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mrooney1hey all, is there a way to delete a release? I see I can delete a series and a milestone01:58
mrooney1I've accidentally created one but the series and milestone are valid01:59
mrooney1oh, I found it, the tiny "minus" symbol. that should probably be a trash can to be consistent with the other metaphors02:00
wgrantIt may be attempting to indicate that you're unreleasing the milestone, rather than deleting the release.02:01
mrooney1it says it is a permanent thing, I don't think an unreleased release exists, right?02:01
wgrantSince that's the new metaphor now -- a release is just a special state of a milestone.02:01
wgrantRight, an unreleased release is just a milestone.02:02
mrooney1the language is consistent across them all "delete (series/milestone/release)"02:02
mrooney1just a different icon for release02:03
mrooney1I guess I could file a minor bug or something, I wonder what component that would live on02:03
wgrantThat's probably mostly a holdover from when releases were more separate.02:03
wgrantlaunchpad-registry is the relevant project.02:03
mrooney1yeah, it certainly has evolved to be more usable02:08
mrooney1I've seen the whole "you have to create a milestone and release it to upload something" confuse new people, but it is much improved02:09
wgrantThe whole series workflow is still a little confusing, but it's better than it was.02:09
mrooney1wgrant: you were assisting me yesterday I think, in figuring out what to do with my PPA on an open team02:14
wgrantmrooney1: That's right.02:14
wgrantDid you delete it?02:14
mrooney1I've created a closed developer team as the new PPA home, and uploaded it there02:14
mrooney1but if I just delete the other PPA, those users will just get apt errors on update, right?02:14
mrooney1i'm trying to decide if it is helpful or evil to push out an update that adds the new repository, then delete the PPA a week or so later02:15
wgrantHow many users does it have?02:16
mrooney1people using the PPA, or users on the team?02:16
wgrantThat sounds fairly evil.02:16
wgrantThe PPA.02:16
mrooney1hm I don't think that is exposed, is it?02:16
wgrantWell... I exposed it a few months ago, but the data isn't populated yet.02:16
mrooney1oh, is there any way I can figure that out?02:17
wgrantNot yet.02:17
wgrantMaybe later this week, if we are lucky.02:17
mrooney1from the small anonymous stats I do have, it looks like it gets 5-10 installs/upgrades a day02:21
mrooney1I don't release often so that seems like a non-trivial amount, alas02:21
mrooney1wgrant: well thanks for your thoughts and help, I will check back later this week and see if any stats are available by chance!02:40
wgrantmrooney1: We can hope...02:41
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ : all systems operational | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
fta2hi, i want to import the translations files from chromium into launchpad, but i'm not sure how to do that07:21
fta2chromium/trunk is my main packaging branch, but i don't want to use that for the translations07:22
fta2(and the real chromium trunk is not really importable)07:23
wgrantfta2: Why do you want to import them? Chromium doesn't use Launchpad for translations, does it?07:38
wgrantAnd why isn't its trunk importable? Submodules, or just a bazillion included libraries in usual Google fashion?07:39
fta2wgrant, yep.07:40
fta2wgrant, i wrote a converter for the grd/xtb files google uses (some xslt files) to gettext's pot/po07:41
fta2i know have all the pot/po needing translations07:42
danilosfta2, lp can only import translations from a default series branch (you'll probably need to use a separate series if you can't change the default series)07:43
fta2seems it's doing something..07:53
fta2what is that Approval thingy? who needs to approve that?07:54
wgrantSome have already been imported.07:55
fta2ok, let's see how it does from there.08:01
wgrantIt's imported the templates (except for one that failed), but the translations seem to need manual approval.08:04
fta2wgrant, where can i see the errors?08:06
daniloswgrant, fta2: do note that translations can be approved only when templates have been approved, so it needs to separate "approver" script runs (and that can take a few hours when there's many of the files in 'needs review' state in the import queue)08:06
danilosfta2, https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/+imports08:06
wgrantThe expandy thing to show the error doesn't work for me.08:06
wgrantIt just sits there spinning forever.08:06
wgrantdanilos: Ah, I see.08:06
fta2got it by email: Line 6072: String not terminated08:06
fta2ok, i see, i need to handle that in my converter08:09
danilosfta2, do you have an unescaped quote somewhere inside a string?08:10
fta2yep, i'm already dealing with lots of stuff during the conversion, including various escaping (as my source is xml-ish), but i apparently miss that one08:12
