
=== cjae is now known as kubuntu1010
kubuntu1010anyone else having issue with amarok and no sound?00:05
kubuntu1010amarok does have a volume slider that maybe I am missing before I post bug report00:25
James147kubuntu1010: it does, its around the volume icon :)00:27
James147kubuntu1010: also, no sound or skiping tracks?00:27
James147and do other programs have sound?00:28
kubuntu1010muted lol shows how much I use it thought it was a skip backwards button00:29
* kubuntu1010 feels silly00:29
kubuntu1010but it happened right after an update so I thought thats what happened o_000:29
James147kubuntu1010: :) the forwards/back buttons are not the text above the progress bar... but you can always right click it and change it to the slim view, which is similar to how it use to be00:30
valoriei'll ask over in #ubuntu+1 if no one here has an answer00:30
valoriebut since upgrading last night00:30
valorieyoutube plays super fast, and has no sound00:30
kubuntu1010James147: cool00:31
valorieI checked alsamixer and kmix both00:31
valorieany other suggestions?00:31
kubuntu1010valorie: ya it s the audo card setting00:31
* James147 suggests trying the html5 version of youtube... http://www.youtube.com/html500:31
* James147 notes that not all videos use it yet though :(00:32
kubuntu1010valorie: you have to pick internal audio analog stereo00:32
valorieso audio card settings where?00:32
kubuntu1010it trying to use your hdmi audio instead00:32
valoriewell, when I checked my phonon settings, there were only two to choose from00:32
valorieand one was silent00:33
valoriefor amarok00:33
valorieamarok sound is great00:33
valorieinternal analog works for amarok00:33
valoriehdmi was silent in amarok00:34
valorietest sound=000:34
kubuntu1010switch it it takes a second to switch before you can test and then try youtube, if im wrong you can always switch back00:34
valorieright, but there is no way I'm switching back and forth each time!00:35
valoriethat's crazy00:35
kubuntu1010ypu should nt have to00:35
kubuntu1010under phonon use internal as prefered for everything00:36
kubuntu1010are you using 10.0400:37
valorieswitching -- amarok still has sound, youtube still does not00:37
valorie10.10 as of this morning00:38
kubuntu1010did you test it00:38
valorieboth now test OK00:38
valoriebut with both, no sound in youtube00:38
kubuntu1010cool because 10.10 uses pulseaudio by default now00:38
valorieright, I know00:38
valoriewhich -- I usually use PA anyway00:39
kubuntu1010thats my reason for switching00:39
valoriebut I've never had youtube completely silent before00:39
kubuntu1010ati ?00:39
kubuntu1010using firefox?00:40
valorieamd, using FF00:40
valorieI'll try in Konq00:40
valoriethat uses html5 by default, right?00:41
kubuntu1010not sure but I have amd ati too and it works here00:41
valoriegreat, that doesn't even SHOW the vid00:41
kubuntu1010must need another update?00:42
valorieI did updates an hour ago00:42
kubuntu1010rekonq and ff work here00:42
James147valorie: html5 isnt used by default by any browser, its the website the tells the browser what version of html its using00:42
valorietrying in chromium00:42
James147and as far as I know both the latest firefox and konq and chromium all have html5 support00:42
kubuntu1010you have to search html5 youtube to use it afaik00:43
valoriewell, I don't want to HAVE to use html500:43
valorieI want everything to Just Work00:43
James147 :) flash has always been a pain... best to not use it when you dont have to00:44
James147valorie: also, have you tried reinstalling flash and resstaring youyr broswers?00:44
James147that someitmes works00:44
* kubuntu1010 hopes jobs gets his way00:45
valorieI hate flash,00:45
valoriebut it is a necessity still, sometimes00:45
valorieOK, I'll try that00:45
valoriechromium is silent also00:45
James147valorie: how did you install flashbtw?00:45
kubuntu1010and you selected internal for all?00:46
valorieI didn't00:46
valoriekubuntu1010: I tried both00:46
James147valorie: I would try: "sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"00:47
James147then restart your browsers (and possibally kill the flash player)00:48
kubuntu1010before you do that I would restart and make sure all internal is selected00:48
valorieisn't that && in the middle, rather than ; ?00:48
kubuntu1010anyway gotta go good luck00:48
James147valorie: used ; as the second argument should run if the first fails or not00:48
James147( && only runs the second command if the first succeds, ; runs it reguardless and || runs the second only if the first fails)00:49
