did you set the window locations in compiz  ?04:03
kklimondacoz_: no04:03
coz_kklimonda,  ah that may be why :)04:04
kklimondacoz_: but then I can switch between mutter and metacity without this problem04:04
coz_kklimonda,  I am guessing ..when switching to metacity is going to remember last window state04:04
coz_kklimonda,  the same can be achieved with compiz  ..although I generall only do that for certain  applications  especiall with compiz 0.904:05
kklimondacoz_: but I don't want any fancy stuff - just for applications to stay on their workspaces when I switch between metacity and clutter (on the live system)04:06
gileadI just tried to upgrade to 10.10 and the network went down during package download. Now I can't restart the process as both update-manager -d and do-release-upgrade -d say there's no new distro available -- how to reset the state so it sees 10.10 again?04:07
kklimondacoz_: so I have a terminal running at the workspace 1 and firefox on the workspace 2 - I'd like for them to stay there after I run metacity --replace (or compiz --replace)04:07
coz_kklimonda,   in the place windows plugin you can specify the location of applicatons on specific viewports and  compiz --replace ccp should remember tham but  metacity -replace is going to remember what was in metacity I would assume04:08
gileadI deleted stuff from /var/cache/apt, the update-log/ directory, grepped /etc/ and /var (there's no match for 'maverick'), rebooted the machine and still nothing :(04:09
kklimondagilead: most likely your /etc/apt/sources.list has been already updated to point to the maverick04:09
gileadkklimonda: doesn't seem to be04:10
gileadand if it was the regular apt-get dist-upgrade would pick it up, no?04:10
darthanubislol where is lm-sensors?04:13
nogowhy should we use apt and dpkg on ubuntu?04:13
nogothis is not debian04:14
coz_nogo,  ah  it sort of id  yes?04:14
coz_is  not id04:14
gileadright... so if no one has any other ideas :) I can s/lucid/maverick/g in sources.list but I'm not sure if the upgrade would happen TheRightWay after that? Is update-manager doing something special?04:14
coz_reminds me of #debian channel a few years ago  topic  "This is not ubuntu"04:14
kklimondagilead: it does04:15
nogowe should use ubuntu software center and synaptic04:15
kklimondabut it's still possible to use dist-upgrade - just more risky04:16
coz_nogo,  I believe synaptic will be gone at some point...at least I read that somewhere  but debian uses synaptic as well  and I dont particularly like software center at this stage04:16
gileadkklimonda: :/ any ideas where should I look for the solution then? I simply ran out of ideas and google queries to try :)04:16
BUGabundobjsnider: back on nouveua (lost X and had to manually delete xorg.conf) and audio.dev ppa04:16
BUGabundoplayback is A O K04:16
gileadkklimonda: more risky in what way?04:16
BUGabundoand now BED04:17
BUGabundoits past 4 am04:17
BUGabundoim up in 3h04:17
kklimondagilead: do-release-upgrade/update-manager does some magic to resolve dependencies, handles things that apt-get is unable to do etc.04:17
coz_BUGabundo,  yikes !04:17
BUGabundoor what ever is left of it04:17
kklimondathere is some env variable you can set to get debug output from do-release-upgrade but I don't remember it atm04:18
coz_nogo,    http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/synaptic-is-going-bye-bye-soon.html04:18
kklimondanogo: apt-get and dpkg are just as good tools as any other to maintain your system.04:19
kklimondaand neither is debian-only04:19
nogocoz_: then we can use ubuntu sofeware center all the time04:22
coz_nogo,  eeww  :)04:22
coz_nogo,   I think I will stick with apt04:23
nogocoz_: and we can get rid of those ego wizards04:23
kklimonda!ohmy | nogo04:23
ubottunogo: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:23
nogocoz_: if you don't use them, we can wash them out04:23
=== Tekno_ is now known as Tekno
coz_nogo,  I am a complainer by heart  .... but software center would be fine if it incorporates all the options of synatpic   history ...locing package versions etc... but personally ...the people I have talked with preferr synaptic over software center  and I tend to be in that camp04:25
coz_locking packages  rather04:25
nogoi almost forget all apt and dpkg commands04:27
nogoit's time to move for a new package manager04:28
porter1Are the nvidia driver slowdowns on all maverick linux kernels being experienced by anyone else? If I use the last kernel release from lucid (2.6.32-24), xserver doesn't hog memory.04:28
bazhang!ot > nogo04:28
ubottunogo, please see my private message04:28
nogodon't bother me04:28
bazhangnogo, stay on topic04:28
nogoubuntu center is not on topic?04:29
bjsniderporter1, here we go again. the problem is fixed in the nvidia driver in the x-updates ppa04:29
* nogo kicks anonying pandas04:29
bazhangnogo, no, it is nothing to do with support.04:29
porter1bjsnider, sorry. I'm not well-versed in the updates made in the latest PPAs. And my question I guess is more along the lines of whether those updates missed the mark for final 10.10 release?04:30
nogowhat's the support in your mind?04:30
bjsniderporter1, the driver that has the fix is current marked beta by nvidia. until nvidia releases a stable driver with the fix, i suppose it will not be in maverick04:31
porter1bjsnider, good to hear then I guess. I just knew there was a lot of excitement about 10.10 and I wanted to be able to help others explain whether it was an issue in the proprietary drivers or just kernel-X11 issues. Thanks for the help.04:35
gileadkklimonda: # export DEBUG_UPDATE_MANAGER=true04:36
gileadkklimonda: and to fix the issue: # rm /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release-development04:36
gileadkklimonda: grepping for 'maverick' flagged no files and that was exactly what should NOT happen :)04:37
gileadin short, meta-release-development contained some borked data from the second when my net connection was dying and update-manager decided it was fresh enough and didn't bother to re-download it04:38
gileadin fact, that looks like a bug -- it should try to re-download it if it's the wrong format04:38
kklimondayeah, you should report it04:38
gileadanyway, problem sorted, thanks for your help :)04:39
gileadshould I report the bug against do-upgrade-dist or update-manager? Or something else? :)04:45
gileader, do-release-upgrade or update-manager04:46
gileadok, it needs to be a package name, problem solved ;)04:48
Flynsarmy1Is it worth upgrading to meercat now while the RC is out if i'm on intel hardware (laptop) with nvidia gpu. or should i wait for the final build?05:23
bullgard4How can I determine if I have got installed grub1 or grub2?05:31
litropyHello, all. Instead of describing my issue here, I've pastebin'ed it. Please see: http://pastebin.com/K8uMbsUw05:47
bullgard4litropy: Psychologically a wrong procedure to get help.05:53
digital_1Ahhh, you know that ubottu guy is on 24x7!!!05:59
litropybullgard4: granted.05:59
bazhangdigital_1, it's a bot05:59
digital_1I know- it's like he never sleeps!  : )06:00
digital_1Does anyone know if the Inventory on Ubuntu One is working yet?06:01
murlidharok i have upgraded to maverick but the linux image generic doesn't seem to have installed properly ........what should i do ?06:01
bullgard4murlidhar: »linux image generic« does not appear in your link. What do you refer to exactly?06:03
digital_1I'm trying to use OneConf in the RC.  It's force closing.  Anyone else know if that's supposed to be working yet?06:03
murlidharmurlidhar@desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-generic06:04
murlidhar/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: linux-image-generic is broken or not fully installed06:04
murlidharbullgard4: ^^06:04
murlidharbullgard4: something gone wrong while installing kernel it seems.06:05
murlidharbullgard4: 14th line ?06:06
bullgard4murlidhar: My advice: Before you run '~$ sudo apt-get upgrade' try to use the Update Manger and see if this works.06:08
murlidharbullgard4: nothing shows up in the update manager.06:09
digital_1If you go to Ubuntu Software Center --> File --> Inventory on Ubuntu One    --- does that work for anyone?06:09
avengingwatcheranyone else having issues with the clock applet on the gnome panel?06:09
bullgard4murlidhar: What do you mean by "nothing shwos up"? Do you mean th program 'update manager' does not start?06:09
digital_1@avengingwatcher:  What specifically?06:10
murlidharbullgard4: it starts but no updates as of now.06:10
bullgard4avengingwatcher: No.06:10
murlidharbullgard4: but i did update things from update-manager.06:10
avengingwatcherit's floating in the middle of my screen instead of attached to the dock and the weather doesn't show up06:10
avengingwatcherplus side everything else works06:11
digital_1@avengingwatcher:  Nope- mine is right where it's supposed to be.06:11
bullgard4murlidhar: Okay. Now try the command '~$ sudo update-manager -d'.06:11
murlidharbullgard4: says there are no updates to install.06:12
bullgard4murlidhar: Okay. And now try again the command '~$ sudo apt-get upgrade'.06:13
digital_1Is it safe/advisable to use Update Manager from the RC?06:14
bullgard4digital_1: It is safe to use Ubuntu Lucid. It is undafe to use Maverick.06:14
digital_1So in general don't use Update Manager ever within the RC?06:15
murlidharbullgard4: same problem.06:15
bullgard4digital_1: Only if you are adventurous and have made a backup before.06:15
digital_1@bullgard4:  Thanks!06:15
bullgard4murlidhar: I have only a faint hope: Reboot and see if the problem has gone.06:16
murlidharbullgard4: nopes... :|06:20
bullgard4murlidhar: What do you mean vy "nopes..." ?06:21
murlidharbullgard4: i meant the problem didn't get solved ..06:22
murlidharthose 3 packages haven't been installed properly.06:22
bullgard4murlidhar: I am sorry but I cannot help you with the information which you provided.06:22
murlidharwhat information do you need ?06:23
bullgard4murlidhar: I don't know exactly. You better observe your computer more thoroughly. There must be some unusual sign of misbehaviour of your computer. Please provide a dmesg dump in a nopaste.06:25
murlidharyes there are.... the gdm is at wrong resolution06:26
murlidharand sofwate-center cannot be opened without giving sudo command.06:27
murlidharbullgard4: ^^06:27
bullgard4murlidhar: This is probably secondary but could lead to the primary culprit.06:27
murlidharand how do i provide a dmsg dump in a nopaste ?06:27
bullgard4murlidhar: '~$ dmesg > ~/dmesg.log20101002 | pastebinit'06:29
cyberixI'm trying to remove openJdk.06:29
cyberixFor some reason apt-get wants to install sun-java instead of just removing it.06:30
murlidharbullgard4: You are trying to send an empty document, exiting06:30
murlidharbullgard4: apparently dmesg seems to be empty06:32
murlidharbullgard4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/504335/06:34
bullgard4murlidhar: This is strange. I have never experienced that dmesg is empty. --  What happens if you type 'dmesg' in a terminal?06:34
murlidharbullgard4: its not empty.but the its pastebinit that says it is empty06:35
digital_1Isn't there a simple app like "Paint" for Gnome?06:36
digital_1Not GIMP tho.06:36
murlidhardigital_1: gnome-paint ?06:37
avengingwatcherKrita for K, gnome-paint, draw from open office06:37
digital_1Ah Thanks!06:37
nigelbdigital_1: tux paint?06:37
murlidhardigital_1: gpaint ?06:37
nigelbdigital_1: or KolourPaint06:37
digital_1Thanks much06:37
murlidhardigital_1: apt-cache search paint06:38
bullgard4murlidhar: I found the lines 138, 521 and 701 suspicious. Google for their exact text adding your computer type. May be this will explain why upgrade does not function.06:46
DarkSectorHello, just installed Maverick RC and noticed the software sources tab is not available any more in the Admin section. Where to give feedback for the same ?06:47
murlidharDarkSector: in synaptic manager you will find06:49
mgunesDarkSector, you can access it from Software Center06:49
bullgard4DarkSector: What "software sources tab" do you speak about? Where do you miss it?06:49
DarkSectorbulldog98, the one that used to be in the Admin section, others know it06:50
digital_1You can also get to it via the Ubuntu Software Center06:50
digital_1That's what you should get used to.06:50
digital_1It's what is being emphasized.06:50
mgunesIt was removed intentionally; it's not a bug06:50
cyberixcould someone try downloading this http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/sun-java6/sun-java6-bin_6.21-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb06:50
DarkSectormgunes, I never said it was06:50
cyberixIt stops before reaching 4MB06:50
cyberixI do not understand why06:50
cyberixWhat was the channel of Canonical admins?06:51
digital_1Ubuntu Software Center --> Edit --> Software Sources06:51
DarkSectorOH ! ok now THAT I did not see digital_1 thank you06:51
DarkSectorI am satisfied06:51
digital_1You're welcome06:51
bullgard4cyberix:  # ubuntu-ops, #ubuntu-motu06:52
DarkSectordigital_1, also, can you please give me a link to the changes made in 10.10 or anyone else for that matter ?06:52
murlidhari am not sure if we have a changelog file at all.06:53
mgunesDarkSector: https://wikiubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview06:53
digital_1DarkSector, the only one I know of is for the beta.  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta#New%20features%20in%20Maverick06:53
murlidharcyberix: didn't stop at 4mb.06:54
DarkSectormgunes, the one you gave isn't working06:54
cyberixmurlidhar: :-/06:54
murlidharcyberix: try changing the repos maybe. i mean any other local fast server.06:54
mgunesDarkSector: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview06:54
DarkSectormgunes, yeah that one does06:55
bullgard4DarkSector: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+specs06:55
DarkSectorthanks bullgard406:55
digital_1The Gnome team really did a nice job with the latest Empathy.06:55
murlidharlike ?06:56
digital_1Pidgin was looking a little long in the tooth... Kinda circa 200306:56
digital_1The UI is nicer, I think.06:57
digital_1I've used Pidgin up to this point.06:57
bullgard4digital_1: What do you refer to in Empathy 2.32.0 in particular? I cannot see something striking.06:57
digital_1@bullgard4:  Just the whole bubble captions and the like.  I haven't used Empathy until just now but the UI seems more modern than Pidgin.06:58
murlidhardigital_1: but yes there is now send file feature working ;)06:58
mokkanso the wireless problem i was having with maverick.. i tried the older kernel i had installed (2.6.32) and my wireless works perfectly now06:59
mokkancould this be a bug or is there more likely something broken on my system06:59
Doylemokkan: what exactly is happening?07:00
mokkani couldn't/can't connect to wireless networks07:00
mokkani can see them07:00
mokkanbut it fails to connect to them07:00
mokkanhowever, using 2.6.32, it works fine07:00
mokkani was using 2.6.35 previously07:00
bullgard4digital_1: I have been using Empathy in Lucid as well as in Maverick. I like it but I cannot see a revolutionary progress.07:00
bullgard4mokkan: "i couldn't/can't connect" is no exact description. An error message is needed.07:02
murlidharbullgard4: can i install any other old kernel ?07:02
digital_1bullgard4:  Sorry yeah for me it's just that it was the first time that I actually tried it.  Compared to Pidgin it appears strikingly cleaner and more modern.  That's all I was trying to say.  Sorry- didn't mean to imply that this particular version is leaps and bounds better that any previous one.07:02
mokkanthere is no error message07:02
mokkani believe the only thing it says is "Disconnected."07:03
mokkanafter attempting to connect for 30 seconds to a minute07:03
DarkSectorare you talking about empathy ? because I am not able to connect to my gmail account as well07:03
Doylehmmm, give me a few minutes.07:03
bullgard4murlidhar: Yes. But I would not recommend that except for very sound reasons.07:03
DarkSectorgives me a network error07:03
murlidharbullgard4: but i don't find any other kernel in the repos07:04
digital_1DarkSector- under advanced I think I had to check "Encryption Required"07:04
DarkSectorbullgard4, Empathy unable to connect to gmail account gives network error07:05
murlidharDarkSector: you need to give the email address full .. username@gmail.com as username .07:05
bullgard4digital_1: Ah, ok. (But Pidgin is evolving too. It still has some user-friendly features that Empathy is still missing.)07:05
digital_1DarkSector - I know I got the same issue but then it worked07:05
DarkSectordigital_1, how ?07:05
DarkSectormurlidhar, yes obviously, as it is given in the example07:05
digital_1DarkSector:  I wish I could tell you for certain.  I ***think*** when I checked that setting "Encryption Required" it worked for me.07:05
digital_1but I was just fiddling with lots of options.07:06
digital_1I'm logged into it now however.07:06
bullgard4DarkSector: My Empathy has been able to connect to gmail accounts.07:06
murlidharDarkSector: yeah :) still people forget to read that ..so i make it a point to tell07:06
DarkSectorbullgard4, ok, then I should do what digital_1 did07:07
DarkSectormurlidhar, :)07:07
DarkSectordigital_1, yeah, still not working07:07
digital_1Mine just blew up.. lol07:08
murlidharhmmm let me chck mine.07:08
DarkSectorand no bug has been filed either07:08
digital_1I unchecked "Require Encryption" hit apply.  Then unchecked it and hit apply and re-checked it.07:09
DarkSectordigital_1, hahaha07:09
murlidhar:) mine works by default07:09
murlidhardn't say that :|07:09
DarkSectordigital_1, yeah toggling it on and off doesn't make it work07:09
murlidharmy kernel got angry with me :|07:09
digital_1DarkSector- I got the same error you did about the Network Connection.... I just kept changing things until it eventually worked.  I have to retract all the nice things I just said about Empathy.  : (07:11
