
doctormoakgraner: Hey, did you get my message before?02:58
akgranerdoctormo, yep - sorry I just got called into a meeting02:59
akgranerthink I got it all worked out now  - will know in the am - thank you!!02:59
doctormoakgraner: Is it a surprise?03:03
akgraneryep :-)03:04
JFothe bacon is everyewhere03:04
akgranerbut an awesome one if it all works out :-)03:05
doctormoJFo: Isn't that the problem though? I feel like I just became vegetarian for maverick.03:05
nhandler            dest = realloc(dest, (destsize + STRBUFSIZE) * sizeof(char));03:05
nhandler(ignore that)03:05
jcastrohello JFo03:05
jcastrohow is acting coming along?03:05
JFodoctormo, so sad03:05
JFohiya jcastro03:05
JFovery well thanks ;)03:06
doctormoJFo: What are you acting in?03:07
JFodoctormo, see the topic :)03:07
JFojcastro says the guy from Deadwood looks like me :)03:07
JFohe is right though03:08
doctormoJFo: I think I'm lacking context to that picture.03:08
* doctormo is wondering how you get advertising space int he community irc channel title.03:08
nhandlerjcastro: Think we could add LoCo Day to the /topic ;)03:08
JFodoctormo, that is from an HBO show03:08
jcastronhandler: yep03:09
doctormoJFo: And that's you in the HBO show? or is that jcastro having a pull on your leg?03:09
jcastronhandler: can you add it? I'm on a friend's machine and my pasting and copying is useless03:09
jcastrodoctormo: that's actually him03:09
JFodoctormo, no, that is a guy that resembles me.03:10
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://bit.ly/coZgIY || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek Marketing, Release Parties, UDS Prep (blueprints), LoCo Day || JFo's short acting career: http://goo.gl/YVUO
JFojcastro is pulling your leg :)03:10
doctormoWhat is LoCo day?03:10
nhandlerdoctormo: You should have gotten an email about it (it was also on the planet). Basically, it is a classroom event designed to get LoCo teams to give more classroom sessions03:11
nhandlerdoctormo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDays03:11
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
dholbachGood Morning!07:25
dholbachara, good morning! are we testing? :-)07:27
aradholbach, good morning!07:27
nigelbmorning dholbach, ara :)07:27
aradholbach, we are!07:27
dholbachhey nigelb07:27
duanedesignmorning nigelb dholbach ara07:37
dholbachhiya duanedesign07:37
nigelbmorning dholbach07:39
dholbachmorning nigelb again07:39
duanedesignhey, how come he gets 2 :)07:40
nigelbhi dpm :)07:40
dholbachmorning dpm07:40
dpmmorning dholbach, morning nigelb :)07:41
dpmgood morning everyone!07:41
nigelbduanedesign: haha07:41
pleia2good evening everyone!07:41
nigelbahha, pleia2 is still awake07:41
dpmhey pleia2 ;)07:41
* nigelb reminded of good old days :)07:41
pleia2yeah, for a little bit longer07:41
duanedesignhello pleia207:42
pleia2'lo duanedesign07:42
kim0o/ morning08:02
nigelbmorning kim0 :)08:05
kim0nigelb: howdy :)08:05
nigelbakgraner: I blinked for a second there.08:07
dpmmorning kim0!08:07
kim0dpm: morning man :)08:07
nigelbI was like "wait, when did I get conned into doing a session this time?" :p08:07
akgranerhehe - just cc'd you on it since I told people to contact  -backstage as well08:09
nigelbYeah, I noticed :)08:10
duanedesignlol, i love the session title 'Have you tried turning it off and then on again? '08:10
nigelbduanedesign: that one's going to rock :)08:10
nigelbubuntu women ftw :)08:10
duanedesignugh, toDo list is big today...08:11
nigelbSo much fun to see ubuntu being talked about in a web framework channel08:13
nigelbmorning czajkowski :)09:51
czajkowskihow we all doing with 3 days to go :)09:51
nigelbinspiration for today => http://www.zdnet.com/blog/education/is-ubuntu-1010-yet-another-chance-to-ditch-windows/426209:55
dpmman, I'm so happy, I've just found the zoom slider in Calc! I've been looking for a Zoom menu for ages...09:55
kim0talk about usability09:55
* dpm goes back to writing presentations with healthy eyes09:55
nigelbdpm: time to send robert hugs :)09:56
dpmnigelb, who's robert? I don't follow much OO.o development09:57
nigelbdpm: ah, Calc! okay, I thought gcalctool09:57
