
ogra_ackirkland, ping00:02
paissad_Daviey, ok00:02
kirklandogra_ac: hi00:11
ogra_ackirkland, your change to user-setup isnt the the bzr tree00:11
ogra_ackirkland, was that only the bs=16M in user-setup-apply ?00:12
* ogra_ac tires to get the branch fixed since he committed his fix already00:12
ogra_ac(before looking at the package indeed)00:13
kirklandogra_ac: yes, that's all00:15
kirklandogra_ac: sorry about that00:17
kirklandnot sure how that happened00:17
ogra_acwell, dont worry, i'm sorting00:17
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keesslangasek: erm, seems like a "status" stanza is needed in upstart. it's a regression that arbitrary checks can't be added.00:38
slangasekkees: I'm of the view that this doesn't belong in upstart because upstart itself has no use for such a thing and it would be provided solely for external consumers, so there's no reason to involve upstart at all in the design; but Keybuk might take a different view if you ask him00:40
keesslangasek: hm, as a sysvinit replacement, there is sense to "is my service operational?" beyond "is there a pid for it?" seems to me like that overlaps with upstart. I'll ask him.00:43
slangasekkees: I agree that there's a need for querying such information, I just don't see any reason for pid 1 to mediate it00:44
slangasekin fact, I can see that introducing some nice security holes ;)00:45
keesslangasek: fair enough.00:45
keesslangasek: right, the shift in who is doing what does pose a risk00:45
keesif Keybuk agrees, I guess it should just live in the "service" command.00:46
keesthough "status" from upstart should be renamed.00:46
ArneGoetjeYokoZar: xfonts-baekmuk is an alias package. I don't think it's necesary any more.01:52
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werew433hellow I want to create driver for my Radeon X700 for full 3D on 10.04, where I can find radeon developers?10:54
ionYou can program a 3D accelerated driver but you can’t find the project contact info on the web? :-)10:56
werew433ok I find them11:04
paissad_i try to build a package for lucid i386 , i did first (pbuilder-dist lucid i386 create) .... i did a chroot in that environnement .. installed needed packages and so  on ... but here is the error i get when i run the debian/rules11:14
paissad_here is the debian/rules file -> http://pastebin.com/4KnnLvPj11:16
paissad_i did run debian/rules get-orig-source11:16
paissad_this works in a normal environnement (no chroot)11:17
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jellingtonhey everyone, I was just wondering after upgrading my netbook to meerkat, how do I add items to the unity launcher?16:40
ScottKjellington: Support is in #ubuntu+1 for Maverick.16:45
paissad_guys, when run 'debuild -us -uc',  i don't get the *diff file ... i don't know why16:48
paissad_here is the files i have http://pastebin.com/t3HDUm6S16:48
paissad_may someone explain or help me ?16:48
paissad_sorry, here is a better pastebin ;) http://pastebin.com/YiceNGFb16:50
paissad_thanks in advance16:50
ScottKpaissad_: You're using Debian source format version 3.  It has debian.tar.gz instead of diff.gz that version 1 uses.16:51
paissad_ScottK, ahhh, yeah that's it ! of course ... so knowing that i have a debian repository, i put the debian.tar.gz instead of the diff.gz ?16:52
paissad_no no16:53
ScottKpaissad_: Are you working on a package that you hope to get into Ubuntu?16:54
paissad_ScottK, no .. that will no go for Ubuntu, not for the moment .. but i maintain a repository that contains packages that many people use ... so i have to do a good job16:55
ScottKpaissad_: #ubuntu-packaging is probably a better channel for you.16:55
paissad_ScottK, the package is already created ... but knowing that there's no more diff.gz file, ... i just wonder what to put in the repository instead ^^16:56
paissad_btw, the package is also in PPA, so ...16:57
ScottKpaissad_: This channel is for development of Ubuntu.  What you're asking about is really off topic.16:57
paissad_oh sorry16:58
paissad_#ubuntu-motu is also for development of Ubuntu ?16:58
ScottKpaissad_: #ubuntu-packaging (I think that's it's name) is for packaging help outside of Ubuntu (like PPAs)17:01
hyperairis anyone processing SRUs for maverick yet?17:36
ScottKNone have been uploaded yet.17:38
hyperairScottK: would you mind uploading one for me please? =)17:40
hyperairit's libgpod.17:40
ScottKI'm a bit tied up at the moment.  Maybe later today.17:41
hyperairScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgpod/+bug/65285517:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 652855 in libgpod (Ubuntu) "Please fakesync libgpod 0.7.95-1 from Debian experimental to maverick-updates" [Undecided,New]17:41
ScottKIf it's an SRU it won't get accepted until after release anyway, so there's no rush.17:41
* hyperair nods17:42
hyperairScottK: do i have to wait until libgpod is accepted before uploading banshee and banshee-community-extensions (bce depends on banshee which depends on libgpod) to -proposed?17:43
hyperairor can i just upload those two already?17:43
