
* freeflying 01:49
prpplagueho ho hum01:49
prpplagueanyone know what defconfig the canonical folks are using for their kernel?01:51
eroickhello, if i'm running 10.10 how can i use rootstock to build a rootfs of 10.0402:43
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rsalvetiprpplague: which kernel, omap4?04:25
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Lellowhello, i made a rootfs for arm using rootstock and I'm trying to run it in QEMU06:49
Lellowit boots but never gives me a console06:49
Lellowjust stops after starting sshd and ntpd06:49
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rsalvetisebjan: do you know if we have a working x-loader for blaze es2.1?07:18
rsalvetiI'm basically using the same tree as panda, but compiled for sdp07:19
rsalvetifor some reason it just reboots while starting the kernel boot07:19
rsalvetiif I use the old x-loader vincent gave me (probably es1) it'll be even worse, rebooting at the time it tries to boot the kernel07:20
rsalvetiwithout giving any message, even with earlyprintk07:20
rsalvetiu-boot should be fine, I'm using linaro's one that's based upstream07:20
rsalvetiit could be that we need a fix in the kernel, but I don't even know now if the x-loader is correct07:21
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sebjanrsalveti: hi!08:07
sebjanrsalveti: for blaze bootloaders: I have some, but they are based on different baselines than yours.08:09
sebjanrsalveti: regarding u-boot, this may be the biggest issue: blaze is not supported by Linaro u-boot, and the pinmux is made into the Linaro u-boot...08:10
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hrwJamieBen1ett: hi, did you got touchpad working under maverick?08:43
JamieBen1etthrw: no, its on my list of things to do today. Seems after an apt-get upgrade my wifi has stopped working so now I need to use a wired connection :(08:43
=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
hrwJamieBennett: impressive list of failures08:48
JamieBennetthrw: right, I'm tempted at a full reinstall as others have reported it working08:48
JamieBennetthrw: don't have a lot of time to be investigating it ATM08:49
hrwheh... I love that m$ way of thinking..08:49
JamieBennetthrw: heh true08:49
hrwmy Debian rootfs had 6-7 years when I did reinstall just due to x86 ->x86-64 change08:50
JamieBennetthrw: impressive08:50
hrwon 6 Nov 2006 I moved to amd64 so Debian rootfs will have 4 years soon08:51
hrwbut I do not use it since @canonical08:51
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rsalvetisebjan: cool, thanks for the email, just replied14:55
sebjanrsalveti: I am preparing a detailed answer, will be ready soon!15:22
mopdenackerf**k, Maverick's Initrd's are compressed by lzma on ARM. I didn't expect this. Is this the same on x86?15:22
ogra_acmopdenacker, yes, everywhere15:22
mopdenackerIt took me a while to figure out. Had to read the magic number to find this.15:23
ogra_aclzcat <initrd_file | gzip > initrd_new15:23
ogra_aceasily converted15:23
* ogra_ac haeds over to the office15:24
mopdenackerHi ogra_ac ! Thanks! LZMA is much slower to decompress... doesn't it slow down the boot process for machines with fast I/O? On OMAP, I can imagine you boot faster because of the slower I/O (MMC for example)15:25
mopdenackerHere are the commands to extract the contents of a uInitrd file: dd if=uInitrd of=initrd.cpio.lzma skip=64 bs=1; lzcat initrd.cpio.lzma | cpio -id15:28
rsalvetisebjan: cool, thanks15:49
rsalvetisebjan: oh, huge capacitor16:26
rsalvetiwe're just removing it16:26
ndecogra_ac: hi! how's dallas!16:36
ogra_acwarm :)16:37
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ndecogra_ac: question: when is the boot.scr file generated after the partition resize on first boot? is it done in initrd or in real FS?16:38
GrueMasterndec: It is done by jasper in intrd after resize.  After that, it comes from /boot/boot.script and is copied to the boot partition by flash-kernel.16:40
rsalvetisebjan: do you know any other difference between sdp and blaze?16:43
ndecrsalveti: blaze looks nicer...16:43
rsalvetihaha, for sure16:43
ndecGrueMaster: thx.16:47