dpmoh, robert_ancell, no, no, that was oo.o's calc :)09:58
dpmgcalctool is awesome as it is, no need for a zoom button09:58
nigelbmorning jono :)10:04
jonohey nigelb10:11
nigelbjono: millbank?10:12
jononigelb, yup10:14
duanedesignmorning all I have missed since last time I said good morning :)10:27
jussihello duanedesign!10:40
nigelbmorning jussi :)10:47
jussihello nigelb10:47
nigelbjussi: did you ever get your cam working with gtalk voice plugin?10:47
jussinigelb: havent played with it10:47
AlanBelljono: going to any of the London events?10:47
nigelbAlanBell: I can't believe you're missing it!10:48
nigelbAlanBell: just wait till czajkowski lands in london :p10:48
AlanBellI am missing the one on 10/10/10, but I will try to get to the other two10:50
AlanBelland maybe the Swindon one10:50
popeythe other two?10:53
czajkowskinigelb: I'll miss the release parties in UK, but we've had good ones over here in the past and pleia2 will be at ours this time.10:57
doctormoWho's missing what where when?10:57
doctormoAnd why are we surprised?10:57
doctormoWhat what is California pleia2 doing in Ireland... visiting?10:58
czajkowskishe arrives sunday10:58
czajkowskiso I get to hang out with her for a few days :)10:58
doctormoCool, I'll be hanging with a high ranking kernel developer from Israel. FOSS is a funny world wide meeting place.10:59
czajkowskiwe're having a a pub quiz10:59
czajkowskiwell dinner first, followed by pub and quiz10:59
nigelbczajkowski: yeah, sort of envious of the fun you're going to have :)11:02
czajkowskiyeah my loco isn't exactly thrilled to see me leave :)11:02
jussiczajkowski: pub in Dublin? where are you going?11:03
* nigelb hugs doctormo.11:03
nigelbThanks for adding that bit in.11:03
nigelbShould ask amber to factor that in to her mail announcement format :)11:04
doctormothanks nigelb11:04
doctormonigelb: She already replied.11:04
czajkowskijussi: we;re going to the Market bar11:04
doctormoczajkowski: Will the loco be ok without you? I know lugs that collaps when one high profile person goes.11:05
czajkowskidoctormo: oh it'll be fine there are loads of folks who do most of the stuff already11:05
czajkowskiI just have the pointy poking stick11:05
doctormoYou could do that from afar, those pointy sticks come in extra long.11:05
* jussi wonders if there is a mini czajkowski... then puts the scary image out of his brain :P :P11:06
AlanBellwe already know the pointy pokey stick is long enough to cover the dublin-london distance11:06
czajkowskidoctormo: we have a team contact and eafter that everyone has a job in the team, I dont actually have a specific role but we have 1 person who does the team reports, another few mail man admin  website admin, and we have a chair and then someone mails out the team the mins of meeting11:06
doctormoczajkowski: All those jobs were mine in the loco, heh. No wonder you guys can do more.11:07
czajkowskiwe're rather fortunate people offered to help, the down sides are our loco is very small and spread out over ireland and dont always like face to face events11:08
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro, kim0 hey guys12:02
dpmhey jono12:02
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro, kim0 I would like to ask you to take a look at the list of LP graphs available and go and review each of your 11.04 plans and identify which graphs help us track progress12:03
jonoif no graphs are suitable for tracking progress, I want you to identify what we *could* track12:03
jonothis will just help us track our progress better12:03
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro, kim0 is that cool?12:05
jonodpm, how are you getting on with the Chinese report?12:05
dpmjono, yes, that's cool. Report: I'm on it since yesterday. Not finished yet, but it will be ready today. I can show you a preview in ~5 mins if you like12:06
cjohnstonSomeone is awake way too early.. /me looks at jono12:12
jonodpm, thanks!12:15
jonodpm, heading to lunch now, we can review in a bit12:15
jonocjohnston, I am in London :)12:15
jonoheading back tomorrow12:15
doctormocjohnston: Not early then, late ;-)12:19