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valoriedang it, ran it successfully00:59
valorieno difference00:59
valorieopened up pavucontrol and checked everything, and it all looks OK00:59
* James147 reminds valorie to restart all browsers... possibally kill the flash process as well it some times dosent exit00:59
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James147(its called npviewer.bin  )01:00
valorieha, I never knew what that little hog was01:03
valoriekillall -ed it01:03
valorieno change01:03
valoriebut it's dinner time01:04
valoriethanks for trying01:04
FloodBotK1valorie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:04
kubuntu1010have you restarted?01:04
valorierestarted the browser, yes01:04
iNfRaC00LI added this ppa01:04
iNfRaC00Ldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu lucid main01:04
iNfRaC00Land then it worked fine01:04
valoriemy computer, no01:04
valorieI'll report back later, if I have success eventually01:05
valorieor be back to growse, if I don't01:05
iNfRaC00LJames147: is kernel 4.5.1 recommended?01:07
James147iNfRaC00L: the linux kernal is only on version 2.6.x...01:08
James147iNfRaC00L:  :) kde 4.5.1 on the otherhand works very well here01:08
iNfRaC00Lisorry i ment kde01:08
iNfRaC00LJames147:  i'm having some problems w/ Dolphin. it freezes for 20 secs when i right-click file icon01:15
iNfRaC00Li found Bug 241504 with similar issue. it suggests installing D-Bus 1.4.0. do you think reinstalling dolphin might fix the issue01:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241504 in Soyuz "archive-cruft-check doesn't support pockets" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24150401:15
James147iNfRaC00L: which verion of kde?01:16
iNfRaC00Ldolphin 1.501:17
James147iNfRaC00L: close the informational panel and disable the tool tips if you enabled them then restrat dolphin01:17
iNfRaC00Lso i am not to enable those again?01:17
iNfRaC00Lbecause i can't recreate this every time to check if it's fixed01:18
James147iNfRaC00L: afraid not... at elast untill 4.5.2... its a known  bug, something to do with dolphin trying to access nepomuk... hopefully it will be fixed in 4.5.2 (dont know if it will though)01:19
James147iNfRaC00L: personally I would leave it disabled untill 4.5.2, then enable it and see if it behaves the same01:20
iNfRaC00Loh, okay - if it's nepomuk it all fits now01:20
iNfRaC00Lhad problem with nepomuk too01:20
iNfRaC00Lok, thanx01:20
`DT`ok, running 64bit 10.04 and it keep loosing internet. have to reboot to get it back. any ideas?02:01
iNfRaC00L`DT`:  using wireless?02:03
olskolirc_my plasma weather widget stopped working and i tried to restart my plasma-desktop and i got this error: Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection help please?02:03
`DT`hard wired in02:03
`DT`it's a desktop02:03
`DT`cannot connect to the router either02:06
iNfRaC00L`DT`:  can you ping it?02:06
`DT`but ifconfig shows it connected to the router and with an ip address02:07
iNfRaC00L`DT`: hmm strange02:07
iNfRaC00L`DT`:  if you put interface down and up, problem still persists i suppose02:08
`DT`and now it suddenly works again02:08
dorkfaceHi all. I didn't see anything on google, but is anyone having issues with their dual monitor configuration not being persistant across reboots?02:09
dorkfaceI realized I'm talking about meerkat.  Wrong channel :(02:09
iNfRaC00L`DT`: you are the only user on that computer02:10
`DT`today is first time online with it02:10
`DT`built it night before last02:10
`DT`it worked fine, then quit. reboot. works fine. quit. repeat twice.02:10
`DT`now it suddenly works again02:10
iNfRaC00Lsometimes networkmanager needs a time to get working propertly,02:12
`DT`so...now that that seemed to fix itself, anyone know anything about shoutcast servers?02:12
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`DT`i'm trying to excute a file. using " ./sv_serv " in the directory of the file. konsole keeps telling me the file doesn't exist. any ideas?03:02
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olskolirc_where can i get a weather code lookup03:15
JontheEchidnaolskolirc_: which provider do you want one for?03:17
olskolirc_Pittsburgh Pa03:17
JontheEchidnahmm, I'm assuming you're using the weather applet?03:18
olskolirc_this kde-plasmoid-cwp_1.2.0_i386.deb stopped working on my desktop - a plasmoid widget its been spinning for two days and i have it set to www.weather.com with code USPA045803:21
