
jappieMy usb headset freezes up my entire system (Lucid ubuntu + edubuntu 10.04 on aspireone), when I plug it in, I have to do a hard restart everytime. Also when I try to start up with my usb headset already in place, it freezes at the logo and I have to do a hard restart also. Any solutions?00:27
ibuclawjappie, what type of headset?00:30
ibuclawjappie, you can get system logs from /var/log/messages00:33
jappieibuclaw, Logitech A-0000800:33
ibuclawand you can also try boot into recovery mode with the device plugged in.00:33
ibuclaw(system messages are all printed to the screen when you select that boot option, so if anything goes wrong, you'll be able to see/record it)00:34
jappieibuclaw, I am at /var/log/messages, what do I look for?00:35
ibuclawalso, there should never really be a need to hard restart your system.00:35
ibuclawif at a console prompt, Ctrl+Alt+Del should work.00:36
jappieMy screen goes grey and everything freezes. I waited at least 10-15 min and nothing...00:36
ibuclawif the freeze is a little more nested in, then you have RESIUB00:36
jappiecheckin up on RESIUB....00:37
ibuclawwhile holding down Alt+PrintScreen, press the keys: R E I S U B00:37
jappieyeap...see it. Nice!00:38
ibuclawR->raw input. E->soft kill all apps. I->hard kill all apps. S->sync all disk devices. U->unmount all disk devices. B->reboot.00:38
ibuclawjappie, just remember 'Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring'00:39
ibuclawjappie, anyway, could you pastebin the log file?00:40
ibuclawI wouldn't know what to look for unless I see it.00:40
jappieYes, but where/ how do I pastebin?00:41
ibuclawis there a bot in the channel?00:41
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:41
jappieibuclaw, thanks for ur patience!00:43
ibuclawjappie, do you have alsa backports modules install by any chance?00:51
ibuclawIn System->Admin->Synaptic00:53
ibuclawsearch for: linux-backports-modules-alsa00:53
jappiewill take a look...00:54
jappieyes there are couple of version installed00:56
ibuclawyou should see something like this: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/8764/screenshot2az.png00:56
ibuclawjappie, try uninstalling them and reboot.00:57
ibuclawthen see if the headset is still giving you trouble afterwards00:58
jappieall of them?00:58
ibuclawjappie, how many are there?00:58
ibuclaw(there should only be 2 installed by my count)00:59
jappieI have versions:  version,  version and  version installed01:00
ibuclawheh. someone needs a spring cleaning...01:00
jappieand also linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic01:01
ibuclawjappie, so long as they start with "linux-backports-modules-alsa" - yes, remove them. :-)01:01
ibuclawthey are optional addon modules, and not required for operation of your system.01:01
stlsaintwoot... ibuclaw in help channel! :D01:02
jappieok will do, restart, test and come back here to to let u know...thanxxx in advanced!01:02
ibuclawstlsaint, a rarity, I know.01:02
ibuclawyou should feel privileged01:02
stlsaintthey should01:02
stlsaintibuclaw: your like paid customer support round here01:03
ibuclawexcept without the money01:03
stlsaintibuclaw: true01:03
aveilleuxI like your dance.01:05
stlsaintyep, hes a weird one01:17
jappieHi ibuclaw, So that kind of worked. No more freezing, but no sound so far. I checked some settings in Pulseaudio but didn't really work with skype tst call01:25
ibuclawbug #61815501:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 618155 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel 2.6.32-24 usb audio device causes cpu lockup (affects: 1) (heat: 73)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61815501:26
ibuclawjappie, not sure about skype. Might have to ask someone else about that. Though it usually requires a bit of chicanery to get things up regardless of the device you are using.01:29
ibuclaw(or so I've heard)01:30
aveilleuxSkype works fine for me01:30
aveilleuxI don't use USB devices, though.01:30
jappiebeside the usb headset, skype works fine...01:31
stlsaintjappie: welcome back01:57
jappieIbuclaw, I have it working,. I needed to select the usb in volume control. It then worked with with most apps, except for skype. I needed to quit skype and restart, so now it si working. Thanx for the help! ...And everbody else as well1!01:58
