
phil42rjhall  that looks like one that should be sent to the ubuntu developers on launchpad00:00
penguin42rjhall: Which graphics card?00:00
Marshall1528alguien me podria ayudar a sacarme una duda00:02
BUGabundo!es > Marshall152800:03
ubottuMarshall1528, please see my private message00:03
rjhallpenguin42: hm.   it's a lenovo laptop. intel GMsomething.  let me look00:04
penguin42rjhall: When it restarts, do you have a /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old that has some form of crash message at the bottom?00:04
Marshall1528if they only speak Spanish but everywhere I send to this channel00:04
rjhallpenguin42: /var/log/messages says "agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: Intel 965GM Chipset" which sounds about right00:04
penguin42rjhall: OK, so is there a crash at the end of Xorg.0.log.old ?00:05
rjhallpenguin42: yes!00:05
penguin42rjhall: So submit a bug by running ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel00:05
rjhallpenguin42: well, tjhere's a backtrace from a segfault - i assume that counts ;)00:05
penguin42rjhall: Are you running Desktop effects?00:06
rjhallpenguin42: yes.00:06
penguin42rjhall: I'd turn them off and see if it gets more stable00:06
Marshall1528I have a question about Ubuntu 10.10 where I could help00:06
penguin42Marshall1528: What's the question00:06
Marshall152810.4 ubuntu had to update and turn on my pc says Lubuntu00:07
rjhallpenguin42: and lose out on those wobbly windows?   You're not serious? ;)00:08
penguin42rjhall: Well of course they should wobble happily, but hey it's normally 3d that's a problem00:08
rjhallpenguin42: fwiw i didn't have that problem with lucid00:08
rjhallalthough the ppt has changed i guess...00:09
penguin42rjhall: Yeh but it still shouldn't break; it sounds like a bug in the xserver though if it's crashing; the other alternative to turning your wobbly windows off is to try the xorg-edgers packages, they're bleeding edge X packages that may have more or less, or at least different bugs00:10
rjhallwow those automated bug reports contain a LOT of info.00:11
rjhallwhile i'm here - is there anyway to force my /left/ monitor to be the one with the menu  bar?  Eveytime i login i have to xrandr from shell which is a minor annoyance00:13
Marshall1528someone could help me00:14
rjhallMarshall1528: what's your question?00:15
Marshall152810.4 ubuntu had to update and turn on my pc says Lubuntu00:15
shcherbakturn on?00:15
rjhallthat's not really a question.00:15
penguin42Marshall1528: Do you have some lubuntu stuff installed as well?00:16
penguin42Marshall1528: My bet is that somewhere along the line you've installed one or two of the lubuntu packages; mine always says Kubuntu (well most places) and I've got Kubuntu, Ubuntu and some others installed00:18
caglar_Hi, I encountered with a problem on new Maverick software00:19
caglar_and need some help00:20
bazhangcaglar_, ask a question then00:20
Marshall1528but not when I go to system on ubuntu tells me I have Ubuntu 10.1000:20
tmzt_what is Lubuntu?00:21
bazhangtmzt_, lxde and openbox00:22
caglar_bazhang: I'm working on dell m1330, it works normal with maverick; however, when I insert a USB mouse the left click on the mouse and touchpad do not working.00:22
phil42ubuntu with the lxde desktop software instead of gnove00:22
bazhang!lubuntu> tmzt_00:22
ubottutmzt_, please see my private message00:22
penguin42Marshall1528: The splash screens etc all get very messed up if you have bits of ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu installed - it seems pot luck as to which splash screen you get00:23
caglar_is there anybody can help me?00:26
phil42caglar_ i don't know  :(00:27
caglar_I researched about it and I got that many people encountered that problem when they updated to a new release.00:29
Jordan_Urjhall: IIRC (only have one monitor at the moment so I can't check) you can set that up in System > Preferences > Monitors.00:29
rjhallJordan_U: you can specify which is on the left, and which is the right - but the one on the right always gets the menubar.  you can't select 'primary'00:29
penguin42rjhall: You can move the panel!00:30
rjhallJordan_U: so i do a "xrandr --output DVI1 --primary" after i boot, which switches the menu bar to the DVI monitor (rather than the VGA monitor)00:30
BUGabundofack..... HTC just added yet another day to my delivery date o Desire HD :(00:35
penguin42rjhall: All-middle drag the panel to the other monitor, save the session and log out and in00:38
penguin42(although panels have never been very good at remembering which one they're supposed to be on)00:38
rjhallpenguin42: I'll try that.  ... what is "save the session"?00:48
penguin42rjhall: It might be set to do it automatically; system->preferences->Startup applications->Options->Remember currently running applications ; although actually for moving the panel it probably doesn't need it00:48
starnostarshould fsck be checking my disk every boot in 10.10 rc?00:59
sunshinepantsstarnostar: that depends. yes if you have it configured that way in /etc/fstab or have used tune2fs -c 1 against the disk..  or it can happen if  you're filesystem is beyond the help of its standard options.. in which case i'd have a backup handy01:06
Jordan_Ustarnostar: The most common reason that happens is that your hardware clock is broken, so every time you boot it's either been 60 years since the last check, or the last check was in the future. Both of which will trigger an fsck.01:10
starnostarsunshinepants its a vanilla install of the new rc, didnt change anything01:12
starnostari was just worried it was a hardware problem01:13
starnostarand THANK you guys for answering, havent even gotten a recignition that i exist in irc in the last 2 days01:13
starnostari guess ill first try and see if anything is wrong with my hardware clock, then reinstall on a new drive (got a ton of them lying around)01:14
tmzt_anyone having issues with empathy being slow/unusable/grayed out?01:17
BluesKajusing /etc/network/interfaces on 2 eth0 connected pcs ...however one doesn't auto connect , but the other does ...the nonconnecting pc has what seems to be called a dynamic /etc/resolv.conf, while the connected pc just has the run of the mill static resolv.conf ...any suggestions to fix the non auto connecting pc ?01:27
BluesKajI don't want to run sudo dhclient everytime I logon01:27
lubun2how do you get the global menu in kubuntu netbook?01:44
simo_need some debug suggestion on wireless on maverick01:46
simo_my wireless is with low power 2/4 and my connection break expecially on torrent01:47
simo_i need to reset the router i use a fixed ip no dhcp from router01:47
simo_can be maverick with 10.04.1 was stable ?01:48
simo_is there some kernel  net parameter i can try ...01:50
darthanubiswhat happened to /etc/init.d/samba ?01:53
darthanubissamba is installed but i can't find the cmd to restart the server from cmd line01:53
Volkodavservice start01:54
darthanubisis 10.10 on samba4 now?01:55
darthanubisThe program 'samba' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: apt-get install samba401:55
