
lifelessmatsubara-afk: the timeout feature flag was harder than anticipated, its all landed now, though00:32
wgrantlifeless: Julian wrote a faster query last night, but it was slightly wrong. Could you try http://paste.ubuntu.com/506074/ and see if it doesn't take 10 minutes?00:42
lifelesshmmm tmp tables :)00:43
lifeless:( I mean00:43
wgrantIt's a similar optimisation to the one we use in the publisher.00:44
wgrantWhich cuts 2.5 minutes down to less than two seconds.00:44
lifeless6 seconds to populate the temp table00:44
lifelessshould be able to express it directly. Nevertheless, if it works, it works.00:44
wgrantOne would think so.00:44
lifelessperhaps the select needs a supersededby IS NULL in there ?00:45
wgrantThe subselect?00:45
lifelessis supersededby indexed ?00:45
lifelessyes, the subselect00:45
wgrantIt's valid for something to be superseded by something that's also itself superseded.00:45
wgrantIt appears to be indexed.00:46
lifelessyes, but we don't care about those do we?00:46
lifelessonly the tip of the chain00:46
wgrantWe do care about those. We are looking for things which should not be superseded but are.00:47
wgrantIt doesn't matter if the thing that superseded them is superseded or not -- it should not have superseded them.00:47
wgrantThe query is still going?00:48
wgrantI guess I did just increase the data size by several times.00:49
lifeless3662 rows00:55
lifeless465000.849 ms00:55
wgrantComfortingly an identical number to yesterday's.00:56
lifelessde nada00:57
wgranthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/506096/ might be less crap.00:58
* StevenK grumbles about http://paste.ubuntu.com/506100/01:08
wgrantStevenK: bin/kill-test-services01:09
wgrantOr was that on ec2?01:09
wgrantHm, looks ec2.01:09
StevenKwgrant: On ec2, yes01:09
wgrantI had a similarly opaque error on one of my runs this morning.01:10
wgrantBut it was completely different.01:10
lifelesswell the librarian is definitely gone :P01:10
lifelesswgrant: 21 seconds to make the temp table01:11
lifeless3662 rows01:22
lifeless121149.515 ms01:22
wgrantMuch better. Thanks.01:22
wallyworldlifeless: what's SOP for turning on sql trace for local debugging? i can add "from storm.tracer import debug; debug(True)" to bin/run (for example). is there cmd line arg i can use?01:39
lifelessLP_SQL_DEBUG_EXTRA=1 to get backtraces01:41
wallyworldlifeless:  excellent. thanks01:41
lifelessthose are environment variables01:41
lifelesswgrant: librarian fail04:09
wgrantlifeless: Hm?04:26
lifelesssee email04:27
wgrantlifeless: So, that's two attempts that have failed in two different spurious ways.04:30
* StevenK peers at http://ppa.launchpad.net/launchpad/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages04:39
StevenKNo launchpad-dependencies at all? WTF?04:39
wgrantHeh, is this what I think it is?04:40
* wgrant checks.04:40
lifelesswgrant: its almost certainly my layers work04:40
lifelesswgrant: we'll need to figure out whats up04:41
StevenKlifeless: Does that mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/506100/ is probably you too?04:42
lifelesswow, Product:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats is unhappy04:43
lifelessstub: ^04:43
wgrantStevenK: I suspect you have found one of the few PPA cases of bug #653382....04:44
_mup_Bug #653382: BinaryPackagePublishingHistory._getOtherPublications fails to restrict the distroseries context <Soyuz:In Progress by wgrant> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/653382>04:44
StevenKwgrant: You mean, the publisher has?04:46
wgrantStevenK: Indeed.04:46
lifelessStevenK: that pastebin may be related yes.04:47
lifelessStevenK: however that looks like a racey test to me04:47
* StevenK grumbles04:48
lifelessstub: I suspect a fat index or something - 970 timeouts on the bugstats portlet04:50
stubGot an OOPS handy?04:51
wgrantSo, I'd like to get http://paste.ubuntu.com/506212/ run on prod to see how widespread the carnage is.04:51
lifelesslpmain_staging=> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE BugTask.bug = Bug.id AND BugTask.id IN ( SELECT BugTask.id ... taking 15 seconds04:51
lifelessstub: theres tonnes in the oops report, but e.g. https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1738C103504:51
StevenKlifeless: Count(*) is expensive as hell anyway?04:53
lifelessStevenK: yes but04:53
lifelessStevenK: this is normally a subsecond query.04:53
lifelessStevenK: count(*) cost is a nuanced topic, its not guaranteed cheap is the main thing to remember.04:53
StevenKwgrant: Is that the same SQL lifeless ran on staging?04:54
wgrantStevenK: Except that it tells me how many are in each archive, yes.04:54
StevenKDoes it give the archive name, or just the id?04:55
wgrantJust the id.04:56
StevenKwgrant: I wonder if it's worth twiddling the SQL for the archive name?04:57
wgrantStevenK: I'm not allowed to possess that.04:57
StevenKOh, right04:57
wgrantThe only archive that I really care about the identity of is archive 1, and I know which that is.04:58
* StevenK prods lifeless towards the SQL wgrant is talking about for a +105:02
lifelessyou'll need to put it on LPS etc etc05:03
wgrantLPS for a SELECT!?05:03
lifelessoh, ebrain05:03
lifelessStevenK: you don't need cross-check approval for readonly queryies05:03
lifelessunless the losa in question looks at you funny.05:04
spmvs the losa in question looking funny. which is a different problem.05:04
StevenKspm: Pls fix and make wgrant happy?05:04
spmStevenK: see that's the problem. the 2nd part of that sentence. I'm not sure I wish to comply.05:04
spmesp when the alt is far more entertaining for me!05:05
StevenKs/happy/less angsty/ ?05:05
spmit amounts to the same thing from my perspective.05:05
wgrantStevenK: Hey, this is my most monumental screwup ever :P05:05
spm^^ young and experienced. Bigger and more spectacular screwups will come....05:06
spmgah. troll typo fail :-)05:06
spmwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506216/05:07
wgrantOh thank god.05:07
spmyes. you should thank me.05:08
StevenK3781 in id 1?05:08
wgrantThat's a really good thing.05:08
* StevenK wonders how to get the id of the Launchpad PPA05:08
wgrantBecause every broken publication in the primary archive is trivially revertable with a single query.05:08
wgrantSince there are so few archives, I might just join against archive, and get owner.name, archive.name and archive.private.05:09
StevenKwgrant: You were afraid it was going to be every archive?05:11
wgrantStevenK: More than 37.05:11
StevenKWhy 37? That was the number on staging?05:12
stublifeless: That query is performing very poorly under PG 8.405:12
wgrantNo, I just expected there'd be more than we got.05:13
wgrantspm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506220/05:14
wgrantHopefully there'll be no private archives. Or at least only private archives in public teams.05:15
stubbug at over 7 seconds under 8.3, the query sucks already.05:15
lifelessstub: it takes 780ms on staging05:16
lifelessstub: isn't staging 8.4 ?05:16
stubYes. Hmm...05:16
stubThe production db is all freshly packed - it is only a few days old.05:17
