
Tir_Eoghanhmmm... so I marked chromium for complete removal, and it says that it's necessary to remove lubuntu-desktop as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that leave me with an unworking OS?00:17
bioterroryou can try to install lubuntu-desktop back ;)00:17
bioterrorand see if it suggests chromium again00:17
bioterrorlubuntu-desktop is a meta package00:18
Tir_Eoghanwhat does that mean?00:18
bioterrorit install all the needed lubuntu packages that are needed for the lubuntu to be run as a desktop capable system00:19
bioterrorjust like there's xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop00:19
phillwTir_Eoghan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#Remove%20lubuntu-desktop00:19
Tir_Eoghanah, right. Makes sense00:19
phillwTir_Eoghan:  it is just the meta package (a list of applications) and can be safely removed, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/RemoveLubuntuDesktop has further details00:21
Tir_Eoghanah, whew. thats a relief00:21
Tir_EoghanI had this horrifying image of me being booted back to command line, I've seen to much of that lately and I really don't know my way around it.00:23
phillwTir_Eoghan: chromium is our suggested browser, as it requires less resources than firefox etc. You are free to add and delete programmes, but you will have a non-standard installtion which the small team cannot fully support.00:23
bioterrorphillw, how about midori?-)00:23
bioterrorsorry, wrong chan :d00:23
phillwbioterror: it is not the one on the list that we support; hence you cannot expect support. Chromium is not the same as Chrome and supports html5, so flash player is not needed for you-tube etc.00:24
bioterrormidori should be less resource hungry and doesnt send what you browse to Big G ;)00:24
phillwbioterror: Chromium does NOT send stuff to 'G', it was a requirement of it being used that they split the logging part out of it. You're thinking of Chrome, same browser, but with log reports.00:26
Tir_EoghanI think you mentioned that to me before bioterror.. Thats probably where I'll end up. It may be irrational, but I can't abide anything google related, well programed or not.00:26
bioterrorI'm not a huge G fan too myself, but I'm using chromium00:27
bioterrorit's fast ;)00:27
phillwthat's because it isn't sending everything you do back to 'head office' :p00:28
bioterrorbut they say chrome is best malmware ever made00:28
phillwwb zkriesse00:28
Tir_EoghanI guess I'll have to give chromium a fair shot when I have the os actually installed00:28
Tir_EoghanI'll install firefox, and midori, and see which one i like better.00:30
phillwbioterror: I beg to disagree, but this is not the channel to discuss it on :-) Head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11 to read / air your views00:30
szczurphillw, afaik midori supports html5 too and passes ACID3 test00:31
Tir_Eoghanwait, they actually stripped chromium down for this release?00:32
phillwI find chromium to be an excellent browser, and the team who deal with bugs very quick to fix them. I have to use Ffox for some of my web-development work, but the web-develepors tools in chromium are coming along very well.00:32
phillwTir_Eoghan: Chromium <> Chrome, never has been.00:32
* phillw waves to szczur00:33
szczurhi phillw :)00:33
szczuri would go for the midori :P00:33
szczurchromium is as heavy as other mainline browsers :P00:34
szczurmidori is like arora (only for GTK) :P00:34
phillwTir_Eoghan: http://blog.chromium.org/2008/10/google-chrome-chromium-and-google.html00:34
phillwfabian, one the guys who goes bug chasing usually has a fix in 20 hours; he's a star.00:35
Tir_Eoghanthanks for all the info phill, I have the feeling I'm stepping in on a previous heated debate, as such thanks for not biting my head off *grin*00:35
phillwTir_Eoghan: no, people do get all heated up. I prefer to use the cool calm approach and let people read the facts instead of hear-say ;-)00:36
Tir_Eoghanthanks, I should have read up on it early. The term google activates my infinite loop fear response though, and all rational thought leaves me in a puff of paranoia00:39
=== Freejack is now known as Guest5323
Tir_Eoghanhmmm... interesting. learn something new every day.00:56
phillwchromium would not have been let near the *buntu family if it were reporting back ;-)00:57
Tir_Eoghanmaybe I can learn to like chromium00:57
Tir_Eoghanso technically chromium never was released by google, it just contains some of the code that chrome is built on.00:58
phillwit's a bit different, but is quite a capable browser. I still have to use Ffox for some tasks, but that is only on the development side.00:58
Tir_Eoghankind of like if you reverse engineered IE, fixed it up a bit and released it (although why anyone would attempt that beast of a task I care not to think)01:00
phillwafaik, google do support (as in pay money to) chromium, but chromium is arms length and has no spy ware in it.01:00
phillwgoogle use the chromium package to improve their browser, chrome. hence the similar names.01:01
phillw!chromium | phillw01:01
ubot5phillw, please see my private message01:01
Tir_EoghanI assumed chromium was just a lighter version of chrome released by google, and was scratching my head as to why that would be included in a distro like this.01:02
phillw!chrome | phillw01:02
phillwTir_Eoghan: can I get the ubot to send you a PM that may help?01:02
phillw!chromium | Tir_Eoghan01:03
ubot5Tir_Eoghan: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa01:03
Tir_Eoghaninteresting, that goes way over my head. I can program formulae into excell spreadsheets and thats about it.01:08
