
bazhangnogo seems to think that being banned from -ot gives him license to be offtopic in +1 and #ubuntu04:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (coz_ appears to be abusive - 4)04:40
cyberixcould someone try downloading this http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/sun-java6/sun-java6-bin_6.21-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb06:54
cyberixIt stops before reaching 4MB06:54
cyberixI do not understand why06:54
knomecyberix, worksforme. if there is nothing else we can help you with, please part the channel as we have a no-idle policy.11:18
Tm_Tcyberix: also this is not the channel to ask such things usually (; (ja moi)11:26
bazhangsupremo (nogo) in -ot13:37
knomebazhang, he's @#x as well14:00
knome"at #xubuntu"14:01
bazhanggobo nogo chonema multiple ban evasions in -ot ikonia14:01
ikoniais he known ?14:02
ikoniaso he's evading now in OT ?14:02
bazhangyep. insane rantings about Chinese spying, etc etc14:02
knomewell his comment @#x ringed my alarm bells as well14:02
ikoniais he evadind in #xubuntu14:02
bazhangnot afaik14:03
bazhangnetwork wide issue though14:03
ikoniaI'm sure14:03
ikoniais he banned in #ubuntu+1 ?14:12
ikoniaI can't see it14:12
kaddihi, I have been banned from ubuntu and I don't know why.. could someone shed some light?15:13
ikoniakaddi: one moment please15:18
kaddiI'm using a webchat client atm, but only because my pc no longer boots15:21
ikoniakaddi: I'm struggling to find a ban for you, do you know when you where banned15:21
kaddino, it just told me [16:11] == #ubuntu Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned even after I idnetified15:21
kaddilast time i could join just fine.. must have been 2-3 weeks ago though15:22
ikoniajust looking now15:22
ikoniakaddi: do you use any other nicknames ?15:24
kaddino, but I jsut logged in from teh unbootable machine with a default quassel config.. if that is what you are seeing15:25
kaddii guess it must be the webclient they don`t like15:25
ikoniano, I'm just struggling to see a reason you're banned15:25
ikoniaahhh wait15:25
kaddimaybe because i first tried to join without an identified nick froma  webchat?15:25
ikoniakaddi: you should have been forwarded to the channel #ubuntu-proxy-users which will then grant you access to the channel15:26
ikoniakaddi: try manually joining that channel, I'll have a look why that's not worked15:26
kaddiworked this time round15:26
ikoniajust saw15:27
kaddiyou want me to leave and try to rejoin?15:29
ubottuIn #ubuntu, gaza said: ubottu ,  mine is grub215:49
IdleOneikonia: probably just need to reset the forward to -proxy-users16:12
IdleOnecan someone reset the ban on *!*@gateway/web/*$#ubuntu-proxy-users in #kubuntu please16:15
IdleOnedone in #u16:15
IdleOneSpoke to Dalton, he said he disabled what ever script he was running that spams the host of op and mask of user in modes set in channel.16:20
jussiikonia: pm?16:25
ikoniasure sure sure16:28
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (phreaked spamming)17:54
=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund
IdleOnewhat did nikkita do?18:32
ubottulhavelund called the ops in #ubuntu (nikkita (Repeat offense))18:32
IdleOneI missed something :/18:33
jussiIdleOne: you missed the hitler comments?18:33
IdleOneI did18:33
jussi[20:29:59] <-> hitlet is now known as h1tler18:33
jussi[20:30:05] <h1tler> brb killing jews18:33
jussi[20:30:09] <-> h1tler is now known as nikkita18:33
IdleOneI just saw them now on scroll back18:33
IdleOneI didn't see the nick change so was looking for nikkita and missed the hitler crap18:34
jussiand the other dungeon one18:34
IdleOneI saw that but wasn't sure what it was about18:35
IdleOnenot having the full context and all18:36
IdleOnesorry :(18:38
* IdleOne flogs himself *mia culpa, mia culpa*18:38
topylii just stopped that and got out of the sauna18:39
IdleOneseems my highlight list is longer then the amount of words I use in daily conversation18:39
IdleOnejust going to start highlighting *18:39
IdleOneBraber01 enjoys pushing the envelope of topicness20:16
bazhangLauterino> ActionParsnip: Keep an eye out for illicit infiltrations. This is all i want. Be well my friend.23:32

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