HorseloverFrostHello, I'm in need of some help. I'm trying to set up a dual boot OSX/Ubuntu on my Mac Pro with the two OSes on separate disks (Bay #1 OSX Bay #2 Ubuntu). I've tried using three different install procedures found on the web but still have not managed to get a bootable Ubuntu installation. After startup and selecting the linux install with rEFIt I get the penguin logo for a few seconds and then a black screen02:20
HorseloverFrostAlso, on my first try I accidently installed the boot loader on my OSX disk. OSX still boots, but a phantom linux installation shows up on startup. Is there any way to get rid of it?02:22
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rougeleafWhere can I find help for installing a driver for a usb wifi card?05:42
ubot2For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:48
IAmNotThatGuyNot that :/05:48
IAmNotThatGuyrougeleaf: Identify your driver at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:51
rougeleafMost of the links here are broken  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT73?highlight=%28ManufacturerModel%29|%28AND%2905:57
rougeleafWhen I try using the files via the manufacture, the make files out errors and I am not complete06:00
kaushalcan someone please guide me about fcron ?06:45
aveilleuxhttp://fcron.free.fr/doc/en/ << this may be a good place to start06:46
kaushalaveilleux: Thanks06:48
kaushalbasically i need to edit the subject line06:49
kaushalI dont see anything in /etc/fcron.conf06:49
kaushalI mean is there a way to check the email receipients06:50
duanedesignmorning all08:37
Puck`good morning team08:56
Puck`anyone around? (:08:56
Puck`how do we start a script file with crontab if it's in a folder? /folder/./script.sh doesn't work :\08:57
geirhaLike that, or just /folder/script.sh  I suspect it's running it, but it fails for other reasons.09:02
Puck`yeah, i got the error now09:04
Puck`thanks for the help geirha (:09:04
geirhaIt's a bad practice to put extensions on scripts btw09:04
aveilleuxIt is?09:05
geirhaIf you in the future find that the script is better written in another language, like python or php or whatever, you'll have to rename the script. If you don't have the extension, you only need to replace the file content.09:06
geirhaYou run grep as grep, not grep.elf09:06
geirhaYou'll find that most scripts in Ubuntu doesn't have extensions either09:07
geirhafile /usr/bin/* | fgrep 'shell script'09:10
duanedesignhello AbhiJit11:22
mR0can I enabling an equalizer on moc player?11:42
duanedesignhello mR012:03
duanedesignmR0: glad to see someone else who uses moc12:03
mR0duanedisign: nice 2 c u again, is possible to use equalizer on moc?12:05
duanedesignmR0: hmm12:11
duanedesigni am looking12:11
duanedesignI thought it was Shift-e12:11
mR0duanedesign: yes but how to set it up? :P12:12
duanedesignmR0: this should be made more clear in the readme. You can find this information under '3. Preset format'. Just put the presets in $HOME/.moc/eqsets and you are setup.12:21
mR0i'll try & feedback here12:23
mR0duanedesign where I can find it?12:25
duanedesignmR0: I found that but it was in the 2.5 version source code12:30
mR0Im looking12:30
duanedesignaccording that you create a directory $HOME/.moc/eqsets/  and put the preset files in there12:33
raubvogelIf I am sending stuff to a central snmp server do I need the snmp or the snmpd package in my desktop?12:35
mR0Im trying12:38
Daidwell, I'll try just asking.  I guess I'm GNOMe, and I've made the taskbar/dock disappear. I can't get it back....any suggestions?12:44
mR0Daid, reboot ur system12:58
IAmNotThatGuyDaid: Which one? At the top?12:59
IAmNotThatGuyDaid: are you there?13:00
IAmNotThatGuyDaid: You have to do four13:04
IAmNotThatGuy1) press <alt>+F2 and type gnome-terminal13:05
IAmNotThatGuy2) type gconftool-2 --recursive-unset  /apps/panel13:05
IAmNotThatGuy3) rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel13:05
IAmNotThatGuy4) pkill gnome-panel13:06
IAmNotThatGuyand that will reset your panel13:06
IAmNotThatGuyheya mR013:06
mR0IAmNotThatGuy: u mean restart panel13:08
IAmNotThatGuyHmmm.. That will do it mR0 :)13:09
mR0yes I got it13:10
Daid  Thanks IAmNotThatGuy13:11
Daidyou're my heeeeeeeeeeeeero :P13:11
IAmNotThatGuyDaid: it worked?13:11
IAmNotThatGuylol :P13:11
DaidYup, thanks13:11
IAmNotThatGuyDaid: IAmNotThatGuy13:11
DaidI was off doing other things, forgot I was in here13:12
Daidthanks for the help, I appreciate it.  Now I have school research to do13:12
IAmNotThatGuyno worries (: and sorry for pinging in Pm13:12
DaidIt's ok :)13:12
IAmNotThatGuygood luck Daid (:13:12
DaidThanks again13:12
IAmNotThatGuyWelcome back Silver_Fox_ =)13:58