doctormojono: Hey jono, community here. *waves*12:19
cjohnstonIt'l only 1120 then12:21
duanedesignczajkowski: with your loco so spread out what do you find are good things for the LoCo to work on?12:24
jonodoctormo, :)12:24
duanedesignczajkowski: i know that is a rather vague question. See myy loco is fairly spread out geographically and i am trying to plan some projects. Just fishing for ideas. :)12:26
czajkowskiduanedesign: the ubuntu hours have worked well12:28
czajkowskimainly in DUblin we get the largest turn out, with limerick having 3-6 people and cork only getting 2-4 people12:28
dholbachjono, ok12:28
czajkowskiduanedesign: got to find something that works for ye though every team is so different, we mixed things up during the summer with geeknics12:30
duanedesignczajkowski: yeah so true. i have been trying to find someone who wants to be an organizer on Oklahoma City. A lot of our members are spread between the two major metro areas.12:34
doctormocjohnston: I've never put your name into so much python before, heh12:43
=== dinda-afk is now known as dinda
czajkowskiduanedesign: it'll only really work if there is someone in the area interested if 2 people meet up that;s great and that's 2 people more who can meet face to face than wouldnt have done in the past12:49
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
jcastrodpm: dholbach: kim0: what lp graphs is he referring to?14:03
kim0jcastro: https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/14:03
kim0thanks to dpm for pointing to them14:03
AlanBellurl for special people only :(14:04
doctormoAlanBell: Not for us community people :-/14:06
dpmAlanBell, I think most of the info there is harmless, but there might be some sensitive stats, hence the permissions. I know some of the LP stats would be useful to the community, but that's how permissions work there right now14:06
AlanBelloh don't worry I don't mind :)14:06
doctormoAlanBell: We'll make our own stats, with hookers and blackjacks!14:06
PiciI know this isn't the right place to ask, but I have a user here (#ubuntu) thats trying to contact the Ubuntu Training Team via Canonical's site.  He says that he hasn't gotten a reply after 7 days.  I'm not sure where to send him next.14:06
dpmdinda perhaps? ^14:07
doctormoPici: This is the right place for that question.14:07
Picidoctormo: :P14:07
doctormodpm: She's doing materials in education now.14:07
Picidoctormo: oh, I read an "isn't" in there somehow.14:07
AlanBellPici: what country?14:07
PiciAlanBell: France.14:08
doctormoI think it would depend on what kind of training. Certification, educational, events or just general training as might be provided by the community etc.14:08
popeyThere is no training team any more inside canonical14:09
popeyAs I understand it14:09
AlanBellpersonally I would give Boris Devouge a prod and see what he says14:09
Picihttp://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/training still exists.14:10
JFothere is still a training team as far as I know14:10
JFomy guess is that they are a bit busy this week14:12
JFobut I am not positive that is the case14:12
PiciWell, I'd really like to just either throw this person at them, or get confirmation that they're backed up with work.14:13
JFoPici, let me see what I can find out14:13
PiciJFo: Do you want the user's nick?14:15
PiciIts 'azertyuio'14:15
JFothanks :)14:16
AlanBellcertainly french then!14:16
PiciI have to get back to real work.  Thanks for looking into this for us :)14:16
JFoPici, no problem :)14:17
popeywonder if lists.ubuntu.com is having issues at the moment14:29
cjohnstonwhy is my name going into python doctormo ?14:31
doctormocjohnston: I figured out why you didn't appear in my irc log analysis (remember last weekish?). turns out your cjohnston|cell alias is never renamed into cjohnston and visa versa, sot he script was confused about who you were and assumed you had no name.14:32
doctormoI was using your name in the python to print out "THE MAN IS HERE" when your name was processed correctly.14:33
doctormoI assume you just quit and boot up your phone irc.14:33
