
ScottLfrewsxcv, well, it really wasn't a joke00:05
ScottLfrewsxcv, but we would really appreciate any suggestions or examples you can provide00:06
ScottLpaultag, that's cool, hopefully you can smooth some things over00:06
paultagScottL, is it being considered for submission to Debian?00:06
ScottLpaultag, as far as i know, no one is working on it for debian, but i don't keep up that much with debian to be honest00:07
paultagScottL, it looks to be stupid stuff like sanity checking 00:07
paultagScottL, I've not seen an RFS for it, and I keep an eye out for cool stuff like this00:07
paultagScottL, I might try and fork it and send the git repo to the author and see if he might consider sending to Debian00:08
paultagScottL, it's pretty cool ( but he has some basic errors with his packaging, I might try and fix that up while I'm at it )00:08
ScottLfrewsxcv, and please feel free to point out any wrong with the mock-up, i don't claim to be a website designer but i would enjoy learning more00:08
ScottLpaultag, sweet :)00:08
paultagScottL, have you tried it out?00:09
ScottLi just ran across this while reading Linux Format magazine, not sure how many people actually know about it00:09
paultagScottL, it's actually really really cool, I love it. It helped hugely this afternoon00:09
ScottLpaultag, negative, been working on too many other things, even to the exclusion of my own music that i should have finished a month ago ;)00:09
paultagScottL, I nailed a good bit of a song I was struggling with00:09
paultagScottL, I know that feeling :)00:09
frewsxcvScottL, firs thing i notice in the site. it's a bunch of text. not organizational flow whatsoever00:13
frewsxcvit's like someone went in the gimp and just placed textboxes everywhere00:13
paultagScottL, Oh man, I just read the readme. Apparently  stretchplayer is GPL-Jesus-Christ-v300:18
paultagScottL, http://github.com/paultag/stretchplayer/raw/master//README.txt <-- Check this out00:18
ScottLfrewsxcv, well, it was inkscape, but fair enough :)   go on, please00:18
paultagRight under "ABOUT STRETCHPLAYER"00:19
ScottLpaultag, written to glorify god....hmmm, interesting00:19
frewsxcvScottL, coutn how many different fonts are apparent on the website. a site should never have more than 200:19
ScottLpaultag, lol @ "gpl-jesus-christ-v3"00:21
paultagScottL, not often you see that in a README00:21
frewsxcvScottL, what is the player in the top left?00:22
frewsxcvScottL, also embedding flash on the front page?00:22
frewsxcvScottL, and the colors on the top right, of the social network icons, do not fit in the page00:23
ScottLfrewsxcv, the player in the top left was to play user submitted music, to showcase ubuntu studio user work00:28
ScottLfrewsxcv, "flash on front page", i thought that having some media very accessible (espeically the youtube videos that everyone likes to watch) would help new people see what it is about and how good it can be00:29
frewsxcvScottL, that can be a good idea, though 1) make sure it doesn't play by default 2) make sure it doesn't use flash 3) don't position it on the top left of the page00:29
ScottLfrewsxcv, i agree with the colors, i had considered making them grayscale00:29
frewsxcvScottL, having media on the front page can be fine. just flash is looked down upon, especially in the FOSS community. theora/webm would be a nice choice. though 2 videos on the front page can be a bit overwhelming00:30
frewsxcvScottL, i'm not sure how it'd look but, maybe on hover over, the icons can turn their respective color00:30
ScottLfrewsxcv, keep in mind, that really isn't a flash player there, it's just a screen shot that i stole to use as a prop, it could be any type of video00:31
ScottLfrewsxcv, do you have interests in actively helping redo the ubuntustudio.org website?00:32
ScottLpeople keep saying they want to and then doing nothing or proposing questionable ideas/work00:32
frewsxcvScottL, i can help out a bit here and there, though being a full time student and work i don't really have enough time to commit to anything00:33
paultagScottL, I can help. I used to be employed as a web designer and I just offloaded helping with the loco-directory project00:33
frewsxcvScottL, i did a lot of the coding on the current site00:33
ScottLpaultag, that would be sweet :)00:33
paultagScottL, roger doger. I'll see if I can't mock something up when I have a few hours 00:34