stubproduction 8.4 one that is (which I think is where all the timeouts are coming from - the OOPS is talking to the slave, and we have only one slave atm)05:17
stubBut 272 seconds is a little extreme...05:18
StevenKThat's only nearly 5 minutes, what's the problem? :-)05:19
stubComments in the SQL like "                -- We create this rather bizarre looking structure" don't inspire confidence ;)05:21
lifelessyeah, indeed.05:22
lifelessstub: so, staging is 8.4 and fast, prod slave is 8.4 and slow ?05:22
stubyup. staging data is from about 6-7 days ago though.05:22
wgrantspm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506220/05:23
wgrantMaybe my connection will survive this time.05:23
lifelessso one possibility is a something thrown out by new data?05:24
StevenKwgrant: Wishful thinker05:24
lifelessit seems improbably to me, given the depth of history, it would need a huge seachange to alter the right query structure05:24
StevenKspm: Quick! Run the query while he isn't looking.05:24
lifelessstub: any clues from analyze?05:24
stubyes. The slow bit is an expensive nested loop the planner thought would get a single row but actually got over 5000, so 5000 times slower than expected.05:24
spmI've already done it. just trying to confirm the results for him :-D05:24
stublifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506228/05:25
* stub runs an analyze on hackberry for a laugh05:26
lifelessstub: compare the plan on staging05:28
lifeless         ->  Nested Loop Anti Join  (cost=19392.56..26967.75 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=766.504..860.778 rows=5576 loops=1)05:29
lifelessif thats what you were saying is the issue, staging has it too05:29
lifelessstub: this seems to be a key, slow, but05:34
lifelessBitmap Heap Scan on bugtask  (cost=295.98..20874.68 rows=15471 width=24) (actual time=9.812..139.968 rows=19011 loops=1)05:34
lifeless                                                   Recheck Cond: (status = 15)05:34
lifeless                                                   Filter: ((assignee IS NULL) AND (milestone IS NULL))05:34
lifeless                                                   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on bugtask__status__idx  (cost=0.00..292.11 rows=23310 width=0) (actual time=5.382..5.382 rows=24160 loops=1)05:34
lifeless                                                         Index Cond: (status = 15)05:34
mwhudsonquery plans and irc, a match made in heaven05:34
* StevenK grumbles at the continued hiding of launchpad-dependencies in the PPA05:44
stubso the estimates are in the same ballpark, which means the planner meant to choose this bogus plan05:44
stubfull analyze hasn't helped anyway (just in case autovacuum stuffed up or the statistics were screwed after the restore)05:45
stubOf course, if I was a query planner I'd take one look at that query and run away screaming05:45
lifelessstub: I need to pop out; I'll leave this with you05:45
stubgee, thanks ;)05:45
lifelessif you need a hand I'll be back after dinner ;)05:46
lifelessI do wonder why its choosing this plan05:46
lifelessstill, 800ms is slow anyway, perhaps the best thing is just to:05:47
lifeless - stop filtering private bugs from the count05:47
stubThe nested loop I pointed out earlier - it wasn't expecting to execute that sub query so many times.05:47
lifeless - stop trying to match up all the rules05:47
stubYes, overly precise  counts have bitten us before.05:48
lifeless - and just do a group by/count05:48
wgrantStevenK: You can revive it if you want.05:48
wgrantDelete it and copy it back.05:49
StevenKwgrant: Can't we just fix it?05:49
wgrantStevenK: Hopefully.05:49
wgrantNeed to get the fix cowboyed, check if any of them have been deathrowed yet, and then hopefully just mass-revert the status.05:50
StevenKlifeless: I think EdwinGrubbs' post on the dev list points out the problem -- is that your doing too?06:25
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.10 | PQM is open for business | firefighting: - | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
StevenKlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/librarian-teardown-failure/+merge/3756107:54
StevenK(Per the discussion on the -dev list)07:54
lifelessno, thats wrong.07:55
* StevenK goes to get a drink, instead of snapping07:55
lifelessI'm replying to the list now.07:55
lifelessStevenK: I'm sorry that its wrong - I know infrastructure problems are frustrating. When I say wrong, I don't mean 'unstylistic', I mean 'it will cause other insidious test failures.'08:00
StevenKlifeless: Sorry, I'm only frustrated since I've seen errors like this since Saturday, but had no time to look08:04
lifelessStevenK: can't have been since saturday, the code landed monday night.08:04
lifelessrevno: 11667 [merge]08:05
lifelesscommitter: Launchpad Patch Queue Manager <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com>08:05
lifelessbranch nick: launchpad08:05
lifelesstimestamp: Mon 2010-10-04 07:20:04 +010008:05
lifeless  [r=mwhudson][ui=none][no-qa] Start consolidation and rationalisation of Librarian test helper code.08:05
lifelesswhatever is causing you grief since saturday is different.08:05
henningeHi wgrant! ;)08:07
StevenKGeneral warnings.08:08
StevenK/usr/lib/python2.6/atexit.py:24: DeprecationWarning: Attempt to tearDown inactive fixture.08:08
StevenKlifeless: With your patch ^08:08
lifelessStevenK: thats fine08:09
lifelessbelt and braces08:09
lifelesswe'll get rid of that when we get rid of the atexit08:09
lifelesswhich is another iteration08:09
baclifeless: i got the following errors with your patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/506298/08:12
lifelessbac: ok, I thought it might be incomplete.08:12
lifelessbac: can you add a print cls.__bases__ into my patch and show me the result ?08:20
bac(<class 'canonical.testing.layers.BaseLayer'>,)08:35
lifelessbac: can you do that in LaunchpadScriptLayer.tearDown ?08:35
bac(<class 'canonical.testing.layers.BaseLayer'>,)08:35
baclifeless: yeah,it was called twice08:36
lifelessoh right08:36
baclifeless: the prints don't show up, so i put in a breakpoint08:36
lifelessI thought you were answering the script case08:36
lifelessbin/test -vvt old-testing.txt -t spec-mail-exploder.txt08:37
lifeless--- lib/canonical/testing/layers.py     2010-10-04 06:20:04 +000008:38
lifeless+++ lib/canonical/testing/layers.py     2010-10-05 07:36:47 +000008:38
lifeless@@ -1338,6 +1338,7 @@08:38
lifeless     @classmethod08:38
lifeless     @profiled08:38
lifeless     def tearDown(cls):08:38
lifeless+        print cls.__bases__08:38
baclifeless: i don't mind helping, but do you not have a dev env setup?08:39
lifelessbac: I don't experience the problem.08:39
bacreally?  wow!08:40
lifelessas I said on list08:40
lifelessit passed ec2test08:40
bac(<class 'canonical.testing.layers.ZopelessLayer'>, <class 'canonical.testing.layers.LaunchpadLayer'>)08:40
bacit died on ec2 for me twice08:41
lifelessso, its not __bases__, that appears to be constant and fine.08:42
lifelessbac: bah, isp failure08:54