DarkSectordigital_1, ok07:11
digital_1Now when I type a line longer than the Window, instead of wrapping the text it's expanding the Window.  : (07:11
DarkSectorok, digital_1 I think I'll file a bug report but I need to be sure that I am not the only one who got that error, can anyone else please let me know if they had the same problem, because I hate to be filing a bug which isn't a bug for many07:13
DarkSectorjust makes the job harder for the devs07:13
murlidharfile bug report for what ?07:13
DarkSectormurlidhar, the gmail thingy in empathy07:14
murlidharah okiez.07:14
murlidharbut it worked absolutely fine with me.07:14
digital_1I think this isn't totally new07:15
DarkSectorYeah got it to work07:18
DarkSectorthe server needs to be added07:18
digital_1Now mine's broke07:18
DarkSectortalk.google.com needs to be written07:18
digital_1let me try that...07:18
DarkSectordigital_1, what did you change ?07:18
DarkSectoriirc we used to use jabber instead of gtalk earlier. I think that may work as well07:19
digital_1DarkSector- putting in talk.google.com fixed it.07:19
DarkSectordigital_1, ok, someone needs to formally add this to the empathy guide07:19
digital_1I'm not sure how it was working before I added that.07:20
DarkSectordigital_1, you remember when yahoo migrated to its new authentication process, my god tons of bugs07:20
DarkSectorthen finally pidgin added it to its guide07:20
digital_1Empathy team should do the same then.07:21
DarkSectordigital_1, how to contact them ?07:21
DarkSectordigital_1, any IRC channel ?07:21
digital_1murlidhar do you have a server name?07:21
digital_1murlidhar:  server name in your Google Talk account config settings in Empathy I mean.07:21
murlidhardigital_1: nopes07:22
murlidharits empty07:22
DarkSectorah gimpnet07:22
digital_1The only bug I ever reported I did through Launchpad07:22
DarkSectordigital_1, no, I found them @ gimpnet07:24
digital_1Oh cool.07:24
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scott__translation is "hello"07:31
scott__when you have your hands in the right spot07:31
scott__anyone running meerkat?07:32
DarkSectorscott__, yeah all of us07:33
scott__having issues with picasa where my sound cuts out when starting it07:33
scott__so... trying to get away from picasa07:34
digital_1brb - reboot time...07:34
scott__havent found a replacement07:34
scott__anyone liking shotwell that hasnt used it before?07:34
scott__as opposed to fspot/07:35
lucentscott__: I'm using Shotwell now07:38
lucentI did use F-Spot but rather like Shotwell07:38
scott__u ever use picasa?07:38
lucentneither is comparable to Picasa - I don't like Picasa though07:38
lucentyeah, I have used Picasa07:38
scott__i like picasa only because it allows importing video files07:39
lucentI don't need the functionality that is in Picasa, to be brief07:39
scott__basically an easy way to plug the digital camera in and import all my video and pictures easily07:39
scott__im lovin what Shotwell has.. just need it to import video files as well07:40
lucentah, video import? I think I agree about that07:40
scott__then i can get rid of this wine crap07:40
scott__(the only reason im saying wine crap is because my sound cuts out every time i start up picasa)07:41
scott__its not picasa its wine because even if i go into the wine config, as soon as i click on the "sound" tab my sound cuts out07:41
DarkSectorok, so I mailed it in the empathy mailing list07:42
murlidharscott__: as far as i know .... picasa has a a debian file07:42
DarkSectorlul scott__ use a deb07:42
murlidharbut then i know it uses window libraries.07:42
DarkSectorwhat murlidhar said07:42
scott__its not linux native app though07:43
DarkSectorscott__, http://picasa.google.com/linux/thanks-deb.html07:43
DarkSectoruse that instead07:43
murlidharyep it isn't native...07:43
murlidharit uses windows libraries....wine is not needed .07:44
scott__that deb has wine files included though07:44
scott__when i tried to run it also said "Error: A later version is already installed07:45
* lucent facepalms07:45
lucentmay I digress, having data loss trouble and can use some advice?07:46
lucentpost-Maverick upgrade here and my firewire express card no longer works correctly07:46
lucentit eats hard drives when I connect them and fdisk07:46
lucentwhere do I begin though, if I'm going to file a bug report?  I haven't even an idea how I should be reproducing this07:47
lucentfsck, I meant, and not fdisk.07:47
lucentwhen Ubuntu auto-mounted my volumes, it fsck'ed and trashed the volumes on two drives07:48
scott__ive switched over to ubuntu from windows about 6 months ago.. what up with stuff working and then when a fix is released stuff stops working?07:48
scott__no regression testing going on here or what?07:48
lucentit's not stable nor LTS07:48
lucentmy own fault for upgrading, I guess07:48
lucenthow do I fix it / submit a bug report when I don't know what to look for?07:48
lucentI would have thought "Plug drive in, kills data" would catch the attention of firewire developers, or ubuntu kernel developers, no such luck yet07:49
lucentseems I'm being too vague but then, I don't know how to be more specific or to reproduce the issue without it just being user error07:50
scott__anyone in here use mint?07:51
scott__linux mint that is07:51
scott__sry lucent, i have never submitted a bug report07:52
Prez00so, everybody running 10.10 RC?07:57
lucentthat's what this is, I think07:58
|Dreams|hello got ubuntu 10.10 installed but i cant access my fb messages and also cant get on to my banking website this works on ubunu 10.04 just tested it on main pc08:07
|Dreams|tried 3 diff versions of flash08:07
lucentwhat are fb messages?08:07
|Dreams|facebook sorry08:07
|Dreams|using x6408:07
lucentokay, just had to be sure, you know I was gazing into my crystal ball here and I swear it said "Idiot lucent, you are not a psychic"08:08
|Dreams|any clues as to what it may be?08:08
|Dreams|if not going to put 10.04 back on08:08
lucent|Dreams|: does Facebook and banking website require Adobe Flash plugin for your web browser?08:08
|Dreams|facebook does i am sure regards to my online banking i am not so sure it is www.natwest.com08:09
|Dreams|i type it in the url bar and it just does nothing08:10
lucentwell, if your banking website requires Adobe Flash, then firstly and not related to Ubuntu, I recommend you change banks immediately08:10
lucent...because I can break into your bank account pretty simply.08:10
lucentThat is not a joke.08:10
lucentI've changed banks 3 times to avoid Flash and the associated security hole08:10
|Dreams|i cant even get onto the website nevermind break into it08:10
lucentgood reason to switch banks then.... I digress.08:11
lucentin the location bar you can input:     about:plugins08:11
lucentthe information displayed as a result will contain a reference to Adobe Flashplayer plugin, or it may not08:11
|Dreams|yes it is installed08:12
|Dreams|and enabled08:12
lucentif it does then you may find what version of Flashplayer plugin is installed and that will be interesting...08:12
lucentwhich version08:12
|Dreams|Shockwave Flash 10.2 d16108:12
lucentodd. I'm at 10.1 r8508:12
lucentyou may try downgrading Flash?08:12
lucentsudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin=
lucentI think that's the command, not certain of it08:13
|Dreams|i had lower version installed originally but same problem08:14
|Dreams|one minute i will do it again08:14
lucent|Dreams|: in all serious concern though, if your bank requires Flash, then you are well advised to change banks08:14
lucentI don't think that is actually your problem08:14
lucentthis sounds like either a plugin (flash) that is not perfect, or you have entered a network problem08:15
|Dreams|perhaps i dont know it works fine on 10.04 i had some issues with facebook but after changingfew diff versions of flash managed to get flash x64 working nicely with everything08:16
lucent|Dreams|: you know what the test is, boot a 32-bit LiveCD08:16
|Dreams|Shockwave Flash 10.1 r8508:16
|Dreams|still same problem08:16
|Dreams|maybe it is a network problem08:17
lucentFacebook chat? or messages08:17
|Dreams|as it doesnt even bother to look up the address or natwest.com08:17
|Dreams|neither will load up but the chat could be just facebook being a pain where as messages didnt work yesterday either but work on main pc running 10.0408:18
lucent|Dreams|: network issues, right?08:20
|Dreams|could be and this is out of my scope to fix so might as well go back to 10.04 me thinks08:21
andre_No display booting 10.10 RC on Dell E6410 laptop... xforcevesa doesn't help... what else can I try ?08:54
andre_Booting from install CD08:55
aprilhareupgraded today, having problems with packages. the upgrade wasn't a total success. it won't install libphonon-dev in particular, but the upgrade process caused much whinging with regards to libphonon-dev,  kdelibs5-dev. xpilot-ng and xpilot-ng-server09:19
aprilharewill life go on? :)09:19
AngryParsleyI upgraded to maverick on my netbook and now ubuntu shows a login screen (it used to auto-log in) and if I click on my username and type my password, the screen goes blank for a second and prints some text, then shows the login screen again09:21
aprilhareAngryParsley, thats not a good sign. bug reporting would be good there09:21
AngryParsleyit's an acer aspire one09:21
AngryParsleyI hit ctrl+alt+1 to get a terminal. I'm looking through the syslog right now09:22
aprilharetry sudo apt-get install -f09:22
aprilhareat least my system seems stable. you need to do something now AngryParsley09:23
AngryParsleythat did nothing09:23
AngryParsley0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, etc09:23
aprilharewhat did it say09:23
AngryParsleythe typical stuff apt-get/aptitude says09:23
aprilhareso everything is installed and theoretically everything hunky dory09:24
AngryParsleybut x crashes on startup09:24
aprilharethen u need to bug report09:24
aprilharebeyond that, i'm afraid I haven't got much to add09:24
AngryParsley"it doesn't work" isn't a very useful bug report. I'm trying to figure out the exact error09:24
aprilhareone uses apport to bug report. and it adds stuff to the bug report09:25
AngryParsleyugh. I try to kill X and it automatically respawns09:27
aprilharethats what x tries to do09:28
AngryParsleyyes. I have a terminal09:28
AngryParsleyI did that09:28
AngryParsleyI want to kill the X that's showing the login screen09:28
AngryParsleyso then I can try startx and see what it prints out09:28
aprilharekill gdm09:29
aprilhare/etc/init.d/xdm stop09:29
aprilhare(sort of thing)09:29
AngryParsleystartx works, but it shows the default ubuntu UI instead of unity09:29
AngryParsleyoh and I have no sound09:30
AngryParsleybut wireless and bluetooth work09:30
aprilhareyou've got a lot to bug report :)09:30
AngryParsleysome error in the syslog about a pulseaudio crash09:30
AngryParsleyif another AAO owner has upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, they should experience similar issues, right?09:31
aprilharesorry i can't be that much help - my system has problems but noting so bad09:33
aprilharenothing even09:33
AngryParsleyis there some way I can tell startx to use unity instead of the normal UI?09:34
AngryParsleyI want to figure out if this is login-related or unity-related09:34
AngryParsleyor something else09:34
aprilharenot using unity09:37
aprilharefrom what i can tell :)09:37
AngryParsleyugh. running gdmsetup shows everything ghosted09:37
AngryParsleyI can't change the login screen or default interface09:37
AngryParsleyand clicking the unlock button does nothing, even though my user is a sudoer09:37
AngryParsleyI try running sudo gdmsetup and I get the same thing09:38
AngryParsleyFailed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provide by any .service files09:38
juk_Hi, Im happy to anounce that upgraded to 10.10!09:39
aprilharejuk_, glad you've cought up09:40
aprilharecaught even09:40
aprilhareits all well and good.. but whats the deal with libphonon-dev09:40
aprilhareit dinna upgrade with the rest09:41
juk_aprilhare: yeah it went really smoothly09:41
aprilharethere were a few errors here with random packages09:41
aprilharenothing crucial09:41
aprilharetrying to figure out why nautilus looks so retro09:42
aprilharei love how adobe reader for linux has the gall to leave a menu item inviting ppl to purchase acrobat09:44
AngryParsleygrah what a giant pain09:47
aprilharejuk_, what does nautilus look like for u09:48
AngryParsley10.10 worked perfectly the first time I restarted. then I ran apt-get upgrade and X won't start09:48
AngryParsleynow instead of a login screen I just get a bunch of error messages on a console09:48
aprilharetheres a lesson in that09:48
AngryParsleyget a mac?09:48
aprilhareif it aint broke don't fix it09:48
AngryParsleyyou're not helping09:49
aprilharei'm sorry but i didn't program it09:49
aprilharecan't be helpful except to say *report the bugs*09:49
AngryParsleyreporting a bug saying "X won't start unless I log in and run startx" doesn't help anything. I need to figure out *why* it's not working09:50
AngryParsleyor at least narrow down the possibilities09:50
aprilhareattach the X log files09:50
aprilhareto the bug report09:50
juk_aprilhare: satisfying09:50
AngryParsleyX logs stuff? where?09:50
aprilhareof course there are X log files09:51
juk_aprilhare: i go for clearlooks themes09:51
aprilharei thought i set something like that09:51
AngryParsleyah, found 'em09:52
aprilharefor some reason nautilus isn't picking it up09:52
aprilharelooks ugly but it still works09:52
AngryParsleymeh. I'm not in the mood for this09:52
juk_aprilhare: imagebin it09:52
aprilharetsorry about delay09:57
aprilharei clipped it but it also had ugly old scrollbar09:57
aprilharenot nice looking new one09:58
juk_aprilhare: you have set controls to Redmond10:00
aprilhareyuk "The application File Browser crashed. The bug reporting tool was unable to collect enough information about the crash to be useful to the developers."10:00
juk_not pleasing much, imho10:00
aprilharejuk_, redmond?10:00
aprilharehang on10:00
aprilhareafter crash everything looks good!10:01
aprilhareyay for crashes! lol10:01
juk_aprilhare: yes go in prefs appearence and change controls10:01
aprilhareno need now?10:01
aprilhareit everything updated10:01
aprilharea crash a day makes nautilus ugliness go away methinks10:03
juk_aprilhare: great10:04
aprilharei love the ubuntu font10:04
aprilhareooo the ubuntu software centre has a "for purchase" section. just in case i feel like purchasing a test product.10:09
aprilharethere are a few commercial packages that work with ubuntu :)10:10
juk_aprilhare: lol wallpapers10:11
aprilhare$1 for wallpapers is too much!10:12
aprilharebut if it works maybe they could get labview, mathematica, etc. on it10:12
juk_aprilhare: I'd buy paper rolls10:12
aprilharejuk_, whatever floats your paper boat10:13
aprilharegrrr gunna need that libphonon-dev library10:15
aprilharedidn't think i would but apparently i will10:15
AngryParsleyI hate to say it, but 10.10 has just made me stop using ubuntu on my netbook. I changed grub to default to booting windows10:15
aprilhareAngryParsley, what do you want from us - i'm a user. you've gotta engage with bug reporting or things don't work under ubuntu. it's that simple10:16
aprilhareon the upside, ppl actually listen to u in the linux community, unlike when things get buggy under windoze10:17
AngryParsleyI just want it to work10:19
AngryParsleyI hate it when stuff breaks after an upgrade10:19
aprilharedon't we all10:19
aprilharei reported my libphonon-dev package and hopefully things will be attended to soon. it's like 8 days till release10:20
aprilhareyou've gotta remember AngryParsley you've installed a release candidate and there will be bugs.10:20
AngryParsleyI've had issues since 9.1010:21
AngryParsleythis is just the straw that broke the camel's back10:21
yofelAngryParsley: what's wrong with phonon?10:21
yofeler.. aprilhare ^10:22
yofeltab fail -.-10:22
AngryParsleybeats me. I have a problem with gdm and pulseaudio and a couple other things10:22
aprilhareyofel, libphonon_dev fail upgrade10:23
AngryParsleyanyway, bye10:24
yofelaprilhare: oh, can you try to upgrade the package again? that should be a one-time failure only10:27
yofelwe get many of those 'is already installed and configured' reports, but the devs seem to have a hard time tracking the issue down10:29
aprilhareyofel, tried to upgrade again, failure10:33
aprilhare" unable to install new version of `/usr/include/phonon/Phonon/AbstractAudioOutput': No such file or directory"10:33
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* penguin42 updates - and I thought I'd only see a few updates now :-)11:43
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aprilharepenguin42, how many?11:51
aprilharei only upgraded a few hours ago, so there aren't any for me11:51
penguin42well I haven't updated since last weekend, and we've got 400 new packages - so I guess that was the RC11:51
aprilharejust this silly libphonon-dev package that wouldn't upgrade11:51
aprilharepenguin42, presumably - i didn't check when the RC was released11:52
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aprilharethings working for you though, penguin42?11:53
penguin42aprilhare: Mostly yes, a LOT of things have got fixed over the last few months, I've been using MM since the early Alphas11:54
fcnWill new release use the black theme as the one before?11:54
aprilharei basically waited till the rc. (Playing with Windows 7 gave me perspective in the meanwhile.)11:54
aprilharefcn, no idea. mine is still chocolatey11:55
killer999i formatted my partition to ext4 format...now I am getting lost+found folder which I can't delete. How to delete the folder?11:55
penguin42killer999: Don't11:56
aprilhareis upgrading to ext4 worth the effort?11:56
penguin42killer999: lost+found is part of the system11:56
aprilharekiller999, why the need to delete a lost+found folder anyway? its handy11:56
