
hallyni'm not thinking right about something.  i have some source in a bzr tree.  i want to build a package from it.  bzr bd insists i need a .orig.tgz, but it's all in (and only in) the bzr tree!  should i just build a bogus .orig.tgz and .changes and debuild -S by hand with that?00:13
hallynclearly i'm not thinking right about something00:14
jonrafkindi screwed up my source package but when I rebuild the package with debuild -S (which builds the same filename as before) I get a rejection saying the file already exists01:37
jonrafkindso is the solution to make a new filename (bump the version)? which means I have to bump the version in all the control/changelog/whatever files?01:38
jonrafkindsorry i meant after i rebuild the package with debuild -S and upload it with dput01:38
ebroderThat's right. You can only upload a particular version of a particular package to a particular repository once01:48
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ebroderDid something replace gdebi as the default .deb file type handler in maverick?02:10
kklimondaebroder: software-center02:10
ebroderHuh. Thanks02:10
sladenebroder: xdg-open somefile.deb02:13
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jonrafkindhow do I get dh-make not to run 'make test' ?03:34
jonrafkindor maybe its just 'dh' that i want03:35
ionjonrafkind: See dh(1), look for “Commands not to run” and “override_dh_auto_test”.03:38
jonrafkindneither of those are in dh or debhelper03:39
jonrafkindman pages03:39
iondebhelper: /usr/share/man/man1/dh.1.gz03:40
jonrafkindcan you send me that file or something? i guess i have an older version than you03:40
jonrafkindactually ill try to find it online i guess03:41
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jonrafkindcan someone show me an example of overriding dhauto test ? I tried adding rules to my makefile 'override_dh_auto_test: echo nothing' but it doesnt take05:42
jonrafkindi also tried override-dh-auto-test05:42
james_wjonrafkind: "override_dh_auto_test:\n\techo foo" is correct05:46
jonrafkinddoes it have to be before the %: dh $@ rule?05:46
jonrafkindhm.. i wonder why its not working05:46
james_wjonrafkind: did you literally write "override_dh_auto_test: echo nothing"?05:47
jonrafkindwell i used the newline and tab stuff05:47
jonrafkindi know makefile syntax05:47
james_wthat's one I wrote just the other day that works05:48
jonrafkindok it didnt work becuase somehow pbuilder installed an old version of dh that didn't recognize the override stuff06:31
jonrafkindwhich is strange considering my local dh does recognize override, so i wonder what pbuild is installing06:31
pk4rHello, is this the right place to ask a few packaging related questions ? I'm currently trying to package a few PHP web applications, while following the official Ubuntu Packaging Guide I feel there're more things to know when it comes to web apps (supporting different servers, post-install configuration etc.).. I downloaded source of phpmyadmin to explore a little bit.. just starting with it. Can anybody give some pointers on that ?09:37
micahgpk4r: if it's for a PPA, #ubuntu-packaging is the place, if it's for the archive, #ubuntu-motu would be the place09:38
hyperairhmm this is interesting. openoffice's orig.tar.gz was 300+M, but libreoffice's is only 13M11:36
hyperairi wonder what's been left out of libreoffice's11:36
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slomohyperair: maybe they don't include copies of every single dependency, including python and other large things ;)11:40
hyperairslomo: oh lol11:40
hyperairslomo: i remember openoffice taking over 2 days to build on a pentium 4 system. i wonder if libreoffice would do the same11:41
hyperairit's kinda hard to imagine 13M of source code taking that long to build.11:41
hyperairi mean hey the kernel was 700M or so...11:41
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Riddellhyperair: the source is actually the go-oo build source, which is just patches for applying to the openoffice.org source12:27
hyperairRiddell: and so.. there's 300M of patches?12:28
Riddellthere's 13M of patches12:29
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alex88hi..i've 2 questions, why after installing the nvidia drivers plymouth gives me low-res splash screen? also, is possible to unlock keyring on login? If i install libpam-keyring and add to /etc/pam.d/gmd i can't login..12:45
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steve|mhi, can anyone confirm that if pressing a multimedia hotkey on the keyboard the left mousebutton doesn't work anymore in the current session in maverick?14:42
steve|mI tried it on 2 different machines, xev even doesn't show the left mouse button click anymore (multimedia keys being Play/Pause, calculator, email and the like)14:51
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steve|mcan anyone confirm this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/65420119:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654201 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "pressing multimedia hotkeys disables left mousebutton" [Undecided,New]19:53
