
ownerhey James, I talked to you about some download problems a few days ago and now I have run into a new problem.  When I download something and go to open it, a window pops up saying "incorrect architecture".  Do you know how I could fix this?00:02
ownerCan anyone help me?...00:15
James147owner: are you trying to run a 64bit program in a 32bit envrioment?00:19
* XuMuK is away: отстутствую))*00:20
* XuMuK is back (gone 00:02:46)00:22
ownerthe sizes that are listed are 72.4 MiB for one and 19.2 MiB00:23
* XuMuK is away: отстутствую))*00:23
James147for what program?00:24
James147owner: and whats the output f "uname -m"?00:25
ownerwhere can I find that info?00:29
James147owner: open a terminal and type "uname -m" and hit enter, tell me what it says00:29
ownerI'm not really good with computers and I don't know where to look for a terminal.00:35
ownerThat is why I am here00:36
darkdelusionsOpen a term Kmenu>System>Terminal00:37
darkdelusionsOnce it opens type in uname -m00:37
James147(or press alt+f2 > type "ternimal" press enter, then type "uname -m" in the window that appears00:39
darkdelusionsthat works to00:39
darkdelusionsdo /exec command work in quassel?00:39
James147^^ terminal sorry :)00:42
ownerwhat tab do I go under00:45
darkdelusionsjust hit alt+f2 and type terminal and hit enter :)00:47
oldirtyor 'konsole'00:47
ownerIt brought up a window with 5 tabs; general, display, local resources, programs, and performance.01:00
darkdelusionsso you hit alt+f2 and typed terminal?01:02
* James147 cannot think what that window could be...01:03
James147owner: are you running kubuntu or ubuntu01:03
darkdelusionsJames147: its the "resource manager"01:03
James147darkdelusions: still cannot find it :001:04
darkdelusionsJames147: Well he is using Quassel so I am gonna assume that he is on KDE01:05
ownerI am running kubuntu James, and thats exactly what I did darkdelusions01:05
darkdelusionsowner: Then click on the K in the lower left01:06
darkdelusionsthen click on system01:06
James147owner: what happens if you try it with "konsole" instead of "terminal"?01:06
darkdelusionsamd scroll threw the list and find terminal\Konsole01:06
ownerit says x86-6401:08
James147hm... then you should be able to run 32 or 64 bit programs... what program are you tring to install?01:09
ownerskype for ubuntu01:10
ownerbrother is in the army and Im using skype to talk to him01:10
dev001Hi.  I've installed Kubuntu 10.10 (snapshot) on an old PowerBook G4 (ppc).  The LiveCD was fine; after install & reboot, tho, I get to the desktop, but the video scanrate is off/wrong.  I can see the desktop/items, etc but get lots of snow/has, and multiple ghost images ... Iiuc, 'sax' is a thing of the past -- from this desktop, how can i _fix_ the video?01:11
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:11
James147owner: download this: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-64 and try clicking on it in dolphin01:11
James147dev001: you should ask on #ubuntu+1 for maverick support01:12
dev001James147: even tho it's kubuntu?01:12
James147dev001: there is only one changel for amverick01:13
dev001James147: heh ... not sure what that means, but i'll head over there.01:14
ownerok I appreciate the help. Now i have one more question about my toolbar if you have the time for that01:19
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ownerI deleted the box on the toolbar that tells me when I am connected to the internet and my battery life and I was wondering how to get it back01:44
ownercan anybody answer my question?...01:56
olskolircsay how about i change my sources.list from the word karmic to maverick and upgrade from there is that ok?  i got the maverick iso from http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/maverick/ and made a usb creator and its not bootable02:05
p_resCan someone help me with Desktop Search in KDE 4.5.1?02:06
ownerI need help replacing items on my toolbar.  Could anyone help?02:14
nobarkingdoes anyone know how to add to the leave menu in KDE?02:24
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LaMorTHey all02:44
LaMorTMy webcam didn` t work with Emesene02:45
LaMorTI have a Hp pavilion dv502:45
LaMorTNo answer?02:46
olskolirchey im trying to dual boot a usb flash boot drive i have karmic on one and i want maverick on the other usb partition how do i get it to do that wouthout creaming the whole drive and losing karmic?02:47
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bdizzlehi, I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to get a Texas Instrument 5-in-1 SD card reader to work in kubuntu?03:51