simo_with net (upstart?) service startup can i still use sysv-rc-conf ?02:01
tensorpuddingafter upgrading to maverick, banshee is suddenly really sluggish02:30
theverantanyone have theories on why 10.10 doesn't shutdown properly on Macbook Pro?02:56
darthanubiswhere is the samba bin?03:08
darthanubisI can't start stop restart samba03:08
darthanubissamba restart does nothing03:08
darthanubisThe program 'samba' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: apt-get install samba403:09
darthanubisinstalling samba4 does not fix the issue03:09
tensorpuddingugh, i wish there was one decent music player03:14
KukuNuttrying the UNE on VBox and said required driver for unity not available..what could that be?03:14
rusivitensorpudding: Amarok is the best music player I have used so far in Ubuntu03:15
tensorpuddingI refuse to use a KDE app, also Amarok has an awful UI03:15
SaRydarthanubis, http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Main_Page03:15
anon33_hello - i was wondering if there was any sort of fix for the display issue when using suspend/hibernate with an external display on a laptop03:16
rusivitensorpudding: hehe03:16
anon33_the screen doesn't resume back on - using a macbook pro03:16
SaRyanon33_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook03:17
darthanubisSaRy, are you trying to say something because that does not address the issue of the default samba package not putting samba bin where it belongs, especially if saba did not change where they install their files03:18
darthanubisIf you don't have any answers a non reply I'm ok with03:18
tensorpuddingMy ideal music player would probably be Banshee if it got over its awful bugs03:18
anon33_SaRy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic#ExtMon did not solve my issue03:20
SaRydarkdelusions, yeah , i am trying to say .. Google it.03:21
darthanubisSaRy, you might want to read the Ubuntu CoC03:21
KukuNutcan'r run UNE in VBox?03:21
darthanubisthey frown HEAVILY upon "google it"03:21
SaRyanon33_, i believe there is another Documentation for it .03:22
anon33_SaRy: i've heard of this issue with other laptops, i have googled it, and have come upon nothing03:23
anon33_that's why i'm querying the irc channel for additional help, not as a first response03:23
SaRyaha , good luck.03:24
darthanubisbash: /etc/init.d/samba: No such file or directory03:28
SaRyanon33_, Display to an external monitor ?03:28
anon33_SaRy: no, have the laptop display wake up when resuming from hibernate/suspend when connected to an external display03:29
theverantthis not restarting/shutting down thing is driving me crazy03:29
NameLess-jshello, i need some help with removing the ubuntu entry from the boot loader03:30
darthanubissamba and samb-common is installed03:30
darthanubisevery release a samba adventure at least it aint pulse this time03:31
SaRyNameLess-js, after an upgrade !03:37
NameLess-jsno, after uninstalling03:38
darthanubissamba: unrecognized service03:47
SaRydarthanubis, you installed samba package ..03:53
darthanubisreinstalling all of it again03:54
SaRyokay , then try  .. service smb start03:54
SaRyor look in /etc/init.d03:55
SaRyfor the name of the script that starts the service.03:55
darthanubissmb: unrecognized service03:55
SaRysamba package has the samba deamon and service scripts.03:55
darthanubis<SaRy> or look in /etc/init.d<<<<<<<first thing I did03:55
SaRyMaybe .. service samba start .04:00
SaRyMaybe .. there is no smb script in /etc/init.d/ !04:04
SaRydarthanubis, installed the "samba" and "smbfs" packages !04:07
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:07
darthanubis!info smbfs04:08
ubottusmbfs (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.5-2 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB04:08
darthanubisI don't even see that package in synaptic!04:08
darthanubisthere it is04:09
bjsniderif it uses upstart it's going to be something like sudo service samba restart04:09
bjsniderreplacing "samba" with all the possibilities until one succeeds04:09
zetheroothis is exciting ... 3days to go ... :)04:09
zetheroohow are ppl going with the RC?04:09
darthanubisgreat besides this04:10
zetherooany benefits to 10.04?04:10
darthanubisnew font loooks good04:10
darthanubisnot as fast as my deiban squeeze install but only slightly nad in some areas04:10
darthanubisbut this upstart jazz has bit me for the first time04:11
zetherooso what's the issue your having?04:11
darthanubisI thought I'd find the samba bin on my pc somewhere but it is not where it used to be04:12
darthanubisso I can not seem to restart the server04:12
SaRyi tried to install Debian squeeze , i got the error :  failed to install GRUB boot loader !04:12
zetherooyour running Ubuntu Server ...?04:12
darthanubisrestart smbd works04:12
darthanubisno just ubuntu desktop04:13
zetheroodarthanubis: oh ok04:13
zetheroodarthanubis: and is samba working?04:13
zetheroodarthanubis: shares and all?04:13
darthanubisit was up til today when I attempted to add another share04:13
zetheroodarthanubis: is this with a fresh install or upgrade?04:14
zetheroothis would be something which would definitely stop me from upgrading to 10.10 ... if samba is glitchy04:15
zetherooI need it too much04:15
bjsnidersamba works just fine04:15
zetheroobjsnider: good to hear ;)04:15
kionI have an Nvidia GTX 260M card I installed Maverick Meerkat and it works fine, as soon as I upgrade to my vga driver from Nvidia, xorg starts missbehaving, it eats all my CPU !!!!04:15
zetherookion: wrong driver?04:16
darthanubisok now I have one folder sharing but not another04:16
bjsniderkion, which driver is that?04:16
kionNo I downloaded the exact driver from Nvidia04:16
darthanubisthis other folder that won't sahre has a bunch of windows named folders and files04:16
bjsnideroh, here we go04:16
darthanubismight that be causing a share issue?04:16
zetherookion: why not use the one delivered by Ubuntu?04:17
lapionkion, I thnk you should use driver delivere by packagemanager04:17
zetheroodarthanubis: I don't think it should matter ... but try sharing a different folder ..04:17
kionI guess it is not giving me 3d acceleration04:17
bjsniderkion, the .run files are not compatible with ubuntu. the nvidia-current driver is the one you should use.04:17
zetherookion: what lapion said ;)04:17
zetherooso besides new fonts ... and a slightly different default wallpaper ... is there anything else that's new with 10.10?04:18
kioni will try thatone04:18
bjsniderkion, uninstall the .run file by executing the file with --uninstall at the end04:19
lapionkion, I do not know if you can uninstall the driver delivered by nvidia in the .run package..04:19
bjsniderthen use jockey to install the recommended driver04:19
lapionzetheroo, kms has become more stable04:19
zetherookion: I always use System>Administration>Hardware Drivers for that ... it's really great and easy04:19
bjsniderand hope that along the way you haven't pooched your system04:19
zetheroolapion: kms?04:20
lapionzetheroo, Kernel Mode Setting04:20
