
Licuadorapenguin42: What is your diagnosis, sir?00:00
penguin42Licuadora: Well, that looks good to me, but why didn't it do it automatically? You'll probably need some other stuff as well00:00
penguin42Licuadora: So what does /proc/asound/cards say now?00:00
Licuadoralet me check00:00
Licuadorapenguin42: same00:02
Licuadora---no sound cards ----00:02
penguin42Licuadora: So my guess is that at some point you did something evil to disable your onboard sound because of the add in card you had, the trick will be figuring out how to undo it00:03
LicuadoraThat's why I downloaded all the folders from ALSA site00:03
penguin42Licuadora: That was probably a bad move00:03
Licuadora$ sudo undo all00:03
penguin42Licuadora: Did you actually install any of them?00:03
Licuadoranope, it stoped in the make00:04
LicuadoraBut I am surprised it didn't fix it when I re install 10.0400:04
penguin42Licuadora: You didn't disable that one in the BIOS did you?00:04
LicuadoraI choose "onboard sound", I think that was the option00:05
penguin42anyone else got any ideas for Licuadora?00:05
Licuadora"the file /aproc/sond/cards has changed in the HDD" Restore?00:06
Licuadorai got that message00:06
penguin42erm when did you get that?00:06
Licuadorapenguin42: I've been asking in the forums for months, and still no fix00:06
penguin42Licuadora: Well it is a bit weird00:06
LicuadoraSeveral times when i open the cards file00:06
LicuadoraI might just buy some pci x1 sound cards00:07
LicuadoraI have 2 slots left00:07
penguin42Licuadora: OK, just from a terminal can you do cat /proc/asound/cards ?00:07
penguin42don't use an editor or the like, it's not a real file00:07
Licuadoracat: /proc/asounds/cards: No existe el archivo o directorio00:08
Licuadorano file or directory exists00:08
penguin42 /proc/asound/cards - no s on the end of sound00:08
LicuadoraYeah. Still,  --- no soundcards ---00:09
LicuadoraI am no programer, but I think that file must be filled with some code00:10
LicuadoraIs it posible to download a driver and the drag and drop the file in there?00:10
penguin42Licuadora: No, it doesn't work like that00:10
penguin42Licuadora: Try /etc/init.d/alta-utils reset00:11
penguin42sorry, that's alsa00:11
LicuadoraDoes not exist00:12
Licuadoraroot@djiin:~# etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset00:12
Licuadorabash: etc/init.d/alsa-utils: No existe el archivo o directorio00:12
LicuadoraI even used the / at the begining00:12
penguin42Licuadora: Interesting, that's a bug :-)00:13
LicuadoraI know00:13
penguin42Licuadora: OK, /sbin/alsa-utils reset00:13
LicuadoraAnd WHY did it worked in 8.04 and NOT in 10.10!?00:13
step21Licuadora, yes, / at the beginning is required00:13
penguin42Licuadora: I don't know, you're machine doesn't look that unusual00:13
Licuadora * Resetting ALSA...00:14
step21or maybe just reinstall all alsa packages? if even binaries are not found?00:14
* penguin42 files a bug against alsa-utils about the path being wrong00:15
penguin42Licuadora: It might be worth trying a reboot after that00:16
Licuadorai'LL REBOOT00:17
stonerdoes anyone know if 10.10 supports touchscreen laptops or we still have to go through the hardware list first?00:17
LicuadoraNah, it didn't worked00:20
Licuadorapenguin42: Did you send a bug report to ALSA?00:20
penguin42Licuadora: Well I dunno what's up with your machine00:20
penguin42Licuadora: Just hte minor one about the path being wrong, bug 65490200:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 654902 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "alsa-utils usage says /etc/init.d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65490200:21
BUGabundoevening guys00:21
Licuadorapenguin42: Like I said, I guess I'll just gonna have to buy a PCI X1 card00:21
penguin42Licuadora: given this thing is surviving mutliple installs I'd suggest resetting your CMOS or the like00:21
penguin42Licuadora: Intel onboard audio really really should work00:22
penguin42Licuadora: CMOS; BIOS settings00:22
LicuadoraWell that part is fixed00:22
Licuadorathe onboard option is selected00:22
penguin42something is very odd though00:23
penguin42Licuadora: You can file a bug from your machien - I think   ubuntu-bug sound (or maybe audio) should do it, it'll record all the info about your machine00:23
LicuadoraI thought it was gonna be fixed after the upgrade, but I was a little bit naïve there00:23
Licuadorapenguin42: you are the expert, can you do it? or tell me how, if you please00:24
penguin42Licuadora: I don't know why it isn't; people have problems with Intel audio - but they're normally more minor things like it not doing the mic properly or acrackle or something00:24
penguin42Licuadora: You need to do it from your machine for it to record your info00:24
penguin42Licuadora: So do you have networking on the machine?00:24
Licuadorano, eth0 is not working either, i am using WIFI00:24
penguin42hey WIFI will do00:25
coz_guys anyone have issues with compiling alsa driver on maverick?00:25
Licuadoratell me how, please00:25
LicuadoraI do00:25
LicuadoraWell mine is a different story00:25
penguin42Licuadora: Open a terminal and do ubuntu-bug sound00:25
penguin42if that doesn't work try ubuntu-bug audio00:26
Some_PersonI'm having fairly frequent major crashes. What should I do?00:26
penguin42Licuadora: The fact your ether doesn't work either makes me think there is something odd with the machine00:26
penguin42Some_Person: How does it crash and is it related to doing something?00:26
Licuadorapenguin42: I do not think is physical, since it worked with an Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD00:27
Some_Personpenguin42: It seems random, and it crashes with nothing responding, either with the screen just frozen on what was displayed when it crashed or with a black screen with a mouse cursor00:28
penguin42Licuadora: Hmm that is odd, get te bug reported and it'll have lal the info on it - remember to say it worked with an 8.04 livecd00:29
step21Licuadora, did you do a normal desktop install or some special version/options?00:29
Licuadorastep21: nope, just regular, it was the final version00:30
Licuadorapenguin42: How can i post my onboard sound info?00:31
LicuadoraIs there a Terminal command to tell me what type of chip do i have?00:31
Licuadoraso I can post it. Or is it not necesary?00:31
penguin42Licuadora: Do that ubuntu-bug and it should include everything in the bug automatically00:32
step21coz_ why do you want to compile it? just install it?00:33
Some_Personpenguin42: So what should I do?00:34
step21Some_Person, check disk space, memory integrity etc ... do you have a dual boot system?00:34
Some_Personstep21: triple boot actually00:34
Some_PersonI'm having no problems in any other OS, and / has 11.8 GB free00:35
penguin42Some_Person: I'd run memtest86 for a few hours to see if there are any issues, and I'd make sure I'm not running desktop effects to try and reduce any graphics issues00:35
Some_PersonI am running compiz00:36
penguin42Some_Person: Try turning that off and see if it stabilises; if it does it's probably a graphics driver issue00:36
Some_PersonWell, it's just something that randomly happens. It'll sometimes go many hours without crashing or being unstable, and then bang00:37
LicuadoraOk, I'll wait for a fix00:38
LicuadoraThx for everything guys00:38
step21Some_Person, well for me it randomly happened with indicator sound using lots of cpu, when failing to reconnect with pulseaudio (there is a bug about that)00:41
Some_PersonI have no warning when it happens00:42
step21if that happens switching to console with ctrl+alt+F1 might allow you to kill the relevant services and resume work.00:42
step21there is no warning00:42
Some_PersonNope. ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing00:42
Some_Personeven caps lock doesn't respond00:42
step21well it could take a while.00:42
andorinoBrand new Ubuntu user with a random problem that I've seen elsewhere in the forums and such but no resolution (other than restarting X) seems to have been bounced around.  My left (and sometimes Right....) mouse button will stop responding seemingly at random. Anyone else run into this?00:44
penguin42no, but I've had the middle one do that :-)00:45
penguin42not sure why00:45
andorinomiddle one would be slightly less problematic ;)00:45
andorinocan we trade? =D00:45
Israphelanyone here?00:46
Israphelthat's good00:46
sevenseekeronly us chickens00:46
Israphelwell I'm having problems with a Webcam on Maverik00:46
Some_Personandorino: Brand new ubuntu users should probably go to #ubuntu00:46
Israpheldmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/506087/00:46
IsraphelIt works on lucid, yes00:47
andorinoSome_Person: this is 10.10, and not brandy-new to *nix in general00:47
Some_Personandorino: Ah, sorry I doubted you00:47
IsraphelI don't understand the line "usb_submit_urb() failed, error -28"00:48
Israphelbefore that, it seems ok00:48
penguin42andorino: I'm not really sure how to help I'm afraid, you could run xev to see if it can see the event, but it may be difficult to find where they are going00:48
andorinoyeah, seems like a hard thing to pin down00:48
andorinoseems like people with the same issues on various hardware and machine types having this issue since at least 9.x00:49
NateWis anyone else experiencing bug #648238 ?00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 648238 in The Sound Menu "always show unmuted at startup" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64823800:49
penguin42Israphel: That's just a function in the kernel00:49
penguin42Israphel: Well, it looks like a driver bug at a guess, have you ever had it working with Ubuntu?00:51
Israphelyes, I've a netbook with Ubuntu lucid netbook remix and it works there.00:51
IsraphelMy desktop has Kubuntu Maverick RC and here is the problem00:52
penguin42Israphel: Is it plugged straight in or via a hub on the maverick machine?00:52
krabadorhow much can maverick change until the 10th?00:52
Israphelstraight to the usb port00:52
penguin42krabador: I guess that depends how broken it is!00:52
penguin42Israphel: Hmm, I'd say then you just have a bug and report i, you could try the daily kernels to see if it helps00:53
Israphelcan it be a kubuntu bug specifically?00:53
Israphelshould I ask in the forums before making a bug report=00:53
penguin42Israphel: I guess possible, but I'd have guessed kernel - and of course you can ask on the Forum00:54
krabadorpenguin42, oh, sure.00:54
Israphel2.6.35-22-generic here00:54
penguin42KDE stuff still seems to be changing a lot, other stuff is pretty settled00:55
Israphel2.6.32-25 at the netbook, where it works00:55
krabadorit's possible that users will have some surprise in artworks (splash, wallpapers, etc) putting the stable in the pc, the 10th?00:56
Israphelpenguin42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/506097/00:59
krabador(please developers, change the orange.... i prey you :) )00:59
penguin42Israphel: Sorry, don't know much about cameras01:00
andorinoah ha. it is a registered bug. 41301.01:00
penguin42bug 4130101:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 41301 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Mouse clicks stop working sporadically" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4130101:01
penguin42that's an ANCIENT bug though - not maverick specific01:01
andorinonope, but still happens :P01:01
andorinoother maverick reports. weird.01:01
penguin42andorino: Are you on a touchpad or real mouse?01:02
andorinoreal mouse01:02
penguin42hmm interesting, I've seen something similar on a touchpad on Fedora and had assumed that was weirdo touchpad firmware01:02
penguin42it's drags that don't really end01:02
andorinoor weirdo user :)01:02
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penguin42andorino: Hey I'm perfectly insane!01:03
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step21well with touch pad it's something else, it often happens after standby01:03
andorinoit did it to me this evening after waking from standby, actually01:03
andorinobut happens randomly at other times01:04
andorinoI live in MA where electricity costs an arm and a leg (and a torso)01:05
andorinoso standby is my friend01:05
DaekdroomThat 41301 affects me when I use my keyboard to change sound volume01:07
IsraphelI'll try on the kubuntu lucid live cd01:07
andorinothat just did it for me01:07
step21glad that i just pay a flat fee for electricity ...01:07
Daekdroomand now, to fix it...01:07
andorinoALT-TAB doesn't clear it like some people have reported01:08
DaekdroomIt didn't do it for me either01:08
andorinoHow did you fix id Daekdroom ?01:08
DaekdroomI didn't.01:08
DaekdroomI'll probably have to force an X restart now01:08