ScottKhyperair: No, they can all be uploaded, but if you're thinking of getting new releases in through updates, you ought to pre-coordinate with ubuntu-sru if you haven't.17:44
hyperairScottK: pre-coordinate how?17:44
ScottKhyperair: Usually we don't accept new versions in -updates (except for the few packages that have micro-version update exceptions).17:45
ScottKSo if you upload new versions to updates without talking to them, I think they are likely to just reject it.17:45
* ScottK isn't on ubuntu-sru, so can't say for sure.17:45
hyperairScottK: so who in ubuntu-sru can i talk to about this?17:45
ScottKNormally pitti would be best, but he hasn't been around much.  Not sure.17:46
hyperairi see.17:47
hyperairwhat about seb128?17:47
ricotzhyperair, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members#active17:48
hyperairwell, why didn't i think about that? =)17:48
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paissad_is  there another alternative to dput ? ... i know there's one .. but i've forgotten it18:12
paissad_hmm, maybe18:17
jonrafkindi uploaded a file to my ppa ftp account using dput, am I supposed to take action after that?18:24
jonrafkindi was expecting the ubuntu servers to attempt to build my package and send me an email or something18:25
cjwatsonjonrafkind: you should get an e-mail when the system accepts your upload, although you won't get an e-mail after the build unless the build fails.  If you don't get an e-mail on accept, then see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors18:30
jonrafkindoh oops ok I got an email about upload failure. i forgot the tilda in front of the path18:31
jonrafkindis this the right path to use? ~rafkind/ppa/ubuntu18:31
ebroderIf you're using dput, then just upload to ppa:rafkind/ubuntu18:31
jonrafkindisnt that only in 9.10? i have 9.0418:32
happyaronjonrafkind: then you'd change your ~/dput.cf18:32
jonrafkindbut is my path right?18:33
happyaronyes it is18:33
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jonrafkindare you sure thats the right path? i got this error: Could not find a PPA named 'ppa' for 'rafkind'.19:02
jonrafkindshould i use the name of my ppa instead of the characters 'ppa' ?19:02
happyaronjonrafkind: what's your launchpad username19:02
happyaronjonrafkind: well, you didn't use the default name, ppa19:03
happyaroninstead, you named it after "paintown"19:03
happyaronso ~rafkind/paintown/ppa and try again19:04
jonrafkindthe directions are sort of ambiguous about this19:04
happyaronso ~rafkind/paintown/ubuntu, sorry19:04
jonrafkindthis is pretty stupid how i get the path error after i upload the entire file19:04
jonrafkindit takes me 20 minutes to upload this file, and then i get an error about the wrong file path19:04
jonrafkindif the default name was ppa then why do the dput directions on the launchpad page say 'dput ppa:rafkind/paintown <source.changes> '19:07
jonrafkindso if i changed my package name from 'ppa' to 'paintown' that should affect the 'ubuntu' in that path19:07
jonrafkindare you sure its not ~rafkind/ppa/paintown ?19:07
jonrafkindsorry i mean, 'that should not affect the ubuntu in the path'19:08
happyaronjonrafkind: 'ubuntu' is always the finishing thing in your path of launchpad ppa19:11
jonrafkindcan you see the contents of this page?19:12
jonrafkindit says dput ppa:rafkind/paintown19:12
happyaronjonrafkind: yes, that's correct19:13
jonrafkindso.. that doesnt end with /ubuntu19:14
jonrafkindor you're saying the 9.10 version of dput is different from the ftp version?19:14
jonrafkindif i had just used 'ppa' as the name then it would be 'dput ppa:rafkind/ppa' ?19:14
happyaronjonrafkind: yes, if you have 9.10 or higher, just do that19:15
jonrafkindright, but i dont19:15
jonrafkindim just wondering about the naming convnetions19:16
happyaronjonrafkind: if not, you should use ~username/ppaname/ubuntu19:16
ebroderjonrafkind: Just add this block to your ~/.dput.cf: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/504628/19:16
ebroderThen you can do dput ppa:rafkind/paintown or whatever19:16
jonrafkindok. the directions were confusing because they say 'probably you should use the default name ppa'19:16
ebroderthe ppa: URLs were a configuration, not a code, change19:17
jonrafkindbut thats sort of ridiculous because when i created the ppa i wanted to give it a name19:17
jonrafkindit seems most likely that people will name their ppa something other than 'ppa'19:17
jonrafkindso the directions should say 'use the name that you chose when you created the ppa'19:17
happyaronjonrafkind: you may want to discuss these things at #launchpad, :)19:18
jonrafkindwhats %(ppas)s ?19:18
jonrafkindis that a meta comment?19:18
ebroderjonrafkind: It doesn't matter. It's the magic that makes ppa: URLs work19:18
jonrafkindso if i use that and then do 'dput ppa:rafkind/paintown' it would work?19:19
jonrafkindoh ok, and this is the only change between 9.04 and 9.10?19:19
ebroderIt's the only one relevant to dput ppa: working19:19
jonrafkindok, thanks19:20
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