zetheroolapion: sounds cool ... could you say what that means for the average user?04:20
kionzetheroo that's the way I uninstalled the Nvidia Driver  System>Admin>Hardware Drivers and clicked deactivate!!04:21
lapionzetheroo, the new kernel driver that starts up the X-graphics mode setting at boot04:21
bjsniderzetheroo, pretty boot screen, fast virtual console switching.04:22
bjsniderin other words, who cares04:22
zetherookion: I see ... well I use it to install Ubuntu's restricted drivers, ATI, Nvidia and Broadcom etc .. works great ..04:22
kionlet me try it right now04:22
zetheroolapion: ok thanks04:22
zetheroobjsnider: ha ...04:22
lapionkion, why did you uninstall the ubuntu-delivered nvidia driver ?04:22
kionIt was not the Ubuntu-delivered one but the Nvidia driver I downloaded from their page04:23
kionI guess it will make me reboot04:24
kionand i will be back as soon as I install the Ubuntu-delivered (current version)04:24
lapionkion, what made you (think you needed) to install the .run version ?04:26
kionI thought that the latest driver right from Nvidia would be better and possibly more updated04:26
kiontaking full advantage of my harware04:27
bjsniderthe latest drivers will always be in the x-updates ppa as fast as possible04:27
lapionkion, ubuntu not eq other Oses04:27
kionI know04:28
kionthat's why I love having Ubuntu!!!04:28
kionok time has come up, I will reboot now, i will be back pretty soon04:31
kionOk seems it is working Fine now!!!04:37
kionaccording to TOP xorg is doing 1% - 9% which seems fine04:38
lapioncan anyone tell me how to use kms on a i855 with the latest Xorg-core update ?04:54
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LowweAnyone have any idea why my wireless internet connection is sticking at (need authentication)?06:08
SaRyusing WPA , i guess ..06:20
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SaRyLowwe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo06:27
ChogyDanreqem: post your question again, so anyone can help06:36
reqemok cool thanks. didn't see this.06:36
reqemMy laptop powered down in the middle of installing the 10.10 upgrade, is there anyway to fix it without erasing the HD and reinstalling? I have 10.04 LiveCD on a USB disk, btw.06:38
ChogyDanreqem: so it not longer boots?06:38
reqemChogyDan: it boots, but does not allow me to login.06:39
ChogyDanreqem: what about recovery mode?06:39
ChogyDanyou can use the livecd also, but then you have to chroot into the install.  It is easier if you can get to a terminal without the livecd06:39
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reqemyeah i dont think so. im kinda hesitant to try because it means reconfiguring my internet and everything if it doesnt work and i have to boot from the usb again.06:40
reqemI tried following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42252306:40
reqembut it was updating properly. I don't have permission to some directories on the mounted drive.06:41
ChogyDanreqem: yeah, those directions should work06:41
ChogyDancan you pastebin the errors?06:41
reqemyeah one sec06:42
reqemChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/ztsJnRH906:49
ChogyDanreqem: I don't know how to fix it from a livecd, but if you reboot, those commands will work06:51
ChogyDanat least that is what I did06:51
ChogyDanit is getting hung up on dbus06:52
Fudgehi guys, upgraded with do-release-upgrade from lucid and can not get gnome-orca to start. is this known?07:09
hifido-release-upgrade -d from maverick did not update grub classic07:27
LowweWhere do you edit runlevels in 10.10?07:37
Jordan_Uhifi: You mean the grub legacy menu.lst wasn't updated?07:37
hifialso it seems my maverick can't shut down correctly, it hangs without any messages in the first TTY07:38
Jordan_Uhifi: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo update-grub"?07:38
hifioh, I ran update-grub and it fixed it07:38
hifiupdate-grub just was not run during the upgrade process07:39
hifioh, and looks like networkmanager causes a soft lockup07:39
hifiwhen I try to shutdown07:39
hififinally got a message from the kernel07:39
hifishould've just upgraded few weeks ago to address these problems when there were still time to fix them07:40
hifiso I get a BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [NetworkManager:697] when I try to shut down07:41
hifiit hangs there printing the soft lockup message for networkmanager07:41
hifiit's a thinkpad T23 with wlan and lan07:41
hifilan attached07:41
hifiok, if I just try to stop the networkmanager process it hangs07:53
Fudgeif anyone has upgraded could they just alt f2 run orca to tell me if its working. not sure if its maverick prob or my local system08:23
odb|fidelFudge: should orca be installed out of the box?08:49
odb|fidelmh - seems like i have it removed then while ago08:49
odb|fideltalking about gnome-orca package?08:49
odb|fidelthe scriptable screen reader?08:50
odb|fidelFudge: so yes - it starts up here08:54
odb|fideldisplaying a small window with 4 buttons (prefs, quit, about,help)08:54
Fudgeyes thats it odb|fidel , thankyou so much09:10
diverse_izzuemy maverick started yesterday to hang on suspend. anyone else?09:49
bullgard4diverse_izzue: Withz me not.09:50
chrisXi like the new fond of ubuntu maverick09:55
diverse_izzuechrisX, so do I!09:56
chrisXyaeh its realy nice09:57
diverse_izzuechrisX, it gives Ubuntu more of a visual identity that sets it apart from the other OSs10:01
diverse_izzuealso, it just works beautifully as a UI font10:01
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alvinAm I the only one who doesn't like the font?10:33
tensorpuddingthe font is possibly less clear than the old one10:35
tensorpuddingit also probably covers fewer glyphs10:38
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DrGrovQuick question about Ubuntu 10.04... Can I upgrade it easily to 10.10 when it arrives in 3 days? Do I need to do anything special to keep my /home partition?10:51
Jordan_UDrGrov: Just open update-manager and it will tell you there's a new release and offer to upgrade.10:52
DrGrovJordan_U: Ok, will do. I will wait though the 3 days.10:53
DrGrovKind of hoping that 10.10 will make my minor 10.04 issues disappear.10:55
mikebeechamhi guys..I'm trying to install sun java on Maverick, but it looks like I have a 'partner' repository missing from 'other sources'?  Can anyone help me install?11:22
mikebeechamit's the 'official partner' repository I'm missing11:23
mikebeechamhello?  anyone?11:26
alvinmikebeecham: Just add it. Let's ask ubottu: !partner11:27
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »11:27
mikebeechamthanks alvin...I now have the repository, but it didnt help me initial problem.  Thanks anyway11:30
vega-sun java should be in there11:33
alvinindeed: sun-java6-jre11:34
vega-run apt-get update first11:34
mikebeechamhi guys...yeah I just did that11:36
mikebeechamin fact I now see all the java files in synaptic, but they all tell me that they "are not going to be installed"11:36
mikebeechamtried apt-get and I'm told they are broken packages11:37