ndecGrueMaster: by the way, in the daily image the initrd image is not installed in /boot. is that normal?16:47
ndecGrueMaster: does the initial initrd (e.g. the one in the image) have any differences from the next initrd images that are generated upon kernel upgrade?16:48
rsalvetindec: sebjan: mopdenacker: hey, blaze es2.1 up and running16:50
rsalvetiafter we removed the capacitor it just boots fine16:50
sebjanrsalveti: cool! :)16:50
rsalvetiwith linaro's u-boot and x-loader from my tree16:50
rsalvetiand our kernel, without any other change16:50
GrueMasterndec: Not sure what you are seeing, but on my system with 20101006 + latest kernel, I have /boot/initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.35-903-omap416:51
mopdenackerrsalveti: Yesssss!16:52
rsalvetirobclark: 864x48016:52
robclarkyup, that sounds right16:52
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mopdenackerGrueMaster: One question related to ndec's question. On Blaze, boot.scr gets created with the wrong 'root=' setting. It seems that the 'root' variable if still set to /dev/mmcblk0p2 in the initramfs (scripts/local-bottom/jasper_setup)17:02
mopdenackerGrueMaster: do you know where this root variable is defined? Is supposed to have the same value as the 'root' kernel parameter?17:02
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GrueMasterIs this a fresh image?  jasper is supposed to change it to match the uuid of the boot partition, whis won't matter what drive type or location.17:04
ndecGrueMaster: but do you have the file initrd.img-2.6.35-903-omap4? i am seeing a broken link, not actual file17:04
GrueMasterHave you run oem-config successfully?  One of the last steps is that it runs some of the kernel post-install scripts (one of which generates the initrd.img file).17:05
GrueMasterIt does this so that it can remove jasper.17:05
ndecoh. i see... i was looking at FS before doing the install17:06
GrueMasterThere are a lot of things that get done on first boot that help to keep the image small for downloading.  Normal images wouldn't have these issues, but preinstalled images are a different animal.17:07
mopdenackerGrueMaster: I was talking about the initial uInitrd found in preinstalled images (downloaded a fresh one this morning).17:22
GrueMasterThat is built during image build time and is not part of the image.17:22
GrueMasterAt least the initrd.img isn't.17:23
mopdenackerGrueMaster: do you know where jasper sets this 'root' variable?17:23
GrueMasterI'd have to look at the jasper source.  Give me  a moment.17:23
GrueMasterLooking at the source, it pulls this from /proc/cmdline17:26
GrueMasterSo the initial boot.scr (created during image creation) is where it is initially set.  After jasper resizes the rootfs, it uses the UUID.17:27
mopdenackerGrueMaster: ahah, very interesting!17:27
mopdenackerGrueMaster: So, on the Blaze, even if we don't use the boot.scr file, it is still used as input.17:28
mopdenackerThat's something we can fix then.17:28
mopdenackerGrueMaster: would you be so kind to tell me in which file you've read this, please?17:29
GrueMasterWhat do you need to fix?  We have blaze working here with an updated MLO and u-boot.bin on the standard image.17:30
GrueMasterUsing our boot.scr17:30
ndecGrueMaster: ? you at least had to manually change the initial boot.scr to set mmcblk1p2, no?17:31
ndecGrueMaster: on blaze the SD card is on mmcblk1, not mmcblk0.17:31
GrueMasterOh.  yes.  THe image that we booted had already run jasper.17:32
ndecGrueMaster: ok. so we are trying to run the image before jasper. e.g.  do the resize and install on blaze.17:33
ndecso we change the initial boot.scr with /dev/mmcblk1p2, install goes fine. but at the end the new boot.scr is generated with wrong label.17:34
GrueMasterAccording to rsalveti, all you need to do is change the MLO, u-boot.bin, and modify the root= line in the boot.scr.17:34
mopdenackerndec: I didn't touch boot.src17:34
mopdenackerndec: I just booted "manually", typing the commands in boot.scr, but didn't touch this file.17:35
mopdenackerndec: let me check that this works.17:35
ndecmopdenacker: ok. but what is your value for root?17:35
