
pmatulis_Techie_: where do you see that?00:57
_Techie_pmatulis, see what?00:58
azexianhey, getting a weird issue with a fresh server install, I've uploaded several large files from a client to the server, and upload speed was very quick, now downloading from server from same client I'm barely getting 500KB/s on a 100Mb/s connection, any ideas?01:25
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electrofreaksanity check... is it 100Mbps both ways?01:44
electrofreakwhat kind of protocol? http? ssh? ftp?01:46
azexiansorry only just saw messages, yes 100MB/s both ways, and tried through smb and ssh01:59
* RoyK blames Canada02:09
demonsporkI have an HP Proliant DL380 G3 server and I just install HP System Management Homepage v3.0.2.75, I managed to log into it but it has no data. I thought I had installed all of the necessary tools (all of the HP utilities from the .iso from HP) and they seem to work individually, but the management homepage I can't find hardly any documentation pertaining to it.02:11
demonsporkit is successfully pulling some of the snmp data I have set up, like it found the location from snmp but none of the other data sources are populating anything02:13
MonsterUnchainedHey girls02:40
hggdher, what?02:51
TashiaI have a question about the httpd. Is there a way to add a subdomain?03:13
DatzTashia: have apache2 installed?03:16
TashiaYes. Apache2 is what i meant. Sorry.03:16
DatzTashia: look in /etc/apache2/sites-available/03:17
Datzedit default and add another virtualhost03:18
demonsporkcan't you even use that to add a subdomain to your website with a wildcarded top level domain?03:18
TashiaI am currious about this, Is there a way to have my server run its own DNS so I don't have to subscribe to some other site to have a domain name?03:19
demonsporkyou have to purchase registration of a domain03:19
DatzTashia: also add "servername example.domain.com" to each virtualhost03:19
demonsporkthere is no other way to get a domain name03:19
TashiaDatz, Thanks. I'm trying it now.03:20
demonsporkcan I just use a virtual host to add sub1.example.com and as long as example.com is wildcarded, the server will handle all requests to sub1.example.com with that vhost and example.com will be handled by its own vhost03:20
Datzdemonspork: yes afaik03:21
DatzTashia: have your own domain name, or suing somthing like dyndns?03:21
Datzalso, there is #httpd ;)03:22
demonsporkfreedns.afraid.org is a good free nameserver solution03:22
demonsporkiz nice03:22
Datzah, ok.. I used to use dyndns, but haven't looked around much after that03:22
demonsporkyeah, I like some of dyndns's really short domains that I can get a subdomain for03:23
Datzyea.. but limited in what you can pick, alike any similar service03:24
demonsporkalthough I really ought to get my own domain, it is easier to sell webhosting when you have a website03:24
Datzyea, I'd assume so. :p03:24
TashiaDatz, Do I add a new VirtualHost?03:24
DatzTashia: yes.. you could just copy the old one, and edit it03:24
demonsporkTashia, make a file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/03:25
demonsporkname it after your website03:25
TashiaI added the virtualhost but I can't seem to figure out how to make it a subdomain.03:28
_aegisHi all, I have a question about moving my ubuntu server to a new array...  I've already moved the filesystem to external drives.  When I move the filesystem back to the new array, I think grub will probably have problems.  Do you have any suggestions on how to address possibly grub issues in advance?03:31
Datzadd whever the address is under the "servername" variable03:31
_aegisThis is Ubuntu 10.403:31
TashiaDatz, I added the servername but it says it can not resolve host when I reboot the apache2 server03:32
_aegisHi all, I have a question about moving my ubuntu 10.4.1 x64 server to a new array...  I've already moved the filesystem to external drives.  When I move the filesystem back to the new array, I think grub will probably have problems.  Do you have any suggestions on how to address possibly grub issues in advance?03:34
DatzTashia: sorry, don't know what's wrong. try httpd03:36
Datz_aegis: I don't know the answer, but have you looked here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:38
_aegisdatz: thanks...  I have looked at that regarding grub2 in the past...  grub2 hurts my brain and I can't understand how it works.  So I'm basically asking what I am going to specifically have to do to make this server boot up.  Grub2 is so painful, I can already anticipate it being the problem that makes this fail.03:40