olskolirc_it worked fine until yesterday it just quit03:21
JontheEchidnaI'm not too familiar with cwp, but I know that the official kde weather plasmoid has a search that seems to find Pittsburg fine03:22
JontheEchidna...but it's not cwp03:22
invisiblemanhey guys03:22
invisiblemanI am having a problem with my03:23
invisiblemanon startup03:23
invisiblemanits telling me this03:23
FloodBotK1invisibleman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
invisiblemanits telling me03:23
invisibleman^ thats the error03:23
invisiblemanand it started after03:23
FloodBotK1invisibleman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
invisiblemanI installed IPTables03:23
invisiblemanerror : adf.ly/7Y3K03:23
JontheEchidnahmm, wrong link? That's a link to a halo reach game03:23
invisiblemanany idea why?03:23
invisiblemanlet it load03:24
JontheEchidnaoh, an ad03:24
JontheEchidnait took me to google afterwards?03:24
invisiblemanwrong link03:25
invisiblemanmy bad03:25
FloodBotK1invisibleman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
invisiblemanlink : adf.ly/7bAm03:25
JontheEchidnasome script kiddies python script it seems03:27
flippo(And don't precede your line-feeds by carriage returns.)03:27
crackstorehye all :)04:05
crackstorehye dasKreech04:05
crackstorewhat new from kubuntu?04:06
dasKreechyou mean since yesterday?04:07
crackstoreanything new?04:08
crackstoreeveryday i update my kubuntu04:08
dasKreechOh thats easy then just read the package changelogs :)04:09
crackstorei dun know what else i need modify my kubuntu.. hehe04:11
crackstoreany suggestion?04:11
dasKreechWhat would you like to do with it?04:15
crackstoreblur.. h04:16
crackstoreany interesting suggestion?04:17
dasKreechAh you have desktop effects turned on?04:23
crackstorescroll desktop..04:24
dasKreechYou  could turn that on as well04:24
crackstorewait.. i reconnect..04:24
dasKreechroot__: Don't IRC as root04:29
bdizzlecould someone remind me again how to search for a list of channels?04:39
bdizzlenevermind, got it04:39
crackstorewhat the command?04:39
crackstorei want too04:39
bdizzle  /list04:40
crackstoreorite.. thanks04:40
olskolirc_I want to know do you guys like plasma or would you prefer kde3x better?04:44
* crackstore is away (Away.. bye all :))04:45
bdizzleif it wasn't so buggy, plasma is nice04:47
bdizzleit still gets me segfaults every now and then04:47
jexmexbeen having a problem with firefox in kubuntu, dont know if its specific to kubuntu or not, but sometimes the dialogs dont work, like cant save file, cant bookmark, etc05:06
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=== darkdelusion is now known as darkdelusions
nobarkingdoes anyone know of a .cbr comic reader for kde?05:59
darkdelusionsnobarking: this thread might help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29563906:05
nobarkingdarkdelusions: thanks06:05
olskolirc_how do i fix my plasma-desktop my weather widget stopped working.  I have this weather widget http://gnome-help.org/content/show.php/Customizable+Weather+Plasmoid+(CWP)?content=98925&PHPSESSID=b521c93f1a9158bdcef4509d0cb4a87e06:06
darkdelusionsDoes Chromium still not have flash support in linux?06:06
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cato37does linux need any programs that check the disk for errors?06:53
moetunesthat happens by default during boot06:54
cato37i am really liking kubuntu. i dont miss vista at all.06:55
moetunesyou can force a check with   sudo reboot -f   but it is generally not necessary06:55
moetunesnp :]06:57
olskolirc_goooooo cato37 !!!06:58
cato37olskolirc_: goooo?06:59
olskolirc_i love kubuntu but i liked kde 3x better than this plasma07:00
cato37ah. lol. keen. thanx07:00
olskolirc_plasma gets on my f*n nerves07:00
cato37i hear that from kde peops here. many seem to like 3 better, but i am not very familiar with it.07:01
cato37lynx is working pretty good so far... far better than vista, the only problem that i have is the cd player doesnt work, but i hardly ever use cds07:03
darkdelusionsI like some of the graphical improvement KDE4 brought to the table but I am also a fan of Kde307:04
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darkdelusionsbut kde 4 get better with every update07:05
cato37the calender/organizer is great, and i am trying out tomboy. it seems pretty good for note taking.07:06
cato37the only thing that i miss from m$land is onenote, but i am getting over it. lol.07:06
