
eriksson25Dont understand00:01
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eriksson25Anyone around that is proo on proftpd00:06
iarperiksson25: what's wrong with vsftpd? aside from not being able to restart00:08
eriksson25Well, I have been using proftpd for a long time. But since updating to latest the tls support dosent work. So I looked at vsftpd but its virtuel user suport is so messy to set up. And since I only need to get tls to work on proftpd for everything to be set up I wanted to give it a other chanse00:10
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fluvvelleriksson25, I'm not proo on proftp, but the upstart message is fairly clear - its an "improvement" on the standard service starting mechanism01:00
fluvvellI have one instance of proftp working on a server , but its a simple setup01:00
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electrofreakwhere do /dev/md_d*p* come from? I have /dev/md_d3 and /dev/md_d3p[1-4] for some reason, and I can't get rid of them.01:36
electrofreakmdadm --stop /dev/md_d3 will work, but I can't get rid of the p1-p401:36
martin-electrofreak: you want to remove the array?01:47
electrofreakmartin-, I don't know where it came from.... so..... yes01:52
Dravekxhow is the release date looking for Maverick? :)01:56
martin-electrofreak: mdadm --detail /dev/md_d3, mdadm --stop /dev/md_d3 and mdadm --zero-superblock the devices that are part of the array01:58
martin-md_d3p[1-4] are just partitions on md_d3, so they should disappear when you stop /dev/md_d3 I think01:59
* fluvvell is annoyed that when he hit enter on "Commit partition changes and write to disk", it suddenly started installing the root system before he has his raid1 partitions allocated02:00
electrofreakmartin-, they didn't disappear.. :-/02:01
electrofreakthese might be coming from some external HDD I used to play with a linear "raid"02:03
electrofreakI thought I zero'd out the whole drive when I saw done... maybe not02:03
martin-if you zero the superblock on the raid members and reboot, they should be gone02:04
martin-I'm assuming you have backups of course :)02:04
electrofreakmartin-, hah, yea.... ideally. My storage volume kinda out grew the external drives...02:05
electrofreakI think I was working on playing with btrfs + compression and stuff... never got back to it though...02:05
electrofreakso, is 10.10 going to be a 2.6.35 kernel? or 2.6.34?02:07
electrofreakI haven't been keeping up with it02:07
DravekxI have 2 drives installed: /sda and /sdb, what is dm-0???02:08
martin-I just installed 10.10 desktop on my laptop, which is .3502:08
martin-Dravekx: dm-0 is a mapper device used by lvm, dm-crypt etc.02:09
Dravekxmartin-, ah...02:09
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aegisHi all...  I'm restoring my server after having to rebuild my RAID array...  I was wondering if anyone could direct me to information for ensuring that GRUB2 will recognize my new mdadm RAID array as well as what I need to do to update mdadm on the system.02:41
electrofreakaegis, the initram should have what is needed for RAID... which is built when you install a kernel...02:48
electrofreakif you install mdadm... I think by default it'll detect your array(s)...02:48
aegiselectrofreak: the problem is I'm restoring my system from backups...  the backups most definitely have different UUID's for the raid arrays since these are new.02:49
electrofreakedit /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf02:49
aegisI can probably edit /etc/mdadm.conf02:49
aegisbut I still think grub is going to throw a fit when I go to boot the system...  actually, I think grub may not even pop up to be honest...02:50
electrofreakdid you run grub-setup?02:50
twbIIRC the default behaviour is to scan all partitions for md arrays, and activate any it finds.02:51
electrofreakor grub-install02:51
DravekxAhhhh... upstart change. :(02:51
twbThat is, in an initrd that was built after mdadm was installed.02:51
aegiselectrofreak: I just rebuilt the arrays using sysrescuecd and am in the processes of restoring the filesystem from backup onto the array...  That's where I am right now...  When it finishes, I will have a RAID 1 and RAID 10 array with my system as it was 3 days ago...02:53
twbSorry, I tell a lie.  In 8.04, at least, mdadm.conf is copied into the ramdisk and appears to only assemble pre-defined arrays.02:53
aegiselectrofreak: So should I try to rub grub-install or grub-setup from the rescuesyscd I have up now?02:54
aegistwb: So do you think if I just change the UUID's in mdadm.conf that it will boot?02:54
twbaegis: you will need to change the UUIDs in the *ramdisk* mdadm.conf.02:54
electrofreakI would chroot into your restored install, then run it from there.02:54
electrofreakUUIDs can be found with blkid02:54
twbaegis: you can do this by editing the chroot and running "update-initramfs -u -k all", or by doing it by hand with cpio02:55
aegisAHHHH, great idea02:55
twbYou can, of course, simply tell mdadm to create the array with the old UUID02:55
aegisI forgot about chroot... interesting...  that opens up some possibilities.02:55
aegistwb: the arrays are already created though and LVM installed on top...  the system is being restoring onto the lvm as I type...02:56
twbsomething like mdadm assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sd[ab]1 --update=uuid --uuid=XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX02:56
twbOne of my failover products works by making the failover host have the same UUIDs as the "real" host.02:56
aegistwb: that's interesting...  that sounds like that might be the easiest thing rather than to hunt throughout my system to find all the places it might be referenced...02:57
aegiselectrofreak: so when I chroot into the system, are you recommending I run grub-install?02:58
electrofreakaegis, well... you need a bootloader.... so yes02:58
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aegiselectrofreak: so, grub-install versus update-grub?03:00
electrofreakeither might work03:01
aegiscool...  I'm just researching the update-initramfs command twb recommended as well...03:01
twbaegis: you'll want to do it for the LV names and filesystem UUIDs, too03:01
twbaegis: you can't fix the MACs of the NICs, though, so you'll want to edit or delete /etc/udev/rules/*persistent-net.rules03:02
aegistwb: okay, I'm a little confused now...  what will I want to do for the LV names and filesystem UUID's now?03:02
twbOh -- and if you make UUIDs match, NEVER EVER EVER put both the old and new disks in the same box at the same time.03:02
aegistwb: these are the same disks03:03
twbaegis: make them match the old box (or hunt down references to the old UUIDs and update them, e.g. /etc/fstab)03:03
aegistwb:  the disks were just rebuilt into a new array03:03
twbaegis: oh, you're restoring from tape or something?03:03
aegistwb: from tar... basically...03:03
twbokey dokey03:04
aegistwb: so if I delete those rules, will they be recreated somehow?03:04
aegistwb: I did use mostly the same LV names...  I figured that would be the easiest thing to fix by editing /etc/fstab anyway...03:05
twbThe persistent-net.rules file is generated by the persistent-net-generator.rules file in the same directory (or in /lib/udev/rules.d/ in newer versions)03:05
aegistwb: okay, the nic thing shouldn't be a problem though right?  it's going in the same box...  so the MAC for the NIC should be the same...03:06
aegistwb: do you agree?03:06
aegiswhat does the -u -k all switch do for update-initramfs?  errr, I'll just read the manpage. ;)03:07
DravekxW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available.03:08
aegisoh, so that will affect all the kernals...03:08
aegiskernels rather03:08
twb-k all is basically because you're probably running a live CD so "uname -r" is the wrong mojo03:08
aegistwb: but even if I'm chrooted?  uname-r should work for the chrooted system, right?  or will it go back to the host?03:09
twbDravekx: you need to install the appropriate key03:09
twbDravekx: for official archives, that's usually "apt-get install foo-archive-keyring" or so -- for PPAs and such, you'll need to use gpg(1) and apt-key(8).  Join #debian-bots and /msg dpkg apt-key XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the key hash mentioned in the error.03:10
aegisuh oh...  my tar just gave me an "tar: exiting with failure due to previous errors"... :(03:10
twbaegis: chroot doesn't change the kernel03:10
twbaegis: and now you've just learned why tar is a bad archive format03:10
aegistwb: any idea how to figure out what errors ?03:11
twbNot offhand03:11
aegisno problem... thanks for your help though!  I'm closer to getting this fixed... if I can figure out what files had errors I might get there. :)03:12
twbEr, what tar said is "I stopped unpacking partway because I had a problem"03:15
twb(I think.)03:15
twbI'd be diffing the lslR you generated at archive time with the current one.03:16