penguin42andorino: I'd try hitting all the modifier keys - ie.. shift ctrl and alt (both sides)01:08
andorinoWhat's the hotkey sequence to switch virtual workspaces?01:08
andorinodid that before, no dice this time either01:08
penguin42ctrl-alt-arrows are the ones I use01:09
andorinodidn't clear it for me either01:09
andorinoother people reported that that worked01:09
andorinoright button still works though01:10
andorinoweird bug01:10
DaekdroomOh well.01:11
andorinoDaekdroom: sudo rmmod usbhid; sudo mobprobe usbhid cleared it for me01:11
andorinoand keyboard volume keys did it again, so that is a pretty consistent reproduction01:12
JAMD456I installed some games using the Ubuntu Software Center but none of the games are working01:13
dev001Hi.  I've installed Kubuntu 10.10 (snapshot) on an old PowerBook G4 (ppc).  The LiveCD was fine; after install & reboot, tho, I get to the desktop, but the video scanrate is off/wrong.  I can see the desktop/items, etc but get lots of snow/has, and multiple ghost images ... Iiuc, 'sax' is a thing of the past -- from this desktop, how can i _fix_ the video?01:13
philsfhi, in a recent update of the netbook edition I now have multiple (4) workspaces. How can I reverto to having only one?01:14
Daekdroomandorino, yep. Worked on here, but I had to reload the usb module by replugging my mouse because I use a usb keyboard as well01:14
DaekdroomI wonder if unplugging my mouse will work01:14
DaekdroomHm, no, it doesn't01:15
andorinoall my peripherals are USB, didn't have to unplug my keyboard...01:16
JAMD456By that I mean that the games do not appear to have installed, the system keeps saying that there is no such file or directory01:16
philsfafter a recent update of the netbook edition I now have multiple (4) workspaces. How can I reverto to having only one?01:25
sunshinepantsphilsf: i know how to do it, but i'm trying to find the 'ubuntu netbook' way to do it..01:27
sunshinepantsphilsf: it's not grandma-friendly but this is quick gconftool-2 -s /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces 1 --type int01:28
philsfsunshinepants, I knew how to do it in gnome, where I could right click the workspaces applet... :/01:29
Israphel3penguin42: you still there?01:30
penguin42not for long, it's 1:30am :-)01:30
Israphel3well, I think I find something01:30
sunshinepantsphilsf: you can run gconf-tool interactively too, and do a search with ctrl-F, then look for string 'metacity' and change the num_workspaces var in the general folder..01:30
Israphel3I have two usb devices. wireless keyboard+mouse and the camera01:30
Israphel3I can't use both at the same time.01:30
penguin42Israphel3: Odd, you said they're plugged into the machine directly?01:31
step21prob. logitech usb transmitter or something01:34
penguin42oh, gone01:35
* penguin42 is about to go, if Israphel3 comes bakc I would suggest trying a powered hub inbetween01:38
Israphelpenguin42: ok I'll explain you the problem01:41
IsraphelI use a usb extensor wire for the keyboard+mouse sensor01:41
IsraphelI think that the wire is not a hub01:41
Israphelbut I can't useit01:41
IsraphelI have to plug the sensor and the camera directly to the mother01:41
cTnkohi guys, anyone experienced with default radeondriver and mobile gpus ?02:00
olskolircsay how about i change my sources.list from the word karmic to maverick and upgrade from there is that ok?  i got the maverick iso from http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/maverick/ and made a usb creator and its not bootable02:05
step21olskolirc, on ubuntu com it says how to update like that02:08
step21but not with just changing like you said02:08
olskolircexact link please step21 ?02:08
step21One click from the front page02:11
olskolircthanks step21 :-)02:11
atari2600aa few appliciations glitch out on me02:13
atari2600asuch as Evolution02:13
atari2600awhenever I use anything that's not email, whenever I click anywhere on the window it fullscreens, & again, it goes back to normal02:14
atari2600ait makes the application ususable02:14
atari2600aany ideas?02:14
krabadorhi, i'm tryin g maverick , day by day with the daily builds, from 2 week, and until today's build "Quadrapassel" don't works.02:23
olskolircwhat are you on atari ubuntu?  kubuntu? and what version02:28
krabadorolskolirc, ubuntu02:34
krabadorubuntu, today's daily build of maverick02:34
olskolircubuntu s*x02:34
olskolirckubuntu is the only way to go02:35
krabadorolskolirc, i hope for you a good future, with kde on ubuntu, that never , and for sometimes again, never got decent02:36
krabadorolskolirc, if you like kde, use debian02:36
krabadorolskolirc, #debian02:36
olskolirci used to ride with Sarge before i came to kubuntu02:37
olskolircim not big on the plasma though i prefer kde 3x02:37
krabadorolskolirc, to road for the stability and the true usability on kde 4 is still long02:39
krabadora very big lot of work is gone, but isn't enough, for what would be seem kde, when user run it for the first time02:40
krabadorkde3 is sure old, but well tweaked is very light and fast02:41
krabadorenlightment and lxde, if developers continue to work right, will destroy kde02:42
HomerPDX75anyone else tried to use empathy's irc client?02:44
HomerPDX75with the latest 10.1002:44
HomerPDX75crashes with me, xchat does the trick though02:44
olskolircyessssss krabador i love lxde02:45
olskolircseems like meerkat has too many problems to be released in a few days02:46
olskolircthats what i hate about cannanicol* always never finished on due date02:46
cTnkoplease can anyone tell me how to list current performance level when i am using xorg radeondriver ?02:46
HomerPDX75I'm pretty happy with it02:47
HomerPDX75sorry cTnko i'm not really sure. I did a little poke on google with no luck02:49
BUGabundogonna plock some of my eyelash onto my pillow. nite02:49
cTnkoHomerPDX75: i am strugling with power saving not working properly on my laptop (r730) gpu02:50
cTnkoso i am trying to nail the problem why my card is running on fullpower, ergo killing my battery life02:50
HomerPDX75it will help02:53
cTnkothanks ill take a look02:54
cTnkoi was fighting this problem on 10.04 but i gave up (there was no support in drivers)02:54
cTnkoso i am trying again in 10.1002:55
cTnkobut thats for fglrx not for xorg :(02:55
cTnkobut i wanna use xorg :) (original fglrx from amd brgings more problems that it solves) sadly :(03:02
olskolirccan i just upgrade my kde 4.3 to 4.5 somewhere?03:04
HomerPDX75cTnko, I agree03:16
HomerPDX75fglrx is a very buggy driver. On my laptop, one month it would almost work and then the next month it wouldn't even install.03:16
HomerPDX75I gave up and have been using the radeon driver and it's a little slow but work perfectly03:17
cTnkoHomerPDX75: looks like i solved most of the heat/battery problems with echo low > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile03:18
cTnkobut this is on the fly value, ill probabbly have to create a shell script03:19
cTnkowhen i find out how to do so |:))03:19
HomerPDX75I hear ya, you would think a programmer from ATI would whip that out in a day03:20
cTnkowhen i read that power management for ati cards will work in 10.10 i was like "yey i finally be able to use ubuntu on my laptop)03:21
cTnkoand yet i am more strugling with drivers then actually using the device "blah" :x03:22
HomerPDX75sorry man, my linux ati experience has been the same03:23
HomerPDX75if possible just use the open source one03:23
step21cTnko, or just use builtin graphics ...03:24
woodyjlwso far nothing seems broken.  only things I see that I would like to see improved is open source radeon driver and bluetooth settings have not been right sine 8.10.  other than those too things everything is great!04:00
woodyjlwoh and I wish the wireless settings could work more like wicd04:02
^Lem^hi all, wondering if this is worth a "bug report": default text colour, default Maverick theme, the CPU frequency scaling monitor's text is virtually unreadable (grey on grey)04:23
AbhiJitanyone knows about this?04:34
AbhiJitwhile trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 (from 10.4) i am getting this error; W:Failed to fetch http://astromirror.uchicago.edu/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz04:34
Ken8521ruh roh... hope it didn't break....04:34
Ken8521or at the least you backed up04:34
AbhiJitKen8521, you talking to me?04:34
Ken8521in general yes04:34
AbhiJitKen8521, you talking to me about the question i asked above?04:35
Ken8521that's why i never upgrade, not even Windows.. just to much crap that can go wrong... back up important files, and clean install04:35
Ken8521how far did it get in the upgrade process04:35
AbhiJitKen8521, this is my friends issue. so what should i suggest him?04:35
Ken8521there's been a few reports here and there of broken upgrades, but nothing to suggest an epidemic04:35
AbhiJitKen8521, or what question should i ask him to get more info?04:35
AbhiJiti mean should i tell him to clean install?04:36
Ken8521AbhiJit, honestly,i have no idea.. if an upgrade broke.. it's gonna be a lot of fun... it all depends on where he was in the upgrade process when it happened.. he might end up clean installing04:36
AbhiJitKen8521, but what is astromirror? is it a offical ubuntu package? i never heard about it04:37
Ken8521i have no idea AbhiJit.. ask him.04:37
AbhiJitKen8521, ok04:37
AbhiJitanyone else have some idea about this issue?04:38
charlie-tcaI suspect it might be a ppa04:41
AbhiJitcharlie-tca, that astromirror one?04:41
charlie-tcaor unofficial place to get packages04:41
Ken8521charlie-tca, that was my first guess04:41
Ken8521buti never heard of it04:41
AbhiJitcharlie-tca, Ken8521 ok should i tell him that he first try again with official ppa?04:41
charlie-tcaIt is a university, maybe they run their own mirrors and it is simply out of date04:41
Ken8521AbhiJit, actually what he should do, is disable that repo, and then upgrade04:42
AbhiJitKen8521, i see04:42
charlie-tcaSometimes the universities do that so that they don't have to give users off-campus access to anything04:42
Ken8521really though, you shoudl do that w/ any PPA.. upgrading w/ PPA's in your source list is begging for fail04:42
pav5088I have a strange issue with the interface locking up for periods of time in Meerkat.  I can get things going again by tapping keys, or fiddling with the touchpad...   but the lockup comes back after a while.  CPU usage seems to go up.  Lucid worked fine (except without audio) on this laptop.04:43
pav5088Is this an issue anyone knows about?04:43
AbhiJitKen8521, means?04:43
AbhiJitcharlie-tca, ok04:43
AbhiJitKen8521, i am asking him now to disable that ppa ok?04:43
Ken8521AbhiJit, delete it from his source list, upgrade, then add it back.04:43
AbhiJitKen8521, oh yah04:44
Ken8521make sure he reloads his source list before he starts upgrading again..04:44
Ken8521so remove, reload, upgrade, add again.04:44
AbhiJitKen8521, ok04:45
pav5088Hmmm...  my issue could be related to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=991789904:47
pav5088They suggest using a PPA kernel...  to compare the shipped version against 2.6.36-rc6 .   How do I do this?04:47
AbhiJitThank you Ken8521 charlie-tca :)04:48
charlie-tcaYou are welcome04:52
|ns|nR8anyone have the prob with /dev/dsp missing in 10.1005:18
|ns|nR8mines gone :(05:18
|ns|nR8cant run darkice05:20
|ns|nR8ive tried installing oss-compat and tried using sbagen05:21
|ns|nR8wont work05:21
|ns|nR8think im over bugs for awhile05:34
|ns|nR8try again in couple weeks05:34
histoAnyone really good with sound?05:35
|ns|nR8im having some sound probs histo05:35
|ns|nR8whats yours05:35
|ns|nR8sounds works just /dev/dsp dont exist05:36
histoWell I have an intel 82801L ICH9 sound card. Works perfectly fine under 10.04 I've now tried two different distros running 2.6.35 and no sound.05:36
histoI've noticed that under alsamixer it reports a different chipset than it did with 10.0405:37
histoSo i'm assuming its a codec issue with alsa but I don't know enough to try and fix it.05:37
|ns|nR8im going back to 10.04 for awhile..wait for some updates to 10.10, see if it fixes me bugs05:38
|ns|nR8glad i kept 10.04 install05:39
zanus_say for instance I get on average, 400MB/sec... is there some app or a trick of some sort to only allow like half of that to certain applications?05:49
hifiyou could do that with iptables I think05:57
hifibut it's not app specific05:57
zanus_you mean like.. dedicating throughput to each IP?05:57
|ns|nR8qos capable router05:59
|ns|nR8or some kinda proxy05:59
hifiyou can probably limit it per uid06:00
hifior gid06:00
hifior per port06:00
zanus_hmm...  what about for just a specific computer06:01