ndecmopdenacker: settings bootargs or reading the boot.scr is the same, if you use the same values. the boot.scr is not read by jasper.17:35
ndecGrueMaster: i agree with this. but mopdenacker tried and it didn't work... but given what's just ^^^ that might be an issue on our end..17:36
mopdenackerndec: root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 in the bootargs, but I left boot.scr with "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2" (didn't touch this file, since it wasn't used)17:36
mopdenackerOr so I thought17:37
ndecGrueMaster: rsalveti: i have to go now... but I will come back later in the evening. in the mean time if you could try to run the install on blaze and check the partition label, and verify flash-kernel.conf, that would be nice.17:38
GrueMasterI'll check it as soon as Ican pry it away from rsalveti.  :P17:39
* rsalveti reading17:43
rsalvetiyep, will try now :-)17:46
rsalvetiyee, second blaze display working!17:47
rsalvetiwith help from vincent-laptop :-)17:47
mopdenackerrsalveti: nice to be working at the same place. I hope you will have opportunities to come to TI in Nice :-)17:48
rsalvetimopdenacker: yeah, that'd be cool :-)17:49
mopdenackerGrueMaster: nah, didn't work. Even with a correct boot.src and root= boot parameter (/dev/mmcblk1p2), I still end up with root=LABEL=emmcroot in boot.scr after reboot.17:51
orbarronhey all --> how do I switch form netbook version to desktop version? (not from GUI)17:52
mopdenackerIt took the label from /dev/mmcblk0p2, instead of using the one from /dev/mmcblk1p2 (the SD card). There's a bug somewhere, though I don't see where...17:52
GrueMastermopdenacker: checking...17:52
rsalvetimopdenacker: I'm trying right now with a new image17:53
mopdenackerGrueMaster: rsalveti : thanks! Gotta go. Good luck! Keep us posted!17:54
rsalvetimopdenacker: sure, see ya17:54
robclarkorbarron: /etc/gdm/custom.conf18:06
robclark(or do it from gui)18:06
robclarkor if you disable automatic login, you can choose on each login which session you want18:07
orbarronahh thanks robclark18:08
=== JaMa|Away is now known as JaMa
dhiry2kgetting error in installing xfce4 or lxde as no such package18:46
dhiry2kapt-get update working fine18:46
dhiry2kapt-cache search also not showing package entry18:47
dhiry2kwhat repository need to be add for marvick arm18:47
dhiry2kto get these packages18:47
dhiry2kany one can help me to get install lxde in arm18:51
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
rsalvetijo-erlend_igep: you're luck, both network and display patches got applied19:03
ogramopdenacker, so here is the code snippet caring for setting the UUID http://paste.ubuntu.com/508141/19:19
ogramopdenacker, i dont see how it could possibly be worng19:19
devilhornsogra, while your here, quick question ... is zeitgeist a "must have" ? or can I implement the searching in a different way ?19:23
ogradevilhorns, i think ts a requirement , how else would you implement it ?19:23
devilhornsogra, not sure yet :) but I noticed that zeitgeist is python based, so I want to implement searching in a different way so it isn't slow19:24
ogra(teh zeitgeist packages are properly maintained already, if another solution adds extra maintenance work we wont be able to use it)19:24
devilhornsogra, I haven't really thought much about a replacement yet, but was just curious if I "can" replace it :)19:27
cooloneympoirier, hey man19:28
cooloneympoirier, i saw your git pull request about ftrace, that's good, why not for ti-omap4 tree or master only linaro?19:28
ogradevilhorns, with something thats maintained by the ubuntu-desktop team and that offers the same functionallity you can19:30
devilhornsogra, gotcha19:30
ogra(i doubt you will find such a thing, good luck :))19:31
mpoiriercooloney: sorry I missed you post - I stepped out for lunch.20:02
cooloneympoirier, np, man. i saw your ftrace git pull request20:03
mpoiriercooloney: Tim ask me to check it in to linaro first.  Also, I haven't tested for omap4 - it should work but I won't submit something I haven't tested.20:03
cooloneympoirier, ok, gotcha20:03
cooloneympoirier, i will try to rebase you patch on our current omap4 tree20:04