aegistwb: roger that...  I'm just trying to find out what the problem might be...  if it is the fact that I created certain directories already prior to extracting, that's fine... but if it lost files, that's more serious...03:16
aegistwb: not exactly sure how to do that...  sounds like a good idea though.  They should be almost identical03:17
twbWell, it assumes you did an "ls -lR / >/lslR" or so before the problem occurred03:19
twbThat is, because you made the tarball03:19
twbThat is, BEFORE you made the tarball03:19
aegiswell, it's a backuppc archive03:19
twbI'm not familiar with backuppc03:19
aegisI created a tar from that03:19
twbI guess you could try something like "diff -u <(find / -xdev -ls | sort) <(tar tvf /dev/rmt | sort)"03:22
twbWhere / is the chroot dir and /dev/rmt is your tarball03:22
twbThe trick will be to get the line format to match so diff doesn't have a whole lot of false positives03:22
aegistwb: I'm trying to just chroot into it now...  not working out so well... lol  Backuppc did give me this report when creating the tar:  bin$ /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate -t -n -1 -h localhost -s '/' / > /mnt/data1/try/restore.tar03:30
aegisDone: 119909 files, 50597613663 bytes, 18531 dirs, 9994 specials, 0 errors03:30
Dravekxanyone have a tutorial on auto mounting a second drive on startup?03:44
twbDravekx: put it in /etc/fstab03:46
Dravekxtwb, do I need to add the UUID for that? or can I simply specify /dev/sdb ?03:48
twbEither will do03:49
twbBut note that drive names are increasingly allocated dynamically03:49
Dravekxso the UUID would be a better recommendation?03:50
twbIf you can assume udev (which you can for Ubuntu), then UUID or LABEL is more future-proof than drive name03:51
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Dravekxok thx03:53
knollsi'm trying to find where my databases are stored in sql.  the only way i've ever been able to transfer them is through export feature in phpmyadmin.  is there a way i can manually recover them?03:54
twbknolls: mysql databases typically live in /var/lib/mysql03:58
twbObviously you cannot simply copy the files while the database is active, because they're incoherent.03:59
twbEither stop the database before copying the files, or use the mysql-specific dump command.  #mysql or the Ubuntu Server Guide are probably good places to learn about that.04:00
fluvvelloh woes of 10.04 server.  Can anyone tell me what the virtual machine support is that is referenced in the install ?04:04
twbfluvvell: probably KVM04:05
twbAre you looking at the tasksel screen in d-i?04:06
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fluvvellway past that twb, have a running system. So much is different to hardy.04:07
fluvvellI've botched the raid install, was trying to do it by hand04:07
fluvvellMight be better to start again.04:07
aegisWell, I think I may have figured out part of my problem...  I was trying to chroot from a 32 bit live cd into a 64 bit system...  I think that probably doesn't work so well.04:08
fluvvellWait, my raid1 array has changed its name, its not /dev/md0 anymore, its... /dev/md_d0 ? and only has one element Whaaat ?  Is this normal behaviour?04:15
twbFSVO well = at all04:15
twbfluvvell: oh, that.  You're screwed.  I don't know how to stop that04:16
twbfluvvell: basically what's happening is that post-install, the two RAID1 partitions are recognized as a single RAID1 *disk* with two partitions *inside* the array04:16
twbI "solved" that problem by installing 8.04 instead04:16
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fluvvelltwb, :-S04:20
fluvvelltwb, I've managed to --auto-detect and start the original array, but the second hard drive is the one thats showing up as the md_d0 and md_d104:21
fluvvelldoesnt mdadm have a way of knocking off an array ?04:21
twbI don't know, man04:26
fluvvellI guess I need to find the changelog of software raid.04:27
fluvvellWhy do they screw around with stuff like this without telling us?????04:27
twbBecause where Debian is run by a committee of conservative pedants, Ubuntu is run by a handful of Canonical employees04:28
twbSo they Just Do Stuff, and sometimes it works great, and sometimes they go "oh, oops, that actually totally breaks one in eight machines.  Oh well, they aren't desktops"04:30
twbNot that I'm bitter...04:30
fluvvellno, not a bit lol.04:30
twbHaving seen how well per's conservative startpar work WORKS on Squeeze, I'd put all of upstart into the latter bucket04:31
fluvvellerr, ok.  I'm not really following debian squeeze, but there is times when ubuntu's pressing forward really bugs me too.   btw, I just tried the grml disk that someone recommended the other day, and .. well it left me less than satisfied.04:32
fluvvellparticularly that I couldn't chroot into my system, it grizzled on about zsh stuff04:33
twbWell, grml is a fork of Debian04:33
fluvvellyeah, got that part.04:33
twbTry Debian Live,04:33
twbit's *not* a fork04:33
fluvvellyeah, well I'm either past that... 10.04 is booting (very quickly I might add) but just the raid stuff is a pig.04:34
fluvvellso I either reinstall, or04:34
fluvvellOh I might as well.04:34
fluvvellgreat, the raid configuration utility in the cd is clearlyl screwed.04:43
qman__so, my file server locked up again last night, and even though I have auditd installed, there was nothing in /var/crash04:49
qman__am I right in assuming it pretty much guarantees hardware fault?04:50
twbI'm not familiar with auditd04:54
twbBut obviously if you have e.g. a kernel panic, it will be hard for it to then write stuff via the filesystem04:54
qman__I don't think it's a kernel panic, but I don't know for sure, it just drops off the network with a blank screen and no keyboard response04:55
qman__any time I've had a kernel panic on screen the keyboard flashed too04:55
qman__but this one just halts, basically04:55
qman__one time it responded to sysrq commands to sync and reboot04:56
qman__this last time it didn't04:56
reggihey everyone05:02
reggianyone know anything about how to setup a PXE network boot server? If so do you know a 'how to' so I can learn how to do it myself?05:02
demonsporkhow do I keep iftop from figuring out that my local IP address is myserver.local without the -n option because I still want to see the reverse lookups on the remote hosts, I just need to distinguish between each IP address while looking at it, because now they are all lablled "servername.local"05:03
twbreggi: apt-get install di-netboot-assistant05:03
demonsporkit used to do what I wanted, just showed my the local IP address that was making the connection but it randomly decided it wanted to start just telling me that useless "servername.local" crap05:04
twbdemonspork: edit /etc/hosts or wherever your nsswitch.conf is configured to reverse-resolve those IPs05:04
reggihey twb thanks for replying. i'll check it out - by the way, do you have experience with network booting?05:05
demonsporkso I could put a name on them? could I name them after themselves? like ""05:05
twbreggi: http://prisonpc.com <-- is me05:06
twbIOW I run some diskless netboot farms05:07
twbdemonspork: er, no.  You'd remove the entry entirely05:07
twbdemonspork: of course, that will almost certainly break OTHER things, that DO need to reverse-resolve your local IPs05:07
reggitwb - nice work man05:08
qman__you could just pipe the results through a sed for easier reading05:08
twbqman__: eh?05:08
twbOh, ntop.  I think ntop is a curses application, not a stream.05:09
qman__oh, ok05:09
twbAnd I *think* his problem is that he has mapped all his addresses back to a single name, so he can't tell which is which05:09
demonsporkso why would it have suddenly changed from just seeing the IP address to resolving to the servername.local05:09
demonsporktwb, yeah, that is what is happening05:09
twbe.g. his ntop has both and mapping to wankfest.example.net05:10
demonsporkI can't tell which is which05:10
demonsporkiftop actually05:10
qman__well, the solution would be to unmap them or map them to different names05:10
demonsporkbut why would it have changed?05:10
twbdemonspork: you could also change the mapping such that the canonical name is something like
qman__but you need to make sure that won't break anything05:10
qman__either your name resolution has changed, or that function was broken for some reason and an update fixed it05:11
demonsporkeven BandwidthD used to give " - Configure Reverse DNS for this IP"05:11
demonsporkbut now it says "servername.local05:11
qman__well, the solution is to modify your name resolution so that the different addresses have different names05:12
demonsporkif I used the /etc/hosts file does the name being applied have to be a fully qualified domain name, or does it not matter05:12
qman__depends on what your applications want05:12
qman__apache needs an FQDN05:12
reggihey twb are you free for a couple of minutes so I can pick your brain on something related to network booting?05:13