zanus_sort of like a throttle06:01
zanus_I'm just looking for a way to keep myself from using the full throughput so others in my house don't complain06:02
zanus_short of ... well, not downloading anything06:02
zanus_it'd be nice if I could figure out how to somehow ... temporarily lock my download rate at xKB/sec06:04
zanus_hmm.. seems I can do just this with trickle06:16
bdogg4 more days06:31
VotanIs it possible to change my current installation from a single partition on ext 4 to a split setup with a /boot on ext 4 and the rest on btrfs ?07:26
sda1986Ciao, I would understand how special bottons work on my laptop, (FN+<something>) I tried to reassign them with keyboard shortcut but it doesn't work. I saw on some website I have to modify /etc/acpi/event files. Can someone help me?09:04
lucentsda1986: there's mostly 4 possible ways keys are working09:06
lucentI mean, 5, as many as 5 ways and its one of those ways09:06
lucentACPI (BIOS), GPIO (embedded hardware button), Keyboard, Mouse trackpad, USB input device09:07
lucentsda1986: good luck to find out which your device is using!09:07
sda1986example, if i press fn+f4 (www) it opens firefox, but i can change it with keyboard shortcut, but i cannot do the same with fn+space (on win powermanagement on linux screensaver)09:10
sda1986lucent: any guide to findout what kind is mine?09:11
JackNocturnehello, let me try to shorten my problem in 1 sentence09:18
JackNocturneNautilus doesnt work/start after upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 RC09:18
JackNocturnechecking in xsession-errors i find this http://pastebin.com/PTjK4Wa809:19
JackNocturnei can't figure what is the problem,any suggestions?09:20
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rick_hi... i have installed ubuntu 10.10 and the max resolution that i can select is 1360x768.. is there a way i can make it 1280x1024?09:45
rick_previously when i was on windows.. i was on that resolution.. :P09:45
sda1986MappingNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0,    request MappingKeyboard, first_keycode 8, count 248, I have to change this event how can I?09:46
JackNocturnetry system>preferences>monitors maybe?09:46
rick_thats the same... it shows unknown monitor09:47
sda1986hi all, i have an asus f3jp with 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd DC-1125 Webcam, on ubuntu the quality is lower than windows, and a led one time it turns on never turns off until i turnoff\reboot my pc. Can you help me?10:00
jmcsI tried to install the rc and got a problem with the grub configuration, can anyone help me?10:16
lucentI'll take a shot at helping you to help yourself10:16
lucentwhat do you need to do?10:17
Jordan_Ujmcs: Nobody can help you untill you actually state your problem.10:19
jmcsWhen I boot it says it doesn't detect the hard drive with the uuid. I've seen the grub.cfg and the uuid and it is right10:19
lucentwhich filesystem?10:20
lucentcould need fsck'ing10:21
Jordan_Ujmcs: Do you get any other errors?10:22
lucentjmcs: suggest that you boot from CD and mount chroot update-grub10:22
Jordan_Ujmcs: If you press 'c' to get to a grub shell then run "ls -l" do you see the partition in question?10:22
jmcslucent: i'll try that.10:22
lucentjmcs: if it's still hosed after that, you can edit the /etc/default/grub of the chroot'ed system and run update-grub10:23
jmcsJordan_U: it falls to grub-rescue without me doing anything if I do ls it shows something like this (HD0) (HD0,1) (HD0,2) (HD1)10:24
lucentthe filesystem device names can be hard-coded from /etc/default/grub which will get picked up into the grub config when you run update-grub10:24
Jordan_Ujmcs: Then update-grub won't help you at all.10:24
Jordan_Ujmcs: My guess is that you're actually booting grub from a previous install. Try changing the boot order in the BIOS.10:25
jmcsI just noticed one thing, in my grub.cfg it says "set root='(hd0,msdos1)'" shouldn't it say something like "set root='(hd0,ext4)'"?10:26
Jordan_Ujmcs: No. "hd0" means the first hard drive and "msdos1" means the first partition on the drive, using an msdos partition table.10:27
lucentwow I just learned something new10:27
jmcsthanks everyone. i'll try see if something is wrong in the BIOS.10:32
alvinWill Maverick contain KDE 4.5.2 (last minute) or stay on 4.5.1?10:39
mnkhi, i just upgraded to maverick and i am having sound issues. Sound does play sometimes but it is REALLY REALLY fast. I tried using a guest account and same thing. not sure how to fix it. can anyone help?10:44
mnkany ideas10:48
SaRymnk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:49
mnkthanks SaRy10:50
mnkbasically everything was working fine in 10.04 but then when i upgraded to 10.10 beta, the sound just goes super fast10:50
rockhopperIs the unity window manager in the netbook remix lagging?10:51
PolarFoxWeee b opening any links ... :)10:52
tqftupgrading procedure - lucid to maverick - here? have an ati card - HD5570 - should I disable proprietary drivers first?10:52
mnklspci -v | less --- should i be able to see both sound cards10:52
PolarFoxHas anyone else been whining about high IOWAIT? My computers running Maverick are darn slow and iowait juto 80-90% :)10:53
zetherooI loaded up 10.10 today ... looks slightly sleeker than 10.04 ... but I am guessing that most of the difference between the two is under-the-hood ...10:55
PolarFoxdepmod has been running for 20 minutes now.. :)10:55
mnkwhen i play an mp3 file it just skips three seconds out of four and thus is playing really fast10:55
mnkis there a way of reinstalling alsa / pulse audio? does maverick use alsa btw?10:56
mnksorry new to all this10:56
zetherooare there any major benefits to upgrading to 10.10 from 10.04?11:02
PolarFoxzetheroo: Yeah.. but my disk performance went down ... hard :D11:04
zetherooPolarFox: wdym?11:04
PolarFoxzetheroo: I don't know... I have 2 machines running 10.10 and both are sssssslower than 10.04 and HDD lights are not blinking... they are burning :)11:06
zetherooPolarFox: fresh installs?11:06
PolarFoxzetheroo: and it's common to have 80-90% iowait on CPU... (ext4 partitions only)11:06
zetherooPolarFox: so it's problematic11:07
PolarFoxfor me atleast..11:07
PolarFoxbut this has happened with my desktop and laptop now..11:07
zetherooPolarFox: that sucks11:09
zetherooPolarFox: what kinda laptop and desktop?11:09
PolarFoxbotth have 2.2 core2duo cpu, 4GB of memory. laptop is Asus, with normal sata disk.. desktop has 3 500GB sata disks..11:10
PolarFoxone for home dir, one for photos(I'm a photographer) and one for system..11:10
PolarFoxAnd is wery slow when I work with my photos... as it requires reading quite large amount of 10-15MB files with small sidecar files..11:11
red00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)11:13
redWhat display driver should I be using?11:14
redI'm testing the notebook Unity on 10.10 and rendering speed\fps is quite horrible compared to Compiz11:14
reddragging windows slows the desktop to seemingly something like 10-20fps11:14
redin Compiz dragging & maximizing etc is quite smooth11:14
coz_red,  I tried Unity on my desktop with the same results with nvidia   it does drag a bit11:15
redjust like the functionality a lot11:17
redguess ill keep using default desktop until this stuff is more stable11:18
PolarFoxIt's funny when one depmod rde takes .. :P11:20
PolarFoxyeah... that didn't come out right.. :)11:20
PolarFoxhad a minor freeze there... one depmod run during kernel upgrade takes 15 minutes.. :)11:21
PolarFoxThis is soo slow that even irc sometimes freezes.. :)11:21
JAMD456How do I reset my path to default settings? somehow the settings have become corrupted and some commands no longer execute when called11:34
Jordan_UJAMD456: How did you change it?11:37
JAMD456Jordan_U I did not change anything it broke one day after a set of updates11:38
Jordan_UJAMD456: What is its current value?11:38
JAMD456How do I get its current value, I am more familiar with windows11:38
Jordan_UJAMD456: echo $PATH11:39
Jordan_UJAMD456: And what commands no longer work?11:39
JAMD456games in the /usr/games as well as some command and most games in /usr/games and p7zip no longer works11:40
JAMD456echo $PATH11:40
Jordan_UJAMD456: What happens when you try to run "p7zip" from the terminal?11:45
JAMD456It says that it is not installed (it is, I found the executable in a folder) and that I can install it by typing the command11:46
Jordan_UJAMD456: Where is the executable? It should be in /usr/bin, which is in your $PATH11:47
JAMD456Jordan_U 7zip is in folder but 7zr is not command I tried using was this 7zr x ryzom_client.7z11:50
JAMD456I have the p7zip package installed from the software center11:51
Jordan_UJAMD456: What is the output of "apt-cache policy p7zip | grep Installed"?11:52
JAMD456Installed: (none)11:53
Jordan_UJAMD456: Then you don't have p7zip installed.11:53
JAMD456It is installed the files are on disk and I have reinstalled it11:53
JAMD456multiple times it just is not working11:54
Jordan_UJAMD456: You do *not* have the package p7zip installed, that is clear.11:54
Jordan_UJAMD456: sudo apt-get install p7zip11:55
JAMD456I did11:55
JAMD456It is still not working11:55
Jordan_UYou don't currently, for whatever reason.11:55
JAMD456I just installed it again, from synaptic, removed it and reinstalled it11:56
gnomefreakdpkg -l |grep p7zip11:56
Jordan_UJAMD456: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install p7zip && p7zip --help"11:57
JAMD456ii  p7zip-full                            9.04~dfsg.1-1                                   7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio11:57
gnomefreakif installed it should have "ii"11:57
gnomefreakdid you install it from a .deb?11:57
JAMD456It does but it still will not run from terminal, and no I did not11:57
JAMD456I installed it from the software center then from synaptic11:58
gnomefreakok than i would say its a bug and should be filed12:00
Jordan_UI'm not convinced of any bug.12:00
JAMD456Jordan_U I did what you asked and it works now http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0AyBZQ4C12:00
gnomefreakJordan_U: why not?12:00
gnomefreakscratch that12:01
gnomefreakJAMD456: does policy show it now?12:01
gnomefreakthan it wasnt installed12:03
JAMD456gnomefreak Why did it not install to begin with while saying in both the Software center and synaptic that it was installed?12:04
gnomefreakJAMD456: dont know also dont know why dpkg says it was installed12:05
tqftwhen upgrading lucid to maverick, should I disable proprietary ati driver first?12:10
gnomefreaktqft: did you install it from a .run file?12:10
gnomefreakor did you install our package?12:11
tqftno through jockey (System Admin ...)12:11
gnomefreaktqft: than no you dont need to disable it12:11
gnomefreakit _should_ upgrade it12:12
tqftcool thanks, been running without being able to play movies for about 2 weeks12:12
tqftbut I do need to disable medibuntu first12:13
gnomefreaktqft: use update-manager and you wont have to12:13
gnomefreaktqft: update-manager -d it will do everything for you12:13
tqfteven better, last question is gcc 4.5 standard in maverick, I can see it in the packages.ubuntu.org, but can't see if it is default12:14
gnomefreak4:4.4.4-1  is default i think12:15
tqftah well, hopefully it isn't too far away, being able to play movies will help ease the pain12:16
tqftthank you very much12:16
Ian_corneRequest accepted. Please note that special requests can take up to sixteen weeks to deliver. For quicker processing, choose a standard option instead.12:17
Ian_corne5 days12:17
gnomefreakwhat does a C compiler have to do with movies12:17
AlanHaha, i'm pretty sure nothing12:18
tqfti like my browser to go fast, but need gcc4.5 to Profile Guided Optimisation on firefox for linux, so am stuck at the moment with no movies and a "slow" broswer12:18
AlanRC is out already?12:18
gnomefreakoh ok12:18
AlanI guess it is 5 days till release12:18
gnomefreakyes RC was released12:19
tqftok am off to do some backups and then an upgrade -d12:22
Alanwhoa, ok, are the ubuntu servers under a lot of stress or something?12:25
Alanless than 90KB/s!12:25
Alani'll try a different server...12:26
AlanTHAT'S more like it12:27
penguin42hmph, this machine didn't come back from hibernate12:27
Alanhuh, speaking of hibernate, since when did ubuntu have the ability to go to hibernate before running out of power when suspended?12:28
AlanI found out by accident that it does that now, but I swear it didn't happen 1 or 2 releases ago12:28
PolarFoxAlan: That's faster than my HDD... :D12:30
Alanhow slow is your HDD??12:31
PolarFoxAlan: According to iotop, I never get more than 2,5M/s :)12:34
penguin42PolarFox: Youch!12:34
