
lex79voilĂ , bug 65383800:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653838 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Lucid Maverick upgrade - kbluetooth is still installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65383800:02
lex79with logs attached and probably workaround00:02
valoriebtw, that volume problem was transient00:09
valorieon restart Amarok volume works perfectly00:09
valorieshadeslayer, sorry to have ignored your question earlier00:11
valorieI was paying attention to the volume00:11
valorienot finding the font squashed, no00:12
valorieit is small, but I like that00:12
lex79ScottK: amarok in queue00:16
valoriethanks, lex7900:22
lex79debfx did, I only sponsored his patch ;)00:23
Riddelllex79: let me look00:24
* Riddell accepts amarok00:26
lex79Riddell: just curiosity, when you said a GUI for 5.1 setup in pulseaudio, this mean there is a GUI somewhere?00:29
Riddellthis patch http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/kdebase4-runtime/current/SOURCES/kdebase-runtime-4.5-speakersetup.patch?view=log&revision=57129900:33
Riddellas recommended by upstream00:33
Riddelllex79: can you compile and test that and recommend if we should include it?00:34
lex79Riddell: ok, just that patch or we want also other patches?00:35
lex79uhm the patch introduces strings00:36
Riddelllex79: just that one00:36
Riddellyes that's the downside00:36
Riddelldo we want a useful feature if it's untranslated00:36
Riddellwe could get the translations from trunk, or we could let launchpad translate it, or we could not include the feature00:37
lex79if it works we can get the translations from trunk I think00:38
valoriepavucontrol is the GUI for PA00:40
lex79but pavucontrol is not part of KDE00:44
lex79we want manage PA with kmix00:45
ScottKlex79: Looks like Riddell got it already (amarok)00:54
valoriewell, kmix says that everything is turned on01:00
valoriebut youtube is silent01:01
valorieso something is askew01:01
valorieanyway, dinner time01:01
DarkwingDuckRiddell: ping01:43
Riddellhi DarkwingDuck 01:44
DarkwingDuckhey, my sponsorship got approved01:45
DarkwingDuckyup. so ill see you at end of month? :P01:50
Riddellyes indeed01:50
Riddellregister at https://edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n/+attend01:51
Riddelland book your travel01:51
DarkwingDuckthey pay or re-emburse?01:52
Riddellif it's done through the travel agent it gets charged to them01:52
Riddellif you book it yourself you have to fill in a form later and get the money back01:53
DarkwingDuckgot ya because I'm sponsored. including hotel. :D01:53
DarkwingDuckI'm still unemployed and low on $$ :/01:54
Riddellif it's easiest to drive I expect you can claim the milage but I'd ask first to be sure01:54
DarkwingDuckno... I'm in california01:54
Riddelllong drive that01:54
* Riddell snoozes01:54
DarkwingDuckwho else from kubuntu going?01:59
DarkwingDuckI see ScottK is01:59
danttiRiddell: is still time for a aptcc patch? :D02:00
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lex79JontheEchidna: around?03:09
JontheEchidnalex79: yep, kded testing, hence my loss of connection03:09
lex79JontheEchidna: can you push kubuntu_21_fix_phantom_cursor.diff to bzr03:10
lex79in qt403:10
CIA-116[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101003021043-881u22ljehfa83p0 * debian/patches/kubuntu_21_fix_phantom_cursor.diff bzr-add03:10
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1182023 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/event.cpp When using tray icons, let their existance control when the event is "active". Fixes double tray icons appearing.03:13
CIA-116[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101003021412-494xpdovuesihjga * src/daemon/event.cpp Port "double tray icon if event is triggered with an existing tray icon" fix from muon-notifier.03:14
CIA-116[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101003022028-3xia4s1j7920jso2 * src/daemon/event.cpp Incorrect comment03:20
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1182026 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/event.cpp Incorrect comment03:21
lex79ScottK: don't accept qt4 please, I missing the epoch :(03:41
lex79uhm I'm wondering who is approving my uploads03:44
lex79I hope they will chose the right version :)03:49
* lex79 is talking to himself and giggles03:50