cato37the older i get the less impressed i am with the eye candy.07:07
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sam___hi this is sam here07:59
sam___from india07:59
sam___how r u all07:59
bazhangsam___, support question?07:59
sam___which is the best linux os08:00
bazhangsam___, this is kubuntu support08:00
sam___soory but i dont kw much wat m doing08:00
sam___wat to do over here08:01
bazhangyou can also see #ubuntu-in08:01
sam___ya dats ok but wat all this wat to do over here08:01
bazhangsam___, what is your exact question08:02
sam___i want to modify my kubuntu with all new softwares like i want desktop enhansment softwares08:03
sam___from were i ll get dat08:03
bazhangsam___, kde4 has that already08:03
sam___ya but i kw how to use most of dat08:04
sam___dont kw sorry08:04
sam___ok frind just tell me kubuntu is good or ubuntu08:05
bazhangsam___, totally personal preference08:05
sam___can u diffrencentate08:05
bazhangone uses gnome, the other kde408:06
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:06
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:06
sam___kubuntu has live cd08:09
sam___for were i ll get08:09
sam___from were i ll get iy08:09
moetunes FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ - from the topic...08:10
moetunestop of the page ^^08:11
pmjphi dark08:20
pmjphow are you08:20
darkdelusionspretty good08:21
pmjpyou running kubuntu?08:21
pmjpis it slow for you?08:21
pmjpok its just me then08:21
pmjpI love it but I cant run it very slow08:22
darkdelusionsthis computer is a 1ghz with 1gig of ram and it runs fine08:22
pmjpwell slow enough08:22
pmjpI have a netbook08:23
pmjpthe whole plasma thing is new to me08:23
moetunesthere's a kde netbook release08:23
pmjpactually the normal one runs faster than the netbook one08:24
darkdelusionspmjp: have you try disabling desktop effects08:28
pmjpyes doesnt really do anything still slow08:28
pmjpbut thats the netbook version08:31
* sanoop hai09:48
Ikrimahhai hai09:49
avihayhi, what's the command to look at the system log? the one where every line is preceded by the kernel up time in seconds, the one that is usually followed by | tail if peopel wants to monitor changes in it. I forgot it's name10:06
rorkavihay: do you know the name of that logfile?10:07
pmjpI wish I had a nvidia card instead of intel10:08
avihayrork: dmesg ...10:08
pmjpeven adding ram would me run kubuntu10:09
pmjpdamn netbooks are complicated to do that10:09
sanoophey i cant see the channels when using in pidign10:11
pmjpuse x-chat10:12
rorkpmjp: you could also try the netbook edition, or lubuntu if RAM is a problem. There's also the possibility to install a commandline system and install kde trough apt-get `apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends`, especially the --no-install-recommends option save a lot of software you may not need. Oh, and there's stuff like finetuning, I had a working system using LXDE as desktop using only 45MB Ram at boot10:12
rorkavihay: dmesg looks what you need indeed, you can use the pipe symbol to process the output trough another program e.g. tail to only show the last x lines or grep to filter on keywords. The command you could be looking for is like `dmesg | tail -n 10` to show the last 10 lines10:15
rorkavihay: it looks like you could also do a simple `tail -n 10 /var/logs/kern.log` but dmesg might give you some more control about which part of the log you see10:16
avihayno, I don't need to tail it or anything, I'm helping a guy with a card, and I forgot the command name, and I couldn't find /var/log for some reason10:16
rorkok, gl10:17
nikkitaim using a 3d modem but for some reason the aplication wont install on kubuntu10:23
anthony /server  Irc.oltreirc.net10:40
anthony /server  Irc.oltreirc.org10:41
anthony /server  Irc.oltreirc.net10:42
anthony /server  irc.oltreirc.net10:43
anthony /server  irc.oltreirc.org10:43
davirrirriHello everybody10:56
davirrirrihi nikkita, Recently installed kubuntu lucid 64 bits, before used ubuntu. What is the diference, in the start session, between default and kde option?10:58
davirrirriwhich is better?10:59
davirrirrinikkita: ?11:01
dmattavihay: try System Log Viewer from System menu, it is GUI and you can choose which log to display and search in it11:23
fatalerrorhello everyone ! any c++ programmer here??11:43
moetunesthere is #programming - if I spelt it right11:44
fatalerrorwell c++11:44
lieuwehey, i'm looking for a good mediaplayer for kubuntu, as amarok has too many bugs, any suggestions?11:45
