
lifelessmwhudson: hey21:53
lifelesshas some more work in it just fixing ec2 detected failures.21:53
lifelessmore stale-librarian processes mainly.21:53
lifelessI'm sending it in to find more, but would like to know if the recent commits are clear to you21:54
mwhudsonlifeless: wow, branch of doom21:54
lifelessmwhudson: I knew this would uncover a pile of mess.21:54
lifelessand it is21:54
lifelessits very clear to me why we were ending up with 4-5 librarians running mid-test-suite-run21:55
mwhudsonlifeless: the changes look basically fine21:56
mwhudsonlifeless: does LaunchpadScriptLayer.tearDown need to be conditional like that?21:57
lifelessunregisterProvider returns False if it did not unregister.21:59
lifelessit might not unregister because:21:59
lifeless - its not registered21:59
lifeless - something prevents it being unregistered21:59
lifelessthe former might happen if setUp wasn't called/blew up22:00
lifelessor if the base object got replaced with an empty registry.22:00
lifelessor the mailbox object got replaced.22:00
mwhudsonlifeless: i wonder if noisly exploding would be the thing to do there?22:10
mwhudson(i'm not trying to ask leading questions, just encourage discussion/thinking)22:11
lifelesseventually, perhaps22:15
mwhudsonlifeless: i guess it's not for this branch, but "ls --versioned --recursive --null --kind file | xargs -0 fgrep 'Setup().setUp()'" show more work to be done at some point :-)22:16
mwhudsonlifeless: ok, i'm fine with the branch as-is, i hope there's not too much more to go before landing :-)22:16
lifelessmwhudson: yeah22:16
lifelessmwhudson: me too :P22:16
lifelessI'm only doing this cause I want parallel testing22:16
lifelessmwhudson: so we could raise LayerInvarient22:18
mwhudsonyeah, something like that22:19
lifelessI'd like to work on NotImplemented as a thing separately22:19
mwhudson(sorry, brain not working today)22:19
lifelessfirstly I want to make it stateful22:19
lifelessthen unique instances22:19
lifelessthen parallel22:20
mwhudsonlifeless: 'it' ?22:20
lifelessthen cleanup22:20
lifelessthe test environment22:20
mwhudsonah ok22:20
mwhudsonlifeless: a problem that i've not yet had any good ideas about is the problem of hard coded paths/ports/etc in configs for tests that launch subprocesses22:22
lifelessmwhudson: See my thread where I describe how to fix that. I'd love a critical eye. So far its been 'mgmt' saying 'wow lovely' :P22:22
mwhudsonlifeless: subject?22:23
mwhudsoni have a feeling i only skimmed that mail22:23
lifelessstories for ...22:23
mwhudsonah right22:24
mwhudsonlifeless: ok i replied to the mail23:40
mwhudsonlifeless: slightly incoherently, sorry about that23:40
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_

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