|rt|_aegis: if you boot up on the install cd and choose rescue broken system one of the options it gives you is to reinstall grub03:41
_aegisrt: oh okay...  that sounds awesome...  I'll plan on doing that.  Thanks!03:42
|rt|I don't think it gives you that option though until you tell it to launch a shell on the broken system and then just type exit03:43
|rt|and another menu will get displayed with that option03:43
|rt|I just had to do that on a server I was installing with a raid controller that isn't supported by the kernel yet03:43
_aegiscool...  I'm glad you added that!  I was about to take the server down (and I'm logged into IRC through it...)03:44
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
pennylessSetting up dovecot-postfix with postfixadmin as a web interface on ubuntu server. Look for documentation that addresses all of the above.04:31
pennylessMost of what I've found includes different MDAs such like courier rather than dovecot.04:32
demonsporkHP Server Management Homepage isn't finding any information: I installed all of the utilities from the disk I downloaded to support my Proliant server, including this HPsmh thing and I can log into its interface just fine.  I can't find any useful documentation for this either, so any help or even a link to further documentation would be tremendously helpful04:37
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
MTecknologyAny of you guys know much about EC2? I'm trying to find an idiots type guide to it04:41
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dennis___I have a quick question about how I would setup something in Ubuntu Server05:04
dennis___Im going to be using it as a file server for a bunch of windows computers05:04
dennis___I need the files to be kept on the server and not locally05:05
dennis___but I also need to configure the windows computers to only look for files on the network drive and not locally05:05
dennis___does anyone know how I would do this?05:05
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
dennis___I only want all the client computers to beable to see files on the network pc and not on the local computer05:05
dennis___Anyone around who can help me?05:07
ecelisa winows channel would be better place to ask, you can share your files with ubuntu and samba+but how to restrict your windows users, ...well05:11
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_Techie_is there a server app that i can use to upload files to megaupload with an account?08:14
_Techie_preferably with a web interface08:15
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uvirtbotNew bug: #653950 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.1.0-9ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65395008:51
knollsis there a way for apache to send <variable>.mydomainname.com to another folder in www/?09:01
pennylessknolls, are you wanting to send all traffic from "anything.mydomainname.com" to a separate folder or traffic from "specific.mydomainname.com"?09:04
knollsspecific pennyless09:06
knollsand specific2.mydomainname.com specific3.mydomainname.com etc.09:08
pennylessOk knolls, then you'll want to create an apache config file for your specific subdomain and point to the directory you want as the root directory. Use the default file inside your 'sites-available' folder as a template.09:09
knollswill i name the config file the subdomain name i want it to be?09:10
pennylessI generally create a config file for each domain/subdomain I host. I name them after the domain. So, in this example your file would be named "specific.mydomainname.com.conf". That's my personal preference, but you can name it anything you like.09:12
pennylessWhen you get that setup just run 'a2ensite' to allow apache to set the appropriate symlinks. When that's all done, restart apache.09:14
knollswonderful, thank you pennyless !09:16
pennylessno problem. Glad I could help ;)09:17
demonsporknetwork usage graphing in splunk using the *nix app. HOW DOES IT WORK.  I can generate useful charts of just about everything it seems except for the netowrk stuff. I am currently using BandwidthD so I can graph all of this usage, but I would like to put all of this in the same interface10:01
demonsporkeither that or get a CPU usage/memory monitoring solution that generates either images that I can put in a web page or generates the web page itself, similar to what BandwidthD is doing10:02
kinygosgood morning all...when i run parted -l, i have a number of Error: /dev/md_d6: unrecognised disk label...i'd like to use parted /dev/md_d6 rm to delete that partition (which no longer exists)...but i'm being warned that i should not use Parted unless i REALLY know what i'm doing...10:45