demonsporkdoes a FQDN need to have a true reverse lookup set up on the IP, or can I just set it in the hosts file and leave the actually reverse DNS setup for later05:13
twbBy convention, one would put in /etc/hosts "IP FQDN [ CNAME ... ]"05:14
twbdemonspork: that depends on the application05:14
twbreggi: ask away05:14
reggithanks twb05:14
reggitwb, i'm a computer technician, work from home. i do lots of virus repairs / windows reinstalls.05:15
reggii would like to be able to network boot a computer and have the option (in a menu) to choose to install xp, vista etc over the network, or run diagnostics (UBCD).05:16
reggimy current setup is as follows...05:16
reggi1 gateway which acts as the DHCP05:16
reggi1 linux laptop (ubuntu desktop 10.04)05:17
twbI don't know about installing Windows or UBCD over the network, but otherwise, that's possible.05:17
reggia couple of pc boxes.05:17
reggiok twb, my question is this05:17
reggiis it possible to setup the network boot server on a virtualbox machine (on my linux)?05:18
qman__IME virtualbox's networking leaves something to be desired05:18
twbnetbooting requires broadcast, so basically you need to be on the same network05:19
reggior will it not work because the dhcp is already provided by the gateway05:19
twbThat *probably* means that it will work with a vbox virtual server iff you're bridging, but NOT if you're routing or masquerading05:19
qman__for that reason among others I'd suggest breaking this section of your network off from the rest by a router05:19
reggiya i always set the virtualbox network adapter to bridge mode05:19
Dravekxwhere is the setting to allow php after chrooting sftp?05:20
reggii see05:20
reggiyeah that was suggested actually, to create a separate network for the purpose of network boot server05:20
qman__you could accomplish the same thing by putting two NICs in your netboot server05:20
qman__Dravekx, there is no such thing as a "setting to allow php"05:21
reggioh yeah so  putting two nics = two seperate networks05:21
qman__you need to configure file permissions correctly05:21
reggioh well looks like i'll have to set up a seperate network05:22
reggialthough it would have been handy to stick on the existing network and use my Nas (freenas) for storing images05:23
qman__you can still route between the two05:23
qman__though I'd be careful about that, since you mentioned you're dealing with viruses05:23
Dravekxqman__, php is disabled in home directories after setting userdir.05:23
reggii can? would that mean my existing network would be and the PXE network could be
qman__reggi, yes05:24
Dravekxqman__, I found it. :)05:25
qman__you don't need NAT, just regular routing05:25
qman__and I suggest a firewall05:25
qman__you don't want your infected windows machines doing anything nasty05:25
qman__just basic internet access, plus access to your file store05:26
reggimaybe what I'll do is learn to setup this PXE in a separate network before joining networks.05:26
qman__have you already squared away the part about booting windows installs?05:27
qman__I've not seen that done and am somewhat interested05:27
reggiyeah I actually saw a youtube vid of someone who had setup a neat little network boot with menu05:28
reggiwhere you can choose which version of windows to install05:28
reggiso rather than putting the install CD in the drive (which takes a long time to complete the installation process)05:28
reggiyou basically install over the network, so basically the relevant version of windows ISO is transferred to the computer as it is required.05:29
reggilemme look for that youtube vid.05:29
regginah those vids arent it05:34
reggiit's missing the menu...lemme look for it05:34
demonsporklol, reading back, a few months ago I slapped together a virtual box and bound it to one of the ethernet ports on my laptop and installed Ubuntu via a PXE boot on a laptop with a bad CDROM that did not support USB booting05:42
reggiFOUND IT!05:44
qman__I know it's pretty easy to do with linux05:44
qman__but installing windows is trickier05:44
reggiunfortunately the creator of this utube vid does not provide a 'how to'05:45
qman__yeah, he shows it off, but doesn't actually say what software it is or how to set it up05:46
reggiwait a sec05:46
qman__oh, UDA05:46
reggiwhat are those two links in the description?05:46
reggiis that it?05:46
reggithat utilities menu05:47
reggihas links to installing different versions of windows, accessing acronis, and other utilities05:47
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echosystmi need a bit of help06:24
echosystmim looking to consolidate all my network gear into one low power computer running xen or kvm06:25
echosystmi'd like to know if it is possible to dedicate a NIC to a xen or KVM instance, without the "host" being accessible on that interface06:26
echosystmi know in vbox/vmware you can do things like NAT or bridged, but the host OS is visible on that NIC06:26
twbechosystm: AFAIK it is06:26
echosystmi want the host to be invisible to the outside world06:26
twbDon't assign an IP to the host OS on that iface06:26
echosystmit should look like a collection ofphysical devices, not one06:26
twbNote that's just SPECULATION06:27
twbI plan to do that, but I haven't actually tried it yet06:27
echosystmanyone with xen/kvm experience able to confirm?06:27
twbIt will also matter if you're running libvirt, since that gets its greedy fingers into the network configuration06:28
twbBecause obviously if you're doing it via libvirt you're stuck with whatever libvirt can do06:28
twbWhereas if you set it up by hand, you aren't06:29
echosystmah yeah06:29
echosystmwhat happens at the moment is this...06:29
echosystm(wireless adsl modem)--wireless--(my access point)--(switch)--(my computers)06:30
echosystmbecause i share a unit with other people06:30
echosystmi need to create a DMZ, because im setting up a few servers here... so it would look like06:31
echosystm(modem)--wireless--(AP)--(unsecure stuff / router)--(safe stuff hanging off router)06:32
echosystmtheres going to be cables going everywhere06:32
echosystmso... what i want to know is if it is possible to just go like this...06:32
echosystm(modem)--wireless--(xen/kvm server)--(safe stuff)06:33
echosystmdoes that make any sense at all?06:33
echosystmmy AP/router/servers/whatevers will all go in that xen or kvm box06:34
qman__I have done that before06:43
qman__with vmware server 1.x06:43
qman__simply don't assign the host an IP06:43
qman__effectively completely inaccessible06:43
qman__you would, however, still have to worry about kernel bugs and exploits for the host OS06:44
twbAnd ARP06:44
_Techie_any good tutorials for setting up cups for an HP laserjet 2100m or similar ( lpt port ) ?06:44
twbMAC <--> IP resolution06:44
twbIn IPv4, ARP is used for that and it happens below the IP layer06:44
echosystmdoesnt it somehow magically handle that too?06:45
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echosystmoh wait06:45
qman__the host kernel would still be vulnerable to ARP poisoning attacks06:45
twbechosystm: it only matters if you have a rogue ARP poisoner on the local network06:45
echosystmwhat is the worst that can happen from an ARP poison though?06:45
twbechosystm: MITM attacks on your online banking06:46
echosystmdo not want06:46
qman__anything from complete network outage to MITM snooping whatever they wish06:46
echosystmis that any more or less likely with xen/kvm though?06:47
twbOf course, if your bank actually a fucking clue how to do security, and your users had a clue about not just clicking through SSL errors, you probably wouldn't be vulnerable06:47
qman__it's got nothing to do with them06:47
twbYou *can* turn off ARP and hard-code MAC resolution, of course.06:47
qman__static ARP is the workaround, if you have to worry about that sort of thing06:47
echosystmi see06:48
qman__an attacker needs to be on the same switched network as you to do it06:48
twbOr switch to IPv6 only, which replaces ARP with IPsec-secured ICMPv606:48
echosystmi think ipv6 would be a source of brain hurt, so i might give that a miss :P06:48
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
twbSorry, I forgot the ";-)"06:49
echosystmso just to clarify, i would definitely be no more or less secure from ARP attacks than if i wasnt virtualizing everything?06:50
echosystmim a bit confused06:50
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
echosystmthanks :)06:53
alex88can someone nmap my ip? i'm trying a firewall07:46
twbechosystm: ARP poisoning is pretty bottom-of-the-barrel as far as attacks go07:47
twbEspecially since you'll probably be running PHPMyAdmin and wordpress and other random, totally insecure, services07:47
alex88phpmyadmin and wordpress are totally insecure?07:48
twbWell, they sure get lot of CVEs07:48
twbAnd obviously anything that allows arbitrary users on the internet access to your database using single-factor authentication is bound to be Bad News07:49