mpoiriercooloney:  fantastic but make sure you test - again, I haven't tried on omap4.20:04
mopdenackerogra: thanks! That's the code we've been looking at too. The only thing that could be wrong is the value of the 'root' variable.20:05
cooloneympoirier, yeah, sure. i will test. so how did you test it?20:05
cooloneyon omap3?20:05
mpoirieromap3 yes.20:05
ogramopdenacker, right and thats handed over by the kernel to the environemnt20:05
mpoirierI simply enabled the feature and tested a function.20:05
cooloneympoirier, good, understand20:05
mpoirierthere is another set of patches to enable graph testing but that will be harder to put in.20:06
mpoirierthe patches don't apply properly *and* it is deep in assembler macros and obscure symbols...20:07
cooloneympoirier, yeah, i tried that before.20:09
cooloneympoirier, painful20:09
mpoirierthe graph tracing patch set ?20:09
rsalvetimopdenacker: I'm just debugging it, doesn't work here because for some weird reason root must be wrong and then we hang at grep20:10
rsalvetiand I can't run the first boot20:10
mopdenackerogra: interesting. I didn't know that the kernel was passing environment variables to the init process (did I get it right?)20:12
cooloneympoirier, not try to test, but just apply with dynamic ftrace together20:12
cooloneymany conflict20:12
cooloneybut maybe it changes20:12
mopdenackerrsalveti: weird indeed.... Good luck!20:12
mpoiriercooloney: your are right, the first patch set for dynamic tracer weren't applying properly.20:13
mpoiriercooloney: I was able to apply the first patch set after a lot of work.20:14
cooloneympoirier, yeah, ftrace is quite important. thx for your work20:14
mpoirierbut the final submission by Rabin (the author) applied seamlessly.20:14
cooloneympoirier, so how about the upstream status of this dynamic ftrace patchset20:14
cooloneympoirier, cool20:15
ogramopdenacker, well, the kernel is *supposed* to hand over the whole cmdline to init ... probably it doesnt20:15
mpoiriercooloney: it has been accepted.20:15
cooloneympoirier, it's in rmk's upstream or mainline?20:15
mpoiriercooloney: now I have to get graph tracing in.  I'll need help from the implementor - I have to hunt him down.20:15
cooloneympoirier, great, author always helped a lot20:16
mopdenackerogra: so each kernel parameter becomes an environment variable?20:16
mpoiriercooloney: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/sfr/linux-next.git;a=shortlog;h=80be7a7f642719bf99fc49692fc77d6333f51a7320:16
ogramopdenacker, each one that has an equal sign20:18
mopdenackermopdenacker: very very cool! :-)20:18
ograbug 58638620:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 586386 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "omap3 kernel should hand over all comdline args to the init environment (affects: 1) (heat: 27)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58638620:20
GrueMasterrsalveti: dd if=uInitrd of=initrd.cpio.lzma skip=64 bs=1; lzcat initrd.cpio.lzma | cpio -id20:21
cooloneyrobclark, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap421:11
ndecGrueMaster: rsalveti: ogra: hi. i am back. did you try booting the pre installed image on blaze?21:11
GrueMasterWorking on it now.  Looks like a kernel bug.21:11
ndecGrueMaster: root is not propagated in init properly?21:14
GrueMasterJust found out it is a kernel config option that was missed.21:14
ograndec, right, as GrueMaster aid21:20
ndecGrueMaster: which one?21:20
ndecthis is a bummer...21:21
ograndec, seems on a rebase the fix for bug 586386 got lost21:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 586386 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "omap3 kernel should hand over all comdline args to the init environment (affects: 1) (heat: 27)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58638621:21
ograndec, its not as bad as it looks though, we'll just offer a fixed uImage to put in place on first boot21:21
ograwe're just testing the fix21:22
ndecwe can't upload the fix?21:22
ograwe can, but only as SRU21:22
ograbad timing to find it21:22
ndecogra: yep. sorry about that.21:30
ograndec, ??21:31
ndecogra: i wish we found this earlier ;-(21:31