phillwTir_Eoghan: just as i suppport lubuntu, I also help test out the new chromium builds. It is a great project and the guy liasing with the ubuntu family is a really good guy & very quick to get bugs fixed.01:10
* phillw also loves https://launchpad.net/~alexey-smirnov/+archive/deadbeef01:11
phillwwhich maybe one day we  will get adopted.01:11
Tir_Eoghanalright, you sold me, I'll give chromium a fair shot. I guess I ought to cancel my purchase of www.antichromium.com01:12
Tir_Eoghanand www.scratchchromium.com although that is a fantastic website name.01:16
phillwTir_Eoghan: everything in this environment is "try before you buy", then when you decide on what you want, guess wha? It is free, for life, with updates and support.01:17
phillwthat website is some scamming B* trying to get your bank details off you.01:18
Tir_Eoghangotta say thats a tough concept to understand coming from windows. I'm used to feeling like I'm getting fleeced by software developers.01:18
Tir_Eoghanwait which one? You mean I didn't think up original website names?01:19
phillwTir_Eoghan: have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3701:19
Tir_Eoghanok, that windows air bit gave me quite a laugh01:24
phillwTir_Eoghan: you will find we do have a sense of humour, you will also find that we are volunteers who want to help others.01:27
phillwcomputers can actually be fun, although this is purely a support channel #i do hope I've given you some insight into the mind set of how and what both lubuntu and the whole linux community is all about.01:28
phillwTir_Eoghan: may I ask you age?01:29
Tir_Eoghanwait, volunteer to help others?! why would someone do that, madness. In all seriousness, thanks for all your help and answering my questions in a patient way.01:29
Tir_EoghanI'm twenty eight going on twelve01:30
phillwthat's why it doesn't cost you a fortune to but it & buy support, we all help each other. For example, I'm one of the documentation people who try to keep https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp all updated and moving the help over to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp which is where is has to be for lubuntu to be adopted.01:34
phillwTir_Eoghan: keep a log of your learning about lubuntu, put in it what you find easy, what you find hard. We need feed back from people like you to be better able to help the next person.01:35
phillwhelp me improve the beginners section.01:37
Tir_Eoghanwill do, so far the tough thing for me is sorting through all my options. I'm finding myself wanting to buy a few more identical computers so I can try distro's out side by side.01:37
phillwTir_Eoghan: well, I'm an advocate of lubuntu and the entire ubuntu family. lubuntu is still a small team in terms of people avaialble to answer questions, but you can always ask questions on http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php if none of us are about, when you post the question, you will have the option to post it as lubuntu.01:39
Tir_Eoghanso far I've tryed Feisty Fawn, Vector Linux, Xubuntu (aborted install attempt), and currently running a LiveCD of lubuntu, my first attempted install was I believe Tinylinux, or DSL. Having no knowledge of how to install grub/lilo or where to install grub/lilo without a guided installer those failed.01:40
phillwLubuntu is really nice, but as I'm biased, please have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5201:42
Tir_Eoghanto be perfectly honest, chromium is whats kept me from installing lubuntu. Although now that I understand the situation there, I think I'll take the plunge.01:43
phillwTir_Eoghan: I very much doubt you will be disappointed, one of the nice things of being on here and having a lubuntu area on my forum is when people say thanks. That is why we volunteer; 10 people log on, ask questions and leave, 1 comes back on says thankyou.01:46
phillw"You had to do WHAT with the seat" :p01:47
phillwwb zkriesse01:48
Tir_Eoghanso far I'm really happy with it, and still stunned by the fact that the livecd works so well on my (lets be perfectly honest) antiquated system. It will make my future obsessive changing of os's be able to be done with no fear of entirely losing acess to my files and internet.01:48
phillwTir_Eoghan: lubuntu is specifically designed for "older" computers. It is the reason it exists.01:49
Tir_Eoghanthe livecd works better then optimized windows xp01:49
phillwTir_Eoghan: if you can run xp, lubuntu will fly like the proverbial off a shovel. It will run on machines designed for win 9801:50
Tir_Eoghanhmmm.. now I can't wait to try it.01:51
phillwTir_Eoghan: "A Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MiB of RAM is probably a bottom-line configuration that may yield slow yet usable system with Lubuntu."01:51
phillwtry running XP on that :p01:52
Tir_Eoghando you have tutorials up for fulling securing the os? thats my next greatest concern, I was running avast anti-virus with zonealarm, and every week or so running several adware/spyware removes on my system, also had peerblock on.. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I never had a major virus cripple my system. Aside from the usual windowsxp virus01:54
phillwyou do not need them with linux, it is a completely different system. let me go dig out the link for you01:55
phillwhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812  skip down to windows mind-set on the thread.01:56
Tir_Eoghanthanks, that will help01:56
sgh1. due to the fact that Windows accounts the greatest marketshare, it is the primary target for viruses also01:56
phillwthe 1st part is for servers etc.01:57
sgh2. even if you get infected by a virus for linux it won't be able to do as much harm as a virus under Windows01:58
phillwsgh: there are no viruses for linux :-)  it is complete FUD02:00