kinygosi am trying to reset my second disk (where these partitions did exist)...10:45
kinygosactually, apologies, i'm just going to do it...convinced myself while typing10:46
kinygosand it didn't do anything...10:47
kinygosdoes anyone know how i can get rid of these partition table errors?10:48
demonsporkso do you need anything left on that second disk?10:50
kinygosnope...trying to reset it completely10:50
demonsporkhave you tried fdisk to delete it10:50
kinygosfdisk -l doesn't list the /dev/md_dx partitions10:51
kinygosi still have the underlying /dev/sdbx partitions...10:52
demonsporkok, then I am confused about what you are trying to do10:53
demonsporkwhat is the md_dx thing you are trying to delete?10:53
kinygosi have a remote server that came with a second physical disk installed, but not mounted or partitioned...i've been trying to install raid on the server...10:54
demonsporkah, trying to RAID it, now I understand more what is going on10:55
kinygosi have no access to external media, so am trying to do it on a running system...10:55
kinygosi think that my earlier attempts are affecting my future attempts...so i'm trying to totally remove any reference to raid on that disk10:55
knollsonce i set up the subdomains, do i just add the subdomain to my domain registrar and put in my ipaddress as the dns target?  i don't have my own nameserver just from editing apache config files do i?10:56
kinygosi can reset the first disk with an automated re-image from the ISP, but they don't do anything to the second disk10:56
demonsporkknolls, no, you don't have it just from editing the config files, but if you wildcard the top level domain the apache server can tell when someone requests "sub1.example.com" versus "example.com" and handles them differently based upon the virtualhosts I imagine you have just spent some time configuring10:58
demonsporkat least that is my understanding10:58
demonsporkwildcard means that all requests to an unknown subdomain get sent to the top level domain's IP address10:59
knollsyeah actually it turns out all you really need to do is edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf it's a very simple setup, but i didnt realize i had to request a subdomain from my registrar10:59
knollsi'll see what happens after this thing updates, thanks demon10:59
demonsporkeasiest way is to leave httpd.conf alone10:59
demonsporkuse /etc/apache2/sites-available/11:00
knollsand just make a copy of default.conf in sites-available and change the name?11:00
demonsporkand change the properties like servername and stuff11:00
demonsporkand then use a2ensite newsitename11:00
knollswhat does a2ensite stand for11:01
demonsporkapache 2 enable site11:01
demonsporkall it does is creates a symlink from yoru site in sites-available/ to sites-enabled/11:01
demonsporkI have even gone so far as to make the sites-available config rw for the user running the site11:05
demonsporkbut that can be dangerous if you do it to random people on the internet you is hositng for11:05
kinygosmdadm --query /dev/md_d6 says that /dev/md_d6 is an md device which is not active, but mdadm --remove /dev/md_d6 has no effect...i've found a suggestion online to simply rm -rf /dev/md_d611:09
kinygosis that "safe" to do?11:09
kinygos(i'm trying to remove all trace of the raid)11:10
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qman__gah, file server locked up again12:48
qman__sysrq not working this time12:52
kucumberon my server I've not got a "www" folder on my user, to allow files to be accessed via the IP do i need to copy them to root?12:54
kucumberI would like to make a media file on my server either downloadable or I would like to test mplayer , there is no www folder in my user - i'm on ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx server12:55
qman__there would not normally be a www folder in your home directory12:56
qman__you need to install a file sharing service of some kind in order to share files12:56
qman__there is none by default12:56
kucumberi'm using lxde12:58
kucumberany recommendations as to what to use.12:58
qman__well, if you want HTTP, apache is the recommended web server12:59
qman__sudo tasksel install lamp-server12:59
qman__if you want file sharing with windows clients, samba is the best choice13:00
kucumberright, well locally I use linux mint13:01
kucumberand on my server I use ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx13:02
kucumberi've been using linux about 3 months so a bit of a noob13:02
kucumberbut getting though it and loving what i've learned13:02
kucumberso qman__ will installing lamp-server give that user a www directory?13:03