* dantti asks himself if any kword author ever used kword, all features work fine, but when writing there are a bunch on bugs...04:41
Riddelldantti: aptcc might be possible07:22
shadeslayeryofel: pingly09:04
shadeslayerdid you fix all 3 bugs?09:04
shadeslayer( the upgrade ones )09:04
shadeslayerRiddell: can i cherry pick a patch from rekonq upstream?11:45
Riddellshadeslayer: if it's important and readable by an archive admin11:49
shadeslayerRiddell: http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/commit/f0d84a51301cff4d0fe29adb8dff447795df76b411:49
shadeslayerfixes bug 64733211:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647332 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "[maverick] Rekonq crashes without network connection. " [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64733211:49
Riddellsounds important 11:50
Riddelllooks readable, go for it11:50
shadeslayerRiddell: also, we need oauth in lucid to fix choqok .... should i file a SRU? its a completely new package12:02
shadeslayeralso lp seems to be failing to sync comments :(12:05
Riddellis it related to libqoauth1 ?12:05
Riddellwell we already have that12:05
Riddelland it's in main12:06
shadeslayererm https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qoauth12:06
shadeslayeronly maverick package12:06
Riddelloh I see, didn't read "lucid"12:06
Riddellnot sure if we can do a SRU for a new package but may as well try12:07
Riddelldoes the version of choqok in lucid need updated or is it just a patch or just a config change?12:07
shadeslayeryeah, this is in regards to bug 62820012:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628200 in choqok (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to 1.0 beta 2 at least" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62820012:07
shadeslayerRiddell: theres no lucid package for qoauth 12:08
shadeslayerwhich is needed for choqok 12:08
Riddellshadeslayer: what was the solution to the embedded id issue?12:08
shadeslayer( twitter wont work until we provide the latest choqok )12:08
shadeslayerhavent heard from upstream till now12:08
Riddellso do we have it working?12:08
shadeslayerwell... if we ignore the consumer id key issue and put latest choqok in lucid it will work12:09
Riddellby ignore you mean use the choqok id and hope twitter don't revoke it?12:10
shadeslayerim writing a mail to mtux, so we can possibly wait for his reply12:11
Riddellshadeslayer: did you look into getting a Kubuntu consumer id?  isn't that what ubuntu did for gwibber?12:11
shadeslayeryeah, but do i just switch the key id's with a patch?12:12
shadeslayeri can make a consumer ID right now for kubuntu12:12
shadeslayerwe could also use the ubuntu one...12:13
Riddellyes, a patch would be fine12:15
shadeslayerand do i use the ubuntu one or create one for kubuntu?12:15
RiddellI'd keep it separate from the ubuntu one, if we do something wrong and twitter pull it we don't want to break ubuntu too (or vice versa)12:15
Riddellcreate one for kubuntu12:15
shadeslayerRiddell: Application Name : Kubuntu Twitter client :: ?12:17
RiddellI guess so12:19
shadeslayerheh.. application name cannot include twitter :P12:20
shadeslayerand i need the kubuntu logo 12:21
shadeslayerhttp://www.kubuntu.org/themes/kubuntu10.04/logo.png should do12:21
shadeslayerKubuntu Micro blogging Client <- application name12:22
Riddellthat'll do12:22
shadeslayerhmm.. dont think the logo is coming properly..12:23
shadeslayerRiddell: rekonq here : https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental12:24
Riddellshadeslayer: groovy, uploaded12:35
shadeslayerthanks LD12:35
shadeslayerbtw when using quilt, do i have to have a custom rule for it in debian/rules?13:17
Riddellnot if it's source format 3.013:19
Riddellbut if it's not (no debian/source/format file) then yes13:19
Riddellalthough the kde.mk and debian-qt-kde.mk include files should include quilt for you if you add it as a build dep13:20
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/505094/ :: not source format 3.013:21
shadeslayerthat should do it right?13:22
shadeslayergood thing we dont ship kde pim beta 3... completely worthless13:25
shadeslayerRiddell: um .. is it possible rekonq package is stuck in queue ?13:34
shadeslayersince we are in freeze and such13:34