phillwthere are attacks on our servers, which is a completely different thing.02:00
Tir_Eoghanhmm.. good to know. Next order of business is figuring out how to use iptables and ip blacklists. I'll be acquiring another barebones comp soon to use as bulletproof firewall02:01
phillwsgh: Tir_Eoghan bottom line is that > Major organisations like IBM, Amazon & Google run Linux.02:01
Tir_Eoghanreally, hmm.. thats good to know02:02
sghI've heard that even Microsoft ran Linux on their servers for a long time :D02:02
phillwTir_Eoghan: the standard install comes completely firewalled02:03
Tir_Eoghanwait, next your going to tell me. It comes with a butler that serves me champagne and lights my cigarettes02:03
phillwsgh: I also get their security bulletins saying thet have a major security breach that they will take a month to fix :P02:04
phillwTir_Eoghan: no, you have to pay extra for that :p You can, if you are a company, buy dedicated support.02:04
Tir_Eoghanso why do people use windows anyway? you can run windows programs in linux with wine I've heard (and a better computer)02:05
phillwthat is done by canonical http://www.canonical.com/02:05
sghWine can't handle every application yet02:05
phillwTir_Eoghan: and, to be honest, why should be support windows? Linux is a completely different system.02:07
Tir_Eoghangood point02:07
phillwthey charge hundreds of dollars, we do it for free. As per the Simpsons "Doh".... it's not difficult to do the maths, even Bart could do it :p02:08
phillwbut, again we digress, this conversation should be on #ubuntu-beginners-team02:10
* phillw they allow me and others on there for off topic chat02:10
Tir_Eoghanhmmm... now I'm reading about wine being one of the only potential ways windows viruses can work on linux.. yeah, think I'm better off sticking with linux programs.02:14
phillwTir_Eoghan: yeah, it can, but even then linux will protect it. We're dead good that way :-)02:17
Tir_Eoghansounds like essentially the key thing to remember, is stay out of root, unless absolutely necessary02:18
phillwall the antivirus boot disks that you windows users get charged for are completely free.02:18
Tir_Eoghanwell, I just stole all those, but lets move swiftly along from that point. hehe02:18
phillwTir_Eoghan: you're so used to paying for stuff, in linux it is all free.02:19
phillwfree as in completely free, not pirated / ripped of etc.02:19
sghthere are some commercial distributions by the way02:19
Tir_Eoghanfigured I'd spent enough money on windows and I wasn't about to pay for fixing something they should have fixed.02:20
phillwTir_Eoghan: you most likely installed another virus / root kit / key logger when you 'stole' it.02:20
Tir_Eoghanone of the reasons I switched over, found myself pirating more and more just to stay relatively current. Eventually my entire system was pirated (aside from hardware), due to lost disks lost key's etc.02:21
phillwTir_Eoghan: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1702:22
phillwor even just http://forum.phillw.net/viewforum.php?f=602:23
phillwTir_Eoghan: when you are next bored, just have a trawl round, it is where I keep all my notes and links for when I'm helping out :-)02:24
Tir_Eoghanwill do thanks02:24
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=== ldleOne is now known as IdleOne
sghgood night02:31
sghand thanks for helping me out with grub2 phillw02:32
phillwhyperair: are you about ?02:42
Tir_Eoghangreat info phil, lot of good advice I may have to forward on to my windows/mac useing friends. Also some very comforting things for me to read03:08
ubot5Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - hyperair, elgoh, or phillw!05:01
hyperairhmm i see. so that works.05:01
Mohan_chmlhyperair: Mohi At your service :D05:03
hyperairanyway you're on the access list now ;-)05:05
Mohan_chmlhyperair: saw that ;)05:05
Mohan_chml-ChanServ- 5     Mohan-chml             +votriA (OP) [modified 58 seconds ago]05:05
Mohan_chmlget to #lubuntu-offtopic05:05
=== friTTe^ is now known as |friTTe|
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
|friTTe|is there someway to change the names in the mneu?12:13
|friTTe|once i done that with right click it goes back to normal12:14
Timo_|friTTe|: sorry no idea..13:10
=== IAmNotThatGuy changed the topic of #lubuntu to: The topic for #lubuntu is: Lubuntu project channel. Help and Documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu Launchpad page at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop. . || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService || For Offtopic talks, Please head over
IAmNotThatGuyOuch! might be too big14:45
=== phillw changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu project channel. Help and Documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu Launchpad page at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop. . || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Use?of?this?channel?implies?acceptance?of?the?terms?at?https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService || For Offtopic talks, Please head over to #lubuntu-offtopic
IAmNotThatGuylol phillw Not like that. Lets think more14:47
=== phillw changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu project channel. Help and Documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu Launchpad page at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop. . || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService || For Offtopic talks, use #lubuntu-offtopic
IAmNotThatGuyThen what happened to my client O_O14:49