kucumberlike my webhosting servers?13:03
qman__it will install apache with a default site located at /var/www13:03
qman__if you want a userdir configuration you'll have to set that up manually13:03
kucumberfor that specific user?13:03
qman__no, in /var/www13:03
kucumberah i see13:03
qman__you CAN set it up that way, but it requires significant configuration13:04
qman__also, the most common way to do userdir web directories uses /home/$USER/public_html/13:04
kucumberso if for example i put files into that dir from a user (not root) then the user has full access to those files (mod)13:04
kucumberjust like logging in via ftp on a webhosting package13:05
qman__ /var/www is owned by www-data, regular users can't put files there by default13:05
kucumbercan I "sudo" files there13:05
qman__yes, but then they're root-owned13:05
kucumberright, in my case I believe ownership doesn't really matter as long as it's universally readable13:06
qman__if it's only you putting files there for local network access, the default site should suffice13:06
kucumberwell it would be net wide access i'd imagine....13:07
kucumberif it's on the ip13:07
qman__http is only a protocol13:08
qman__you have to configure your router to serve pages to the internet13:08
kucumberokay - lost me a little, however, the server is remote13:09
qman__in that case, then yes13:09
kucumberand a dedicated server from ovh.co.uk13:09
qman__if you're the only one who needs write access, the default site should be fine13:10
kucumbercool, so simply install the lamp server as suggested13:11
qman__yes, and openssh-server if you haven't already13:11
qman__as that's the best way to securely upload files13:11
kucumberalso what was the command tasksel?13:11
qman__sudo tasksel install lamp-server13:12
kucumberwhat do you mean open ssh server? I ssh to the server to use the terminal if that's what you mean13:12
kucumberhowever - "tasksel" what's this command?13:12
qman__tasksel allows you to install services, basically13:13
qman__it's used at the end of the install, where you choose the checkboxes13:13
qman__but you can use it any time13:13
kucumberi'll give it a go now13:13
qman__it's the simplest way to install apache, php, and mysql13:13
kucumbercool, does it matter that i'm logging in via a user rather than root13:14
qman__you shouldn't ever be logging in as root directly13:14
qman__that's what sudo is for13:14
qman__sudo literally comes from the command name su, and the word do13:14
kucumberyea cool, I don;t just for the nature of this installation I thought it *might* be required, but that's good it's not.13:15
qman__as in switch-user, do this13:15
qman__if your server is not configured as such already, you should ensure root cannot log in over SSH13:16
qman__otherwise you're fairly vulnerable13:16
kucumberwell I think I can13:18
kucumberhowever, it's a remote server, so i kinda need to...13:18
qman__no, you don't13:18
qman__that's exactly what sudo is for13:18
qman__as your user, log in and run 'sudo -i'13:18
qman__when you run SSH on the internet, it's a given that you will be attacked by bots13:21
qman__and it's also a given that these bots will attempt to brute force root's password13:21
qman__by not allowing root to log in over SSH, you eliminate this possible intrusion13:22
qman__as well as more targeted attacks on root's account13:22
qman__you put another unknown factor into the mix, your user name13:22
qman__instead of the given 'root'13:22
qman__by default ubuntu doesn't have a root password at all13:23
qman__but if you want one, you should still disable root logins over SSH13:23
knolls_can i monitor users in real time using the cli on my server?13:54
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
kucumberhow do I go about disabling root logins over SSH? and why is it important i do so/14:16
qman__you have two options14:18
qman__disabling root logins altogether by unsetting root's password14:18
qman__or setting "PermitRootLogon No" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config14:18
qman__it's important because doing so reduces your attack surface14:19
qman__if root can't log in, they can't break in as root directly14:20
qman__they have to first compromise a user account, then attack root14:20
qman__or attack vulnerable software--far more difficult to do and less likely to exist than a misconfiguration14:20
qman__the most common attacks will not even attempt to break any accounts other than root14:21
kucumberah i see14:34
kucumberbut in what way could I login to make system edits in the future, say the system is compromised, what if the usr password is changed, i'm totally locked out of my server14:35