danttiRiddell: nice, It's a regression compared to the py-apt-backend, I'm getting and parsing the changelog, it's not finished yet since some packages are failing to fetch the file14:47
danttiI'm going to my parents house (2h driving) since it's elections day in Brazil and I still vote there, probably at night I'll finish this :)14:48
shadeslayerRiddell: do we want this? http://imgur.com/9tkdN15:32
shadeslayerScottK: ^15:33
shadeslayerseems to be working alright : http://twitter.com/rohangarg15:36
shadeslayer( youll have to follow me in order to see the tweet :P )15:36
yofelshadeslayer: no, lex did that, I don't have much time to do any kubuntu work currently :(16:23
shadeslayeroh ok16:31
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK upstream advises to use our own customer id, packages with custom id in : https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental16:36
shadeslayers/customer id/consumer key16:37
shadeslayerwait something weird happend16:57
shadeslayeryeah... wont upload... anyways.. heres the dsc https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/choqok_0.9.85-0ubuntu2.dsc17:00
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shadeslayerwhere is apachelogger? 0_o17:24
shadeslayerwhere is everyone? :D17:24
Riddellshadeslayer: here and there18:48
* shadeslayer points to screenshot18:48
shadeslayerif you want that, package can be uploaded from https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/choqok_0.9.85-0ubuntu2.dsc18:51
shadeslayerand upstream advises to use our own consumer key as well18:52
Riddellhmm, launchpad broke, no https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/choqok_0.9.85.orig.tar.gz18:53
shadeslayerhold on ..18:53
RiddellI got it from the normal archive18:56
shadeslayerohk ..18:56
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/choqok/debian.tar.gz18:59
shadeslayerthats the debian folder19:00
shadeslayerwait a sc19:00
shadeslayerdamn.. forgot to mention that quilt was added as a dep and rule file was modified19:01
shadeslayerRiddell: could you download that debian tar again ? :D19:02
shadeslayer<3 http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o111/kdb424/Blue.png19:03
shadeslayeri wish that was available in a larger format :(19:03
Riddellgosh I have a load of half conversations on identica that I only ever see on the rare occations I run choqok19:06
DarkwingDucki have not touched identica or twitter in so long19:07
shadeslayeryeah i had to touch them today ... to test it :P19:07
shadeslayeralso.. any ideas where i can find a bigger kubuntu logo?19:08
shadeslayerjust the icon part19:08
RiddellKubuntuArtwork wiki page has the SVG19:08
shadeslayerah.. thats the whole log19:09
shadeslayeri need the icon19:09
Riddellgood time to learn how to use inkscape then19:09
Riddellchoqok uploaded thanks shadeslayer 19:09
Riddelldo you have the lucid SRU for upload?19:09
shadeslayerfor qoauth yes19:10
shadeslayerfor new choqok package with that patch no :(19:10
Riddellis there a problem or just haven't had time yet?19:11
shadeslayerthe latter :)19:12
shadeslayeri can do it right now :D19:12
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shadeslayerRiddell: should i file SRU bugs?19:15
shadeslayerok ill do that 19:16
shadeslayernow where do i get lucid testers :)19:16
RiddellI can do a chroot19:17
shadeslayeroh can i use that? i have the pbuilder chroot myself19:18
shadeslayeri thought it required that you have a proper install and stuff19:18
jussiright, someone want to tell me how to tar a directory from the cli?'19:20
shadeslayerjussi: tar cvzf foo.tgz foodir 19:21
shadeslayerRiddell: erm.. is SRU the correct way of doing this? shouldnt this be a backport?19:32
shadeslayeror is this a crticial bug :D19:32
* Riddell adds a technologies used section to http://www.kubuntu.org/19:38
Riddellshadeslayer: the application can't be used, seems critical to me19:38
Riddellshadeslayer: it may not get through, but I think it's worth a shot19:38
shadeslayeryeah thats what im thinking as well...19:38
shadeslayerRiddell: and oooh that looks sexy19:39
shadeslayer( technologies used )19:39
shadeslayerwe have this big blob of whitespace on the left of the site, just left of the slideshow19:40
shadeslayermore like bluespace19:40
shadeslayerRiddell: and is ooo going down? is kubuntu going to ship koffice for natty? :D19:41