cjohnstonThis connection is 24/7.. my phone I just jump on when I need to14:34
doctormocjohnston: It just took a lot of cjohnstoning to debug, about 15 instances of 'if 'cjohnston' in something: print "THE MAN IS HERE". heh14:34
dindaPici:  hey there14:38
Picidinda: hey14:39
dindaPici: your person might want to poke billy.cina@canonical.com for anything training related these days14:39
Picidinda: Of course, it seems like the person has signed off.  I'll keep it in mind for their return.14:40
PiciThanks :)14:40
JFoPici, yeah, I just chatted with billycina, apparently they didn't get an e-mail as all their e-mail is answered14:50
JFoor maybe their response went to a filter14:51
JFoso next time we see them we should chat about that14:51
=== ara__ is now known as ara
cjohnstondoctormo: so is your script working now?14:54
doctormocjohnston: Well yes, I'm just annoyed that while I could write most of this in python, I had to fall back to perl for the visualisation part since python lacks the libs.14:55
cjohnstonhas it updated to include me?14:57
doctormocjohnston: Your there now. I added in a special manual aliases input file which links you up.14:57
doctormocjohnston: Not finished yet.14:58
doctormocjohnston: if your curious: 799 lines 4464 words for cjohnston aliased to cjohnston|cell14:59
cjohnstonahh.. where does that put me in the rank?15:00
doctormocjohnston: 17th15:11
Pendulumcjohnston: talk more to boost your rankings? ;-)15:11
cjohnstonI guess I need to15:12
doctormocjohnston: Heh the rank is hard to beat, from 1st place down to 16th: nigelb, czajkowski, paultag, jcastro, dholbach, jono, doctormo, akgraner, popey, alanbell, jfo, vish, sense, qense, dpm, pleia215:12
Piciand now you've pinged all of them.15:13
JFowhat did I win?15:13
doctormoPici: Yea, I figured that would happen.15:13
JFoand how did I wind up on a list15:13
cjohnstonI'd like to see it in -locoteams15:13
PendulumJFo: you talk a lot in here :-)15:13
doctormoTake nigelb for instance, 5587 messages to cjohnston's 799, that's 7x as many messages.15:14
Pendulumcjohnston: you'd need to gag nigelb15:14
cjohnstonhe talks too much15:14
doctormoOK I'll post the raw ranks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/508037/15:15
Pendulumalthough, to be fair, I'm pretty meh on ranking systems based on volume over quality15:15
jcastrowhat is this now?15:15
cjohnstonnigelb talks too much jcastro15:16
jcastrothere's no way paultag talks more than me15:16
doctormojcastro: Do you have an alias that's not on there?15:16
cjohnstonby like 13 lines15:16
jonodoctormo, what are those ranks for?15:16
jcastrojono: who's talking the most.15:17
jonowow, and I am near the top?15:17
doctormojono: Number of messages in #ubuntu-community-team over 6 months15:17
jonoI try to avoid talking to you people :-)15:17
cjohnstonthat hurts15:17
doctormomessages / words / name / aliases15:17
popey /kickban jono15:17
Pendulumdoctormo: btw, you might want to check for pendulum|phone (I don't think I've said anything in here using it, but it's what I'm using from my phone these days)15:17
jcastrolol jdub came in here once15:17
popeyis that stats for _this_ channel?15:18
doctormopopey: yes15:18
Pendulumjcastro: I think that might have been when he was trying to figure out how to become a member again15:18
jcastrooh right15:18
cjohnstondoctormo: I think since all of nigelb's talking comes from my server, you should alias his nicks to me15:18
jcastroand then he promptly disappeared again15:18
JFoPendulum, I agree which is why I shouldn't be ranked at all :)15:18
Pendulumjcastro: I think he did maybe one blog post about how he was getting back involved in Ubuntu and then disappeared15:19
doctormoI cropped the rank at 5 messages, there were 12 <5 users too.15:19
PendulumJFo: so stop talking :P15:19
JFowhere's the fun in that? :-P15:21
cjohnstonfun for us15:21
cjohnstondid I say that outloud15:21
doctormojono: Isn't it interesting that we've said about the same amount in terms of lines, but I've said twice as many words in each line. heh I never thought I was verbose before but I guess everyone needs a place to write their blog.15:21
