
ScottLanyone able to help check a new version of musescore ?00:04
holsteinScottL: i got it downloaded01:53
holsteinim going to look at it now :)01:53
holsteinScottL: im not sure i know what to do with it01:56
ScottLholstein, hi :)02:04
ScottLi'm feeling pretty spacey right now, taking soma as a muscle relaxer ;)02:04
holsteinhope you get that sorted out :/02:05
ScottLbeen having some escalating back problems and a previously damaged muscle has been progressively getting worse throughout this week02:05
ScottLoh, i'll be fine after the muscle settles down :)02:05
* holstein downloaded that .diff.gz02:06
ScottLokay, here's what i think needs to happen02:06
ScottLmaybe someone watching can correct me02:06
ScottLmake sure you have a maverick install to use02:06
ScottLmake a cool directory to do this in02:06
ScottLapt-get source musescore02:06
ScottLapply the diff.gz02:07
ScottLbuild the package02:07
ScottLinstall it02:07
ScottLrun it02:07
ScottLbend it to your will02:07
ScottLokay, the last one was silly02:07
* holstein will have to get maverick installed on something02:07
holsteinthat will take longer02:07
ScottLi think most of that should be easily accessible to you02:07
holsteini'll put it on an SD card02:08
ScottLthis might help to apply the debdiff  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff02:08
ScottLoh, that's cool (on a SD card)02:08
ScottLCAN you put it on an SD card?02:08
ScottLand have it boot?02:08
* holstein has an old EEEpc02:09
holsteinyou can install to SD02:09
holsteinboot SD02:09
holsteinits handy for testing02:09
ScottLoh crap, you will need to download the dependencies before you try to build (unless you do it in ppa or pbuilder)02:09
holsteinwell, let me get maverick installed on something02:10
ScottLi might set up a pbuilder upstairs on my maverick install tonight and try as well02:10
holsteinand i'll see what i can do02:10
ScottLsounds good02:10
holsteinScottL: where did you get that diff?02:10
holsteinin a channel?02:10
ScottLi'm feeling more lucid now that i was earlier (no pun intended)02:10
ScottLholstein, it came from ScottK in #ubuntu-motu02:10
* ScottL is installing prevu upstairs right now02:20
ScottLholstein, did you read my last email to ralf by chance?  was i an arse?02:46
ScottLi worry that i was02:47
* holstein trying to sleep but the neighbors are loud :/03:44
holsteinScottL: nah03:45
holsteini didnt get an arse-like vibe03:45
holsteinto be honest, i stopped reading the bulk of that thread03:47
ScottLi REALLY want people to understand that we aren't blithering idiots and the reasons why we do things04:00
ScottLi think that is important to have educated users04:00
holsteinwould be nice04:00
ScottLholstein, sorry about the neighbors04:00
holsteinits cool04:01
holsteinthey got a loud band04:01
holsteinusually pretty bad04:01
holsteintonite is much better04:01
holsteinsounds like they brought in an actual band04:01
ScottLlol, i guess that is good04:03
ScottLpersia or TheMuso, ScottK is asking about possibly adding extras.ubuntu.com to our sources.list, is this something we might desire?14:23
ScottLi wouldn't think so myself, but i don't know all the in and outs14:24
holsteinScottL: whats in there?14:26
ScottLholstein, hmmm, i'm not sure, i thought i had an idea but i was wrong14:32
ScottLapparently it for the new application approval process14:36
ScottLi'm not sure there will be many new packages for audio that come through the new approval process14:37
ScottLi would imagine we would get more through debian thanks to quadrispro14:37
ScottLi think i would still like to get someone else's opinion with more experience though14:38
holsteinScottL: im pretty sure ralf is trying to boot the newer RT ad realtime kernels in 64studio/hardy14:44
ScottLholstein, i kinda washed my hands after his last email, he skipped all the important stuff (to me) and focused on the trivial items (to me)14:46
ScottLbut it is kinda surprising that someone who appears to be that knowledgeable about kernels is rocking 64studio14:47
ScottLnot that i am knocking 64studio as a distro, but rather that it really hasn't changed (my understanding) for quite a while14:47
holsteini asked for clarification, but the latest mail looked like he was having issues with hardy/64studio14:48
holsteinwho know whats in the 64studio repos that would not like the new kernel14:48
ScottLvery true14:48
holsteinyeah, 64 is dea14:48
ScottLmy understanding is that daniel is working with some OEM people (indamixxx perhaps?)14:49
ScottLcustom tailoring an audio distro for some hardware providers14:49
holsteini just wish the website said that14:49
holsteinit doesnt 14:49
ScottLlol, yeah14:49
holsteinit says a new version came out several months ago14:49
holsteinand its a thriving community project14:49
ScottLheh, i imagine that is rather frustrating for those who wish to still use (and get updates) for 64studio :(14:51
persiaScottL, Up to you.  I'm not a big fan of extras, but we'll see how it turns out (either way)14:53
ubottuextras.ubuntu.com is an external !repo for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.14:53
holsteinamazing how many emails have been sent back and forth about ralf's rig14:58
holsteinand i still cant quite make out the facts ;)14:58
ScottLit sounds like extras.ubuntu.com is a glorified PPA almost14:58
ScottLwell, if you consider the support :P14:59
holsteinis that a suggestion about where we could house RT kernels?14:59
ScottLi realize there is a (streamlined) approval process14:59
ScottLholstein, probably not since i think this is a quasi-first step to getting packages into the formal archives14:59
ScottLi think this just makes it available quicker before the next release15:00
persiaScottL, It is a PPA15:00
ScottLi'm presuming some of this however, based on other comments15:00
persiaSpecifically https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board/+archive/ppa15:00
