
ubottuChogyDan called the ops in #ubuntu (ballsac)02:37
ubottuballsac called the ops in #ubuntu (ChogyDan)02:38
ChogyDanthere is still a problem in #ubuntu02:44
ubottuuLinux called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:47
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (breadcrst)02:51
seidosany ops capable of fixing #ubuntu at the moment?02:53
ChogyDanseidos: no one seems present  :(02:53
seidosoh well, guess i'll just ignore users then02:53
philsfhey, is anybody here now? there's a troll in #ubuntu02:56
ubottuAndrewMC called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:57
ChogyDanfyi, #freenode lent a hand and the spammer left03:01
marienzI quieted *!*@c-71-195-46-68.hsd1.mn.comcast.net for trolling as various nicks, was previously removed already as "ballsac" (but the host wasn't banned)03:02
macothanks marienz03:11
marienzno problem03:12
marienz(I'll leave it to you to unset that when appropriate, as I don't know how your bantracker works)03:14
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (Edward_Elric)05:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (bullgard4 appears to be abusive - 6)09:39
jungliidiot where are you ?10:53
Mamarokjungli: apparently he is not here, and please behave, calling people names is a bad start. I suggest you come back later.10:59
ikoniaI can save you the bother, bans on Jungli will not be lifted11:00
ikoniajungli: do you need anything else from the channel, if not please leave, if so please state what you need11:01
jungliohh sorry i love you all11:04
junglii am offline for two months :(11:05
ikoniajungli: ok, bye then11:05
jungliok :)11:05
ikoniajungli: if you need nothing else from the channel, pleave leave.11:05
ikoniayou know the rules by now11:05
Tm_Tfunny how jungli keeps asking for a cloak so he could get past the bans11:44
ikoniafunny how he keeps failing12:37
PiciI'm sure that he has a note on his account.13:05
PiciLots of IRC stuff is "funny"13:06
Garyfunny funny haha15:31
bazhangmoonunit trolling?15:31
bazhangasking for help with crunchbang it seems (using XP pirate edition previously_15:33
ikoniahe's known15:33
ikoniahe's in BT15:33
topylii wasn't aware of a complaints choir movement!15:45
topylibirhingham, helsinki, chicago, st. petersburg...15:46
topyliuh, totally appropriate channel too15:47
topylithere's enough to nicely fill your entire evening :) http://www.complaintschoir.org/choirs.html16:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, Gryllida said: ubottu: no, !Enlightenment is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version; package name 'e16'.16:25
Picie17 is in the e16 package?16:28
topylii would think the e16 package still contains e1616:31
topyli"Description: the Enlightenment Window Manager DR16"16:32
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.16:33
topylihrm. the E team does call e17 a "desktop shell", but e16 is certainly just a window manager16:35
Tm_Te17 is quite different thing than e1616:45
topylinot sure how e17 should be handled in factoids. it's not in ubuntu repos. still, some people will want to install it16:46
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.16:47
jussiwhat is it about enlightenment that people like? I tried it once, wasnt very exciting.16:47
PiciIt was shiny the last time I tried it.16:47
topylishiny i guess16:47
jussimeh, Ill stick with my beloved kde16:48
topylion the other hand, lots of people like e16 because it's an awesome window manager16:48
PiciNo, thats awesome thats a window manager.16:48
topylie16 really is awesome, not just named thusly :)16:49
topylisuggestion for !enlightenment: "Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. Package name: e16." Leave the e17 factoid as is16:58
topyli(unless someone knows a safe install source to recommend)16:58
ubottue aliases: enlightenment, e17 - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 14:00:1816:58
topylihrm. need to go shopping17:02
ikoniaalienjeff = known arch linux troll17:19
ikoniaPici: what's going on with idiots posting that recently17:32
popeythat counter thing?17:33
popeyit appeared on omgubuntu today17:33
ikoniaidiots posting stupid stuff17:34
popeyjust what the world needs, another counter17:34
IdleOnedoes it say on the OMG post to come spam #ubuntu?17:43
Picithat site never loads properly for me.17:50
rypervencheI was apparently banned from #ubuntu for asking a question that was off-topic. I have just read the terms of service and the IRC guidelines and see my mistake. Will I be banned forever or is it a temporary ban/kick?18:25