RoyKyou should have an admin user with sudo access14:38
RoyKalso, login as root will be enabled on the console14:38
RoyKthe physical one or a serial or network console14:38
* RoyK still uses serial console for some linux boxes - it works (tm)14:39
kucumberi just worry a little as it's totally remote access14:49
kucumberno physical access to my server14:49
RoyKkucumber: just create an admin user or two and allow them sudo access14:56
RoyKif a root password is not set during install, the server can be rebooted into single user mode without a password14:56
RoyKthat is, a root password must be set after installation for a password to be required in single user mode14:57
kucumberi see14:58
kucumberso how do i disallow root ssh access?15:00
RoyK[15:18]  <qman__> or setting "PermitRootLogon No" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:00
RoyKand then, using something like fail2ban or denyhosts is a good addition to stop worms trying to ssh in on 'standard' users15:01
kinygosi've just had my server re-imaged, logged in, launched grub, and from the grub prompt entered find /boot/grub/stage1...i get file not found.  am i doing something wrong?  ubuntu 9.04, grub 0.9715:04
* RoyK hands kinygos an usb cdrom and a 10.04 server cd15:05
kinygosRoyK: i know :)15:05
kinygosRoyK: i'm starting to think there's something dodgy with this ISP's "standard" installation15:06
kinygosshould grub have been able to find /boot/grub/stage1 on at least (hd0) which my server booted from?15:07
kinygosdf /boot tells me /dev/sda5, and in there i have a grub directory containing stage1 :(15:09
kucumberis it ovh kinygos?15:12
kinygoskucumber: i'm just googling ovh - never heard that term before..one sec15:13
kinygosis ovh a hosting company???? (lol if my google speed reads fail)15:15
RoyKkinygos: which hosting company are you using?15:15
kinygosuk company called fasthosts15:16
* RoyK is just curious to know where he shouldn't buy services15:16
kinygosthey've been around a long time, with mixed reviews online15:16
kinygosuname -a gives Linux server88-208-208-121.live-servers.net 2.6.28-19-generic #65-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:24:42 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:17
RoyKusing 9.04 on their servers and not allowing mirrored disks on installs seems a bad start to me15:17
kinygosit's not that they don't allow it, they just don't configure it on their ubuntu builds...if i'd gone with windows or centos, i would've had raid15:18
kinygosi don't understand how grub is my bootloaded, but it couldn't find /boot/grub/stage1 or15:19
kinygossorry...or grub/stage1 or stage115:20
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kinygosi'm such a donut...when i launch grub, it sets its root to /boot already...so what i needed to type was find /grub/stage1  apologies15:40
* RoyK starts throwing 10.04 server CDs in kinygos's direction15:41
kinygosRoyK: how do you do those emotes with irssi??15:42
* RoyK uses xchat on os x15:42
kinygosi'm running irssi...what you typed there came up as * RoyK users xchat on os x15:42
* RoyK nods15:43
* kinygos runs away hiding15:43
* oCean wiggles15:43
kinygosoCean: thanks :)15:43
kinygosRoyK: i think i've installed grub on my second hard disk...should i be doing anything to /etc/fstab before i attempt to reboot?16:01
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
fluvvellMy first 10.04 server install, going to replace an existing hardy and need a couple of raid0 partitions. Do I bother with LVM. I haven't done LVM since fedora days... any suggestions as to why I should ?16:13
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fluvvellDuh, I mean raid116:31
qman__LVM offers a little more flexibility should you decide to modify your configuration later16:40
qman__entirely optional16:40
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
fluvvellcan I do the raid1 first, then LVM over that?16:42
fluvvellOh I just found a good article, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html16:44
qman__yes, that's how it's done16:44
qman__md, then lvm, then filesystem16:44
qman__or without it, md, then filesystem16:44
RoyKkinygos: /etc/fstab should have the md devices16:45
fluvvellqman__, thanks :-)  I was a bit confused when LVM came up early in the install process, but raid options weren't so obvious.16:49
RoyKfluvvell: why not just md?16:50
RoyKmirroring on md is very well tested16:51
fluvvellRoyK, what do you mean "just md"?  and how much should I worry about grub2 on install? some people are complaining that it makes the system unbootable16:58