Silver_Fox_Hello IAmNotThatGuy13:59
Silver_Fox_Keeping well ?13:59
IAmNotThatGuyYeah... doing good and how about ya?13:59
Silver_Fox_Not bad at all thank you.13:59
IAmNotThatGuyOkay I am going for a mountain temple... Will bbl all o/14:03
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Akewi can't see medibuntu respratory in software centre14:33
Akewi've done exactly as on their website14:34
raubvogelapache question: do I have to have a 000-default site in sites-enabled or I can just have links to the sites in sites-available?14:39
dengaku_scodoes anyone know a way to install adobe Flash or anything Flash substitute on Ubuntu desktop?14:51
AbhiJit!flash | dengaku_sco14:52
ubot2dengaku_sco: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:52
Silver_Fox_dengaku_sco,  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash14:52
dengaku_scoit work! thank you15:18
sujiths80hi each time when I loginto ubuntu ..asking for password in keyreg window...how can I remove this17:49
zkriesseaveilleux: He/she joined -wiki and asked there as well17:53
aveilleuxW-why -wiki..?17:53
AndrewMCwell he/she still exists on the network perhaps i should message him/her to try #ubuntu17:55
hobgoblinI'd let them stew18:02
zkriessehobgoblin: Hey man~18:02
zkriessehobgoblin: Gonna rejoin us or what?18:03
hobgoblinrejoin what ?18:03
zkriessehobgoblin: The team18:03
hobgoblinzkriesse: if you mean BT only if I can get voiced18:03
zkriessehobgoblin: I don't see why they wouldn't18:04
hobgoblinI don't see why they didn't :)18:04
hobgoblinI did rejoin - a week or so ago18:04
zkriessehobgoblin: forestpixie has +VA18:05
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hobgoblinzkriesse: yay -  must have joined then lol18:05
zkriessehobgoblin: lol18:06
zkriessehobgoblin: welcome back man...18:06
hobgoblintyy zkriesse18:06
zkriesseG'day sardonyx18:07
zkriessehobgoblin: Hey you're into wiki right?18:07
zkriesseOr rather are you18:07
hobgoblinzkriesse: not enough to get involved in it after the last aborted attempt - I am 'into' helping beginners ;)18:08
zkriessehobgoblin: Oh ok...i was going to invite ya to join #ubuntu-beginners-wiki if you'd like to get involved/help me with a project18:10
hobgoblinthanks for the offer, it's unlikely I will do that - but there is always the future18:11
zkriessehobgoblin: k...18:11
zkriessehobgoblin: Oh and Im running another Ubuntu Team if you'd like to help teach youths how to get involved in ubuntu community PROPERLY18:12
hobgoblindo I get a cane?18:12
zkriesseOf course18:13
zkriesse#ubuntu-youth if you're interested18:13
zkriesseOh and if you really wanna help lead #ubuntu-youth-council18:13
hobgoblinI have heard of it18:13
hobgoblinmmmm - possibly18:13
zkriessehobgoblin: It's way better off since I took charge...not as dead as it was18:14
zankHi, i have a windows xp desktop machine nad after getting virus's one too many times despite all precautions i want to try ubuntu, the 10.10 hopefully coming out soon18:29
zankthe problem is that right now my xp machine is used as basically a remote media machne machine with no keyboard or monitor, has a vnc client, and has some serious virus on it18:30
zankso basically i want a method to be able to put ubuntu on a bootable dvd or usb drive, and reboot compute and for it to wipe everything on my system, and install the ubuntu system, with a vnc server18:33
zankas in on first boot it should launch the vnc server18:33
zankis this possible?18:33
IAmNotThatGuyzank: you can alter the boot priority and idk about vnc servers18:42
IAmNotThatGuybuy you can alter the boot menu18:42
IAmNotThatGuyHola hobgoblin (: Forget Zach. Hes mad. so that he is not watching the voice on ya ;)18:43
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IAmNotThatGuywb geekosopher. done with dinner?18:49
geekosopherIAmNotThatGuy: yo!18:50
IAmNotThatGuygeekosopher: I was in an LUG meet here. And what's up?18:51
an1IAmNotThatGuy: propogating this channel :P18:51
IAmNotThatGuyW00T? ?_?18:51
geekosopherIAmNotThatGuy: where?18:51
IAmNotThatGuyIn another Channel18:51
an1#ilugcbe. india linux user group coimbatore. forming a new lug :)18:52
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=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
raubvogeldo I need to have the default server in apache2?21:55
IAmNotThatGuyraubvogel: you will be usign LAMPP rigt?22:49
IAmNotThatGuyawww One hour late :P22:49
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse

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