kthhello guys - ive got same trouble using virtualbox on maverick - ive installed some vms under win7x64 exported them and tried to import under maverick (vbox versions are the same) but the machines still fail with VERR_VD_VMDK_INVALID_WRITE in log (but ive got write permission to the vmdk images)11:39
kthanyone an idea how to fix ?11:40
TiKthat sucks11:41
TiKno idea :(11:41
TiKbetter asking the makers of virualbox imo11:41
kthTiK: that really sucks because maverick is one of the first ubuntu system which is working on my pc ;) so ive to work on with the vms at win7 thats not good at all ;)11:42
TiKi hear yah11:42
kthTiK: it looks like http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=153745 - but there is sadly no answer to his question11:42
TiKpost another one :(11:43
TiKex[;ain your situation11:43
TiKand hope for the bst11:43
TiKexplain.. Ive had no troubles but I went from ubuntu -> ubuntu11:44
kthTiK: (or using vmware) ;) some possible solution for a time11:44
kthTiK: do you have exported/imported windows vms form ubuntu to ubuntu ? oder linux vms?11:45
TiKubuntu -> ubuntu never windows -> ubuntu11:45
TiKbuntu was always the host11:45
kthTiK: but the vm was every time a linux? or also a windows ?11:47
TiKalso windows11:48
TiKand openSUSEand fedora11:48
TiK1 is 7, 1 is xp for windows vm's11:49
kthTiK: hm maybe ive to try to import the appliance (whole ms ad network) to vbox on ubuntu lucid on my laptop (i dont want to reinstall all vms)11:51
TiKwhat I did11:52
TiKwas I never "imported"11:53
TiKI just copied the .vmi11:53
TiKin the HardDisk folder11:53
TiKand then created a new VM11:53
TiKand used the exsisting hrd drive11:53
TiKtry that11:53
kthTiK: ive tried to export under windows and to just copy vmdk and create vms manually11:55
TiKall you really need is the hard disk11:55
TiKI think thats .vmi11:55
TiK1 sec11:55
TiKcant type11:56
kthTiK: thats only so easy when you dont have any snapshots i remember or is that wrong ?11:57
TiKwhat do you mean11:58
TiKI don't have much experience with vbox11:58
TiKi just ue it for kicks11:58
TiKive ever used the snapshot feature11:58
kthTiK: i use snapshots so that i could go back when some installation or configuration is wrong11:59
TiKcopying the hardrive in its current state is better than starting over no?12:00
kthTiK: yes i dont want to copy the snapshots itself i only need the last state so maybe ive to merge down the snapshots in vbox on win export then and import then under linux12:02
TiKcomputer as is = hard drive12:02
TiKjust get the image out of the HardDisks foolder12:03
TiKput it on ubuntu12:03
TiKand create a newVM12:03
TiKselect use exsisting hard drive12:03
TiKinstead of create12:03
TiKand you are golden12:03
TiKthen you cn crete new snapshots12:03
TiKwll thas what I would do12:04
kthTiK: right but at this time ive got some snapshots under win so that copying the vdi doesnt help much because the snapshots are incremental to the vdi state and without merge them down into vdi copy only the vdi will be just like the first state before the other snapshots12:05
TiKits the hard drive12:05
TiKit would be like taking the hard drive out of 1 computer12:05
TiKand putting it in another12:05
TiKsnapshots as I understand them just restore the state of the harddrive12:06
TiKor something12:06
TiKto get the current setup all you would have to do is copy the vdi12:06
kthTiK: ah okay if thats true copy vdi is the best solution ^12:07
TiKthats what I did when movin my winXP machine12:07
TiKwell acking it up before i formatted12:07
TiKthe only file I saved was the vdi12:07
TiKand it was in the state that I left it12:07
TiKas I said its like throwing away a computer, saving the harddisk and puting it in a new computer12:08
donriWhat's up with defaulting the font size to 11pt?12:08
kthTiK: well ok i just wanted to save configuration of the vms due to the some more complex network configuration but when ive to wait many hours to import/export reconfiguring is much faster12:09
TiKbest of luc12:10
kthTiK: thx for your ideas ;)12:10
TiKdonri: maybe you need glasses ;)12:10
TiKkth np12:10
donriErr what12:10
TiKif you cant e 11pt12:11
TiKmaybe yu need glasses heh12:11
donriI think it's too big12:11
TiKoh ok :P12:11
TiKit looks good at 1280x80012:12
donriThat's my res12:12
TiKnever really thought about it12:12
donri10pt is good IMO12:12
donriAre you sure you're on 11pt?12:12
TiKwhatever is default12:12
donridepends when you installed12:12
donriI read 11pt *will be* the default in final maverick12:13
TiKoh i installed months ago12:13
donriYou're probably on 1012:13
donriCheck Appearance12:13
donriAre you even using the Ubuntu font? :D12:13
TiKmy appicatin font is 1112:13
TiKthere are a lot of font sizes12:14
TiKsome are 10 some are1112:14
TiKwhatevers default my friend12:14
TiKanyway it doesnt affect much12:16
donriWhat DPI?12:16
donri(Click Details)12:17
TiKubuntu / sans12:17
TiKoh ok12:17
TiKfor what?12:17
TiKDPI is 9612:18
donriOn the fonts tab12:18
donriOK me too12:18
TiKlooks dandy12:18
tukadafoondayHey people, Can anyone here tell me why Xchat struggles on my computer? when i scroll quickly the text does not run smoothly at all.12:26
bazhangtukadafoonday, what version of ubuntu12:28
bazhangtukadafoonday, what video card and driver, how installed12:29
donritukadafoonday: Not a solution but have you tried Smuxi?12:29
tukadafoondaybazhang, I have a Nividia GST250M video card running the Nvidia drivers which Ubuntu recommended.12:31
bazhangtukadafoonday, from hardware drivers, correct? what about without the proprietary drivers? are you using compiz, and have you tried it with compiz off12:32
tukadafoondaydonri, never tried that program, though it is not the issue...12:32
tukadafoondayI am using compiz.. and no i have not tried it with compiz off.12:32
bazhangtukadafoonday, and with the open source drivers?12:33
tukadafoondayyou mean the Neouv**** drivers?12:34
bazhangwork great here12:34
tukadafoondayIt should work great here to... It works fine with all other Distro's12:35
bazhangtukadafoonday, first try with compiz off12:35
tukadafoondayI will try and install the drivers which i have downloaded previously12:35
bazhangtukadafoonday, install from where12:35
tukadafoondayInstall from my harddrive for the nvidia drievrs which i downloaded for Mint Debian.12:36
bazhangthat wont do it12:36
tukadafoondayHow do i turn compiz off? In the Visual Effects section?12:37
tukadafoondaywhen i right click the desktop?12:37
bazhangalt f2 metacity --replace12:37
tukadafoondayWhen i change channel it still renders slowly.... its not slow... but its not snappy and fast like it should be.12:38
vega-how do i tell "apt-key" to use a http proxy? it doesn't seem to honor /etc/apt/apt.conf or http_proxy env variable12:38
tukadafoondayreminds me of a RDC over the internet how it renders the picture.12:38
tukadafoonday1hmm restart and now its running like a rocket.12:45
bazhangcould have been an ah he left12:45
bazhang!info ppa-purge12:49
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7+bzr51.1 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB12:49
