
=== ian_brasil___ is now known as ian_brasil
coz_hey guys   a little problem...can someon upload their .lib/plymouth folder16:20
coz_rather   /lib/plymouth  folder16:20
coz_sorry wrong channel16:21
* thorwil -> dinner17:54
* thorwil approves vish's comment18:44
vishthorwil: oh i had another idea, but i think i might be having a deja-vu :D18:47
vishincase someone wants to see it before thorwil approves the comment  : http://www.foopics.com/showfull/70e4204929c3318eb3e143aafd4cdd9e  :D18:53
vishi'm kinda sure its a logo for some other company..18:54
vishhmm, not CBS..18:55
vishgosh, is there a site which has all the logo.. ?18:56
vishatleast the famous ones.. ?18:56
thorwilvish: could your deja-vu have something to do with http://thorwil.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/full_circle_magazin.png ?18:56
vishthorwil: nah, i knew it was closer to that, but the globe with those circles seems familiar from somewhere else …18:57
vishthorwil: hmm, maybe we could just merge spreadubuntu into artwork team and forget about the logo ;p19:00
thorwilvish: i did think about that. ego won't allow that to happen and since spreadubuntu seems to work ...19:02
vishoh well.. :)19:05
thorwilseems like i hit a kind of hot spot, comments are pouring in in quick succession20:03

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