moetunesI like mpg321 myself11:46
nikkitalieuwe can you help :D11:48
nikkitahow can i get my 3g modem to work on kubntu11:48
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fatalerrorRhythmbox is cool11:49
fatalerroreven online radio u can listen11:49
bansalihey. how do i format a flash drive?11:49
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kaddihow can I modify settings in the grub menu from within kubuntu12:00
kaddigrub2 on kubuntu lucid12:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:01
kaddiso there is no gui tool?12:03
moetunesnoy afaik12:03
moetunesnot even12:03
kaddimeh.. I still havent really recovered from loosing my beloved grub. lol12:04
kaddi moetunes that link doesn't give any explanation on how to change the root for grub212:21
kaddido you have any idea how to do that?12:21
moetuneswhat do you mean by the root for grub? - what isn't working/or what are you trying to do?12:23
kaddiwell, I had a minor misfortune with my partition table yesterday, I recoverd it with testdisk, however the system drive / is now sda5 instead of sda6, so I need to tell grub to look on sda5 not sda6 from now on12:23
moetunesthat would be 'cause the uuid changed12:24
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:25
moetunesyou need the new uuid for the partition12:25
kaddied3f2243-e1f6-48ad-b353-948ad0ebe78d -> ../../sda512:25
kadditht one?12:25
moetunespersonally I think using uuid just makes things unnecessarily hard but ...12:26
moetunesI'm too far away to see  - use the blhid command like the bot link suggests12:27
moetunesI'm too far away to see  - use the blkid command like the bot link suggests12:27
kaddilol, I was just going to say blhid isn't menitoned in the link XD.. will do :)12:28
kaddirebooting now, wish me luck ;)12:44
kaddiit's working :)12:46
kadditwo days spent on fixing things that really needn't have broken :p12:48
moetunesif you moved house would you expect your mail to turn up like normal?12:49
dmattsomebody wants to help me with one kde bug causing visual corruption?13:32
dmattjust check if https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=253078 applies to you and confirm it, if yes13:33
ubottuKDE bug 253078 in panel "panel application tooltips cause visual corruption when kickof menu is open while compositing turned off" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:33
dmatti hate when i want to show kubuntu and this happens13:33
moetunesbugs do happen..13:34
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dmattmoetunes: bugs always happen, but this one looks really particulary lame13:40
moetunesdmatt:  I've never seen a bug that wasn't lame.. :)13:40
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lisenokвсем привет14:48
BluesKajHiyas all15:04
crackstorehye all15:32
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bbeck_I've had Kubuntu RC 10.10 installed for about three days now, and the graphics have been very hit or miss.  (very glitchy)  Has anyone else tried it out yet?15:45
James147bbeck_: you might want to mention your graphics card... and which dirvers you are using, also you might want to ask on #ubuntu+1 for maverick support15:46
bbeck_James147: thanks, I'll try the #ubuntu+1, I'm wanting to compare notes.15:48
phoenix_what is the best download manager for kde other than kget15:51
James147phoenix_: kget...15:53
phoenix_James147: hello james15:53
James147phoenix_: the "for kde" limits the results abit :)15:53
James147hey phoenix_15:54
phoenix_James147: :)15:54
davirrirriHello everybody! Reciently I installed kubuntu lucid but in the start sesion there are two options: default and kde, what is the difference  and what is better?16:07
James147davirrirri: there is no difference16:11
James147davirrirri: the default will launch kde... its there incase you have more then  one desktop envrioment installed (ie gnome) then default will launch which ever is marked as teh default :016:12
davirrirrihi James147, thanks!16:13
davirrirriJames147, other question: i installed the private software for my wireless, but I dont selection my wifi home. How do that?16:15
skaftihi i have a problem with my kubuntu 10.04 64bit when i try to connect to the internet with my wireless speetouch apdapter i get network management disabled... what can i do16:15
James147davirrirri: "private software for widless"? what is that?16:16
skaftii have checked on google tried this...16:16
skaftiservice network-manager stop16:16
