
FezzlerDoes REAPER work in Ubuntu?01:37
holsteinlooking at the screenshots01:37
holsteinit looks alot like http://www.renoise.com/01:38
holsteini would ask over in #opensourcemusicians Fezzler01:39
holsteinsee if anyone acutally uses it01:39
holsteini remember seeing some chatter01:39
holsteinbut i forget what the final word was01:39
Fezzleru use renoise?01:39
holsteini checked out the demo01:39
holsteinseemed cool01:39
holsteinardour is really the tool that fits my needs best01:39
FezzlerI bounce around.  REAPER, ProTools, Audacity, Ardour, Live01:40
holsteini really dont do anything that requires live01:41
holsteinand i found the UI quite strange01:41
holsteinaudacity doesnt do multitrack well01:42
holsteini really dont know much about reaper01:42
FezzlerIt is odd.  But it is one of those pieces of software if you go thru the tutorials, it begins to make sense and you realize why it is so darn innovative01:42
holsteinthats what ive heard01:42
holsteini really dont do much MIDI or electronic music01:43
holsteinand when i do01:43
Fezzleralso, and I am new to recording, for some reason Live has produced some of my best mixes01:43
ScottLFezzler, i believe reaper will work with ubuntu but requires wine of course01:43
holsteini tend to treat it more like an anolog source01:43
holsteinyeah, its not going to hurt anything to try reaper01:44
holsteinjust get wine and go for it01:44
Fezzlerguitar player - but I do use software drums and shakers and horns01:44
holsteinand poke around on wineHQ01:44
FezzlerScottL>> Thanks!01:44
FezzlerI have wine installed01:44
ScottLFezzler, if you check the reaper forums you should find someone called "alex stone" (i think) who did a bunch of work with it01:44
holsteinAH, thats cool01:45
FezzlerScottL>> Thanks01:48
FezzlerBeginning mixer, but my best results have been when I track each drum component individually01:50
holsteinbest sounding?01:51
holsteinor best groove?01:51
holsteinmight have to find a happy middle ground01:52
holsteinread about some recording techniques01:52
holsteinif your having phase issues01:52
Fezzlersounding.  when I put drum track on one track, mix is always muddy01:52
holsteinclose mic-ing each drum?01:53
holsteinwith like 4 or 6 tracks?01:53
Fezzlermidi / wave drums01:53
holsteinthat shouldnt matter then01:53
holsteinyou can tell hydrogen to spit each drum out separatly to JACK01:54
holsteinso you can mix them like an actual kit01:54
Fezzleryes, I like hydrogen.  I think tracking each drum opens up mix, but what do I know01:58
holsteinif it sounds good02:01
holsteingo for it02:01
Fezzlerfun learning, just wish I had more time02:01
Fezzlerand money for instructions02:01
holsteinyou can get help online02:01
Fezzlerwell, I've read about panning.  volume is easy.  I need to learn more about EQ, Gate, Compression02:03
FezzlerI also found my best results are when I add only subtle effect.02:04
Fezzleranyone try rakarack02:05
* holstein is a rakarrack fanboy :)02:06
FezzlerOh!  Struck a nerve.  :)02:06
FezzlerI should check it out then02:07
holsteinthose guys are really great too02:07
holsteinquite an active project02:10
ScottLi second rakarrack, awesome jack-aware application02:12
holsteincrazy light-weight too02:13
holsteinfor what all it does02:13
Fezzlerholstein>> just installed it02:18
ScottLi think one of the newer developers actually knows about electrical engineering02:19
Fezzlerholstein>> so my guitar should be recorded clean and then add Rakarack effects02:22
holsteini usually track with it on02:22
holsteinand take a wet and dry channel02:22
holsteinthen, i got options02:22
Fezzlerholstein>> I bet you can remap too.  Put clean on one track, output to new track with rakarrack02:23
holsteinin JACK02:23
holsteinyou can route the clean one where ever after the fact02:24
FezzlerI use my DigiTech RP250 as my audio input device.  Not sure it does clean or aka bypass02:25
FezzlerI think it has a "Direct"02:26
holsteinmaybe you can get both going in02:28
holsteinon 2 tracks02:28
Fezzlerunless my Ubuntu PC has a firewire in port, I have a M-Audio Firewire 41002:28
holsteini got a firepod02:29
FezzlerFirepod a line 6 product?02:29
Fezzleror Presonus?02:30
holsteinpresonus firepod02:31
holsteinFP-10 they call it now02:31
Fezzlerjust looked it up -sweet02:31
holsteinyeah, it works well02:32
holsteindecent preamps02:32
holstein8 balanced ins02:32
FezzlerLots of options with the FP-1002:35
holsteinaround 400 too02:36
holsteinUS $02:36
Fezzlerhere is what I have  http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_au/FireWire410.html02:37
FezzlerIt is somewhat quirky because it requires a complete shutdown to plug-in, unplug.  Sometime "sleeping" the computer works too.02:38
holsteinthat could be the chipset02:39
holsteinhttp://www.ffado.org/?q=node/24 :/02:40
Fezzlerwell - looks like no go in Linux for M-Audio FW 410 per your link02:43
FezzlerFirepod does though have Linux driver (or works with alsa?)02:44
holsteinthe firewire driver in JACK02:46
holsteinjust works :)02:46
holsteinffado is where to check02:46
Fezzlershould I try or not bother?02:47
holsteinwith the firewire 410?02:47
holsteinwont hurt to plug it in and see02:47
holsteinbut the ffado site is pretty current02:48
holsteinthey have an active mailing list too02:48
Fezzlerholstein>> see ya03:10
holsteinFezzler: :)03:10
Fezzlerholstein>> gonna give rakarack a try and just capture a clean as possible tone from RP25003:10
holsteinrakarrack FTW :)03:11
FezzlerI've learned not only does playing guitar turn one into a gear head but also a tone head!03:13
FezzlerI'm so glad I took this hobby up.  Just wish I started 30 years ago03:14
Fezzlerrakarack Q:  here?03:45
holsteintheres a channel too though03:45
holsteinif i dont know03:46
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Guest11951i'm launching jackd from a bash script. anyone know how to detect inside the script that jackd has started up?09:11
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M00R1Zhey everybody, i have a small question, is ubuntu studio ubuntu+studio, meaning that it's always based on ubuntu's latest version and i basically get ubuntu + the audiovisual stuff?14:45
M00R1Zi appreciate it14:45
skypcecan you helpme with it:16:36
skypceJACK ERROR: zombified - calling shutdown handler16:36
skypceit is when i run muse from cosole16:36
skypceand i try to load a soundfont16:36
skypcewith fluidsynth16:37
holsteinskypce: i have seen that16:54
holsteini think there is an argument16:54
holstein-z or -Z16:54
holsteini used to use it to get zynaddsubfx to run16:55
skypcevery thank you holstein16:57
skypcei will test in a moment16:57

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