
RAOFebroder_: You can manually start X and run gnome-session in it?00:02
penguin42what happens to all the session stuff if you do that?00:24
RAOFOh, yeah.  That's right.00:25
RAOFYou want to run /etc/X11/Xsession or somesuch.00:26
* freeflying 01:48
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RAOFOh, oh!  Can someone else reproduce bug #656037?  If so, this should be a release blocker.04:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656037 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Software sources not selected" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65603704:48
bladernrRAOF:  I can try in a few... gotta build a usb key for netbook first04:54
bladernrI really should stop soon... I've been at this since 0900 :/04:55
RAOFThat needs to be qualified with a timezone to mean anything; I've been at this since 0830 :)04:58
bladernrso... roughly 15 hours04:59
bladernrwell about 12 hours (dinner and lunch break)04:59
bladernrFWIW, I've got a 32bit Kubuntu install done w/ network and it looks like all the repos are present (main, universe and multivers + restricted)05:04
ogra_ac-7join #ubuntu-release05:07
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cdbsHow long after the release will natty open?06:22
micahgcdbs: usually one to 2 weeks06:22
cdbsmicahg: ah, thanks06:23
RAOFcdbs: Depends on how many electric shocks you apply to the foundations team! :)06:23
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NCommanderpitti: ping, I need some help with apport-retracer when you have some time06:40
bladernrRAOF:  I confirm... sources.list on netbook is hosed.  Though only on netbook images, it seems06:57
RAOFbladernr: Yeah.  I think I've identified the problem, and I've brought it to the attention of ubuntu-release and the ubiquity guys.06:58
bladernrnow I shall pass out for a few hours...07:03
dholbachGood Morning!07:25
sorenMr. Holbach!07:25
* soren hugs dholbach 07:25
* dholbach hugs soren back07:25
dholbachman! how are you doing?07:25
sorenGreat, but busy :)07:26
sorenTrying to get a release out the door and celebrating my daughter's two-year birthday at the same time.07:26
sorenOn that note, I have to go wake her up. She's celebrating by sleeping in, apparently.07:27
dholbachhave a great party :)07:27
sorenTa ;)07:27
pittiGood morning07:46
pittiRAOF: doesn't startx do that?07:46
RAOFpitti: Not last time I tried.07:46
RAOFOr, at least, not to my rememberance :)07:46
pittiebroder: gdm doesn't have that much overhead, but if you want to start it directly, then something like "ck-launch-session startx" ought to do07:47
pittiNCommander: what's  up?07:47
RAOFHm.  Why doesn't this live session have a shutdown option?07:56
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jibelmvo, Hi, could you have a look at bug 639933, it seems to affect only kubuntu upgrades.10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639933 in x11-xkb-utils (Ubuntu) "10.04 -> 10.10beta: could not install the upgrades - Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63993310:40
mvojibel: sure10:41
jibelmvo, thanks10:41
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planetcall|webdoes ubuntu need dotnet skills?11:35
Laneysome applications are based on mono, if that is what you are asking11:40
LaneyThese tend to be written in C#11:40
Tm_TLaney: he is gone already (:11:41
Laneyoh well11:42
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NCommanderpitti: reinstalled apport-retracer on kakadu, I try running crash digger but it just hanged when it starts retracing, and doesn't seem to be calling apport-retrace12:06
pittiNCommander: I suppose it needs some firewall rules12:06
pittiNCommander: there were some network adjustments necessary on ronne, for working around bug 62045812:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620458 in Launchpad Bugs "cannot access attachments of private bugs any more" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62045812:07
pittiNCommander: but I don't know about the details unfortunately (I was on holiday)12:07
NCommanderpitti: shouldn't that just error out and not hang?12:10
NCommanderOr is that a bug in the retracer?12:10
pittiNCommander: TCP timeouts somewhere?12:10
NCommanderpitti: 10/07/10 04:12:27: retracing #62540812:11
NCommanderThat was about 5 hours ago ...12:11
NCommanderSomething should have timed out by now :-)12:11
pittiok, then it seems somethign deep in launchpadlib/lazr/etc. should time out12:16
pittibut anyway, I think the reason are the firewall settings12:16