PolarFoxhdparm gives me 46.22MB/s .. so in theory it's a lot faster than 5.5MB/s12:34
penguin42oh 46 is ok for a laptop drive12:34
PolarFoxpenguin42: I've not seen that in iotop.. rarely above 2MB after Maverick upgrage :)12:35
penguin42PolarFox: Does hdparm -tT still show 46MB/s ?12:35
PolarFoxpenguin42: yeah12:36
donrihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/506427/  Can't open gnome-appearance-properties for gdm12:36
AlanPolarFox: interesting12:36
PolarFoxbut running more than 3 programs, my CPU is in iowait 90% of the time..12:36
Alanhdparm -tT shows 89MB/s for buffered disk reads...12:37
PolarFox"more than 3 programs" means that I use them a lot and there is some disk stuff being read all the time..12:37
Alanalso on a laptop12:37
penguin42PolarFox: the ouput of iostat may be more useful in tracking down what's going on12:37
PolarFoxmmh.. I don't have it on my laptop12:38
PolarFoxpenguin42: it takes some time to get real results from it?12:40
penguin42PolarFox: Yeh, do  iostat 5     and you'll get a line every 5 seconds12:40
PolarFoxpenguin42: http://pastebin.com/biTVgceg there is some data, but it's by no means average as you can imagine from a minute of running sysstat :)12:41
penguin42PolarFox: Can you rerun it with -x12:43
PolarFoxedited the paste12:43
penguin42no, won't let me see that ID any more12:44
penguin42PolarFox: OK, so it's not actually read that much from the disk (2731kB/s I think) but it's had a total of 93 separate requests - so probably a lot of seeking going on12:47
PolarFoxYeah.. it's not slow all the time.. my machine just goes unresponsive when I have a lot of IO going on...12:48
PolarFoxlike when browsing with firefox and upgrading kernel with apt.. (depmod -au...)12:49
penguin42I think firefox and apt both have a habit of syncing the disk that slows stuff down12:49
Alanare the values from iostat a moving average or something?12:49
donriWas needing xhost +SI:localuser:gdm. didn't in Lucid. BRB see if it worked.12:51
penguin42Alan: They're just measurement over the period, so if you do iostat 5 you get the stats for that 5 second period12:51
PolarFoxI process alot of RAW pictures @ home.. and it tends to freeze my desktop too when I import stuff to database.. that machine is on all the time and because of that is idle a lot.. http://pastebin.com/ZvmhJAhX there is iostat for that machine(running 10.10 also)12:51
Alanpenguin42: oh, what's the default period then?12:51
penguin42Alan: Not sure12:52
PolarFoxalmost the same.. it does recover faster.. but desktop disk are a bit faster.. :)12:52
Alanmy iowait is pretty low12:52
Alanthen again, i'm not doing anything heavy12:52
Alanjust got lots of browser tabs12:52
AlanOk, not to be mean, but WHAT THE HELL?13:01
AlanYou've got the keyboard layout selection screen AFTER the first screen at which you need to type something?13:02
AlanWhat idiot(s) arranged those screens?13:02
PiciYour friendly neighborhood developers.  File a bug if you think its a problem.13:03
Alanheh, i think I will13:03
Alanoh, hmm13:05
Alanthere's a circular dependency there, isn't there?13:05
Alanguess keyboard based on location13:05
Alanneed correct keyboard to type location13:05
AnxiousNutcan someone please tell me the version of tint2 provided in maverick? (you can check using: apt-cache showpkg tint2)13:25
n8wi keep gettin this error for printin in okular after upgradin to 10.10: lpr: Bad job-sheets value ""!13:25
n8wany idea?13:25
penguin42AnxiousNut: 0.9-213:25
AnxiousNutpenguin42, thanks13:25
penguin42AnxiousNut: You can also check on packages.ubuntu.com13:25
penguin42n8w: Looks like it's the same as this ancient bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeadmin/+bug/40316913:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403169 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Adding printer via "Printer Configuration" tool results in invalid printers.conf, JobSheets entry incorrect" [Undecided,New]13:28
n8wpenguin42:  ye ive found this one...i did everythin it says13:29
n8wpenguin42:  but nothin happened...hmm w8...i might have forgoten restart cups...13:30
penguin42hmm breakfast13:36
SeRVeR01hey all is there any way to run .Net apps  ?13:46
JCStoddsDoes anyone have experience with fixing the problem that your soundcard only allows one sound source at a time?13:57
Dr_WillisSeRVeR01:  try the mono stuff.14:06
SeRVeR01Dr_Willis, yea i googled for it and am downloading it right now  thanks14:08
BUGabundoguud afternuun peeps14:10
WinnipegGirlHi guys... I'm using 10.10 on on an eeepc with 2GB of ram, but this new interface is killing me. Apps respond super slow, which I'm gonna guess is because of mutter. Is the old netbook interface still available, the one called netbook remix in 9.04 and such?14:15
n8wpenguin42:  ok it works,but there is another problem...JobSheets has "none" "none" as parameters, in order to print it has to look like: JobSheets none, however after each print it bein overridden back to "none" "none"14:21
WinnipegGirlAlso, I'm trying to tweak it to eek some more performance out of it... where has "system > administration> services" ?14:27
Dr_WillisWinnipegGirl:  most services are now handled by upstart.. i dont think theres a gui tool that haneles Upstart yet.14:27
Dr_Willischeck /etc/init/ for whats ran by upstart.14:28
WinnipegGirlDr_Willis: ok.. is there a cli tool then?14:28
WinnipegGirlupstart still uses update-rc.d to control services?14:28
Dr_Willistheres no need for a cli tool really. :) rename the /etc/init/whatever.conf to be 'whatever.DONTRUN' to disable the service you dont want14:29
Dr_WillisWinnipegGirl:  not that ive seen it dosent..14:29
Dr_Willisupdate-rc.d handles the sysv services that are still around. (less of them with every reelase)14:29
Dr_Willisand those are actually upstart scripts these days14:29
WinnipegGirlDr_Willis: Think I understand thanks. I'm just polishing the rails on the titanic I think, because I've got oodles of ram, it's just that Im not convinced a netbook can handle the graphics requirements of mutter. Gonna look to see if it can be tweaked to something like 'low resource mode' in metacity.14:33
WinnipegGirlGotta restart though, set vm.swappiness to 0 since it's caching 600 mbs even though I have 900 still available.14:33
WinnipegGirlthat should help14:33
Dr_WillisThere was some netbook feature to run on lesser gfx powered hardware14:33
Dr_Willisnetbook-elf or netbook-efl ?14:34
WinnipegGirlI saw that in synaptics ... ok, thanks for the hint, and you other assistance14:34
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penguin42n8w: Yeh that looks like what that bug was saying; best thing I think is to subscribe to that bug and confirm it14:38
n8wpenguin42:  hmm ye14:39
penguin42n8w: It looks to me like someone has 'fixed' the original problem with the "none" being missing altogether but ended up with two of them14:40
n8wpenguin42:  :) ye14:40
n8wpenguin42:  lets see if somebody will manage to fix it properly14:41
penguin42n8w: Confirm it and then I guess maybe push it up to the KDE bug guys?14:41
* penguin42 doesn't know which bits of kde are done where14:42
Dr_WillisI still notice that some Terminal programs do not get TERM variable set..    anyone else still seeing this?14:43
penguin42Dr_Willis: I noticed there was a bug against it14:45
Dr_Willispenguin42:  ok. at least its being looked into.14:46
penguin42Dr_Willis: No, all I said was someone else had reported it!14:47
64MAANT1E5 days left :-))14:47
Dr_WillisI made my .bashrc print out   --> echo 'Your term is set to ' $TERM14:47
Dr_Willisso i see it being set to DUMB in many but not all xterm emulators14:47
donriDr_Willis: I had this in tilda yes14:51
Dr_Willisi was working on a list of what ones worked.. and what dident.. but i got bored. :)14:52
Dr_Willisxterm works via login shell, or normal shell. terminator works via login shell...14:52
donriYou can export TERM=xterm in .bashrc but duno if that can mess other stuff up14:53
Dr_Willisdonri:  it can.. a better way is Set the variable only IF its set to dumb. :)14:53
donriBut surely there must be situations where it's *supposed* to be dummy?14:53
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=== nosluoccsirhc is now known as chrisccoulson
Dr_Willisdumb  would be for serial terminals/line printers that have very few features..14:58
* penguin42 plugs Dr_Willis into a teletype15:00
Dr_WillisI used to IRC on a green bar printing terminal/telatype..15:00
Dr_Willisyes. i AM old.15:01
fcnwill I be able to update from 9.10?15:02
* penguin42 has used printing terminals (one that used to be ona PDP) but not on a machine connected to the net15:02
penguin42fcn: I'd do it in stages15:02
penguin42fcn: Upgrade to 10.04 first, make sure that's happy, then to 10.1015:02
=== 64MAANT1E is now known as BajK
mikebeechamhi guys...I'm having real problems with Plymouth.15:19
mikebeechamall I have is "Ubuntu 10.10" with some dots underneath15:19
mikebeechamnothing graphical15:20
mikebeechamthe text is mono space15:20
mikebeechamis there something I can do to get the graphical Plymouth?15:20
unimatrix9hello there15:20
unimatrix9is there a way to get 10.10 running from usb pendrive , i get this error , does any one have succes running it from usb drive ?15:21
Ken8521mikebeecham, the graphical interface, to y knowledge, is the "ubuntu 10.10 w/ dots underneath"15:26
mikebeechamKen8521, yeah...but I think it should be plymouth logo, instead of plymouth text15:26
mikebeechamboth are installed, but text seems to be default15:26
mikebeechamfrom what I can gather15:26
Ken8521mikebeecham, i dunno, all i have when booting is "ubuntu 10.10".. and the progress dots under neath... then I go to the log in screen15:27
Ken8521or am i not understanding your question?15:27
mikebeechamwell I see the same thing...but instead of it being a graphical thing...it's just monospace text, like in ttyl15:27
Ken8521so you get text, adn the GUI?15:28
Ken8521!info v86d15:29
ubottuv86d (source: v86d): daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 11 kB, installed size 100 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)15:29
mikebeechamKen8521, just the text...no GUI plymouth15:30
Ken8521but you said you're getting the ubuntu logo w/ the dots underneath.15:30
mikebeechamno i didnt15:35
mikebeechamI said that I had "Ubuntu 10.10" in monospace text15:36
mikebeechamwith dots underneath15:36
mikebeechamno logo15:36
mikebeechamit's all in monospace text15:36
Ken8521ok.. i misunderstood then15:36
penguin42mikebeecham: What graphics hardware?15:36
mikebeechampenguin42, nvidia 7600gt15:37
Ken8521the "dots underneath" is what got me.. because the 10.10 default graphic, is Ubuntu 10.10, w/ progress dots under neath15:37
* penguin42 doesn't have an NVidia but I think there are some nvidiaisms as to do with when it can get graphics in the splash15:37
Ken8521penguin42, i've got a 7900, and it seems to work fine for me.15:38
mikebeechamsoneone on ubuntu channel seems to think that 10.10 isnt using plymouth any more?15:38
Ken8521other than it's huge, because i have dual screens15:38
charlie-tcaI don't get the plymouth splash screen with nvidia hardware drivers, myself.15:41
charlie-tcasomething to do with KMS and nvidia15:41
Ken8521if i put home on a separate partition... that means i'll have swap, /home and /   right?15:42
* patdk-wk likes swap, /, /boot, /home, and sometimes /usr and /var15:43
Ken8521patdk-wk, well, i'm not doing all that.. thats ridiculous imo...15:44
patdk-wkI'm still paranoid of bios that don't work >500megs15:44
Ken8521charlie-tca, so what happens when i reinstall.. will i have to copy the /home partition, to the new /home?15:45
IdleOneanything to worry about with this mornings nvidia update?15:48
Ken8521IdleOne, i haven't restarted yet, so not sure...lol15:50
bjsniderIdleOne, quite the opposite15:50
charlie-tcaIf you do a reinstall on top of what is there, I don't quite know15:50
IdleOneKen8521: I asked and then hit enter and went ahead with the update15:50
IdleOnebjsnider: good to hear, thanks :)15:50
bjsniderif you were not already using the 260 blob it will be quite a big change15:51
IdleOnebeen running Maverick since the tool chain, why worry about an update now lol15:51
IdleOne260 blob?15:52
IdleOnelet's hope the change is for better not worse15:52
Ken8521IdleOne, lol.. well, i hope so.15:53
IdleOnealso why aren't you good folks in #ubuntu-release-party15:53
Ken8521charlie-tca, so what good is home on a different partition, if when you do a clean install it gets nuked15:54
Ken8521cuz it's not released yet?15:54
charlie-tcahmm, only if you did not have a separate /home already15:54
