
ubuXubuall is calm in the peaceful binary rainforest known as...........xubuntu!06:59
Hydroziixubuntu is the best ubuntu!07:51
ubuXububoontoo is Qool08:19
moetunesseems the education system isn't of much benefit to the young'ns these days...08:22
ubuXubushit 2 beep evertime i turn this box on and a yellow "d" light on on the back....dammit09:22
chris_hi, i installed xubuntu with the command "live xforcevesa"    but i got a black screen while i restart, how to fix it?09:34
moetuneswhy did you feel it was necessary to use that option pls/09:35
moetuneschris_:  ?09:35
chris_moetunes, cause i can't get to the install screen09:35
chris_it seems that it can't recognize my display card09:36
moetunesand what is the display card?09:36
chris_i'm using IBM X40 notebook09:36
moetuneshttp://gnuru.org/article/1497/installing-linux-on-thinkpad-x40-with-cf-drive - might give a clue09:38
chris_AGP - Intel Extreme Graphics 2 Shared video memory (UMA)09:39
moetunesthere's some bugs mentioned about that notebook - http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&q=IBM+X40+ubuntu&btnG=Search09:39
chris_no... nothing helps09:42
moetuneschris_:  you might need to add a boot option like nomodeset let me check09:43
chris_i tried with i915.modeset=109:44
moetunesit might be too old for the 915 driver09:46
moetuneshttp://www.linux-on-laptops.com/hosted/ubuntu-thinkpad-x40.html - says it works with 7.04 ubuntu09:47
moetuneshttp://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2010-06/msg01081.html - offers a solution chris_09:49
chris_ok, i'll take a look09:50
chris_will try09:52
moetuneschris_:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes - says there is an issue with your hardware but offers workarounds :]09:53
moetunesmaybe he found something...09:53
rumberthas any Xubuntu user successfully used UbuntuOne?11:37
rumberton Lucid?11:38
Sysido you have peroblem with it? it should work by just installing client11:38
rumbertSysi: It seems I have multiple problems with it.11:38
rumbertSync is not working. If I drop a file in the ubuntu1 folder in nautilus it has a cloud with a red mark.  Deleting on the web site is not working .  ``u1sdtool -c`` hangs11:38
rumbertdone after : u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login11:38
Sysinautilus isn't actually xubuntu business, but i'll let someone who has tried tell11:39
rumbertSysi: is there ubuntu1 integration in Thunar?11:40
Sysii think not, i didn't know nautilus had11:40
moetunesis it a fuse mount type of thing?11:41
* rumbert checks11:42
rumbertmoetunes: it operates under a directory "Ubuntu One" under the home directory, so not under ~/.gvfs11:42
moetunesrumbert:  ok - I don't use it11:43
rumbertI see no connection to .gvfs. i don't know whether FUSE.11:43
moetunesgvfs = gnome virtual file system iirc - which is fuse afaik - I could be wrong tho11:46
rumbertmoetunes: there is a bridge to allow GVFS to be used by FUSE, but not to allow other fuse FSs to be used via GVFS11:48
moetunesrumbert:  that is good to know thnxs - I don't do anything that uses either tho - great for future reference :}11:49
rumbertyou can use it to mount Zip archives on the filesystem by gvfs.  the only way i know to control that is by nautilus11:52
rumbertthen you can read the zip archives as if they were opened.11:52
moetunesI'm old school - why would you mount a zip archive?11:54
moetunesxarchiver will show what's in them11:55
rumbertspeed: reading is faster from the compressed file.  Convenience: no need for duplicate data; 1 copy in the archive and one extracted; no mess cleaning up the extracted after you no longer need it.  Adequate space: maybe you don't even have space to extract everything.11:56
moetunesI look at a zip archive in xarchiver and then decide to extract or not - no space used at all if i don't extract afaik11:58
moetunesbut it is gnu/linux - do what works for you  :)11:58
moetunesbut this doesn't solve the ubuntuone issue you have rumbert12:00