penguin42killer999: It's where stuff goes if fsck has to fix it and can't figure out wher eit came from11:56
killer999penguin42, then it sgould be hidden...because i have 5 partitions and its a bit annoying to see them11:57
aprilharestill haven't upgraded to ext411:57
fcnI went back to 9.10 because of the black theme11:57
aprilhareis there support for extfat in the kernel?11:57
killer999aprilhare, but it only comes in ext4, not in fat3211:58
penguin42killer999: Not an unreasonable suggestion; fsck has been around for a _long_ time; it's been there for decades11:58
aprilharekiller999, not surprising11:58
penguin42fcr: You can always switch theme!11:59
killer999the problem is whenever i select all files, it also selects lost+found and then it shows file operation error12:00
killer999also lost+found is strange name....does not reflect that its a system folder...seems like virus that i cannot delete12:01
aprilhareyay vuze actually works now12:04
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alketIm trying to create a bootable usb with Maverick RC , with Startup Disk Creator, at 99% an error displays " Checksum didn't match "12:35
krosonhi people will kubuntu get the ubuntu new font?12:42
supremoubuntu's font are blurred12:44
supremoyou need private elite fonts12:45
* supremo installed elite fonts with the best hinting12:45
krosonsupremo: so will the ubuntu font be used as default?12:48
krosonin maverick final!12:48
alketkroson, its default now12:50
krosonalket: where is it used throughout the system?12:50
krosonif i download the RC and update it will i get the same as final system?12:50
supremokroson: you can remove default fonts of ubuntu12:52
_pHI_I have a quick question: if i keep my Ubuntu 10.10 RC up-to-date, can i avoid installing the final 10.10 when it comes out? will i have all the latest packages?13:13
_pHI_is it the same for beta and alpha?13:13
ikoniait depends if things break13:13
ikoniaagain, it depends if things break13:14
_pHI_i don't 100% understand ;(13:14
ikoniaif the packages are upgradeable then it should move to production, if packages break and have to be swapped out then it will need a fresh install13:15
_pHI_is there a way for me to tell around the time the final is released? ;)13:15
ikonia_pHI_: I would just advise you to do a clean install on release day to make sure all packages are stable and current13:16
_pHI_another quick question: i noticed that in the 10.10 theme the window borders are gone13:17
_pHI_is that intentional? it makes it hard to resize windows with the mouse13:17
ikoniadon't think so13:17
hifiikonia: thats not completely true though13:17
ikoniahifi: please expand13:18
hifi"if packages break and have to be swapped out then it will need a fresh install"13:18
hifiyou don't need a complete fresh install if something breaks13:19
hifithough you absolutely need to know what you are doing13:19
ikoniahifi: right so for someone asking this question, a clean install is the sensible answer, or they would not be asking the question as they would understand the package managment13:20
hifithats why I felt the needed to correct you13:21
ikoniaand I'm explaining why I've suggested a clean install13:21
hifiI didn't say you were wrong, just that it is not the full truth13:22
dave6510.10 is great thanks13:22
ikoniaplease don't start in here13:22
ikoniaI'm not laughing13:23
dave65whats up with you mate13:23
thomas82every few minutes, I'm getting very high average system load without any reason. CPU is not heavy used, plenty of free memory, disk usage also low.. Can anyone give me some ideas what can be wrong?13:24
dave6510.10 is superb as far as I can see13:24
thomas82please take a look on that screenshot: http://www.wstaw.org/h/2897016a9a213:24
ikoniadave65: we don't need you repeating that13:24
dave65as a desktop13:24
dave65dont be boring man13:24
ikoniadave65: please stop,13:24
dave65stop what?13:24
ikoniadave65: just saying "it's great" in channels,13:24
_pHI_thomas82: is it avahi-daemon? that goes through the roof (100% cpu) once in a while for me13:25
dave65whats wrong with that?13:25
_pHI_dave65: never mind, it's ok to be excited ;)13:25
ikoniadave65: it's pointless, this is a disucssion channel, people are already using it13:25
dave65think I need off topic, hope your not there lol13:25
dave65I only just installed it and wanted to say thanks, geez13:25
thomas82_pHI_: it looks like its not a CPU problem... looks rather like something with kernel (red bars in htop)13:25
ikoniadave65: please feel free to discuss 10.10, but just saying "it's great" is of no value in multiple channels13:25
_pHI_thomas82: dunno sorry13:26
dave65geez lighten up bud :)13:26
_pHI_i said uhh girl, shock me like an electric eel13:26
ikoniathomas82: when the system is under load is it still responsive ?13:26
thomas82ikonia: no, its very choppy, I cannot type normal, I hear sound cracks in any player etc...13:27
dave65not tried much at the moment13:27
thomas82ikonia: when I want to minimize / maximize window also it takes  very long13:27
ikoniathat's common with cpu lag, I wonder what's hogging it13:27
ikoniathomas82: do you have compiz/effects enabled ?13:27
thomas82ikonia: yes, I do13:28
ikoniathomas82: disable it, see if the load spikes go away13:28
thomas82ikonia: ok, switched off, I'll let you know the result soon, thank you!13:28
Guest31876Hi, just install maverick beta. Not seeing daap server in Amarok. Is a firewall enabled by default?13:40
Ken8521Guest31876, to my knowledge, no firewall is on by default.13:56
javatexanhow does one install Sun SDK on ubuntu 10.10 ;)14:08
javatexansame as 10.414:08
ikoniaexactly the same process as 10.0414:08
supremouse synaptic?14:08
javatexanwow that was easy14:10
supremojava is in the ubuntu software center14:11
javatexanstill have to change alternatives?14:11
supremothere is openjdk something, mint is using it14:11
supremobut i don't like its author14:12
supremoi only trust the official java, it's always much faster14:12
javatexanmy grails failed due to missing native2ascii:14:12
coz_javatexan,  first open synaptic...  hit search  type icedtea to see if it is installed14:13
coz_javatexan,  then hold ctrl and click ALL that show up and remove completely14:14
coz_javatexan,   then  hit search again and type   sun java     I believe it is in the repositories or you can use the karmic partner repository for it14:14
coz_rather lucid partner repo14:15
supremoit's weird, i don't have java on my gear14:15
coz_you may have to put the lucid partner repository on maverick for now14:15
supremoi must remove it at several days ago14:15
bazhangcoz_, now in maverick partner14:15
coz_bazhang,  very cool :)14:16
bazhangjavatexan, ^^14:16
supremoit appears...14:16
bazhangsupremo, ?14:16
coz_javatexan,  that should do it then,,, open synaptic  click "Settings  then repositories"  second tab  enable partner repos  ...Reload... type in sun java14:16
javatexanits alive14:16
* BUGabundo shoots Firefox14:30
BUGabundoI give up... I've removed ALL lang packs and firefox is still in Portuguese :(14:30
supremoyou are lucky, it's not mandarin14:31
supremolet it go14:31
supremoiirc, firefox has its ways to deal with languages14:32
BUGabundosupremo: but it shouldn't14:41
BUGabundoI want it in english14:41
BUGabundo$ dpkg -l |pastebinit14:42
BUGabundoif anyone has ANY idea what package is putting FF in PT, let me know14:42
BUGabundoI'll NUKE it14:42
nigelbBUGabundo: its in firefox settings?14:42
BUGabundonigelb: where? FF has no lang options14:43
BUGabundoonly site settings14:43
nigelbEdit > Preferences > Content > Language14:43
nigelb(Disclaimer: This is on iceweasel)14:43
BUGabundoand even that is ENG US / UK14:43
nigelbok, you're stuck then.14:44
BUGabundoits driving me insane14:44
BUGabundoI'm loosing control of my PC14:44
BUGabundoI can't allow that14:44
BUGabundonigelb: would you  ?14:45
BUGabundoplease take a quick look at the pastebin14:45
BUGabundoand see if you find anything I'm missing14:45
nigelbBUGabundo: you need dpm14:46
BUGabundo!info dpm14:47
ubottuPackage dpm does not exist in maverick14:47
nigelbdpm => David planella14:47
nigelbLog a bug and he'll get int touch with you on monday14:47
BUGabundonot that lucky on a weekend14:47
oCeanBUGabundo: don't know if it's related, but the PT languagepacks are not completely purged (still status rc)14:52
BUGabundooCean: let me purge them14:54
thomas82ikonia: just want to let you know that after your advice everything works fine. It looks like there is a problem with Compiz or Ati driver... Thanks again!14:55
BUGabundoperl: warning: Setting locale failed.14:55
BUGabundoperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:14:55
BUGabundoLANGUAGE = "en",LC_ALL = (unset),LANG = "pt_PT.utf8"14:55
BUGabundo    are supported and installed on your system.14:55
BUGabundoperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").14:55
ikoniathomas82: that's great14:56
rumbertare there any regular rsync mirrors of ISOs?  I see there is zsync.14:56
BUGabundoI use zsync too14:57
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync14:57
thomas82ikonia: the problem has returned after 1/2 hour :/15:11
thomas82ikonia: do you know maybe if the default CPU scheduler has changed in Ubuntu since kernel 2.6.34 ? Maybe this could cause a problem...15:11
DarthFrogUpon upgrade to Maverick, I have a package (initramfs-tools) that refuses to update, saying that it's trigger activated.  Is this trigger event failure logged anywhere?  Can I force installation?15:15
zanusWhy is everything .. important..refusing to work.  i.e Software Center & Package Manager15:16
zanusI've got all the updates.. from 2 hours ago... via terminal and still.  error, error , error15:18
yofel*what* error?15:18
funnylookinhatHah - So I'm getting a Kernel Panic when trying to EFI Boot the RC on my MBP.15:19
zanusE: ttf-uralic: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 115:20
zanusseems I can't install or uninstall anything because of this15:20
rusivizanus: Software Center grey screened on me, welcome to beta testing!15:20
zanusI thought this was in RC though15:21
yofelrusivi: we're RC, shouldn't happen..15:21
rusiviyofel / zanus I am just joking15:21
rumbertzanus: yes.  debian package manager is like that. 1 faulty package will keep the whole user level package system from working.15:21
zanusany way to get rid of the faulty package15:22
yofelzanus: what does '/var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-uralic.prerm' (I hope the filename is right) do?15:22
rumbertmodify the (de)install script15:22
zanusdoes nothing15:23
zanusshould I be passing that as an argument to something15:23
yofelzanus: can you pastebin the file?15:23
=== takeda is now known as Guest14704
BUGabundoso I stayed awake till 4am to fix my darn audio bug15:25
BUGabundoand now its back?15:26
zanusI got this uralic thing when I tried to install chromium15:26
BUGabundozanus: that's from what ppa?15:26
BUGabundozanus: $ apt-cache policy chromium-browser | pastebinit15:26
yofelchromium pulls the font in I guess15:28
yofelzanus: can you edit the file (sudo) and replace 'set -e' with 'set -ex' so the script becomes verbose? and then try to remove the font again15:29
zanus(Reading database ... 75%E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.15:31
hobgoblinhi - anyone having trouble getting amarok to run in meerkat - upgraded and updated from lucid15:31
yofelzanus: can you pastebin the file again?15:32
BUGabundoanyone seen crisum ?15:33
yofelBUGabundo: not in a while15:33
BUGabundohobgoblin: define trouble15:33
yofelzanus: that worked fine here..15:33
BUGabundousually $ update-manager -d would do it15:33
BUGabundoyofel: remember my video/audio out of sync prob?15:34
hobgoblinBUGabundo: not creating a library - had the same in lucid that needed mysql5.1 - not working in meerkat though15:34
BUGabundogoing with audio-dev ppa fixed it... and it returned today after upgrades :(15:34
zanusI still get the "segmentation fault"15:35
BUGabundoso I can't watch movies with sound now15:35
BUGabundohow good is that!15:35
yofelzanus: and you move the flie out of the way  (move it somewhere else) and try to remove the font?15:36
yofel*can you move the file15:36
zanusmove the file? you mean the .perm file?15:39
zanushere is what happens when I try to remove15:39
yofelE: /var/lib/defoma/locked exists. -> o.O?15:41
yofeltry to do what it says at the end: sudo defoma-reconfigure -f15:41
zanusI did.. now I get this when I try to remove http://pastebin.com/Kjsc0yuC15:43
FriarI just did a fresh install of 10.10 and my xchat wont join a server that I know is a good server. It worked all the time in 10.04.15:43
yofelzanus: ok, I don't know much about fonts, so I don't know what consequences leaving the files there if they are still there will have, but simply deleting the .prerm file should at least get dpkg to work again15:45
zanusare you sure?15:45
yofelwell, it's the defoma command in the script that makes dpkg fail, once the script is gone it should work again, but I don't know in what state defoma will be left, but I don't know how to fix that either15:46
zanusI'll move it to ~/Desktop just to be safe15:47
zanussweet, it worked15:49
zanusremoval successful15:49
zanusthx yofel15:49
yofelyou're welcome15:49
Wakko10WarnerProtest the MPAA and DMCA goto http://leetbaka.com/tpb/ ;; please spread the word. The war is on.15:53
Machtinhow can i see why the kernel uses so much CPU?16:06
Gigacoreguys, I got an error stating "Cannot authenticate some packages. Maybe network error" what to do now?16:07
Gigacorewhile upgrading16:07
Machtincause in htop there's nothing about any process using much cpu.16:07
MachtinGigacore: upgrading to meerkat?16:08
Gigacoreyeah.. RC16:08
Machtinhow did you try to upgrade?16:08
Gigacoreusing alternative CD16:08
Machtinoh, i see.16:09
Machtinnot really good at this, but are you on a slow internet connection, or why are you not just upgrading via internet?16:09
Gigacoremy internet is unstable16:10
Machtinwell.. that's not that bad, i'd say, because the packages are downloaded and then installed..16:10
Gigacoreis there any way to ignore / overcome authentication?16:11
Machtinguess there has to be one.. but don't ask me how :p16:13
CarlFKhow do I get to the grub menu?16:16
Gigacoreyou mean edit it?16:18
CarlFKno - on boot, what do I hit to get the menu and not it boot the default16:19
CarlFKis it too late to suggest an advanced option: noisy boot16:23
CarlFKin the installer16:23
CarlFKyeah, I guess it is days from release, so feature freeze was a while ago...   whats the name of the next release?16:25
yofelfor grub hold shift pressed on boot, see16:26
yofel!grub2 > CarlFK16:27
ubottuCarlFK, please see my private message16:27
yofeland the next release is16:27
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 2011 - For announcement, see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/47816:27
CarlFKyofel: thanks.  hold Shift down.  I have menu now.16:31
jellingtonhey guys, I just updated my netbook to meerkat and was wondering if there is a easy way to add items to the unity launcher?16:48
jellingtoni presently am editing entries in gconf-editor at the moment.16:49
donvito2conky rox16:55
CarlFKdoes grub2 read /etc/default/gurb, or do I need to run grub-update or something to make the changes take effect?16:59
penguin42you need to run grub-update17:00
penguin42or should I say update-grub17:00
androidbruceanyone notice the font changed a bit with the latest updates?17:05
penguin42androidbruce: I'm seeing the font in launchpad being different17:08
androidbrucepenguin42, yeah i need to look at the commits17:08
* androidbruce wishes they used github17:09
CarlFKwhere are the daily cd images?17:10
CarlFKum... that only has the alt installer17:13
=== delusion_ is now known as darkdelusions
CarlFKpenguin42: thanka17:27
yofelandroidbruce: considering that launchpad has the Ubuntu font at the top of the font list in CSS and we got the Ubuntu font is now installed by default launchpad should look different17:29
yofels/we got//17:30
penguin42quite likes it; it's very very lightweight17:30
intraderIs this the appropriate place for printing problems of 10.10RC? The printer is found, and starts, but the pages output are blank. On 10.04, the same printer works fine.18:06
penguin42intrader: Yes it is18:07
penguin42intrader: Which printer?18:07
intraderpenguin42, it s a cups printer attached to a MacOS laptop. The device uri is 'dnssd://HP%20Deskjet%205400%20series%20%40%20Max%20Roxy%E2%80%99s%20MacBook%20(6)._ipp._tcp.local/cups'18:08
penguin42intrader: Has Ubuntu figured out the right printer type?18:09
intraderpenguin42, this uri is from the Printer Properties page in 10.10RC18:09
penguin42intrader: Is the printer previously configured; if so I'd try removing the printer and readding it?18:10
intraderpenguin42, printer type? How do I remove the printer and readding it?18:10
penguin42intrader: If you go to system->administration->printing and right lcick on the printer and go to preferences what does it say for make and model ?18:11
intraderpenguin42, the printer works find from the Mac, and if I boot the 9.04 it worked before - in the settings page, it gives the uri given above, the printer is properly identified in the Printing - localhost page displayed18:14
intraderpenguin42, when I go to Server-->Setting-->'Show printers shared by other systems' I now see two printers with slightly different names18:18
penguin42intrader: I'd remove both of them and readd them18:18
intraderpenguin42, what do you mean by 'readd them'18:20
penguin42intrader: Remove them both, then add it as if it was a new printer18:21
penguin42intrader: Out of interest what were you printing from, I've just had a blank sheet from Gimp18:22
intraderpenguin42, I remove them, and the 'Add' again - it gives the choice of the 'HP Deskjet@ Max Roxy etc.' - Description Cups printer via DNS-SD. Since I have the 'Server-->Settings-->'SHow printers shared by other systems' checked I see two printers with slightly different names.18:25