alex88well, for plugins..not itself..07:49
alex88registering is disabled in wp07:49
alex88seen..none about version 3.007:53
alex88is syslog replacing klogd07:53
alex88mmhh..when starting /etc/init.d/klogd it remains in "* Starting kernel log daemon.."...any clue?07:56
alex88i need it to log firewall rules07:56
twbErm, historically syslogd and klogd were separate daemons provided by the same sysklogd package.07:59
twbAs at 10.04, rsyslogd (I believe) performs both actions07:59
alex88i've 10.04 server..csf firewall tell me "syslogd appears to be running, but not klogd which logs kernel firewall messages to syslog. You should ensure that klogd is running"08:00
alex88cause i have problem tracking port scan..that's why i've asked someone to portscan me08:00
twbIf rsyslogd isn't installed then somebody fucked with the defaults08:00
twbIt could be that your "csf firewall" is reporting a false positive08:00
alex88syslogd is running..08:01
twbrsyslogd, not syslogd08:01
alex88dunno what to do..08:02
twbComplain to your VPS vendor that they've messed with the Ubuntu defaults?08:02
alex88and what should i say?08:03
twbThat the 10.04 default syslogd is rsyslogd, but it appears you've got sysklogd, and its klogd component isn't running08:03
twbAt least, that's the evidence you've reported to me -- you may be misinterpreting it.08:03
corpsegrindrHi, When ever i transfer a file to or from my media server i seem to lose my network connection after a few seconds. Any ideas as to what might cause this?08:04
tydeasI have an "issue" I always have more than 1 apache processes running in my server08:17
tydeasit this an issue?08:17
alex88tydeas: no it's not08:22
tydeasalex88: why this happen?08:26
alex88cause apache uses more server executables to process more requests..08:27
alex88you can change that value in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf08:27
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ttxDaviey: around ?09:27
kinygoshi, i'm running ubuntu 9.04 and grub 0.97, and attempting to configure grub to boot from my raid partition.  i have grub installed on the disk, but in menu.lst, i need to specify the uuid for the /boot and / partitions.  i need these to be md partitions, but they're not loaded/mounted at boot time so grub cannot find them.  is it enough to put raid1 in /etc/modules?  or does this mean it's loaded after the kerne09:46
Zeu5hi i bought domains in name.com and i am a new bie. am using an ubuntu server. what do i do so that my domain refers to /var/www/app/trunk folder?09:47
Zeu5anyone here?09:51
alex88Zeu5: you need to add virtualhosts in apache10:08
kinygosZeu5: i'm a newb too...but what do you mean "so that my domain refers to /var/www/app/trunk"?  do you want to serve web pages?10:08
alex88where iptables log goes?10:26
alex88i've some iptables rules like "17     216 12888 LOG        tcp  --  *      *             limit: avg 30/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `Firewall: *TCP_IN Blocked* '10:27
alex88i can see those in dmesg, but neither in any file in /var/log10:27
_Techie_what can i use to proxy non SSL IMAP connections, to a server that only allows connections with SSL?10:29
alex88proxy to?10:30
_Techie_proxy from a non ssl capable mail client, to a mail server that only supports connections with ssl10:37
alex88if it only ssl you can't use non ssl clients10:38
_Techie_alex88, theres a reason why im after a way to proxy the connection10:39
alex88well, so you're asking for a proxy that encrypts to ssl and then connects to server?10:40
Davieyttx: Yes.. sorry - irc didn't hilight me - oddly :/10:40
TheInfinityHi everyone ... I have a really strange samba problem ... I have a smb domain @ lucid with printers via cups. Accessing cups without samba works, adding printer drivers too, connecting and adding to windows too, but printing itsself does not work10:41
TheInfinity rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:8386(_spoolss_AddForm)10:41
TheInfinity  _spoolss_Addform: denied by insufficient permissions.10:41
TheInfinityi get this error which cant be found via google which is the strange part of it10:42
TheInfinity(using log level >= 2)10:42
TheInfinityanyone has a suggestion where to search? samba does not give any hint which permission might be the problem, just this error. which makes me a little helpless.10:43
alex88with cat /proc/kmsg i can see the iptables log, how can i transfer to syslog?10:47
nimrod10is any of you using collectd for server statistics ? I am interested to know which tool you're using to graph the rrd files that collectd gathers.10:51
henningeI have a small 10.4.1 server running here and I installed the latest updates on Saturday which included a kernel update (I guess it must have been 2.6.32-24.43).11:05
henningeNow the system will not boot because /dev/mapper/severname-root does not exist.11:07
henningeI assume this must be an error in the initrd but I don't really know how to fix that.11:08
alex88tried to bood from old kernel?11:08
henningeAlso, I don't see a grub prompt before that. How do I get into the grub menu to anyting?11:08
henningealex88: ^ ;)11:08
henningeI don't get a chance to pick a kernel.11:09
kinygoshenninge: press Esc to get into grub menu at boot time...by default, you get 3 seconds...11:12
kinygoshenninge: you can get to the prompt from there11:12
henningekinygos: let me try that. I admit, I am a bit rusty on grub usage ...11:12
* RoyK is impressed - Ubuntu on Hyper-V is _fast_11:12
alex88btw i'm trying to catch iptables logs, they're shown fine in /proc/kmsg but i need they go into syslog, in /etc/syslog.conf i've added line kern.warn -/var/log/syslog, but there are no logs in there, /var/log/kern.log shows "No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled"11:13
henningekinygos: no luck :( I can press (hold, repeat) ESC for as much as I like, I don't get any output (just a blinking cursor) until it says "Gave up waiting for root device".11:22
henningeCan I not reach the grub config from the shell that it drops me to?11:23
kinygoshenninge: admitedly i'm using grub legacy (v0.97) but during boot it shows "starting grub" with a countdown to launch the menu during which you hit Esc11:25
henningekinygos: yes, that's what I remember, too. But I am not seeing any of that.11:29
_chris_heja guys11:29
_chris_kinda have problems mounting an usb stick11:29
henningekinygos: this is a new install of 10.4.111:29
_chris_i plug it in, messages log says "scsi7" but cant find sca or something in /dev11:29
kinygoshenninge: from that prompt you're at, you should be able to cd /boot/grub, but i'm not sure if you have access to any text editors there11:30
kinygoshenninge: perhaps you can load vi and then edit the configs...or do something more ingenious with grep11:31
henningekinygos: no boot dir ?:(11:31
alex88what's the difference between syslogd and syslog-ng?11:31
kinygosouch...not mounted11:31
\shalex88: different syslog implementations...11:32
alex88\sh: because i have problems with klogd and sysklogd because i can't see warn kernel logs that are in /proc/kmsg in /var/log/kern.log. can it be a solution?11:33
\shalex88: which release of ubuntu? we switched during lucid times I think to rsyslog as default syslog app11:34
alex88\sh: 10.04, init.d has /etc/init.d/sysklogd, and i can't start klogd because i'm on vps and it's unable to use on openvz..11:35
alex88i'll try with that..thank you..brb going to eat now11:35
ircleuserHi! I11:36
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Guest81533just out of curiosity if i'm installing ubuntu-server to a drive why would it put grub on a seperate drive?11:36
=== Magnus is now known as magnuso
magnusoHi! I was wondering if someone could provide some help with installing Grub?11:37
_chris_anyone can help me ? i cant mount an usb stick, i plug it in and /var/log/messages it is on device scsi7 , but it seems to not appear in /dev11:41
henninge_chris_: is the device really "scsi7"?11:43
_chris_thats what comes up in messages when plugging it in11:43
henninge_chris_: is there no message about "sda" or "sdb" etc. ?11:44
_chris_no , its only "scsi7 : usb-storage"11:44
_chris_well, actually it is scsi9 now cause i unplugged it 2 times11:45
* henninge tries on maverick desktop11:45
_chris_ah sorry, need to mention this is not ubuntu related, im on an esx server11:46
henningeyes, I guess that is important.11:46
henninge_chris_: here is what I get when I plug in an usb stick. http://paste.ubuntu.com/505654/11:47
henningeso, it is scsi12, but the device is /dev/sdb11:47
henninge_chris_: I guess the process that does that mapping is missing on your machine?11:48
_chris_the only message that comes up here is line2 from your pastebin11:48
_chris_what would that be then ? udev ?11:49
_ruben_chris_: esx has very limited usb support, and you're better off asking in #vmware anyway11:53
_chris__ruben, ah ok didnt know there was channel, ill have a try there11:54
