
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini1 is now known as shrini
=== shrini1 is now known as shrini
=== shrini1 is now known as shrini
dakerThe next meeting will be in tomorrow ?20:56
thorwildaker: i know that c7p (?) tried to schedule one, but i saw no echo21:08
* thorwil has nothing to contribute, besides what he did already21:09
dakerthorwil, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/msg02231.html21:10
dakerjenkins said : The next meeting is 3rd October at 8.00 utc in #ubuntu-manual21:12
thorwilgood night!21:13
zkriesseMuscovy: ping22:53
Muscovyzkriesse: pong22:55
zkriesseMuscovy: pm?22:56

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