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: around ?08:56
baclifeless: it is 3am for EdwinGrubbs08:58
lifelessfor some reason I thought he was eu08:59
lifelessI wonder08:59
lifelessI'm trying to figure out hth this got into the system09:00
wgranthenninge: Hi.09:10
henningewgrant: Hi, otp now ;)09:10
wgrantbigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506231/ is the list of casualties and their archives (from prod a few hours ago)09:12
wgrantSo it's mostly the primary archive, which is handy.09:12
bigjoolswgrant: context?09:12
wgrantbigjools: the _getOtherPublications bug.09:13
bigjoolsI think we'll run the fix on staging first for this one09:13
wgrantI'd say so.09:14
bigjoolswgrant: so, the new query looks the Thing.09:30
wgrantbigjools: It also returns the same result as my original one.09:30
bigjoolsalways a bonus09:30
bigjoolsI guess it's trawling quite a few rows09:30
wgrantJust a few.09:31
bigjoolsthe question is, do we want to fix PPAs too09:31
wgrantWe should do something. Even if it's marking them Deleted instead.09:31
bigjoolsso my questions are, what happens if we do nothing, and what happens if we run this fix on them?09:32
wgrantIf we do nothing, we end up with confusing old data.09:33
wgrantA few PPAs end up with some missing packages.09:34
wgrantBut most of those are probably obsolete anyway.09:34
wgrantIf they haven't been deathrowed already, we can just set them back to Published and everything will work.09:35
wgrantIf they have been deathrowed, we should probably just mark them Deleted, because it's messy and it's probably that nobody will notice.09:35
wgrantHowever, we should get the fix cowboyed or CP'd and make the primary archive consistent first, I suspect, given what time it is.09:43
wgrantThe whole release thing on Sunday.09:43
allenapbigjools, wgrant: Is what you're talking about related to the broken ppa:launchpad/ppa?09:47
wgrantallenap: Yes.09:49
allenapwgrant: Okay, cool. Do you know of any PPA mirrors I can use that are out of date, and thus not broken? I'm going to do a lot of twiddling thumbs today otherwise :)09:50
wgrantallenap: You could always grab launchpad-dependencies manually.'09:51
* wgrant finds the link.09:51
allenapwgrant: Ah, it's in the PPA, just not in the manifest or whatever it's called?09:51
bigjoolsppa:launchpad/ppa got broken too?09:52
jtvhenninge, you'll want to know about this: a conflict has crept into your convert-imports branch.09:52
jtvhenninge: lib/lp/translations/stories/translations/30-rosetta-pofile-translation-gettext-error.txt09:52
wgrantbigjools: Lucid's launchpad-dependencies were vaporised a couple of days back, yes.09:53
wgrantbigjools: It's the only report of breakage, interesting enough.09:53
wgrantallenap: https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1263354/+listing-archive-extra has the binaries you need.09:53
bigjoolsI've just started the query on staging to see how many rows there are when restricting to archive=109:53
allenapwgrant: Thanks.09:54
wgrantbigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506220/ was the last query I had run on production.09:54
wgrantGives the count for each archive.09:54
bigjoolsyeah I have tjat09:54
bigjoolswgrant: would you mind doing me a favor and making a query to fix the PPA publications while I do this?  I think we can filter on dateremoved09:56
wgrantbigjools: That was my thinking too.09:57
bigjoolsgreat minds ...09:57
wgrantAnything with dateremoved IS NOT NULL should be safe to just flip back.09:57
wgrantWhich should cover all of the primary archive cases too, hopefully.09:57
bigjoolsah very good point09:57
bigjoolsnm then09:57
bigjoolsI'll pop that in09:57
henningejtv: thanks09:58
wgrantJust set the status, and unset datesuperseded, datemadepending and scheduleddeletiondate09:58
wgrantI think that should do it.09:58
wgrantAlthough the last two aren't relevant for the primary archive.09:59
wgrantIf anything has those set we have other bugs.09:59
henningewgrant: Did you see that test failure?09:59
bigjoolsand supersededby09:59
wgrantbigjools: erk, good point.09:59
wgranthenninge: Yes. lifeless ran it again, and it failed spuriously another way.09:59
wgrantAlong with a few other branches.09:59
wgrantSo there's something wrong with devel.09:59
henningewho ones merge proposals code?10:01
henninges/who/who in the code team/ ;)10:01
lifelesswgrant: should be fixed soon, branch is in pqm atm10:04
wgrantlifeless: Ah, great.10:04
jtvdanilos, henninge: we've long wanted to use the permissions system for translations, but I find myself really not wanting to do that now.  What would permissions be _on_?   It seems weird to invent a DummyPOFile just to check permissions on it, for instance.10:04
danilosjtv, what do you mean with 'now'? do not want to use "full" zope machinery with this particular branch?10:05
jtvdanilos: I mean "now that we're sharing translations so widely."10:06
wgrantbigjools: Should we run a query on prod to see how many have already been removed?10:06
bigjoolsdoing it now10:06
wgrantWith the per-archive counts?10:07
bigjoolsquite a lot it seems, I get a count of 842 in the query now10:07
bigjoolsafter adding "bpph.dateremoved IS NOT NULL"10:07
wgrantOn staging?10:07
jtvdanilos: if it were just "are you one of the owners of this product," for instance, I'd have no problems.  But if we go pofile→potemplate→productseries→product→project→translationgroup→translator, that's a lot for a permissions check.10:08
wgrantAre any of those in the primary archive?10:08
bigjoolsone sec10:08
danilosjtv, well, sharing aspects of it will be relatively hard to map in the zope permissions system, but ideally, we'd at least make it a simple check: "can-do-something-here" and "can-do-something-on-the-other-side"10:08
wgrantThe publications I checked hadn't had removal scheduled, so I doubt it.10:08
danilosjtv, ideally, we'd just check permissions on the pillar level (product/distribution), because that's where we get them from10:08
danilosexcept for pofile, of course10:09
jtvdanilos: sure, that part's fine for me and may even hide a bit of the "if productseries" ugliness10:09
jtvdanilos: that's the other thing—I really, _really_ don't want to give edit rights to pofile owners.10:09
danilosjtv, I am sure you can come up with a reasonable design, and you might be right that permissions system is not the right solution10:10
danilosjtv, right, we want maintainers to have edit rights on them, but other than that, just translators for appropriate language10:10
jtvdanilos: I appreciate the trust.  :)  I think POFile.owner is a bit of an historical mistake; it's really "creator" except we always set it to rosetta-admins if the creator doesn't have edit rights already.10:11
danilosjtv, fwiw, do note that you will see tests breakage if pofile.owner can't edit a pofile (I am sure that in all our laziness we used that often :)10:11
allenapwgrant: Thanks for that link; my bacon has been saved.10:11
wgrantallenap: Yeah, uh, sorry about that.10:11
danilosjtv, oh, pofile.owner is bordering on the useless, I'd say10:11