Riddellshadeslayer: left of the slideshow is the countdown surely19:42
Riddellshadeslayer: we'll replace that banner with some maverick promo in a week19:43
shadeslayerwhee \o/19:43
Riddellshadeslayer: feel free to propose koffice for natty, we can have that debate again if you think it's worth it19:43
Riddellbut e.g. 04:41  * dantti asks himself if any kword author ever used kword, all features work fine, but when writing there are a bunch on bugs...19:43
shadeslayerok, apachelogger left me a message that ooo is going down 19:44
Riddellwell it'll be replaced with libreoffice I expect in natty19:44
shadeslayerso just wanted to ask.. ive never used ooo or kword tbh19:44
shadeslayernever used that either :D19:44
Riddellemacs all the way!19:44
* shadeslayer uses nano :P19:44
shadeslayerhmm... im off for a bit of coffee :)19:45
shadeslayerheh... 163 MB sources ...19:46
shadeslayeri just hope that libreoffice doesnt use java crap19:48
shadeslayerRiddell: oh and i found a bigger logo from lp.net/~kubuntu-members :D19:49
ScottKshadeslayer: libreoffice is essentially what we have now rebranded (we already uses the go-ooo patches.19:49
Riddellshadeslayer: "bigger" doesn't make much sense for SVGs19:50
shadeslayerits a png :D19:53
shadeslayerScottK: bah... :(19:54
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 65423620:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654236 in choqok (Ubuntu) "SRU : Please release choqok 0.9.85 for lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65423620:02
shadeslayeri will post install logs in a few moments20:03
Riddellshadeslayer: needs an oauth bug too20:04
Riddellneeds a debdiff on the bug20:04
Riddellneeds a test case20:04
shadeslayerreport a new one for qoauth? :S20:05
Riddellyes, they like them separate for some reason20:05
shadeslayerRiddell: test case is given... maybe i should add TEST CASE before it20:05
Riddellyes, it needs that, in caps preferably20:06
shadeslayerdebdiff will be huge 20:06
Riddellyeah, still needed, along with the justification20:06
shadeslayerdebdiff added20:11
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 654241 ( more info to be added soonish )20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654241 in qoauth (Ubuntu) "SRU : Please release qoauth 1.0 for lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65424120:20
shadeslayerhmm... CWG ceremony had loads of orange... no blue :(20:32
shadeslayerorange, purpule, other ubuntu colors... no blue :'(20:32
RiddellI'll make sure we fix that when we host them in 201420:35
Riddellshouldn't cost much to get a Kubuntu sponsorship of it20:35
shadeslayerRiddell: oh btw i think england had the largest contingent after ours 20:37
shadeslayeridk how many atheletes from UK came, but from india we had 620 participants :P20:38
Riddellbah, England won't stand a chance against Scotland :)20:39
Riddellno atheletes from UK came, there's no such team20:39
shadeslayeri meant England :)20:40
shadeslayeralso... there was alot of controversy about why the queen couldnt make it ^_^20:40
shadeslayerhttp://imgur.com/g2pOp :: i seriously need to get rid of stuff in /Work20:41
RiddellBetty is still in Scotland, she's tired after meeting that catholic chap20:42
shadeslayerinstall logs added20:49
shadeslayeranything else required?20:49
shadeslayerdebdiff for choqok is done as well ...20:50
shadeslayer( qoauth doesnt have a debdiff since there isnt a lucid package )20:50
shadeslayercan i set to triaged? :D20:50
shadeslayerScottK: could you look at SRU bug 654241 and bug 654236 ?21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654241 in qoauth (Ubuntu) "SRU : Please release qoauth 1.0 for lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65424121:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654236 in choqok (Ubuntu Lucid) "SRU : Please release choqok 0.9.85 for lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65423621:12
shadeslayerif its possible to SRU them.. else they have to go into backports :(21:12
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm not in ubuntu-sru.21:22
shadeslayeruh..ok... 21:22
shadeslayeralso... qoauth will be a new package in lucid, should i subscribe the sru team to both the packages?21:22
* lex79 upload -workspace21:28
lex79ScottK: around? don't accept -workspace, sorry :)21:31
