
hggdhsame here :-)00:06
charlie-tcaRedSingularity: didn't even have to wait until tomorrow - bug 65502400:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 655024 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Using higher cpu usage (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65502400:37
slinkercharlie-tca - when you use thunderbird and retry your account, it works00:51
slinkerI'll add that to the bug00:51
slinkerif you want00:52
charlie-tcaokay. That helps narrow it00:52
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RedSingularitybug 65502402:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 655024 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Using higher cpu usage (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65502402:14
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, what about it?02:22
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  sorry nothing, I just wanted to see it.02:38
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, there is something that you could do to it :)02:45
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  ??????????  You mean take it?02:46
micahg!msgthebot | RedSingularity02:46
ubot2RedSingularity: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:46
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, are you a mentee?02:46
bcurtiswxmicahg, ?02:47
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  I never "formally" signed up to be one but i would love the help......02:47
micahgbcurtiswx: ?02:47
hggdhmicahg, bcurtiswx: ??02:47
bcurtiswxhggdh, micahg: ???02:48
hggdhyes! A loop is created02:48
* bcurtiswx starts evil laughter02:48
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, have you read or are reading wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage ?02:48
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  I read it but i keep going back to re-read things all the time.02:49
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, great!  So you can take on that bug then.  You've got me and or hggdh and or micahg and or just about everyone in here to bug with questions02:50
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, What do you see as the first step to bug triage?02:50
bcurtiswxno pun intended.. either.. :)02:51
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  According to the site?02:52
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, sure02:53
RedSingularitybcurtiswx: ........I have not scene a step by step guide...is there one available?  That would be a big help to me!02:54
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, hmm, there used to actually be one.  not sure where it is.  The first thing you want to do is make sure the bug is not a duplicate02:56
bcurtiswxthe most common approach is by using google search and typing in site:bugs.launchpad.net <package> <some keywords from bug>02:56
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, its easy to get confused, and if you are unsure about a bug being a duplicate don't worry about it and move to the next step02:57
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, try that out with this bug and let me know if this bug is potentially a duplicate02:59
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  Ok03:00
RedSingularitybcurtiswx: I dont see any duplicates when searching in google....03:02
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, good, neither do I.  There is one, but it's already been marked as a duplicate of our current bug03:03
bcurtiswxremember to be slightly vague in your search, it will give you more potential duplicates03:04
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  and you used google correct?03:04
bcurtiswxi think the most time consuming part of bug triage is seeing if your bug is a duplicate, lots of searching.03:04
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, yes03:04
bcurtiswxmy search was site:bugs.launchpad.net transmission cpu03:05
RedSingularityoh ok03:05
RedSingularitywhy put site: in before th e rest?03:05
bcurtiswxthat will search only that specific site03:05
RedSingularityohhhhh i see03:05
RedSingularitythats a great feature!03:06
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, Next what we'll want to check is to make sure that the bug has certain pieces of information.03:06
bcurtiswxMost common is first, that it has a package assigned to it (not just "ubuntu" as the package name)03:07
bcurtiswxSecond: the version of the package this bug is being reported against03:07
RedSingularityOk looks like it is assigned to transmission03:07
RedSingularitytransmission 2.04-0ubuntu203:08
bcurtiswxnow type in your terminal 'apt-cache policy transmission'03:08
RedSingularityok did that03:09
bcurtiswxim assuming your sources are fully up to date, done by running 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade'03:09