ScottLfrewsxcv, oh really?  i believe cory mentions you often when we talk about the website00:34
ScottLpaultag, awesome!00:34
frewsxcvScottL, is he still _MMA_?00:34
ScottLfrewsxcv, no, he goes by ckontros now00:34
ScottLhe doesn't get in this channel too often, but you can pm him quite often00:35
ScottLfrewsxcv, the current website has some things fallen into disrepair and we thought it would be nice to update the whole site since it hasn't been touched in a while00:35
ScottLpaultag, ^^^ i goes you should know that too00:36
frewsxcvScottL, i completely agree. and if it were me, i would move away from drupal00:36
paultagyeah for sure00:36
ScottLthe trouble has been finding someone with drupal experience to fix or replace it00:36
frewsxcvbut that really depends on your coding ability00:36
paultagScottL, I'll see if I can mock something up. It won't be hard to replace it with a from scratch site.00:36
ScottLfrewsxcv, well, detrate` offered to do it in wordpress but there's a story about that00:36
frewsxcvmeh it's mostly css work. i'm pretty sure i sent cory a patch a year ago00:36
frewsxcvit really depends on how complex the site is if you need a whole framework00:37
ScottLdetrate`, had started working something up and stochastic (who doesn't hang around often anymore) popped in and told me and tyler that wordpress is verboten to canonical due to security00:37
ScottLso, all of detrate`s work got stalled, so we pushed on trying to get drupal help00:38
frewsxcvi mean, if it's just a few pages, just a small python script would be fine to generate the rss and news page00:38
ScottLbut now i hear that wordpress is allowed (or actually see it, www.uds.ubuntu.com) so i'm going to file an RT to make sure00:39
ScottLfrewsxcv, well, i would like to make the website a little more functional than what it currently is, hopefully make it a portal for new users and a nexus for user activity (hopefully)00:39
frewsxcvScottL, like...00:39
ScottLsome of the main things mentioned are the feature walkthrough (not walkway, language from work creeping in) to explain to people unfamiliar with ubuntu studio00:40
ScottLalso go over some of the intricacies, like kernels, to further explain to people who are somewhat familiar00:40
ScottLplaces to host user created content00:41
ScottLhow cool would it be for a user to have their stuff playing or showing on the front page? (just an idea)00:41
ScottLlinks to tutorials00:41
frewsxcvScottL, you don't need a web framework to put an audio player on the front page00:41
frewsxcvand make sure the audio player is not flash00:41
frewsxcvlibre.fm player is a good example00:42
ScottLa really good video showcasing ubuntu studio's features would be effective00:42
ScottLfrewsxcv, lol, i was just reading about libre.fm (and jokosher) in Linux Format magazine00:42
frewsxcvScottL, again, videos don't require wordpress00:42
ScottLfrewsxcv, my understanding is that canonical requires the framework, but i could be really, really wrong00:44
ScottLfrewsxcv, paultag: to be honest, i care less for "no framework, which framework", whichever methodology works doesn't matter to me, just providing the functionality is what i am concerned with00:49
frewsxcvScottL, i agree. for now, focus on functionality/design to the site. then worry about how it works00:50
paultagScottL, I'm with you man.00:50
paultagWell, I'll be off fixing stretchplayer in another workspace. Let me know if this goes anywhere interesting00:50
ScottLpaultag, i don't know if you saw this before - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskWebRevamp00:51
paultagScottL, aye, I poped that up when you pasted it above :)00:51
paultagWoo. Got the DSC lintain clean. Huzzah.01:07
ScottLpaultag, :)01:37
ScottLpaultag, i have an idea for the website i'd like to bounce off of you02:55
ScottLi tend to think about things, perhaps overthink them, but i try to think about it from lots of perspectives02:57
ScottLtheir not always good ideas, mind you, but i try to get "outside" box sometimes02:58
ScottLhi troy_s 02:58
ScottLpaultag, what if the first page was like http://www.kubuntu.org/ 02:58
troy_sScottL: How goes the fight?02:58
troy_sScottL: That site is for whom?02:58
troy_sScottL: More of the same wank.02:58
ScottLpaultag, but very, very clean, just focusing on the features of ubuntu studio, with a link to a more explanatory video or to go on to the main site02:59