* jcastro goes back to work15:22
PiciPerhaps you should be doing word counts then?15:22
doctormoPici: You mean sorting by word count?15:23
popey\o/ graphs15:23
jonojcastro, call?15:24
doctormopopey: Interesting differences, where do your logs come from?15:24
jcastrojono: yeah15:24
jcastrojono: like, weekly call or quick UDS type call?15:24
popeymy local irssi logs15:24
jonojcastro, let's do a general catch up15:25
doctormopopey: could you package them up and let me have a proc?15:25
jonoI know I have been AWOL this week while at the office15:25
jcastrojono: can you give me 10? I need to get this summit thing outta the way15:25
jonojcastro, sure15:25
jonothanks, bro15:25
doctormopopey: The logs from the official website has gaps15:25
jcastrodon't tase me bro!15:25
jonohaha, comedy15:25
cjohnstonI have that shirt jcastro15:25
dholbachdholbach always lets us know what he/she's doing: 633 actions!15:29
dholbachFor example, like this:15:29
dholbach     * dholbach hugs you all15:29
dholbachjono couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 961 joins during this reporting period!15:29
dholbachthat's proper data analysis for once :-p15:30
JFobe better if it said "dholbach is a huggy bear, 10,000 hugs during the reporting period." :-)15:30
JFodholbach, true15:30
dholbachJFo, yeah, most important data criteria are missing :)15:30
PendulumJFo: that could go without saying, I think15:31
JFoPendulum, true15:31
JFobut should still be called out in graph form :)15:31
JFoI think who got hugged the most is important too15:31
maconigelb is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 18 times.15:31
macoFor example, like this:15:31
maco     * nigelb pokes duanedesign in the eye15:31
macoso THATs why they wont let him into the country!15:32
JFonigel 'eye-poker' b15:33
macojcastro also makes sailors blush, 0.0% of the time.  <--- now thats just reaching15:34
JFoI like that metric15:34
jcastrojono: I am ready, skype or mumbles?15:34
doctormoWhat is mumbles[not a question mark]15:34
popeymumble > skype15:37
jonojcastro, logging on15:43
* popey notes unsurprisingly that creating similar graphs for #ubuntu kills the cpu for "Some time"15:44
jonojcastro, log on please :)15:44
* jcastro watches swirling login logo15:45
jcastroit appears to not be signing in15:47
jcastrojono: you're trying jcastro1975 right?15:47
jonoI only have on ejcastro on skype15:47
jonothe normal one15:47
jonojcastro, ^15:47
jcastroyeah it's not signing in, it's just the spinning logo, weird, give me a sec15:47
jonojcastro, I will call your phone15:48
paultagjcastro, haha, you serious?15:51
paultagjcastro, I rocked you and you know it15:51
highvoltagepopey: moo15:52
popeymoo indeed!15:52
nigelbdoctormo: wow, I won! yay15:54
nigelbat least I didn't lose everything15:55
nigelbmaco: right!15:55
highvoltagepopey: can I give it a shot? my youtube username is jonathancarter198215:55
doctormonigelb: Don't rush to the chapagine. popey's logs/code show something different and I'm waiting on popey to respond to getting access to those logs for comparison. I think he's busy.15:56
nigelbdoctormo: my other nicks aren't on popey's chart15:57
popeysorry, killed my vps generating stats15:57
doctormodholbach is the loco directory AGPL or GPL?15:57
nigelb"Poor jcastro, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 7 times."15:57
doctormonigelb: You're the one doing the attacking!15:58
dholbachdoctormo, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2/annotate/head:/COPYING15:58
nigelbdoctormo: No, I don't attack jcastro15:58
doctormodholbach: mhall says launchpad says GPL only.15:59
paultagdoctormo, we've talked about this downtown ;)15:59
dholbachGNU Affero GPL v315:59
paultagdoctormo, sorry, i read that wrong15:59
nigelbohai there paultag15:59
paultagnigelb, ohai15:59
doctormopaultag: Different and old flamewar.16:00
nigelbpaultag: got some time for a chat?16:00
paultagnigelb, yessir :)16:00
paultagdoctormo, ahha16:00
akgranerwhew - I am learning to be quiet :-)  - awesome!16:03
nigelbakgraner: haha16:03
nigelbI should talk less16:03
nigelbbut this is like the chatroom to be!16:03