intraderpenguin42, either of them reach the printer but the pages printed are blank.18:26
penguin42intrader: What program are you printing from?18:26
thomas82is there any way to downgrade kernel to 2.6.34 without destroying whole system? :)18:26
penguin42thomas82: If you install a 2.6.34 kernel it should give you the option to choose in grub - out of interest why?18:27
intraderpenguin42, From a web page, and I also tried the XChat page we are on18:27
thomas82penguin42: 2.6.35 simply is "unstable" on my system :(18:27
penguin42thomas82: What happens and how do you know it's the kernel to blame?18:28
thomas82all the time I got a trouble... every ~30 mins, I'm getting CPU lag... Can't even type on keyboard then..18:28
thomas82penguin42: I've notice in htop a lot of "red bars" according to htop help, it is kernel...18:29
penguin42thomas82: Erk; when that happens is there anything in the logs when that happens?18:29
thomas82also I think there was no such problem on 2.6.3418:29
intraderpenguin42, the print preview is fine - something happens during transmission to the printer.18:29
intraderpenguin42, I must attend to an urgent matter - I will be back in 1/2 hr18:30
thomas82penguin42: unfortunately nothing in logs, standard CPU usage is log, no disk read/write, plenty of full RAM, no swap etc..18:30
penguin42thomas82: odd; well yes you could install 2.6.34 or you could go the otherway and try one fo the very latest 2.6.36 dailies18:31
thomas82penguin42: yeah, maybe I'll try 2.6.36 first, thanks!18:32
penguin42thomas82: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/current/18:32
thomas82penguin42: or maybe you know any other way how to track high System Load ( >20 )18:32
penguin42thomas82: Well, I would run vmstat 1  and look at the output and see if it's doing a lot of disk io or what18:33
thomas82penguin42: thank you, i'll try it.. However I think that default CPU Scheduler in kernel may cause it.. I'll check which one was in 10.04 and maybe will change it if in 10.10 is different..18:43
penguin42thomas82: I doubt if it's the scheduler - a scheduler shouldn't cause 30 second pauses!18:46
penguin42thomas82: You could switch scheduler as well fairly easily18:46
murlidhari am using an application font that is in bold but qt4 apps fonts are not in bold in maverick18:46
murlidharin lucid it was fine.18:47
murlidhara bug is needed to be submitted ?18:47
thomas82penguin42: Do you know if its possible without kernel recompilation?18:47
penguin42thomas82: Yes it is18:47
oxymoronWhats new in Maverick compared to Lucid? DO we get any solid changes this time or failure as before?18:48
penguin42oxymoron: We have shotwell instead of f-spot (which is actually quite neat), open radeon drivers are getting more stable IMHO and erm a new font - and general newness18:48
sdaCiao a tutti, question: I have some problem with ubuntu, now I'm running 10.10, I start with the most important: My Svideo is a Ati X1700, I need it works in powersafe mode, I don't need it uses all this energy especially with battery. I know the solution is inside Kernel 2.6.35, how can I check?18:48
murlidharlucid was not a failure oxymoron18:48
murlidharmurlidhar@desktop:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade18:49
TSKIn what way could lucid be considered a failure?  It's been working stable enough for me thus far.18:49
murlidhar[sudo] password for murlidhar:18:49
murlidharReading package lists... Done18:49
murlidharBuilding dependency tree18:49
murlidharReading state information... Done18:49
murlidhar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:49
murlidhar3 not fully installed or removed.18:50
murlidharAfter this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.18:50
murlidharDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y18:50
murlidharSetting up linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic (2.6.35-22.33) ...18:50
murlidharRunning depmod.18:50
murlidharupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic18:50
murlidharE: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/iscan failed with return 1.18:50
Ken8521murlidhar, stop copy/pasting that long of a bunch of crap18:50
murlidharupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic18:50
murlidharFailed to create initrd image.18:50
murlidhardpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic (--configure:(18:50
murlidhar subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 218:50
murlidhardpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-generic:18:50
murlidhar linux-image-generic depends on linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic; however:18:50
murlidhar  Package linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic is not configured yet.18:50
murlidhardpkg: error processing linux-image-generic (--configure:(18:50
murlidhar dependency problems - leaving unconfigured18:50
murlidhardpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic:18:50
murlidhar linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic (=; however:18:50
murlidhar  Package linux-image-generic is not configured yet.18:50
Ken8521isn't there a floodbot here?18:50
murlidhardpkg: error processing linux-generic (--configure:(18:50
murlidhar dependency problems - leaving unconfigured18:50
murlidharNo apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.18:50
murlidhar                                                                                                          No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.18:50
murlidhar                                 Errors were encountered while processing:18:50
TSKPasteBin FTW, murlidhar18:50
murlidhar linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic18:50
murlidhar linux-image-generic18:50
murlidhar linux-generic18:50
murlidharE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:50
murlidharsorrrry :(18:50
murlidhari was pastebinnin it.18:51
murlidharmistakenly did that.18:51
murlidharit was a mistake Ken852118:51
Ken8521yah right.18:51
murlidhari was tryin to paste the url18:51
murlidharapparently the url didn't copy18:51
murlidharso the earlier copied material was pasted.18:51
Ken8521so you didn't notice the ton of text in your box before you hit enter?18:51
murlidharKen8521: i use weechat . and it asks to press ctrl+Y to paste.18:52
murlidharand i did18:52
penguin42murlidhar: Can you do dpkg -S /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/iscan ?18:52
oxymoronpenguin42: Whats shotwell? :) I use nVidia so nothing radical there, maybe new nouvau drivers? Except for that, nothing? I only saw new core and pulseaudio by default. Except that its like you dont even have to release anything :P18:52
penguin42oxymoron: shotwell is a new photo handler to replace f-spot18:53
murlidharpenguin42: do i try that command ?18:53
penguin42oxymoron: I don't think there are any wow-omg type of changes in Maverick though18:53
penguin42murlidhar: Yes and tell me the result18:53
oxymoronpenguin42: I guess its in Gnome. I am using KDE desktop.18:53
TSK<- KDE user (showFoto)18:53
penguin42oxymoron: Ah, not tried the newer KDE version; I tend to prefer Gnome but have a look at KDE every so often18:53
oxymoronpenguin42: I dont understand new version if nothing new.18:53
droopalHi Can somebody help me with a Network problem, I try to click on Network Icon, and it says unable to mount.18:53
murlidharpenguin42: did and it just came out.. no output. back to the terminal.18:54
penguin42murlidhar: OK, does that file exist for you?18:54
oxymoronpenguin42: I prefer KDE bigtime before Gnome, especially because of Amarok :) But there still are some problems not fixed in any version of *buntu.18:54
murlidharpenguin42: err where can i find the file ?18:54
Ken8521oxymoron, like?... i could never use KDE.. i'd use Windows first18:55
murlidharoxymoron: try clementine its a fork of amarok 1.418:55
penguin42murlidhar: Well in your error it says E: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/iscan failed with return 1. and I've never heard of iscan before and I haven't git ut]18:55
penguin42got it18:55
Ken8521or if you really like amarok, use it under Gnome?18:56
TSKAfter far too many years of using Windows, you couldn't pay me to touch it with a ten foot pole.18:56
oxymoronKen8521: Like graphic issues with resolutions, OpenGL problem with video with Cairo Dock and minor issues here and there. Then nobody changing the crappy app launcher. Its like people seem to like how it works ... which its not.18:56
murlidharKen8521: i like gnome and amarok ..hence i use clementine..18:56
Ken8521never used clementine, doesn't appear to be in the repos, and i rarely compile from source18:57
* penguin42 should try Maverick KDE again18:57
murlidharpenguin42: so i am thinking maybe i could install an older kernel maybe... of lucid's.18:57
Ken8521oxymoron, i dunno, all my systems work fine, have the resolutions i want, etc.18:57
* oxymoron misses out of the box support for iOS 4.1 as well.18:57
penguin42murlidhar: It's not the kernels problem18:57
penguin42murlidhar: So, can you pastebin that file?18:57
murlidharwhich file ?18:57
Ken8521not really sure how you figure the app launcher is crappy, but ok... and yeah, I'm happy w/ Gnome in it's current form.. it's functional, w/o being overly bloated and slow like KDE18:57
oxymoronKen8521: Theres appear problem once in awhile in new updates and its not working solid.18:58
TSKClementine is a fork of Amarok 1.4 (the GOOD Amarok).  :)18:58
murlidharpenguin42: ah ok..just a second please.18:58
Ken8521oxymoron, you make it sound like kde runs swimmingly, kde constantly locks up my systems18:58
sdacan someone help me with my video card powersetup?18:58
oxymoronKen8521: Lock up?18:58
Ken8521or it's dragging along at a snails pace18:58
TSKThe current KDE4 runs pretty slick for me.  4.0-4.2 was pretty nearly unusable for me tho.  Crashed consistently.18:59
oxymoronKen8521: Never lock me. DOlphin (File browser) though crashes once in a while and is really slow.18:59
Ken8521yeah.. like i said, I'd use Windows before I used KDE, that's how much i dislike it.. thank God for choice.18:59
oxymoronKDE 4.0 cannot be compared to KDE 4.5 :P But I still miss some things which it doesnt have.19:00
TSKKen8521: Agreed.  THAT is the MAIN reason I love Linux so much.  Choice.  :)19:00
murlidharpenguin42: murlidhar@desktop:~$ dpkg -S /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/iscan19:00
murlidhariscan: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/iscan19:00
Ken8521TSK, yup... we don't get get stuck w/ a GUI that some corporate bean counter desided was best.19:00
murlidharpenguin42: that's all i comes.19:00
TSKCustomizability is the second big thing I love about it.  :)19:00
penguin42murlidhar: Any idea what iscan is? It doesn't seem to be in the package list I have?19:01
oxymoronKen8521: Winblows is worse than KDE ... I was forced to install Windows 7 again on my computer because ITUnes doesnt work with VBox, *buntu or anything. But now I cannot access files from my ext4 drives in Winbloews.19:01
murlidharlet me google it.19:01
Ken8521you think about all the different GUI's for Linux... and here Windows, supposedly the best operating system their is, only has one... go figure19:01
penguin42murlidhar: You got an Epson scanner?19:01
Ken8521oxymoron, thats a matter of opinion, i hate WIndows, but i'd use it before using anything w/ KDE19:01
murlidharpenguin42: ah yes :)19:01
murlidharnow i remember i downloaded the drivers for it.19:02
* oxymoron wonders when all OS can cooperate and CREATE ONE single default protocol for partition/file handling.19:02
TSKWindows 7 is the first nearly tolerable version of Windows I've seen, and even so, I still wouldn't touch Windows if you paid me to.19:02
Ken8521oxymoron, lol, never..19:02
penguin42murlidhar: Well it looks to me like that package is broken some how, if you remove it then I think it'll be able to update-initrd etc - but it may break the scanner19:02
murlidharand the app i use for it is iscan19:02
murlidharpenguin42: ok will remove it and see .19:02
oxymoronKen8521: Linux can access NTFS, but Windows cannot access ext* ... thats uhm tragic xD19:03
Ken8521TSK, actualy, i always found XP halfway decent, other than constantly being vulnerable to spyware/malware...19:03
Ken8521i really never had to many probs w/ it...19:03
murlidharpenguin42: no problems. i got a lappy that still has lucid.19:03
Ken8521oxymoron, i tihnk you can install something to help windows read ext3..19:03
TSKThe problem with the idea of "ONE single default protocol for partition/file handling" is that thus far there's no such thing as a filesystem that's perfect for EVERY need/use-case scenario.19:03
oxymoronI would be glad to not using any computer at all, but I need it for school, work, socials and so on. Then i also need to use one OS and its choosing between pest or kolera.19:03
Ken8521i keep XP in Vbox on one of my machines for when I gotta have it.. which really is only when I have to sync my zune19:04
oxymoronKen8521: Yes, I know but doesnt work for ext4 ...19:04
murlidharpenguin42: thanks a lot :)19:04
penguin42no problem19:04
oxymoronKen8521: I wasnt able to make Vbox work so I could access files on iPhone 4 with Itunes ... only work in native environment it seems xD19:05
Ken8521TSK, maybe it's btrfs... who knows19:05
TSKKen8521: Only time will tell on that one...  :)19:05
Ken8521oxymoron, i sync my zune and my nano w/ Vbox..so I see no reason you couldn't sync an iphone19:05
Ken8521TSK, yup19:05
murlidharnow there is another thingy which i don't know if i should submit a bug on or not.. penguin4219:05
oxymoronTSK: We dont need different file handling protocols because everything is just data.19:05
penguin42murlidhar: If it's broken submit a bug19:05
oxymoronKen8521: It didnt work with iPhone iOS 4.1, not sure why.19:06
Ken8521i could sync my ipod w/ Linux(its an old one), but i figure if i have to have XP in vbox for my Zune, might as well use Itunes for my ipod.19:06
murlidharpenguin42: actually my desktop and app fonts are set in bold ..but qt apps and qt4-settings don't show the fonts in bold.19:06
Ken8521oxymoron, dunno, but i've also sync'd my sisters ipod touch w/ it19:06
murlidharpenguin42: so i am not sure if it is broken or not.19:06
penguin42it's broken, submit a bug (repeat until all bugs submitted)19:06
Ken8521thats how i switched her to Linux, i put vbox w/ xp on her machine, and told her to fire it up only when she needed to synch er ipod.19:06
TSKIf btrfs turns out to be the "perfect" filesystem, then comes the hard part.  Convincing Microsoft not to "embrace, extend, extinguish" it.  ;)19:06
oxymoronKen8521: Maybe some crappy bug in Winblows 7 then.19:07
Ken8521maybe, who knows19:07
Ken8521oxymoron, are you tethering it, or trying to wireless sync it?19:07
murlidharpenguin42: now where to submit a bug for this thingy ? the app or in ubuntu desktop team ?19:07
murlidharqt4 apps.19:07
penguin42murlidhar: Submit against the individual package if you can19:07
oxymoronSigh, wonders when people will learn to make proper hard- and software. Problably never unfortunatly.19:07
oxymoronKen8521: USB sync?19:07
Ken8521oxymoron, are you using the non-free version of Vbox, that allows USB support?19:08
TSKI had an older iPod nano for a long while that worked great with RockBox on it, and using Amarok to sync it.19:08
oxymoronKen8521: I odnt understand why Apple cannot make it open so I can access USB Flash Drive from any computer. They dont have to jail it for Itunes.19:08
Ken8521TSK, yeah, but the linux ipod sync tools aren't very good IMO.. gtkpod is all right for old ipods(used it w/ my ancient nano for a while)19:08
* penguin42 goes for food19:08
oxymoronKen8521: Yes.19:08
oxymoronTSK: Yes worked for me too. But latest stuff tender not to work on Linux ...19:09
Ken8521oxymoron, well if thats the case, why can't any multimedia device be like that.19:09
TSKKen8521: gtkpod worked okay, but RockBox made my iPod much more usable, as it was just a matter of using it like a USB disk and dumping music files to it.  Amarok found that really simple to accomplish.  :)19:10
oxymoronKen8521: Yeah good question, why not make them free. THen they can have the crappy structure on it if they want.19:10
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:10
Ken8521TSK, yeah.. i've never rockboxed' a ipod19:10
TSKRockBox was WAY better'n iPod Linux, imho.19:11
TSKPlays most every music file format you can think of, and plays mpeg video, even on iPods that supposedly couldn't support video (like the old nano).  :)19:11
Ken8521TSK, yah, but video on my old 4gig, black and white nano, would not have been very pleasant19:12
intraderpenguin42, Re: printing problems - printer is cups printer attached to MacOs - it is correctly identified by Maverick19:13
TSKKen8521: I have one of those.  I've actually been thinking about RockBoxing it, just to see if it works half decent.  :)19:13
TSKOf course it wouldn't be viable for playing video on, but it might be nice for music.19:13
Ken8521TSK, i only use my old 4gig nano at the gym.. so i don't really need video, picture, etc.19:13
* oxymoron wonders why he thinks its feels good to track down hard- and software, as well as the whole company business in the world :P19:14
TSKI just like it because RockBox supports ogg and flac and such.  :)19:14
TSKAnd it's nice to be able to just drag and drop music on to the thing in pretty much ANY software that can access the filesystem.19:15
TSKI also had iPod Linux on the old Nano, but only to boot directly into Doom 2.  Never did use it for music.  RockBox all the way for the music side of things.  ;)19:16
Ken8521i never used ipod linux19:17
TSKIt wasn't terribly impressive.  Only slightly better than the native iPod OS.  It DID run Doom 2 quite nicely tho.  :)19:18
os2macanyone try to use Vboxadditions on Meerkat yet?19:18
