
szczurbusy day, today :)00:01
manfredrastahow do i remove the package  i installed before?00:01
szczurwhy do you wan't to remove the wicd?00:01
szczurif you want to do this again run synaptic, choose wicd and choose reinstall package00:02
szczuror you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a to configure all packages that wasn't installed properly00:02
manfredrastaid like to now how to remove it. Do it. And then ill reinstall it00:03
manfredrastajust to learn00:03
szczuryou want to do it from terminal?00:03
szczuror synaptic?00:03
manfredrastai just learned how to do it from synaptica00:04
szczurok, now it's the time for the terminal way :)00:05
manfredrastadifferences between delete and complete delete?00:05
szczurdelete leaves the configuration located in /etc folder00:05
szczurcomplete delete removes that too00:05
manfredrastawhy should i want to leave the configuration?00:06
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szczursometimes you just want to remove the program, for a brief moment00:06
szczurso if you have changed something in configuration00:06
manfredrastaand from the terminal00:07
szczurand you don't have to lose it you choose the remove option00:07
manfredrastasudo remove wicd?00:07
szczurfrom terminal00:07
manfredrastais like that?00:07
szczursudo apt-get remove wicd - this willl remove the package00:08
szczuror sudo apt-get purge wicd - this will remove  the package WITH the configuration files00:08
szczurComplete removal in synaptic00:08
szczurremove is the normal removal00:08
manfredrastabut, what is wicd for00:08
szczurpurge = complete removal00:09
manfredrastai dont see any changes00:09
szczurwicd is the program similar to network manager00:09
manfredrastaor is equal or there is somthing not working00:09
szczurafter reboot you should see the wicd manager at the bottom of the screen00:10
szczurif you don't see it00:10
szczuryou can run wicd in terminal00:10
szczuror it was wicd-daemon00:10
szczursomething like that00:10
manfredrastalet me reboot00:10
szczurdon't know exactly since i don't use it right now00:10
manfredrastacan i run sudo reboot from terminal¿00:11
szczuryes, of course :)00:11
manfredrastabetter to close all programs before isnt it?00:11
szczurmake no difference00:11
szczurit's just like you would do it from the menu00:11
szczuronly you do it from terminal00:11
manfredrastayes but00:12
szczursudo reboot reboots your PC00:12
szczurand sudo halt shuts it down00:12
szczurmanfredrasta, but what?00:12
manfredrastacan it make problems if i have programs opened and rebbot¿00:12
szczurit you will reboot in while the package installation is in progress00:13
szczurit can do problems00:13
szczurbut you won't do it while the synaptic or apt-get runs00:13
szczurit wouldn't make sense :)00:14
manfredrastabye then00:14
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szczurdon't say bye. you have to come here again :P00:14
szczurhi bodhizazen00:15
bodhizazen'lo szczur00:15
* szczur waves to wolfgang too00:15
szczurgaah, didn't know it will be busy night :)00:15
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bodhizazenLMAO szczur|HDESK00:16
szczur|HDESKMikeChelen, are you still with us?00:17
szczur|HDESKor you overcome this error?00:17
bodhizazenwolfgang, wanted to learn Linux00:17
bodhizazenso today we hacked his HD into a few spaces, and installed lubuntu and F1200:18
bodhizazenlubuntu 10.10 alpha200:18
bodhizazenhe is having problems with chromium00:18
bodhizazenany known bugs on chromium in alpha2 ?00:18
szczur|HDESKfirst, he should update to beta2 :P00:18
szczur|HDESKwhich was released 3 days ago00:19
szczur|HDESKif he updated system, he should get the newest packages00:20
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szczur|HDESKnothing related to chromium00:20
bodhizazenhe is on da Beta 200:21
bodhizazenOK, well when he types a search @ google, the google page crashes00:22
bodhizazenso he has to change his search engine to Yahoo00:22
* bodhizazen will walk wolfgang99 through a bug report =)00:22
szczur|HDESKthis would be the best thing to do00:23
szczur|HDESKCannot help you with that since i don't use chromium :)00:23
bodhizazenchromium going to be the default browser in the final release ?00:23
bodhizazenor are you going to go with firefox ?00:24