jtvdanilos: there's a good point… another reason to clean up, probably.10:11
allenapwgrant: Ah, are you the culprit? :)10:12
jtvdanilos: if we stop giving it any privileges, we can also set it to the actual creator rather than "set to creator _if_ it doesn't conflict with current permissions."10:12
wgrantallenap: Yes :/10:12
danilosjtv, then it'd be nice to rename it as well10:12
jtvdanilos: it may also avoid some of those cases where someone who's not in the translation team can continue to submit bad translations.10:12
allenapwgrant: Hehe, oops.10:12
jtvdanilos: yes, I'd like that too.10:12
wgrantallenap: Rather.10:12
danilosjtv, true, true10:12
danilosjtv, so, basically, you want to drop "owner" field and create a different "created_by" field10:13
danilosjtv, I agree that'd be nice, but this is a cleanup job for later :) for now, you can simply ignore the owner for permissions10:13
jtvdanilos: that's what I had in mind, yes.10:13
danilosjtv, cool, sounds good10:14
jtvThe main thing right now is not to give special rights to pofile.owner, in which case the only things that matter are the person, the language, and the pillar.10:14
jtvI was thinking of making this a method in ITranslationsPerson, since we have so many functions about this spread out.10:14
lifelessok, devel should be fixed10:23
wgrantlifeless: Could you fire of that branch again, or shall I convince someone else?10:25
lifelesssomeone else per favour10:25
wgranthenninge: Could you please ec2 that branch again?10:31
wgrantbigjools: Any progress?10:31
bigjoolsquery still running10:31
henningewgrant: just test it or try to land it?10:31
wgrantDoesn't it only take three minutes?10:31
wgranthenninge: The latter.10:31
henningewgrant: ok10:32
bigjoolswgrant: probably on production10:33
wgrantbigjools: This was on staging.10:33
wgrantAlthough it didn't have the archive/person join, that really shouldn't be that bad.10:33
stubSo 250k of our 330k branches are owned by 'ubuntu-branches', which is rather lopsided and will certainly be triggering timeouts in some areas.10:33
* bigjools kills it10:33
wgrantWho is buildbot angry with?10:46
bigjoolswgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/506369/10:49
lifelessstub: any luck with the bug portlet stuff?10:50
bigjoolswgrant: which means 1100 or so packages are lost in Ubuntu10:50
wgrantbigjools: Uh, is that dateremoved IS NOT NULL?10:50
bigjoolswgrant: sorry10:50
stublifeless: I'd say 1) work out what the query is trying to do 2) rewrite it.10:51
lifeless1) might be hard :P10:51
bigjoolswgrant: I meant to say, that's bpph.dateremoved IS NULL10:51
wgrantbigjools: Is that prod or staging?10:51
bigjoolswgrant: staging10:52
wgrantbigjools: The 3700 was from prod.10:52
bigjoolsI need to land your fix on prod10:53
wgrantWhat does http://paste.ubuntu.com/506220/ say on staging? I suspect that will show that we haven't lost anything from the primary archive.10:53
wgrantAlternatively, what does your dateremoved IS NULL query say on prod?10:53
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
wgrantBut yes, germanium and cocoplum want that patch.10:54
stublifeless: Indeed. btw. the query I'm testing is slow on staging too, although better at a little under 30s. I'd suggest it is working at all under PG 8.3 purely by accident (if you consider 7 seconds working)10:54
bigjoolsI cna't remember if that query was with or without the NOT10:54
lifelessstub: thats odd; the one I copied from the OOPS I pasted takes 800ms on staging.10:55
wgrantbigjools: I'm fairly sure it must have been dateremoved IS NULL.10:55
lifelessstub: perhaps I'm connected to 8.3 on staging?10:55
stubThere is no 8.3 on staging10:55
stubhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/506383/ is what I was looking at10:56
bigjoolswgrant: right, nothing shows for NOT NULL in the main archive10:58
wgrantbigjools: So I'm not completely insane.10:59
wgrantThis is good.10:59
bigjoolswgrant: just slightly10:59
stublifeless: I can confirm your query is fast on staging, fast on production 8.3, and slow on production 8.4.10:59
lifelessstub: cool10:59
lifelessstub: bizarre, but cool11:00
wgrantbigjools: How about the rest of the archives?11:00
stublifeless: maybe data, or maybe less ram causing different query plans11:00
bigjoolswgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/506387/11:00
wgrantbigjools: That's staging dateremoved IS NOT NULL?11:01
bigjoolswgrant: yes11:01
wgrantOK, so we can take care of most of them trivially.11:01
bigjoolswgrant: can you help me QA your fix on dogfood11:03
wgrantOnce we've fixed the dateremoved IS NULL, I'll get a list of the remaining pubs and work out what to do with them.11:04
wgrantbigjools: Sure.11:04
wgrantLet's see how...11:04
bigjoolswgrant: I'm updating its code, we need a test scenario11:04
wgrantbigjools: Easy enough. Just upload a new launchpad-dependencies to maverick in ppa:launchpad, run the publisher, and confirm that the old version is superseded in maverick but still alive in lucid.11:07
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wgrantbigjools: Ah, I see that dogfood's PPA doesn't have a maverick launchpad-dependencies yet.11:17
bigjoolseasily fixed11:19
bigjoolsgrar, I need a no-sign mode for publishing PPAs11:28
wgrantJust unset the signing key, I suppose.11:29
bigjoolsstill a pita11:29
wgrantHow do you normally do it?11:29
bigjoolseither than or copy some .gpg files around11:29
bigjoolsI need a single ppa mode too11:32
wgrant'UPDATE archive SET publish=false' FTW.11:32
wgrantbigjools: Er, why is the maverick publication Published but without a datepublished?11:48
wgrantDid you manually set that?11:49
wgrantOr is something even more broken?11:49
bigjoolsI've been hacking it11:52
bigjoolslooks like it worked ok11:53
StevenKbigjools, wgrant: Ah, is this to fix the no launchpad-dependencies in lucid problem?11:54
wgrantStevenK: Yes.11:54
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
lifelessmrevell: is there any reason we don't show the revno and 'get the code' link on launchpad.net ?11:56
lifelessmrevell: (compare the footer on  launchpad.net and edge.launchpad.net)11:56
wgrantproduction-stable isn't public.11:56
lifelesswgrant: prod stable isn't referenced.11:56
wgrantlifeless: It should be by prod...11:57
lifelesswgrant: and its going anyhow.11:57
lifelesswgrant: base-layout-macros.pt, or look at the two pages I referenced.11:57
wgrantlaunchpad.net's revno is on production-stable, which mortals cannot see.11:57
lifelesswgrant: imagine an epic shrug from me.11:57
bigjoolslifeless: wow you're on the ball with my CP11:57
lifelessbigjools: de nada11:58
lifelesswgrant: I'm making changes to match up with edge going, I don't care about the prod-stable stuff; I care about the UI11:58
wgrantlifeless: How can it work if production-stable isn't public? Unless you link to the completely wrong code...11:58
lifelesswgrant: we're deleting production-stable12:00
bigjoolsgrrr lp-land not playing ball on that branch12:00
wgrantlifeless: Well, sure, once that's done.12:00