jMylesI have it in my head right now that I"d like to pipe ALL incoming email to a python program.  Is this crazy?  It is relatively easy to do?  Do I even still need postfix at this point?17:02
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
qman__my guess is that you might as well just implement the mail server into your python program17:05
qman__the modules probably already exist for doing such17:05
qman__unless you need some of the features of postfix17:06
RoyKfluvvell: grub2 works well on my installations, with or without software raid117:11
fluvvellRoyK, yeah just reading this thread... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1474950&page=217:12
jMylesqman__: No, I don't think I need any of the features of postfix, but I can't find a place to get started on implementing the mail server into my python program.  When someone sends something to someone@myserver, what is happening?  How does postfix know to kick up?17:13
RoyKfluvvell: dunno - all I can say is that it works well on my setups17:14
RoyKwe have 5 boxes or so with software raid1 for the root fs17:15
fluvvellRoyK, and you installed from scratch with a 10.04.1 cd ?  I have other boxes running software raid on root fs too, but I cant remember how I set them up, may have added raid later on. they're all pre hardy, now upgraded to hardy tho.17:16
RoyKfluvvell: 10.4 from scratch, ye17:26
RoyKfluvvell: 10.4 from scratch, yes17:26
RoyKit§s possible to add a mirror later, but reinstalling is far quicker in most cases17:27
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
ehcahHello. What is the worst possible scenario for uninstalling ebox and reinstalling webmin to manage my 10.4 Server install? I undertand that webmin is not supported. However, I can perform a lot of management from terminal. Webmin's web GUI is great for reviewing changes. Ebox on the other hand will overwrite any and all terminal based changes, which is useless to me.18:05
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
kinygosRoyK: (or anyone who's been following my install-RAID drama) is there any chance you could spare a few more moments of your time?  i've installed grub on my second disk, updated the fstab, but on booting from that second disk, it reverts to the first drive...i'm looking for some pointers at things i should check to make sure grub can pick up the raid and boot from it18:20
RoyKkinygos: pastebin fstab18:23
kinygosRoyK: http://dpaste.com/252527/18:26
kinygosi've updated the fstab on the mounted raid partition, not the one on the first disk18:26
kinygosRoyK: my blkid output is http://dpaste.com/252528/18:27
kinygosRoyK: i've just noticed something...when i boot from the second drive, i select the RAID entry i added to menu.lst, and the screen shows init: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/0f94....) where the uuid is that of my first disk's swap partition...maybe i've not configured menu.lst correctly?  menu.lst: http://dpaste.com/252532/18:40
kinygosbut there's no reference to the swap there....do i need to treat the swap partition especially?  the swap partition has the boot flag set on both sda1 and sdb1...should it be set somehow on md1?18:42
demonsporkiftop's first column of information used to tell me which of my IP addresses was being used for each of the connections being monitored. Now it just says "myserver.local".  How do I get it to stop doing that? I still want to see the reverse lookups for the other connection (second column) so the -n option isn't going to work.19:16
demonsporkit says myserver.local no matter what the actual IP is19:16
demonsporkcan I set up my hosts file to distinguish between each of my external IP addresses when iftop does its lookups?19:17
demonsporklike name each of them internally19:17
erfiugI am looking for a service to allow users to open gnome sessions remotely19:40
erfiugI tried VNC but it only allows a user per time19:40
erfiugany idea?19:41
ecelisuse xdmcp19:42
ecelisif security is a concern, use xdmcp over vpn or ssh tunnel at least19:44
erfiugYes, I am reading some info about this, I might try to use this tomorrow thanks :)19:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #654227 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96.3 dfsg-2ubuntu0.10.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65422719:51
kinygosRoyK: i think i've done it !!!! :)20:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #654249 in libnss-ldap (main) "libnss-ldap create troubles in gnome session when ldap server is unreacheable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65424920:46
eriksson25Anyone in that is good with proftpd?20:47