jg47hmhow to change my keyboard input language???12:04
moetunesjg47hm:  when you open the menu what is the first option?12:06
jg47hmwhat menu. you mean applications?12:06
jg47hmubuntu center software12:07
moetunessystem settings isn't it?12:07
jg47hmis not the first option12:07
moetunesjg47hm:  which xubuntu version are you using?12:07
moetunesin the menu is there a system settings option?12:09
moetunesin there is a keyboard option option12:10
jg47hmthere is an option <language support>. there i change everything into greek but when i press shift alt it doesn't changes12:11
moetunesjg47hm:  you should check in the package manager that greek language is installed perhaps12:14
moetunesI am guessing here I only ever use the english keyboard12:15
=== Daviey- is now known as Daviey
xubuntu648how can i play my MP3s in xubuntu?12:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:59
xubuntu648:) thanks13:00
xubuntu648and can i read ntfs partitions?13:00
moetunesI install xubuntu-restricted-extras13:00
moetunesntfs reading is built into the kernel so yes :)13:00
moetunesntfs writing is diff tho13:01
moetunes!info ntfs-3g13:01
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2010.3.6-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 64 kB, installed size 240 kB13:01
moetunesinstalled by default it seems13:01
xubuntu648my mp3s are in other drive i asked because of that13:02
xubuntu648and whick format is useful for xubuntu ext3 or ext4 ?13:03
moetunesyou'll have to mount the drive if it wasn't picked up during the install - is it listed ine the folder /media?13:03
moetunesI would pick ext4 myself13:04
rumbertxubuntu648: ext4 or ext2 (not 3)13:04
moetunesI would pick ext4 myself13:04
rumbertwith ext2 you can recover13:04
rumbertI would pick ext413:04
Sysirumbert: other way round13:04
moetunesthnxs Sysi13:05
Sysiext3 is ext2 with journalaizing13:05
rumbertSysi: we're talking about different kinds of recovery13:05
xubuntu648but xubuntu seems cool, i 'll use it first time13:05
rumbertI'm talking about undeleting13:05
Sysiext2 is faster but i'd choose ext4, it's fast too13:05
Sysiext3 is slow and safe13:05
moetuneslinux is not built to make undeleting easy13:05
xubuntu648i should exit :) installation has finished13:06
Sysijournalizing is made for uneleting13:06
xubuntu648thanks for informations13:06
moetunesI think we helped...13:07
TheSheepSysi: really?13:07
TheSheepSysi: how do you do that?13:08
moetuneshello TheSheep :)13:08
rumbertSysi: no it is not.13:12
Sysirumbert: yes it is13:12
moetunesjournalling is for when you trip on the power cord and lose power13:13
moetunesn the event of a system crash or power failure,13:14
Sysibut how would undeleting in ext2 be easier?13:14
moetunesIf a crash occurs between steps 1 and 2, there will be an orphaned inode and hence a storage leak. On the other hand, if only step 2 is performed first before the crash, the not-yet-deleted file will be marked free and possibly be overwritten by something else. - is the only mention of delete13:15
Sysimore being written could be13:16
TheSheepjournaling is for keeping the filesystem consistent in cases of various failures13:16
moetunesin ext2 there is noting for delete - linux overwrites delted files with 0's13:16
TheSheepmoetunes: that's not true13:16
TheSheepmoetunes: it just adds the blocks to the free blocks list13:17
TheSheepmoetunes: the problem is, the inode entries are gone, so you don't know which blocks and in what order they are13:17
TheSheepmoetunes: but if you know what you are looking for, you can recover it13:17
moetunesTheSheep:  I may have been misinformed - a grep for any text from a deleted file fails here at least13:18
TheSheepmoetunes: well, the blocks are getting reused and overwritten13:18
TheSheepmoetunes: and I think it's a stack, so the last freed blocks get reused first13:19
TheSheepmoetunes: there are tools like 'shred' that actually overwrite the file they are deleting13:20