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socsomehow my wiki.ubuntu.com account links to the wrong lauchpad user name, can this be fixe?08:54
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fta2danilos, wgrant: fixed my broken .pot file. what should i do to have all my .po files approved now?09:40
danilosfta2, basically wait a few hours09:40
fta2danilos, for the exports, do i need to provide an existing branch? (i want a new branch; so i have no starting point for those exports)09:44
danilosfta2, yes, you need to create a new branch09:44
danilosfta2, it's related to code-hosting requirements in LP, we'd ideally just let you not worry about it, but we can't :(09:45
danilosfta2, also, do take notice that you have to set it as a personal branch (you can move it to be a team branch later) due to bug on our side09:45
eugenesanHi, I am getting timeouts while trying to copy packages from one PPA to another, any solution?09:53
bigjoolseugenesan: copy fewer packages at the same time09:53
eugenesanbigjools: I am already trying one by one :-(.09:55
bigjoolseugenesan: are you using the edge server?09:55
bigjools(this tends to happen with packages that have a lot of binaries unfortunately)09:56
eugenesanbigjools: Just switched to regular server, and still the same.09:56
eugenesanbigjools; And yes, packages are big (linux)09:56
bigjoolsyou've got practically no chance of copying that, sorry :/  It *might* work sometimes but it's rare.  We know we need to fix this....09:57
eugenesanI see, thanks for explanation.09:58
zygahi, I just pushed a branch for merge review and something seems to be broken, there are three revisions yet the diff is empty. I downloaded the branch again and confirmed the revisions are there. Is there a way I could use to generate the same diff locally that launchpad shows on the merge request page?10:07
zyga(this is the offending merge request)10:07
sorenzyga: It looks accurate to me.10:10
sorenYou've specified lp:~zkrynicki/launch-control/stable.pipe as a prerequisite.10:10
zygasoren, could you explain?10:10
sorenThere are no additional changes in lp:~zkrynicki/launch-control/layout-changes.10:10
zygasoren, oh, you are right10:11
zygasoren, I'm using the bzr-pipeline plugin10:11
sorenAll the changes you have in lp:~zkrynicki/launch-control/layout-changes are already in lp:~zkrynicki/launch-control/stable.pipe.10:11
zygait seems the very first branch (the stable.pipe) has everything! how odd)10:11
sorenSorry, I'm not familiar with that plugin.10:11
zygathanks, that explains it10:11
rryanI'm getting bazaar errors when checkout out a branch from launchpad. "Connection closed. Unexpected end of message."10:47
sorenrryan: Check your ssh agent.10:52
socsomehow my wiki.ubuntu.com account links to the wrong lauchpad user name, can this be fixed?13:16
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rryani'm trying to checkout a project on launchpad in my ubuntu 10.10 VM (so totally fresh user profile), but i'm getting "permission denied: publickey". I'm just trying to check the project out, so anonymous should work, no?15:47
ftadanilos, is there a way to preserve the formatting of the Translator notes? (when it's multi-line)15:56
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danilosfta, you can use multi-line comments with most source files16:20
ftadanilos, ex: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/translations/+pots/generated-resources/ja/409/+translate  (i provided it like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/505803/)16:29
ftadanilos, it's just pasted in a <td>, no <pre> or whatever code-like css formating16:31
danilosfta, yeah, doesn't really look as I expected it, perhaps we should improve the layout there16:32
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doctormoleonardr: hello16:54
leonardrhi doctormo16:54
doctormoleonardr: Your plan sounds excellent. All the best ideas available and the best routes given the flexibility of openid. I approve.16:55
doctormoleonardr: I do have a question about what interface the desktop side of things will take, but we can probably work on that with design?16:56
leonardrdoctormo: sure we can. initially the desktop interface will not change at all, but we have some ideas. we just need a partner to do the gui stuff16:57
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doctormoleonardr: What kind of partner?16:58
doctormoWe also have two outstanding issues to do with key management. SSH and GPG keys being managed from the desktop.16:58
leonardrdoctormo: someone like you, really. someone who's good at writing desktop gui code17:00
doctormoleonardr: Did you know that I've put a small slice of launchpadlib and bzrlib behind dbus, including auth?17:02
leonardrdoctormo: i didn't know that. launchpadlib asks for credentials over dbus, and you wrote a program that responds to the requests? what does that program do?17:05