nigelbseen on facebook "read somewhere that Microsoft is going to make smartphones..wonder where they'll fit Ctrl, Alt and Del keys.."16:08
* nigelb totally LOL'd at that one :)16:08
duanedesigngeesh. My connection is terrible today16:08
highvoltagepopey: so? can you give me access?16:09
duanedesignnigelb: have you seen this xkcd http://revista.python.org.ar/1/html-en/xkcd.html16:11
JFoyou talk more than me akgraner... WIN! \o/16:11
scott-worklol nigelb16:11
nigelbduanedesign: looking16:11
nigelbscott-work: heh16:11
nigelbduanedesign: hahaha16:12
nigelbgood one16:12
nigelbI think it can be updated to windows visa16:12
duanedesignthat is a magazine published by py-argentina. They just recently translated it to English16:13
popeyhighvoltage: what do you need?16:13
doctormoXKCD, bah, that Randall put himself on his own map of the internet.16:14
sensegood afternoon16:15
doctormoI think I'm going to go down to Sommerville and shake my fist at his ball pit (yes he does have a ball pit)16:15
highvoltagepopey: I guess I need the login details or otherwise rights to change the channel theming16:15
popeyphew, finally when I ask people not to act up on ubuntu-users people are speaking up in support!16:19
akgranerpopey, nice!16:20
czajkowskihmm no jono16:28
nigelbczajkowski: ^^16:36
czajkowskijono: you free?16:37
jonoczajkowski, kinda16:37
jonowhats up?16:37
czajkowskistuff I talked about the other day with you16:37
nigelbwho's got experience with python's subprocess module?17:34
doctormonigelb: me17:45
nigelbdoctormo: I think I'll need your help in some time.  Let me see if I can do magic on my own :)17:46
doctormonigelb: Sure thing, let me know when you need my python voodoo.17:46
nigelbdoctormo: thanks :)17:47
Technovikingmorning all17:53
Technovikingat the booth at the Utah Open Source Conference17:56
jcastrohi teh17:57
jcastroer, Technoviking17:57
jcastro<--- autocomplete fail17:57
nigelbmore like typing fail17:58
TechnovikingI should Skype some folks in later17:58
czajkowskiTechnoviking: cool, how big is the event18:02
Technovikingabout 750 people last year18:03
czajkowskiTechnoviking: pretty big18:05
nigelbdoctormo: ping.  Can I PM? :)18:10
doctormonigelb: sure18:11
Technovikingneed tshirt swag18:13
doctormoTechnoviking: Nice, needs banner too.18:18
Technovikingdoctormo: my big printer died:(18:19
doctormoTechnoviking: You can order one for your loco team...18:23
Technovikingdoctormo: hopefully next year we can get the loaner booth18:23
Technovikingthe Fedora booth are being snarky18:29
JFowho is there for Fedora Technoviking?18:30
JFothat isn't normally like them18:30
jcastroTechnoviking: are they burning ubuntu CDs again?18:36
jcastrosooo, jill yells "I need your help getting the cat in the bag to take him to the vet."18:40
jcastroso I am thinking "ok, just a minute"18:40
jcastroI look like I've been mauled by 15 lions.18:40
senseCats can be vicious indeed.18:41
Technovikingjcastro: tender vittles in a cat carrier18:41
jussilarge welding gloves ftw ;)18:41
popey^^^^ all cats18:41
jcastroI am proud of the little guy, instead of just scratching me randomly he dug into my chest, gunning for the heart.18:41
Pendulumjcastro: just think you'll have sexy battle scars :P18:42
jcastroor I'll be dead!18:42
* JFo plays Cat Scratch Fever18:42
nigelbThis is precicely why I dodn't like cats18:44
nigelbDogs have owners, cats own YOU18:44
JFonah, cats have staff18:45
senseCats don't own or are owned, they just appropriate themselves whatever they need.18:46
jcastrohe'll pay for letting me live; he's tired, I just need to find him and spring the trap18:46
PendulumI <3 cats18:56
JFotaste great18:56
JFowith a little salt that is18:57
JFocats need salt18:57
jonoJFo, I physically LOLed19:07
JFoI try to get you to laugh daily jono19:08
czajkowskiJFo: is this how you cope with bug reports :p19:08
JFono, I'm crazy from that... there is no coping19:08
JFoI'm so burnt out on bugs right now I am like a struck match19:09
* Pendulum hugs JFo 19:10
JFothanks Pendulum :)19:10
JFoI have 11000 bug mails that I have yet to read too19:10
* czajkowski hugs the crazies in ubuntu-community-team19:10