moetunesTheSheep:  I've tried to recover text files without doing anything else and failed13:20
TheSheepmoetunes: http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html13:21
moetunesoops ext4 here13:22
moetunesIn order to ensure that ext3 can safely resume an unlink after a crash, it actually zeros out the block pointers in the inode, whereas ext2 just marks these blocks as unused in the block bitmaps and marks the inode as "deleted" and leaves the block pointers alone.13:22
moetunesso after ext2 it zeros13:23
TheSheepmoetunes: it only zeroes the pointers, not the blocks themselves13:23
TheSheepmoetunes: the data is still there13:23
moetunesok :] - still learning from you TheSheep after a couple of years13:25
moetunes"Your only hope is to "grep" for parts of your files that have been deleted and hope for the best."13:25
moetunes^ fails here13:25
TheSheepthere are actually tools for searching for common file patterns13:25
TheSheeplike images13:25
TheSheepor mp3s13:26
moetunesI believed it failed do to the fact it zeroed the file...13:26
moetunesI never moved to shred 'cause rm worked so well here - I have never been able to recover a trace of a file that I deleted - tho I haven't tried too hard13:28
TheSheepit's best to just keep a backup13:31
supremoi won't use clonezilla13:31
moetunesif i am dumb enough to delete a file I want to keep I am willing to to live with the angst I caused ...13:35
giuseppedfdoes anybody know why sometime, after big data file copying my mouse movement is not smooth and it is impulsed? Is there any istruction (by shell is good too) to reset my mouse?14:16
moetunesyou could look at   man xset14:18
giuseppedfmoetunes, man xset????14:19
moetunesgiuseppedf:  in terminal type man xset - there are mouse options14:20
moetunessorry I hit caps lock by mistake14:21
moetunesfor the i14:21
giuseppedfmoetunes, yes correct, but I have to say that the mouse works fine. the problem in that sometime, after a big data file moving it does not work fine while the touch pad works fine14:21
giuseppedfmoetunes, was i clear?14:21
moetunesI didn't know it was a touchpad14:22
moetunesI don't use one14:22
giuseppedfmoetunes, well, when I turn on my lap top everything works fine14:22
moetunesstart again pls :)14:22
giuseppedfmoetunes, then, if i move a big data file, sometimes the mouse (only the mouse) does not work fine14:22
giuseppedfmoetunes, and I am obliged to restart the laptop if I want my mouse working fine14:23
giuseppedfmoetunes, ok?14:23
giuseppedfmoetunes, :-)14:23
giuseppedfmoetunes, probably I have to reset the USB driver because the touchpad works fine everytime14:24
giuseppedfmoetunes, what do you think?14:24
giuseppedfmoetunes, do you knpw if there is sehll command to restart the USB driver?14:24
moetunesgiuseppedf:  first question is did you give a bit of time for the file transfer - sometimes after the transfer dialog closes the app still runs?14:26
moetuneswhat is the hardware? - how big is the file?14:27
giuseppedfmoetunes, for example 1 giga14:27
giuseppedfmoetunes, it is a normal wire mouse14:28
giuseppedfmoetunes, do you know how to restart the USB module?14:28
moetuneshere the file dialog closes and the system is still doing its' thing for up to twenty secs for a 1.5GB file14:28
giuseppedfmoetunes, so, what do you mean?14:29
moetunesgiuseppedf:  I don't know how to restart the usb module - maybe someone else does14:31
giuseppedfmoetunes, ok Thank a lot for your time!14:32
giuseppedfmoetunes, Ciaooo!14:32
andycchey guys, I have a problem with Xubuntu: I have a free space meter applet set to show me free space on the /home partition and the free space dropped from 182gb to 179gb in about 10 minutes... I only have pidgin running, so what's wrong?15:10
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=== Sysi_ is now known as Sysi
Hydroziihas anybody set up a minecraft server in xubuntu?23:59

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