=== phillw changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu project channel. Help and Documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu Launchpad page at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop. . || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService || For general chat, please use #lubuntu-offtopic
phillwhow's that look?14:49
IAmNotThatGuyCool :)14:50
IAmNotThatGuyALL OF YOU. Look at the topic....! we have an offtopic channel from now14:59
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
Mohan_chmlfriTTe^: saw the topic?15:28
friTTe^new channel and stuff15:36
=== friTTe^ is now known as |friTTe|
manfredrastahi all16:03
manfredrastais there anybody here?16:06
manfredrastaI'll need some support16:06
manfredrastanothingspecial, hi! do you remember me? We were trying to connect my klaptop to the wifi16:08
kosaidpowhts good16:08
kosaidpom lubuntu is bein so slow lately idk why16:08
manfredrastawhat is idk?16:09
kosaidpoi dont kno -idk16:09
kosaidpoidont kno = idk16:09
kosaidposorry tho16:09
manfredrastacant understand you. Anyway I'm sure I couldn't help you16:09
manfredrastaim really noob16:10
manfredrastaKukuNut, are oyu here?16:10
KukuNutwhat's up?16:10
manfredrastaI'll need some support16:11
manfredrastacould you helpo me?16:11
manfredrastaKukuNut, I cant connect to my wifi line16:11
KukuNutwas it working before?16:11
manfredrastaIt allready works with windows16:12
manfredrastabut not with lubuntu16:12
manfredrastathey are different laptops16:12
kosaidpomanfredrasta: do you have network manager ??16:12
sghkosaidpo: do you use 10.04 or 10.10? 10.10 is slower for me than 10.04 was16:12
manfredrastakosaidpo, yes16:12
manfredrastakosaidpo, i can also see my line16:13
kosaidpoohh im havin meerkat16:13
kosaidpothats pretty sad tho16:13
sghmeerkat = 10.1016:13
kosaidpoyeh i kno16:13
sghwell was it slow for you since you've installed it or is it slower today?16:13
kosaidposince i upgraded to meerakt16:14
manfredrastaI have to leave16:14
manfredrastabye bye16:15
kosaidpohave nce day16:15
sghkosaidpo: one thing I can think of is the addition of the ubuntu update manager, which was introduced to lubuntu with 10.0416:15
sghit has starts when you boot it - if you don't need it and update manually you can disable it16:16
sgh*it starts16:16
kosaidposgh: wel for the bottin process im usin preload and its good so far but i mean while using programs when its slow16:17
kosaidposgh:  do you use preload ?16:19
sghkosaidpo: the update manager is started when you boot but it will not be stopped if you don't do it manually, therefore it takes resources throughout your whole session16:19
sghkosaidpo: no, I don't use it16:20
kosaidpolate me check then16:21
kosaidposgh:  iahd it runnin at the boot16:24
kosaidposgh: u sure it stays workin even after the boot process ??16:24
kosaidposgh: btw i advice u to check the preload its great16:24
kosaidpofor a happy bootin16:25
sghyeah, it is supposed to tell you if new updates are available and checks for them, therefore I'm quite sure it works after the boot process16:25
sghif you don't want to untick it you mustn't, that's just a assumption regarding the slowness16:26
sghyeah I will check it out, thanks16:26
kosaidposgh: no i already did untick it16:27
kosaidposince im usually updatin manually laltely16:27
kosaidpoi was lil excited abt the meerkat16:27
sghme too16:27
kosaidpocus i was syin that it ll be more lither :D16:27
sghit's unfortunate that Ubuntu based distros aren't as light as Debian, Arch Linux or others if they use Xfce, LXDE or other resource saving desktop environments :/16:30
kosaidposhg; oh really ??16:31
kosaidpowell im new to this linux word16:31
kosaidpoi used  ubuntu then kubuntu then im sticked wiuth lubuntu16:31
kosaidpois archilinux way lither ?16:31
sghthat's what many people say and tests confirmed16:32
sghbut I assume that it is really tough for a Ubuntu user to switch to Arch, due to the fact that there's no graphical installer (so partitioning must be done with a terminal)16:33
sghthere's a different package management also - apt commands are useless there16:34
kosaidpoyehh i guess its pacman16:35
kosaidpoor sumthin like this16:35
kosaidpothers no gui durin the partiotionnin ?16:35
sghduring the whole install process16:35
sghthe partitioning was just an example16:35
kosaidpoohh thats a lil scary'cus im not that good in the command line16:36
phillwsgh: partitioning should only need to be done the once (unless you're a tester like me). The mini-iso for ubuntu install is pretty darn small.16:36
kosaidpophillw:  u didnt notice that lubuntu meerkat its lil bit slower ??16:37
phillwI'm running 9.10 standard ubuntu atm, as none of the others can 'see' my 3G dongle :'(16:38
sghare there windows drivers for it?16:39
sghphillw: does it make a difference to install a regular Lubuntu desktop or use a mini-iso and install the lubuntu-desktop package? (except for the smaller size?)16:39
sghregarding resource usage16:40
phillwsgh: the ubiquity installer (the standard installer) requires more RAM to run than lubuntu needs once it is installed. It's covered more at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall16:40
sghbut in the end the desktop will use the same amount of RAM?16:41
phillwsgh: for a full install, yes; but with 10.10 comes a cut down version16:46
phillwsgh: yeah.16:46
sghI guess I will do a minimal install with 10.10 final beta16:47
sghand hope that grub sees my windows partition then :D16:47
sghalthough I got it working by adding a custom entry16:48
phillwleave it as a custom entry, grub and windows can have fall outs. a custom entry will always be safe as updating grub will not affect it.16:50
sghdoes anyone here know how to clarify which files Transmission is allowed to share with other people? I want to seed Lubuntu but I don't want that any of my other files are uploaded16:57