pittiNCommander: you could attach strace to it and see what it's hanging on?12:16
NCommanderpitti: I posted IS, and will wait to see if that just magically resolves it (and may just throw the retracer up on to see if its actually firewall related)12:17
NCommanderpitti: will do, though probably not tonight.12:17
seb128you can try retracing a public bug to see if it works12:20
seb128without the firewall tweak the retracers were crashing on timeout after minute or so12:21
wgrantFWIW, we have a proper private attachment which is awaiting testing.12:24
ScottK-droidseb128: Would you please review cairo-dock/plugins in the queue? Go ahead and accept them if you think they are OK.12:28
seb128ScottK-droid, ok12:28
chrisccoulsonlamont, is there any way i can debug processes which hang in the buildd's?12:31
chrisccoulsoni had a firefox build hang last night: http://tinyurl.com/3yz6gen12:31
chrisccoulsonand i'm not sure what to do, it's not reproducible locally12:31
lamontchrisccoulson: I don't even have any way to reach into a ppa builder and see what it's doing, other than via the web UI on launchpad12:33
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's a bit of a pain12:33
lamontif it's hanging on the archive buildds, poke someone to look at it during that 2.5 hour window is about the best answer12:33
lamontchrisccoulson: definitely a pain12:34
chrisccoulsoni was hoping that i could resolve these issues before i upload to the main archive next cycle :/12:34
chrisccoulsonlamont, there's not anything running on port 8888 in the PPA builders is there?12:55
lamontprolly not13:06
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smbWho would be currently in charge for network manager again?14:44
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pittismb: Mathieu (https://launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl)14:52
smbpitti, Ok, thanks14:55
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pittimdeslaur: so, postgresql-8.4/maverick couldn't be synced (too late); want me to provide a maverick-security upload, or do you already have one in the pipe? (it's just the Debian sid package with an adapted version number, and perhaps a bug ref in the changelog)15:32
mdeslaurpitti: I'm actually publishing the dapper-lucid ones as we speak :(15:33
mdeslaurpitti: could you create a maverick-security package, and I'll release it next week?15:34
pittimdeslaur: ah, so we'll do a followup USN for maverick?15:34
mdeslaurpitti: yeah, I'll release a -215:34
pittimdeslaur: yep, can do15:34
mdeslaurpitti: cool, thanks15:34
pittimdeslaur: I guess I don't need to do it "right now", then, and "by tomorrow" is enough?15:34
mdeslaurpitti: I won't publish it before tuesday anyway, so no rush15:34
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pittimdeslaur: btw, should I include the orig.tar.gz into the .changes? it's the same orig.tar.gz as for karmic/lucid15:45
pittimdeslaur: but if you upload it to a PPA first, you might need it15:45
pitti(uploading without one for now)15:46
mdeslaurpitti: That's okay, I'll grab it from the other releases. thanks15:47
pittiURL sent to the bug15:47
pitti(you wouldn't have guessed it :) )15:48
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ari-tczewwhen natty will be open?16:16
micahgari-tczew: 1-2 weeks after release generally16:16
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mdeslaurpitti: have you run the postgresql test suite on maverick?17:39
dpmhi mvo, a translator had been doing some work on the ddtp templates, and some of his translations are now gone. He's asking if the strings are now stable or if he should wait for a bit...17:39
mdeslaurpitti: it's asking me for a password, which it doesn't do on previous releases...17:39
mdeslaurpitti: never mind, seems I had cruft in my /var/lib/postgresql directory17:49
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sabdfldo we really have a 0-day ssl issue? aieeee :-)18:01
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highvoltagehmm, if what sabdfl say is true, then we'll probably have another rebuild18:06
highvoltageand testers should probably be given some kind of heads-up that there will be a rebuild18:07
mdeslaurhighvoltage: no, it's been published in -security18:07
mdeslaurhighvoltage: no need to rebuild18:07
highvoltagemdeslaur: ok18:08
ScottKmdeslaur: From reading the USN, it wasn't clear to me if both issues were risk of code execution with privileges of the calling application or potentially something worse?18:08