ScottKlex79: Want me to reject it?21:31
lex79ScottK: I'm reuploading it, maybe yes, reject21:31
ScottKlex79: Done.21:32
shadeslayer_heh.. im royally screwed :)21:47
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Guest13533something happened at the last update and now i cant login 21:48
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evilshadeslayerwell.. i could login into kde svn first, but now i cant even do that :(21:49
ScottKevilshadeslayer: Last update to what?21:52
evilshadeslayerScottK: to my system21:52
evilshadeslayerwith apt-get update21:52
ScottKSo look in /var/log/dpkg.log and see what got updated.21:52
evilshadeslayerhold on, im chrooting 21:52
ScottKlex79: Is this upload good?21:52
lex79which? my last -workspace? it fixes a regression in oxygen21:53
lex79bug 60238921:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602389 in KDE Base "Regression in 4.5 beta: dolphin no longer shows free space in "Places"" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60238921:53
ScottKYes.  That one.21:54
lex79it's a tiny change21:54
ScottKIs it upstream already?21:54
lex79I tested and it works21:54
lex79no :(21:54
ScottKSince you'd asked me to reject the last one, I was just double checking.21:54
ScottKRiddell: Can you push lex79's change to kdesvn trunk and the 4.5 branch?21:54
evilshadeslayerScottK: last 100 lines of abovementioned file : http://pastebin.com/rpgKbQma21:55
RiddellScottK, lex79: what's he added?21:55
ScottKRiddell: Look at the -workspace diff in the queue.21:55
* ScottK didn't accept it yet.21:55
Riddellalso we haven't made a decision on the speaker patch lex79 and me were looking at21:56
ScottKWas the workspace or runtime?21:56
lex79but it doesn't work21:56
ScottKThat would be a good reason not to include it.21:56
ScottKRiddell: What say you about the Oxygen fix?21:57
Riddelllex79: the speaker tab didn't work?21:57
lex79well, do first workspace please :P21:57
RiddellScottK: what oxygen fix?21:57
lex79then we can chat about speakers21:57
ScottKRiddell: The -workspace upload in unapproved.21:58
ScottKOr that.21:58
Riddellwell I do have that problem, don't know if the patch will work but we could just trust lex and accept it22:00
Riddelllex79: you don't happen to have PPA or local packages of this do you?22:00
evilshadeslayerScottK: looks like i only got half of the upgrades... *shrug22:00
lex79Riddell: nope, I just tested in my system and it works22:01
Riddellok I'll accept and test when it's compiled then put in upstream22:01
evilshadeslayeri could have tested that patch... if my install was working ;)22:01
lex79Riddell: so, about phonon, speakers setup is showed in system settings http://imagebin.ca/view/1yBCYQmz.html22:02
lex79Riddell: but  pushing the buttons (Front left, front right, front center....) don't emit sound22:03
Riddelllex79: yes, that looks good no?22:03
lex79nope ^ :)22:03
evilshadeslayerlex79: it *looks* good :P22:03
lex792) sometimes kded crash22:03
evilshadeslayerwho said anything about working :D22:03
lex79with that patch22:03
lex79from here: http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages?view=revision&revision=57129922:04
Riddellare you sure the volume isn't 0 in kmix?22:04
lex79I'm sure22:04
lex79I tested several times22:04
Riddellok, you convinced me, let's not add UI changes a week before release22:04
lex79I reboot, I created a new users...but nothing22:04
Riddellthanks for testing22:05
lex79maybe we shoukd talk again with Colin, if it works in Mandriva....22:05
lex79or it's a pulse issue or a libcanberra issue I think22:05
ScottKMandriva may have PA changes we don't have.22:05
Riddellspeaking of which.. crimsun what do you think of this? http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/pulse.debdiff22:07
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: 10.10 RC Candidates need testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ | Todo: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3 | Final Freeze in Effect | Go ninjas https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
lex79what about casper? there's a fix in bzr for bug 65062122:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650621 in casper (Ubuntu) "No notification about restricted codec availability on live cd" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65062122:18