ograndec, our kernel team screwed it up21:31
ograits good that yo found it at all, there are other bits relying on the feature21:32
cooloneythat option was enabled in our master branch to support this feature for omap321:33
cooloneyneed to carry it to our ti-omap4 as well21:33
rsalveticooloney: still building the kernel?21:38
rsalvetimopdenacker: I found one bug here, so we're going to also need a new uImage together with MLO and u-boot21:39
rsalvetibut then we can successfully boot blaze21:39
rsalvetiand the installer should just work fine :-)21:39
ndecrsalveti: and new boot.scr, since it needs to have mmcblk1p221:45
rsalvetindec: yeah, right21:45
rsalvetindec: vincent-laptop: and about wifi and bt modules, should it work the same way as panda?21:48
ndecrsalveti: well... no!21:49
rsalvetisorry, don't know much about blaze hardware21:49
ndecblaze has a different wlan chip (1283) instead of 127121:49
ndecwe don't have an up-to-date driver for 1283. but we are trying to get it.21:50
rsalvetindec: ok then, less things to check :-)21:50
ndecrsalveti: well you can play with xorg.conf and create 2 desktops ;-) we tried this already!21:50
rsalvetindec: yeah, just enabled the second framebuffer, but didn't change X to use both screens21:51
ndecthere is an accelerometer and proximity sensor on blaze. i think drivers should be there. never tested.21:51
rsalvetihad to check the installer problem21:51
rsalvetindec: do you have the xorg.conf already around?21:52
ndecwhat would be nice is virtual desktop supporting both screens so that we can move windows from top to bottom screen... and also support for multiple touchscreen21:52
ndecyes, let me find it21:52
ndecrsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508281/21:54
rsalvetindec: cool, thanks a lot21:55
rsalvetiwill try in a bit21:55
prpplaguecooloney: hey you got that card ready?21:56
ndecrsalveti: since we are talking about blaze and x11... blaze has a custom keypad. we probably need to create a new kbd layout for it. for now we have a quick hack and we create /etc/X11/Xmodmap. but that breaks panda ;-)21:56
ndecrsalveti: what do you recommend to handle the blaze keypad?21:56
cooloneyprpplague, got some issue after upgrading, please wait for a while. sorry21:57
prpplaguecooloney: doh21:57
prpplaguecooloney: runnign out of time for today21:58
cooloneyprpplague, i tried to dd out my 4G rootfs to a image file, and dd to your card. but cannot boot my panda21:59
prpplaguecooloney: don't have a tar ball of the rootfs i can use?21:59
cooloneyprpplague, so i am copying over our daily image to your SD card, and have to install it on the board.22:00
ndecrsalveti: GrueMaster: ogra: I am trying to create pre installed image where our package (which are in OMAP PPA) are also pre installed. So basically we download cdimage, chroot in rootFS and install all our stuff. but do you think we can install new kernel as well? I am not sure if that should/would break the installer.22:00
rsalvetindec: don't know the right answer now, but probably creating a new key layout for it22:00
rsalvetithen we can identify if we're running blaze and load the correct kbd layout22:00
ndecogra: ^^^^ about the blaze keypad, in case you have an idea.22:00
ograndec, you should be able to do it chrooted in the SD, it gets tricky if you loop mount22:00
ogra(replacing the kernel)22:01
ndecrsalveti: if you boot on blaze, and look at the X11 log, you will see that the keypad is detected (omap4-keypad). so it's probably just missing a config to load the proper keymap, right?22:01
cooloneyprpplague, i don't have the tar rootfs. and if is the ubuntu minimal rootfs from rootstock, we need to install extra applications.22:01
cooloneyprpplague, so if got the daily image installed properly, please keep the SD for development and testing22:02
rsalvetindec: probably22:02
ndecogra: in fact I had to loop mount the ext3 and fat32 as well. I created a fake flash-kernel.conf so that flash kernel would flash inside the .img. it seemed to work.. but I wanted to hear from you what you think.22:02
rsalvetindec: you can update the kernel, but just make sure you also generate a new uinitrd22:02