=== harrsonk_away is now known as harrsonk
RoyK^eriksson25: there are probably people around that can help you if you ask a real question20:52
* RoyK^ just uses vsftp when ftp is needed20:52
eriksson25Oki, first some basic background info. Have been using proftpd for a long time. But the rpm relese is bad and filled with bugs. So compiled the new 1.3.3b and installed. Have it runing but cant get it to use tls. I have the same config file as in the old 1.3.2 and it wount work.20:56
eriksson25It just lets ju in plain and simple, and gets  500 AUTH not understood  If I try to use auth tls20:57
eriksson25And my other question is how I star/stop/restart it now. I used to have it as a init.d but now they use inetd and I havent got it to work on restarting/stoping.20:58
eriksson25RoyK^ How hard is it to set up fsftp with tls, and difrent user root directorys. And hidden/locked folders.21:01
RoyK^chrooting vsftpd?21:06
RoyK^or just google.com21:06
eriksson25Well, I was realy looking to solve my proftpd  since it has been working well for me and "almost" everything is set up.21:07
RoyK^sorry - the rpm release is buggy?21:08
eriksson25Yes, buggy as hell21:08
RoyK^but then, ubuntu doesn't use rpm21:09
eriksson25sorry, I ment the reposotory version.21:09
eriksson25Have been googleing and trying for 6h straight now21:09
eriksson25So a litle tired of it.21:09
RoyK^something like 95% of open source ftp servers uses vsftpd21:10
RoyK^I would guess there is a reason for that21:10
RoyK^proftpd was the big thing in the ninetees21:10
eriksson25Is there a problem runing two vsftpd besides eachother?21:11
RoyK^you can't run two ftp servers on the same port21:11
eriksson25no ofc not21:11
eriksson25Thing is that I have a friend that runs vsftp on my server (for small stuf) And I dont want to interfear with his setup. But he runs it on a other port.21:13
kinygosreally dumb question, but is there any way to tell what is making a device or resource busy?  i'm trying to add a disk partition to a raid array (i've managed to do it for 4 other arrays)21:16
kinygosdoes anyone know anything about the default options in the legacy grub menu.lst file?21:19
guntbertkinygos: q1) fuser -m <file on that device>21:21
_rubenkinygos: could you try to be even more vague regarding grub? :P21:21
_rubenas for partitioning raid arrays, i tend to just use lvm for that21:22
kinygosguntbert: thanks...i'll give that a go :)21:22
guntbertkinygos: you're welcome :-) read man fuser for details21:23
kinygos_ruben: there are lines in the menu.lst file that have a single # in front of them, but the instructions say to just edit them...i just wondered if the single # was not a comment21:23
guntbertkinygos: are you certain, that you are still using grub1 ?21:26
_rubenkinygos: they're comments indeed, but ubuntu's kernel upgrade scripts do use some of those comments, note that those comments are between special markers, like : ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST21:26
kinygosguntbert: i am indeed...grub-install -v gives 0.97 (this is an isp build of a server)21:27
kinygosguntbert: i've been trying to install RAID on it all week before upgrading to 10.04 LTS21:27
ehcahCan anyone explain what damage webmin might do to a 10.4 Server install? I know it is unsupported, but I'm not clear what harm it can bring.21:27
kinygos_ruben: ah, that makes sense...thanks21:28
kinygosi am so close to installing RAID on this server, and yet so far :( i can't add the partition mounted on / to my raid array :(21:29
kinygosi thought i'd figured out my problem - i was pointing the kernel root at the physical disk partition, but when i set it to the raid partition, the server fails to boot, probably because the raid hasn't been mounted...is it possible to mount the raid before grub kicks in?21:38
lifelesshardware or software raid ?21:39
kinygosduring boot, i get the error ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/e68d4... does not exist. Dropping to a shell....21:39
kinygoswith md21:39
lifelesshaving /boot on that is extremely tricky.21:40
lifelessthere are some guides around - I suggest googling. I don't know if it works with grub2.21:40
fluvvellecelis, I struggled with the whole xdmcp thing earlier this year for a remote user who only needed email and firefox. I settled for straight ssh with certificates. Two icons on the desk for the email and browser called the programs directly on the server. But what I found was that xdmcp is going through some major changes so things are not working right.21:51
fluvvellecelis, certainly not for lucid. Things were easier with 9.04, but there was no real security on the connection. Fine for a relatively closed local network.21:53