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maxbjames_w: Hi. That bug you just edited - is there another one to track the rest of the NoSuchTag UDD failures?22:33
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jonrafkindim making a source package for my ppa, what is my make install target supposed to do? i tried doing 'mkdir /usr/bin/games; cp my-game /usr/bin/games' but I get a build error that says the mkdir failed because of permission errors22:55
jonrafkinddoes the launchpad builder not run with root permissions?22:56
ebroderjonrafkind: http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/DESTDIR.html22:56
jonrafkindah ok22:56
lifelessjonrafkind: #ubuntu-packaging is probably a better channel for this question; packages install into a staging area not into /usr22:56
jonrafkindso maybe $(DESTDIR)/bin/games22:56
jonrafkindomg, how many different channels are there? so far ive found 322:57
ebroderLots. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:57
ebroderAnd I don't think that list is exhaustive22:57
jonrafkindubuntu loves beauracracy eh?22:57
sladenjonrafkind: you don't install it directly, you install your stuff into some directory where told (DESTDIR in this case), and then the packaging build system will bundle that up22:57
lifelessno, ubuntu is dealing with thousands of people doing stuff at the same time.22:58
sladenjonrafkind: it's more that Ubuntu is quite big.  If would get very noisy if everyone was in the same place22:58
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jonrafkind$DESTDIR is not set in the debian/rules file23:26
zygajonrafkind, is your software written in C?23:28
jonrafkindhm, dh_auto_install sets DESTDIR, but I have my own install target that acts differently23:28
zygajonrafkind, if so you'd save everyone lots of hassle by using autotools23:28
jonrafkindi use scons23:28
zygajonrafkind, that will work too23:28
zygajonrafkind, oh23:29
zygajonrafkind, does scons suport DESTDIR?23:29
jonrafkindthe point is i have my own makefile that when you do 'make install' it runs  another script that asks you some questions about where to install23:29
jonrafkindi could have a separate install target for this dh stuff that used DESTDIR I guess23:29
zygajonrafkind, in packaging that is always a bad idea23:29
jonrafkindwell.. thats debateable23:30
jonrafkindis it possible to get dh_auto_install to use a different target?23:30
zygajonrafkind, you should install to $(DESTDIR)$(something)23:30
zygajonrafkind, you miss the point - the installer is just building the image of the stuff that gets installed by the end user from a package, things have well defined locations, if you want to configure something do that _before_ building you package (configure step in autotools)23:31
zygajonrafkind, I'm not sure I don't do a lot of packaging23:31
jonrafkindi understand how it all works and I know thats what most people do23:31
jonrafkindbut i have decided to do it a different way23:31
zygajonrafkind, it seems that you built an user-friently installer, is that correct?23:32
zygajonrafkind, that should be a separate script IMHO, you should use it to trigger the normal build script/makefile/whatever with arguments23:32
jonrafkindit is a separate script, but so far i have 'make install' just execute that script23:32
zygajonrafkind, well changing it to be exactly opposite is the quickest way to solve your problem23:33
zygajonrafkind, you can still keep the custom installer script23:33
jonrafkindonly to satisfy ubuntu's process23:33
jonrafkindother systems (arch, gentoo) don't have this issue23:34
zygajonrafkind, honestly if your software is open source it's not related to ubuntu, nobody expects a talking installer23:34
jonrafkindwell they are gonna get one!23:34
zygajonrafkind, arch has binary packages correct?23:34
zygajonrafkind, I don't know too much about it but your problem is trying to use interactive steps in an environment that requires none (automated builds)23:35
cjwatsoncould you please take this elsewhere?  I think there was already conversation above indicating that it's more relevant to #ubuntu-packaging than here - we try to reserve this channel for development of Ubuntu itself, so that our developers can focus on that23:35
zygaI understand your desire to use user friendly installer but IMHO you used the wrong place to put your interactivity bits23:35
jonrafkindwell that assumes the way dh works cannot be changed23:35
jonrafkindi asked in #ubuntu-packacing and no one responded, and b) there is no one else talking23:35
zygajonrafkind, cjwatson is right, this is not the right place23:36
cjwatsonb) irrelevant, developers read scrollback23:36
cjwatsonand the fact that another channel is quiet doesn't mean this is the right place for it23:36
jonrafkindzyga, do you wish to join #ubuntu-packaging?23:36
zygawhy not23:37
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