Gangrelare 10.10 much different from 10.04?13:09
tensorpuddingdefault themes are tweaked, software center is a lot more useful, new font made especially for ubuntu, better installer, and of course packages have been updated to new versions13:11
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100413:12
bazhangwhoa that needs changing13:12
budz0ranyone can help with intel gma 3150 and maverick?13:14
Gangrelis it safe to upgrade to 10.01 atm?13:17
Gangrelis it safe to upgrade to 10.10 atm?13:17
bazhangGangrel, may want to wait for release in 4 days time13:18
Gangrelbazhang you are right13:18
bdrungGangrel: it works for me (one new installation and two upgrades), but that doesn't imply that it will work for you.13:19
BluesKajbeen trying figure out why the dhclient only connects for a session manually and not auto13:20
tensorpuddingGangrel: It's on RC right now, pretty stable.13:20
tensorpuddingthough there are still updates being done13:20
bdrungGangrel: it should be nearly safe. you may run into bugs with the rc, but that could happen with the release too.13:21
budz0rintel gma 3150 chipset doesn't work on maverick13:21
Gangreland one last question upgrading to 10.10 will it change my current adjustments?13:21
Dr_WillisI tend to install early. update right befor release.. then wait a week or so befor i next update. :) because the servers will be so overloaded.13:21
budz0ri mean graphic chipset13:21
Dr_WillisGangrel:  what current adjustments>13:21
tensorpuddingi've run into a few bugs, but i've grown accustomed to having at least three noticeable bugs show up every time i update13:21
GangrelGUI adjustments for example13:22
bazhangGangrel, check release notes, linked in the topic13:22
Gangrelthanks :)13:23
tensorpuddingGangrel: upgrading won't change your font, in my experience, but the themes that are tweaked, you'll notice those13:25
BluesKajis there a way to restore the old static /etc/resolv.conf so it doesn't delete it's settings after each session . One has to run sudo dhclient each session in order to connect to the internet due to this conditional setting ...could it be a leftover from NM , which I removed in favour of network/interfaces ?14:26
hifioh, great, glxgears makes Xorg crash too15:16
hifigreat releaes!15:16
Ian_cornenot for me15:16
hifion this thinkpad networkmanager makes the kernel lockup and glx xorg crash15:17
hifionly good thing so far is that the networkmanager indicator shows my 3G signal strength15:17
Dr_Willis$ glxgears15:17
Dr_Willis25572 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5114.122 FPS15:17
* donri naughtily forces every website to use the Ubuntu font (Liberation for mono)15:19
BluesKajDr_Willis, full screen ?15:19
nemchiki cannot get my computer to be picked up by ubuntu one, anyone out there know anything about ubuntu one?15:23
BluesKajfound a strange default app dynamic resolvconf , an app that rewrites resolv.conf file at boot to a blank file with nosettings , so dhclient has to be run each session in order to connect to the internet..I removed/purged the resolvconf app and reconnected and saved the new /etc/resolv.conf file ...now it recalls it's settings and I no longer have to dhclient at each login15:24
BluesKajthat's running without NM and using the /etc/network/interfaces file to connect15:25
BluesKajnemchik, try asking in #ubuntuone15:28
nemchikoh... good idea15:28
nemchikBluesKaj: i usually come here because im using maverick :D15:29
BluesKajnemchik, yeah , I just installed maverick yesterday ..seems fine so far except for the odd networking problem I described above15:30
nemchiksounds like a weird bug - im no expert so i wouldnt know what to tell ya15:31
BluesKajnemchik, I fixed it , just purged the resolvconf app ..strange that it would install by default15:32
BluesKajit obviously has some purpose and runs under network manager, which i don't use15:33
nemchikyeah, im using connman personally - has already caused me some grief, but once it's considered stable i hope it replaces network manager15:34
BluesKajnemchik, connman , I'm not familiar with it ...cli or gui ?15:40
BluesKajnemchik, connman , I'm not familiar with it ...cli or gui ?15:48
Dr_Willis !info connman15:49
ubottuconnman (source: connman): Intel Connection Manager daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 145 kB, installed size 508 kB15:49
* BluesKaj wonders if it will work better than wicd with my belkin usb wifi dongle15:51
txwikingerAnybody an idea why thunderbird seg-faults on maverick?15:56
txwikinger(it is on an 64-bit system)15:56
txwikingernevermind.. was the missing nscd package16:05
micahgtxwikinger: what type of auth on the system?16:10
txwikingerat least one of the accounts16:11
micahgtxwikinger: hmm, I thought that was fixed16:11
txwikingerapparently not16:11
txwikingerwell.. I think in lucid, it just froze or something like this16:11
txwikingeron maverick it seg faults16:11
micahgtxwikinger: what fs type is /home?16:11
micahgtxwikinger: bug 50708916:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507089 in Mozilla Thunderbird "thunderbird shredder always segfaults on startup with LDAP auth in nsswitch" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50708916:12
txwikingermicahg: Yes sounds about right16:13
djomggist any  PPA to Nautilus Elementary ubu 10.10 ?16:13
micahgtxwikinger: sorry, I don't know when it'll be fixed16:14
txwikingermicahg: no problem.. the nscd workaround is good enough16:14
borkattaching an external monitor to my laptop has stopped working since upgrading (I can get an image to show on the external monitor for a little while, but then it changes its mind)16:15
txwikingerI will update the description of the bug to have that clear16:15
micahgtxwikinger: good to know, thanks16:16
txwikingermicahg: np16:16
Dr_Willisdjomgg:  seen  one at the omgubuntu or was it webupd8 ppa16:16
Dr_Willisdjomgg:  so yes.. there is one. :)16:16
djomgglike the  Elementary theme16:17
Dr_Willischeck the webup8 ppa/repos16:17
FFForeverHi ya16:19
FFForeverhow stable is upgrading from 10.04 -> 10.10?16:19
djomgg good:)16:20
djomggbut still are RC16:20
FFForeverI know going from 9.10 -> 10.04 gave me a shyt load of issues =\16:20
FFForeverWould I be better off just rewriting/reinstalling all of my configurations/apps and doing a wipe on /?16:21
djomggbut 10.10 is good one16:21
jamil_1hello, I have goldendict installed on the 10.10. I am behind a proxy and when I try to access wikipedia definition form the golden dict I get proxy authentication error. I have set the http_proxy variable but still...16:21
Dr_WillisI tedn to backup my custom configs and do clean installs.16:21
djomggthe fix a lot16:21
Dr_Willisdjomgg:  elementry Firefox theme --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/firefox-elementary-moves-to-launchpad.html16:22
djomggdr tnx but do u now if chromium have 2 ?16:23
Dr_WillisNo idea16:23
phoenix_is mp3 codec present by default in 10.10 beta16:23
IAmNotThatGuyGuys RC is also having the USB boot issue?16:23