bodhizazenChromium is looking better all the time, but I tend to find it a bit buggy at times00:24
szczur|HDESKit is the default browser, but personally i don't like it so i installed firefox00:24
szczur|HDESKas i always do00:24
szczur|HDESKone thing you can try to is to install the version from the ppa00:24
szczur|HDESKand check if the problem is still here00:25
bodhizazenI have to look at the sources on lubuntu00:25
szczur|HDESKplease make the bugreport. I'm stilll on 10.04 and cannot check it at this moment00:26
szczur|HDESKi will probably install 10.10 on the laptop tomorrow :)00:27
wolfgang99i am registered00:28
bodhizazensweet +00:28
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manfredrastahi all11:19
manfredrastaszczur, are u here?11:19
szczurhi manfredrasta11:19
manfredrastau remember me?11:19
manfredrastaok :)11:19
szczurWiFi guy :)11:19
manfredrastahave a question11:19
manfredrastayesterday I installed wicd11:20
manfredrastaso can I unisntall network manager?11:20
szczuryou should11:20
szczurand probably it is uninstalled11:20
manfredrastano no11:20
manfredrastathe icon in the right bottom near the clock11:21
manfredrastais already there11:21
manfredrastaIm gonna uninstall it11:21
szczurbecause these packets are in conflict with each other11:21
szczuris this icon is the same as it was before?11:21
szczuri'm not sure of this :)11:21
manfredrastaI am really sure :)11:22
manfredrastanow i have both icons11:22
manfredrastaon of nm11:22
manfredrastaand other of wicd11:22
szczuryou have right11:22
manfredrastaso, should i uninstall packets network-manager and network-manager-gnome11:23
szczuri can bet all my monet that these packages were in conflict in ubu 9.04 or even in 9.1011:23
szczuryes, uninstall them both11:23
manfredrastato remove network-manager it says that i have also to remove networ-manager-gnome (which i could suppouse) and lubuntu-gnome (wich i dont know if its right to remove)11:24
manfredrastai mean lubuntu-desktop11:24
manfredrasta(not lubuntu-gnome)11:24
szczurit is safe to remove lubunmtu-desktop11:25
szczurit is only a meta package11:25
szczura package which installs other packages using it's dependencies but does nothing by itself11:25
manfredrastaand you usually use complete remove o normal11:26
szczurusually i use complete removal11:26
manfredrastai reboot11:27
manfredrastaszczur, hi11:29
manfredrastano nw icon now11:29
szczurbut is wicd working?11:33
szczurare you able to connect to your network?11:33
szczuraparently it is not :)11:39
manfredrastaSo, i fixed my wireless problem. No cable anymore!12:37
manfredrastaI also have WPA2 password!12:37
manfredrastaNow my problem is about the video12:37
manfredrastaIt's slow12:38
manfredrastaVideos from for example youtube are really slow12:38
manfredrastawhat can i do?12:38
manfredrastashould I install any driver?12:40
szczurwhat graphic card do you have?12:40
szczurin this laptop?12:40
manfredrastahi man12:41
manfredrastaare you always here?12:41
manfredrastayou're the best12:41
szczurmost of the time :)12:41
manfredrastasomething like lscpi?12:41
szczurevery time i am in home12:41
manfredrasta01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/XP (rev 63)12:42
manfredrastastill here?12:46
szczuryup, searching possible solutions12:47
manfredrastaHow do you search? Google?12:47
szczuryeah, mostly12:48
szczurthere aer posts but from year 2007 :/12:52
szczurwill try to do it later12:52
szczurnow i have to go to my friend to ask about going to work12:53
manfredrastaKurdistan, hi man13:09
manfredrastaKurdistan, do you remember me?13:09
manfredrastaKurdistan, i fixed it13:09
Kurdistan:) I need help myself right know13:09
manfredrastaKurdistan, thanks to you13:09
Kurdistanmanfredrasta nice13:09
Kurdistanwhat did help13:10
manfredrastainstalling wicd13:10
manfredrastawith that i can conect now13:10
manfredrastaalso with wpa2 encript13:10
Kurdistannice that I could be to any help13:10
manfredrastaI let you ask13:11
manfredrastathen ill ask you something :)13:11
Kurdistanany body here that can help me with fan speed under lubuntu lucid?13:14
manfredrastawow! can you control fan speed?13:16
manfredrastaanybody can help me with my video? It is slow13:18
manfredrasta01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/XP (rev 63)13:18