skaftirm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state16:16
skaftiservice network-manager start16:16
James147wireless ^16:16
FloodBotK1skafti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
James147skafti: try try also killing knetworkmanager as well16:17
skaftidbus_send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkMent /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager       \16:19
davirrirriskafti, I try this?16:21
davirrirrithis message is for my?16:21
James147davirrirri: I am not entirly sure what you are tring to ask about your wireless or what you ahve done :) you mind tring to explain agian?16:22
phoenix_is koffice better than openoffice?16:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:23
James147phoenix_: Although I find koffice nicer, its is no way near as mature as openoffice...16:24
James147phoenix_: try them both and see which you ike more16:24
phoenix_James147: have you tried libreoffice16:25
davirrirriJames147, i installed the private software for my broadcom tarjet, but i dont find any wireles network16:26
davirrirribut the wireles network is enable16:27
James147davirrirri: what software?16:28
davirrirriJames147, STA broadcom wireless driver. I use kubuntu lucid 64 bits16:30
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* James147 grumbles about broadcom...16:31
James147davirrirri: how did you install the drivers?16:31
davirrirriin the hardware drivers in system. I click in this private sofware and install16:32
davirrirriJames Hetfield?16:32
James147davirrirri: is the wireless card being detected?16:33
davirrirriJames147, yes, is enable16:33
James147davirrirri: can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig"16:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:35
davirrirriJames147, yes16:35
phoenix_James147: after last update . there a major improvement in performance16:35
James147phoenix_: whcih version of kubutu are you using?16:35
phoenix_10.04 with kde 4.5.116:36
davirrirriJames147, look http://paste.ubuntu.com/505171/16:37
phoenix_James147: do you know openoffice has been forked16:37
James147phoenix_: nope, why was it forked?16:38
phoenix_James147: poor support of oracle16:38
DarthFrogJames147: It's been forked to LibreOffice to get it out from under the proprietary thumb of Oracle.16:38
phoenix_hello DarthFrog16:39
James147phoenix_: yeah, beginning to not like oracle...16:39
DarthFrogGood morning, young padwan. :-)16:39
phoenix_James147: me too16:39
phoenix_good morning master :)16:39
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phoenix_James147: i am downloading the soft now16:40
DarthFrogOracle is a for-profit company and that seems to be it's sole focus.16:40
James147!broadcom | davirrirri16:41
ubottudavirrirri: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:41
phoenix_DarthFrog: is there any alterior motive behild the developement of openoffice by oracle16:41
James147(sorry, not entirly sure how to fix broadcom cards :(16:41
DarthFrogphoenix_: I'll be surprised if there is *any* further development of OpenOffice by Oracle.16:42
* James147 suggest we more to #kubuntu-offtopic , phoenix_ and DarthFrog16:42
davirrirriJames147, ok, thanks for your help friend16:43
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gp[8]ih guys, it's normal?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-message-indicator/+bug/65417117:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654171 in plasma-widget-message-indicator (Ubuntu) "Impossible to exit from kopete with Message Indicator" [Undecided,New]17:51
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lucais there someone italian?18:32
darkdelusions!! italian || luca18:39
ubottu| luca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:39
tjingboemmy DVD's are not automounted. how can i fix this?18:42
BluesKajtjingboem, do they show up in dolphin/places ?18:46
tjingboemno it does not18:47
tjingboemthe drive just stays quiet18:47
tjingboemCD work, not DVD BluesKaj18:48
BluesKajtjingboem, install kubuntu-restricted-extras and make sure you have libdvdcss2 installed as well18:49
tjingboemallright, i will check that. thanks!18:50
joaobmatiashi, i ran a script to fix my sound card(HDA), and now my sound card disappeared :X can someone tell how can i fix this now? thanks18:51
BluesKajjoa where did run the scipt ?18:54
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: i tried this : http://www.stchman.com/alsa_update.html18:54
