
=== maco2 is now known as maco
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
jussiI am gonna cry21:31
jussisomething wrong with the netbook image I downloaded :(21:32
jussiI cant wait till my internet gets upgraded... 2mbs is painful21:57
jussiespecially at midnight with a 4am morning looming...21:57
duanedesignjussi: ugh. I bet that is frustrating. Waiting all that time only to find out the iso is no good.22:15
jussiduanedesign: yep. lets hope this one is better22:18
* jussi grumbles22:18
jussibig sigh...22:21
jussiduanedesign: ever seen:22:22
jussivesamenu.c32 not a com32 image22:22
jussimeh, Im going to bed. the ubuntu netbook image from the official site is borked.22:22
duanedesignjussi: i have only seen something similar to that whaen creating 10.04 usb disk from 10.10 ?23:02

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