bcurtiswxso the versions should match up, correct?03:10
RedSingularityCandidate: 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.103:10
RedSingularitythats what i have03:10
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, running Lucid ?03:10
bcurtiswxOK, http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission03:10
bcurtiswxyou can see in the bug report that the user is reporting against Ubuntu 10.1003:11
bcurtiswx(Maverick Meerkat)03:11
bcurtiswxso verify the two package versions match from the website and the report.  You'll get times when the bug is reported against an older package03:12
RedSingularityLooks like they do03:12
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, yup.  Next you'll want to check to make sure it has the Ubuntu version (which we've already verified)03:13
RedSingularityBy version you mean "maverick"?03:13
bcurtiswxyeah or ubuntu 10.1003:14
bcurtiswxjust so we know what distro to test the bug against03:14
bcurtiswxNext we'll want to make sure the user has provided us with enough information to reproduce the bug.  Most of the time this should be in the form of a step by step list on how it's reproduced03:15
bcurtiswxdepending on the bug, you may only need a screenshot of the issue, other times you'll both03:15
RedSingularityLooks like its missing a step guide03:15
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, very good :)03:16
bcurtiswxAfter seeing what information is still needed , you'll then have to do a few things03:16
bcurtiswxclick the down arrow next to the package name (the one typically with (ubuntu) after it)03:17
RedSingularitylets me assign a different package03:17
bcurtiswxand comment and (i don't remember) but you can change the status?03:17
bcurtiswxSo what do you think you would set the status to at this point?03:18
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, yup :)03:18
RedSingularityShould i make a comment?03:18
bcurtiswxThen you'll want to leave a comment requesting the information.  We typically start comments with "Thanks for reporting this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better"...03:19
bcurtiswx(mostly when you're the first to work on triaging a bug"03:20
RedSingularityWhat do i ask for though......the step by step reproducible guide?03:21
bcurtiswxSince that is all you're missing, yes03:21
RedSingularitySeems like someone already has this bug.......i dont want to take it from that person though :)03:21
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, I can see why you'd think that.  If I don't see it marked as incomplete after requesting information, I typically go and make it "official" b y requesting the information and setting the status03:23
RedSingularityOh ok03:23
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, if you want you can leave it as is, and just set status to incomplete03:24
bcurtiswxsince technically the information's already requested03:24
RedSingularitywhoops i did it already.....:(03:25
bcurtiswxRedSingularity, it's fine, really.03:25
bcurtiswxYou did a good job.  Now the only thing I forgot was to make sure you subscribe to the bug.  This way you'll get an e-mail when the reporter replies03:27
RedSingularityOk thats done too.03:27
RedSingularitybcurtiswx:  You cant find the step by step triaging guide anywhere?  That would be a great reference item.03:31
bcurtiswxhggdh, micahg, bdmurray ^^ ?03:31
micahgRedSingularity: from where?  what about the HowTo Guide?03:32
RedSingularitymicahg:  That doesnt really say what to do step by step.  The information seems scattered through the document.03:33
micahgRedSingularity: well, there is no exact step by step, there are generalities since each bug is different03:34
bcurtiswxmicahg, there was a step by step at one point..03:35
micahgRedSingularity: this is as close as it gets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/Charts03:35
bcurtiswxmicahg, it could have been eaten by the intermonster03:35
bcurtiswxmicahg, thats it :)03:35
bcurtiswxa visual roadmap on where to go03:35
micahgbcurtiswx: I don't see it as possible, we can have a sample step by step triage of a few different bugs, but what questions need to be asked vary03:35
RedSingularitymicahg:  thanks a lot!!  :)03:36
bcurtiswxmicahg, that was it.. muchas gracias03:36
micahgbcurtiswx: RedSingularity, BTW, that's linked on the how to triage page :)03:36
RedSingularitythats a nice chart to follow!03:36
bcurtiswxtoo much reading.. lol03:37
RedSingularityI need to step away for a moment.  Be back soon :)03:38
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jibelHi Sulumar10:54
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jonnorIn Ubuntu packages, which status should I use when the bug has been fixed upstream? (that is, in the applications development version)18:46