BluesKajjoaobmatias, was your soundcard visble in alsamixer previous to running the script ?18:57
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: yes, and now disapeard, the problem that i was trying to solve is that i only had sound with headphones18:58
altecnologicBoa tarde.19:00
BluesKajjoaobmatias, open alsamixer and tell us what card is shown there19:00
altecnologicSou do Rio e necessito colcoar um script para inicar junto com o linux independente do usuario19:00
altecnologicja coloquei ele no /init.d19:00
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory19:00
joaobmatiasaltecnologic: penso que aqui tem de ser em inglês19:01
altecnologicdei as permisoes chmod 755 script.sh19:01
altecnologicpodem me ajudar19:01
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: i saw now that it erased the alsa package19:01
joaobmatiasthe script19:02
BluesKajjoaobmatias, reinstall alsa-utils19:02
altecnologic#join kubuntu-br19:02
BluesKajand obviously don't run that script again , joaobmatias19:03
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: yes, bad script :P19:03
BluesKajjoaobmatias, delete it from your /home folder19:03
joaobmatiasi was looking for a package that fixed my sound issues, i did it with ubuntu, but i reinstalled and used kubuntu now, and i forgot where i donwloaded the package19:04
jussiquick question, how does one tar a dir?19:17
jussihi PasNox19:27
joaobmatiasBluesKaj: i found the package, https://launchpad.net/~diwic/+archive/ppa/+build/1897162 , anyway, i installed alsa-utils and i still dont have alsamixer19:28
James147jussi: its easiest to use ark19:28
jussiJames147: I figured it out, but Im not in a graphical environment19:29
jussithanks anyway19:29
BluesKajjoaobmatias, remove the script that you downloaded from your /home folder ..the best way is to do , rm -rf nameofscript inal19:40
James147BluesKaj: you should need r or f for deleting a script (and using them is considered dangrous when you dont ahve to... esier to delte things you dont want to)19:42
BluesKajjoaobmatias, sorry I forgot to mention install alsa-base aswell19:48
BluesKaj\BBL, stuff to do for 20 mins or so.19:48
BluesKajJames147, joaobmatias has aproblem with an alsascript which removed the alsa driver ...seems rather dangerous or it was incorrectly applied in his situation , I'm not sure ...perhaps you could help ..he still doesn't have alsamixer19:49
James147joaobmatias: install kubuntu-desktop19:50
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jexmexanybody around?20:26
jussijexmex: sure, but usually best just to ask the question20:28
jexmexKbluetooth finds my device but then tells me it has no input capabilites, and when I try to connect from my phone to the computer it says there was a problem pairing20:29
jussisorry I havent used kbluetooth, not really sure20:30
realburbhi, is there a list of avahi services, kubuntu does not only see, but also support?20:31
dmattjexmex: bluetooth support is better in 10.1020:36
jexmexanother major issues I am having is that this computer does not want to resolve local network hostnames20:41
jexmexit used to, but does not anymore, and rebooting does not helop20:42
daveinlvhow do I get back the "notifications" widget on the menubar that I seem to have removed?? I'm a KDE noobie, always used Gnome before...20:48
James147daveinlv: right click the systray > systray settings > display > check "notification"20:49
daveinlvjames147: thanks for the reply.. All I see is panel options.. is that it?20:51
James147daveinlv: no, "System Tray Settings"20:52
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GiacomoLhi. I'm writing a plasma applet in python, but whenever I try to import standard python modules, it fails22:15
GiacomoLe.g. import xml.tree.ElementTree as etree -- ImportError: No module named tree.ElementTree22:15
GiacomoLthis is 10.04 using kde 4.5.1 form backports22:15
GiacomoLthe script is executed under the default python2.6. If I launch a regular python2.6 shell, i can import fine22:17
altecnologicI need channel of Brasil!22:39
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:40
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andihow  to end the kde write service?22:48
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CattyRayheartHello, quick question the Application launcher display searech results when 3 characters have been typed, is it possible to lower that limit to one character?23:39
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