_chris_thx anyway :)11:54
alex88\sh: using syslog-ng worked perfectely12:18
Guest81533i just did a fresh install on a brand new drive.. made sure that it was the only drive in the machine to avoid accidently overwritting important data... let the installer do the guided install using full disk... everything installed without errors... just reboot for first boot... got Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unwn-block(0,0)... please help i have to have this fileserver up and running for my12:24
Guest81533users ASAP... work day is starting ... ahhhhh hard drive crashes are such a pain... first drive to ever fail on me!12:24
\shalex88: well..syslog-ng is not multi-core compatible (at least the last time I used it) since a couple of months/ 1 1/2 years, we are using rsyslog now here @office12:34
\shalex88: and it could be that the syslogd fragment is still on your system, and wasn't cleaned up somehow12:35
binBASHmoin \sh12:35
\shhey binBASH12:35
alex88\sh: if there are some syslogd fragment they're not used.. i've checked some files and they're working fine.. just the kernel thing that now works..12:36
alex88i mean files in /var/log12:37
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kinygosi'm trying to get my remote server to boot from a raid drive. i've installed grub on the underlying disk and i can boot from it if i point at the root partition of the non-raid disk...i'm trying to get the raid partition mounted in time for grub.  i've added raid1 and md to /etc/modules, but this isn't enough...13:27
kinygosi've read that i need to update my ram disk using update-initramfs -u.  my question is, should i do this when i'm chroot'd to the mounted raid partition?13:28
kinygosdifferent question, md_mod doesn't appear to be loaded, but modprobe md won't load it...is ubuntu different?  using 9.0413:36
kinygosi don't have any trouble running mdadm though13:36
tomsdale___in courier, can I delete all contents e.G. in the folder .Trash ? I'm running out of space.13:50
tomsdale___Thunderbird doesn't seem to really delete anything if I delete something via IMAP13:51
kinygosRoyK: i've finally done it...all remotely :)13:55
kinygosRoyK: i just need to configure notifications, then test failing the drives, but the partitions are synchronising now13:56
reisii have a device that is correctly detected when i plug it in, but could there be a way i could symlink it or change the /dev filename before any /dev file is created for it?13:58
_rubenreisi: have a look at the udev documentation13:59
reisi_ruben: thanks13:59
reisi_ruben: though, i though udev was superceded in latest ubuntus? i guess i was wrong13:59
zulttx: i fixed that rabbitmq-server bug14:00
_rubenreisi: not that i know of14:00
_ruben(which doesnt mean all that much)14:00
zulttx: ping14:05
ttxzul: pong14:09
zulttx: can you check out the /etc/network/if-up.d/samba for me the last chunk of it is wrong14:09
* ttx looks14:12
ttxzul: wrong as in... doesn't apply to upstartified scripts ?14:14
zulttx: yeah14:14
ttxzul: you want me to do waht exactly ?14:17
zulttx: make sure im not crazy? :)14:17
ttxzul: it looks good, but I haven't tested it would fail ;)14:17
ttxit looks bad, I mean14:17
zulttx: so if im reading that correctly we should only restart nmbd?14:18
ttxzul: apparently yes. "Try to bring nmbd up when an interface comes up, if smbd is already running."14:20
zulttx: k...ill write something then14:20
ttxzul: I'd SRU that14:21
zulttx: agreed14:21
RoyKkinygos: congrats :)14:23
kinygosRoyK: thanks for all your help last week :)14:23
kinygosi should really write the procedure up somewhere14:23
RoyKplease do14:24
RoyKI guess more ppl might need that14:24
kinygoswhere would be a good place?14:24
RoyKkinygos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community14:26
kinygosRoyK: awesome...i'll make a start :)14:28
zulttx: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/505738/14:32
ttxzul: looks good, untested though14:47
* ttx is deep into that axis2c build failure14:47
zulttx: i just tested it restarted nmbd according to the the log files14:47
zulttx: im surprised no one filed a bug about it14:53
zulttx: uploaded14:57
ttxzul: did you file a bug about it ?14:57
zulttx: no should i?14:57
ttxzul: if you want it to pass the release team, more than probably14:58
zulttx: k14:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #654549 in tomcat6 (main) "Cannot Upgrade Tomcat6 when doing release upgrade from lucid to maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65454915:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #654556 in samba (main) "Samba if-up script is incorrect." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65455615:06
elb0wHas anyone been able to get Adobe AIR to run on 64bit 10.04?15:13
_rubeniirc AIR is rather GUI'ish, so not likely to run on a server15:14
pmatulisapparently the last lucid kernel update is missing lvm2 in the initrd.  can anyone confirm that?15:24
hggdhDaviey: good morning. bug 585108 should be fixed by 2.0-bzr1241-0ubuntu4, correct?15:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 585108 in eucalyptus "euca_conf --register-nodes returns 0 but the node is not registered" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58510815:27
ttxDaviey, zul, SpamapS: I need someone to look deeper into bug 60017415:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 600174 in axis2c "axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60017415:35
* ttx tries to reproduce bug 654549 15:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 654549 in tomcat6 "Cannot Upgrade Tomcat6 when doing release upgrade from lucid to maverick" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65454915:36
zulttx: ill take a crack at it15:40
ssureshotI have an nfs file share defined in fstab,,, when the server boots the nfs share doens't get mounted due to the fact the network isnt' up yet.. anyone aware of a workaround other than putting mount -a in /etc/rc.local?15:42
qman__well, you could put mount -a in /etc/interfaces/if-up.d/, but it's an equally dirty workaround15:45
qman__ /etc/network/if-up.d/15:46
ssureshotright on, I was hoping there was a proper hack lol15:46
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hggdhzul: there?16:26
zulhggdh: ye16:27
hggdhzul: about bug 654249 -- should we send it over to the desktop team?16:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 654249 in libnss-ldap "libnss-ldap create troubles in gnome session when ldap server is unreacheable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65424916:28
zulhggdh: yes i think so16:28
hggdhzul: thanks, will do16:28
zulttx: i think there is still a nis upstart issue that we havent looked at yet16:31
zulttx: i was going to do it this afternoon16:32
ttxzul: ok, file bug if there isn't any, and point me to it16:32
zulttx: ack16:32
zulttx: i was able to reproduce it16:47
elb0wum if I change my group and im a sudoer do I lose sudo access?16:47
zulttx: it happens when there is no network16:47
zulbut i need to eat so bbiab16:48
shaunoelb0w: out of the box, you shouldn't; the default entry is a named user.  do take a look at your /etc/sudoers first tho16:56
elb0wI lost sudo16:57
elb0won the one user that had it16:57
elb0wwhen I did a usermod -G and -g16:57
smosercould i get someone to sponsor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/649591 for me please ?17:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 649591 in mountall "mountall spins eating cpu when 'nobootwait' option exists in fstab followed by a comma" [Critical,Fix released]17:03
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kinygoswhy on earth does the server build from my isp have openoffice installed? lol...epic failage17:45
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knollsif i have ubuntu-server installed and serving, can i apt-get install ubuntu-desktop without affecting the configuration i have currently, and obtain gnome?17:47
Datzknolls: afaik, yes.17:49
knollsDatz: thanks.17:49
Datzsure, haven't personally tried it myself.. but in theory..17:50
qman__beware of networkmanager messing up your network configuration17:51
qman__otherwise you should be fine17:51
RoyKkinygos: heh - your ISP doesn't seem like one I'd use :þ17:52
qman__yeah, still using a hacked up version of jaunty17:53
kinygosRoyK: indeed...but it's just a burden on me to do more sysadmin kinda stuff, which is good cos i learn :)17:53
RoyKkinygos: which version are you running now?17:54
qman__if they're not going to update with each cycle, they should at least stick to LTS versions17:54
kinygosRoyK: 9.04 at the moment, but i'm removing stuff i don't need like openoffice, mysql, php before upgrading to 10.04LTS (i know 9.10 first)17:54
kinygosqman__: i know...it's insane...but they're cheap17:55
qman__I'm still running 9.10 on my desktop, because it's just the way I want it and it works great17:55