mrevelllifeless: Before it was the revno, it was also the version number. I think it was on edge, and staging, to help people see that edge was running different code to production and also to help with reporting of bugs. I don't see any reason to keep "Get the code" off production. The revno maybe feels to me like something you wouldn't see on a production web app but I don't have a strong opinion on it.12:00
lifelesswgrant: I can tolerate some imperfection12:00
mrevelllifeless: tl;dr Old reasons that probably don't apply now.12:01
lifelessmrevell: thanks12:01
deryckMorning, all.12:06
wgrantbigjools: So the CP is happening?12:08
bigjoolswgrant: OTP12:08
lifelesswow, isn't ohloh the hot potato12:12
wgrantBecause it keeps failing to import LP?12:13
wgrantOh, I see.12:15
wgrantThey can't seem to format their emails properly.12:16
lifelessmrevell: so, my blog post12:22
lifelessmrevell: could you hit 'go' on it before you EOD, or reply to me ?12:23
lifelessgnight all12:23
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
matsubaralifeless, thanks for landing that. :-)13:07
wgrantbigjools: I suppose we can do little more tonight, since the CP will not happen for ages?13:36
allenapgmb: There was a question directed at you in bug 605783, but I think it's something that deryck should take a look at.13:47
_mup_Bug #605783: SourceForge bugwatch updates are broken <bugwatch> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/605783>13:47
leonardrdumb zope browser/mechanize question: how can i iterate over all the buttons in a form?13:47
leonardrbenji, maybe you know13:49
leonardr<leonardr> dumb zope browser/mechanize question: how can i iterate over all the buttons in a form?13:49
leonardr_get_all_controls is really particular about only letting me get _one_ control13:49
leonardraha! .mech_form.controls13:50
benjileonardr: that'll work (but is undocumented/unsupported); you can also use beautifulsoup13:51
leonardrwhat is this "beautifulsoup"?13:51
deryckallenap, I'll comment there.  I saw it but was trying to figure out if we could get this scheduled.13:52
leonardrbenji: more seriously, is there a shortcut for making a soup of the current browser page?13:53
leonardri see some examples in pagetests but they do it from scratch13:53
allenapderyck: Yeah, that's what I meant really.13:53
deryckallenap, understood.  I feel bad because we really should get this fixed.  But it can't happen anytime soon.13:54
benjileonardr: heh; BeautifulSoup(browser.contents)13:54
leonardrbenji: ah! i was thinking of helper *functions* like find_tags_by_class, which make a BS object and do something else13:55
deryckSo nice to not see [object Object] when I comment on bugs now.13:57
leonardrbenji: actually, it looks like the right thing to do is to call find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'maincontent')14:00
leonardrthat gives you a bs tag14:00
leonardri don't think we create a bs object unless we really need the whole page14:00
bigjoolswgrant: nope, we need to wait for it to land14:00
bigjoolswgrant: then we can roll it out and do the SQL to fix everything14:01
wgrantSounds good.14:01
bigjoolswhere "everything" is followed by a sarcasterisk14:03
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
jmlbigjools: could you tell me why this query returns 0 rows?14:37
jmlit used to return lots14:37
bigjoolsjml: what are you trying to do?14:52
bigjoolsjml: DistroSeries.releasestatus = 2 ?14:55
jml        # DistroSeries.releasestatus == 2 => under active development14:55
bigjoolsjml: it's not any more14:55
bigjoolsit's frozen14:55
jmlbigjools: that'll be it then.14:56
jmlbigjools: thanks.14:57
bigjoolsjml: np!14:58
bigjoolsglad to be helping you for a change :)14:58
jmluhh :(15:01
jmlSeriesStatus.DEVELOPMENT == 2 :(15:01
StevenKjml: That isn't what bigjools meant.15:02
StevenKjml: Not that 2 isn't Development; that Maverick itself is Frozen. It won't thaw until release.15:02
bigjoolsjml: maverick is in "Pre-release Freeze"15:02
bigjoolsnot development15:02
jmlbigjools: but I'm not searching for maverick in that query.15:03
bigjoolsjml: there are no other series in development15:03
bigjoolsit would have been matching only maverick15:03
jmlahh ok. now I get it.15:03
jmlI guess I need to make it say "releasestatus IN (2, 3)"15:03
bigjoolswhen natty is opened it'll be experimental for a bit too15:04
leonardrjml, can i get your buy-in on https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DesktopWideLaunchpadIntegration? i already have buy-in from kees, lifeless, and other luminaries15:04
jmlleonardr: almost certainly15:04
jmlleonardr: I feel obliged to read it before I approve it though.15:04
leonardrplease do15:04
jmlleonardr: but I've been following the ML discussion so I reckon it'll be smooth15:04
allenapderyck: What do we do with feature suggestions normally? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+question/12768515:05
allenapConvert to a wishlist bug?15:05
jmlallenap: orbital lasers.15:06
allenapjml: Lol. Getting a GPS fix now.15:06
deryckallenap, yeah, but I think this "have pretty graphs" bug already exists somewhere.15:06
allenapderyck: I can't find it, but I can reply saying that, yes, we want it too, and perhaps paste kfogel's contributor bait paragraph too?15:08
allenapIf I can find *that*.15:10
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jmlcan I persuade someone to write a script that shows all of the in-progress work on Launchpad at a branch/revision/bug level, broken down by stage (e.g. needs-reviews, needs-qa, being-tested, awaiting-deployment etc)15:56
jml./utilities/branch-flow is something of a start, but isn't really that great.15:57
jmlleonardr: contrariwise, could you please look at https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ActivatingDevelopmentFromDesktop16:02
leonardrjml: there's a small chance that my lep obsoletes that one, but if not, there's not much overlap.16:03
leonardrActivatingDevelopmentFromDesktop is currently the one remaining case where we authorize an app-specific token16:03
leonardr(obsoletes that one == obsoletes the part about time-limited authorization keys)16:04
jmlleonardr: ahh ok.16:04
jmlleonardr: I've just approved DesktopWideLaunchpadIntegration. Thanks for the clear write-up.16:05
leonardri have not done exhaustive research, but it's possible that a time-limited authorization key will not really provide much additional security16:05
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marsbenji, did you see the mailing list thread about the LayerIsolationError?  Is that what you are experiencing?17:17
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
danilosjcsackett, hi (btw, I don't see you on #launchpad-reviews)17:43
jcsackettdanilos: hi, no, i'm CHR today and got lost in that and now a testfix; completely forgot to join #launchpad-reviews.17:43
jcsacketti'll join that channel if you would prefer.17:43
danilosjcsackett, just one question about the branch you asked me to review? what is the goal behind it? just switching from official_rosetta to the usage enum?17:43
danilosjcsackett, nah, this is fine, just thought I'd mention it if you want to add it to your auto-join channel list :)17:44