szczurif the torrent is not on the download list it won't be seeded to anyone17:01
phillwsgh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent has details on the various agents17:02
phillwoops, szczur beat me to it, as usual :D17:02
sghphillw and szczur: thanks17:03
szczurno problem :)17:03
Mohan_chmlTimo_, Zach read the topic :D17:37
phillwszczur: have you got the size, in bytes, of the beta2 iso?18:22
phillwaka ls -l ?18:22
szczurohh, haven't downloaded it yet18:40
mmaksimovHi all. Is there a specific minimum RAM requirement for installing Lubuntu from a LiveCD session? Both beta1 and 2 hang creatively if installer is started on a 256Mb system with no cache. I believe the wiki should reflect this...19:23
bioterror256MB should be enough19:24
sghthe requirements are mentioned in the wiki19:25
mmaksimovbioterror, my 256Mb box doesn't agree with you19:26
sghprobably it's related to the fact that you run without cache as you stated19:28
mmaksimovsgh, those 160Mb are I guess for running the installer from the CD menu directly, which does not work in both betas. If you start a liveCD session then installer the session takes some RAM i believe19:28
mmaksimover.... aren't the Live CD and installer _supposed_ to run on bare metal without anything else configured?19:29
sghthe installer definitely is and therefore users with less than 160 MB can use it (without the gui)19:31
sghthe Live CD requires RAM because of its design - everything is loaded into the RAM and when it's full you'll experience problems19:32
sghtherefore a lot of RAM is required, this can't be changed19:32
sghprobably someone will come up with a new concept anytime, I mean the latest browsers can make use of the CPU and GPU now, probably something like that could be adopted19:34
sghbut to my knowledge something like this wasn't planned yet19:35
mmaksimovhuh, I know a bit about where RAM goes..... I just wanted to empasize that the 160 Mb limit stated in the wiki is not totally correct with the current beta19:38
phillwthe lubuntu team are looking to make a minimal install iso, but for the present just use the current instructions19:38
phillwmmaksimov: it has installed on 160MB, don't forget that in a lot of machines the 256MB is shared with the graphics driver, so the amount available for the System may well be less.19:40
mmaksimovphillw, 10.10 beta2?19:41
phillwthe minimal install, requires the least amount of RAM to install, but you need an ethernet connection.19:41
mmaksimovI know that19:41
mmaksimovI've documented those two ways of taking eth0 under NetworkManager management afterwards19:42
phillwmmaksimov: I've not personally tried the beta2 with a low ram machine; if you're having an issue you or I can ask on the mailing list for other peoples' experiences, but at least one of the testers does test the install on a low RAM machine.19:44
mmaksimovphillw, I think those 8 hours' installations reported in the plymouth thread were run with cache... I'll sum up my findings on the list.20:03
phillwokies, thanks mmaksimov20:04
bioterrorhad to do touch /etc/alternatives/lxdm.conf ;)20:27
phillwmmaksimov: thanks for such a detailed e-mail, as soon as the team reply I'll ensure the wiki areas are updated.20:45
phillwI'll bbl, now have to go and do some work :-)20:46
capletonhi all.  I was wondering if it was possible to pick and choose the things that start at the beginning of each session?20:53
bioterrormenu -> Preferences -> Desktop Session Settings20:55
capletonbioterror: thanks!20:56
bioterrorand you can say to openbox too what you want to start20:56
capletonIs there also a way to get rid of the "ubuntu" screen with the lights that go back and forth?  I'd rather be able to see what is going on in the background20:57
bioterrorthere's alot discussion about that in the mailing list20:58
capletonis there any way to have it not start x, and rather just bring me to a prompt?  would removing SliM do that?20:58
bioterrorwhy would you like to do that?-)20:58
capletonI want to use the computer with screen and just ssh into it from another one.  But I like the idea of having LXDE on there in case I want a full DE.20:59
capletonplus the fan is really loud, and I feel like there is nothing less resouce hungry than the command line21:00
=== friTTe is now known as |friTTe|
floatingjust install ubuntu cli and go from there, no need for lubuntu21:31
floatingcan be installed from ubuntu alternative iso21:32
manfredrastais there anybody here?21:57
manfredrastanothingspecial, are you here?21:57
manfredrastakwork, are you here?22:00
IdleOnemanfredrasta: ask your question and if someone can help they will22:01
kworkmanfredrasta i know nothing about lubuntu, so i doubt i will be helpful do you22:01
kworkto doy22:01
manfredrastai go22:02
szczurmanfredrasta, what do you need?22:04
manfredrastaIm wrtiting22:05
manfredrastai need a minute22:05
szczurMOCP playing: Bomfunk MC's -  Stir Up The Bass -  In Stereo - 00:42/03:3522:05
* szczur may be banned for this :>22:05
manfredrastawhy could you be banned for that man?22:06
szczurbecause it's not a good behaviour to write what you're actually listening to :)22:07
manfredrastaThe poblem is that i cant connect mi wireless nw. I can see it, but cannot conenct it. this is the sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon result: http://pastebin.com/1TjZF7xE22:07
manfredrastawhy isnt it a good behaviour?22:08
szczurno one cares about what you're listening at the moment :P22:08
szczurand you shouldn't show it on the (not yet but we're trying to :P) official general help channel22:10
manfredrastaI still dont understand? Should you be banned because of saying something that nobody cares?22:10