intraderPrinting problems - printer is cups printer attached to MacOs - it is correctly identified by Maverick - preview is Ok, but pages (1) are blank. Works fine in 9.04 on same computer (tri boot)19:18
Ken8521os2mac, no19:18
os2macI did a bug search and didn't see any but I definitely have one.19:19
TSKVirtualBox is uber19:19
Ken8521i love vbox..19:19
* TSK uses it for "distro-hopping"19:19
os2macwhen ever I try to install vboxadditions 3.2.8_64453 the display switches to a extremely large ASCII display.19:20
Ken8521i'm not really sure i even know what vbox additions is..19:20
Ken8521i've installed guest additions, if thats what you mean.19:20
TSKSame thing19:20
Ken8521but i did that from inside virtual XP, and it worke dfine19:20
os2macKen yes... that is the "official" name of the guest additions.19:20
TSKLittle bit of feature enhancement19:20
Ken8521i like guest additions, because it lets you move the mouse between the two OS's w/o capturing/releasing it.19:21
os2macand resize the screen.19:21
TSKAnd it enables the other nifty features like "seamless mode"19:21
Ken8521don't know if it does that on Non Linux guests(never tried to install it on those).. but it works great.19:21
os2macthis is from OSX to Ubuntu.19:21
os2macyeah it does.19:22
Ken8521os2mac, yeah, i only use vbox for XP, and occasional experimentations w/ other distros19:22
TSKLast time I tried XP in VBox the "seamless mode" worked.  Haven't tried it in quite a while tho.19:23
TSKIt's kinda wierd tho to have a KDE menu bar AND a Windows taskbar on the same screen.  :)19:23
TSKSince I gave up hardcore gaming tho, I don't really need Windows anymore.19:25
Ken8521TSK,  yeah, same here... i have dual screens, so if I need windows in vbox(which is very rare) i just put one on each screen..lol19:27
TSKKen8521: Ya.  That'd be the way to do it.  :)19:27
Ken8521TSK, it works well :)19:28
TSKI'm using Ubuntu on an HDTV, so I generally just run VBox full screen on one desktop (of the four desktops I have set up on my KDE).19:28
sdaCiao a tutti, question: I have some problem with ubuntu, now I'm running 10.04, I start with the most important: My Svideo is a Ati X1700, I need it works in powersafe mode, I don't need it uses all this energy especially with battery. I know the solution is inside Kernel 2.6.35 so I put it on my pc, how can I check my Svideo status??19:29
* TSK doesn't know anything about ATI on Linux. :(19:30
* Ken8521 doesn't either.19:30
Ken8521i'm Nvidia only...19:30
TSKSame here.19:31
TSKnVidia's always "just worked" for me.19:31
Ken8521same here.19:31
Ken8521enable driver, set up my screens, and thats that19:31
Ken8521probably not as easy on some other distros.19:31
TSKIt's been pretty good since the DKMS module system.19:32
Tetsuo55i put apt in chron hourly, but its not doing hourly updates, whenever i open the update manager it says " last updated X hours ago" , the exact time i did a manual check19:34
TSKOnly problem I've had with nVidia is that it doesn't like really strange resolutions like 1440x900 without a bit of hackery to the xorg.conf (adding a modeline).19:35
TSKStill not sure if that's the fault of xorg or the nvidia driver tho.19:35
the_dark_warrioI'm experiencing a problem with Xorg. If I run 'less long_file' and keep pressing the down arrow, I can see Xorg consuming 80% of CPU. Is this normal?19:35
intraderI am looking at printing problem - Printer is cups printer on MacOS  - prints Ok from MacOS OK - Identified properly in print utility on 10.10, the preview is ok - Sends blank pages to printer.19:36
TSKthe_dark_warrio: I can't imagine that Xorg using 80% CPU could ever be normal unless you are running a 3D game or something.19:37
the_dark_warrioTSK: I'm not running anything, just scrolling some text in less19:37
TSKthe_dark_warrio: Then that's pretty bizarre indeed.19:37
intraderUsed to work OK on 9.04 - some update to 9.04 messed printing19:37
the_dark_warrioTSK: any tips on how I can provide more info on this?19:38
the_dark_warrioTSK: maybe this is a problem with the nvidia driver19:38
TSKthe_dark_warrio: Honestly, I wish I had some advice for you.  I've not seen Xorg use that much CPU before even with full desktop effects enabled.19:39
Ken8521TSK,  http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/dual.jpg19:39
Ken8521it works well.. even if it looks strange19:39
TSKXorg is currently averaging around 3% CPU on my machine with spikes up to the 25% range when I push it hard.19:40
TSKKen8521: Right on.  Very nice.  :)19:40
TSKPretty stylish wallpaper on the Linux side there.19:40
Ken8521TSK, i think so.. i got that on gnome-look... really liked it.19:41
the_dark_warrioTSK: I will try disabling nvidia driver and see if the problem persists19:41
TSKI just have mine cycle thru my "Amazing Photography" folder in my Pictures folder.  :)19:41
TSKthe_dark_warrio: That's probably a good test to try, aye.19:41
Ken8521TSK, well, 1 i suck at photography, adn 2.. that can bog a machine down depending on how often it cycles, so..19:42
Ken8521TSK, how do you make it cycle19:42
TSKMine cycles only about every hour or so.19:42
Ken8521do you use KDE?19:42
TSKI just point my KDE wallpaper at the picture folder I want it to randomly cycle from.  Pretty sure there's a tiny little tool you can install on Gnome to do the exact same thing tho.19:43
Ken8521TSK, last night, we were joking about bad wallpapers/setups... and this is the worst i've seen it's my 14yr odl sisters... I RD'd her desktop last night to get this screenshot, but it's awful.. she has to be colorblind  http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/rebecca.jpg19:43
Ken8521TSK, yeah, i was thinking you used gnome19:43
TSKI seem to remember reading about something like that on one Linux Journal19:43
Ken8521like what?19:44
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
TSKOy.  That's gotta be one of the most hideous desktops I've ever seen.  :)19:44
Ken8521i know19:44
Ken8521lol.. i don't know how she uses it19:44
Ken8521but. shes' 14. so..19:45
the_dark_warrioTSK: yep, disabling nvidia driver fixes the Xorg problem19:46
TSKKen8521: Here's an ancient article on how to do random wallpapers on Gnome, but I am sure I read recently somewhere about a really simple tool for Gnome that does it better.19:46
* TSK is Googling for it.19:46
Ken8521hmm, i'll have to check it out.19:47
TSKthe_dark_warrio: Well, that confirms that the problem is definitely nVidia driver related somehow then.19:47
Ken8521TSK, i might try it..  http://lifehacker.com/400505/rotate-desktop-backgrounds-in-ubuntu19:47
TSKthe_dark_warrio: Might want to diddle around with some of the nVidia specific options in xorg.conf if you feel brave.  :)19:48
TSKKen8521: I find that if you don't have it change wallpaper TOO often it's really nice to have it just cycle randomly thru your favorite wallpapers folder.  In my case it's mostly nature photos.  :)19:48
Ken8521yeah, i actually really like nature shots, just not ones i take.19:49
Ken8521!info drapes | TSK19:49
ubottuTSK: drapes (source: drapes): a desktop wallpaper management application for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-3.2 (maverick), package size 178 kB, installed size 2332 kB19:49
TSKDrapes!  Pretty sure THAT'S the one.19:49
the_dark_warrioTSK: I will take a look ;)19:49
Ken8521yeah, i'm installing it now, see how it works19:49
TSKNot sure where I read about it, but it sounds REALLY familiar.19:50
TSKLifeHacker and Linux Journal are the two sites I frequently see handy little tips like that tho, so I suspect it was one of those two sites.  :)19:50
androidbruce|nethey guys i have a question about ssh19:51
Ken8521TSK, it actually seems to work pretty well.19:52
TSKKen8521: Nice.  :)19:52
TSKKen8521: Now you just need to fill a folder full of all your very favorite wallpapers.  :)19:53
androidbruce|net if i ssh into my machine and start a wget, then close the ssh term will the wget finish it's download?19:53
Ken8521naa.. i'm still simplistic in nature, i'm fine w/ 1.. i just wanted to see how it worked19:53
TSKandroidbruce|net: Only if you are using "screen".19:53
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:53
androidbruce|netso i ssh'd into my linux machine from my wife's netbook using putty19:54
yofeleither use screen or nohup19:54
TSKandroidbruce|net: Ya.  What ubottu said.  :)19:54
androidbruce|netthat wget would only finish if i stayed connected?19:54
androidbruce|netwell that's a mother19:54
TSKandroidbruce|net: If you ssh in and then run "screen" then you can start a command and disconnect and it'll still finish the command.19:54
TSKandroidbruce|net: Actually, you could also try running a command with an & at the end.  That "backgrounds" the task.19:55
yofelwell, more accurately it will leave the shell that's wget running in open19:55
androidbruce|netTSK, hmmm yeah didn't think about that19:55
TSKMIGHT work19:55
TSKI tend to stick with "screen" tho, because it lets you reattach to that same console session later if you like.19:55
yofelno, '&' won't work, as the process will be closed once the shell is gone, use 'nohup' for that19:56
androidbruce|netwould screen work from putty?19:56
TSKAnd it lets you switch between multiple screens, too.19:56
TSKandroidbruce|net: Aye.  screen should work from putty, as you run it on the machine you are connecting to.19:56
androidbruce|netohh i see yeah19:56
androidbruce|netwasnt sure if it was like ssh -X19:56
TSKandroidbruce|net: screen + ssh = VERY useful.  :)19:57
androidbruce|netyeah sounds like it19:57
androidbruce|netso when i type "screen" it gives me like a man page19:57
penguin42androidbruce|net: Read it19:58
TSKThe link Ken8521 posted via ubottu gives some handy information to get you started with screen.  :)19:58
* yofel uses byobu on all his pc's 19:58
TSKbyobu is quite good too.19:58
penguin42anyone seen any reports of problems with shutdown on asus eeepc?19:58
TSKbyobu is an fancy version of screen with some extra features and some pre-set configuration.19:58
androidbruce|netahh boybu19:58
androidbruce|netcool deal19:59
yofelpenguin42: I can shutdown fine on my 1000H19:59
penguin42yofel: My 1005HA hangs solid19:59
androidbruce|netTSK, so right now byobu is running wget20:00
androidbruce|netif i close the putty window it will continue?20:00
TSKandroidbruce|net: It should, as byobu is just another variety of "screen" with some fancy extra features.  :)20:00
androidbruce|netTSK, well awesome thanks so much20:00
androidbruce|netTSK, shoot me a pm with paypal info ill donate a few bucks, i owe you a beer20:01
TSKandroidbruce|net: Notta problem.  ssh is ONE thing I DO happen to know a bit about, as I use it quite frequently myself.  ;)20:01
TSKandroidbruce|net: Hehehe...  If you wanna donate $ to something, give a few bux to some worthy open source project, or any good charity, or just help out someone with an answer to a question later when you hear a question you know the answer to.  ;)20:02
TSKI help when I'm able because people help ME when they're able.  What goes around comes around.  :)20:03
androidbruce|netTSK, no probs man20:03
androidbruce|netyou need any android help i can help you out :)20:03
androidbruce|netim a linux n00b but i have made the switch exclusively to ubuntu/arch for over 7 months now20:04
androidbruce|netnot windows on any machine i use20:04
TSKI'm seriously thinkin' my next gadget is gonna gotta be the new gPhone.  :)20:04
androidbruce|netTSK, gPhone? google phone?20:04
androidbruce|netwhat carrier?20:04
TSKOr maybe I'll get a gPad20:05
androidbruce|netdo not get the galaxy samsung tab20:05
TSKGoogle's version of the iPad20:05
androidbruce|netnew tablets comiong q1 that will make it look stupif20:05
TSKAny tablet type thing or similar-ish device I get HAS to be open and hackable.  I won't buy any of the latest Apple gadgets because they are trying far too hard to lock them down.20:06
TSKFAR too pricey for something that I can20:06
TSKFAR too pricey for something that I can't run my own choice of software on.20:06
TSKandroidbruce|net: As to you bein' a Linux noob, most of us were at one time or another.  I can tell you from experience that the more you learn about Linux, the more you'll find yourself wondering how you ever tolerated using anything else.  ;)20:08
oxymoronWOnders if its would be possible to buy a smartphone without any software in the future :D20:08
oxymoronHopefully cheaper20:08
TSKI dual booted between Linux and WinXP for nearly a year before I gave up XP entirely.  That was nearly 8 years ago, and I haven't missed Windows one bit.  :)20:09
Ken8521TSK, yeah, except about 6yrs for me20:10
TSKThese days I work with Mac users at work and have friends who use Windows, and never have any problems collaborating with them on projects.  Linux does it all these days (except hardcore gaming).  ;)20:10
Ken8521TSK, while not being hardcore by any stretch... to me, for being free.. Urban Terror is pretty awesome20:11
TSKThis last couple few years have been really exciting for Linux tho.  It's become far more usable than ever before.20:11
TSKUrban Terror is good.  Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is really fun, too.20:11
Ken8521yeah, but that isn't freeware is it?..lol20:12
TSKAlien Arena is pretty decent, and Nexuiz, too.20:12
Ken8521yeah, i like both of them to.20:12
TSKWolf ET?  Sure is.  ID Software gave it away freely.20:12
Ken8521i'm not much of a gamer, pretty much only play Urban Terror.20:12
Ken8521really?.. hmm, might have to try and find it20:12
TSKAnd they open sourced the Quake III engine, too.  :)20:12
TSKI have a lot of respect for ID software for that particular move20:13
TSKEven as old as it is, the Quake III engine is still to this very day a really excellent 3D game engine.  Silky smooth, great graphics, fantastic map editing tools...20:14
penguin42Tsk, repeatable; 1001HA hangs on shutdown20:15
TSKI still have my original Quake III special edition Linux boxed tin with Tux on the front.  :)20:15
TSKpenguin42: 1001HA?20:15
penguin42Asus eeepc 1001HA20:15
TSKpenguin42: Let me see if my Google skills can find anything about that.  :)20:15
penguin42TSK: I just filed a bug on it20:16
TSKHmmm...  I see a lot about hang on startup and hang on install, but nothing about hang on shutdown.20:17
penguin42TSK: Trust me to find the odd bug :-)20:18
TSKKen8521: Funny thing is I paid $15 for Quake III in a collector's edition tin when the Windows version of it was still selling for $50.  :)20:18
androidbruce|netthe reason i needed to wget was bc my laptop would not boot this am after some updates installed20:19
TSKpenguin42: What are you running on this eeepc?  Ubuntu Maverick?20:19
androidbruce|netso im downloading the 10.10 rc so i can start over20:19
penguin42TSK: Yeh just a fresh insall from teh RC20:19
androidbruce|netso i ssh'd into my desktop so byt the time i got home the iso would be finished20:19
Ken8521speaking of which, i haven't upgraded in 8hrs..20:20
TSKpenguin42: Well, it's a good time to find bugs like that then.  Surely want stuff like that fixed before Maverick goes "official".  :)20:20
androidbruce|netinit had an issue mounting my boot volume20:20
androidbruce|netafter a 10.10 update20:20
penguin42androidbruce|net: What symptom do you see?20:21
TSKandroidbruce|net: Did it give an error message which might be helpful?20:21
TSKOver the years I've learned to recover from some pretty scary seeming problems in Linux which would REQUIRE a format and reinstall under Windows.  :)20:21
androidbruce|netTSK, im not positive i had to run out the door this am20:21
androidbruce|netbut it essentially said, could not mount Boot Volume20:21
penguin42androidbruce|net: Probably need the full error to help20:22
androidbruce|netand before that my left ctrl button was stuck as a Compose key20:22
TSKIf you can get more detail on WHY it couldn't mount it might be possible to fix without a reinstall.20:22
penguin42androidbruce|net: If you have a digi camera then just take a picci of it20:22
magicianlordDownloading the daily build right now20:22
androidbruce|netTSK, penguin42 well ill look at it when i get home this afternoon and report back20:22
magicianlordShould be good, eh20:22
androidbruce|netohh is it a good idea to have /boot, /system,/home on sep partitions?20:23
TSKandroidbruce|net: If I'm still on IRC or if I'm back by then I'll see if I can help you diagnose and recover20:23
androidbruce|netTSK, yeah awesome20:24
androidbruce|neti tried an fsck -p20:24
androidbruce|netno dice20:24
androidbruce|neti tried from a 10.04 live usb iso20:24
TSKandroidbruce|net: I have /boot on a separate partition, and /home also.  Makes them easier to backup and restore, and makes reinstall without loss of data easier, too.20:24
androidbruce|netTSK, yeah i want to do that with a fresh install, but im not sure how to go about that :/20:24
androidbruce|netb/c then i could restore /boot and leave /home20:25
TSKandroidbruce|net: You can use the "Advanced" partitioning during the install, or you can use gParted (Gnome GUI for parted) or kde partition manager (KDE GUI for parted) to create/resize the partitions BEFORE installing.  Whichever you prefer.20:25
TSKandroidbruce|net: There's also a nice LiveCD you can download called PartedMagic20:27
magicianlorddo it during install20:27
magicianlordboot partition: 100mb, swap 256mb, / 15000mb, /home rest20:27
androidbruce|netyeah so during the ubuntu installation there are options to do so?.20:27
androidbruce|neti have a 160gb drive in my laptop, what should i allocate where?20:28
androidbruce|net3gb of ram20:28
TSKDuring install is the easiest, but Parted Magic is a nice CD to have laying around just for those odd times you want to resize/modify partitions on an already installed machine for whatever reason.  :)20:28
androidbruce|netTSK, yeah ive booted with live cd and used gparted before20:28
penguin42androidbruce|net: ~100-200mb for /boot at the beginning, then say 30G for /, 2GB swap and the rest for home20:28
androidbruce|netok so im know how android fs is layed out, /boot /system /cache /data is this similar in Ubuntu?20:29