Dr_Willisevery tuime i use chromium  - i get annoyed with it and go back to FF.16:24
Dr_WillisIAmNotThatGuy:  what usb boot issue?16:24
danyRphoenix_: you can opt to install it with the new installer16:24
IAmNotThatGuyWhen I create a USB boot disk and try booting, it shows boot error16:24
IAmNotThatGuyThe same happened in beta too16:24
IAmNotThatGuyand I saw a bug registered16:25
IAmNotThatGuyat the time when I tried beta16:25
Dr_WillisI recall having to edit one of the syslinux.cfg files,  and removeing some menu.32 file line...16:25
Dr_Willisbut ive not tried it lately.16:25
Dr_WillisI tend to use a GRUB2 setup flash drive  to boot the iso file.16:25
phoenix_danyR: does this mean ubuntu is encoraging proprietary codecs16:26
om26erIAmNotThatGuy: when you see the error type help press enter and then again press enter and it will boot16:26
Dr_WillisThe Fluendo thing is in the software center i saw.16:26
danyRphoenix_: You can *opt* to install them, and I think they install a non-proprietary mp3 decoder16:26
IAmNotThatGuyom26er: ty (:16:26
Dr_Willisits mp3   Only - i think.16:26
phoenix_the firefox 4 beta is very good16:26
djomggno chromium is the best :)16:27
om26erDr_Willis: the problem happens if you write isos pre Ubuntu 10.10 from maverick16:27
phoenix_danyR: the company who is giving it to ubuntu has bougjt it from fronhofer16:27
Dr_Willisom26er:  perhaps some day they will ditch syslinux and use grub2 :)16:28
phoenix_djomgg: ya i like chrome more than firefox16:28
Dr_WillisUbuntu has one of the most complex setup of syslinux configs that ive EVER seen...16:28
om26erDr_Willis: for natty the plan is to use grub on cds16:28
om26erI saw a blueprint16:29
Dr_Willisom26er:  yea.. about time. :)16:29
Dr_WillisHmm.. put a grub setup on a CD. that boots ISO files from the cd.. not the actual cd... :)16:30
patdk-wkhow do you boot iso's with grub?16:35
patdk-wkI want to make a usb stick that does that, with a crpaload of iso's16:35
JackNocturnehelp with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9933049 if anyone knows what to do16:48
JackNocturnehelp with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9933049   anyone?16:59
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nemowell. all my 10.10 machines are more or less under control17:11
nemoapart from still hating on polkit, which I've mostly wrapped in gksudo where feasible17:11
nemosooo, I guess I will leave y'all17:11
nemomuch thanks for the ideas provided17:11
nemomy sound problem was solved by latest alsa drivers17:11
nemomy kernel oops was a legit fail in intel ips that has been patched and should hopefully hit mainstream soon17:12
nemomy graphics problem was needing to completely and manually uninstall fglrx due to rogue files17:12
nemo(then reinstall it)17:12
philsfhi, the UNE now defaults to 4 workspaces instead of 1. I can change the ammount to 1 in gconf-editor or gconftool, but that doesn't stick after logout/reboot. How can I make this change permanent?17:33
glebihanphilsf: do you have a workspace switcher on you panel ?17:43
philsfglebihan, yes17:44
mnainesWhen is Ubuntu 10.10 due out?17:44
philsfmnaines, 2 days, check ubuntu.com17:44
donrimnaines: The 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of this millenia17:44
glebihanphilsf: you should then be able to configure the number of workspaces in the  preferences of this applet (right click->Preferences)17:44
philsfglebihan, these applets in UNE don't have preferences in the menus17:45
philsfglebihan, not all of them, tbf17:45
glebihanphilsf: you're running unity, right ?17:48
philsfglebihan, yes17:48
Dr_Willisya got the old 'applets' then theres the new indicator-type style that dont use the right click menu.17:48
philsfDr_Willis, the ones in Unity are neither. they reside in a vertical panel to the left17:49
glebihanphilsf: there's been a bug (bug 639633) filed to put back the preferences menu item17:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639633 in unity (Ubuntu) "Workspaces settings window needed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63963317:51
glebihanphilsf: but there doesn't seem to be any other way than setting it in gconf17:51
philsfglebihan, that's not a problem per se, but it's not permanent17:52
glebihanphilsf: yes I got that17:53
glebihanphilsf: did you try setting it without unity being loaded ?17:53
philsfglebihan, no. how can I do that?17:53
philsfglebihan, gconftool in the console?17:53
glebihanphilsf: yes after quitting unity17:53
philsfglebihan, does it look like a bug to you?17:54
glebihanphilsf: sure does17:54
philsfglebihan, ok, I'll try your suggestion and report it17:55
philsfglebihan, thanks17:55
philsf(report the bug)17:55
glebihanphilsf: you're welcome, let me know if it works17:55
BajK_Is there a way of restoring the beautiful titlebar icons 10.04 had in Gnome?17:59
BajK_those with the arrows for maximize and minimize?17:59
BajK_and not those plumb ugly square symbols?18:00
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:  can I download the new ubuntu font somewhere?18:24
trism!font | howlymowly18:25
ubottuhowlymowly: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:25
howlymowlythx trism18:26
glebihanphilsf: did it work ?18:30
tuga3dhi all, just made an update today and my middle mouse button doesn't work. where can i find xorg.conf?18:31
glebihantuga3d: in /etc/X1118:31
tuga3dglebihan: not there :(18:32
tuga3dubuntu 10.1018:32
glebihantuga3d: then it's been deleted for some reason, I don't think there's any other possible location for worg.conf18:33
glebihantuga3d: running "X -configure" will generate a new xorg.conf (and put it in "/root" I think)18:35
bcurtiswx_anyone here use pithos?18:37
tuga3dglebihan: thanks, i'll try18:39
glebihantuga3d: you're welcome18:39
philsfglebihan, nope18:44
philsfglebihan, something in unity is overwriting the workspaces config18:44
philsfglebihan, I tried the key /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces (int), it's the only one I found, and it works for the duration of the session18:45
glebihanphilsf: weird... haven't seen other reports about it... did you report the bug ?18:45
philsfglebihan, running apport now18:45
glebihanphilsf: ok18:46
FFForeverI kinda installed both broadcom wireless packages and now I get this when trying to do anything with apt-get http://pastebin.com/43wu4uiG18:46
glebihanphilsf: what's the panel app under unity ?18:49
FFForeverAlso how come my right alt does nothing?18:49
philsfglebihan, not sure. I've seen people call it unity launcher, but no clue as to what's the binary or pacakge18:50
philsfglebihan, Bug #65644118:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656441 in unity (Ubuntu) "workspaces number defaults to 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65644118:56
glebihanphilsf: ok, just wondering, is there a "/desktop/gnome" folder in gconf in unity ?18:56
philsfglebihan, yes18:57
glebihanphilsf: then you may try setting your value to "/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/number_of_workspaces"18:58