szczurwhat "sudo iwlist scan" returns?22:10
manfredrastaI understand now22:10
manfredrastathere's a forum thread22:12
manfredrastaif you want to have a look... its a little bit long, but you'll find everything22:12
szczurcan you link me to it?22:12
manfredrastaat the begining i couldn't even see my wireless nw22:13
manfredrastathen a person told me to run: sudo apt-get install pcmciautils22:13
manfredrastaso i can see it now22:13
manfredrastayou can start reading from #422:13
manfredrastathank you very much22:14
szczurmanfredrasta, can i ask you to disable the encryption of this network?22:16
szczurjust for a moment22:16
szczurwere you able to connect to this network woth other linuxes/ubuntu versions?22:17
manfredrastayes of course22:17
manfredrastai could connect with ubuntu las version22:17
manfredrasta10.04 i think22:17
szczur10.04 is the latest :)22:17
manfredrastaI cuold connect with the lastest22:18
szczurand 10.10 will be released in 6 days22:18
szczurso you're using maverick right now?22:18
manfredrastain another cpu22:18
manfredrastabecause in this one was impossible to install22:18
manfredrastawhat is maverick?22:18
manfredrastasorry im new22:18
szczurit's the yet-t-be released ubuntu 10.10 :)22:19
szczurso let's clarify this22:19
manfredrastalet me tell you22:19
szczuryou were able to connect to this network FORM THE SAME LAPTOP on other linux version?22:19
szczurit didn't worked on any of the linuxes, am i right?22:20
szczurplease turn of your encryption for a while22:20
manfredrastai just tried it on Xubuntu 9.04 and worked22:20
szczurahhh, with 9.04 it worked22:21
manfredrastait was wrong22:21
manfredrastai just tried it on Xubuntu 9.04 and  DIDNT worked22:21
* szczur is confused right now22:21
manfredrastahad the same problem22:21
szczur9.04 - NOT WORKING; 10.04- NOT WORKING22:22
manfredrastaon xubuntu 9.04 not working22:22
manfredrastaon lubuntu 10.04 (at the moment) not working22:23
szczur<szczur> 9.04 - NOT WORKING; 10.04- NOT WORKING... >_>22:23
manfredrastaon ubuntu 10.04 (in another laptop) working22:23
szczuri said that before22:23
szczuranother laptop isa nother wifi and so on22:23
manfredrastaso doesnt matter what happens on another laptop22:24
szczursoo, turn off your encryption22:24
manfredrastaone minute22:24
szczurmaybe this card/module is not accepting WPA encryption22:24
szczuras for example my old D-Link 520+ did22:24
szczurbecause od shitty module which got dropped shortly after :)22:25
szczurso i had to use WEP "encryption"22:25
szczuri see it is the old laptop22:25
szczurso probably it is the case22:25
szczur-the +an :)22:25
manfredrastaturned off22:26
szczurok, now try to connect to your wifi :)22:26
manfredrastawithout i have the same problem22:26
szczursudo iwconfig eth1 essid Fionaweb22:27
szczursudo dhclient eth122:27
szczurtell me the results22:27
manfredrastasudo iwconfig eth1 essid Fionaweb does nothing22:27
szczurit sets the essid of the card. you can check it by running iwconfig22:28
szczursudo iwconfig22:28
manfredrastasudo dhclient eth1 is still writing22:28
szczurhmmm :(22:29
manfredrastai paste you the result22:29
szczurcan you paste the results of "sudo iwconfig"?22:30
manfredrastaand iwconfig says: http://pastebin.com/8UR2uXg622:30
szczurahh :)22:30
szczuryou read my mind22:31
manfredrastahave you read #8? What he says about a bug22:32
szczurhmm, but it should work on 9.04 then, since the bug was introduced in Ubuntu 10.04. I know I may be annoying but can you provide me result of sudo iwlist scan once more?22:35
szczurdamn, it is pretty weird22:36
manfredrastawhat does weird mean?22:36
szczuri thnk you should ask on #ubuntu too. there is waay more people than here :)22:36
szczurweird means strange, bizarre22:37
szczurdamn, i'm out of ideas. encryption is turned off and it still can  not connect to this network :(22:38
* szczur is running out of ideas 22:38
szczurturn the encryption on, again22:38
manfredrastahow do you write those comments?22:38
szczurbefore someone would stel your precious bandwith :P22:39
szczurwith /me command22:39
sghszczur: have you ever heard about this bug: network-manager-gnome shows that the connection (wlan with ndiswrapper) is established yet the internet can't be accessed?22:39
sghI already had this bug in 10.04 and only with Lubuntu, but a reinstallation of the whole distro helped. Now its back in 10.10 :/22:39
szczur/me does something will return22:39
* szczur does something22:39
* manfredrasta is glad22:40
szczursgh, naah, haven't heard of this bug22:40
manfredrastawhen does is 10.10 released?22:41
szczursgh, nm states that you're connected. csan you check if you can ping your router?22:41
sghmanfredrasta: 10.10.201022:42
szczurmanfredrasta, 7 days for Ubuntu main flavour and i think 8-9 days for lubuntu22:42
manfredrastaalso for lubuntu? or just ubuntu?22:42
szczuri think....22:42
sghszczur: how do I do that? :D haven't done that in Linux yet22:42
manfredrastawil I be able to connect mi wifi then?22:42
szczursgh, first off all right  click your nm applet and choose "Connection information"22:43
sghif the Ubuntu team knows about this bug and works on a fix, you will22:43
szczurto look if IP is ever assigned22:43
manfredrastahow can i encorage them to work for it?22:43
szczurgo to #ubuntu, turn on your CapsLock and shout a lot, whine about it22:44
szczurand write a post every hour22:44
szczurof course i was kidding :P22:44
szczurbut really, you should go to the #ubuntu channel22:45
manfredrastamaybe you know Mr. LUbuntu22:45
szczurand tell them about your problem there22:45
manfredrastaisnt it?22:45
manfredrastaill go22:45
manfredrastathanks for all22:45
szczurwe have small group and as you probably see we're not WiFi masters :P22:46