jcsackettno, that goal has been met, this is dealing with consistency in configuration for usage_enums.17:44
jcsackettother services have a config option even when set to ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD; translations did not, as it has no action menu to grab the global action.17:44
jcsackettso, for consistency's sake, the branch adds one there (so you could, say, disable the enum for a product if it's enabled).17:45
danilosjcsackett, oh, so you mean it's about adding it to the translations.lp.net pages?17:45
jcsackettdanilos: not entirely sure what you mean.17:45
jcsackettthe branches sole goal was to add a configuration link for the usage enum to translations when translations is already enabled (via enum) on a product.17:46
danilosjcsackett, well, it was possible to set it on "registry" pages17:46
jcsackettah, i see.17:46
jcsackettright, the translations front page; so translations.launchpad.net/<product>17:46
danilosjcsackett, right, so this is exactly the thing that I wanted to move to the global "configure translations" page :)17:46
danilosjcsackett, thanks for explaining the reasoning, I'll comment on the bug17:47
danilosjcsackett, we can get this landed, but it just makes stuff more confusing imo17:47
danilosjcsackett, also, if all the other apps are using action menus, we should probably do that for translations too17:47
jcsackettdanilos: that's why i requested you review it; it's possible the bug it's filed against isn't really valid.17:48
jcsackettall other apps are dealing with collections and have the same basic interface (list of related items). translations is an exception to that, so it's possible that the configuration option belongs in +settings or something, as those other bugs you pointed out describe.17:48
danilosjcsackett, I am not sure I agree with that statement (translations pages deal with collections as well, and we quite specifically show a list of languages on the product frontpage); there are ways to get to a list of templates, or list of imports, so I think we are not that special case, but might just be out of date on the design side17:51
danilosjcsackett, and if we are, I want to fix that :)17:51
danilosjcsackett, also, why do we use the camel case capitalization for the title on "Configure Translations" pages? I thought the agreed norm was to not use it17:52
danilossalgado-lunch, hey, UI reviewer, what's the recommended capitalization for web page titles? :)17:53
jcsackettdanilos: what part of this branch makes it more confusing? just the addition of yet another configuration option?17:57
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danilosjcsackett, yeah (i.e. instead of fixing it all to be on the same page, we are spending effort to introduce the new page)18:12
jcsackettdanilos: fair. it's a bit of a stopgap.18:15
jcsackettif you could write up a good reason we don't need this in favor of a better settings page on the MP, i'm fine to abandon the branch and mark the related bug as wontfix.18:15
jcsackettdanilos: we just need an explanation for leaving it as is when we go to mark the bridging-the-gap feature work as done.18:16
danilosjcsackett, right, and as such, I don't have a big problem with the branch as-is18:16
jcsackettdanilos: less of course fixing the issues with title &c?18:16
danilosjcsackett, well, it's ultimately your call: I will write up an explanation, but other than a minor issues, I am fine with it landing as well18:16
danilosjcsackett, so, I'll approve the branch as well18:17
jcsackettdanilos: cool. sounds good. :-)18:17
jcsackettthanks, danilos.18:17
jcsackettdanilos: FWIW I would love to see (and help with) a more unified translations settings page. :-)18:17
jcsackett(though the help with part may have to be mostly on my own time.)18:17
danilosjcsackett, heh, sure, we'll work on it pretty soon now as well: we want to streamline translations setup as our next step18:18
jcsackettdanilos: awesome. :-)18:18
sinzuiflacoste, meeting on mumble?18:33
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
flacostesinzui: yes18:43
salgadodanilos, according to https://dev.launchpad.net/UserInterfaceWording, it should be sentence case18:44
danilossalgado, right, thanks18:44
danilosjcsackett, ^ (link by salgado :)18:44
jcsackettdanilos: dig; i'll make that change.18:46
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
lifelesshi jelmer19:29
deryckmorning, lifeless.19:29
lifelesshey deryck19:29
* tyarusso sighs19:57
tyarussoHas *anyone* succeeded in setting up their own production instance of Launchpad + CIP?  I'm getting failures finding things from pip with CIP currently.19:58
tyarusso* anyone other than Canonical, of course19:58
tyarussoI wish Canonical offered hosted Launchpad instances for businesses, or at least a consulting service to set it up for you.20:01
jpdstyarusso: I would talk to bac.20:03
tyarussojpds: do you know when s/he is normally around?20:06
lifelessjpds: bac doesn't do that anymore, mrevell does20:10
lifelesstyarusso: hi; we do run private content for businesses that want it, on the production LP.20:10
lifelesstyarusso: matthew.revell at canonical.com would be good to talk to about your needs.20:11
sinzuiflacoste, PS 4198 pillar/person name collisions, 1509 of these are actually teams20:11
flacostesinzui: you mean we have 4.2k project that have the same name than a team?20:12
sinzui1509 have the same name as a team20:12
tyarussolifeless: Well, that situation we would want is to have it under our domain name and branding, which I was previously told isn't possible currently with your stuff.  Still true?20:12
sinzui2.5k are users with the same name20:12
lifelesstyarusso: thats true, launchpad itself isn't capable of being branded multiple ways in a single deployment.20:13
tyarussolifeless: Do you think revell would be useful for helping us set up our own, or is that outside of his scope?20:14
lifelessI'd just ask on the launchpad-dev mailing list20:14
tyarussoIt's being rather hard to convince myself to do this instead of 'apt-get install gforge', which is a shame, since LP is rather nice once it's up.20:17
flacostederyck: did we deselect the automatic expiry before sending the notifications?20:22
flacostetyarusso, lifeless: it's outside of his scope20:23
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flacostetyarusso: the only instance i know of a rebranded LP is quickbuild20:23
deryckflacoste, actually, no.  Send then deselect.  That was a bad choice in hindsight.20:23
flacostederyck: it is!20:23
flacostederyck: i just went to my project to enable it20:23
flacosteand saw it was already enabled20:24
deryckyeah, it's a bad choice.  not sure if we should do anything to correct it now.20:24
flacostetyarusso: https://quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/20:25
flacostederyck: i'd say send a second email once you deselect it for real20:25
flacostederyck: because anybody who acted on your email right away will be screwed20:25
flacosteor at least very confused20:26
deryckflacoste, sure.  I can do that.20:26