ScottLtroy_s,  1) still developing, exploring, looking at it02:59
ScottLtroy_s,  2) ubuntu studio02:59
ScottLtroy_s,  3) yes :P02:59
troy_sScottL: (I was referring to that Kubuntu site)03:01
ScottLtroy_s, oh, sorry about that then :)03:02
troy_sScottL: Looking for a link.03:02
ScottLtroy_s, http://www.kubuntu.org/03:02
troy_sScottL: Yes. Weak. Big bunch of data.03:03
troy_sScottL: No spirit. No voice. 03:03
ScottLtroy_s, yes, but this was mine http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/images/website-mockup-3.png03:03
ScottLsome liked it, others did not03:03
troy_sScottL: Yikes @ me on there.03:04
ScottLi realize that my mockup is trying to do WAY to much, and therefore not effectively doing anything03:04
troy_sScottL: Still no voice. All of the aesthetic cues are really a moot point. In fact, dare I say that you maybe should simply start black and white with a generic typeface etc. A 'pencil outline' if you will.03:04
troy_sScottL: Start with a voice. Then let the voice (and the who) drive the aesthetic.03:04
troy_sScottL: And yes, an astute observation really.03:05
ScottLtroy_s,  this is what inspired my mockup  http://cms.template-help.com/wordpress_30641/03:06
ScottLtroy_s, and you can see that i completely lost the simplicity it had03:07
ScottLtroy_s, my first one was much simpler, but certainly not as elegant as the example03:08
ScottLtroy_s, the second lost its focus, and the third took it to the extreme03:08
paultagScottL, sure03:08
ScottLpaultag, keep in mind, i'm not dictating anything, just bouncing ideas03:08
troy_sScottL: Yep. Sure did.03:08
paultagScottL, yessir03:09
ScottLpaultag, feel free to tell me i'm full of feces ;)03:09
paultagScottL, naw, I'm with you. I love the Kubuntu site03:09
paultagScottL, I'll tell you if I disagree ;)03:09
ScottLas i said, i tend to work my way around something, and i don't always walk in the right direction03:09
troy_sScottL: Two big things to do perhaps. Or at least try. 1) Ask a question. Don't blow your wad. Let curiosity in. 2) Get that damn voice. Who? Goal? Download the ISO isn't enough. That's certainly a potential goal for certain audiences, but not an end unto itself. What is the end?03:10
troy_sScottL: For an extremely good example of 'ask a question', the iPod packaging featuring the black and white musical artists and nothing more did a terrific job at that. Enough visual cues to lead the audience in the right direction, but not enough to give them the answer as it were.03:10
troy_sScottL: Again, read http://www.uie.com/brainsparks/2010/08/16/are-we-measuring-the-wrong-assumptions/ for a perfectly good example of what we are discussing really. Figure out the who and speak to them. Ignore everyone else.03:11
ScottLtroy_s, i'm not terribly intuitive on such things, i will need to read it several times and reflect on it and how it applies03:12
ScottLtroy_s, but read it i will (sorry for yoda voice)03:12
ScottLtroy_s, but this aligns with what i was suggesting to paultag and the example link (the inspirational one), keeping it simple and direct03:13
ScottLtroy_s, i think the audience should be people not familiar with ubuntu studio, the goal to give them some ideas about it without going to technical03:14
ScottLtroy_s, i wasn't trying to sound flippant about the "wrong assumptions" link you gave, i realized it sounded that way when i reread what i typed03:28
ScottLpart of my problem is that i like to explain everything to make sure everyone understand everything :P03:30
troy_sScottL: Let's hope you make progress.04:02
troy_sScottL: It might be difficult with a lack of unionized core. Getting the core force on the same page is not going to be simple I believe.04:03
aboganiScottL: About http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/images/website-mockup-3.png It is really really cool!07:30
ScottLabogani, thank you :)12:20
ScottLalthough two others crucified me about it LOL12:20
ScottLthey didn't like it so much ;)12:20
astraljavaWow. I am fond of that style very much, so no idea what's going on there. :)13:20
scott-worki was hoping that providing a mockup to the mailing list it might inspire someone else to prepare a mockup as well13:27
scott-workmaybe go in a different direction, something different13:28