philsfglebihan, it was set to 0. I'll try restarting unity now, brb18:59
glebihanphilsf: ok18:59
philsfglebihan, no deal19:03
glebihanphilsf: well got no more ideas, probably best to wait for comments on your report19:04
philsfglebihan, this setting however was honored. It just had no effect19:04
philsfglebihan, yes, thanks very much19:04
glebihanphilsf: you're welcome19:04
FFForeverIs anyone else's sounds full of static?19:24
glebihanTekno: love that kind of useful answers :)19:25
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philsfglebihan, it turns out that bug was a design decision19:57
philsfa poor one, IMHO19:57
glebihanphilsf: oh ok, weird decision...19:57
Kaffienhow will you upgrade from 10.10 RC to 10.10 full?20:26
Teknoupdate-manager does it automatically20:26
Teknoyou just accept when it notifies20:27
Kaffiencan you tether a blackberry / iphone to ubuntu for 3g goodness?20:27
rusiviKaffien: I have done usb tethering w/ Android+Ubuntu via Azilink -> http://code.google.com/p/azilink/20:34
vbgunzI upgraded to 10.10. Going into hibernation is miserably slow. It usually takes 15 seconds to hibernate in 10.04 give or take a second. Now, after upgrading, hibernation takes 2+ minutes. after 2 minutes, I walked away20:40
vbgunzthis is on every hibernation, about 5 so far since upgrading20:40
vbgunzI thought hibernation would be quicker in 2.6.35, doesn't it compress ram?20:42
bullgard4vbgunz: On my laptop computer of the Centrino class hibernation in 10.04.1 took longer than 15 s. In 10.10 it has become marginally faster.20:44
vbgunzI have an SSD that helps improve hibernation/resume by minutes compared to my old disk. 10.4 I was looking at sweet times. after upgrading, going into hibernation is horrible. waking up is just fine and seems faster cause of all the feedback in console20:45
sam12345hi penguin42, i've tried your patch with a vanilla kernel and everything seems to work20:47
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penguin42sam12345: Great; however as I noted in that patch I wrote it with absolutely no understanding of what the intremap was doing and the other guy said the patch is dangerous20:47
sam12345well, now i'm workin with a vanilla kernel with the patch that only disable the source id verification20:48
sam12345and not everythin20:48
penguin42ah ok20:48
vbgunzso hibernation does work but going into it is terrible. does anybody have a clue as to why? 10.4 just yesterday before the upgrade, continued to hibernate at 15 seconds everytime. now, I can probably play and complete the main Jaws theme before it gets to shutting down :(21:01
rusivivbgunz: What apps, if any, are open when going into hibernation?21:03
vbgunzseveral, konqueror, kmail, konversation, kopete, active states komodo edit, firefox, okular, yakuake and I think that's pretty much it21:04
vbgunzrusivi: great idea, let me shutdown these apps and try to hibernate, see whats up21:06
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Tacif I upgrade to the 10.10 beta, will it seamlessly update to production packages on it's own?21:16
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trismTac: the beta will update to final with normal updates, yes21:18
vbgunz1:10 to hibernate then 16 seconds to resume (no apps running), I then rebooted and it took 24 seconds to get to the desktop. I hibernated again and it took 1:44 to hibernate and 16 seconds again to resume. something about going into hibernation is borked. maybe it's an ssd issue but I should be getting way faster hibernation times21:19
Tacis the normal upgrade process fairly stable?  I'll obviously back up important items, but just in general...21:20
Tac( from 10.04 )21:21
vbgunzTac: I upgraded from 10.4 yesterday starting up krunner then entering this 'kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d"' ... it went smoothly which left me surprised21:21
TacI use gnome ... but I'm glad the install went smooth for you21:22
TacI'm a fedora guy, so I'm used to just fresh installing all the time to be safe :-p21:22
Tacalthough my last fedora update I upgraded fine as well21:23
vbgunzcool, I can honestly say this is the first so I understand21:24
trismTac: some people seem to have problems, but it always goes well for me, although I take the time to backup and remove unused packages, and use the alternative upgrade21:25
Tac"alternative upgrade" ?21:25
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iConfusedAny way to prevent updates from screwing with my ALSA configuration and whatnot?21:26
trismTac: you can use the alternative cd to upgrade, which saves downloading many of the packages (at least in my case, usually more than half)21:26
Tacah... I'm high speed enough I'd just run some upgrade command hopefully....21:26
Tachaven't looked at how to do it yet21:26
vbgunzman, hibernation got me quite upset, it could be worse but it sucks... if 15 seconds is normal and I take the quickest hibernation time of 1:10, it grews in wait by nearly 400% ... damn.21:28
thechitowncubsHey, The ubuntu me menu is great but the text where it says Post update stays there when you click?21:31
thechitowncubsAnyone else have this problem?21:31
thechitowncubsI'm having audio issues21:43
thechitowncubsIts garbled in music, movies, not sure about flash though.21:44
thechitowncubsCan someone help me troubleshoot?21:44
BluesKajoops, disconnected21:45
jpdsBluesKaj: No you're not.21:45
BluesKajI was21:45
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sburwoodI'm upgrading from Lucid to Maverick.  I see that F-spot will be no longer needed.  I want to see if I will be losing the pictures I've imported in F-spot or if they can be recovered or found21:57
sburwoodanyone wanna field this question?21:58
IdleOnesburwood: the application will be replaced with shotwell21:58
IdleOnethe pictures themselves won't be deleted21:58
sburwoodyes, but the photos I've imported with F-spot, they will be recovered by shotwell, then?21:59
IdleOneimported and saved to the ~/Pictures directory then yes. They are saved on the hard drive22:00
sburwoodIdleOne: So, the pictures I've imported from memory cards, etc, will be retrieved?22:00
sburwoodIdleOne: I just looked into the /Pictures directory and found nothing22:00
sburwoodIdleOne: I believe I had saved them in the /photo directory but can't find that, either22:01
IdleOnethey pictures are where ever you saved them22:01
IdleOnedo a search for *.jpg22:01
sburwoodIdleOne: I remember doing a thing to detect duplicates when I saved them22:02
td123sburwood: as long as the photos are installed in your /home directory, the package manager doesn't touch any of those files22:04
td123sburwood: it wouldn't make sense if it did22:05
sburwoodIdleOne: I found + then 3000 photos, but I'm not sure that I've everything22:05
sburwoodI'll figure that out once I try shotwell, I guess22:05
td123sburwood: also, there is no need to uninstall f-spot22:05
td123sburwood: if you like it, keep it22:06
sburwoodtd123: So, upgrading will not uninstall f-spot, then?22:06
td123probably not, but I'm not certain22:08
