
apothegmssh? :)00:00
mrandapothegm: I just found a duplicate bug, which contains a hack to work around the problem: Bug 48055500:02
ZinnBug 480555 in lirc (Ubuntu) "No /var/run/lirc/lircd created, only /dev/lircd" [Undecided, New] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/48055500:02
apothegmhe says IRW works for him. I just get cnonect refused00:04
apothegmI'll try that symbolic link though00:04
apothegmoh, wait. I don't even have a /dev/lircd00:05
mrandI wonder if this could somehow be related to upstart race condition stuff (bug 334414, 460027, 507142, etc)00:11
ZinnBug 334414 in do-plugins "Do stops silently" [Undecided, Fix Released] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/33441400:11
apothegmSTART_LIRCD= was set to false00:16
apothegmnow IRW is working00:16
apothegmbut now I get nothing in frontend at all.  not even the arrow keys which used to work00:17
mrandso now go back and check your mapping(s)00:17
apothegmI'm using the sample file from the wiki article00:19
apothegmand IRW and the lircd.conf seem to match up. I only checked a few00:19
apothegmDo I have to enable LIRC in mythfrontend somewhere?00:21
=== Gibby is now known as Gibby_away
superm1mythbuntu-lirc-generator would create lircrc conffiles for you00:23
superm1has it been ran?00:23
superm1(generate dynamic button mappings in MCC)00:24
apothegmalright I'll try it that way00:24
apothegmBut I have to select a remote00:25
apothegmand mine is not listed00:25
superm1run the command by hand then00:25
apothegmso how do I do that?00:25
superm1it will use the contents of /etc/lirc/lircd.conf to generate it00:25
apothegmno options?00:26
apothegmhad to create a .lirc in my home directory apparently00:28
apothegmThanks for all the help!00:28
mrandapothegm: cool!  Could you update that bug with details on how you fix it (what you changed and where you changed it?)00:38
apothegmwell the only thing I had to do was change START_LIRCD="false" to ="true" inside hardware.conf00:39
apothegmShouldn't checking off "linux infrared remote control (lirc) support" in MCC do this?00:40
apothegmNow I have the problem that the keymappings dont' tie anything on my remote to the "menu" bottom (normally M on the keyboard)00:41
Pwenhi all. I am trying to login to the mythbuntu site using openid, but it keeps telling me my openid is invalid, despite the fact that I am currently logged into launchpad.net with it. any ideas?01:27
Zinn[launchpad.net] Launchpad01:27
Pwennevermind ... you have to copy the username from launchpad.net as https://launchpad.net/~yourname01:30
Zinn[launchpad.net] Launchpad01:30
mrandtgm4883 or rhpot1991 - see apothegm's last couple of comments.01:31
Pwendoes mythlcdserver print a logfile to anywhere?01:48
tgm4883mrand, I assume you are talking about the ="true" setting inside hardware.conf?01:49
tgm4883in which case, mine is set to true already01:49
mrandtgm4883: but his wasn't.01:52
tgm4883mrand, I see01:54
tgm4883mrand, mine is a fresh 10.04 install too updated though01:55
rhpot1991#Enable lircd03:00
rhpot1991mine is pretty tweaked though so I dunno what was generated and what wasn't03:00
=== Gibby_away is now known as Gibby
crankygeekI am in the process of setting up a Mythbuntu system, I am using a Hauppauge HD-PVR 1212....I am outputting to a 46" Sony Bravia XBR HDTV. The problem I have is that when I use a 15 RGB cable the screen size at 1920x1080 is perfect, but as soon as I change it over to a HDMI cable the desktop and mythtv front end get streched out off the edges of the screen, changing the resolution does not seem to help at all, no matter what r15:13
rhpot1991crankygeek: its called overscan15:48
rhpot1991and normal for HDMI15:48
mrandUnless you have a model that allows you to turn it off ;-)15:55
Shadow__Xisnt there an option of tv's to just do 1:1 or is the issue on the computer side15:55
rhpot1991Shadow__X: crankygeek you can normally do it on your TV and thats the best solution15:58
rhpot1991normally the TV will turn it off for VGA ports15:58
Shadow__Xrhpot1991: are you saying that i am right?15:59
rhpot1991for HDMI on my TV it has to be in the first port and then I have to adjust the "display mode" I believe15:59
rhpot1991Shadow__X: yep you do it on the tv15:59
rhpot1991I have another TV that it isn't possible to adjust too16:00
rhpot1991so it all depends on your TV16:00
Shadow__Xyeah there are display modes on most if not every tv i have seen and the stretching occurs because the mode is off. Once you select the display mode that correctlates to 1:1 then it should be god16:00
rhpot1991personally I leave it on, so you don't see the crap on the edges of the broadcast that isn't meant to be seen anyways16:00
rhpot1991the only time you really miss it is if you are out of mythtv and looking for the menu, even then just push top left and click till something shows up16:01
crankygeekThanks for all the input, I will play around with that when I get home today, once I fugure that out, then maybe I can move onto actually getting MythTV up and running with DirecTV, I have found some guides on it but they all seem to be lacking information on the actual setup.16:10
crankygeekAnd with me being a noob on this tv stuff, I was kinda of looking for a simple walkthrough with setting up the remote and stuff, but I have not run into anything or anyone that is using the same type of setup that I am using, even though it seems to be a common configuration...16:13
rhpot1991crankygeek: all depends on your hardware, you will need to setup a lineup with schedulesdirect.org and then setup your HDPVR in mythtv-setup16:18
Zinn[schedulesdirect.org] Schedules Direct16:18
rhpot1991you will need to IR blast, and I have no idea how to do that16:18
rhpot1991and then your remote all depends on what kind it is, hopefully its listed in mythbuntu control centre16:18
crankygeekDo you happen to know if there is a way to use the regular directv remote as opposed to the hauppauge remote?16:54
crankygeekor better yet whT I should use for a channel chaning script instead of using /bin/true  ?16:55
rhpot1991crankygeek: no idea what channel changer, google should be able to tell you something16:55
rhpot1991and doubtful on the remote, unless you can somehow tell it to use the same signals16:56
pepsimanhi, my computer is stuck on the mythbuntu splash screen. network, ssh, mythtv-backend are working. Xorg log ends "using VT number 8"21:59

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