
alouriegood morning08:16
alourieakgraner: ping Amber14:54
alourieinternalkernel: ping15:41
internalkernelalourie: pong, just read your email...15:43
alourieinternalkernel: great, then we can chat for a moment :-)15:44
alourieso, I've added one link to the section. Could you take a look and tell me if it's ok?15:45
alouriesecond, I thought that although not specifically Ubuntu nor Linux related, maybe we should say something about Xmarks? I'm sure a lot of people use them on Ubuntu...15:46
internalkernelalourie: yeah, that link seems to be a good fit...15:49
internalkernelas for xmarks, if there was little to no news in the section I would say go for it - but since we have 4/5 articles as it is... that's probably more than enough.15:50
internalkernelI usually find as many links as I can during the week, then trim some out to the most important and noteworthy articles - based on Ubuntu, Linux, community impact - prioritized in that order...15:51
internalkernelbut that's just a method that works well for me... :)15:51
alourieok then16:13
alourieinternalkernel: so, we're covered for this week then, right?16:14
internalkernelalourie: yes, i think so unless akgraner has some input...16:45
alouriegreat then16:49
alouriestart working on this week news16:49
alourieand man this font is beautiful16:49
nhandlerakgraner: I'll get the team reports done today, but it might not get done until later (going down town for most of the day)16:55
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