ScottLpersia, i don't like it and i think we should decline it15:01
ScottLnothing is preventing users from adding it to their sources.list by their own volition15:01
persiaIt's not in any way a quasi-first step to getting packages in the archives, from the last I heard, other than that someone might decide to take a package from there.15:01
ScottLah, okay15:02
persiaFor myself, I'd rather catch people wanting to package stuff we want, help them get it into Debian, and backport it, but I've not been great at supporting that workflow, so I can't stand behind that viewpoint very strongly.15:02
ScottLwe have had some moderate success getting applications in debian first and then synced to ubuntu however :)15:03
ScottLand since we are still currently in an LTS version i'm not sure a proper opportunity to backport has presented itself15:04
persiaWe have, although, as you pointed out a few days ago, "ubuntustudio" is a huge tag on REVU.15:04
ScottL*sigh* true, sad but true15:04
persiaIf there were no Studio applications left on REVU, I'd be a lot firmer about my opinion.15:05
ScottLi think some of those applications need to be evaluated, some have already been pushed through debian i believe15:05
ScottLand i think jackmixer might already be in the archives (?)15:05
persiaWe ought archive the ones that are in Debian.15:05
ScottLif you will instruct me how to archive something in REVU i would be happy to effect the necessary ones this weekend15:07
ScottLthis would align the queue with reality and give us a better understanding15:07
ScottLi could also coordinate with quadrispro with the remaining ones to get them into debian as well :)15:07
ScottLquadrispro is amazing and ubuntu studio is very, very fortunate to have his efforts15:08
persiaheh.  At least we're smaller than "python"15:08
persiaOK.  For archiving: if you look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/jackpanel do you see an "archive" button?15:09
persia(don't press it: it's not in Debian or Ubuntu yet)15:09
ScottLthe extras repository seems like a band aid instead of improving the REVU process15:09
ScottLlogging in15:09
ScottLaye, i have an archive link in the upper right15:10
persiaI'm not sure that's fair.  Some of the discussions I was involved in at last UDS talked about improving the REVU process, and using the concept of an Application Review Board to do so.  We ended up with extras.ubuntu.com, which doesn't quite do that to my mind.  I'm not sure if this is a first step towards the solution or treatment of symptom rather than problem.15:11
* persia looks for one that needs archiving15:11
persiaScottL, Are you able to archive http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/livemix ? (we have 0.49~rc3-0ubuntu5 in the archives, so REVU is newer, but it's not completely missing, plus one can unarchive)15:12
ScottLsorry, was getting son settled, will check now15:14
persiaNO rush :)15:14
ScottLapparently i did archive it15:15
ScottLand i have now unarchived it15:15
persiaI'll let you decide how best to work with sbrunner to get it into Debian and up-to-date (likely for natty), and whether having it archived or not is best.15:17
persiaBut at least you have permission to archive, and know how :)15:17
ScottLindeed :)15:17
ScottLholstein, i believe there is a disconnect with ralf but i don't think it is a language barrier, hopefully it is his influenza15:32
ScottLbut i would be interested in understanding why he says Ubuntu Studio Lucid will not boot15:34
holsteinwell, we're back to the issue now15:34
holsteinhe's about to respond to jeremy that he has an nvidia GPU15:34
ScottLholstein, i'm also building musescore this morning (it takes a looong time with an older single core)15:35
ScottLholstein, well that's a problem right there, is it not?15:35
holsteinwe'll see if jermemy handles it in a way that ralf can understand15:35
holsteinand that was already mentioned way back at the beginning15:35
ScottLjeremy = autostatic?15:35
* holstein not sure15:35
ScottLre: mentioned way back, that could be the influenza that caused him to overlook that15:36
ScottLalthough it is curious that he was a little short with others that he had mentioned his hardware specs earlier in the thread ;)15:36
holsteinthats the deal though15:37
holsteini wasnt really sure what was going on there in that thread15:38
holsteinseems like it got steered to rt kernel talk instead of, x wont start15:38
holsteini think it was bad timing15:39
holsteinwith all the other RT talk going on15:39
holsteinnow that i think about it15:39
holsteini bet that was the goal at the beginning15:39
holstein'i cant get x to start with the RT kernel'15:39
ScottLmaybe :)  hopefully it gets sorted out15:39
holsteinand then it got around to15:39
holstein'NO, the rt kernel is great'15:40
holsteinsomehow ;)15:40
ScottLholstein, you were right about the nvidia :)   but why does he have an ATI card installed but disabled?  curious and curious16:14
ScottLare we heading down the rabbit hole?16:14
ScottLlol, rereading i realized that should have been 'curiouser and curiouser'16:14
holsteinim going to try and set back and let jeremy have a go16:15
holsteinim pretty sure the -realtime kernel in falks ppa is abogani's with the patches for the nvidia drivers applied16:16
holsteini'll try and confirm that, and offer it as a suggestion16:17
ScottLit gets tough trying to remember which version is currently released16:22
ScottLwere still working (somewhat) on maverick which is about to be released16:23
ScottLbut devoting lots of cycles to natty16:23
ScottLbut we still support lucid16:23
ScottLand it's confusing threading different requests when working on a particular release16:23
ScottLi built and testing musescore for ScottK16:30
ScottLit seemed to work okay (i'm not an expert or even a casual user of musescore however)16:30
ScottLand reported back to ScottK16:30

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