td123if f-spot is in maverick repos, dunno why it would get removed22:08
sburwoodok, thx22:09
androidbruce|laphooray for cfdisk22:13
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nemchikso... after the 10th, this room then becomes a discussion for 11.04?22:53
olskolircI'm on Maverick Meerkat and i don't have many options for my kmix channels.  also, how can i tell if my system uses pulseaudio or alsa and does this make the difference with my limited kmix settings please?22:57
* phil42 refuses to use kde 4.x22:58
* phil42 uses xubuntu instead22:59
penguin42normally the room goes on holiday for a few days to recover after the release and comes back refreshed a little while later23:01
BUGabundoso no more updates....23:21
olskolircok i found that meerkat ships with pulseaudio23:22
BUGabundoI guess I better start saying GOOD BYE too of you23:22
BUGabundoin 3 days this # will be closed23:22
BUGabundoI love you all23:22
phil42easy does it bugabundo23:22
Dave_HEvening all, I've just tried the RC 10.10 Netbook install on my Lenovo Netbook, I find that there is no admin menu, no synaptic,  is this a know issue?23:22
TeslaTonyDave_H, Are you using Ubuntu Netbook Remix, or the desktop version?23:25
Dave_Hits the netbook remix.23:26
TeslaTonyOkay, on your left hand side, there's a launcher bar. One of the bottom three should be "applications"23:26
defsumHello, Im new to linux. Have trouble with my external USB sound device which doesn't work -- Ubuntu 10.10 RC, gnome, amd6423:27
defsumaplay -l: card 0: XD2 [Mackie XD-2], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]23:27
Dave_HYes, looked through all the applications, there is no system, no admin applications.23:28
defsumlsusb: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0a73:000223:28
defsumalso I've put at the begging of alsa-base.conf: install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd_usb_audio and blacklisted internal snd_hda_intel to make list simplier23:29
defsumnothing helps23:29
TeslaTonyDave_H, Ah...you could try running it from a terminal, but yeah, I've had a few issues with UNR being crippled23:30
Dave_HOK, I'll give it try, I'm gona reboot back into my 10.10 install, cheers.23:31
sburwoodAnything out there to do the same stuff as Microsoft Works?  (Banners, B-day cards, business cards, etc)?23:32
defsumpulseaduio graphic mixer shows that smth is playing, but noone of indicator on sound card are lighting (means that nothing is playing), alsamixer see's card. but doesn't have any mixers available23:32
defsumalso, my Mackie Spike (XD-2) was working at one of recent reinstallations of Ubuntu, thus it's should be supported (unofficialy, because there's no such card in Supported list)23:34
defsumat this time I connected it much later after installation23:34
defsumguys at #alsa are silent too :(23:36
sburwoodcan anyone tell me if there is a program that does like MS Works (business and birthday cards, banners, etc) for Maverick?23:38
penguin42sburwood: If you start Openoffice writer and do new-> there is a selection of business cards, not sure about a wider selection23:40
th1I have a weird weird problem23:40
th1my launchpad bug report has apparently been deleted23:41
sburwoodpenguin42: thx23:41
th1is there a policy of censorship on bug reports?23:41
penguin42th1: Do you have a bug number?23:41
th1I can probably find it from the history on my work pc23:41
th1but it's not listedn in "my reported bug" although it was this afternoon (BST)23:41
sburwoodth1: can it be that there was a solution found?23:41
th1or even "related bugs"23:41
th1its unlikely23:41
penguin42th1: I've never heard of one being deleted; closed yes, marked as duplicate yes, but never deleted23:42
th1the bug report title was something very close to "The purchase software window doesn't show whether the payment page is encrypted by SSL"23:42
th1for software-center23:42
penguin42I almost remember seeing hta23:42
th1I filed it about .. 7 hours ago?23:42
th1and I checked its status after an hour or so23:43
th1but now after I'm home I can't find it23:43
penguin42th1: If you have the bug number that would make it easier to find I suspect23:43
th1but its on my work PC23:43
penguin42what's your launchpad username?23:43
th1TH (thomas@horsten.com)23:43
th1if it was removed for .. shall we say "publicity" reasons I would not have a problem but would expect to have been notified. but this is just                                             weird...23:45
trismth1: I don't see yours, but there is bug 637649 which sounds similar23:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637649 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Single sign on page doesn't look secure" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63764923:46
th1trism, I found it23:47
trismth1: what bug number?23:47
th1from looking in my spamfilter23:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637649 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Single sign on page doesn't look secure" [Medium,Triaged]23:47
th1its already been duplicated23:47
th1although .. I don't agree its entirely a duplicate23:47
th1because it relates to the payment page much more so than to the login screen23:48
reqemhi how do i intentionally break ubuntu so i can reinstall everything through recovery mode?23:54
penguin42reqem: Delete /lib/ld.so.123:54
penguin42sorry, ld-linux.so.223:55
penguin42that's a pretty good breakage....23:55
tmzt_is there a reason you can't get in via grub?23:55
th1reqem, you don't have to prove to recovery mode that everything is broken ...23:56
reqemth1: i tried the dkpg --configure -a without doing that and it did nothing23:56
th1and I would be wary of doing what penguin42 says because if recovery mode doesn't work then you've just shafted your system.. maybe mv it to ld-linux.so.2.disabled or something, atleast then you can boot with a livecd and rename it back23:57
reqemtmzt_: im not too familiar with grub23:57
penguin42th1: Yeh I haven't got a clue what you can fix easily in recovery mode :-)23:57
th1reqem, just hold shift when it boots23:57
th1before it shows "ubuntu" logo on the screen23:58
reqemth1: yeah i did and it goes into recovery mode fine.23:58
defsumCan anyone help me with getting working external USB sound device on Ubuntu 10.10RC?23:58
penguin42th1: I could roll out my entire collection of 'how to really break a Linux installation in bizarre ways' collection, but the internet hasn't got space23:58
reqemth1: but it won't actually reinstall anything23:58
th1reqem, just like old ms-dos ;)23:58
penguin42defsum: Not done it, but hey how far does it get?23:58
tmzt_reqem: what are you trying to do?23:58
th1penguin42, remember not to write those in a public help forum23:59
penguin42th1: Ah shucks....23:59
th1some people are always desperate enough to try the "/ r- mr" and friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiends23:59
th1when someone apparently helpful posts them ;)23:59
th1sorry stuck key from vnc23:59

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