mgolischnx ftw21:55
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
eagles0513875hey guys im having issues with mysql server 5.1 and it accepting remote connections from my laptop how can i fix that22:11
pmatuliseagles0513875: make sure the server's authentication tables are set up appropriately.  also, that the server is listening on the appropriate interface & port you're trying to connect to22:13
eagles0513875pmatulis: im using the default 3306 port22:14
pmatuliseagles0513875: then investigate the other stuff22:14
eagles0513875pmatulis: not sure what else is wrong22:16
pmatuliseagles0513875: did you set up authentication for your connecting user (or host)?22:17
eagles0513875pmatulis: i dont have a 2nd user setup yet22:19
eagles0513875only root user22:19
pmatuliseagles0513875: you're trying to connect with the root user?22:19
mgolischso you cant connect at all?22:19
mgolischdid you enable network?22:19
eagles0513875this is the error i got FHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection closed by foreign host.22:20
mgolischby default mysql only allows local connections via a unix socket22:20
eagles0513875wait a min22:20
mgolischoh that looks like a message from your mysql server22:20
eagles0513875i tried telnetting into the port22:21
pmatuliseagles0513875: is the server allowing root to connect from your host?22:22
eagles0513875nope :(22:22
eagles0513875im using mysql qorkbench to connect and its not22:22
mgolischdoes it give the same message there?22:23
mgolischodd never saw a message like that, looks like somekind of tcpwrapper host.allow/deny thing22:24
mgolischeagles0513875: maybe look at your mysql.user table22:26
mgolischit probably does not contain the hostname you connect from22:27
eagles0513875mgolisch: should in this case use my internal ip since im on the same subnet as the server22:27
mgolischyou probably only have an etry for user = root host=localhost22:27
pmatuliseagles0513875: so you need to tell the server to allow the connection22:27
mgolischthat wont allow connections from any host but localhost22:27
eagles0513875wait a min22:28
eagles0513875mgolisch:  and pmatulis i think there is also another serious issue Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 6122:31
eagles0513875networkign issue22:31
eagles0513875what ip should i be using to try and access the server my internal ip or external22:32
mgolischhow do you access it?22:34
mgolischalso what does the bind-address line look like in your my.cnf?22:35
eagles0513875mgolisch: atm im on the internal network22:36
eagles0513875but when im not home ill access with the static ip i have22:36
eagles0513875and the bind-address atm is local host22:36
mgolischit should have the ip you want it to listen on there or to listen on all availiable ips/interfaces22:36
eagles0513875not sure what to put it22:36
eagles0513875ahhh ok22:36
mgolischthis probably fixes your error22:37
eagles0513875nope :(22:37
eagles0513875restarting server maybe that does it22:37
eagles0513875my server sounds like an airplane at boot up22:37
eagles0513875mgolisch: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server22:39
eagles0513875im out for now mgolisch22:39
eagles0513875ill try figure this out during lectures22:39
eagles0513875can talk to the work bench devs22:39
eagles0513875maybe get some help from them22:39
mgolischits because of the user table22:40
mgolischit doesnt contain that host22:40
=== Richard is now known as Guest81533
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
corpsegrindrHey, i was wondering if it is possible to limit user access to certian files on a network based on there ip address23:21
Guest81533i need to create a grub.conf file for a mounted drive that has my ubutu-server insalled on it... i installed grub with grub-install but that didn't create the grub.conf file... grub-mkconfig returns error about no finding /23:53
Guest81533using a live CD to try and fix the problem23:53
eriksson25how do I restart the vsftpd deamon ?23:55
iarperiksson25: stop and then start it.23:56
eriksson25with what? Not init.d it complaines. Wont me to use service vsftpd restart but id dont work23:57
iarperiksson25: /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop then start.23:57
eriksson25Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)23:58
eriksson25utility, e.g. service vsftpd stop23:58
eriksson25Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an23:58
eriksson25Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start vsftpd23:58

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