doctormoleonardr: Does it do that already? I didn't know that. I wrote a dbus overlay.17:06
doctormoAnd a testing framework to test the damn thing.17:06
leonardrdoctormo: no, i was saying what i thought you'd written17:06
leonardrwe were about to start on this work, but we ultimately decided the dbus step was unnecessary17:06
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doctormoleonardr: It probably is in the grand scheme of things, especially if there is a standard python module for it. What it gives me as an appdeveloperreasurance that I don't need to trouble myself with threading and cache management.17:07
doctormoprobably is unnecessary17:07
leonardrdoctormo: can i ask you to describe the dbus layer you wrote, just so i can see where you're coming from?17:08
dpmdanilos, if in a project I approve manually pt_PT.po (which is normally not approved because we have the 'pt' locale in LP instead), will subsequent uploads of pt_PT be imported into the pt locale automatically?17:09
doctormoleonardr: Nothing special and should go in a new direction with this new plan, but: http://paste.ubuntu.com/505818/17:10
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
leonardrdoctormo: thanks. i had a kind of flailing feeling that we might be talking at cross purposes. looking at that doc now17:23
leonardrdoctormo: i'd like to hear your perspective on any shortcomings you see in Launchpad.login_with()17:25
leonardr(update: i think i see what this is doing, and although i'd like to hear if you have any problems with login_with, i no longer think "what does this give beyond login_with?")17:27
doctormoleonardr: No problems, I think I just lost faith with the launchpadlib login system and called the lower api to get around some initial problems with passing data around.17:30
leonardrdoctormo: understood. your loss of faith in the login system is a serious problem for us, which is why we're doing this new system17:42
doctormoleonardr: What direction should I take with gc? I plan to push most of the threaded actions behind dbus, should I separate out the auth and work on that part of it with you guys?17:46
leonardrdoctormo: when you talk about "the auth" are you talking about a wrapper around launchpadlib, a gui app for authorizing the user against launchpad, or something else?17:47
doctormoleonardr: The gui and a bit of backend. Basically if you were to take the gc configuration utility and cleave it out into it's own project, we'd have a basis for a graphical tool.17:48
ftadanilos, does LP care about PO-Revision-Date and POT-Revision-Date when importing from bzr?17:49
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leonardrdoctormo: that sounds like a good place to start. the gui tool we envision will offer user/pass entry for users who have tied their launchpad accounts into their usso accounts (which, right now, is everybody), and will wrap a web browser for people who want to log in through facebook or whatever18:08
leonardrthe trick is to figure out whether the user has tied their launchpad account into their usso account, without asking them confusing questions18:10
doctormoleonardr: If I ask for their email address and send a login request, can you send back either an openid response or a sso resonse? I could pick it up from there and not ask the user anything extra. I'd move from there into either asking for their password for sso or web-browser-wrapper for openid.18:14
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
leonardrdoctormo: that sounds what-we-want-ish. i don't know much about how that system works, but that should be possible18:36
compholiohello everyone, i am experiencing a strange problem with a PPA upload i made this weekend - has anyone encountered an "Unable to find source package" rejection error AFTER launchpad has compiled the source?18:52
chxhi. would it be possible to bzr upgrade lp;drupal to some more modern repository format...?19:13
aaron01How can I change the email I use to login? I've added a new preferred email, but it does not work for login.19:26
aaron01Hmmm. Never mind, figured it out (edit during login process, not after).19:30
thekornnee, die wünscht sich nix19:40
thekornupps, sorry19:40
jonrafkindI specified 'any' for the Architecture field of my control file and launchpad produced amd64, x86, and lpia deb files. how can I get launchpad to other architectures, ppc, arm, as well?19:57
compholio@jonrafkind from looking at some arm packages, you may wish to try 'all' instead of 'any'20:16
jonrafkindok but my package builds a binary, so that is architecture-dependant20:18
compholio@jonrafkind you're probably correct, i just noticed 'all' in kdebase-workspace (which is currently building on arm)20:22
compholio@jonrafkind are you targetting maverick? it might be that maverick is the only target supporting armel right now20:28