scott-workpaultag said he would work something up as well though :)13:28
scott-worki look forward to seeing what he has13:28
paultagI was dealing with #ubuntu-california last night ( what  a headache ). hopefully I'll have time tonight :)14:08
jussiscott-work: nice mock up, but IM not a bg fan of the "set your creativity free" font15:19
scott-workjussi: LOL, many feel that way :)15:19
scott-workjussi: but also, in some cases, people have greatly disliked the overall design15:30
jussiscott-work: theres always people who just dont like it15:30
aboganiscott-work: You should reply: "I'm sure that we can do better. Could you provide a draft of your idea?". If they don't reply please ignore them.15:33
scott-workabogani: funny you should say that because i did ;)15:44
scott-workone of the persons who did not like my mockup was the person who made the current website15:45
scott-workwhen i queried him about problems and change he did point of some very constructive points :)15:45
scott-works/change/changes he would make15:46
scott-worki wonder if we might also use a "landing page", a page the people googling (therefore newbies) would see15:47
scott-workperhaps something like these:  http://aerfoto.net/15:47
scott-workjust very basic, but highlighting some features15:47
scott-workwith a link at the bottom to take them to the main website, which could be more like the mockup15:48
scott-workthese are just thoughts, just exploring the possibilities15:48
jussiscott-work: landing pages work :D16:05
paultag+1 *16:05
paultagjussi, thanks for helping this morning again, btw :)16:05
paultagMy website is just a big landing page :)16:06
jussino no no...16:06
jussiI meant to write they dont work ... I hate them. but still..16:06
paultagjussi, >:(16:07
paultagjussi, http://pault.ag/ <-- this is a landing page, really16:07
jussimore clicks = bad. 16:07
paultagjussi, you don't click on mine, so neener neener16:07
scott-workI was LOL at jussi's comments, not you paultag 16:07
paultagscott-work, I figured ;)16:07
scott-workjussi, paultag:  after talking to troy_s and some people at work, i'm really less worried about how the website "looks" than how "functional" it is16:16
scott-worki think the current website doesn't look bad, but really isn't that functional16:16
scott-works/look bad/look that bad16:16
scott-worki would rather have a website that is basic (like google, youtube, et al) but really, really functional and direct16:17
paultagscott-work, if we could find a django whiz, this could be in top-notch shape in no time. Just fork the loco-directory, it has a ton of code that could help16:17
paultagscott-work, yeah, I don't disagree at all16:17
scott-worki think doctormo knows django16:17
paultagscott-work, I think he does, he gave code to the LD at one point and time :)16:19
scott-workpaultag: i guess doctormo either hasn't had his morning coffee or isn't interested :P17:16
scott-workabogani: in reference to your email about kernels and help, i would be happy to help wherever you need it, including packaging and relations17:56
scott-worki'll respond to the email later today though17:56
holsteinabogani: AH, i didnt realize you were in the channel :)17:59
holsteinyeah, i think we can get a little RT team together to help maintain those kernels17:59
jussiholstein: scott-work, excellent to see people able to help with RT!18:00
holsteinjussi: :)18:00
scott-workjussi: the -rt kernel is terribly important for several reasons and deserves this support18:05
jussiscott-work: Im well aware ;)18:05
scott-work1) latptop users with firewire audio interfaces need to set the irq priorities which requires the -rt kernel (as is my understanding)18:05
scott-work2) some people require the performance that the -rt kernel provides18:05
scott-workjussi: i'm sure you do, but i just really wanted to post that in the irc channel for recrod really18:06
scott-workrecord even ;)18:06
paultagscott-work, haha aye18:17
* paultag hugs jussi 18:18
jussipaultag: !18:18
paultagjussi, thanks for your work with california, everyone's real stressed over it lately ( it's been going on for a while now ) :)18:19
scott-worki think some of the education and information sharing in the mailing list regarding the kernels is awesome!18:41
scott-workit's great to see the community coming together like that :)18:41

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