sunnyGHello, need assistance with fresh install of Kubuntu 10.04.1. I can't see available wireless APs. can't find a suitable program in kpackagekit that will show me any wireless networkd in the area04:10
sunnyGI have been using Ubuntu for a while but the knetwork manager doesn't or at least I cant find the list of avail networks04:11
sunnyGnevermind, I'm an idiot, just needed a reboot for driver to fully load04:20
looki need some help05:12
lookon Kubunt it says my network manager is "disabled" when its enabled...wat?05:12
lookbefore hand on boot it did a check for errors...is that related?05:13
looki need a fix please...anyone?05:14
looknvm i fixed it no thanks to you people05:17
zanthirHello world. ;)05:57
zanthirAnyone ever seen this in Mono? Error: Error: A dependency of a referenced assembly may be missing, or you may be referencing an assembly created with a newer CLR version. See the compilation output for more details.05:58
vijay_hello, where's the newbie channel?09:49
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banpdtr_In one project source code, there is one file with LGPL licence. But that project holder issued Apache License 2.0. I want to use the project source code.. Can I use it ?11:21
balahi, i am running 10.04, with kde-ppa, i am getting a : Calling the Nepomuk storage service failed: 'The name org.kde.NepomukStorage was not provided by any .service files'. error.11:33
balais there a way i can fix this?11:34
Riddell** testers needed for KDE Platform 4.5.2 on 10.1011:54
James147Riddell: I am up for that :)11:56
RiddellJames147: join #kubuntu-devel11:57
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crackstorehye all12:24
crackstorehow to enable explosion for make windows explode when close window12:24
crackstorei try enable in system setting.. but the effect nothing12:25
crackstoreanyone can help me?12:25
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n8wi keep gettin this error for printin in okular after upgradin to 10.10: lpr: Bad job-sheets value ""!13:22
n8wany idea?13:22
BluesKajn8w, ask in #ubuntu+1, it's the maverick support channel13:25
n8wBluesKaj:  thx man13:25
Sadist_BoarUbuntu with TheVistaLinuxDesktop... =(13:28
* Sadist_Boar gave up on LIzards' New UniX13:29
BluesKajSadist_Boar, ??13:30
Sadist_BoarAnd the Kubuntu is the worst - it failed to boot when unetbootined!13:30
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denrusВсем снова привет! :)13:36
denrusСлушайте, а кто-нибудь знает - команда update-grub обновляет данные для всех установленных систем, или только для текущей?13:37
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:37
denrusThanks. :)13:38
amichairdoes krfb work properly in lucid? (I know it doesn't in previous releases...)13:50
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BluesKajamichair, never got it to work either13:58
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amichairBluesKaj: bummer, I hoped they had it fixed by now. It's been disfunctional for years...13:58
BluesKajamichair, I haven't been able to make it work on lucid13:58
amichairBluesKaj: so x11vnc it is?13:59
BluesKajamichair, are you doing a true remote sharing or just over a Lan ?14:00
amichairI'm gonna need it for very remote sharing :-)14:01
faLUCEHi. I'm using 10.04 on an ACER aspire notebook. I connect to the www with a usb modem, which I turn on as a modem with usb_modeswitch.  It is seen as /dev/ttyUSB4. Unfortunately, if I plug in another usb device, I loose the connection of the modem and it doesn't appear anymore as /dev/ttyUSB4 ... what can I do? thanks14:01
BluesKajx11vnc amichair ?14:02
amichairBluesKaj: isn't that the common alternative vnc server?14:02
BluesKajamichair, dunno ..I'm asking not suggesting14:03
amichairor rather, krfb is an alternative to x11vnc :-)14:03
BluesKajamichair, do you have a static IP ..somebody told me it's a requirement or some dns tracker at least14:05
amichairBluesKaj: I do, but there's no problem using any dynamic dns either.14:06
BluesKajamichair, I tried a remote connect to my server with my laptop when I was visiting my son, but it wouldn't work14:10
BluesKajusing krfb14:10
amichairBluesKaj: as long as you know the IP address and have port forwarding/firewall set up, I don't think there should be a problem14:11
amichairoh, well... krfb doesn't work then14:11
BluesKajwas trying to retrieve some movies14:11
amichairbut x11vnc should14:11
amichairor tightvnc, or one of the others14:11
BluesKajamichair, well goodluck, let me know if you're successful14:12
BluesKajamichair, which port should be used?14:14