jonrafkindi targeted karmic for now20:29
jonrafkindcan I target multiple distributions easily?20:30
compholio@jonrafkind i am almost certain that karmic does not support armel builds for PPAs20:30
jonrafkindpackage (1.2.3) karmic; urgency=low20:30
compholiounfortunately i know of no "easy" way to target multiple distributions, i use a build script that loops over my support targets and rebuilds the changelog for each one20:30
jonrafkindcan I put more distributions where I wrote 'karmic' ?20:30
compholioif you do that it will reject the package20:31
jonrafkindbut each time you build the package you need a new version20:31
compholioyup, one sec20:31
compholiomy script uses this line for the top of the changelog:20:32
compholio${PACKAGE} (${VERSION}~${DISTRO}${DISTRO_REV}) ${DISTRO}; urgency=low20:32
compholioso your package would look like:20:32
compholiopackage (1.2.3~karmic) karmic; urgency=low20:33
jonrafkindoh I see20:33
jonrafkindwell.. that sort of sucks, my upload speed is abymsal so it will take me forever to upload packages for each distribution20:33
jonrafkindso if I just target karmic, can newer distributions still pull from that?20:34
thopiekarI tried to upload a source package today via dput but it doesn't work20:34
compholio@jonrafkind if you have SSH access to somewhere with a better connection then you can rebuild it and upload it on that machine20:34
jonrafkindyes, i do have access to university machines on internet2, but id have to set up all my pgp keys and whatnot20:35
thopiekarit works as always.. no problems when uploading but the package doesn't appear and I get no feedback via mail..20:35
compholio@jonrafkind yes, if the package is compatible (the dependencies are set correctly) then you just need to give people the correct sources.list line20:36
jonrafkindok i guess people just add the ppa:me/package and it does the right thing20:36
jonrafkindso people dont need to know that i built it for karmic, if they are on lucid or whatever20:37
compholioi'm not sure if that will work, it probably will not create the correct line20:37
jonrafkindi tested my ppa at home, but i didnt check to see what version of ubuntu I was on20:38
compholioit would need to see "lucid main" instead of "karmic main" at the end, the "ppa://" method probably automatically enters the current distro20:38
jonrafkindi mean it worked any everything20:38
compholio(you need it to say the distro you built it for, not the distro the person is using)20:38
jonrafkindhrm, well the major pain in automating this is having to enter my gpg password when debuild tries to sign the files20:39
jonrafkindcan I make gpg remember my password?20:39
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tgm4883jonrafkind, I had that issue before. IIRC, you need to install gpg-agent20:40
tgm4883it asks it once and caches it for awhile20:40
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jonrafkindi have gpg-agent running but im still being requested to enter my password manually20:51
jonrafkindoh I need to set the GPG_AGENT_INFO thing20:57
penguin42Hi, I seem to be getting repeated launchpad timeouts on trying to submit a bug against linux; Error ID:         OOPS-1738H245221:10
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wgrantjonrafkind, compholio: armel is not supported for normal user PAs.22:19
wgrantEr, PPAs.22:19
jonrafkindwhat about ppc?22:19
wgrantThat's supported for even fewer.22:20
wgrantBecause ppc and armel do not support virtualisation, only completely trustworthy PPAs can be allowed to build on them.22:21
jonrafkindok. another question: is the `lpia' architecture documented? since my package doesn't use autotools I probably need to support whatever flags the lpia builder wants22:21
mwhudsonlpia is not really relevant any more22:22
jonrafkindlaunchpad built it for me..22:22
mwhudsonit's "low power intel architecture"22:22
wgrantlpia was removed a release or two ago.22:22
jonrafkindoh ok, so it was built because i said to use karmic22:22
wgrantBut otherwise it's pretty much just i386 with a couple of special flags.22:22
jonrafkindyea, i just wanted to know which flags it set22:23
jonrafkindso basically I should only care about amd64 and x86?22:23
compholio@wgrant that's unfortunate, at some point i want to make an armel build of a library i make available - is there a page with information on requesting arm build permissions?22:23
wgrantcompholio: It's restricted to trusted Canonical employees, I believe.22:24
compholiohmm, well i planned on worrying about that at some future date anyway22:25
compholioyou seem to be in the know, have you ever encountered an "Unable to find source package" rejection error AFTER launchpad has compiled the source?22:25
jonrafkindseems like there is a xen machine for arm: http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenARM22:26