Ken8521charlie-tca, thats what i'm saying, if i put home on a separate partition... then how is the /home that is on the separat epartition, going to get on the /home that is under /15:55
charlie-tcaIf you had the / with /home in it, you just tell it not to format. It will then erase /etc and the other pertinent directories during the install, but keep /home15:55
IdleOneKen8521: /home doesn't get nuked on a clean install because you would select advanced and the partitioning part of the install15:55
Ken8521yeah i always use advanced...15:55
IdleOnes/and the/at the15:55
Ken8521i'll figure it out.15:55
charlie-tcarename the existing /home and don't format15:55
Ken8521thank goodness for virtualbox15:55
charlie-tcayou can then move the information15:56
Ken8521what's a good size for home? 2.5gb?15:56
IdleOneoh /home15:56
charlie-tcaYou can resize instead of formatiing everything15:56
IdleOneas big as you can make it15:56
charlie-tcaI like 4GB15:56
charlie-tcaBut I keep /home/downloads as a separate partition, too15:57
Ken8521IdleOne, so what % should home be, and what % should / be?15:57
IdleOneKen8521: I have a 10G / and then I think I have 850G /home and 6G /swap15:57
Ken8521i see..15:58
Gregoryhi. is 10.10 RC upgradable to release version on 8th Oct?15:58
IdleOneGregory: on the 10th and yes15:58
Gregoryand will it automatically be cleaned? and un-deferentiable from a fresh 10.10 released install?15:59
Ken8521Gregory, i don't think it'll do all that.16:00
IdleOnewell, not exactly. it won't be like a clean install because you already have some non-default apps installed on your current install but it will be 10.1016:00
Gregoryi am worried about stale beta quality components left behind, causing stability issues16:01
Ken8521Gregory, then don't upgrade till final release16:01
Ken8521i've always started new versions around alpha, and never had an issue when a new release came out16:01
Gregoryty Ken8521. reason i ask was because i was going to install either 10.04 -> 10.10 or 10.10RC -> 10.1016:02
penguin42Gregory: A few things like that do happen, but they're rare - for example if you've still got unclutter installs, it was installed in one of the earlier alphas but taken out becuase it broke stuff16:02
Gregorywhich is the lesser evil? :)16:02
Ken8521Gregory, honestly, i don't like upgrading distros(ie, 10.04-10.10)... if it wree me, i'd install 10.10.16:03
IdleOne10.04 to 10.10 would be the lesser evil16:03
Gregoryty penguin42. can you share your thoughts on ^^16:03
Gregoryok IdleOne. ty16:03
IdleOnepersonally I always do upgrades without issue but a clean install is always what I would recommend if you are worried16:04
KukuNutif you do fresh install before the final then 10.10rc is best16:04
IdleOneGregory: as you can see opinions vary on the subject :)16:05
Ken8521IdleOne, only reason i don't like upgrades.. the 1 upgrade i've done(back in my fedora days, 4-5) something happened in the middle, and borked my whole system... now i had a backup, but i spent 2 days trying to fix it, and reinstalled in 30min..16:05
Gregoryand even better .. a separate /home. God knows how i miss my 1000s of app/os settings and i have to re-do them with every new release/distro16:05
Ken8521i don't even separate my home(well, i'm experimenting w/ the idea.16:05
IdleOneseparate /home is nice. Why doesn't Ubuntu just default to a separate /home?16:06
Ken8521IdleOne, dunno.. my biggest thing... i have my system set up.. 25gigs(about 10 of which is taken up by a xp vbox disk)... then a 200 something gig partition where i keep all my files, etc16:06
Ken8521i'm not sure if i could set vbox to keep the virtual disk on that other drive or not.16:07
KukuNutvbox doesn't care where *.vdi's are located16:08
Ken8521is there a place to change the default save setting?16:08
Ken8521cuz it always saves it in /.virtualbox/harddisks16:09
charlie-tcaKen8521: yes, you can tell it where to save the drives to by adding an environment variable16:10
KukuNutnot sure what you mean..when you create a new disk  somehwere there is 'location'16:10
KukuNutsize dialog16:11
charlie-tcaI have mine set in /etc/environment as 'VBOX_USER_HOME="/mnt/whynot-home/VirtualBox"' which makes it keep everything for virtual box on a drive mounted with sshfs16:12
charlie-tcaI don't even have /home/USER/.virtualbox16:13
Ken8521sounds like a separate /home is to big of a pain16:14
Ken8521charlie-tca, what about... cuz i only have 1 or two programs, that i've made significant changes to, that would make it easy to keep home separate... could i just back u the /home/.whatever folder.. and keep that folder w/ my backup.. then when i reinstall, copy that folder to my new home?16:15
penguin42is 'sicherheitsmodus' the german equivalent of safe mode?16:16
Ken8521i might do that instead16:16
KukuNutjust tell vbox where it is in menu->file->Virtual Media Manager16:19
Ken8521yeah, i coud do that to.16:20
Ken8521cuz usually, when i reinstalll, after i reinstall vbox, thats how i tell it where to look for my xp disk(it's backed up on my large partition)16:20
Ken8521but i didn't know if it would actually store it there...16:20
Ken8521i'll figure it out16:21
Ken8521like i said, if this works w/ just copying a couple of configuration folders, then i'll be fine.16:21
Ken8521cuz thats really all i need, is a few programs16:21
KukuNutlike I said earlier when you create a new one you can tell it to save where you want16:21
Ken8521KukuNut, it's never given me that optin when i've created disks before16:22
KukuNutin the Location and Size dialog16:22
KukuNutjust click on the folder icon16:23
Ken8521oh ok.16:23
Ken8521guess i never paid much attention, beyond "size" on that screen16:23
Ken8521cuz see, really, the only programs i have that i would like to keep configuration files for, is Skype, Pidgin, and maybe chrome.16:24
Ken8521chrome doesn't seem to have a /home/.chrome16:24
Ken8521does anyone know where Chrome's configuration files are?  they aren't in /home/user/.chrome16:27
penguin42Ken8521: .config/chromium I think16:28
KukuNutor .config/google-chrome16:29
Ken8521won't let me copy that folder for some reason.16:31
Ken8521does anyone else hate that "instant" feature on Google?16:38
Ken8521drives me crazy, i hate it16:39
Ken8521i like auto complete, but the instant thing is to much16:39
penguin42so, no one know German?16:39
Ken8521not enought ob e useful16:40
charlie-tcapenguin42: translates to "Security Mode", which should be the "Safe Mode", I think16:41
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penguin42charlie-tca: Right OK, that's what the guy seems to be saying in the report; wanted to check16:42
Ken8521i think that's gonna work better.. just backing up 4-5 configuration files, rather than my entire home folder16:44
mrsun.nextep mythbusters16:50
Dr_Willismrsun:  ?16:52
mrsunlol =)16:52
mrsunwrong channel :P16:52
Dr_Willisshame shame :)16:52
mrsunits to see the date of the next episode release in another channel =)16:52
mrsunaw tomorrow16:52
Dr_WillisHeh heh16:52
Dr_WillisIve not watched it much lately. To many other good shows out there.16:53
Ken8521that's gonna work out perfect, and it's easier than putting home on it's own partition16:53
Ken8521mythbusters was cool at first, then.. bleh.16:55
Dr_Willisits gotten a little.. annoying in ways. :)17:03
Dr_WillisBeen watching a lot of BBC shows lately. they have some good  Science type shows out lately17:03
aafuenteshi, my ubuntu maverik wont boot up :(17:09
aafuentesive read all the topics in the forum17:09
aafuentesabout it17:09
aafuentesbut no luck... besides my problem seems another one, because i have nvidia instead of ati17:10
aafuentescan anybody help me troobleshoot the problem?17:10
aafuentesit happens to me every beta, and i dont seem to learn the leason17:11
aafuentesi waited till 5 days for official release this time17:11
aafuentes:D its a progress...17:11
aafuentesi used to upgrade as soon as the rc was available17:12
PiciBest to start with what video card you have,.17:12
aafuentesnvidia geforce 8400 GS17:12
aafuentesi get to see the grub17:16
bjsniderthen what happens17:16
aafuentesbut i tried all the options, recovery and no recovery and none boots up17:17
bjsnideryes but what specifically happens17:17
aafuentesit stops at second 16 :/17:17
IAmNotThatGuyaafuentes: Is it staying on a blank screen or restarting?17:18
aafuentesit get to check the units17:18
aafuentesthe screen goes to save mode17:18
bjsnideri don't know what any of that means17:18
aafuentesit get to the screen where it checks the disks for errors17:19
aafuentesafter finishing the screen goes to save energy mode17:19
IAmNotThatGuybjsnider: might be the xorg config. I think the monitor gets to the power saving mode and the processor is running17:19
rusiviaafuentes: It may actually be booting up and not showing it on your display due to driver issue.17:19
aafuentesif i press ctrl + alt + f1 i can see last messages from console17:19
aafuentesit says hda_codec: cannot build controls for #0 (error -22)17:20
aafuentesin the line before no nid for mapping controls input source :0:017:20
aafuentesits stuck in second 1317:20
aafuentesno more lines after that17:20
aafuentesbefore that the screen is full of hda-intel: spurious response (hex code...)17:21
aafuentesi googled all those errors without luck :(17:21
aafuentesIAmNotThatGuy, ctrl + alt + f7 the screen goes save energy mode17:22
aafuentesctrl + alt + f1 it goes to the load screen, where it shows the second.milisecon and what its doing17:22
aafuentesbut it stoped at the messages i wrote before17:23
aafuentesi cant even scroll up to see what is up17:23
aafuentesi tried the new kernels in maverik, and the old kernels on lucid17:24
aafuentesboth recovery and normal, it goes to the same screen17:24
phoenix_any one tried using vlc in kubuntu 10.1017:24
Dr_Willisphoenix_:  it works fine for me on ubuntu 10.1017:24
phoenix_how is the performace with hd videos17:24
IAmNotThatGuyaafuentes: I have no clue with it17:25
phoenix_Dr_Willis: are you able to use the gpu acceleration feature17:25
aafuentesneither i have :( IAmNotThatGuy17:25
aafuentesthanks anyway17:25
IAmNotThatGuybut it is a Video card bug17:25
aafuentesi am downloading a iso to boot from usb17:25
aafuentesdo you know what log or what can i do from there?17:25
aafuenteswhat log can i look for*?17:26
IAmNotThatGuyyou cannot use Live CD to look for logs17:26
aafuentescant i mount the disk on my pc to look for logs?17:27
aafuentesare they ereased?17:27
IAmNotThatGuylook at /var/log/syslog17:28
IAmNotThatGuythat will I think17:28
aafuentesu.u its of no use without my live-usb17:28
aafuentesi guess ill go to take a nap while it downloads17:29
aafuentesthanks anyway ;D17:29
IAmNotThatGuysee ya and good luck :)17:29
aafuentesthanks, ill need it... i have important work to do on that computer17:29
aafuentesmy curiosity is gonna kill me one of these days17:30
Dr_Willisphoenix_:  that vpadu thing seems to work on my new laptop.17:30
phoenix_Dr_Willis: good17:30
Dr_Willisphoenix_:  but its so fast.. i proberly wouldent notice if it wasent working. :)17:30
phoenix_Dr_Willis: how you tried playing files larger than 17 gb?17:31
Dr_Williswhere do you even FIND a 17gb video file?17:31
Dr_Willisthat would be like an 8+ Hr movie.17:31
phoenix_Dr_Willis:some of the hd videos in the format .mkv are larger than 17 gb17:32
Dr_Willissounds a bit overkill to me.17:32
phoenix_Dr_Willis: what is the graphics accelerator your laptop has?17:32
Dr_WillisNvidia 360m i think.17:33
Dr_WillisGTS 360M yep.. thats it.17:33
Dr_Willisrather decent little machine. :) it was almost $100017:33
Dr_Willis2 hard drives even. i5 CPU17:34
phoenix_Dr_Willis:good. for me vlc performs well except for the hd videos larger than 17 gb. thanks for the info :)17:34
Dr_WillisIve never seen a video file larger then perhaps 4gb..  i forget what one that was even..  some HD anime.. No idea why it was so huge..17:34
bjsniderDr_Willis, the video file on a bluray disc are usually very much larger than 17gb17:35
phoenix_Dr_Willis:  bjsnider is right17:35
Dr_WillisIve yet to buy a BlueR player, or disk. :) or watch one anywhere else...17:35
Dr_WillisThis is why you reencode video. :)17:35
maltonis anyone using libreoffice?  i am having trouble with desktop integration.  in 10.04 it worked well with gnome but it looks like it is either trying to be kde (poorly) or at the very least not trying to be gnome17:35
phoenix_Dr_Willis: you can try the sample hd videos available is apple's website17:35
bjsnidertranscoding the video loses quality17:36
phoenix_malton: i tried17:36
Dr_Willismakes me wonder what all the cruft they are packing into these videos are..17:36
Dr_Willis17gb for a single movie.. is a little overkill by my standards. :)17:36