amichairBluesKaj: the default is 5900, but you can use any, as long as you tell both server and client which to use14:15
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amichairBluesKaj:  seems to be working ok with x11vnc. I think I'll tunnel over ssh to avoid messing with router/firewall, and for some added security (vnc security is a bit of an afterthought)14:42
amichairright now I'm testing from LAN14:42
amichairBluesKaj: as simple as http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#X11VNC_Server14:45
BluesKajamichair, ok thanks , just installing  x11vnc, now14:45
amichair(I took out the loopbg param since I didn't quite get it, and it leaves lots of ghost processes around, and it works without it)14:46
BluesKajamichair, will I need ssvnc too  ?14:46
amichairBluesKaj: I don't know ssvnc14:46
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BluesKaj loopbg param?14:47
amichairin the instructions from the link above14:47
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amichairis there a standard(-ish) directory to put little scripts under the home dir?14:58
Unksiamichair: never heard of such14:59
Unksiunless its a script that is intended to run when logged in14:59
amichairUnksi: Nope, just little bash scripts, etc. No biggie, ~/scripts will do.15:04
Unksiok :p not a bad idea^15:06
BluesKajamichair, I don't see the command to remove theloopbg param15:08
amichairBluesKaj: the sample command in that link I gave u before, shows a command line with a -loopbg parameter. I just removed it from the command I ran.15:09
amichairbut if you figure out what it's for and find it useful, you can leave it :-)15:10
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BluesKajamichair, I ran that command and it kept repeating the loopbg , it wouldn't stop til I exit the terminal15:11
amichairyes, I also saw some printout in a loop, and a whole lot of x11vnc processes created15:12
amichairI killed them, then ran the command again without -loopbg, and used it that way15:12
BluesKajok amichair I tried the startup script , but there's no response15:17
amichairBluesKaj: response where?15:18
amichairBluesKaj: for starters, try running the command manually (without the scripts), and try to connect from within the LAN - does that work?15:18
amichairBluesKaj: i.e., just run 'x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -display :0' in the console15:19
amichair(assuming you ran the set password command already)15:19
BluesKajgot the x11vnc gui up but the font is so small I can't read it :)15:20
BluesKajI'm on our 42" tv/monitor15:21
amichairBluesKaj: is that the client or server?15:21
BluesKajit would be the client if I'm running it from here , right15:22
amichairbtw if you look at the x11vnc man, there's a gazillion options, some about scaling and resolution stuff... but I just used krdc on a netbook as the client for the test, and used some heavy scrollbaring to move around the remote desktop - it's good enough for me15:23
amichairsome vnc clients also have client-side scaling etc.15:24
amichairthough scaling can indeed make everything too small as to be unreadable15:24
BluesKajwell, justtesting the client, obviously I need to install both client and server on the other linux machines on our lan15:24
amichairBluesKaj: in any case, if you got the basic thing going, you can take it on from there :-)15:25
amichairjust remember vnc itself has no encryption and a weak authentication scheme, so it's good to wrap it in something else (ssh, ssl, whatever works for you)15:27
BluesKajamichair, yeah I have ssh working well15:36
amichairBluesKaj: great :-)15:37
nyavuzhi ,first, accept my appologize for my bad english,  i am use kubuntu 10.04 , i am dont install wine , but today when i open my home floder, in my home floder  have some files, my videos, my photos,,, dont understand, for what   kubuntu needs the floders? what is that?15:46
tacomasterdoes kubuntu have a hardware driver program for propritary drivers like ubuntu has?16:04
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rorktacomaster: yes, most (all?) software for ubuntu is also available for kubuntu, I think it's called "hardware drivers" and should be installed by default16:16
Riddellrork: all the same software is available, since kubuntu is part of ubuntu16:16
rorkah, thought so ^^16:17
rinhello lovely everybody :-)16:22
rinbald schneid's16:29
tacomasterwhat is on the dvd that is not one the cd version of kubuntu?16:45
rini don't no16:46
rinim intrest in this16:46
amichairtacomaster, rin: many more packages/apps/drivers that don't need to be downloaded separately after installation, afaik16:54