qman__I know most people had tons of problems with 9.10 but I didn't17:55
RoyKkinygos: remember to set prompt=lts in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades when you're at 10.0417:56
qman__however, I did have tons of problems with 10.04 on my other machines17:56
RoyKqman__: what sort of problems?17:56
kinygosRoyK: to stop it picking up updates automatically?17:56
qman__failed upgrades, requiring lots of manual fixes17:56
RoyKkinygos: to stay at LTS until a new LTS is released, even if someone runs do-release-upgrade17:56
RoyKthe only problems I've seen so far are some initial grub issues and g77 missing17:57
kinygosRoyK: thanks :)17:57
qman__it broke my torrentflux, grub, my ability to see fsck on boot, on one system it broke my framebuffer17:57
qman__I got it mostly straightened out but it was a huge hassle17:58
RoyKwell, works for me (tm)17:58
RoyKI only have 10-15 10.04 installs yet, but then...17:58
qman__but I upgraded my desktop to 9.10 in RC, and it went without a hitch17:58
qman__and has ran beautifully since17:58
qman__so I'm not touching it until 9.10 support drips17:58
* RoyK suspects kinygos will make a decent sysadmin some day if he keeps on working with ubuntu :)18:00
* kinygos loves working with ubuntu :)18:01
qman__I have complaints but they're petty compared to the problems I used to get18:01
kinygoswell, i haven't done much yet, but what i have done, once i've figured out how to do it, it's made perfect sense :)18:02
mdlueckI am having a hard time finding the Ubuntu package name for a Perl CPAN module I like using. It is called Devel::Trace. Am I just not searching for the correct keywords?18:03
SpamapSkinygos: did you get your raid done?18:04
mdlueckI found the Ubuntu package for Perl CPAN Debug::Trace but that is not what I need18:04
kinygosSpamapS: yep :)  am a very happy chap atm18:04
SpamapSkinygos: how many months until you can ditch your crappy provider? ;)18:05
kinygosSpamapS: thanks for your help too btw :)18:05
SpamapSkinygos: its a pleasure.. glad you were able to work around their weirdness :-D18:05
kinygosSpamapS: well, if the business is successful then i'll be able to change easily...but whilst there's no revenue from the app, i have to work with a tight budget18:05
Guest81533well... i got everything setup on my machine and samba and all was running great... modified fstab to automount the two drives i needed mounted... then reboot and i get /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /fileserver (mount point) busy.. according to mtab /dev/sdb1 is mounted on / ... what might be the problem?18:08
* RoyK has just moved some VMs to Hyper-V and the speed is _great_ - those MS drivers for Linux guests really work well - I'm impressed!18:08
qman__Guest81533, sdb1 is not the correct drive (though it may have been before)18:09
qman__use fdisk -l to find the right one18:10
qman__ubuntu uses UUIDs by default because of this problem, sometimes disks detect in a different order after an update or configuration change18:10
Guest81533qman__, , how could it have changed since i reboot? the drive that has the OS on it is specified by UUID18:10
Guest81533qman__, i was going to specify the other two drives that are data drives by UUID but one of them is a removable drive that will be swaped every week to take off site18:11
qman__the UUID should stay the same18:11
qman__that's why UUIDs are useful18:11
qman__unless you format the drive, it should stay the asme18:12
Guest81533qman__, oddly enough i just put in a liveCD to check my fstab and it boot just fine18:12
qman__like I said, the sd?? naming is relative and changes depending on your environment and configuration18:12
qman__and is therefore unreliable18:12
Guest81533qman__, so if i have two drives that i swap out everyother week they are going to have the same UUID and can be put in the fstab that way?18:12
qman__no, they won't18:13
qman__they will have different ones18:13
qman__but they also won't always have the same sd??18:13
Guest81533qman__, ok i'll boot to the liveCD and use UUIDs, just concerned as to how i'm to automount the two drives to the same mount point depending on which is installed at a given time... won't it fail? or will it just mount whichever is there?18:13
qman__that, you'd have to test18:14
mdlueckWhat type of drives are being plugged in, USB?18:14
qman__the only reliable way I can think to achieve that is to not use automount, but to instead use a script18:14
qman__that knows of the two different UUIDs18:14
Guest81533qman__, well it is to be used as a backup... i was planning on using rsync and cron... i guess i could use a script to mount before executing the rsync18:16
mdlueckIf you are speaking of USB drives, I am thinking to use usbmount to achieve a consistent mount point for my USB backup drives.18:16
Guest81533mdlueck, its an enclosure that has 3.5" drive in it... I have two that I can alternate which enclose pops in18:17
mdlueckAaahh, some sort of hot swap container then?18:17
Guest81533mdlueck, similar, but unfortunatly not hot swapable18:18
mdlueckOK, then the usbmount package obviously would not help in your situation.18:19
Guest81533so a bash script executed by cron (still need to review how to set that up to schedule the backup) to mount the drive then execute the rsync should be sufficient? or would you suggest perl?18:19
qman__whichever you're more comfortable with18:22
qman__basically you just need the script to look up attached UUIDs, match against the two you use, and mount that drive18:22
Guest81533qman__, shouldn't be that hard... lexicographical scripting is that hard18:23
Guest81533isn't i mean18:23
Guest81533still annoyed that grub never was installed... can't afford to mess wtih it right now, cuz i need my users to be able to work18:26
Guest81533it'd always been installed automatically in the past18:26
qman__it still is18:27
qman__unless your issue is hardware specific, I'd be wary to use that install18:27
Guest81533qman__, i put in a new drive and installed directly from the same disk as i had on the old drive.. i had the disk check for errors on it and didn't find any18:28
Guest81533qman__, can labels be used in the fstab or just /dev/sd?? and UUID?18:29
qman__did you change the boot order post install?18:29
Guest81533qman__, nope18:29
qman__I don't think you can, because they're not necessarily unique, but I don't know for sure18:30
Guest81533qman__, i thought i had a problem first time i installed because it wouldn't boot, but it turned out to be an option that was turned off the the BIOS... damn previous employee was notorious for turning BIOS options off18:30
Guest81533qman__, they may not be necessarily unike but i could then lable the two drives to be swaped back and forth the same and avoid the differnt uuid issue... maybe not worth the effort... it'd be good practice to write a script18:31
qman__according to this, you can  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313118:31
qman__#Data partition18:32
qman__LABEL=data /mnt/usr_data ext3 auto,users,rw,relatime 0 018:32
jeiworthhi guys, anyone here has a local ntp server up and running? i am trying to get it to run with ntpd and following some how-tos but it doesn't seem to work :( if i do an nmap on the server it shows me port 123 as closed although ntpd is up and running and configured (well, at least that's what i thought) to provide ntp service to the local network18:32
Guest81533qman__, nice... i'lll try the label meathod...18:33
qman__jeiworth, I do run local NTP, but I set it up a long time ago, I can share my config if you like18:33
jeiworthhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/505857/ <-- current config18:34
jeiworthqman__: would be greatly appreceated, thanks :)18:34
qman__I'm only noticing two differences18:36
qman__I have18:36
qman__restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery18:36
qman__at line 3018:36
qman__and I have line 39 commented out18:36
jeiworthok, let's see...18:36
qman__oh, 44 is commented out too18:37
jeiworthanother question, are you using ntpdate on the c,lients or the ntpd as well?18:37
qman__'broadcast' is apparently a deprecated method18:37
qman__clients should not need to run ntpd18:37
RoyKit doesn't hurt, though18:38
RoyKgood if you want log file timestamps in sync18:39
jeiworth<qman__> clients should not need to run ntpd <-- exactly, they should just query the server and set the time once a day18:39
jeiworth$ sudo ntpdate
jeiworth 4 Oct 12:40:36 ntpdate[12821]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting18:40
qman__use ntpdate-debian18:40
qman__ntpdate will not work18:41
jeiworthqman__: not in the repo :(18:42
qman__it's in the default install18:42
qman__sudo ntpdate-debian18:42
qman__in lucid, configure the time server for non-ntpd clients in /etc/default/ntpdate18:44
jeiworthqman__: aaaaaah18:44
qman__in older versions, modify the cron script in /etc/cron.daily18:45