bjsnidernot if the movie is 3 hours long17:36
Dr_Willisa 3hr movie is proberly more then i can stand also. :P17:37
Dr_WillisWife wont let me alone more then 10 min at a time anyway17:37
phoenix_Dr_Willis: try schindler's list17:37
Dr_Willisphoenix_:  ill pass on that one also...17:37
phoenix_malton: libreoffice works fine for me17:38
Dr_WillisI tend to watch Science type shows and so forth.17:38
phoenix_Dr_Willis: bbc life hd videos17:38
Dr_Willisphoenix_:  those ive seen are perhaps 1.3gb in size..17:38
Dr_Willisbut then again. these are not Blueray. :) they are tv recordings17:38
Dr_WillisI need to see what netflix has in that catatory..17:39
phoenix_Dr_Willis: when 3D videos get popular the files sizes will be more than 50 gb17:39
Dr_Willis3d  - popular.. i will wait and see if that happens also...17:40
Dr_WillisI wonder if this laptop even has a Blueray disk in it. I see no blueray stickers.. so im thinking not.17:41
phoenix_Dr_Willis: blueray are expensive17:41
Dr_Williswhats scary.. is i bet the big Innovators in 3d videos will be the porn industury. all these other dvd 'features' like different camera angles, and so forth.. ive only seen on  those kind of disks..  :)17:42
phoenix_Dr_Willis: ha ha ha17:42
phoenix_Dr_Willis: you are right, the movie makers are concentrating on visuals rather than the story itself17:43
phoenix_Dr_Willis: but we should be open minded about the new inventions17:44
phoenix_Dr_Willis: bye17:45
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Dr_Willis3d is a new invention? :)17:50
maltonlooks like i missed phoenix, is anyone else using libreoffice?  are you having integration issues and if not how did you install it?17:53
BUGabundoahh food http://brainbird.net/attachment/117474917:54
BUGabundoI was starving17:54
kuvu4.5.2 release today..it would be interesting if it can make it to 10.10.1017:56
DarthFrogGood morning.  How can I get Maverick to leave fglrx alone?  It insists on putting fglrx on the autoremove list.17:59
DarthFrogI think apt-pin is what I need.17:59
KukuNutaptitude unmarkauto18:04
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:10
neko_i try to install  the 10.10 on a lenovo s10-3  netbook, with an usb key, but it won't go further than the language selection18:14
neko_oh and hi18:14
penguin42neko_: Does it give any error? How did you create the key18:14
BUGabundoneko unplug the network18:14
neko_no error at all18:14
swexafter upgrade to 10.10 I got bug with metacity compositing feature, gtk interface details such menu etc stays on top of any window untill I restart window manager18:15
neko_i have create the key with the ubuntu tool for this purpose18:15
swexanybody can help me with this stuff18:15
neko_penguin42, usb-creator18:15
penguin42neko_: On Lucid?18:15
neko_i have try on lucid and with maverick18:16
neko_same problem18:16
neko_i have check the md5sum as well all is good18:16
neko_and the usbkey seems to boot correctly on other computers18:16
penguin42hmm, not sure; they're used to be problems with using the lucid creator - but I thnk that would fail earlier, there were also problems with if the key was created with persistent storage, don't know if that's still there18:16
penguin42neko_: Ah if it's fine on others, then I guess it's something specific to that machine - hmm18:17
neko_i go try again on another laptop to be sure18:17
neko_that's it18:21
neko_it works ok an another laptop18:21
neko_well... no success i will try to install a lucid one18:24
neko_see if it behave the same18:24
penguin42neko_: If that works, I would try the alternate CD image, either way please report a bug (against ubiquity)18:27
* penguin42 goes to get dinner18:28
FacuxtHello everyone18:36
FacuxtAnyone can help me setting up utouch?18:36
Facuxtanyone can help me with utouch?18:37
Facuxthow can i set-up gestures??18:37
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FacuxtAnyone ??18:38
Facuxtcan you help me setting up utouch??, how can i enable gestures?18:39
Alexia_Deathsorry, I dont even know what utouch is and at the moment do not have time to get to know it.18:41
rusiviFacuxt: It's quite new, may want to check out code at ->https://launchpad.net/canonical-multitouch/utouch-grail18:41
Facuxtok, sorry18:41
Facuxtok ;)18:42
Facuxtrusivi: There is any gui to control it?18:43
rusiviFacuxt: I do not have a utouch capable device, nor am a contributing developer to that trunk. If you have a utouch capable device feel free to install it and let us know how it goes :)18:44
trismFacuxt: there is some more information here too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch (I don't have any devices that would work with it myself, so I have no idea otherwise)18:44
Facuxtrusivi: i installed utouch.. but i dont know how to use it :P18:45
Facuxtive made gesturetest 0 0 0xffffffff but the terminal do nothing..18:45
rusiviahhh shoot18:46
Facuxthow can i use it ? :P18:47
Facuxti mean, how can i enable gesture "thing" in there18:47
Facuxtrusivi: and the most important thing, it works with synaptics touch pad's18:49
Facuxtrusivi: :P18:49
rusiviFacuxt Looks like your the defacto beta tester for utouch :)18:50
Facuxtwhat means defacto heheh18:50
Facuxtim want to use it HEHEH18:51
Facuxtmy netbook used to has "That thing that reminds me of death" XP (window$)18:51
Facuxtbut i hated it and installed ubuntu ... since it was 9.0418:51
Facuxtnow i has 10.10 RC.. and its awesome18:51
Facuxtbut.. i installed it cuz utouch :P18:52
Facuxtand i can't find any guide or howto...18:52
Facuxtso im here :-)18:52
Facuxtehm, you told me that you are a developer to that trunk?18:52
rusiviNot I. My first move if I was utouch testing would read the manpage if it exists (I did not find a community page for it)18:53
Facuxtyes i've made18:53
Facuxtman gesturetest18:54
Facuxtbut it just show 1 line of examples :P18:54
Facuxtand credits :/18:54
rusiviFacuxt: One great way to go is to ask a question on the utouch Launchpad page -> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/utouch-grail18:57
Facuxtanother guy asked something like i should put18:57
Facuxtand no one answered :/18:57
Facuxtso it seems i has to wait :(18:57
rusiviyeah the dev's are mega busy so patience is a virtue. If your question expires, re-ask/update it!18:58
rusiviSpam is good in very small doses18:58
Facuxti will take that in my mind :P18:58
Facuxtthank you for ur help18:58
rusivinp wish I could help further18:59
Facuxti was thinking i was stupid :P18:59
rusivino way man! your dealing with the frontier of modern computing technology18:59
Facuxtwow! that sounds great :)18:59
rusiviIt's not easy by any means18:59
Facuxtyou develop something ??18:59
Facuxtbecause i see you handle this environment very good19:00
CalicoJackso are there any killer features that will make me want to switch to 10.10 when it comes out?19:00
Facuxtehm... Multi touch gestures (natively)19:01
Facuxta new software center19:01
CalicoJackthat is a good one19:01
CalicoJack(multi touch)19:01
Facuxtand more19:01
Facuxtyep.. im trying RC..19:01
Facuxtand installed utouch19:01
Facuxtbut i really dont know what steps follow to make it work :P19:01
CalicoJackso it support multi touch gestures natively but you couldn't get them to work?19:02
CalicoJackthat is not really a strong argument for upgrading19:06
ChrisBuchholzHow can i install the Unity Application Menu applet in Desktop edition? All i can find on google is about the 'debugging mode' where it shows it in both the panel and the window19:09
thomas82I tried to do as much as possible with CPU Lag which makes Ubuntu 10.10 unusable. I received some great advices here on channel, but now need some more help. Could you please take a look at those screens & vmstat 1 output, and tell what else can I do?   http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8637/201010051874x873.png http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/896/201010051843x883.png http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SmZ2Usbc19:11
* penguin42 looks19:13
thomas82thanks ;)19:14
penguin42thomas82: OK, so at what point was it laggy ?19:14
thomas82penguin42: If you look into vmstat output, after thirs "section" the lag has started...19:15
penguin42third ?19:16
thomas82you can see high increases in left column19:16
thomas82fourth, sorry19:16
penguin42oh yeh - lots and lots of running processes19:16
rjhallhi. I just upgraded to 10.10.  I see an issue with the window chrome on the default(?) skin; when i move a mouse over the min/max/restore buttons  on the top of the window, the buttons don't hilight until i mouse-off.  So i see no change with a mouse-over, only with a mouse-off19:17
rjhall..i didn't see any mention in the RN, but it's a pretty obvious problem19:17
thomas82penguin42: but it doesn't matter, the lag is comming without any reason, I had those same applications running all the time19:17
penguin42thomas82: Well, lets see - no swapping (good), not much IO (good), but you have ~40 processors and yet the cpu is apparently pretty idle - which is a bit odd19:17
thomas82penguin42: just look for that link and htop output: http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/896/201010051843x883.png the first line is something with X... I think that probably it cause all that sh**19:19
rjhallswitching themes away and back to ambiance fixes it though19:19
penguin42thomas82: Well that shows X being pretty busy - but that could be because you've got loads of monitors updating the display :-)19:20
penguin42thomas82: It could also be due to some flash stuff going on; I notice the nspluginwrapper19:22
penguin42but still, that shouldn't make the whole machine crawl19:22
thomas82penguin42:  I've got only one monitor.. :P ...  its because I"m using x64 machine... it was installed by default i think... ;)19:22
penguin42thomas82: I meant because of the htop, vmstat and pretty graphs19:22
thomas82penguin42: if there is no lag, also X process is very low...19:22
penguin42thomas82: So, comparing to my machine here (i7-860 so also shown as 8 threads) - one of the differences is that I have a LOT less context swtiches19:23
thomas82I had those all programs runned all the time.... the lag is always coming suddenly, without any reason...19:23
penguin42thomas82: Mine is ticking over at ~2k cs, 98% idle19:23
penguin42thomas82: With audio playing from exaile in the background but not doing much else19:24
thomas82penguin42: That's probably because of dynamips... but, with the exact same set of programs the problem didn't exist on 10.0419:24
* penguin42 playing a video on youtube pushes it up to ~5k cs's19:24
thomas82penguin42: its definitely kernel or ati driver problem... :(19:25
penguin42thomas82: Open or closed ati?19:25
thomas82now closed, but I had before also some other problems with open..19:25
penguin42thomas82: Then unlikely to be the ATI driver since the two are very unrelated19:25
penguin42thomas82: So I'd guess kernel is most likely; if you kill off dynamips does it happen?19:26
thomas82penguin42: Yes, but I don't think with open drivers that problem was with lag, rather something with proper display...19:26
thomas82penguin42: after a while average load will slowly go down..19:27
thomas82penguin42: Yesterday I've also made a test, I run the same set of dynamips under Ubuntu 10.04 inside VBOX and was ok...19:28
thomas82no lags in VM as well as in main O/s19:28
thomas82penguin42: Also the same problem was when I tried gentoo and sabayon...19:29
penguin42thomas82: Have you tried schedtool ?19:30
thomas82penguin42: nope19:30
penguin42http://www.twam.info/linux/changing-scheduling-parameters-in-linux suggested it19:30
thomas82penguin42: Thank you :) Maybe this will help :)19:31
penguin42thomas82: There are also a zillion sched_ options in /proc/sys/kernel19:31
penguin42thomas82: But look, I'd file a bug against Linux on it; I don't think it's the Radeon driver if it does it on both open and closed19:32
thomas82penguin42: I'll check again open driver to make sure that the problem doesn't exist with the same set of apps19:33
SemitonesfunkyHat, what do you know about cyclocross bikes?19:33
Semitonesoh whoops, wrong channel -- answer in offtopic19:34
penguin42thomas82: www.fizyka.umk.pl/~jkob/prace-mag/cfs-tuning.pdf19:38
* BUGabundo smashed laptop onto the wall19:47
bjsniderthat's probably not good for it19:54
zanus_so will meerkat be "stable" in 5 days or what19:55
bjsniderit's stable now19:55
zanus_my package-manager won't even stay open, any reason why19:55
saxincant understand 10.10 is "stable"19:55
saxincant even get my nvidia driver supported :\19:56
bjsnidernvidia works fine here19:56
saxinnot here19:56
bjsniderso does synpatic19:56
