
jonrafkindis it possible to delete source packages uploaded to launchpad in my ppa?01:41
jonrafkindi uploaded a package that failed, so i rebuilt the package and tried to reupload it but I got a rejection message because I cant upload the same file twice01:42
wgrantjonrafkind: You can delete them, but it won't let you upload the same version again. That wouldn't make sense.01:43
wgrantjonrafkind: You need to increment the version.01:43
jonrafkindso i need to update all the version numbers in control/changelog as well?01:43
wgrantjonrafkind: It should only be in the changelog.01:44
wgrantIf you have the version elsewhere, you probably have another problem.01:44
jonrafkindoh ok, what is this: Standards-Version:01:44
jonrafkindi wasnt sure what it was, i just copied it into my file01:44
wgrantThat specifies the version of Debian Policy with which your package complies. It's not your package's version.01:44
jonrafkindok, can I safely delete it?01:44
wgrantjonrafkind: No.01:45
jonrafkindwhat should I set it to?01:45
wgrantjonrafkind: You should set it properly, though.01:45
wgrantNormally the latest version of Debian Policy, if your package complies with it.01:45
jonrafkindwhich is..?01:46
jonrafkindi dont think I use 'debian policy', i dont even know what that is01:46
jonrafkindoh sorry you said 'complies' not 'compiles', haha01:46
wgranthttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ -- the latest version is
jonrafkindso if I leave out this field (Standards-Version) will I get a rejection email from launchpad?01:48
wgrantjonrafkind: No, but you should always have it.01:49
jonrafkindi dont want to lie and say i comply with something when I have no idea if I comply with it01:49
wgrantYour package should comply with some version of policy.01:49
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jonrafkindim making a package for my ppa01:50
jonrafkindi dont really care at this point if i comply with some debian policy01:50
wgrantIf you don't comply then you are likely to break people's systems.01:50
wgrantIt's not that hard to check compliance.01:50
jonrafkindi dont comply because of copyright issues01:50
wgrantWhat do you mean?01:51
jonrafkindi have a game, i have copyrighted art in it01:51
jonrafkindthat i dont have the copyrights to01:51
wgrantThe PPA Terms of Service forbid you from uploading that.01:51
wgrantIt's not distributable.01:51
jonrafkindalright fine, ill just upload the source then01:52
wgrantIt's not an "alright fine" sort of thing. It's a "that's not legal and could get people in lots of trouble" thing.01:53
jonrafkindfine alright01:53
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mrooney1hello! I was just wondering for PPAs if there is a way to say that not all members of a team can upload, for example only administrators?04:01
exarkunWhy can't I branch from launchpad faster than about 80kB/sec?04:19
ub3rst4rhi does anyone if there is a way to find out the overall total of downloads for ur project?04:50
micahgub3rst4r: bug 43101104:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 431011 in Launchpad Foundations "offer per-project statistics (affected: 4, heat: 7)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43101104:52
ub3rst4rshouldnt that be a blueprint?04:54
ub3rst4rany idea when this is getting implemented?04:55
micahgub3rst4r: when it's ready to be worked on it might be added to one04:56
lifelesswe don't really use blueprints04:56
lifelesseven if we did, we wouldn't do/not do something just because it was/wasn't a blueprint.04:56
wgrantmrooney1: At the moment you can add uploaders in addition to the owner, but you can't remove the owning team's privileges.04:56
lifelesswgrant: theres another 50 or so revs coming across to prod on monday,04:58
lifelesswgrant: up through 1160904:58
wgrantlifeless: We're 10 days behind on QA?04:58
wgrant(I have a regression fix branch that will probably need CPing soon)04:59
lifeless11610 isn't qa'd.04:59
lifeless-> airport.05:00
mrooney1wgrant: ah okay, thanks. I have an open users team for my app and thought that team was a good place for a PPA, until someone pointed out that anyone can upload then and it isn't very secure05:40
mrooney1is there a good way to move a PPA? I guess if I delete it apt will complain and hopefully the people using it will visit the team page and see a notice I could put up05:41
wgrantmrooney1: You can't move it, no.05:44
wgrantAnyone using that PPA probably can't trust their system any more, though.05:44
mrooney1well, I can see that no one has uploaded anything but me05:46
wgrantAh, good.05:46
mrooney1it was just someone pointing it out05:47
mrooney1I wonder if it would be worth a warning in LP though, I had not at all put it together than an open team + PPA = anyone can upload, until it was pointed out05:47
wgrantI think there's a bug for that.05:47
mrooney1ah ok05:47
paissadi uploaded a package for lucid, i copied the binaries (from my launchpad account) from Lucid to Maverick ... but i just would like to know if it's still necessary to copy binaries for Karmic or even Jaunty ?08:55
paissadi think that most people upgraded their version of release .. no ?08:56
wgrantpaissad: Nothing is "necessary" -- do what you want. If you have users on Jaunty or Karmic, copy to them too.08:56
wgrantBut most people should be running Lucid or later, so I wouldn't bother.08:56
paissadin any case, they just can pick from Lucid or Maverick, that would work too08:57
shadeslayerhi, my bug watch is failing to sync bug statuses and comments, OOPS-1731CCW9145 and OOPS-1734CCW44012:04
shadeslayerwrt bug 64733212:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 647332 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "[maverick] Rekonq crashes without network connection. (affected: 2, heat: 441)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64733212:04
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serfusis launchpad itself translatable?19:56
james_wserfus: no, it's not19:58
serfusjames_w, hum, that's a shame... thanks anyway :)19:59
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