TSKYa.  /home should be the largest partition, and /boot should be the smallest.  Anything much over 100-200 meg is excessive for /boot.20:29
androidbruce|net /boot is kernel correct?20:29
penguin42androidbruce|net: There is no /system20:29
yofelkernel and grub20:29
androidbruce|netpenguin42, gotcha ok20:29
TSKandroidbruce|net: Like penguin42 said20:30
penguin42androidbruce|net: Yeh, /boot for kernel, / for most system files, /home for your own stuff20:30
penguin42androidbruce|net: Any packages you install will most likely go on /20:30
androidbruce|netpenguin42, yeah so i need / to be large20:30
TSK /boot is kernel and grub files20:30
penguin42androidbruce|net: Yeh, don't make it too small, similarly don't be too mean with /boot when you have a few kernel versions20:30
androidbruce|netand if init fails or kernel panics you can just restore /boot from a live iso20:31
penguin42androidbruce|net: Shouldn't need to20:31
androidbruce|netshouldn't need to?20:31
penguin42androidbruce|net: /boot keeps a few of the older kernels and you can pick it during boot20:31
androidbruce|netpenguin42, ahh i see yeah my desktop has TONS of other kernel versions in grub20:31
TSKThe / partition contains /usr (where most packages get installed to) and /var (where most "transient" data lives), so / should be more than 10 gig, but less than 50 to ensure you have space for all the software you might ever install, but you can always resize it later, too if you need to.20:32
penguin42androidbruce|net: Yeh you can clear most of them out, good to have one or two older versions to fall back on20:32
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:32
androidbruce|neti want to eventually configure a RAID 5 with two ssd's and have /boot /home separate partitions20:32
TSKYou totally want to have a ton of space in /home tho, because that's where all your data (videos, music, documents, etc) will live.20:32
androidbruce|netTSK, yeah gotcha20:32
penguin42androidbruce|net: Well, RAID 1 if you've got two20:32
androidbruce|netohh ha sorry i said 520:33
androidbruce|netyeah just Raid 1 mirrored20:33
androidbruce|netfor redundancy purposes20:33
magicianlordwho has been testing mm?20:33
TSKI've had around 20-30 gig / partitions before and never managed to fill them up completely, even with a godlike amount of software installed, so...  :)20:33
TSKMaverick Meerkat?20:34
androidbruce|netTSK, im excited to freshly install 10.10 and have sep partitions :-D20:34
TSKThis is the Ubuntu+1 channel, so probably most of us here have at least tried it.  ;)20:34
androidbruce|netmy laptop is like my test machine, and then once i learn i move those functions to my workstation20:34
TSKandroidbruce|net: Heheheh...  I tend to be kinda brave these days.  My main workstation is my "test machine".  ;)20:35
androidbruce|netTSK, well i guess i could do that and use my vps for work20:36
TSKBack when Mandriva Linux was switching over to the new modular xorg and KDE 4.0 my machine broke so bad that I was stuck at a non-graphical console for a week.  I learned a LOT about Linux during that week.  :)20:37
androidbruce|netTSK, i kind of dove in head first with my linux journey and got my laptop,workstation and ubuntu server vps all in a month20:37
androidbruce|netso my vps is my znc bouncer and it runs subsonic and lets me learn how to never use a gui20:38
TSKandroidbruce|net: Well, the main thing about Linux that I've learned is that 99% of things that would REQUIRE a reinstall on Windows can be fixed WITHOUT a reinstall on Linux if you are patient enough.  :)20:38
androidbruce|netso ssh "screen" is an awesome thing to learn.20:38
androidbruce|netTSK, yea :/ that's where i am with my laptop at home right now20:38
magicianlorddo you have a separate /home partition? that is preferable with the requied 6-month ubuntu reinstalls20:38
TSKscreen and byobu are truly fantastic tools, and ssh just can't be beat for remote administration.20:38
yofelandroidbruce: ssh + screen is one of the most useful things when configuring a server ;)20:38
androidbruce|netmagicianlord, that's my next project20:39
androidbruce|neti also want to make some images of my workstation so i have backups20:39
magicianlordi have a spare netbook that i might install mm on and do the /home partition20:39
androidbruce|netbut i don't want to use ghost20:39
androidbruce|netso ive been researching dd20:39
yofelyou don't exaclty *need* a seperate /home, as ubiquity deletes system files if it finds any on the installation location20:39
magicianlordright now it's running arch, which is better, but i like to test out the 6 month ubu releases20:39
yofelbut it's cleaner when reinstalling, yes20:39
TSKThere's no such thing as a "required" reinstall on Linux.  I tend to go ahead and do the "rolling upgrade".  :)20:39
magicianlordok yuffie20:40
androidbruce|netTSK, yeah i gotcha20:40
* yofel only reinstalls when he changes something about the partitioning20:40
androidbruce|netif i dd a drive to an .iso how would i restore that?20:40
magicianlordif you dont reinstall, you can an unclean upgrade20:40
TSKThese days I only reinstall on a "bare metal" new machine.20:41
yofelmagicianlord: the packages should manage that, if they don't, they're broken, and transitional packages don't break anything20:41
magicianlordshould, but wouldnt count on it20:41
yofelwell, I know enough about the package manager to fix most other cases20:42
yofelright, one other thing to learn when testing ubuntu devel releases: learn to use dpkg commands!20:42
TSKMy automated backup cron job keeps a "time-machine" style backup of changes I make to /etc files, and everything else I know what to move out of the way before upgrades and just put critical bits back after a nice clean rolling distro upgrade.20:42
yofelyou'll need them :P20:42
magicianlordneed them for what20:43
magicianlordinstall the wifi packages with the alternate installer separately? yes20:43
yofelmagicianlord: fix packages that are broken, had to use them more than one time already20:43
drbobbhi, what's the status of broadcom wifi in maverick?20:43
yofelthen again, I'm an alpha tester, much more breakage there20:43
TSKyofel: Yep.  Sounds like you know how it goes...  ;)20:43
intraderI am looking at printing problem - Printer is cups printer on MacOS  - prints Ok from MacOS OK - Identified properly in print utility on 10.10, the preview is ok - Sends blank pages to printer.20:43
TSKintrader: Just out of curiosity, if you share the printer via SMB/CIFS (Windows style printer sharing) from the Mac OS machine, can you print to it successfully?  We had to do that once with a Xerox printer at work one time.20:45
duffydackdrbobb, my 4312 is working fine with STA, if that means anything20:46
drbobbduffydack: what's STA?20:46
duffydackdrbobb, proprietary20:46
drbobbproprietary what?20:47
duffydackdrbobb, the 'free' driver doesnt support my card now20:47
duffydackdrbobb, its the driver from broadcom, not the free one20:47
duffydacktbh, the free one has never worked properly anyway.  good riddance20:47
androidbruce|netwhat's the difference between update manager and update manager -d?20:48
intraderTSK, I have not been able to share that printer with my Windows OS machines. The printer printed until a couple of days ago on 9.04. 9.04 must have received an update to break the printer. 10.10 and 9.04 behave the same now20:48
androidbruce|netand when why would you do an sudo apt-get update?20:48
duffydack'development release'20:48
TSKandroidbruce|net: update-manager -d checks for a distro upgrade I believe?20:49
drbobbduffydack: true that, in lucid I had to go back to ndiswrapper to make my 4318 work20:49
TSKandroidbruce|net: 'sudo apt-get update' updates the package list from the package repository servers (lists the latest package versions available).20:49
intraderTSK, Windows in general does not mix well with MacOS or linux20:49
TSKandroidbruce|net: And apt-get upGRADE upgrades currently installed packages to the latest versions available.20:50
androidbruce|netTSK, ahh awesome20:50
androidbruce|netanyone else get samba crashes regularly since 10.10?20:50
yofelandroidbruce, TSK: actually -d is short for --devel-release, as upgrades to maverick aren't shown otherwise20:50
TSKintrader: Odd.  We have Windows, Mac OS X, AND Linux machines at work that all work together happily, and I manage the whole network remotely from my Linux box at home.20:51
TSKyofel: Thank you.  :)20:51
intraderTSK, cups has always worked until now. Now I get blank pages from either 9.04 or 10.10. Good, I have not made the effort as MacOS and Linux play Ok (as to the cups printer)20:51
yofelTSK, androidbruce: and apt-get upgrade upgrades the packages, but will not install or remove packages if a package requires it, but instead hold it back, dist-upgrade will install/remove packages to satisfy dependencies20:52
TSKintrader: It took some doing getting our ONE Windows machine to talk to all the Macs and the Linux box in the back room at work, but once it was all configured right it never had a problem since.20:52
androidbruce|netTSK, you saved my life with byobu/screen20:52
androidbruce|netyofel, thanks a lot20:53
androidbruce|netTSK, i just logged back in and i see that byobu is hard at work downloading with wget, it saves the previous session :)20:53
intraderTSK, that is great feat as far as I am concerned - good for you.20:53
TSKandroidbruce|net: I totally love screen, and ssh too.  I regularly use SSH to tunnel network ports from machines at work to my home workstation.  :)20:53
yofelandroidbruce: 'saved' is not really accurate, it leaves the session running, you just disconnect your terminal from it20:54
androidbruce|netTSK, i would LOVE to eventually have a vps and use that as my primary machine and work in the 'cloud' all the time20:54
androidbruce|netyofel, ahh good point, i could kill it with ssh if i needed?20:54
yofelwhat's a vps?20:54
androidbruce|netvirtual private server20:54
* yofel has a broken notebook working as a home server20:55
androidbruce|netusually they are vm's that you pay monthly for bandwidth,storage20:55
TSKandroidbruce|net: If you use SSH a lot, you may want to check into a neat little toy 'gstm' for a really handy GUI to manage SSH tunnels conveniently.20:55
androidbruce|netTSK, will do20:55
yofelright, didn't remember for a moment, but that's what ec2 is right?20:55
androidbruce|neti would love to browse and use ssh -x to do everything from my vps20:56
yofelandroidbruce: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/20:56
TSKPersonally, I just have a series of scripts I use for remote management, but when I first got started using SSH regularly, gstm was really great for tunneling VNC and file sharing and several other network services via SSH.20:56
androidbruce|netbut right now my connection from home isn't nearly fast enough for that to be efficient20:56
androidbruce|netyofel, yes that is sort of a vps20:56
androidbruce|netthat would work for cloud computing i suppose20:57
androidbruce|netthat ec2 is nice b/c it's tiered and charges you depending on use20:57
yofelandroidbruce: and right, you can kill screen from another ssh session if you need20:58
yofelthat will kill all shells that are running in that screen session20:58
androidbruce|netyofel, can you have screen run a task then kill itself when done?20:58
intraderI am looking at printing problem - Printer is cups printer on MacOS  - prints Ok from MacOS OK - Identified properly in print utility on 10.10, the preview is ok - Sends blank pages to printer.20:58
TSKandroidbruce|net: ssh -XC enables compression, if that helps any.20:59
androidbruce|netintrader, have you tried printing directly to that printer from 10.10?20:59
androidbruce|netTSK, ooooooh nice :)20:59
intraderSorry to repeat - I thought I was left hanging there20:59
yofelwell, you could probably use screen with only one shell, and use 'command && logout' which will close the shell if the command completes successfully, and since there are no open shells anymore screen will exit20:59
androidbruce|netyofel, gotcha21:00
intraderandroidbruce|net: I can't, the printer is connects to the the mac21:00
yofelI find 'nohup command' easier for those cases though, which doesn't require screen21:00
androidbruce|netintrader, could you move it? just to see if the driver is correct21:00
TSKintrader: As long as you don't repeat your question TOO frequently, it's probably a good idea to repeat it once in a while, just in case anyone newly arrived in the channel hasn't seen it yet and may know the answer.  ;)21:00
androidbruce|netyofel, not sure about "nohup command"21:00
yofelif will close the shell and just leave that one command running with stdout redirected to the nohup.out file21:00
yofelandroidbruce: see man nohup21:01
androidbruce|netyofel, ok21:01
yofelthen again, the manpage is pretty technical21:01
intraderandroidbruce|net: I should be able to talk to the cups server on the mac - I just don't have the IP address of the mac - only its name. The cups printer is accessible from 10.10 - it just prints blank pages21:01
TSKintrader: androidbruce|net had a good suggestion there.  Maybe physically connect the printer directly to your Linux box and see if it prints correctly.  Then if it does you can be sure that you are using the right printer driver from that end of things.21:01
androidbruce|netintrader, b/c to me if you can send jobs to the printer communication is fine21:02
androidbruce|netso it would be a driver issue on the linux machine not telling the printer what to print21:03
androidbruce|netbut then again im no expert21:03
TSKandroidbruce|net: Sounds pretty logical to me.  :)21:03
intraderandroidbruce|net: 'b/c'?  - communication is fine - 10.10 discovers the printer ok and talks to the cups server on the mac ok, but just get blank pages21:04
TSKWe ended up having to install a PPD file from Xerox to fix our printing issue at work.21:04
androidbruce|netTSK, gross Xeros :/21:04
yofelandroidbruce: actually, just remembered, you would have to run 'nohup command &' so you can continue to use the shell after that, screen is usually more convenient21:04
TSKPPD = Postscript Printer Definition or somesuch like that...21:04
androidbruce|netyeah i like screen yofel21:04
androidbruce|netoh hey if you guys have twitter it would be cool to have more ubuntu folks there, my name is @androidbruce if you follow ill refollow21:05
androidbruce|netno pressure :)21:05
intraderandroidbruce|net: I think it would introduce another variable (a driver on the 10.10  for the printer). The cups server is running OK on the mac. I can print from an OLPC XO with no problem.21:05
TSKYa.  We've since replaced the Xerox with a MUCH nicer Canon machine which does more for less money.  :)21:05
androidbruce|netTSK, very true i like canon21:05
yofelanother usecase for screen on your local machine: run apt-get in it will continue to do it's work even if X crashes ;)21:05
TSKThe toner for the new machine is cheaper, too.  And lasts longer.21:06
magicianlordwhy doesn't cannon provide debs for installing their scanning software properly?21:06
TSKyofel: Ooo!  GOOD idea!21:06
androidbruce|netintrader, im not too sure br021:06
androidbruce|netyofel, why would x crash when running apt-get?21:06
androidbruce|netmagicianlord, they have source?21:06
yofelandroidbruce: there are ton of reasons why X *might* crash, and the law of murphy already declares that it will choose the worst possible time to do so21:07
intraderandroidbruce|net, TSK: mine is just a lowly HP Deskjet 5400 that keep on going.21:07
androidbruce|netyofel, why would x crashes cause apt-get to fail?21:07
androidbruce|netyofel, sorry n00b here21:08
TSKNot that X is likely to crash or anything, but IF it did (and it COULD, even if highly unlikely) then apt-get running in screen makes sure the task will finish regardless, and you can reconnect to that screen session from any console or ssh session.  :)21:08
ChogyDanandroidbruce|net: maybe OOM?21:08
androidbruce|netChogyDan, ?21:08
androidbruce|netChogyDan, ohhh21:09
androidbruce|netto free up memory21:09
yofelandroidbruce|net: if you have a terminal open with apt-get running, and X crashes, it will kill the terminal, which kills the shell, which kills apt-get and leaves your packages in an inconsistent state21:09
TSKintrader: You do for certain have the correct HP drivers installed on the Linux end of things?21:09
androidbruce|netyofel, ahhh so running screen from that machine will run apt-get w/o the use of the terminal which relies on X?21:09
yofelif you're currently upgrading the kernel, this can end bad21:09
intraderTSK, I never had to do that - that is insulated by the cups server, I think21:10
androidbruce|netso running screen is similar to pressing alt-f2 and running your commands?21:10
yofelandroidbruce|net: well, it will keep apt-get running in screen, so it will continue it's work, you can restart X and just open a new terminal and reconnect to screen21:10
TSKandroidbruce|net: BTW, if you like working from a terminal, check into Yakuake (KDE) or Guake (Gnome) for a nice hotkey'd drop-down terminal always handy when you need it.  :)21:10
androidbruce|netTSK, hmmm i use gnome-do..no good?21:11
androidbruce|netTSK, you guys are skr8 sch00ling this n00b21:11
yofelandroidbruce|net: guake is more a replacement for gnome-terminal, drop-down style21:11
* yofel uses yakuake since he uses KDE21:12
androidbruce|netyofel, ok cool......not too sure what drop-down style means21:12
intraderTSK, seems to me that the cups server expects the documents in some transportable form and the linux does not need a driver (I think). The OLPC XO machine running sugar on Fedora had no problems communicating to the cups server and printing21:12
yofelandroidbruce|net: you press a key, and the terminal comes sliding down from the top of the screen ;)21:12
ChogyDanit is like all those 3d shooters, al la, Quake21:12
