
Pendulummost of the Ubuntu alerts these days are visual rather than using sound00:05
Pendulumerkan^: is there something specific you're looking for?00:05
Pendulumerkan^: I meant, a specific sort of alert?00:05
erkan^yes i mean (-:00:06
macoi added a checkbox for visual system bell in 10.10 but for 10.04 you still have to use gconf00:42
macoerkan^: to get visual bell, toggle the value of /apps/metacity/general/visual_bell  in gconf-editor00:45
erkan^where can I found --> gconf-editor, maco00:50
erkan^I have not very experenice :(00:50
macoerkan^: it's not installed by default00:50
macoyou can use gconftool2 as well, but it's harder00:50
macogconf-editor will look like regedit on windows00:51
erkan^i see that gconf-editor is installed well by default00:52
erkan^I go try00:52
erkan^I have found and I have ticked ON now, maco00:53
macok so now if you hit backspace a few times in the terminal it should blink the screen00:54
erkan^Yes!!!! I see. Thank you :D maco00:57
erkan^here (xchat) too, :)00:57
macooh ok. i dont know what all programs do bells00:58
erkan^I will see00:58
JanCerkan^: \o/  ☺01:08
erkan^what is \o/ ? ei in de prullenbak weggooien? :P JanC 01:09
JanCthrowing your hands in the air yelling "yipee" (or "joepie" in dutch)01:10
JanCit's nice to see a more & more mixed a11y community BTW01:11
JanCblind, deaf, motoric, etc.01:11
JanCwhich reminds me of this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brltty/+bug/65170701:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 651707 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "brltty refers to http://access.ubuntu.com/braille but that doesn't exist (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged]01:12
erkan^have too "deafblind"? (-:01:13
JanCit seems like there was an a11y site once, but it disappeared...  :-(01:13
erkan^Gooien je handen in de lucht te schreeuwen "Yipee" (-:01:13
PendulumTheMuso: do you know anything about an old access website at access.ubuntu.com ?01:15
TheMusoPendulum: I only vaguely remember it mentioned in the past.01:16
JanCwell, brltty refers to it  ;)01:17
JanCor whatever package provides the brltty boot script01:18
JanCPendulum: any news about a possible a11y track or devroom @ FOSDEM?01:21
JanCor peopel interested in it?01:22
PendulumJanC: it's being discussed on Gnome A11y01:22
JanCsomebody I know who is blind was going to forward it to other blind linux lists & forums & developers he knows too01:24
Pendulumwell it turns out one of the Gnome A11y people had been in discussion with the guy about it01:24
JanCand the FOSDEM organiser who proposed this knows an OpenSuse board member who's working on this etc.01:25
PendulumI think that's possibly the Gnome A11y person as well01:25
JanCoh, cool01:25
JanCyeah, seems like that must be him (after reading the list archive)01:38
macowhat's bryen's last name?03:38
macooh ok yes03:38
macothat is the guy i met at OLF03:38
macobryen yunashko03:38
Pendulummaco: yeah, that makes sense that you met him at OLF :)03:47
macoPendulum: that's the guy i was interpreting for on friday04:40

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