tacomastero ok16:54
rinhm okay, thankyou... i think so16:55
rinbut im voll afraid with the cd version... is perfekt for me and all my devises is full suported16:56
amichairand there's nothing on the DVD that you can't just install from the repos anyway.16:57
amichairI'm actually not sure who uses the DVD... for multiple installations (where saving b/w would really matter) you can make a custom image in OEM setup mode anyway...16:58
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amichairmaybe just for systems with no connectivity and special package needs.16:59
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phoenix_hello everyone17:23
phoenix_any tried using vlc 1.1.4 in kubuntu 10.0417:23
BajK__There is no novell-kio-slave or such? that I can access novell shares just like nfs/smb ones?17:45
BajK__hm lol17:46
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mvki screwed up my nvidia driver install, but now when i boot my computer18:22
mvkit hangs right after grub, ->> so i inserted my kubuntu cd , and booted the livecd18:23
mvkwhat should i do next?18:23
mvkcan i disable my splashcreen from the livecd?18:23
mvkhelp :P18:27
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nascentmindHi. Why is vim scrolling slow in konsole?19:15
Tomppa 19:20
nerdy_kidhi; i am trying to upgrade to 10.10 and get the error "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." when the upgrade tries to start.19:46
nerdy_kid_hi; i am trying to upgrade to 10.10 and get the error "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." when the upgrade tries to start.20:10
nerdy_kid_how do i fix it?20:10
Picinerdy_kid_: step 1) ask in #ubuntu+1 thats the 10.10 support channel20:10
nerdy_kid_Pici ah yes thanks20:11
Pici(step 2, do what they say) :P20:11
nerdy_kid_lol thanks20:11
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upeco que faço para atualizar?21:25
upecos programas do neu computador?21:26
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delightwould it have harmed that much to support the LTS (lucid) with another parallel kde (4.5.2) release ... after advertising/encouraging ppl to try kde 4.5.1 on lucid ?22:05
James147delight: why no just use the backports?22:07
delightJames147: i do .. .but there won't be no 4.5.2 on backports ... as i read the annoucement on kubuntu.org22:08
delightdid i miss something ?22:08
James147delight: ahh, yeah, dosnt look like kde 4.5.2 will be on lucid... but if you want to use it you may as well just upgrade to maverick22:09
James147not sure why 4.5.2 isnt on lucid though...22:10
delightJames147: i know ... but not as long as it RC ... not even 2 - 3 weeks after release ;) ... <<< thats experience ... it needs some time till all repositories settle to the next release ;)22:11
delight3rd party repos22:11
James147delight: but considering taht the backports arnt actually supported by kubuntu (even though the devs do work on them) there is no obligation to put anything in them :)22:11
delightmaybe even longer ... i got it thou on some boxes of mine ... but not on my laptop ... <<< daily work ... need to stay productive22:12
James147delight: yeah, them it might be best to wait abit them... do you really need 4.5.2 that badly, its only  maintence release :)22:12
delightJames147: not really ... i just found it kinda sad to not make it a parallel release like with the 4.5.0 and 4.5.1 before ...22:13
KukuNuti don't understand either22:13
delightthere is this dbus problem anyways ... luckily i got an nvidia ... so the open-source prob didn't hit me :) ... not on my working machine ...22:14
KukuNut10.04 is LTS right?22:14
delightwould be great thou ... esp. as it got some performance improvements22:14
delightKukuNut: yes22:14
James147KukuNut: thats right, but that only means security/major bugs will get fixed... kubuntu never upgrades a major package version during a release... which is why you need to use the backports ppa22:15
KukuNutJames147: you mean 4.5.2 is a maintenance release of 4.5.1? so why noy apply to 4.5.1 Lucid?22:15
delightfunny thing about it is ... its a LTS and while gnome gets maintainance love .... getting the minor release updates on LTS kde stucks with the version22:15
delightKukuNut: well the point is 4.5.1 was never officially released for lucid22:16
James147KukuNut: I am not sure why they ahvent, might have had a problem with running it in lucid, ut I havent heard anything about it yet... maby Riddell could explain?   :)22:16
delightso there is no thing like maintainance support for that ... but its kinda sad ...22:16
