[00:55] I got sponsorship also!!!!!!!!! [00:56] so I get to meet Penny, Elky, MichelleQ, Dinda [00:56] and who else? [00:56] akgraner, although we briefly met at OSCON, and maco, and .... [00:57] valorie; are we not enough for ya? ;) [00:57] lol [00:57] just trying to get my head around how cool it is [00:57] :-) [00:57] valorie: I'm sure there will be tons of folks for you to meet [00:57] yup [00:57] I think maco too [00:57] oh yes [00:57] what about czajkowski? [00:57] but I've known her for years [00:58] just don't happen to have met "IRL" [00:58] maco and I met on MySpace [00:58] LOLOL [00:59] valorie taught me to use irc [00:59] did I? [00:59] I'm sure I urged you on [00:59] you told me about #linuxchix and i said i didnt know how to irc so you explained xchat to me [01:00] how cool is that [01:00] the circle of life [04:46] valorie, woo hoo!!! Can't wait to see you again... [04:47] this time we might be able to squeeze in more than a hug [04:47] lol [04:47] I'm so happy [04:48] Valorie - I'll have to make my personal Calendar available so you all can remind me to keep some white space on it during UDS :-) [04:48] lol [04:49] I gave out about 35 cards with UW information on it women who are already using and know about Ubuntu - they had never heard of of the Ubuntu Women Project [04:49] that's awesome [04:50] and were pleasantly surprised to know the project existed - They all wanted to know how they could become an active contributor [04:50] which goes great with the mentorship re-vamping stuff [04:51] \o/ [04:53] I am more convinced after Grace Hopper that preaching to the chore at things like Linux Fests don't always hit the mark [04:53] for sure [04:54] The Grace Hopper Celebration in Atlanta was the most rewarding event that I have attended to date for me personally [04:55] I was blown away with the abundance of absolute abundance of talented technical women! [04:56] I was really happy to hear that you were attending [04:56] and I think we need to do more of that stuff [04:56] I left with a list a mile long of things I want to know more about [04:56] Goat shows too [04:56] :-) [04:56] :-) [04:56] Linux Fund handed out CD's at a state fair recently - over 300,000 people attended the fair [04:57] I applied for the GNOME internship as well [04:58] cool! [04:58] now I have to figure out how to contribute to GNOME between now and October 25th in the Marketing Area [04:58] as that was the project area I chose and you have to be contributing already to be considered [05:03] going to grace hopper etc. isn't marketing? [05:09] i think it means making marketing materials [05:39] Also, it might mean gnome marketting rather than Ubuntu marketting [05:40] yes it does [05:40] and I should learn that marketing has only one 't' [05:42] I imagine about now, GNOME means "not ubuntu" [05:42] for awhile [05:42] quite a few hurt feeling on both sides [05:43] well marketing a specific distro isnt the same as marketing gnome *overall* [05:43] because ya know...fedora's good too! and umm i cant think of any other gnome-centric dist...oh duh. debian [05:43] suse? [05:43] nah suse is overwhelmingly kde [05:43] oh [05:44] mandriva is also very kde [05:44] too german a company to be gnome :P [05:44] debian is not just one DE though [05:44] there are at least a 100 GNOME-centric distros ;) [05:44] elky: lol [05:44] elky: heh right [05:44] JanC: i just dont know which ones they are [05:44] nigelb: gnome is on disc 1 and kde is on disc 2 iirc [05:44] there's a bunch of ubuntu derivatives [05:44] and once you remove the ubuntu derivatives, there's like 5? [05:44] ahah [05:45] lol [05:45] ubuntu, debian, fedora => wat else? :p [05:45] g25 [05:45] * svaksha wonders if the gnome internship is meant only for students [05:45] Nope. [05:46] * svaksha thought it was [08:40] good morning [08:40] valorie: great news! [08:40] are you coming over? [08:40] yup [08:40] I'm really happy [08:40] good stuff [08:40] ooooo, you too! [08:40] \o/ [08:40] win all around [08:41] aye [18:41] hey check it out - it's the pic of women in open source from Grace Hopper celebration - http://www.flickr.com/photos/gailcarmichael/5041629521/in/set-72157624932418433/ [18:42] y'all look like you are having fun! [18:44] Cool pic. There are some badass women in that photo :) [18:45] valorie, we had a blast! [18:46] MarkDude, I am hoping some of their awesomeness rubbed off on me - I learned so much from just working the booth with them [18:47] Well, what about some of Deb's tattoos? Are you gonna rock some sleeves? [18:47] I'll never tell :-) [18:48] :D [18:50] is that a Fedora tat? [18:50] on the right shoulder [18:51] indeed it is, or sure looks like it. cool [18:52] http://www.flickr.com/photos/gailcarmichael/5042233858/in/set-72157624932418433/lightbox/ [18:52] looks very much like it [18:53] yup [18:53] Thats a temp tattoo [18:53] They give them to Fedora Ambassadors as SWAG [18:54] Guess they don't have true Fedora nuts like we do in Ubuntu :P [18:54] I have some pics of my nephew wearing a few of them. [18:55] * MarkDude wore some to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, kept forgetting I had them on, until I got looks. Proud Uncle I am - so I did not mind [19:07] oh, this is sweet! http://www.flickr.com/photos/gailcarmichael/5042233532/in/set-72157624932418433/ [19:07] akgraner: priceless look on your face :D [19:24] hehe