manfredrastaHow can I join lubuntu team?22:46
szczursgh, what about that IP Adress22:46
manfredrastaand what can I do for you?22:46
manfredrastafor them?22:46
manfredrastafor lubuntu I mean22:46
szczurmanfredrasta, sit here, whine a lot, yell at phillw and Timo_ and you will get lubuntu team badge :>22:47
sghszczur:, yet it needs to be mentioned that the WLAN works at the moment22:47
szczursent by homing pigeon :)22:47
manfredrastaphillw, hi man22:47
szczurmanfredrasta, and really, just be here and try to help people with their problems ;)22:47
manfredrastabut i cannot help anybody22:48
manfredrastai am noob22:48
sghyou will learn in this channel22:48
szczuryou will become a PRO someday :P22:48
szczurjust look at ChanServ22:48
manfredrastaBut there is nobody in this channel22:48
szczurhe's op right now :P22:48
szczurand he sits here since begining22:48
manfredrastawho is op?22:49
sghszczur: my personal workaround is that I boot into windows, turn the dongle off and on and reboot Lubuntu, therefore the wlan connection is working at the moment22:49
szczurmanfredrasta, channel operator22:49
manfredrastaand who is ChanServ ?22:49
szczurand actually ChanServ is a bot sent by grammar nazis to get rid of the typos :P22:49
szczurremember, HE'S WATCHING YOU22:50
* manfredrasta is confused22:50
szczuri shouldn't drink so much tea :P22:50
manfredrastathat was tea???22:50
szczurmanfredrasta, i just have a good mood right now :P22:50
szczurnothing i said befor was serious22:50
manfredrastai know i know22:51
szczurexcept the thing that you should join #ubuntu22:51
manfredrastaI m going22:51
szczurand ask for the help there :)22:51
manfredrastase you22:51
szczurremeber to stay here, too22:51
szczuryou can be on two channels at once22:51
szczurhmm, 6 strings to translate... and i'm lazy as only I can be :>22:54
szczursgh, you know polish right? :P22:54
szczurif not, LEARN IT!22:54
szczurTimo_ ah Timo_, where are you when i need you?22:55
sghI understand a bit of polish but I can't speak it fluently22:56
Timo_I am here22:56
sghI don't know the grammar aswell22:56
Timo_when you need me22:56
* szczur hugs Timo_ 22:56
Timo_was just trying to check some logs22:56
Timo_but you are spamming as hell22:56
* Timo_ hugs szczur back :D22:56
szczurNow i can go play some Pokemon Red Version on Game Boy :)22:58
Timo_you don't need me anymore? :(22:59
szczurohh, Timo_... i ned you everytime i am on this channel :P22:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yfoel
sghszczur: how can I ping to my router?23:01
szczurprobably, ping
szczurrun terminal23:02
szczurand run this command23:02
szczurTimo_, PING23:02
Timo_szczur: PONG23:02
* szczur wait for CTCP REPLY :>23:02
* Timo_ and szczur should be using #lubuntu-offtopic23:02
szczurTimo_, PING23:02
Timo_Aren't u receiving my pongs?:o23:03
Timo_szczur: PING23:03
szczurPONG //yeah, this channel ever existed?23:03
Timo_well szczur it exists now.. ;P23:03
szczurTimo_, PING23:03
manfredrastastill here23:04
Kurdistangod evening my dear lubuntu friends23:04
sghszczur: thanks for the command, I'll do troubleshooting tomorrow23:04
manfredrastaim asking in ubuntu23:04
KurdistanI have made complete move to lubuntu lucid23:04
sghgood night guys23:04
manfredrastaKurdistan, are you a wifi guru really???23:04
Timo_Kurdistan: is it a GOD evening?23:05
Kurdistantimo yes it is23:05
Timo_and Kurdistan congratulations about the switch, I haven't *hides*23:05
Kurdistanmanfredrasta I dont understand your question23:05
manfredrastai need help with my wifi conection23:05
manfredrastaI was looking for a guru, because it seems nobody knows haow to fix it23:06
Kurdistantimo_, the closed nvidia drivers are really slow.23:06
Kurdistanmanfredrasta it works good over here23:07
KurdistanI think it works even better with maverick23:07
Kurdistanmanfredrasta have you wifi radar?23:08
manfredrastaKurdistan, what is it?23:09
Kurdistanmanfredrasta look to desktop session setting and mark network manager23:09
Kurdistanif you use ubuntu23:09
manfredrastai use lubuntu23:10
Kurdistanmanfredrasta normally it should work23:10
Kurdistaninstall wifi radar and set your wifi connection on23:11
manfredrastahow do i do it?23:11
Kurdistango to synaptic23:11
Kurdistanwrite wifi-radar23:12
Kurdistannormally you should have botton on your laptop23:12
Kurdistanpress wifi connection one and it should be green23:12
manfredrastawait wait23:13
manfredrastashould i install wifi radar then?23:13
manfredrastawhat is it?23:13
Kurdistanlike the name says radar :)23:14
manfredrastabut i can see my network23:15
manfredrastashould do it anyway?23:15
Kurdistanyou can see your network?23:15
Kurdistanwhat is your problem then?23:15
manfredrastai cant connect to it23:15
Kurdistaninstall wicd23:16
Kurdistanuse synaptic23:16
Kurdistanyou will see what it stands for23:17
Kurdistanyou will see option press enter23:19
Kurdistanlook on your synaptic pop up screen23:20
manfredrastaits installing it23:20
Kurdistangood :) soon mission complete23:20
Kurdistanmanfredrasta lubuntu is really light23:20
Kurdistansome time it is too light23:21
Kurdistanfor its good :)23:21
manfredrastaalso my laptop is ligth23:21
Kurdistanmanfredrasta old one?23:22
KurdistanI see. lubuntu is perfect then.23:22
Kurdistanalso xubuntu is starting to get light23:22
Kurdistanmore xfce apps then bunch of gnome dependience23:22
manfredrastai first tried xubuntu. But was slow. And the installation failed many times23:22
manfredrastai think was because of the ram i have23:23
manfredrastathe discovered lubuntu23:23
Kurdistanmanfredrasta you tried xubuntu maverick rc?23:23
manfredrastaand goes perfect23:23
manfredrastai tried xubuntu 9.0423:23
Kurdistanlol thats really old23:23