deryckhate to spam, but it's probably the reasonable thing to do.20:26
tyarussoflacoste: hmm, interesting.  Who runs that?20:29
flacostetyarusso: be aware thought that it's not a full deployment, there are stuff that is disabled20:31
flacostetyarusso: i can't remember20:31
flacostebut he's the maintainer of the trinity project20:31
flacoste(continue to support packaging of KDE 3 series)20:32
tyarussowell, out of time for today.  Maybe better luck tomorrow...20:35
flacostegary_poster: thanks for your branch on bug 650343, but the header name actually changed20:35
_mup_Bug #650343: Add X-Launchpad-Original-To to recipient lists <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by gary> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/650343>20:35
flacostegary_poster: it's now X-Launchpad-Original-To, (not X-Original-To)20:35
gary_posterflacoste: ah, misunderstood.  Not merged for other reasons.  Will make a change20:36
bdmurraysinzui: I'd like to edit the permissions for OfficialBugTagsManageView so that bug supervisors can also edit them.  Would I add a class for this to security.py?20:40
sinzuibdmurray, isn't that also security on the context object. I think the rules are in there, and the rules on the view just work20:43
* sinzui looks20:43
lifeless we can't use views for security though20:46
sinzuihave I gone mad? I thought there was a bugtag interface and model20:46
bdmurraylp.bugs.interfaces.bugtarget.IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted ?20:47
sinzuibdmurray, thanks so we do have an interface, now I will check the zcml20:48
sinzuibdmurray, there is nothing to edit20:53
bdmurraysinzui: it is just launchpad.Edit now right?  I want to extend this to bug supervisor.20:54
sinzuibdmurray, IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted is only used to define security on the view and since there is no rule for IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted, it falls back to target types lp.Edit (distro|product|dsp|dseries|pseries)20:55
bdmurraysinzui: yes, so I'm asking how to make this rule20:55
sinzuibdmurray define a security checker for IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted that checks the admin, target.owner, target.bug_supervisor20:56
bdmurraysinzui: okay, that's what I'd thought and it what would the value of usedfor be?20:57
sinzuibdmurray, in the case of a project or any kind of series, I think checking target.driver is also correct. This addition ensure Release managers can tag their bugs20:57
sinzuibdmurray, usedfor = IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted20:58
bdmurraysinzui: okay, thanks for the help20:58
lifelessflacoste: I intend to just Edit the wiki pages surrounding production changes to match RFWTAD - do you want any editorial oversight ?21:16
lifelessflacoste: or will you just look and tweak post-hox21:16
flacostelifeless: please be my guest, i'll tweak post-hoc if needed21:17
negativezerohey guys, is is appropriate to ask about the launchpad-developer-dependencies package in here? #launchpad is awfully quiet21:18
sinzuinegativezero, this is the correct place21:20
negativezeroi'm trying to install launchpad locally, but apt can't seem to find the aforementioned package.  i've used both rocketfuel-setup and added the ppa's to my apt sources21:21
sinzuinegativezero, :( rocketfuel-setup does add the archives to your sources list21:22
sinzuiwhat version of Ubuntu do you have?21:22
rockstarsinzui, how do I handle database records that reference Person?21:22
sinzuinegativezero, did you also update your apt-cache to see what is in those soruces21:24
sinzuirockstar, ?21:24
rockstarsinzui, I should have put quotes around "handle."21:24
rockstarsinzui, I get a nice "NotImplementedError: branchmergequeue.owner reference to person.id is in a UNIQUE index but has not been handled"21:25
sinzuirockstar, what are database records?21:25
rockstarsinzui, database patches.21:25
* rockstar needs to pull his head out...21:25
mwhudsonrockstar: is this in the person merge tests?21:27
rockstarmwhudson, yes.21:27
mwhudsonyou need to add code in the person merge code to decide what to do21:27
rockstarmwhudson, well, no, it's in all sorts of tests, but I assume it has to do with the person merge stuff.  That's why I asked sinzui in the vaguest way possible.21:27
rockstarmwhudson, but I assume what you say is correct.21:28
rockstarmwhudson, where is the person merge code?21:28
negativezerosinzui: i ran an apt-get update. is there a command to update apt-cache specifically?21:28
rockstarnegativezero, that's what apt-get update does.21:29
sinzuirockstar, I think I understand. in cases where this could happen, we often check that it can happen, then ask the user to either destroy the object to prevent a unique key violation, or we add rules that make the new items unique21:29
rockstarnegativezero, I suspect that the PPAs are out of date with Lucid now, since we've all switched to maverick.21:29
sinzuinegativezero, you did the right thing21:30
rockstarsinzui, can't we just change the order?21:30
negativezerothere's some launchpad-integration packages in my cache21:30
rockstarDammit I should go back to bed and hope tomorrow gets better.21:30
sinzuirockstar, I saw an oops like this in translationqueueentries recently. I decided to to change the owner. The other option is to tell the user he must wait until the queue is cleared21:31
sinzuirockstar, in the translationqueue issue, we discussed there is a chance that permissions will be lost. I do not know what to do in the case of  branchmergequeue.owner, but I think you want to add a rule to change it to the new owner21:32
rockstarsinzui, okay, so where's the code that "handles" this kind of problem?21:33
rockstar(Basically, how do I fix these tests)21:33
sinzuirockstar, lp/registry/model/person.py look for the for "def _merge"21:34
rockstarsinzui, ah, okay.21:34
sinzuirockstar, you may want to look at lp/registry/browser/peoplemerge.py if you decide you need to tell the user to wait for the queue to empty.21:35
rockstarsinzui, this queue is like the pqm queue.  If you're lucky, it'll NEVER be empty.  :)21:36
sinzuirockstar, can I have more than one item in the queue?21:36
rockstarsinzui, yes, but they already have owners.21:36
rockstar(The items are branch merge proposals)21:36
sinzuiexcellent just look at the model you only need to add or update a rule to change their owners21:37
rockstarsinzui, it does seem a bit odd that I get this on a failure in a database patch branch.21:52
sinzuirockstar, I think salgado/stub is pretty clever I suspect they check that for everything a person links to has a rule in person merge21:54
rockstarsinzui, okay.  Thanks for your help.  I think that'll be the last of my failing tests.21:56
lifelessflacoste: ok, I think I'm done.21:59
rockstarabentley, wallyworld, is it skype time yet?22:03
abentleyrockstar: sure.22:04
wgrantI had a whole lot of translation-related failures in one of my branches overnight.22:04
wgrantAre those known?22:04
wallyworldrockstar: yep22:04