JFojust can't get motivated to look at them19:10
czajkowskiJFo: I cant bribe you with white choclate and JD can I, that works wonders with me19:11
JFonah, I need to lose weight now19:11
JFowaiting for my treadmil to get here tomorrow19:11
jcastroJFo: it sucks, ellipticals ftl.19:12
JFoyeah, I am going to try walking on the tread during the day19:12
Pendulumis everyone I know on a diet? it's starting to feel that way :-/19:12
JFoI have GOT to get out of this chair19:12
JFoPendulum, no, I'm not on a diet19:13
JFoI just need to move more than I do19:13
PendulumJFo: ah, fair enough :)19:13
jcastro20 more pounds is all I need19:13
JFoI need ever so much more than 20 :)19:13
JFomy doctor says that in order not to be considered obese I need to lose 10019:14
JFo\which would put me under 20019:14
JFowhich would make me a little guy19:14
JFoI told him I'd lose 'some'19:14
JFobut it would be no 100 lbs :)19:14
jcastroI started lifting19:14
jcastroI am heavier but less fatty19:14
JFoI plan to do cardio first and then lift19:15
JFoneed to cut before I build19:15
PendulumI was not criticising (considering I'm doing the diet/exercise thing myself)19:15
JFoPendulum, I understand :)19:16
jcastromy sugar tests came back way better last time so I am making progress19:16
Pendulumjcastro: yay!19:16
JFoI am afraid of what mine look like19:16
jcastroI'll have my gear at UDS, I'd be more than happy to confirm what you probably already know. :p19:16
jcastroJFo: sub to that please19:17
jcastrothat shall be our annual lp grilling19:17
=== ara__ is now known as ara
JFoworks for me jcastro19:18
JFoI still owe you a plan for how we deal with +patches19:18
jcastroyou owe me docs for the forums too19:19
jcastrobut I don't expect interest in them anyway19:19
JFowell... we will discuss at UDS :)19:19
czajkowskiI folks are going to UDS can you please update your details into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-N/Attendees19:19
Piciooh, figlet19:20
JFoI so listen to the wrong kind of music when working19:21
jcastrough, lp keeps logging me out today19:21
JFojcastro, don't get me started19:21
* JFo stabs malone19:21
czajkowskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLeuRLhoexg  blaring while I tackle emails19:23
czajkowskiby taackling I mean mailing everyone else with action items :)19:23
JFo<- listening to Kid Rock19:24
JFoand catching myself singing it19:24
JFoand I jump genres too much... was listening to Utah Saints and The Crystal Method earlier19:24
doctormoWhy did I skip calculus at the sixth form I didn't go to!19:47
=== ara__ is now known as ara
Pendulumdoctormo: huh?20:37
doctormoWoot, finally finished.21:50
doctormonigelb: Are you still here?21:51
nigelbdoctormo: yup21:51
nigelbdoctormo: Here's my reason for staying up till 2:30 am -> http://github.com/nigelbabu/git-impact-graph21:51
nigelbpaultag: ^^ I haz something for you :)21:52
doctormonigelb: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/report/ubuntu-community-team.svg <- this is what I just completed.21:56
doctormojono: this is a community connectivity graph: ^ you may be interested.21:56
doctormoAlthough it is 10pm in London, so he's probably down the pub.21:57
AlanBellsweet, what is that based on doctormo?21:58
AlanBellare the lines based on the number of times someone says someone else's nick?22:00
doctormoAlanBell: IRC logs in this channel between the dates. It's basically a connectivity graph.22:00
AlanBellcool stuff22:01
nigelbI'm like at the center :p22:01
AlanBellI have never spoken to Pendulum22:01
AlanBelloh, have now22:01
doctormonigelb: You talk a lot to everyone :-P22:02
nigelbAlanBell: *blink* you never have?22:02
doctormoCode for those interested: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doctormo/doctormo-random/irc-graphing/files22:02
AlanBellnigelb: surprised me too22:02
AlanBellpretty hard to work it out for everyone else, but Pendulum is right next to me and there is no connecting line22:03
AlanBellbetween me and Pendulum22:03
nigelbNow there should be :p22:04
nigelbI have now learned that python sucks with array keying compared to php22:05