micahgjonnor: none18:47
bdmurrayjonnor: do you have an example bug?  usually you wouldn't change the ubuntu bug task status18:47
jonnorbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mypaint/+bug/58196218:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 581962 in mypaint (Ubuntu) "Manipulating view slow after using rotate (affects: 1) (heat: 26)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:47
micahgjonnor: or rather, depends, if it's part of the desktop team packages, they set Fix Committed18:47
bdmurrayit could at least be confirmed or triaged18:47
bdmurrayyou might be able to add a bug watch for that upstream bug report18:48
jonnorBut if that is not possible, there is no way to track things that are fixed upstream?18:48
bdmurraywell you could open a "fake" upstream task to show that it is fix released.  When I say fake I mean one without a bug watch.18:49
mrandIn a similar vein, it's very unfortunate that when upstream bugs are fixed (especially in debian), and those fixes are automatically pulled into ubuntu, that someone has to manually either add them to to the changelog or manually mark them as fix released.19:01
mrand(pulled into and then released in the next version of ubuntu, I mean).19:01
bdmurrayin that case something could parse the changelog for debian bug numbers look for bug watches with that bug number and close the ubuntu task too?19:02
mrandyeah, that's what I was kinda hinting at.  Something like that should be possible, but I don't know enough nitty gritty to know if something might block that being possible.19:03
mrandBut it kinda gets more tricky than that... because it is fixed in a particular version, and so it's that version that has to be pulled into Ubuntu for it to be fixed.  So that info has to get attached and then parsed/checked later.19:04
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jonnorbdmurray: I added an upstream task now19:05
jonnorbut I have to remove the connection to set the status of the upstream task (LP does not support my tracker) :((19:05
mrandjonnor: can you set the status for both tasks?19:06
mrandsorry, you did set it to confirmed for Ubuntu.  Were you going to mark it as resolved on the other task?19:07
jonnormrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mypaint/+bug/565664 shows a nice link to the upstream task19:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 565664 in mypaint (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "MyPaint freezes upon start because input device reports infinite pressure (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:08
jonnorhowever, try to set the status of the upstream task19:08
jonnoryou then have to choose if you want to keep the nice "assigned to" link, or if you really want to set the status manually19:09
jonnorI see it as ideal if you could have both19:09
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jonnoryou could argue that the real bug is that LP does not support the Savannah tracker..19:10
mrandyeah, looks like support is less than ideal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/19725019:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 197250 in malone "Savannah bug watches should match longer URL (dups: 1) (heat: 1)" [Undecided,Triaged]19:12
njinhello, i'm testing ubuntu amd64 2010107, everythings ok, but at the start just after grun i've modprobe fatal error ....kernel 2.6.35..-generic. then plymouth stat regularry. In logs don't seems to be nothing relevant, but can you tell me where to look to found track of this ?19:13
micahgnjin: maybe try #ubuntu-quality or #ubuntu+1?19:14
njinmicahg: thanks19:14
micahgnjin: actually, #ubuntu-testing19:15
njinok thanks again19:15
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algnodhi all, i am wondering, an application that stores passwords in clear text would that be considered a bug ?20:53
penguin42algnod: Does it have an alternative?20:53
micahgalgnod: can be20:53
hggdhalgnod: generically, it is not a good idea20:53
algnodits liferea20:53
penguin42algnod: i.e. does it need to pass the password in cleartext to something else?20:53
micahgalgnod: hmm, I would think that should integrate with the gnome-keyring20:54
algnodpenguin42 but it could still store it in gnome keyring or scramble it or whatever20:54
algnodi feel uncomfortable with my google email account password stored like that20:55
micahgoh, for some reason I thought it was a gnome project :-/20:56
greg-gthere was a bug against FileZilla about that exact issue, it went upstream and the upstream author said, effectively "it is the distribution's job to protect user specific files from other users"20:57
greg-gie: he just wanted to keep his plaintext list of hosts/username/passwds for ease and have the distributions make sure that all user config files are only readable by that user20:57