zanus_I know it's in RC1, but i thought 10.04 was the stable right now19:56
bjsniderthat's lucid19:56
bjsniderthis channel is for maverick, not lucid19:56
saxinEverything works great, except nvidia driver19:56
penguin42bjsnider: The RC seems to have a few more bugs for me than I'd hope for19:57
zanus_good for me I don't have nvidia stuf19:57
saxinnever had any problems with nvidia cards before, but in 10.10 its a freaking mess19:57
zanus_the other day "Window List" completely crashed out of nowhere19:57
dajhornsaxin: If you are using the nvidia-173 driver, then note that it was updated this morning.19:57
saxinI juse the "current" driver?19:58
zanus_I couldn't even reload it19:58
bjsniderif he's using nvidia-173, he has had problems before19:58
saxinfrom additional drivers19:58
penguin42saxin: The closed drivers are always a little hairy before release19:58
dajhornsaxin:  nvidia-current works-for-me since the beta.  Are you getting an error?19:58
saxinpenguin42, but its 5 days left :P19:59
penguin42saxin: Hey that's 5 days :-)19:59
bjsniderthere's nothing wrong with nvidia-current from a packaging standpoint19:59
neglesaks5 days till...19:59
saxindajhorn, well... when I reboot it just start flashing when it tries to load gnome19:59
slyrus_my 10.10 disappointment is that 48khz audio sucks in both totem and mplayer :(19:59
saxinbjsnider, ok.. so what is the cause of this then? :P19:59
neglesaks10.10 has been thumbs up for me, compared to half a year with 10.04 lts19:59
* penguin42 has gained a hibernation problem on <- machine and a hang on shutdown on another machine neither of which happened before; and a 30 second boot pause that's rather annoying20:00
penguin42Hangs on shutdowns and hibernation issues are always ver very nasty to debug though20:00
bjsnidersaxin, you have not even provided conclusive proof that the graphics driver is the problem20:02
saxinwhat else can cause the problem?20:02
saxineverything works great untill I install the graphics driver20:02
saxinand take a reboot20:02
thomas82opensource driver is on... let's check now...20:06
penguin42thomas82: You might want to flick through www.fizyka.umk.pl/~jkob/prace-mag/cfs-tuning.pdf20:07
thomas82penguin42: thanks :) when I clicked on link, I thought that it will be in Polish... would be easier ;D20:09
BUGabundobjsnider: but sound is all wacked20:09
BUGabundoanyone can help me find when where the last kernel upgrades?20:09
BUGabundoaudio drivers are in kernel right?20:10
bjsniderit sounds like all of it is wacked now, if you mistook it for something that should be thrown against a wall20:10
BUGabundoI've been audio probs for 3 weeks20:10
BUGabundoif that matches a kernel upgrade I'll try an older one and test20:10
bjsnideryeah they're in the kernel i think20:10
thomas82penguin42: btw. I see that if I got CPU running at 100 % all the time, the first values on the left does not go so high as when the lag is, and the system is very fast anyway.... isn't it strange ?20:10
BUGabundolet me look at LP20:10
bjsniderwhy don't you go talk to an expert?20:10
BUGabundoI did20:11
BUGabundohe is way20:11
BUGabundoI've been trying to talk to crisum for a week20:11
nerdy_kid_hi; i am trying to upgrade to 10.10 and get the error "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." when the upgrade tries to start.20:11
nerdy_kid_using lucid20:11
bjsniderwhat about themuso?20:11
BUGabundobjsnider: in all my years on Ubuntu I've only seen themuso once20:11
bjsniderwell, that takes care of that idea, doesn't it?20:12
BUGabundoit does20:12
BUGabundolet me see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu20:12
bjsnideris this related to that video playback problem?20:12
BUGabundobjsnider: it is20:13
BUGabundoif I mute system audio playback goes to almost fine20:14
BUGabundojust almost20:14
BUGabundonot 100% but almost20:14
BUGabundoif I play videos with mplayer -nosound it plays fine20:14
thomas82penguin42: please take a look at the output of vmstat 1, when CPU is running at 100%20:14
BUGabundoeven shoutcast stream won't work20:14
bjsniderdid you try a new user account?20:15
bjsnideror a livecd?20:15
BUGabundoI did not20:16
BUGabundoI did how ever install audiodev ppa20:16
bjsniderwell, maybe a userland config file is screwing things up20:16
BUGabundolet me try with Guest users20:16
nerdy_kid_anyone know how to solve error "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." when I do a dist upgrade?20:16
bjsnidermikebeecham, the plymouth issue is that there is no kernel modesetting driver available from the nvidia corporation. so what you're seeing on boot is exactly correct20:18
mikebeechamhey bjsnider you remembered me :D20:18
mikebeechami was back on google just now, so I guess I dont need to search any more20:19
mikebeechamthe question is though...20:19
mikebeechamon 10.04 I had plymouth, albeit a large 640x48020:19
mikebeechambut now nothing but text20:19
murlidharok my software-center is not opening :|20:19
murlidharunless i put sudo infront of it.20:19
drbobbhi, i'm trying to install the rc from the alternate image (because i use lvm2 to manage my drive),  but the installer is giving me a garbled screen. what extra parameters could i use to fix that?20:19
murlidharso clickin on ubuntu software center in the gnome menu doesn't open anything.20:20
bjsnidermikebeecham, somebody made that decision, i would just forget about it and go on with life20:20
murlidharis it a bug ?20:20
murlidhari upgraded to maverick instead of fresh installing it.20:20
mikebeechambjsnider, yeah..more important things to think about these days20:20
mikebeechamthanks for getting back to me20:20
murlidhari manually removed the gdebi package too .20:20
murlidharbut still doesn't work20:21
BUGabundobjsnider: doesn't happen in guest session and even VCL plays sound nice20:21
BUGabundohow can I nuke my userland audio settings ?20:21
drbobboh hi BUGabundo20:22
BUGabundohey drbobb20:23
bjsniderBUGabundo, well, well20:23
bjsniderhow about that20:23
bjsnideryou see, you ask the good questions, and i don't have the good answers20:24
penguin42thomas82: It depends; the number on the left is the number of processes that are ready to go20:24
drbobbok guess nobody knows the answer to my q. i'll try trial-and-error then20:24
bjsniderBUGabundo, there's a .pulse directory...20:25
BUGabundo$ mv .pulse .pulse_old20:26
BUGabundo$ pulseaudio -k20:27
BUGabundoE: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process20:27
bjsniderwhy don't you just try logging out and back in now20:27
BUGabundocause I've got everyting running on this X20:27
BUGabundoits still kinda hard to virtualize a X20:27
bjsniderservice pulseaudio restart?20:28
thomas82penguin42: I think that the higher number on the left, system should work slower (because of queue and waiting time for CPU time)20:29
bjsniderBUGabundo, did you ever check htop while you were trying to play sound? i'd like to know what the cpu was doing20:30
penguin42thomas82: Yes, that's what you would expect20:30
penguin42thomas82: However, I suspect what you have are sudden bursts of 40 processes turning up all saying they're ready, taking a while to figure out what to do and then carrying on - not sure how20:31
drbobbok, i tried video=vga16:off but still no luck20:33
drbobbwhat else is there?20:33
BUGabundobjsnider: never say bit CPU spikes on my cpu widgets20:36
BUGabundonot even fan action20:36
BUGabundoso I got linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic:amd64 (2.6.35-22.32, 2.6.35-22.33) on 2010-09-20  19:36:5720:40
BUGabundothat goes around my timeframe for problems20:40
BUGabundo*even* if they are userspace related20:40
BUGabundoits a big coincidence20:40
bjsniderit's still got to be userland if it works in the guest account20:43
thomas82penguin42: If I'll not get the lag in next 10 minutes I'll be sure that ati crapped drivers causing all that mess in system....20:46
drbobbhey i wanna install the rc on a lvm volume, but the alternate installer doesn't like my video card, and comes up all garbled. what can i do?20:46
BUGabundobjsnider: so far so good20:46
BUGabundobut I just diffed .pulse and .pulse_old20:46
BUGabundoand nothing special in there20:46
thomas82penguin42: Until about 3-4 versions ago, I couldn't record desktop (choppy)... then, then release next version where that was possible... however, then then introduced some 2D problem... now they fixed that, but causing the whole system unstable... ehh... they should die ;P20:48
drbobbcome on folks, seriously - nobody knows?20:49
BUGabundono idea dude20:49
BUGabundotry safe mode graphics?20:49
guntbertdrbobb: did you try to change VTs?20:49
Picidrbobb: The installer itself is garbled?20:49
drbobbuhh i'm talking about the alternate, text-mode installer20:50
drbobbPici: yeah, as soon as the blue parts come up20:50
PiciCan you get to another VT?20:50
drbobbit's all squeezed into a small part of the screen20:50
drbobbPici: hmm not tried thatr20:51
Ken8521has anyone lost the volume applet in notification area?  synaptic says its installed, but i can't figure out how to make it viewable(it was until the last updates this morning)20:51
drbobbi put on verbose boot messages, and as long as i'm looking at messages from the kernel the screen looks ok20:51
guntbertdrbobb: so was I :-) but Pici asked the same20:52
Ken8521hmm, restart didn't bring it back20:57
thomas82penguin42: No way.... its not ati.... it must be kernel.... I've just had an "attack", I've killed all dynamips instances, made a screenshot, then killed gnome-monitor and everything... problem was all the time then suddenly dissapear...20:58
penguin42thomas82: So file it against the kernel, include the vmstat logs showing when it was happening etc - be a hard one to track down though20:58
thomas82penguin42: also it looks like not the first value in vmstat is responsible for that, but the value of system cpu usage..20:59
penguin42thomas82: The larger that 1st number the harder the scheduler has to work - it has to pick which one to actually run20:59
thomas82penguin42: just look for those "red bars" in htop... really nice photo :) http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4673/201010051648x921.png21:00
thomas82also the processes were sorted by cpu21:00
penguin42thomas82: Pity the system monitor is using about 50% of a core!21:01
thomas82penguin42: yes, it could then, I made in on purpose... but anyway... 50% of one of 8 threads its not so much ;)21:02
bjsniderBUGabundo, just had a thought -- maybe that pulse directory had some data corruption?21:02
Ken8521has anyone lost indicator applet?21:02
BUGabundobut on btrfs ???21:02
BUGabundoKen8521: no21:02
thomas82I made a high refresh rate of system-monitor, but even after I kill it the problem persist..21:02
Ken8521hmm, i lost it, and synaptic says its still installed21:02
Ken8521so i tried reinstalling it, no joy, restart, etc.. no joy21:03
Ken8521notification area is there, becasue my other notification icons are there(network, pidgin, skype, remote desktop, xchat, transmission, etc.)21:03
trismKen8521: indicator applet is a separate applet from the notification area21:03
Ken8521it is?21:03
Ken8521thats strange... i deleted indicator applet, and restored it, and now the volume is back(fwiw, transmission, which was definitely there.. was also in indicator applet)21:05
thomas82penguin42: Thanks a lot for being with me in this problem!, I wouldn't be possible to blame Kernel without you! ;D21:06
trismKen8521: the libappindicator spec allows for fallback notification area icons if the indicator applet isn't there (that's why sometimes apps will jump between the two, like the ibus applet, depending on how things load)21:07
Ken8521hmm, thats interesting21:07
trismKen8521: but indicator-sound doesn't use libappindicator21:07
Ken8521i figured since transmission was there, there was no issue w/ it... thanks for your help21:07
sam12345i'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 on my i7 but i receive an error during the boot. May I post the screenshot?21:10
sam12345hello everyone, btw21:11
Ken8521sam12345, sure if you want to.21:11
sam12345already open a ticket on launchpad, too21:12
sam12345but if you have some ideas...21:12
Ken8521yeah, looks like some sort of kernel panic.. sorry to say i won't be much help there.21:12
Ken8521sam12345, maybe try 32bit?21:12
sam12345i'll try it. anyway with NOACPI and apic=OFF everything is ok21:12
sam12345but now ill try 32 bit and i will wait a answer from launchpad21:13
sam12345thank you guys :)21:13
penguin42sam12345: Ooh you've got that problem!21:24
penguin42sam12345: What board?21:24
sam12345penguin42: P55M Pro ASROCK21:25
penguin42sam12345: Yeh! I'm not the only one with this problem!21:25