rsalvetibecause of the proper kernel modules, if you're changing versions22:02
cooloneyprpplague, actually i tried to tar out the rootfs tar ball, it is quite slow for me22:03
ndecyes, otherwise modules aren't found in initrd. we had this the first time ;-)22:03
ndecin fact it seems we were able to even flash the new uImage and uInitrd in the .img using flash-kernel ;-)22:03
rsalvetindec: yep22:04
rsalvetithe problem you can easily find on the pre-installed image is lack of inodes and space22:04
rsalvetibecause you still didn't run the resize22:04
rsalvetiso you're kind of limited in what you can install and edit before running the first boot22:04
prpplaguersalveti: guys i'm dying here, has _anyone_ got an ubuntu file system i can use?22:08
rsalvetiprpplague: sure, I have a valid sd card here for panda22:09
cooloneyprpplague, i'm installing the daily image on your SD, just a minutes22:09
ndecrsalveti: well... i forgot to mention that we resize it first... well in fact everything is here: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Add_Packages_To_Ubuntu_Preinstalled_Images22:10
prpplaguecooloney: ahh ok22:12
rsalvetindec: oh, ok22:15
rsalvetindec: so you're fine22:15
ograndec, with fake flash-kernel i see no prob22:16
ograjust make sure to remove it again ;)22:16
ndecogra: well, we forgot the first time ;-)22:16
rsalveticooloney: OK, I can confirm that jasper works with this kernel fix22:16
cooloneyrsalveti, thx, man22:17
ndecrsalveti: cool! is it cross compiled or native?22:17
cooloneyndec, my testing kernel is cross compiled22:17
ndecgiven that it only took a few minutes I think I know the answer22:17
cooloneyrsalveti, just tested that22:17
ndeccooloney: can you post a native kernel somewhere later in the day?22:18
cooloneynative building kernel?22:18
cooloneyi will try to build it in our schroot environment22:18
rsalvetindec: I'm just publishing all the needed files for blaze to work22:21
rsalvetiwith the pre-installed image22:21
rsalvetiso GrueMaster can actually test it22:21
rsalvetihold a sec22:21
rsalvetindec: GrueMaster: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/blaze/22:33
ndecrsalveti: cool! will test tomorrow... no blaze at home ;-)22:33
rsalvetithat should be enough to get blaze up and running with the installer22:34
ndecuboot is based of linaro uboot, right? not mainline, nor TI uboot?22:34
rsalvetindec: based on linaro, but very very close with upstream22:38
rsalvetithe only missing part now is the new mmc driver22:39
rsalvetibut doesn't affect us22:39
ndecrsalveti: can you send your patch to me and sebjan?22:39
rsalvetindec: what patch?22:39
ndecrsalveti: what? uboot linaro works out of the box?22:40
rsalvetithe x-loader is my tree on gitorious and linaro is basically from git.linaro.com22:40
rsalvetindec: yup22:40
rsalvetiI just had to build it for omap4430sdp22:40
ndecrsalveti: well this is a surprise... so sometimes things work out of the box ...22:40
rsalvetiwill fill a bug for this on launchpad soon22:40
rsalvetindec: it's basically because it's quite simliar with upstream22:41
rsalvetiso it shouldn't be an issue22:41
ndeci am sure ogra which tablet would work out of the box too ;-)22:41
rsalvetibut it'd be good if we could check the padmux setting22:41
rsalvetibecause I know sakoman did change the padmux for panda and not for blaze22:41
rsalvetidon't where he got the values for blaze22:41
rsalvetindec: probably, would be good to test22:42
ograndec, well, i cant even build the kernel ... the display driver seems to dep on some headers i miss22:42
ndecrsalveti: you might know this already, but our TI uboot based on upstream too is here: http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=bootloader/u-boot.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/omap_upstream22:42
ndecogra: hehe I had told you ;-)22:42
ograit builds if i disable all omap2 dss drivers thogh22:43
ogranot sure how useful that still is :)22:43
sakomanndec: I don't recommend using that omapzoom u-boot branch22:44
sakomanit is already obsolete22:44
ndecogra: it's useful for blaze. even though it's called omap2, it means everything after omap2.22:44