algnod_sorry guys i missed your prior responses20:59
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m0arGah, I wont get any unsubscription-message when I try to do that on the website. Anyone know why?21:48
m0arI don't want to get spammed with the mailing list when I'm not even active/using ubuntu21:48
hggdhm0ar: you did unsibscribe, right?21:54
m0arTried, yes21:55
hggdhyou either did, or did not21:55
m0arNo, since the page seems to be somewhat buggy for me21:56
m0arI fill in my email, I click unsubscribe. I get no message, I try to reset my password with that form; no email then either21:57
m0arBut the emails from the list keeps failling in, it's annoygin21:57
hggdhwhich mailing list?21:58
hggdhm0ar: PM me your email address21:59
m0arhggdh: Done21:59
hggdhgot it. Give me a sec22:00
m0arYeah, thanks22:01
hggdhm0ar: OK. Please send me an email from your email address -- send it to hggdh2 at ubuntu dot com22:01
hggdhm0ar: I need to verify if you are indeed the owner22:02
m0arDone and done22:02
hggdhnow we wait for the email to arrive...22:02
hggdhm0ar: I just replied. Can you please write here my response?22:05
m0arhggdh: ça va22:05
hggdhoui, ça va bien22:05
m0arca va bien, merci22:06
m0arAh, thanks. Got the unsubscription mail now, thanks22:06
hggdhmon plaisir22:06
hggdhOK. Now for a reboot to clean up a persistent window22:17
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jcastrohggdh: around?22:49
jcastrooh nevermind, you're cloud guy22:50
hggdhbut I am here22:51
drizzlehow do you assign the 1000 paper cuts tag?22:54
micahgdrizzle: you mean nominate for 100 papercuts project?22:57
drizzleis that something that we tag bugs as22:57
drizzleor was that a one-off deal22:57
micahgdrizzle: Also affects project hundredpapercuts22:57
MichealH-iPodAnd that's how you get it in hundredpapercuts22:58
jcastrocan someone help me reassign a task?22:59
jcastrobug #63631122:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 636311 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Keyboard special keys interfere with mouse (affects: 11) (dups: 1) (heat: 64)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63631122:59
micahgjcastro: what;s the issue?22:59
jcastroI would like to have it affects the release-notes-team22:59
micahgin addition to what's there?22:59
jcastroin place of the upstream link23:00
micahghmm, let me see23:00
micahgjcastro: no, we can't anymore23:00
micahgjcastro: have to ask an LP admin23:00
meetingology`jcastro: Error: "#$%^#$%" is not a valid command.23:00
micahgjcastro: wait23:00
micahgI got logged out :-/23:01
micahgjcastro: done23:01
jcastrook how did you do that?23:02
MichealH-iPodI think you need to be in BugControl23:02
micahgjcastro: you should see a pencil next to the upstream project, click it and select a new project23:02
micahgMichealH-iPod: no23:02
jcastroI'm an admin on bug control. :)23:03
MichealH-iPodOkay micahg23:03
jcastrook, I clicked on the pencil the first time23:03
micahgjcastro: you type a search term for the project and then select the one you want23:03
jcastrothanks for the help. <323:04
micahgjcastro: np23:05
MichealH-iPodjcastro: Can I PM you?23:09
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SuperHarkThis.... thing!23:17
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Guest96652I can't /privmsg, /msg or /query GRr23:17
Guest96652jcastro: Were you getting PM's off MichealH-iPod?23:18
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MichealH_Good It works23:19
MichealH_But This iPod lags!23:20
MichealH_jcastro: Have you replied to my /msg?23:23
laynMichealH-iPod hello how are you?23:28
MichealH-iPodI'm okay23:29
laynMichealH-iPod, what do you think of the new server settings with regard to the expiration bug?23:29
MichealH-iPodUbuntu Server? Woah.. I have never used it23:30
laynMichealH-iPod, I was not referring to ubuntu launchpad server but you are aware of the new settings on the management of the platform and the triaging bugs?23:33
laynMichealH-iPod, ok23:36
MichealH-iPodlayn: Can you explain it23:37
micahglayn: Ubuntu will be using it AFAIK23:38
MichealH-iPodMicahg: Can you explain?23:38
micahgMichealH-iPod: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/enabling-automatic-bug-expiry23:39
laynMichealH-iPod, ohh! yes23:41
MichealH-iPodSo if I makes a bug incomplete it expires?23:41
hggdhright now, no. If (and when) expiry is set23:42
hggdhthen the bug will be invalidated after (say) 60 days of no response23:42
MichealH-iPodAnyway I'm off23:42
laynhggdh, yes23:43
MichealH-iPodhuffy: Okay23:43
MichealH-iPodBye all23:43
laynhggdh thanks23:43
hggdhlayn: welcome23:43
laynIn fact I think it's a positive change in that regard, it has a more powerful even as regards the data that is then uploaded to the database23:45

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