
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
Andre_Gondimis it safe to use lubuntu maverick beta version?04:24
slooksterpsvhello everyone; how is everyon doing tonight?07:53
Timo_hey szczur!12:48
szczurhi Timo_12:48
Timo_how are you doing?:)12:48
szczurgood :)12:49
NeedHelphello everybody15:54
NeedHelphello everybody15:55
hosokahello everybody15:55
hosokais er a way to upgrade lubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 ?15:55
NeedHelpcan't help you hosoka, Im very new15:56
hosokano worries15:57
NeedHelpis there someone else there pleeeeeease15:57
hosokacurrently I am running 10.04 lubuntu15:57
hosokaand testing the 10.10  and I saw some differences.15:58
hosokaI do not wanna move all the things on the pc15:58
hosokaI do not that ubuntu allows you to upgrade with alt+F215:58
NeedHelpno idea, sorry, hey hosoka, I'm searching for a way to install lubuntu without running it15:59
NeedHelpIm mean loading the live cd15:59
NeedHelpany idea?16:00
Tir_Eoghancheck out phillw.net I think he covers both those issues16:00
NeedHelpok I will16:00
Tir_Eoghanof course I'm still learning the basics myself, so I haven't tried any of more complex stuff16:01
hosokamaybe Tir_Eoghan knows the answer on my question ?16:01
hosokathe only way i know is loading from the cd16:01
Tir_EoghanI'm afraid I don't know it, although if theres a way I'm sure it's on that website16:01
Tir_EoghanI'm debating upgrading myself16:02
Tir_Eoghanof course, I'm torn between upgrading and destroying my os purposely (by installing flash) to test if online video will work on this puter.16:03
NeedHelpok Tir_Eoghan but I just can't load it on my old computer (only 128MB of RAM) and honestly on a faster computer I'd install some distro else!!!16:03
Tir_Eoghanlet me see if I can find the link on his forum I saw at one point16:04
ubot5For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:04
Tir_Eoghanah, there we go thanks bioterror16:05
hosokaubot5: I have noticed that link, but that will install ubuntu only when only having lubuntu now.16:05
ubot5Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:05
hosokano worries. As I tried myself to. We all are to learn :-)16:07
hosokabut I like to work with lubuntu16:07
hosokavery light it is.16:07
Tir_EoghanNeedHelp, I think this answeres your question http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8516:07
hosokalet me check16:08
NeedHelpok, see and tell you, thanks16:08
Tir_EoghanNeedHelp, or this one rather https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#Minimal%20Install%20and%2064%20Bit16:09
NeedHelpoh no Tir_Eoghan I know that method (the first) but ... with no connection if possible!!! I already downloaded the iso16:11
Tir_Eoghanhosoka, yeah, lubuntu is the best.. first time I tried to run it, it ran poorly (not sure why) but next time I booted in it ran like a dream16:11
NeedHelpthere's an option on the boot screen of Ubuntu so why not LUbuntu?!!!16:12
hosokaI wanna upgrade to 10.10 but there are no guidance how to16:12
Tir_EoghanNeedHelp, thats beyond my knowledge, I'm sure one of the more experienced users will clear that up shortly though if you stick around16:12
NeedHelpok Tir_Eoghan thanks a lot16:13
NeedHelpbye all16:16
hosokabye now16:16
nothingspecialNeedHelp: Install a minimal ubuntu iso then once that is up and running install lubuntu-desktop. I`t will be a lot easier with a wired connection.16:17
Tir_Eoghannothingspecial, he left just a moment too soon16:18
nothingspecialTir_Eoghan: That always happens16:19
Tir_Eoghannothingspecial, must get kind of frustrating hehe16:20
nothingspecialTir_Eoghan: he he16:20
Tir_Eoghanso heres a random foolish somewhat hypothetical question. Is there any way to properly secure an install of flash in this os? or am I asking for crippled os at that point (security wise)?16:22
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mmaksimovphillw, are you here?22:23
kosaidpohello guys22:24
mmaksimovkosaidpo, hello22:24
kosaidpoim tryin to make woek this modem 3g alcatel x080S22:24
kosaidpommaksimov: hello ; 022:24
kosaidpoany idea how22:25
mmaksimovkosaidpo, sorry, no experience with modems22:26
kosaidpommaksimov: : )22:26
kosaidpoim goni crazu with this its rcognized tho already22:26
kosaidpobut idkhow to use it22:26
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=== OneAndOnlyPalewo is now known as szczur
phillwmmaksimov: I'm lurking23:49
mmaksimovphillw, if you still need to upload the beta2 iso I can do that -- provided you give me instructions23:54
mmaksimov(better via email since I'm disconnecting at the moment)23:55
phillwmmaksimov: the beta2 is only on torrent atm, as the final is dues out in next few days, I'm going to wait until julien has it ready.23:55

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