rockstarabentley, wallyworld, my mic no longer works, because it accidentally got unplugged and pulse is a stubborn bugger.22:15
rockstarabentley, wallyworld, thanks!22:17
lifelessrockstar: pkill npviewer.bin + check in the sound prefs that its not muted.22:18
rockstarlifeless, yeah, but when it already thinks there's a connection, it won't reset it.22:19
flacostelifeless: done with what?22:22
lifelessflacoste: edits to the production process docs22:22
flacostelifeless: ah, cool, i'll review the notifications email later :-)22:22
flacosteabentley: did you sort out your QA issue?22:22
lifelessflacoste: we'll need to do another pass once qastaging is actually live.22:22
maxbAnyone: what's the status of the erroneous-superseding issue?22:36
lifelessin buildbot22:38
lifeless40 minutes to go22:38
lifelesswhen that completes we can CP it22:38
lifelessand then we need to do a db update to change data to be right22:39
lifelesswgrant has details22:39
wgrantI don't know the CP status, obviously.22:40
wgrantWe will revert most of the publications to Published this evening. But some older PPA ones will need more manual recovery.22:40
lifelesswgrant: naturally, I mean the db repair22:40
wgrantBut the ~launchpad PPA is fixed now, anyway.22:40
lifelesswhere was the fix for that?22:46
wgrantI've only seen that from a buildd.22:47
lifelessbigjools mentioned it as a known test failure in devel, which was fixed22:48
lifelesswe need to port the fix to prod-devel.22:48
gary_posterderyck: ping?22:55
deryckhi gary_poster22:55
gary_posterhey deryck.  I'm trying to get my triaging in order.  What's the story of this one: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/lazr.restful/+bug/44321722:56
_mup_Bug #443217: Changing a bug's affected project or description doesn't ever finish <bug-page> <dhrb> <javascript> <ui> <lazr.restful:New> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/443217>22:56
gary_posterit looks like Tom was working on it and had a handle on it, but of course, Tom is off doing other Tom things now22:56
deryckgary_poster, it's actually very close to next on our queue.  It's the next card on the backlog.22:56
gary_posterah ok cool22:56
gary_posteris it a lazr.restful bug?22:57
deryckgary_poster, I think it can be fixed in lp.  But I left the task new until we could look more closely at it.22:57
gary_posterok deryck.  um...since I'm trying to get rid of "New"s...would "Incomplete" be a reasonable description of the lazr.restful part of the task?  I guess that seems kind of artificial, but it reflects reality in that I shouldn't have anyone look at it yet, AFAICT.  Would that be ok?22:58
deryckgary_poster, yeah, fine with me.  We should make a call on it before it expires.22:59
gary_postercool, thanks deryck22:59
derycknp!  Thank you.22:59
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantWere there any known translations failures overnight?23:08
lifelesswgrant: could you perhaps look for that bugfix he talks about ?23:14
lifelesswgrant: and I will shepard it into prod devel23:14
wgrantlifeless: Any idea when it was from?23:15
lifelesshis sprint with jml I think23:16
lifelessor since23:16
wgrantWhich rev was last mass-CP'd?23:16
lifelesswe're fully deployed up to (inclusive) 1160923:17
lifelessflacoste: no, abentley oculdn't qa completely, blocked on puloads on staging not working23:17
lifelessflacoste: lamont was going to look at it23:17
wgrantlifeless: I see nothing particularly relevant since then.23:21
wgrantThere were a couple of things moved around due to the sprint.23:21
wgrantBut that's about it.23:21
lifeless r1159423:21
lifelesswhich we have23:21
wgrantAh, yes, that one.23:22
sinzuibryceh, ping23:27
brycehsinzui, yep23:29
sinzuibryceh, do you see an administer link on https://edge.launchpad.net/~bryce ?23:29
brycehsinzui, yes23:29
brycehsinzui, 'Administer' and 'Administer Account'23:29
wgrantderyck: Woah, I just got seven emails from you.23:31
sinzuibryceh, you can use Administer to change that name...23:31
lifelessStevenK: I've just mailed canonical-lp about the prod-devel bb failure, can you perhaps investigate? you know more than I about that area.23:31
deryckwgrant, you must own 7 projects on lp. :-)23:31
wgrantAh, missed that detail.23:31
sinzuibryceh, but to change your id to bryce, you need to *delete* all you PPAs. You can create new ones, but they cannot have the exact same name.23:31
sinzuibryceh, that may be too drastic of a step for you to take23:32
lifelessafk- lunch and firewood stacking23:33
brycehsinzui, ok, that may be ok.  Would it also require re-joining groups / mailing lists, or will those memberships get transitioned?23:34
sinzuibryceh, nothing else. changing your launchpad id does not change your db id.23:34
sinzuibryceh, the PPA restriction is because you have a public URL attached to the PPA23:35
sinzuibryceh, I know of one user who deleted his PPAs, then a day later we got complaints that those PPAs went missing23:35
brycehsinzui, ok23:35
brycehsinzui, since I've been on launchpad the past 5 months I think all my ppas are basically stale by now.23:36
brycehanything "permanent" I've tended to put into a team ppa rather than my own.  So I think I'm safe, but that's good to know.23:36
sinzuiI wish we could know how many subscribers we have.23:37
wgrantThe code is all there for number of package downloads.23:39
bdmurraysinzui: I'm having some issues with my branch regarding permissions for official bug tags - it seems to be the security checker is never used23:41
sinzuibdmurray, :( So while the view has always had a rule for IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted, the security checker for IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted is not used. I assume the IProduct launchpad.Edit is used?23:43
sinzuiwgrant, the code is there, but the logs are not being parsed?23:44
wgrantderyck: You didn't notify owners of projects where the flag was disabled?23:44
wgrantsinzui: Correct.23:44
wgrantI landed the code in March, but some performance issues took a while to fix.23:44
deryckwgrant, I notified bug supervisors if there was one at first, thinking if one was set that was the preferred contact for something like this.23:46
deryckwgrant, stupid me, the bug supervisor can't change the setting.23:46
wgrantderyck: I didn't get an email for some of my team-owned projects.23:47
wgrantBut I suppose they might have had the flag disabled.23:47
deryckwgrant, ah right.  Yes, if they already had this disabled, you would not have been contacted at all.23:48
bdmurraysinzui: I'm adding the security checker for IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted so yes I believe IProduct launchpad.Edit is currently used23:52
sinzuibdmurray, can you pastebin the checker addition?23:53
wgrantIt will use the most specific adapter.23:54
wgrantThere is no way around it.23:54
bdmurraysinzui: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/modify-official-bug-tags-permissions/revision/1159323:54
wgrant(unless you have the tag stuff on a separate object, or use a different permission name)23:54

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