ikoniarypervenche: you wher enot banned18:25
ikoniarypervenche: you've joined and left the channels 3 times since you wher ekicked18:25
rypervencheikonia: Yes, because it will not let me type.18:26
jussiikonia: he was banned18:26
rypervencheikonia: It says, "Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu".18:26
ikoniajussi: is this a problem with the new webchat bot functionality where it has read a kick as ban ?18:27
jussirypervenche: please wait a moment18:27
marienzthere's a ban on his ip18:27
ikoniaI only kicked him18:27
rypervencheOk, thank you.18:27
marienzrypervenche: you also emailed support@freenode.net about this, but the channel where you're now asking is the correct place for it. Do you mind if I close the ticket you opened with support@freenode.net?18:27
rypervenchemarienz: Please do.18:27
marienzthank you.18:28
ikoniaahh floodbot did it18:28
ikoniait banned him on kick18:28
jussiikonia: a kick on a webchat = ban.18:28
ikoniayes, I see that18:28
rypervencheI should perhaps get an IRC client...18:28
ikoniarypervenche: I've removed the ban now, but please only ask ubuntu questions18:28
rypervencheikonia: I will, lesson learned.18:29
ikoniarypervenche: you must see how asking if you can ask an offtopic question, being told no, then asking it anyway is rubbing the rules in peoples faces18:29
rypervencheikonia: I will search for another channel to ask my previous question. Thanks again.18:29
rypervencheIt still says I cannot send. Do I need to reload the webchat?18:30
ikoniashould work now18:31
rypervencheIt's working now. Thanks again, and I'm sorry to have been a bother.18:32
ikoniabihari_: you are now banned from #ubuntu for not following the specific instruction of stop asking how to get around your college firewall18:40
ikoniaugliefrog: can we help ?18:40
ugliefrogsorry i clicked what i was a web link18:40
bihari_ikonia,  but in 2time did i asked any question ?18:40
bihari_i just said to him to talk in PM?18:41
ikoniabihari_: you kept discussing it and asking for help18:41
bihari_and you kicked  me again18:41
ikoniabihari_: the kick was a warning, you came back and progressed the issue, you are now banned18:41
bihari_ok as wish18:41
bihari_do what ever you wants18:41
ikoniait's already done18:42
bihari_but i was talking about knowleg18:42
ikoniabihari_: you where talking about how to bypass your college firewall, you also lied and said your professor told you to do it18:43
bihari_it was not about bypassing a fierwall  /yes he told me he put me challenge ? i swear if i have to really lie then i never said you that i have to by pass my college fierwall18:43
bihari_and whats wrong in making a ssh daemon? tell me18:44
ikonia8:32 < bihari_> so that i can bypass my college firewall18:44
ikoniayou said it loud and clear18:44
ikoniabihari_: speak to your college network admin for help getting through their firewall18:45
bihari_it will not help me in only bypassing firewall but also i can have access my computer through any part of the world18:45
ikoniathere is nothing more to discuss18:45
ikoniabihari_: we are done here18:45
bihari_Oh my god give him some sems and IQ to  <ikonia>18:46
ikoniabihari_: ok, bye now18:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from xpro)20:21
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: chanserv is ChanServ is a service provided by freenode to register and maintain channels on the network. More help available by typing /join #freenode20:42
IdleOnescratch that20:43
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: services is <reply> ChanServ, NickServ, MemoServ are services provided by freenode for registering and maintining channels and nick names on the network. More help available by typing /join #freenode20:44
IdleOnethat is a little better20:45
Piciyou spelled maintining wrong.20:45
IdleOnewanna fix that for me :)20:45
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: services is <reply> ChanServ, NickServ, MemoServ are services provided by freenode for registering and maintaining channels and nick names on the network. More help available by typing /join #freenode20:46
IdleOnes//join #freenode//join #freenode. See !register20:51
IdleOnesmuxi is ugly21:02
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (coolroot)23:10

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