jonrafkinddoes launchpad use xen, or something else (openvz) ?22:26
wgrantjonrafkind: Xen on ARM is not even close to finished.22:26
wgrantBut yes, we use Xen.22:27
wgrantcompholio: That can happen if you've uploaded a new version of the package before the build finishes22:27
wgrantOr if you've deleted the package.22:27
compholiohmm, neither were the case22:27
compholiotop three builds:22:28
wgrantDid you get an email about them?22:29
compholioyup, "Unable to find source package wine-kane/1.3.4~karmic0 in karmic"22:30
compholioit's very confusing to me, i have many successful builds and then i make this corrected build for a karmic-specific amd64 failure and everything goes to hell and a hand-basket22:31
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wgrantcompholio: I've tracked down the issue.23:12
wgrantcompholio: In dpkg terms, 1.3.4~karmic and 1.3.4~karmic0 are the same version.23:12
wgrantcompholio: Your ~karmic0 upload should have been rejected.23:12
compholiougg, seriously?23:12
compholiois there someone i should contact so this doesn't happen to someone else?23:13
wgrantI'll prepare a branch to make Launchpad reject such uploads.23:13
wgrantSince the behaviour after one of those is accepted is non-deterministic... which of the two packages survives is just luck.23:14
compholiointeresting, well i'm going to hope that my repo is not broken and try uploading a ~karmic123:15
wgrantThat should work fine.23:15
compholiogreat, well thanks so much for your help - it is very appreciated23:16
wgrantIt was a bit scary for a while there, since it looked like we had a pretty awful bug.23:16
wgrantBut no, just a dpkg quirk.23:16
compholiowell, i'm glad it's not an awful bug - i'm sorry i screwed things up, i didn't realize making it a rev0 would be so heinous23:19
wgrantIt's not exactly obvious.23:20
jonrafkindso 'karmic' is shorthand for 'karmic0' ?23:20
wgrant"Then the initial part of the remainder of each string which consists entirely of digit characters is determined. The numerical values of these two parts are compared, and any difference found is returned as the result of the comparison. For these purposes an empty string (which can only occur at the end of one or both version strings being compared) counts as zero."23:21
compholiowell, that's definitely good to know23:22
wgrantcompholio: The problem was that the PPA published finds all the published packages of the same name in the PPA, then sorts them by version, and marks all but the first as superseded.23:22
wgrantThis obviously doesn't go so well if two of the versions compare equally.23:22
compholiogot it23:23
compholiothe reason i was concerned about uploading a new version is that that same comparison is probably used to make the "diff against last version" .tar.gz23:23
wgrantI think that should just the latest publication, which is karmic0.23:24
wgrantAlthough... maybe not.23:24
wgrantIt may use the latest published publication.23:24
wgrantWe'll see shortly.23:24
compholiolol, alright - well i obviously don't want to break launchpad, so hopefully it will go well23:25
wgrantIt won't break.23:25
wgrantIt might just diff against the wrong thing.23:25
compholiothat's not killer, i doubt many people use that feature - especially among anyone using my PPA23:26
compholiougg, i really should have commented out the "make sure the build compiles in pbuilder" part of my procedure for this23:29
ari-tczewwgrant: about sync-in-launchpad, do you plan support 'sponsored by' field? (sign key to sponsor, not to bug-requester)23:32
wgrantari-tczew: It is not clear at this point.23:33
ari-tczewwgrant: what do you think about building a source package from bzr?23:47
ari-tczewUploading additionaly package through dput making work higher.23:48
wgrantari-tczew: We can already do that for PPAs.23:48
wgrantIt's not supported for the primary archive yet.23:50
ari-tczewwgrant: for PPA? how for PPA?23:50
wgrantIt's still in beta.23:50
wgrantIt also only supports native packages, for now.23:51
beunobzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "<Fault -1: 'Unexpected Zope exception: RequestExpired: request expired.'>")23:53
beunohas anyone seen that before?23:53
spivbeuno: I have23:53
spivbeuno: let me see if I can find the bug report...23:54
spivbeuno: perhaps https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/41715623:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 417156 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Call to requestMirror on XML-RPC server can time out (affected: 1, heat: 0)" [Medium,Triaged]23:55
beunospiv, thanks!23:56
beunospiv, look at that!  I was the reporter of it  :)23:57
spivIt's not definitely the same bug, but it seems likely.23:57
spivIf the associated traceback in .bzr.log is via an 'unlock' method in remote.py, it is the same.23:58

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