delighton the other hand i don't understand why there is not maintainance releases of kde 4.4.x22:16
delighti think 4.4.6 is the actual version ... if i don't make a mistake on this22:17
delightoh its 4.4.522:18
KukuNutJames147: IIR the announcement seems to imply 10.10 is the way to go22:19
delightKukuNut: its allways just gnomes ;) http://goo.gl/AC5K :-D *hehe22:24
delightjust kidding22:25
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RadSurferI just did a FRESH install of kubuntu :) Can I get a little help please to fetch 'gcc' and required compiler tools23:00
RiddellRadSurfer: System Settings -> Add and Remove Software or Software management  to install or remove packages23:01
Riddellor use apt-get if you prefer the command line23:01
RadSurferyes, I prefer command line.23:01
RadSurferI know its "build-essentials" is that it?23:02
James147RadSurfer: yes, that will install most of the build tools you need :)23:02
RadSurferOk.  So far this installation went REMARKABLY smooth for me!!23:02
sjmhello every one23:03
sjmhow can i kwow which  version i had installed on my computer23:04
James147sjm: version of what? kubuntu? "cat /etc/issue" will tell you that23:05
sjmyeah, the version of my ubuntu?23:06
frogonwheelslol tip - if you've got a wireless mouse/keyboard and you're gonna reinsert the logitech modules to  get the mouse working - do rmmod/insertmod on one command line - one you've removed the modules, the keyboard doesn't work :)23:07
RiddellRadSurfer: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get build-essential23:07
RadSurferyes, I got it. Thanks.23:08
RadSurfertesting gcc now.23:08
James147frogonwheels: also dont disable usb in the bios when you only have a usb keyboard :D23:08
RadSurferyippee! success.23:08
frogonwheelsJames147: ahh yes - will remember that one :)23:09
frogonwheelsJames147: at least I have one ps/2 keyboard left floating about..23:10
James147frogonwheels: same here, or I would have had to pull that battery on the motherboard to reset the bios ;P .. but anyway tahts getting offtopic23:10
chaayain transition from gnome to kde under 10.04, i'm in a situation where nautilus still boots and provides a desktop -- obscured by KDE's desktop. You only see it for a moment on shutdown. any idea what's starting nautilus in this mode?23:23
delightchaaya: check in systemsettings for the startup process ... maybe there is nautilus ... besides ... if you don't start nautilus with the option --no-desktop23:32
delightit tryes managing your desktop23:32
RadSurferI just installed vlc.  Where can I get the other codecs I might need please?23:32
delightso either one of both23:32
delightRadSurfer: just try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras23:33
RadSurferwhat all does that add?23:33
delightthis is a little more then you need ... but usually its placed good23:33
delightit will show you ...23:33
delightyou have to say "Y" before the install starts23:33
delightbesides for real codec support inclusive encoded dvds etc. you need medibuntu23:34
RadSurferwhy does/did that ask to remove vlc?23:34
delightreally ?? wow23:34
delightnever saw that i got vlc installed in parallel23:34
chaayadelight: am checking now... however, this is a transition from gnome to kde, so there is probably some stuff set up by gnome desktop running23:35
RadSurfernext item I use alot is ffmpeg, recommendations?23:35
delighti usually install tovid ... which brings in a bunch of media dependencies ...23:36
delightk9copy is another one ;)23:36
delightwell thats just my way <<< to lazy to go one by one23:36
RadSurfersomething I read suggested that 'restricted' package removed vlc, evidently in error.23:39
RadSurferso far so good. ffmpeg next.23:40
RadSurferWOWSERS! this has really come along way!23:41
RadSurferI can remember when playing flv's would crash linux!23:41
chaayaRadSurfer: bad memory ?23:42
RadSurfernot for me. just in general.23:42
RadSurfercertain media formats would really do harm to some systems.23:42
RadSurferprobably already 'damaged' ones23:43
RadSurferhow do I get flash?23:47
RadSurferapparently I can't just save it to hdd?23:47
RadSurferI got it.23:48
sjmis there any dictionary like easy lingo or babylon compatable with ububtu so i can use it just by press ctrl and mouse??23:55
RadSurferthis PC has an nvidia card. I think there's a glitch somewhere....23:55
chaayawhat is it that launches nautilus to to provide the desktop during startup?23:55
RadSurferThank you for your assistance. So far so good.23:57

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