
Hydroziiin ubuntu i can press ctrl+alt+arrowdirection to move a window to another workspace...01:10
Hydroziii want to set that up in xubuntu but i dont do the command?01:10
Hydroziidont know the command*01:10
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invisiblemanhey guys03:24
invisiblemani am having trouble with my distro.03:24
invisiblemanon startup i get this error03:24
invisiblemanhappened after insatlling03:24
invisiblemanIP tables03:25
invisiblemanany idea why?03:25
ChaiwallaProblem:  When I boot up Xubuntu, it shows my desktop pictures, and desktop icons (Home, Recycle Bin etc.) for a few seconds, then it HIDES THE DESKTOP BACKGROUND and the ICONS.  and shows me a plain BROWN background.  How do I fix this?06:12
moetunesChaiwalla:  if you can open a terminal check if the desktop manager is running with   ps aux | grep xfdesktop06:21
Chaiwallaok I'll try that in a minute, its doing an update06:25
Chaiwallawhat exactly does that command do "ps aux | grep xfdesktop"06:25
moetunesit checks all running processes for a match to xfdesktop06:27
moetunesand returns a match or nothing06:27
Chaiwallaok I typed it06:27
Chaiwallait gave a bunch of numbers and then says xfdesktop in read06:28
Chaiwallawhat do I do?06:30
moetunesI would try in terminal   killall -v xfdesktop && xfdesktop &   and see if it returns errors or gets the wallpaper and icons back06:30
Chaiwalla"killall -v xfdesktop && xfdesktop &"06:30
Chaiwallatype that?06:30
moetunesno quotes tho06:31
Chaiwallaok lemme try that06:33
ChaiwallaI typed it06:45
Chaiwallaand xfcedesktop: no process found06:45
moetunesit is xfdesktop not xfcedesktop06:46
ChaiwallaI mean xfdesktop: no processfound06:46
ChaiwallaI types it correctly06:46
moetunesso try   xfdesktop &   - we are trying to see if it gives errors06:47
Chaiwallawhat do I type?  put it in quotes so I don't mess up06:48
ChaiwallaI just typed "xfdesktop" and pressed enter to see what happened06:48
Chaiwallaand it made my desktop come back :-)06:49
moetunesthat's fne06:49
Chaiwallahow can I make sure it stays that way?06:49
Chaiwallamaybe I'll try rebooting and see what happens06:49
moetunesI would06:49
jrmythe desktop?06:52
jrmyas in x?06:52
jrmysounds like fail06:52
moetunes<Chaiwalla> Problem:  When I boot up Xubuntu, it shows my desktop pictures, and desktop icons (Home, Recycle Bin etc.) for a few seconds, then it HIDES THE DESKTOP BACKGROUND and the ICONS.  and shows me a plain BROWN background.  How do I fix this?06:52
moetunesxfdesktop starts then fails06:53
ChaiwallaI'm rebooting now06:53
Chaiwallaand I clicked to save session06:53
moetunesgood idea06:53
jrmyi remember when i had a problem with gnome.. the panels wouldnt show up06:54
jrmyit was a nightmare06:54
Chaiwallacan I have a slide show in Ristretto?07:12
jrmywhy do i have to pay for shipping when getting a free xubuntu cd/dvd?07:41
jrmywhat is the command for play, next, last, and stop for keystrokes pertaining to music playing?08:25
moetunesdepends on what you use to play 'em08:26
jrmywell if im using rhythm box does it use the system keys?08:27
jrmyer whatever08:27
moetunesI don't use it but I'm sure in terminal   man rhythmbox  will tell - or there will be something in the menu08:28
jrmywell i setup volume keys08:29
jrmyi would think there would be commands for those as well08:30
jrmywell anyone know the commands for play, stop, next, and previous?08:41
jrmyto bad ubuntu isnt lightweight. it was much easier setting up shortcut keys for system commands09:03
moetunesI did sugeest looking at rhythmboxs' menu09:03
moetunessuggest even09:03
jrmyi can already use the shortcuts provided i just want to setup the system command ones09:04
jrmynvm these dont work outside of the program09:05
moetunesI don't know what you mean by "system command ones" - I've made bash scripts to use amixer to change the volume using keyboard shortcuts09:06
jrmyand furthermore there doesnt seem to be a way to find what it is you suggested otherwise09:06
jrmyone sec09:06
jrmyaumix -v0, aumix -v10, aumix +10.. will control volume09:08
jrmyfirst is mute second volume down 10 and volume up 1009:08
jrmythese are commands09:08
moetunesI use   amixer -qc 0 set Headphone 5%+   to turn it up here09:09
jrmywell what would make it stop, play, next and previous?09:09
jrmyv is volume obviously09:09
moetunesagain   man rhythmbox   will give a clue on that09:10
moetunesor ask again in a bit when more folk are awake09:11
jrmyah.. its late anyways09:11
knome!hi | sinichiro14:28
ubottusinichiro: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:28
sinichiroOkay. I have internet coming into my xubuntu with a lan cable and I've been trying to get that laptop to transmit the internet over wifi to my xp laptop with no success.15:51
Sysiclick icon in panel "create new wireless" ?15:52
sinichiroDid that. The wifi network even shows up on xp.15:52
sinichiroAlas xp can't get a single byte from the internet.15:53
Sysiit should just work..15:53
sinichiroSo they say.15:53
Sysiwhat wireless card?15:54
Sysican you check it's not in xp machine?15:54
sinichiroBroadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller in xubuntu laptop15:56
Sysipropietary driver?15:57
sinichiroIntel Pro/Wireless 2200BG in xp laptop15:57
sinichiroYup, proprietary as usual for Broadcom.15:59
sinichiroWhen I tried to do it from xp's side - as in plug the lan into xp and share wifi to xubuntu - the wifi network didn't show up on xubuntu's wifi llist.16:00
sinichiroBoth laptops can connect to regular wifi networks floating around here, so whatever is wrong is wrong with the adhoc I'm trying to create.16:02
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TheSheepfunny thing, TERM is set to 'dummy' in recent 10.10 in xfce4-terminal, even though I have it configured to use xterm-color19:18
TheSheepvery annoying19:19
mark76Haven't you had that problem before?19:19
TheSheephappened right after update today19:20
TheSheep(upgrade from lucid to maverick)19:21
mark76Ah okay. Must have been someone else19:21
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Guest4751how can I show mounted and unmounted partitions in thunar?19:48
pedro_my menu bar is not there23:01
pedro_how can i activate??23:01
pedro_it disapered23:01
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/23:03
lamiskahi, iam absolutely new to linux and i want to make work compiz fusion, i installed it via synaptic, also copiz settings and icon, then i start it using that icon, and set up some things like blur windows, fire, minimalizing effect, but its not working, any ideas?23:53

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