jeiworthqman__: ok, with ntpdate-debian it worked, also thanks for the hint with /etc/default/ntpdate! :D18:46
Guest81533qman__, thanks for your help...18:47
krebainwhoops...  >.>  I typed it in to tell you.18:51
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping?18:58
kirklandRoAkSoAx: pong18:58
RoAkSoAxkirkland: have you experienced this before: sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n hardy -r 512 -f hardy.qcow2 -s 12 -c hardy-server-amd64.iso --vnc --noautoconsole --os-type linux --os-variant ubuntuHardy --accelerate --network=network:default18:59
zulDaviey: PING18:59
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i mean this: libvirtError: internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: char device redirected to /dev/pts/318:59
RoAkSoAxqemu: could not open disk image /home/roaksoax/.cache/testdrive/iso/ubuntu_maverick-server-i386.iso: Permission denied18:59
zulDaviey SpamapS: when you get a chance can you look at #600174 please19:00
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sorry -- no.  apparmor maybe?19:00
kirklandRoAkSoAx: is your home encrypted, and not mounted?19:00
kirklandRoAkSoAx: don't know....19:00
* kirkland away from keyboard ~15-20 minutes19:00
jdstrandmore likely libvirt-wemu:kvm doesn't have DAC read access19:01
Davieybug #60017419:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 600174 in axis2c "axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60017419:01
RoAkSoAxkirkland: none of that, was working fine yest, today it is not after some package upgrades19:02
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: how can I fix it :)?19:02
zulDaviey: i was able to reproduce it in my ppa as well19:03
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: try 'sudo -u libvirt-qemu -g ls -l /home/roaksoax/.cache/testdrive/iso/ubuntu_maverick-server-i386.iso'19:03
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: err19:03
jdstrandsudo -u libvirt-qemu -g kvm ls -l /home/roaksoax/.cache/testdrive/iso/ubuntu_maverick-server-i386.iso19:03
Davieyzul: AIUI it's just FATFS on amd64?19:04
Davieyerr, i38619:04
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: sigh19:04
zulDaviey: i38619:04
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: that won't work either19:04
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: nope :)19:04
Davieyzul: and armel :/19:04
Davieyzul: I'll poke i38619:04
zulDaviey: meh19:04
zulDaviey: drop it ;)19:04
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: you just need to make sure that that user can access that file. so, if any of the directories or chmod 0700, then that is a no go19:05
Davieyzul: I don't know how much we *need* it.... perhaps we should drop it and it's rdepends.19:05
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: my ~/.cache directory is 0700, so I wouldn't expect testdrive to work there19:05
zulDaviey: good idea :)19:06
zulof course its not my head that will roll19:06
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: jdstrand I can access that file. I can even launch a VM using TestDrive, but when I try to do it with virt-install or virt-manager It just through that error19:06
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: also, if you use encrypted home, you will have an 0700 $HOME19:06
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: oh right, testdrive is kvm only19:06
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: libvirt runs VMs as libvirt-qemu:kvm. that is the user that needs access to the file19:06
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: if you don't want to change permissions, you can adjust /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf to run as root:root19:07
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: the iso permission are being changed: -rw-rw-r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm      705077248 2010-08-16 06:22 ubuntu_ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.iso19:08
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: yes, but every directory in the path leading to that file needs to be accessiable by that user/group19:08
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: ie, if your ~/.cache is 0700: boom19:08
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: you can also simply move your iso somewhere else19:09
jdstrand(that is readable by libvirt-qemu:kvm)19:09
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: right but that's the thing, I did use ISO's that were downloaded through testdrive, and used virt-manager to install VM's, and it didn't through that error on saturday19:10
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: I don't understand "it didn't through that error on saturday"19:10
jdstrandRoAkSoAx: there have been no new libvirt uploads. I don't know what happened on saturday, I can tell you for sure that if libvirt-qemu:kvm cannot read the file, it won't work. check your path, move the iso or adjust /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf19:11
RoAkSoAxjdstrand: ok thanks :)19:11
jdstrandsure, np19:12
mdeslaurRoAkSoAx: I'm preparing security updates for clvm in lvm2...do you have any idea on how I can test it?19:26
RoAkSoAxmdeslaur: not really. Though, you should ask ivoks since I beleive he works with these stuff :)19:30
mdeslaurRoAkSoAx: thanks!19:30
mdeslaurivoks: ^19:30
raubvogel If you are configuring bind9, in which of the three named.conf files would you put the acl's?19:35
ivoksmdeslaur: yes?19:36
ivoksmdeslaur: ah, clvm19:36
mdeslaurivoks: I need to test clvm for a security update...is there an easy way to do this? or some docs perhaps?19:36
ivoksmdeslaur: you would have to set up a cluster with redhat cluster suite19:37
ivoksmdeslaur: or... you could enable support for corosync and openais in build19:37
ivoksmdeslaur: and then use available doc for thath19:37
ivoksmdeslaur: i don't really have any docs on clvm in redhat cluster suite :/19:38
ivoksmdeslaur: you'll need shared storage in any case19:38
ivoksmdeslaur: or, you could just give me the diff and i'll test it :)19:38
mdeslaurivoks: I have packages for dapper all the way to lucid...are you sure you want to volunteer? :)19:39
mdeslaurhow about this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/LucidTesting#BONUS%20:%20RHCS%20Samba%20file%20server%20cluster19:39
mdeslaurivoks: I can try that, right? ^19:40
ivoksmdeslaur: oh yeah19:40
ivoksi totally ignored RHCS part of that page19:40
mdeslaurivoks: was there anything special in the PPA mentioned there, or should that work with the default lucid packages?19:41
ivoksmdeslaur: still, you need shared storage19:41
mdeslaurivoks: I can do that with two VMs, right?19:41
ivoksmdeslaur: for RHCS, you don't need additional ppa19:41
ivoksmdeslaur: yes19:41
mdeslaurok, thanks ivoks, I'll try and get that working19:42
ivoksmdeslaur: i'll probably be online next couple of hours, so ping me if you need help19:43
mdeslaurivoks: sweet, thanks19:44
RoAkSoAxivoks: speaking of which, I'll enable Pacemaker RHCS support for maverick and upload it to a PPA ubuntu-ha-maintainers. Then, we can start working on the library split for natty19:46
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ok, you could do that for lvm too19:47
ivoksRoAkSoAx: enable it to build with corosync and openais19:47
RoAkSoAxivoks: ok will do. I think I'll just setup a blueprint for natty to discuss library split and trying to get HA for UEC19:48
RoAkSoAxivoks: I'm gonna start testing that19:48
RoAkSoAxivoks: would there be anything else you'll like me to discuss in the blueprint?19:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ways to reintegrate that into debian19:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: even if we know that's a complete failure :)19:49
RoAkSoAxhaha indeed19:50
RoAkSoAxivoks: had the same conversation with fghaas about it, but they said what we all know already. Anyways19:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #654574 in mailman (main) "qrunner crashed with IOError in _logexc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65457419:56
mdeslaurivoks: I'm getting "parse error in config: The consensus timeout parameter (4800 ms) must be atleast 1.2 * token (12000 ms).". Any ideas?20:12
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I'm installing a Lucid UEC setup. During installation of the VM's, they ask for the IP of the CLC. Should I specify it or should I leave it, to have autodiscovery?20:14
mdeslaurivoks: never mind, I found it20:14
kirklandRoAkSoAx: what component are you installing?20:17
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sc-cc in one VM20:18
RoAkSoAxkirkland:  but I believe the same will apply to the walrus20:20
ivoksmdeslaur: sorry, i was away for couple of minutes20:20
mdeslaurivoks: np :)20:20