TSKandroidbruce|net: gnome-do is a nice little quick launcher, but Yakuake/Guake puts a terminal on a hotkey (usually F12) anytime you need it.  :)21:12
androidbruce|netyofel, i see i see21:12
androidbruce|netTSK, that sounds very cool, but also sounds like a waste of good ram..;)21:13
JEEBguake was nice when I was using it lol21:13
TSKThe hotkey of course is configurable, as is the speed and appearance of the terminal.  :)21:13
TSKandroidbruce|net: It's NEVER a waste of RAM to have a terminal instantly available when the need arises for a quick "ssh office" to help the n00bs at work with something...  ;)21:14
androidbruce|netTSK, hahah touche21:14
androidbruce|netim looking at byobu right now, how would i get out of this and go back to $? ctrl+c?21:14
TSKSeriously, tho...  I use the terminal so frequently throughout my day that having it always handy is just a requirement for me.  :)21:15
magicianlordyou type exit to leave screen21:15
androidbruce|netmagicianlord, not working21:15
magicianlordwith /21:15
androidbruce|netjust keeps reloading the current wget21:15
magicianlordctrl+c quits current action21:15
androidbruce|netbut will ctrl+c keep screen's task going?21:16
duffydackhow can I use mouse gesture to access guake (f12 key) ?21:16
yofelwell, actually you type ctrl+a ctrl+d to disconnect from it, or for byobu press f6, and it will automatically exit once you close the last shell, to exit a shell, use exit, logout, or ctrl+d21:16
TSKandroidbruce|net: You know how the console drops down from the top of the screen in Urban Terror/Quake/Wolfenstein when you press `/~ key for console commands?  That's Yakuake/Guake on F12, only with bash instead.  :)21:17
androidbruce|netTSK, haha NICE21:17
androidbruce|netsudo apt-get ing now21:17
drbobbwhat's a kde version of that?21:17
drbobbI mean the dropdown console21:17
TSKduffydack: I've actually never tried to access it with a mouse gesture before.  I imagine it's possible somehow tho.21:17
androidbruce|netok guys thanks so much21:18
TSKdrbobb: Yakuake is the KDE version21:18
androidbruce|netgotta get going21:18
drbobbTSK: ok thx21:18
androidbruce|netwill def bbl21:18
TSKdrbobb: Guake is the Gnome equivalent of the same thing.  :)21:18
weboideMy usual (from Lucid) apt-pinning in /etc/apt/preferences does not seem to be considered when installing a pinned package using apt-get. any way to debug that?21:18
androidbruce|netalways nice to get schooled by nice dudes21:18
androidbruce|netthanks again21:18
TSKandroidbruce|net: You have a good day, sir.  :)21:18
drbobbTSK: yeah I know guake, been using gnome lately21:18
TSKIt's a MUST-have tool for anyone who uses the console ALL the time like I do.  :)21:19
magicianlordwhich tool21:19
yofelTSK: agreed :D21:19
TSKGuake/Yakuake.  :)21:19
intraderI am getting an error from DBus when I go to 'Places-->Network' ; my aim is to discover the IP address of the MacOS machine so that I could access the cups server there21:20
TSKI generally set the animation speed for it to "instant" so it appears right away with no delay when I hit the key for it.  :)21:20
TSKintrader: Do you have physical access to the Mac?  You could walk over and have a peek at it's network settings maybe?21:21
intraderTSK, my wife is sleeping by it - I don't want to disturb her.21:21
TSKintrader: Or if you are familiar with the commandline, you can always run a fast 'nmap' scan of your local network to find out the IP addresses of all hardware on your LAN.21:22
magicianlordwhat are the changes of canonical closing ubuntu and making it mostly closed source for profits eventually?21:22
TSKmagicianlord: I rather doubt that'll ever happen.  Too much of Ubuntu relies on GPL software.21:23
duffydacknot much...21:23
duffydack'free and will always be free'21:23
intraderTSK, `nmap` command not found - is that not the same that Places-->Network' does?21:23
TSKintrader: nmap isn't generally installed by default on most distros. You'd have to apt-get install it.21:24
magicianlordduffydack: they are moving toward profit. ubuntu software center now offers paid-for linux apps, and the installer and such as not being shared by them with the community21:24
TSKintrader: It's a network scanning tool, usually used for security scanning to test your firewall rules if you are really nerdy commandline hacker type.  :)21:24
duffydacknothing wrong with making money21:25
duffydackdoesnt mean the OS will stop being free21:25
ActionParsniphey guys21:25
TSKmagicianlord: Most distros have custom software they keep to themselves.  Not surprising that Ubuntu is finally starting to do a bit of the same.21:25
ActionParsnipanyone noticed how CTRL+L and the 'clear' command don't clear terminal windows??21:25
TSKmagicianlord: GPL software will always be GPL software tho.  They can't close that without violating the license.21:26
TSKmagicianlord: They have a right to keep anything they create from scratch closed if they want to tho.21:26
yofelActionParsnip: clear works fine here, and ctrl+l doesn't work since I use bash in vi mode, not emacs mode21:26
trismActionParsnip: no, working here21:26
magicianlordTSK: yes21:27
alex_mayorgagot some funky messages and video garbage when this laptop was resuming from suspenssion21:27
ActionParsniphmm, just clan installed maverick using the rc21:27
alex_mayorgawhat's the best way to file a bug?21:27
weboideCan someone check that apt-pinning: http://pastebin.com/uapDib6N , it does not seem to work in Maverick (though it shows up in apt-cache policy), compared to Lucid.21:27
TSKCtrl-L and 'clear' both work here, too.21:27
intraderTSK, what command should I use in nmap?21:27
ActionParsnip!bug | alex_mayorga21:27
ubottualex_mayorga: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:27
yofel!bug | alex_mayorga21:27
alex_mayorgayofel: thanks! What package?21:27
yofelalex_mayorga: for resume usually ther kernel, 'linux'21:28
TSKintrader: 'man nmap' for starters.  It's a VERY powerful network scanner.  Does quite a few really neat things.21:29
alex_mayorgayofel: would it be a valid bug, the thing did resume, so it's not that bad I guess, there are weird messages in dmesg21:29
magicianlordis MM safe to install on a netbook at this point?21:29
penguin42magicianlord: It seems mostly ok on my Asus 1001HA although it hangs on shutdown21:29
yofelalex_mayorga: as long as you can provide the messages it won't hurt if you report it21:30
TSKintrader: Near the bottom of the nmap manpage are several examples of common scan types it's often used for.21:30
intraderTSK, I was looking at that and can't figure what options to use or issue.21:30
magicianlordwhat's the grub command to blacklist the broadcome b43/ssb drivers so the machine starts up properly, which was a problem on lucid21:30
yofelmagicianlord: mm works fine on my desktop, my eeePC 1000H and my thinkpad t51021:30
magicianlordis it blacklist=ssb21:30
alex_mayorgayofel, how can I tell if it was hibernate or suspend?21:30
TSKintrader: I think there's also a few different GUIs you can install to simplify usage of it, too.21:30
magicianlordi dont even understand why ssb and b43 continue to be included, as they always have to be removed to not cause problems with the real broadcom driver and haver never worked21:31
yofelalex_mayorga: did you see the bios screen and grub menu (if enabled) on resume? if yes, it was hibernate21:31
TSKintrader: NmapSI, knmap, umit, and others21:31
intraderTSK, 'initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 4096 hosts' - is that what I want to do?21:32
alex_mayorgayofel: thanks I saw VAIO flash, so that was hibernate21:32
TSKWow.  4096 hosts?  Sounds like you are scanning quite a huge range of addresses there.21:33
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
TSKintrader: Also, it maybe shouldn't be needing to do any DNS resolution.  You'll be wanting to scan your local network by IP address range.21:33
TSKintrader: ifconfig can tell you about what IP address the machine you are sitting at has, then you'll want to scan the 255 addresses in that range for which other ones have active machines on them.21:34
intraderTSK, how please - I need to kill this other scan21:34
TSKintrader: Ctrl-C should abort it.21:34
intraderTSK, yes, thanks -- and the scan for local stuff command, can you help?21:35
trismActionParsnip: is your TERM variable set correctly? it seems with certain ones, clear won't work correctly because there is no code for it (only found TERM=dumb so far, but still looking)21:37
TSKintrader: Once you know the address of your local machine on the LAN, (like for instance if it's then you can try something like 'nmap -sS -O' to scan all 255 addresses in that range for active hardware I believe.  Let me test real fast locally on my local network.21:37
ActionParsniptrism: I have dumb too.21:37
trismActionParsnip: that would be it, try export TERM=xterm; then clear21:38
TSKintrader: Of course you'll want to replace with an address that's appropriate for YOUR local network.  It depends on how your network is configured.  Mine is in the 10.0.0.x range.21:39
ActionParsniptrism: perfect!21:39
* ActionParsnip adds to bashrc21:39
intraderTSK. all 255 channels and subnetworks?21:40
TSKintrader: 'sudo nmap -sS -O' on MY network just found 3 active machines (including my Skype phone).21:40
sburwoodI need to find the preparation information for a persistent usb stick.  Where do I find it?21:40
sburwoodI looked everywhere I could on www.ubuntu.com21:40
penguin42sburwood: Are you on Maverick and are you trying to make a persistent image of Maverick?21:41
TSKintrader: You'll want to use an address on YOUR local network instead of the in the command above.21:41
intraderTSK, thanks, but I am getting nowhere - my local machine is
yofelTSK: use then21:42
TSKintrader: sudo nmap -sS -O
sburwoodpenguin42: I'm using Lucid and want to do a live usb stick to try Maverick21:42
penguin42sburwood: OK, so there is a bug in Lucid for the thumb drive creator; you need to install an update that is in lucid-updates first21:43
TSKintrader: That should return with a list of all hardware in the range21:43
yofel!usb | sburwood21:43
ubottusburwood: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:43
penguin42yofel: Does that have the stuff about the bugs in ?21:43
yofelpenguin42: didn't check, forgot about that syslinux issue21:43
TSKintrader: ONE of the IP addresses it finds SHOULD be the Mac you are seeking.21:43
intraderTSK, finds among the 255 channels  some including 102, but no names21:43
TSKintrader: It won't give you the name with that particular scan, but it SHOULD give you other information which will help you pick out which one is the Mac.21:44
sburwoodpenguin42: What is the thing I need to install from lucid-updates?21:44
intraderTSK, the Places-->Network menu is coming back with the appropriate MacOS machine and the windows network - but properties does not give me the IP21:44
penguin42sburwood: See this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382   it's usb-creator that I believe needs the update21:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Lucid) "Maverick images burned to usb key on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Fix released]21:45
TSKintrader: That nmap scan you just did should list every ip address on your local network21:45
penguin42sburwood: So there are two bugs I'm thinking of here; one is that ones created on Lucid didn't work - and that update should fix it; I know earler maverick alpha/betas didn't like the persistent storage, but I don't know if that's been fixed21:45
TSKintrader: Along with some details about what it found at each IP address.21:46
TSKintrader: If you examine those details closely, you should be able to intuit logically which one is the Mac from what it says about what ports are open and what operating system it detects, etc.21:47
intraderTSK, no OS indicated - nothing I can intuit with as you put it21:49
alex_mayorgaLaunchpad timing out for someone else?21:49
TSKintrader: How many different machines/ip addresses did it manage to locate?21:50
intraderTSK, it found 521:51
intraderTSK, only different IP addresses given21:51
TSKintrader: On MY network it found 3.  Two of the three were listed as "Linux 2.4 series (likely embedded)" which means one of those two was my Skype phone, and the other was my router.  That means the third HAS to be my computer.  My server is currently turned off, and my roommate's computer upstairs is also off.21:52
TSKintrader: On YOUR network, some of your IP addresses should also be listed similarly.  Linux (likely embedded), and those are probably your router, so NOT the Mac.21:53
intraderTSK, great - in my case the typical report says Nmap scan report for nothing more21:53
TSKYou did "sudo nmap -sS -O"?21:54
TSKThe /24 at the end is important21:54
TSKThe /24 means check all 255 addresses in the 192.168.0.x range21:54
intraderTSK, ah, the sudo gives the apple at Now we are getting somewhere. Now I should be able to talk to cups21:56
TSKintrader: There ya go.  I KNEW nmap could find it.  :)21:56
intraderTSK, yes - does not respond with its web server or /cups with the cups server21:58
TSKintrader: nmap is a VERY powerful tool and should be used with caution tho.  Do NOT do nmap scans against machines which you do not own.  (Do NOT scan around machines out on the Internet for example.)21:58
intraderTSK, like the scan I started by using the last example!21:58
TSKintrader: You can get in a lotta trouble if you go scanning machines which you do not have a right to be scanning.  :)21:58
guntbertTSK: very sane advice !!21:59
TSKintrader: Well, the examples all use "example" addresses, so you are fairly safe on that one...  ;)21:59
intraderTSK, only 4096 addresses21:59
guntbertintrader: imagine heavy knock on your door at night . some 3 letter agency :-(22:00
TSKintrader: If you really read up on how to use nmap to it's fullest tho, you can also use it as a tool to help you really SERIOUSLY firewall the heck outta your machines to keep them uber-safe from outside attack.  :)22:00
intraderTSK, I can see that - but it would take a bit of study. As to the printing problem...22:01
TSKAnother really good tool for helping you test and secure your firewall to it's max is the "Shields Up" scanner at http://www.grc.com/22:01
TSKThat one is for scanning your firewall from OUTSIDE your network looking in at the router from out on the Internet.22:02
TSKnmap is used for looking at your machines and hardware from INSIDE your network.22:02
intraderguntbert, oops22:02
guntbertintrader: not wanting to scare you but by scanning hosts without authorization by their owner you violate the law in many countries22:04
TSKintrader: LOL!  I just did a 'whois' on that IP address from the last example in the nmap manpage.  Guess who that net block belongs to?  :)22:04
intraderTSK, interesting!22:05
TSK'whois' returned playboy.com as the owner of that netblock.  :)22:05
intraderguntberg, TSK, all I wanted was not to wake up my wife to see the IP address of the mac.22:06
TSKintrader: Now yer in trouble.  Gonna be playboy bunnies dressed in black showing up with baseball bats to break your knees.  Explain THAT to the wife...  ;)22:06
intraderguntberg, TSK, good excuse to the spook agencies!22:06
guntbertintrader: no, if someone tried to break into your house and you are able to trace them to their place you surely will want the police to take a good look into there22:09
TSKintrader: Actually, tho, you really don't have anything to worry about regarding your accidental scan.  That particular example you tried was a non-invasive non-ping "passive" scan looking for webservers.  :)22:09
guntbertbut I'm being off topic22:09
drbobbanybody tried to install ubuntu from a usb stick recently? what 's a *working* way to achieve that?22:10
intraderguntberg, TSK, displays the cups server. It prints its test page OK. Wife is awake.22:10
duffydackdrbobb, cat the iso with gujin bootloader22:10
ActionParsnipdrbobb: make sure you md5 test the iso then use the 1-2-3 installer on pendrive linux22:11
TSKintrader: So you DID get a successful test page at least?  That's good.22:11
drbobbduffydack: i know the words cat, iso and bootloader, not gujin22:11
drbobbActionParsnip: no idea what you're talking about (except for the md5 part)22:12
duffydackdrbobb, http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html  basically just put bootloader 1 partition and cat the isos to other partitions.  doesnt then rely on bug ridden 3rd party tools22:12
intraderguntberg, only through the cups server print test page.22:12
ActionParsnipdrbobb: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/   for windows, or you can use unetbootin in either linux or windows   or you can use usb-creator   in ubuntu22:12
TSKintrader: Then the problem MUST be at the Linux end of things.  You should double check that your Linux box has the necessary drivers installed to be able to send correct data to the printer I would guess?  (HP printer drivers on the Linux end?)22:12
ActionParsnipdrbobb: if you dont know something, you can websearch to find out22:13
drbobbActionParsnip: usb creator is broken22:13
philsfhi, is there a way to use the Alt-F2 hotkey to run an application by name in Unity?22:13
drbobbthat's the reason for me asking in the first place22:13
ActionParsnipdrbobb: then use unetbootin22:13
intraderguntberg,tsk, it is blank page22:14
ActionParsnipdrbobb: if you are making the usb device from windows use the link i gave22:14
philsfI mean, is it not working just for me, or is it still in wishlist state?22:14
drbobbActionParsnip: I have no windows around22:14
TSKintrader: The test page you just printed from the cups web interface is blank?22:14
bazhangdrbobb, unetbootin works great22:14
ActionParsnipdrbobb: then unetbootin is for you22:14
drbobbok will try, thx22:14
bazhangin the repos22:15
ActionParsnipdrbobb: its in the repo22:15
drbobbusb-creator did not work 6 months ago and it still doesn't work22:15
drbobbmaybe unetbootin is better22:15
bazhangdrbobb, I never use it22:15