sam12345am I in the shit?21:25
penguin42sam12345: Welcome to bug 60568621:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605686 in linux (Ubuntu) "nointremap needed - Blocked an interrupt request due to source-id verificiation failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60568621:25
drbobbPici: yes i can change VTs once the installer comes up with the garbled screen, but it does no good21:25
penguin42sam12345: boot with the nointremap option, then it works fine - got the same one here21:25
sam12345but it will be corrected ?21:26
sam12345in the stable release21:26
sam12345because ubuntu 10.04 don't have this problem21:26
penguin42sam12345: It's a new feature that they turned on in the kernel and it seems to not like this board (that I also have) - if that fixes it can you please subscribe to that bug, say exactly which hardware you have and say it affects you?21:26
thomas82that whole kernel 2.6.35 is sh** :/21:27
sam12345penguin: do you have the same cpu and motherboard?21:27
penguin42sam12345: p7-i860 on ASRock P55 Pro21:28
sam12345i've tried with NOAPIC and ACPI = OFF and everything was ok21:28
penguin42sam12345: Yeh, turning the apic off also works, I think the nointremap is the minimum change21:29
sam12345thomas82: yeah. it's a shit. hope in 2.6.36 :)21:29
IdleOne!language | sam1234521:29
ubottusam12345: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:29
drbobbbtw it's a disappointment that after so many years, the live cd still has no support for LVM21:29
sam12345penguin42: what is it this remap?21:30
penguin42sam12345: It's not actually 2.6.35 that's the problem; it's the fact that a new feature (which is in .35 and I think earlier) is now turned on in the config21:30
penguin42sam12345: It's something to do with virtualisation and routing interrupt requests; but with nointremap everything seems to work (including KVM)21:31
sam12345maybe disabling the Vanderpool in bios?21:31
thomas82ehhh.. When I just wrote some true about that kernel, I've received an immediate lag... The only programs when I've got running are: vmstat 1, xchat, and htop..... its look like too much for  i7 @920 + 9GB ram :P21:32
penguin42sam12345: Dunno, anyway that fix works21:32
drbobbso any idea on how to use the alternate cd, if the newt installer frontend is not playing nice with my video?21:33
drbobbany other undocumented switches i could use?21:33
penguin42sam12345: Please subscribe to that bug - it's better that there are a few of us with the same problem; I reckon the kernel could be changed to try and fall back in the type of cases we have - I think the problem is really a broken BIOS on these boards21:33
sam12345already done21:33
sam12345penguin42: have you try to search a newer bios in asrock site?21:35
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
penguin42sam12345: No, I haven't tried - everything else seemed to work!21:35
penguin42sam12345: If you do   sudo dmidecode | more   what is the version that is shown near the top - mine says Version: P1.50 Release Date: 09/10/200921:36
penguin42sam12345: I'm surprised there aren't more of us with that problem; it was a really popular board when I got it - cheap and with every expansion feature on21:38
sam12345mine is older Version: P1.30Release Date: 08/31/200921:39
drbobbno ideas? really?21:40
Ken8521sam12345, a bios upgrade is not to be taken likely.21:41
Ken8521make sure you know the risks.21:41
sam12345Ken8521: i know. ;)21:42
sam12345let's wait an answer from ubuntu team :)21:42
penguin42problem is I don't think that will get fixed in the release :-(21:47
Ken8521you know something i realized today, i don't like hme on a separate partition, but i only have 2-3 programs that i really need to back up the configuration files for... so it was easier to just copy those /.program files, to my backup, and move them back after a clean install.21:48
drbobbhey what's up with the installer error 'failed to determine codename for the release'? how could I work around it?22:07
jacobwis anyone using libdvdcss2 on Maverick?22:08
jacobwi can't play a css'22:08
jacobwi can't play a CSS'd DVD on Maverick using the Lucid libdvdcss2 deb from Medibuntu, so i suspect a libdvdcss2 problem22:09
drbobbbtw my screen-garbled-in-installer issue was solved by passing the boot arg fb=false, in case anyone is wondering22:09
Pr070calhi im unable to login to any site eg. facebook, o2 with both chrome and firefox ??22:16
penguin42Pr070cal: Does any networking work?22:17
Pr070calall browsing works just php and http login pages timeout22:18
penguin42Pr070cal: Can you login to the ubuntu sites?22:19
Pr070cali dont have login22:19
Pr070calanyone else have this problem in running 64bit22:20
penguin42Pr070cal: 64bit is fine for me22:21
Pr070calhmm not sure why its not working22:22
Pr070cali removed firefox before installing chrome but wouldnt of thought it would make a difference, dont think theres any other packages22:23
Pr070calalso is the opengl nvidia drivers working i get no signal from my screen and xorg.conf is pretty empty22:27
penguin42I have both installed22:27
penguin42both firefox and chrome I mean22:27
Pr070calyea no login in pages load just tried google.com signin22:28
penguin42that's very very odd22:29
penguin42Pr070cal: Can you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu22:30
LinuturkI have a strange networking issue. When I connect to the wired network at my office, I have total access to all local network resources. Anything past the firewall at is not accessable. DNS resolves, but any traffic I try to send past the gateway doesn't work. Until I ping the firewall. After I ping the firewall, traffic flows for a short time, and then cuts off again.22:30
LinuturkThis was not happening before I installed Ubuntu on this machine (Fedora was prior), and, the 100 or so workstations on the same network do not have this issue.22:31
jacobwi've narrowed my DVD playing problem to Totem by installing VLC22:32
jacobwso.. has anyone else had any problems with playing DVD using Totem on Maverick?22:32
penguin42Linuturk: Have you somehow given the machine the same IP as one of the other machines on the network?22:34
Linuturkpenguin42: no. the dhcp lease was giving to my machine only.22:34
penguin42Linuturk: OK, it's just it feels like the type of problem you would get from an IP clash22:35
LinuturkI shouldn't be able to ping that . . .22:35
penguin42now there is something you don't hear often22:35
Pr070calis nvidia glx working22:35
rusivijacobw I have been in your situation before, the solution was to use VLC22:35
jacobwis it possible for me to run any tests that might help? i'm thining about using a debugger, but i'm a software expert so i'd need pointing the right direction22:36
Pr070calno bugs.launchpad22:36
jacobwo/ rusivi22:36
penguin42Pr070cal: How is your network connection setup? It almost sounds like something is blocking https connections22:36
jacobwPr070cal: me?22:36
jacobwyes i think you might be right22:37
head_victimjacobw: have you installed the required packages for DVD playback and does DVD playback work with other players on the same PC?22:38
sburwoodI've two computers, a portable EEE PC 1005HA and an old Pentium 4 at 2.4G and AGP and the like.  Will (not could, but will) Maverick work on those computers?  What advantage would I get from installing Maverick on them?22:38
head_victimsburwood: I have maverick on a 2.4 celeron with an agp video card. It runs as well as it can for a PC of it's age and a modern OS. I find things like using sfce helps.22:39
head_victimsburwood: not sure about the asus eee, never had one to play with22:39
jacobwhead_victim: oh.. oh.. oh.. i am a fool22:39
sburwoodhead_victim: What is sfce?22:39
jacobwhead_victim: i have not installed ubuntu restricted extras22:40
scott_inosburwood, thinks he mean xfce ')22:40
Linuturkpenguin42: I think you might be right . . .22:40
head_victimsburwood: xfce sorry, hands are tired.22:40
head_victimjacobw: happens to the best of us.22:40
Linuturkjeeze, what a stupid problem22:40
head_victimLinuturk: don't feel too bad, I once got an RMA for a 24 port gigabit switch and then 5 minutes later I realised I had 4 devices trying to fight over one ip22:40
* Linuturk wonders what is getting that IP address on this network . . . 22:41
rusivisburwood: One link you may want to check out for resource constrained installs is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Minimal%20installations22:42
penguin42Linuturk: When you ping the gateway it starts using your mac address for your IP until the other guy does the same22:42
sburwoodis it like lxde?22:42
penguin42Linuturk: Classic symptom22:42
Linuturkpenguin42: tips on finding the cuplrit?22:42
head_victimsburwood: yeah there's icewm, xfce, lxde, fluxbox, try them until you find the one that has the combination of usability and speed you like.22:43
penguin42Linuturk: Switch that machine off, and do arp -an and find which mac address is claiming that IP22:43
sburwoodI've been using lxde for some time with Lucid, but I just wanted to know whether that would change in Maverick22:43
Linuturkgot the mac22:44
head_victimsburwood: if you're comfortable with it I'd stick with it. I didn't notice a large difference in hardware consumption between lucid to maverick.22:44
sburwoodhead_victim: thanks22:44
head_victimsburwood: happy to help mate22:44
sburwoodhead_victim: and for the question of stability and such, Maverick is good?22:45
head_victimsburwood: I'm not what you'd call a "heavy" user, more an "end user" but I've found it to be reasonable22:45
Linuturkpenguin42: got the mac22:46
sburwoodI'm not a video editing nut either.  Openoffice, different things to watch films and listen to music and such.  Not a guy who needs a quad core, or like that for gaming22:46
sburwoodgood night for anyone who's going to sleep.  I'm going there immediately22:47
head_victimsburwood: night22:47
sburwoodand again thx for the help22:47
penguin42Linuturk: Now if you're lucky your switches are smart switches and you can ask which port that MAC is on - right?22:47
pope_if anyone has time, i need some help trying to figure out how to deal with untrusted resources.  how do i trust the resources for all the packages that need to be updated for RC122:48
Linuturkpenguin42: even better. a zenmap tells me this is a polycom phone, and I can figure out which it is via the mac alone22:48
skyburnerhttp://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1507489 need that kernelpatch for maverick22:48
Linuturkthanks penguin4222:48
skyburnertried to build a patched kernel by my own ... after hours of kernelbuildtv it ended all in an uuups22:48
penguin42Linuturk: Haha, good one, hadn't thought to blame a phone22:48
Linuturkme either22:48
Linuturkit makes sense though. I was seeing asterisk messages from my wireshark sessions earlier.22:49
skyburneri had my t91mt working with multitouch under lucid but well... i gave experimental a try22:49
LinuturkI guess the phone hasn't renewed it's dhcp in a while . . . time to reboot the sucker22:51
BUGabundoYAY apport now works with PPAs :D woot23:17
Pr070calcan someone help me get the nvidia drivers working plz23:19
IAmNotThatGuy!ask | Pr070cal23:20
ubottuPr070cal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:20
IAmNotThatGuyI mean elaborate your issue23:20
Pr070calis nvidia gl driver working ?23:21
Pr070cali get no signal on screen23:22
Pr070caland xorg.conf has no resolutions or refresh rates in23:22
IAmNotThatGuyPr070cal: your RC live CD looked good?23:22
Pr070cali have to reboot with failsafe23:22
Pr070calyeah but that doesnt use glx23:23
krabadorwhere i can look at changes between daily live cds?23:23
Pr070calits only nividia glx driver standard nv works fine at1366x76823:24
yofelBUGabundo: not in general, but you can tell it to work anyway for specific packages23:25
Pr070calhad no problems before with glx driver23:26
mwmcan anyone confirm this nautilus feature on ubuntu 10.10 » when renaming a file, it selects the whole filename (name+extension) instead of just name23:29
penguin42mwm: No23:33
penguin42mwm: I just did it on mine and it highlighted the name but not the extension23:34
mwmare you on 10.10?23:34
mwmthat's very weird23:34
BUGabundoyofel: as long as I can keep the log offline, I can add it to ANY bug, in ANY bug tracker23:35
ledbettjAnyone have any suggestions for troubleshooting Unity on Maverick?  This is what I get on my laptop after logging in to a Unity session: http://yfrog.com/0kscreenshotbyj (note the blue smudges where the UI should be and the gray/white rectangle that shows up on hovering)23:56

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