kirklandRoAkSoAx: normally, you let it autodetect20:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: that requires that avahi work20:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i don't know what your network setup looks like20:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but if avahi broadcasts work, it should autodetect okay20:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: well since this is just testing, avahi will work. I'm just using NAT20:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: i"m doing it all in VM's20:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: right -- the VMs must be bridged to talk to one another20:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yep, but I just want to have the eparate components ( 1 CLC, 1 Walrus, 1 CC-SC, 1 NC) to start looking into how to provide HA20:24
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so they are all in a single virtual network, which is the NAT provided by KVM20:24
kinygosupgrade to 10.04 was supersmooth...bloody good job guys :)20:32
cfairleswhere can you set environment variables such that they are loaded even for no-login users (specifically JAVA_HOME), no bash rc's because they are shell user only, /etc/environment doesn't seem to work either20:33
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T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, did a sudo apt-get update and something hung on my 10.04 x64 install when i log in it says ihave updates avaiable but when i update/upgrade it says there were errors and nothing gets installed. any ideas on how to flush this out?21:08
sorenT3CHKOMMIE: Depends on what the errors are.21:09
T3CHKOMMIEit looks like its unable to connect to some of the packages listend in the source.lst21:10
T3CHKOMMIElike lucid-security-updates /multiuniverse21:10
PiciPastebinning the errors would be a good start21:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:11
T3CHKOMMIE"unable to connect to security.ububtu.com etc....21:12
T3CHKOMMIEit trys conencting then times out...21:13
T3CHKOMMIEthen goes to about 21%... then says "failed failed failed... etc"21:13
T3CHKOMMIEok here we go, "some index files faild to download, they have been ignroed, or old ones used instread.21:14
T3CHKOMMIE--fix-missing doesnt help either.21:15
T3CHKOMMIEis the repo server down?21:15
demonsporkI seem to have a nonfunctional dpkg process sitting in the background  locking my /var/lib/dpkg/lock file. It was in the middle of install MRTG and it stopped doing anything, I left it for 30 minutes and then I tried to ctrl+c with no luck, so I actually closed that ssh session and then reconnected, and now the dpkg won't die21:15
ehcahHello. can anyone give me a technical reason for using ebox over webmin? I understand webmin is no longer supported, but it offers much more flexibility if I wish to modify some configuration files by hand.21:30
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:31
* kinygos likes ubottu21:32
guntbertehcah: ebox is ... well I don't like it at all -- but webmin will botch your system if you use it to actually modify configuration :-((21:33
ehcahguntbert: Compared to the experiences I had with webmin, I don't like ebox (zentyal), at all.21:33
ehcahIt is an extremely limited tool with its scope.21:34
RoyKehcah: imho the commandline outperforms any web-based administration interfaces21:34
ehcahRoyK: You and I have chatted about that before, and I agree - no question.21:34
guntbertehcah: I said the same -- especially since ebox uses its own config files -- but still  webmin "is not compatible" -- I agree with RoyK here21:35
ehcahNo arguments here. I really liked being able to use webmin to review my configs easily. Funny as it sounds, I still do a lot of terminal based changes.21:36
ehcahMore simply stated, I wish there was a webmin like GUI out there that was supported.21:37
* RoyK sticks to vim21:39
poolvibe_ok 1st time on IRC sheeshe I'm a lil noobish21:42
frankstervilleAnyone know of a good HP Designjet 500 Driver other than the preinstalled HP junk21:51
frankstervillethe foomatic shifts stuff all over the page21:51
qman__there's a couple different ones included, foomatic, hp2js or something21:52
frankstervilleothere than that the new 10.04 is solid here21:52
frankstervilleye they all shift stuff bout 1/2" off the top of a landscape page21:52
frankstervilletried gen hp stuff too21:53
frankstervillemaybe use alien and grab a fedora one?21:53
qman__they use the same ones21:53
frankstervillehmmm maybe its the format21:53
ivoksmdeslaur: everything ok?21:54
frankstervillei am still amazed that the other 5 printers in the building work flawlessly21:54
frankstervilleSharp Dell 3 other HPs21:54
SpamapSit still amazes me that printer manufacturers feel a need to write and maintain drivers when PCL and PS are perfectly capable of anything anybody wants to do.21:54
mdeslaurivoks: yes! I've tested it on lucid...tomorrow, I'll do the others21:54
ivoksmdeslaur: ok21:54
frankstervillethey should all use gen PCL21:54
frankstervillewould be so much easier21:55
ivoksnot PCL21:55
ivoksPS, so that we can just cat files to usb port21:55
mdeslaurivoks: I had trouble for a while, until I fixed the hosts file properly21:55
ivoksApple figured it out21:55
ivoksthat's why they just dump screenshot to printer21:56
qman__they have to write drivers because the printers aren't smart enough to understand PS or PCL21:56
SpamapSYeah, PS used to have the argument that it was too complex.. but at this point you can embed highly capable SoC in your printer cheaper than you can build an ASIC to handle your super special printer driver language.21:56
frankstervilleyeah its painfull21:56
qman__like winmodems, they're basically mechanical devices on USB control21:56
qman__the rest is handled in software21:56
frankstervilleI cringe when someone says I need a new printer21:56
frankstervillei rem google talking about universalizing21:57
ivoksstill, even if all printers would be PS, they would have 'drivers'21:57
qman__brother laser printers have been great for me21:57
ivoksnot every printer is the same21:57
ivoks-> PPD21:57
frankstervilleoh boy21:57
qman__cheap, good functionality21:57
frankstervillethe sharp here has PPD21:57
SpamapSI really fought even having a printer until 6 months ago. I hate the damn things.21:57
frankstervilleI spend more time on them than I do anything else here21:58
frankstervilleEven the windows clients take less time21:58
frankstervillethe mac maintain themselves21:58
ivoksi never had problems with printers21:59
frankstervillethe servers are nix so nadda there either21:59
ivoksplug it in...wait... works21:59
frankstervilleu run a print server?21:59
ivoksyeah, on each ubuntu desktop :)21:59
ivoksand on couple of servers21:59
qman__my print server has to run windows because I have to support a canon laser with no linux drivers21:59
RoAkSoAxAnyone has any idea of this error? : For example, I have a 37GB partition mounted, formatted with ext4. Inside the partitions I have 3 disk images that total 26GB. When I try to create another 10GB image there it says the disk does not have enough space, and it will only let me create a disk image of 5gb. Any ideas why?21:59
frankstervilleI always ran windows print servers with ubuntu file servers until 10.0422:00
frankstervillebecause of drivers22:00
frankstervillehad to use win22:00
ivokswhere do you get printers22:00
qman__RoAkSoAx, by default it reserves 5% for the journal22:00
frankstervilleform HP SHarp Dell22:00
ivoksi'm having troubls finding printer that won't work on linux22:00
ivoksah, dell22:00
frankstervillegen PCL does22:01
jcastrodells are rebranded lexmarks?22:01
frankstervillebut u have to .cofig it a bit22:01
frankstervilleit defaults to greyscale and such22:01
ivokslexmark is the brand i avoid22:01
qman__yeah, lexmarks are junk22:01
frankstervilleI like the Shap the best here22:01
frankstervilleHi Speed22:01
RoAkSoAxqman__: ohh didn't know that :)! And would there be any way to override that reservation?22:02
qman__HPs are okay22:02
ivokseven epson is good22:02
frankstervilleHP makes me ill on the windows side tho22:02
qman__but I've been recommending brother printers, best one I have22:02
ivoksi have epson multifunction and bunch of HPs22:02
ivoksplug and play22:02
frankstervillenever tried one22:02
qman__RoAkSoAx, that's specified when you create the filesystem22:02
ivoksbrother is OK, that's true22:02
qman__might be able to change it with tune2fs22:02
ivoksi've talked with Till couple of months ago22:03
ivoksHP and Brother are working with community22:03
ivokswhile others... :)22:03
RoAkSoAxqman__: cool thanks ... btw.. I just create an image using qemu-kvm specifying 10GB size, and it did it withpout a problem22:03
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RoAkSoAxkirkland: in lucid, is walrus supposed to register to the clc automatically without having to exchange keys before?22:26
RoAkSoAxkim0: ^^22:28
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
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