manfredrastaanyone can help me?13:30
signorlainegood day14:08
signorlainehow am i able to add/remove applications in the menu14:08
signorlainecannot make any changes to the menu://applications/14:10
signorlaineand when opening the folder as root it is empty14:10
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KurdistanI guys17:42
KurdistanI really need your help17:42
Timo_just ask17:47
Timo_don't ask to ask :)17:47
Kurdistantimo you know anything abot fan speed?17:47
Kurdistanand how I can set up my fan?17:47
Kurdistanit is constantly running and does not calm down17:48
IAmNotThatGuyKurdistan: that means a lot of process is running at the back. and my machine also does the same always as I run plenty of applications simultaneously17:49
IAmNotThatGuyand may be Dust. try using Compessed air17:50
Kurdistaneven when I am doing nothing after upstart17:50
KurdistanIamnotthatguy I have used compressed air for for almonst 1 month ago17:50
IAmNotThatGuyKurdistan: check out the applications sleeping and look for the processor usage too17:51
IAmNotThatGuyif your process increases, processor gets heated and to reduce the heat, fan speeds up. there is no codes/ stuff that you can write or install to slow it down17:52
Kurdistanokey pastebain?17:53
IAmNotThatGuyKurdistan: had you tried with other Operating System or a distro?17:59
IAmNotThatGuyand still your fan runs the same speed?17:59
Kurdistanbefore I used ubuntu18:03
KurdistanI had this problem after my laptop went to service18:03
Kurdistanthey said that they changed systemcard18:03
Kurdistanbefore after upstart when I was not doing anything it was calmer18:04
Kurdistaneven if my temperature is okey18:04
KurdistanI am running xchat18:05
Kurdistanthe temperature is really god18:05
Kurdistanbut the speed is to high18:05
Kurdistanno help here then :(18:24
Kurdistanwhat is the difference between nvidia current and nvidia current modalis?18:31
IAmNotThatGuyKurdistan: It MUST be a Hardware Issue. try with another distro so that we can judge anything18:33
KurdistanIAmNotThatGuy I dont really have time to make switch again18:35
IAmNotThatGuylike running a Live CD18:36
Kurdistanwhen maverick comes out I will try the normal ubuntu18:36
IAmNotThatGuythere is nothing with the Operating system from my point of view18:36
KurdistanIAmNotThatGuy will livecd tell anything?18:37
sghno he meant that you don't need to install a new distro, just download a LiveCD of another distro and try it out18:37
IAmNotThatGuyif your fan runs in the same speed, then check your Hardware18:37
IAmNotThatGuyit has issues18:37
Kurdistanokey thx for the tip18:41
KurdistanI will do that one day I have more time to download and make bootable usb livecd18:41
IAmNotThatGuybut check your Hardware first18:42
Kurdistanhow do I check my hardware?18:42
IAmNotThatGuyby giving it in a store :P18:42
KurdistanI know the fan is correct installed18:42
Kurdistanit came from the store some weeks ago18:43
IAmNotThatGuyhuyour processor is getting over heated (I think)18:43
Kurdistandays to be more correct18:43
Kurdistanwhat is huyour?18:44
Kurdistanwill use my old livecd with ubuntu 9.1018:45
Kurdistanhave nice day18:45
IAmNotThatGuyBah! Typos :/18:47
Timo_hey Yorvyk! Long time no see!19:24
gosHi, how can i upgrade to the beta-2 without losing my apps my data and my own desktop?20:35
gosfrom lubuntu beta120:36
bioterrorsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:36
bioterrorif you're using 10.10 beta 120:37
bioterroror what ever it is ;)20:37
gosnot my beta is lubuntu 10.04.1 lts20:37
bioterrorjust a moment :d20:38
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:39
ubot5For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:39
bioterrorPress Alt-F2 and type update-manager --devel-release20:39
bioterrortry that one20:40
gosfrom ucc of ubuntu i can upgrade to 10,10 ubuntu, but i cant upgrade to 10.10 lubuntu20:41
bioterrorol good way was to replace the version is repository files to decent ones20:41
bioterror%s/lucid/maverick/g ;)20:42
bioterrorbut afair that doesnt work in ubuntu that way like it was in debian20:42
gosbioterror, update-manager say : "available the new version 10.10 of ubuntu,"   Should I choose it to upgrade to 10.10 from Lubuntu 10.04.1 Lubuntu lts?20:50
bioterrorit's your choise ;)20:50