manfredrastawich xubuntu is allright now?23:24
Kurdistanwhen maverick release try lubuntu and xubuntu23:24
Kurdistanboth have there strenght and wikness23:24
Kurdistanthen make up your mined :)23:25
manfredrastaOh! it is still preparing the packages23:25
manfredrastahope didnt freeze23:25
Kurdistanbrb reboot. lubuntu works great for me. I can add stuff. build it my way. but the bad thing standard application if I remove23:25
KurdistanI will also remove lubuntu-desktop23:26
Kurdistanmanfredrasta take more detail23:26
manfredrastaKurdistan, should i click details?23:26
Kurdistanthere you would see something about ok23:27
Kurdistanarent you?23:27
Kurdistanonly I needed to press enter23:27
Kurdistanthen in internet you will see wicd network manager23:28
manfredrastacould oyu wait a few minute since my wife gots sleep. She's complaining about the click on my keyboard23:29
KurdistanI will do reboot23:29
Kurdistanthen I will come23:29
MikeChelengetting an error from lubuntu-default-settings when doing usual apt-get upgrade http://pastebin.com/QkAzxPGV23:31
manfredrasta5 mins23:32
Kurdistanmanfredrasta normally lubuntu network applet should be good enough23:33
Kurdistannormally you dont need wifi radar23:33
Kurdistanor wicd network manager23:33
Kurdistanwhat I can do with wifi radar/wicd network manager I can do with lubuntu default network applet close to the clock applet23:34
Kurdistanwelcome back23:36
manfredrastawhy am i installing this so?23:36
Kurdistan:) becuase you asked me alternative way checking wifi connection?23:36
manfredrastadid u take a look at the thread?23:37
Kurdistanyes but much to read sorry23:37
manfredrastai understand23:37
Kurdistanand I need to sleep. school tomorrow.23:37
Kurdistanmanfredrasto compare me to the gurus here I am newbie myself23:38
manfredrastawhen u have time maybe you can read the thread23:39
manfredrastado u know how to stop synaptics?23:39
manfredrastai think it is blocked23:39
Kurdistanokey. do it pop up something.23:39
Kurdistanerror message?23:39
manfredrastashows a blu screen with a message in it23:40
manfredrastait says:23:40
Kurdistansome packages are broken?23:40
Kurdistannormally you can fix this with synaptic or you can restart and press the key over ctrl23:41
manfredrastacan i paste u my screen shot?23:41
Kurdistanthen use recovery mode23:41
Kurdistanpass :)23:41
manfredrastahow can i paste u my screenshot?23:42
manfredrastai have to leave23:42
Kurdistanuse shift when you restart23:43
Kurdistanwhen you see bios is reading23:43
Kurdistantake a look on this link23:43
Kurdistanswedish but the picture you will understand anyway23:43
Kurdistanthere you can rapair broken packages23:44
Kurdistanafter that resume23:44
Kurdistanenter your login name and password23:45
Kurdistanthen write down sudo reboot23:45
Kurdistan:) done23:45
manfredrastawhat is it for?23:45
manfredrastajust to understand23:45
Kurdistansome time when synaptic want not open or close right23:46
Kurdistansome packades are broken23:46
Kurdistanthis will fix it23:46
Kurdistanhave nice evening23:46
KurdistanI am going to bad23:46
Kurdistanall there lubuntu users nice sleepy time for all you tooooooo23:47
Kurdistanand all the others :P23:47
szczurMikeChelen, sudo touch /etc/alternatives/lxdm.conf23:48
szczurand then sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a23:49
manfredrastaszczur, down sudo reboot is not a bad code isnt it?23:49
szczurmanfredrasta, what was that blue screen?23:49
manfredrastain recovery mode23:49
szczurmanfredrasta, what do you mean down sudo reboot?23:50
szczurmean by*23:50
manfredrastais it a bad code?23:50
manfredrastawould brake my laptop? :=23:50
manfredrastaor something like that23:50
szczursudo reboot will reboot your laptop23:50
szczurnothing else :P23:51
manfredrastai understand now23:51
manfredrastakurdistand told me: write down sudo reboot23:51
szczurmanfredrasta, what was written in that blue screen?23:51
szczursomething about groups?23:51
manfredrastaszczur, no23:51
szczurMikeChelen, are you here?23:52
manfredrastait is a blue screen with a grey window in it23:52
manfredrastathat tell what it is doing23:52
szczuryeah, and what was in this window :P23:52
szczurit was configuration windows probably23:52
manfredrastait is in italian23:52
manfredrastaso i try to translaate23:53
manfredrastaill do my best23:53
szczurafter installation of wicd there is one step when you're adding your account to the netdev group :)23:53
manfredrastathats it23:53
szczurtick your name and use TAB to select ok23:53
szczurand press enter23:54
manfredrastaim stupid23:54
szczuryou SHOULD NOT close this window23:54
szczurbecause it would leave you with broken package23:54
manfredrastai did not tick my name beut just click enter23:54
szczurif you did this, please do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a23:54
manfredrastaand it goes on23:54
szczurand please do23:55
szczursudo apt-get install libgnome2-perl23:55
manfredrastait has finished23:55
szczuryou will get the nice window next time you will have to configure something :)23:55
szczurafter the instalation23:55
manfredrastaill run that23:56
szczurthe thing you saw before was called "Dialog", it enables you to show "windows" in the terminal based environment. synaptic uses that if it can not create window :)23:56
szczurif only i would be here earlier... :P23:56
szczuryou wouldn have to go through all this :P23:57
szczurnevermind then :)23:57
manfredrastagives an error23:57
manfredrastashouldnt reboot after the installation?23:57
szczurwhat error?23:57
szczurpastebin it :)23:57
szczuryou're runnig synaptic23:59
szczurclose it before trying to install other packages23:59

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