bazhangonly unetbootin22:15
drbobbbazhang: I guess nobody does22:15
intraderguntberg,tsk, yes blank - must the firewall here on the 10.1022:15
TSKFor whoever was wondering what gujin is, there's the description at the top of the page there22:15
drbobbbecause it doesn't work22:15
TSKintrader: No, if you just printed a test page from the Mac's cups web interface and it came out blank then the problem is with either the Mac or the printer itself.22:16
trismdrbobb: it works, but with previous builds, it would add an option when creating maverick usbs that wasn't supported by the lucid syslinux, but that should be fixed22:16
ActionParsnipdrbobb: ive always used usb-creator personally22:16
drbobbActionParsnip: when was the last time you used it?22:17
duffydackI`d rather just cat isos every now n then..easy22:17
TSKintrader: Because when you sent a test page from the Mac's cups web interface, that was printing FROM the Mac itself, so I'd check your ink level in the printer maybe?  Did you JUST run out of ink not long ago maybe?22:17
drbobbcause afaics from the bug reports, it's been broken for a long time22:17
bjsniderintrader, ubuntu's "firewall" is set to extremely permissive by default22:18
ActionParsnipdrbobb: used it in lucid to make my maverick desktop usb stick to clean install22:18
* yofel uses https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/MultipleISOBootUSBKey22:18
penguin42anyone got a blank CD they can try something with?22:18
drbobbfunny, it fails for me22:18
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TSKintrader: It's a problem with either the Mac or with the printer.  You printed the test page from the Mac's cups web interface, aye?  That test page was sent FROM the Mac then.  That means the problem is NOT your Linux box.22:19
intraderguntberg,tsk, the cups server responds as if it had received stuff - just blank page. ODD, on the mac, the same -->blank page. But if I print the web page of the cups server, it works22:19
TSKintrader: Wait.  You can print the web page of the cups web interface FROM the Mac, or from the Linux box?22:20
* penguin42 gently wonders if this is the same problem as gimp printing blank pages locally; I doubt it though22:20
TSKpenguin42: apt-get install gimp-gutenprint  ;)22:22
intraderguntberg,tsk, from the mac's own web page's print menu, yes - but not from the web page on the 10.1022:22
TSKintrader: And if you send a test page using the cups web interface?  That comes out blank regardless of whether it's done at the Mac, or the Linux box?22:23
Estragonhi, someone knows how to enable ctrl+alt+d instant dekstop shortcut ?22:24
intraderguntberg,tsk, both print blank test pages!22:26
TSKintrader: Curiouser and curiouser...22:26
intraderguntberg,tsk, there must be something wrong with the printer - I know that its color cartridge is reporting a problem.22:27
intraderguntberg,tsk, I had to remove it as nothing would print - now on the mac I can print black and white -- but not from the 10.1022:28
TSKintrader: Ah.  Is the color cartridge out of ink?  If that's the case, you may need to set the printer settings on the Linux box to print forced black-only in order to get any action outta the thing.22:28
intraderguntberg,tsk, where is that done?22:29
TSKintrader: You gonna need to dig around in the print settings dialog till you find how to force non-color printing mode.22:29
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intraderguntberg,tsk, it looks like there is no control in the settings as the printer does not report or support that from the print control applet22:31
penguin42TSK: I am tempted to try gutenprint but my experiences with it have been rather random, and anyway the basic one should work22:31
SkaperenI do not have anywhere I can install Ubuntu 10.10 candidate, yet, but I am wondering if someone who did, has tested the 256 heads bug to see if it was fixed22:32
TSKintrader: I guarantee that SOMEWHERE in ONE of the many print settings dialogs you will find an option to allow you to force printing to default to black and white/grayscale only mode.22:32
intraderTSK, have not found it - on the cups interface I have to be on the mac22:32
TSKSkaperen: If you have a bit of spare hard drive space and a reasonably powerful machine you could always install 10.10 in a virtual machine (VirtualBox/VMware/etc.)22:33
TSKintrader: There's also a cups interface on the Linux box, too.22:33
SkaperenTSK: unfortunately, I cannot set up the bug trigger conditions in a VM22:34
TSKintrader: And also there is GUI print settings stuff on the Linux box22:34
TSKSkaperen: Ah.  Bummer.22:34
intraderTSK, I am on it, but it tells me 403 error (forbidden)22:34
SkaperenTSK: the condition is a preformatted (e.g. before booting the install CD) hard drive with a logical geometry that has 256 for the number of heads22:35
javatexanI have a question about the appearance of 10.10.  Is there a way to just make the lower right hand window resize bigger?  The new style is hard to get the resize horiz and vert to show, very small window22:35
TSKintrader: Hrm...  That's bizarre.  I'm looking at my cups interface right now, but I don't have my printer hooked up at the moment, so I have no print dialogs I can look at to help find what you need.  :(22:35
SkaperenI may have a spare netbook to try it on in a couple weeks22:35
ActionParsnipjavatexan: which lower right hand window22:36
javatexanlower right hand corner22:36
TSKSkaperen: Personally, I only have 10.10 installed in a VM, so I can't test that either.  :(22:36
javatexanof the windows, the area to activate the resize is a pain to get....too small22:36
ActionParsnipjavatexan: ubuntu is VERY customizable so that means nothing22:36
ActionParsnipjavatexan: make the panel size larger then, it should stretch up22:37
intraderTSK, on the mac I can control  a lot of things from the web cups interface - but on 10.10 I get 40322:37
SkaperenTSK: it may be possible to test in a VM, but some VM software appears to have related issues ... I couldn't get VB to not mangle the MBR when I used 256 heads22:38
TSKintrader: That's bizarre.  You absolutely sure you have everything you are supposed to have related to printing installed on the Linux box?22:38
SkaperenTSK: I can trigger the problem via a real hard drive easy enough, if I had a spare machine ... which I don't at the moment22:38
SkaperenTSK: the symptom is the install process hangs forever right after keyboard selection ... that's where the partitioning is being set up22:39
intraderTSK, never had to do anything special - it just worked before22:39
TSKSkaperen: Sadly, I have no actual physical machines I can devote to 10.10 at the moment either.22:39
SkaperenTSK: the fix is to zap the MBR and let the installer make a new one22:40
Skaperenthe LiveCD will boot OK when 256 head MBR is present ... I'm sure you know the drill to zap an MBR22:40
intraderTSK, since we know that the mac and 10.10 cups web interface can't print the test page (both print a blank page), I think that this is for now not a problem with 10.10, but with the printer22:42
TSKintrader: Partly, but it also sounds as if there's a (possibly unrelated) issue regarding cups on the Linux side, too.22:43
intraderTSK, let's table it for now until I get the color cartridge fixed.22:43
TSKintrader: Because you SHOULD be able to get at a large number of print related settings both from the GUI and from the cups web interface.22:43
penguin42so, has anyone actually written a CD on Maverick?22:44
TSKSettings wherein you SHOULD be able to find an option SOMEWHERE to be able to FORCE printing in to a grayscale/black and white ONLY printing mode.22:44
kerhi! I'm installing from USB but I get stuck on the window that says "you need 2.6GB free space" etc22:44
TSKintrader: I know for a fact that such an option DOES exist, because I've used it before in the past myself on my old HP Deskjet that I never use anymore.22:46
intraderTSK, I don't know where it is - I have looked in Preferences and Administration  - nothing appears.22:47
javatexanActionParsnip: not the desktop, the appearance of each window, the area in the lower right corner that shows the arrow that indicates you can resize the window hor and vert....that active area is too small, its very hard to hit with trackpad.  Just clarifying ....I see that I can change the whole appearance of the border of the window, wondering if way to just increase size of that one corner....it appears that other themes may hav22:48
javatexane larger borders.22:48
javatexanotherwise I love the default theme22:48
[thor]that resize can be done at any corner22:50
intraderTSK, I will be getting the color cartridge in the meantime.22:50
kerlol I downloaded Ubuntu but now I rebooted and it's booting Kubuntu22:50
ActionParsnipjavatexan: oic, erm not sure there personally dude22:51
javatexanthor: really, how...I am in Appearance preferences->Customize the theme->window borders and not seeing it22:51
[thor]javatexan: i mean to say that you can grab any corner and resize, not just a specific one.22:52
[thor]even the one housing the maximize/minimize/close buttons  ( which changes from theme to theme )22:52
[thor]javatexan: alternatively, you can use the ALT-F8 shortcut to resize a window22:54
javatexan[thor] that will work .. :)22:54
javatexanits just that the area that causes the mouse to change icons is too small for my trackpad, feels like I need a gaming mouse to get the darn mouse icon to change sometimes....LOL22:55
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TSKintrader: Well, shoot...  Sorry I couldn't be more help.  I've looked everywhere on my machine and I've just been Googling and I can't find anything more.  Sorry.  :(23:06
* TSK has gotta run.23:08
TSKY'all folks have a good one.  Catching ya later on.23:08
mark2010hi all. has anyone had the white screen after booting into 10.10? intel chipset and ati mobile vid card. inspiron 9100.23:11
ActionParsnipmark2010: can you press CTRL+ALT+F1 and get a prompt?23:13
mark2010i'll try that. under the white screen? i'm in safe mode failsafeX now and can see GRUB at boot. thanks23:15
mark2010ActionParsnip: do that when i have the white screen?23:18
ActionParsnipmark2010: sure, may make it drop to terminal and you can fix from there23:19
androidbrucemaking my rc thumb drive now :)23:20
kerhow can I install nvidia drivers in 10.10?23:23
androidbruceker, same as others23:23
androidbruceget the .run and just run it23:23
Ken8521ker, why couldn't you?.. or use te hardware driver mgr.. thats what i always do23:24
androidbruceKen8521, yup23:24
kerthe hardware driver manager tells me that there are no drivers in use23:24
kerbut I have a nvidia legacy23:24
Ken8521how old is it?23:24
kerit's a ti420023:24
kerit was recognised by the hardware manager of 10.0423:25
Ken8521i've never used the driver from nvidia.com...23:25
Ken8521i've got a 7900.. so hopefully it'll be a while before i haev to.23:25
Ken8521PC long ad gone in the graveyard.23:26
androidbruceyofel, just got guake going, it's nice23:26
androidbruceoh wait that might have been TSK23:27
yofelker: nvidia-96 doesn't work with xserver 1.9 yet23:27
yofelker: maybe look on  bug 626974 if there's any news23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626974 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "ABI change in xorg 1.9 breaks legacy nvidia-96 and nvidia-173 drivers in Maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62697423:28
androidbruceyofel, really?23:28
yofelandroidbruce: using the .run is NOT the recommended way to install nvidia drivers in ubuntu by the way23:28
androidbruceyofel, again REALLY?23:28
yofelandroidbruce: afaik yes, only 256 was fixed a while ago and someone posted on that bug that it seems like 173 is fixed too maybe, not sure about 9623:29
androidbruceyofel, what's the deal with .run? why not use them?23:29
yofelandroidbruce: because the nvidia driver overwrites system files which makes it hard to fix the system up after removing them, and you have to reinstall the driver after every kernel update, with dkms it's done automatically23:30
Estragongot something odd after my upgrade to maverick23:31
Estragonall windows are slowed down23:31
EstragonI mean its not very fluent when I minimize them23:31
Estragonor switch from one to another23:31
penguin42Estragon: Maybe a graphics driver problem?23:31
ActionParsnipEstragon: what video chip do you use?23:32
mark2010ActionParsnip: was able to get a prompt at the white screen.  black screen with prompt23:32
androidbruceyofel, are the dkms usually up to date and current?23:32
mark2010back in failsafeX now23:32
yofelandroidbruce: nvidia-current in maverick is the 256 driver and I'm using the 260 beta driver from the x-updates ppa23:33
ActionParsnipmark2010: you may want to get fully updated in terminal23:33
yofelsure, you get more flexibility with the .run drivers, but it is a lot more work23:33
yofelmight make sense in a final release, but in a devel release, which I use, kernel updates are so frequent, that it's not worth using them23:34
EstragonActionParsnip, nvidia one, drivers seems OK23:34
Ken8521you can always see if you can bork your system w/ envy.. :)23:34
ActionParsnipEstragon: then remove the driver then reboot and then reinstall them again23:34
ActionParsnipEstragon: most times the proprietary drivers dont survive distribution changes23:35
Estragonbut if I reboot with no drivers, it will crash ?23:35
mark2010ActionParsnip: run update-manager -d in terminal? tried update man GUI but no updates23:36
penguin42ActionParsnip: It's why I filed bug 63641823:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636418 in jockey (Ubuntu) "update should clean up/warn about jockey" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63641823:36
yofelEstragon: if you remove the drivers and you xorg.conf it should use nouveau23:36
androidbruceok so i was thinking about a fresh install of 10.10 because of the error i have. 1.261149 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)23:36
ActionParsnipmark2010: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:36
penguin42androidbruce: How did you get it into that state?23:36
Estragonok will try this, brb23:37
androidbrucepenguin42, i started updates, then woke up and my keyboard mappings were all off and i restarted and this is what happened23:37
androidbruceand now my scroll lock and caps lock light are blinking23:38
yofelandroidbruce: do you have another kernel you can try?23:39
androidbruceyeah there are a few listed in grub23:39
david_anyone know how to get rid of the arrow on the main menu in gnome-panel?23:39
mark2010ActionParsnip: nothing to update, remove etc...23:39
Estragonback :)23:40
ActionParsnipmark2010: sounds ok, you may need an xorg.conf to make things nice. Is there a bug created for this?23:41
Estragonseems to run better after I removed the driver, will reinstall it and reboot one more time23:41
androidbruce2.6.32.24-generic is now checking disc for errors23:41
androidbruceso that's a good sign23:41
Estragondoes someone knows why my grub (bios os chooser) still identify ubuntu as 10.04 ?23:41
yofelEstragon: make sure you use either jockey or run nvidia-xconfig after installing the driver23:41
yofelEstragon: what does 'uname -r' give?23:42
androidbruceyofel, after it checked my disc at the login screen my pc was unresponsive23:43
Estragonomg driver installation just failed23:43
yofel*that*'s a lucid kernel, what happens if you run 'sudo update-grub' ?23:43
Estragonyofel, http://pastebin.com/AniCpuJN23:43
yofelEstragon: maybe you don't have the kernel headers installed, check if 'linux-image-generic' and 'linux-headers-generic' (or whatever type you use) are at the newest version23:43
ActionParsnipEstragon: hold shift at boot and select the maverick kernel23:44
intraderTSK, guntberg, with color cartridge the printer works. Thanks.23:44
yofelhm, *that* does list 35-2223:44
yofeldo what ActionParsnip said23:44
androidbrucehey im back up!23:44
Estragonk will do it23:45
androidbruceyofel, so now that the older kernel worked should i update?23:45
Estragonbrb :)23:45
yofelandroidbruce: try to, and maybe reinstall the kernel package23:45
androidbruceyofel, how to reinstall the kernel pks?23:46
yofelsudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic23:46
androidbrucethis just happened, my left ctrl key is STUCK on COMPOSE23:46
androidbruceit doesnt work as a ctrl key23:47
androidbruceand i can't change it23:47
yofelthat's... weird23:47
androidbruceis there are way to reinstall all gnome/metacity settings?23:48
mark2010ActionParsnip: appears to be. sorry for all the newbie questions. how do i make or change the xorg.conf ?23:48
androidbrucemark2010, you need to open the xorg.conf up in an editor23:49
ActionParsnipmark2010: if you boot to recovery mode you can run:  sudo Xorg -configure   to make a skeleton file and pad it out23:49
mark2010did a ls and find on xorg.conf and no such file or directory23:51
mark2010i'm in safe mode now23:52
penguin42heck I'm impressed with google; I submit a bug and less than 5 mins later it find it in a search23:52
mark2010oops... just did a sudo Xorg -configure and got a fatal server error. should i do this with the ctrl+alt+f1 ??23:55
penguin42mark2010: What are you trying to do?23:56
penguin42you shouldn't need an xorg.conf' if you do then you probably don't need a full one - but that depends why you need it23:57
mark2010got the white screen after normal boot23:57
mark2010seems to be my vid card i guess23:58
penguin42hmm white - rarer; most people get black when it all goes wrong :-)23:58
androidbruceany ideas how to set all keyboard prefs back to default23:58
androidbrucewith gnome?23:58
mark2010blinding white23:58
penguin42mark2010: Which card?23:58
mark2010ati mobile23:58
penguin42mark2010: exactly which one - lspci | grep -i vga23:59
penguin42mark2010: Do you have the ATI fglrx driver or are you usign the open driver?23:59

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