paultagnigelb, what's up?22:10
nigelbpaultag: http://github.com/nigelbabu/git-impact-graph22:10
nigelb(work in progress)22:11
paultagnigelb, kickass :)22:12
nigelbpaultag: I'll get it something for fancy over the weekend :D22:13
paultagnigelb, for sure, for sure22:13
paultagnigelb, I never knew your github22:14
paultagnigelb, folowing you now :)22:14
nigelbpaultag: first project on github :)22:14
nigelbI signed up to branch cakephp and submit a fork for merging I think22:14
nigelbbut instead submitted a patch :p22:14
paultagnigelb, haha aye22:14
doctormonigelb: What is it about python lists that are defective compared to php?22:17
nigelbdoctormo: I couldn't key it as easily I could key php22:18
doctormonigelb: I don't know how more flexible lists could be keyed, the python implimentation seems perfect, much better than perl.22:18
doctormonigelb: Can you give me an example?22:18
nigelbdoctormo: in php I do22:19
doctormonigelb: proceed22:19
nigelbforeach($line in $array):22:19
nigelbI'm too sleepy to type it out22:20
doctormonigelb: That looks very possible in python. for line in array:22:22
nigelbdoctormo: there's more22:23
nigelbhow do you have string keys?22:23
doctormonigelb: That's a dictionary, not a list.22:23
nigelbdoctormo: I shall look at that code again when I'm sane22:24
doctormodoing for x in y: is an iterator. You can make your own itterators with yield (which is fun). To iterate over a dictionary you just have to decide what it is you want to iterate over.22:24
nigelbdoctormo: can I iterate over a dicationary and creaaate fields dynamically?22:25
doctormofor key in dict.keys(): or for (key, value) in dict.iteritems(): etc22:25
nigelbwe should continue this conversation in about 5 hours when I'm sane22:25
nigelb3 am isn't my best22:25
doctormonigelb: Get more sleep than 5 hours :-)22:25
nigelbnah, work22:26
nigelbTGIF :D22:26
highvoltagejcastro: I updated the theme on http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntudevelopers , let me know if it's ok or if there's something you'd like changed22:56
jcastrothat's way better than before!22:57
pleia2doctormo: hm, where does it get the pictures?22:59
nigelbpleia2: gravatar apparently23:00
* nigelb goes to bed for real.23:00
doctormopleia2: headochies from planet ubuntu23:18
doctormoSome people don't show because their headochi is differently named, I think your was lyz.png instead of pleia2.png23:20
nhandlerdoctormo: Isn't it hackergotchi23:20
doctormonhandler: Some kind of shrunken head thing.23:20
pleia2yeah, my lp name is different than my irc nick23:21
* nhandler is installing the perl modules to run the script.23:22
nhandlerLater, I'll modify it to work with my local irssi logs23:22
doctormonhandler: The processing time on the Aesthetic graph goes up exponentially with more nodes.23:24
nhandlerdoctormo: I'll look at the code. I might take out some of the graph stuff and just focus on the hard data23:25
doctormonhandler: It's seperate anyway, just use the generate-index and generate-connections scripts for your data mining.23:26
nhandlerOne thing I've wanted to do for a while is load my irssi logs into a database of some sort so that I could run queries on it. I just need to come up with a good/logical way to store it23:26
doctormoBut do pass back your irssi mods, I could use them for double checking.23:26
nhandlerHmm...I just ran the generate-all scrript, and I ended up with all 'Linked image not found' circles23:27
nhandlerdoctormo: Is it just looking for the nick change messages to determine aliases (for the most part)?23:29
doctormonhandler: Ah your right I didn't commit the default circle23:30
doctormonhandler: There is a users.aliases file it will accept for manual connections too.23:31
nhandlerdoctormo: Yeah, I saw that mentioned in the code.23:31
doctormonhandler: The date related indexing it for eventual animation.23:32
jcastrohighvoltage: great job, it doesn't make my eyes bleed23:45
highvoltagejcastro: what a co-incidence! that was the goal23:45
akgranerNews Team Meeting in 12 minutes if anyone wants to pop in23:47

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