bioterrorI've been using this one for months20:51
gosBut will update to beta2 Lubuntu 10.10?20:52
gosIf  i choose this option?20:53
gosbioterror, I have a reasonable doubt20:59
bioterrorszczur, should gos do upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 with update-manager --devel-release? say something :D21:05
szczurphew :)21:06
szczuri'm on 10.10 right now21:06
szczurand it is stable21:06
szczurwhat is the problem?21:06
gossczur i want to upgrade at lubuntu beta2 from lubuntu 10.04.1 lts21:07
szczuri'd say, go for it if you want to have fresh packages :)21:08
bioterrorwhy eat outdated fish when you can get fresh :D21:09
szczurfresh fish can be toxic :)21:09
bioterroryeah, fishes are full of mercury21:11
gos szczur,i  just want improvements of  Lubuntu beta2 for beta2 10.04.1lts21:11
gosfor beta 1 10.04.1 lts21:12
gosbioterror ; in the head of the fish are concentrated mercury 90/100, do not eat fish heads21:15
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gosbioterror, i will wait to be clear on how to upgrade to beta 2 from  Lubuntu beta1 10.04 LTS21:22
gosi will wait to be clear on how to upgrade to beta 2 since Lubuntu beta1 10.04 LTS21:23
szczurbut 10.04 is no more beta21:23
szczuryou can run terminal21:24
szczurand type update-manager -d21:24
szczurand it will show that new version of system is available21:24
szczuryou will able to perform the update to 10.1021:25
szczursection "Upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS"21:25
bioterrorI already did !upgrade21:25
gosbut whre is lubuntu beta2 only is ubuntu 10.10 to upgrade21:26
bioterroryou will get the latest packages21:26
bioterrordont you worry aout that21:26
bioterrorthere's a reason why I am more and more moving toward the rolling distributions21:27
gosbioterror, ok , now, I'll take my chances21:33
goswith the upgrade21:34
bioterroryou gathered all your courage ;)21:36
gosbut many applications no longer work since they have no upgrade for 10.1021:36
gosbioterror, many applications stopped working with update 10.1021:38
bioterrorwhat kind of applications?21:38
bioterrorwhich ones?21:38
sneekylinuxhi all21:38
gosbecause these applications are not available for 10.1021:38
bioterrorthere's always something to replace them21:39
bioterrorand the replacements are lighter and faster21:39
gosxbcm for example?21:40
gosfor 10.1021:40
bioterrorxbox media center?21:40
gosmobile media converter21:41
bioterrorseems like they are not offering it for a maverick21:43
sneekylinuxthey will in time21:43
gosyes, package for 1:0.0~git20100815.6df10a0-1~21:44
gosbioterror, but many applications stopped working with update 10.1021:45
gosim sure21:45
sneekylinuxupdate or upgrade?21:45
gosupgrade at 10.10 since 10.0421:46
sneekylinuxthat could be your problem mate21:46
bioterrorI've been using only 10.10, I don't know what I'm missing :-)21:47
sneekylinuxive been using ubuntu and its derivitives for a long time now ,and an upgrade imho is a bad way to go,better to re-install and have fresh21:48
bioterrorI've used since 5.04 and upgraded them to 08.04, since that it's been more like "fresh is the way" :)21:49
sneekylinuxas things allways change mate21:49
gosThere are some applications that only work with a particular version of the distribution21:49
gosbioterror, No sé cuál será el resultado esperar a una versión más estable y garantizada21:54
bioterrorI dont have google translate in my irc client ;)21:54
gosI do not know what the outcome will wait for a version more stable and guaranteed21:54
bioterrornot bad idea21:54
bioterrorwhy to fix something that is working?21:55
bioterror(actually I'm a wrong guy to ask that ;)21:55
gosalways want to improve21:57
gosbioterror, bioterror, install opera and you can use their application independent translator ,inserted into your desktop or bar without opening opera22:03
gosis very comfortable and the translator is good usability22:04
bioterrorI've sold my soul to G!22:09
gosbioterror, I have wasted much of my life in order toasily use ubuntu22:11
bioterrorI've wasted a lot of my life ircing :-)22:12
gos... to use ubuntu easily22:14
bioterrorbut good night ;)22:15
gosbioteerror, ok tomorow more yet22:16
gosbioterror, se fine by today , good night22:18
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