JontheEchidnalex79: that's uploaded, but I didn't close the bug in the changelog22:20
lex79ah, ok ;)22:20
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lex79JontheEchidna: when you send a bug to bugs.kde.org you usually write also "the bug was reported in Launchpad (URL)" ?23:08
shadeslayer_hmm... seems ill have to re-install23:12
JontheEchidnalex79: yeah23:12
ScottKshadeslayer: Probably not.23:12
ScottKWhy do you think you need to reinstall?23:12
shadeslayer_ScottK: well.. i cant login :P23:12
lex79shadeslayer_: this is a test to become kubuntu developer23:12
ari-tczewshadeslayer_: your SRU requests seems to be a backports23:12
shadeslayer_Riddell: ^^23:13
ScottKshadeslayer: Reboot into single user and fix it.23:13
ScottKari-tczew: It's a bit of a special case.23:13
lex79shadeslayer_: if you reinstall you can't become a developer :P23:13
shadeslayer_ScottK: cant... i sort of did some screwy stuff with intrid :P23:13
shadeslayer_lex79: lol..23:13
lex79fix the initrid then23:13
* shadeslayer_ will have to undo scewy stuff with initrid23:14
ari-tczewScottK: ok, then I'm not going to investigate.23:14
lex79JontheEchidna: thanks23:14
shadeslayer_lex79: re-installing is so much easier :D23:14
ScottKBut what do you learn from that?23:15
lex79shadeslayer_: yes, it easy *not* be a developer23:15
* lex79 giggles23:15
shadeslayer_thats another matter then  :P23:15
shadeslayer_weird thing is... it shows splash -> reboots X23:15
shadeslayer_and my X logs dont show anything fishy23:16
shadeslayer_ah kdm log might be more helpful23:20
shadeslayer_doesnt kde write logs and stuff?23:22
shadeslayer_aha! i think its timing out23:25
shadeslayer_lex79: ^23:25
shadeslayer_# kde(1599)/ksmserver KSMServer::startupSuspendTimeout: Startup suspend timeout: 223:25
shadeslayer_kdeinit4 terminated :O23:26
shadeslayer_that doesnt sound good23:26
lex79-workspace is fully updated?23:26
shadeslayer_lex79: 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu623:27
shadeslayer_i experience bugs AFTER theyre fixed in packages :P23:27
shadeslayer_oh.. new workspace... 0ubuntu723:28
lex79I don't think it fixes your error anyway23:28
shadeslayer_i was about to say that23:29
lex79which log is that ^ ?23:29
lex79uhm I don't have that ^ error23:31
shadeslayer_of course you dont... because you have a working system :P23:31
shadeslayer_hold on... pastebining daemon.log23:32
shadeslayer_http://pastebin.com/6fvtwjK6 :: last 200 lines23:32
shadeslayer_errr ... # Oct  4 03:26:41 saphira kdm_greet[1078]: Data directory "/var/lib/kdm" not accessible: Permission denied .. is that right?23:33
shadeslayer_( and yeah its 4AM here :P )23:34
lex79do you have kdm installed? lol23:34
lex79try to reinstall it23:34
shadeslayer_done.. now reboot to see if it works?23:35
shadeslayerlex79: ok so my kde svn install works23:43
shadeslayerBUT ... its sloooooowwww23:43
lex79kdm works?23:44
shadeslayerbut .. i cant login into stable install23:44
shadeslayerkde svn install works fine23:44
shadeslayer( not fine.. slow as hell :S)23:45
lex79oh maybe your kdm svn screw up the kdm stable?23:45
shadeslayernot really possible23:45
shadeslayersince kde svn is installed in ~/kde23:45
shadeslayerand you need root priviliges to install in /bin/kdm ... which i dont use23:46
lex79do you have /var/lib/kdm?23:46
shadeslayerits empty :O23:46
lex79here in /var/lib/kdm/ I have kdmsts with:23:47
shadeslayernope.. nothing here23:49
shadeslayerlex79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/505356/23:51
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shadeslayeri should probably reboot and do that ...23:52
lex79It's a knew bug23:52
lex79we have to rewrite postrm file I think23:52
shadeslayer\o/ ... bug23:52
* shadeslayer installs gdm 23:53
shadeslayercrap .. brings in alot of gnomey libs23:53
shadeslayercant help it..23:54
shadeslayerlex79: want me to file a bug report?23:55
* shadeslayer notes its quite a critical bug23:55
lex79it's not critical23:55
shadeslayerwhut.. people wont be able to login :P23:55
shadeslayeror is the postrm bug about when i removed kdm23:56
lex79bug 63470723:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 634707 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kdm (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63470723:57
shadeslayerbrb ...23:57

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