
ehsantuxHi my friends,07:19
ehsantuxI have a question about OpenNebula and Eucalyptus07:19
ehsantuxWhat are the differences between them?07:20
ehsan_Hi my friends...07:50
ehsan_Could you please tell me what is the differences between Eucalyptus and OpenNebula?07:50
ehsan_Can we make a cloud infrastructure with legacy(old) computers?07:52
ehsan_Is there anybody to help me?07:55
flaccidhas anyone done an article on modifying ssh for pam for local users as well as retaining the ec2 ssh key ?15:35
flaccidonly requirement usually will probably just be PasswordAuthentication no15:36
flaccidhmm probably better to keep it public key based15:37
flaccid53 seconds startup for micro17:05
flaccid64bit too17:05
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping?19:48

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