rsalvetisakoman: did you also review the sdp pad mux?22:44
ndecsakoman: euh? isn't that the tree TI uses for its release?22:44
ograndec, yeah, i guessed so much22:45
sakomanndec, perhaps it is, but that doesn't mean it is the latest and best ;-)22:45
ndecsakoman: in fact it probably means, it's not !22:45
rsalvetindec: sebjan said TI tested blaze with upstream u-boot22:45
sakomanrsalveti: I'll take a look at the sdp pinmux and see if anything needs to be changed22:45
rsalvetisakoman: cool, thanks a LOT :-)22:46
rsalvetineed to buy you some beers22:46
sakomanrsalveti: last time I checked it was ok, but perhaps new issues have been found22:46
rsalvetibecause then we can just use upstream (and linaro) for all omap4 boards22:46
rsalvetieven omap322:46
ndecsakoman: the problem is that TI developers will continue to push into dev.omapzoom.org...22:46
sakomanrsalveti: I am working hard to make that possible22:46
rsalvetiyeah, I know :-)22:47
ndecsakoman: you looking at tablet too?22:47
sakomanrsalveti: I will have relocation patches for mainline panda and sdp in a day or two22:47
sakomanndec: I only work on hardware that I have :-)22:48
rsalvetisakoman: cool22:48
sakomanrsalveti: panda works fine, but sdp still has issues22:48
ndecsakoman: that's safer22:48
rsalvetisakoman: what issues are you currently having at sdp?22:48
sakomanthe version with relocation takes a fault after printing the ram size22:49
rsalvetioh, ok22:49
sakomanin the middle of tracking down the problem22:49
rsalvetisakoman: but do you know any issue with current tree?22:49
sakomanno issues with the released v2010.09 as far as I know22:50
sakomanonly with top of tree post the forced change to relocation22:50
rsalvetiawesome, maybe still some wrong pad mux setting, but here it seems to be running fine22:50
sakomanbut then pretty much all arm boards other than beagle and overo are broken :-)22:50
rsalvetibut didn't test bt and wlan22:50
rsalvetilack of drivers22:50
sakomanand soon panda and sdp443022:51
sakomanthe current version of the patch is in my omap4-exp branch22:51
sakomanabout a dozen or so of those patches should hit mainline in the next week22:52
rsalvetinice, too bad I don't have a blaze to test :-(22:53
rsalvetiI just got one here because I'm currently at TI22:53
sakomanmy blaze has ES1.0 processor :-(22:53
sakomanand my panda an already obsolete ES2.022:54
ndecrsalveti: you can get a blaze: http://svtronics.com/market_omap ;-)22:54
GrueMastersakoman: ES2.0 8L should still work with the release image.22:55
rsalvetindec: hahaha :-)22:55
rsalvetiwayyy too expensive22:55
sakomanGrueMaster: that doesn't help me doing x-load and u-boot patches for ES2.1 changes :-)22:56
GrueMasterNo, but you can build them on your 2.0.  :P22:56
=== lool- is now known as lool
ogralool, do you know why i cant find any vfp stuff in the -dumpspecs gcc comand ?23:34
ograi though we enabled it by default ages ago23:34
ndecogra: sometimes when installing a package, it triggers a 'system restart required' event. how can i make a package that does this?23:37
ograyou dump something into a dir (i have to check the exact path)23:38
ograndec, touch /var/run/reboot-required i think23:39
ndecogra; well it worked on my laptop... so I just need to do this in postinst script.23:43
cooloneyndec, the patched native built kernel is here http://people.canonical.com/~roc/kernel/pass_init/linux-image-2.6.35-903-omap4_2.6.35-903.14_armel.deb23:47
cooloneyndec, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=roc/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap423:47
ndeccooloney: thx. how do you build native kernel? qemu or on real hw?23:47
cooloneyndec, also i pushed the patch in my branch.23:47
ndeccooloney: i saw your SRU email too23:48
cooloneyndec, we setup schroot environment in our built server23:48
cooloneyso i schroot to maverick-armel to do native building23:48
ndecbut on hw, not qemu?23:48
cooloneyoh, it is on a x86 server's schroot environment.23:54
cooloneyndec, it looks like it doesn't use qemu to me23:54
loologra: arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -v 2>&1|grep vfp23:58

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