mdeslaurScottK: only the second issue applied to Maverick, and while it's marked as a code execution, our hardening features turns it most likely into a simple denial of service18:09
hallynslangasek: cjwatson: so regarding bug #622762, does it sound like something worth having in release notes?  (about backward compatibility of cryptsetup from lucid to maverick)18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622762 in cryptsetup "encrypted partition works in lucid, not maverick" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62276218:10
* ScottK goes to re-read the USN.18:10
ebroderWho am I supposed to talk to to get a room at UDS? Do I just book it with the hotel directly?18:11
ScottKmdeslaur: Thanks.18:11
slangasekhallyn: yes18:12
hallynslangasek: is there something i should do, like add a tag to the bug?18:12
slangasekhallyn: open a task against the ubuntu-release-notes project18:12
highvoltagehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda needs an update on next meeting time.18:23
hallynslangasek: ok thx18:25
keeshighvoltage: I've updated the date.18:30
highvoltagekees: thanks!18:32
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keeshighvoltage: np :)18:41
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mvodpm: some are gone .( why that?19:35
mvodpm: vanished packages?19:35
mvodpm: they should be stable now19:35
dpmmvo, I don't know which ones exactly vanished. I'll ask the translator tomorrow. Thanks, I'll tell him now that they should be stable19:59
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Dev^NullHey all I have a disk image of ubuntu 9.10 that I replicate to about 500 different machines. I am having an issue with the 70-persistent-net.rules becuaes it wants to name the nic based of the mac address while this changes with each machine. I would like to set it up to look if ATTR{operstate}=="up" then  call that car eth1 I have 2 nic's in each box and only one is ever used. how would I do this.20:23
kibibytewhy nobody fixed bug with icons disappering fom right top menu? this bug exists since 1 or more years. Only solution to it is rm -rf .gconf*  and then set desktop from scratch!#20:23
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rmrfslashHow/where is networking started on boot in Ubuntu?22:03
rmrfslashI don't see any init scripts in runlevels other than 0,622:03
rmrfslashclearly is must be started from somewhere else, I'd just like to know the best place to put an iptables-restore22:03
kklimondarmrfslash: check /etc/init/22:06
kklimondano, /etc/init/22:06
kklimondasee for example how is ufw started22:07
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rmrfslashso I should probably put rules in user.rules22:09
kklimondaif you decide to use ufw it's pretty well documented22:11
kklimondasee man ufw-framework22:11
kklimondauser.rules are, afair, added by the ufw itself22:12
kklimondayou should edit before.rules and after.rules22:12
kklimondarmrfslash: *22:12
kklimondaech, missed ^22:12
rmrfslashi c22:13
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ScottKbarry: Would you be able to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/656541 and see if the proposed patch is correct?22:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656541 in wxwidgets2.8 (Ubuntu) "cubecolordialog.py regression with patch" [Undecided,New]22:35
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cwilluwhile trying to build compiz form source, dpkg-buildpackage dies with "gtk-window-decorator.c:50: fatal error: libwnck/libwnck.h: No such file or directory"22:44
cwilluthis is odd, given that cwillu@dominubuntu:~/work/compiz/compiz-0.8.6$ ls -lh /usr/include/libwnck-1.0/libwnck/libwnck.h22:44
cwillu-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2010-05-31 01:44 /usr/include/libwnck-1.0/libwnck/libwnck.h22:44
pooliein that case i guess autoconf/pkg-config isn't finding the right path22:45
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cwillupoolie, thanks.23:06
* cwillu starts reading potentially relevant man pages23:06
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cwillupoolie, pkg-config --list-all has an entry for libwnck-1.0, which would seem correct23:07
cwilluugh, stray copy in /usr/local/ from before I knew how of dpkg-buildpackage's existence23:11
pooliethat'd be it23:13
pooliecwillu: you might like to use sbuild or pdebuild to do your package builds isolated from your regular system23:14
cwillupoolie, I use similar for my arm packages;  for my desktop stuff (incidently, how do I go about getting some of these fixes actually applied?), them breaking in this fashion is a sign that I did something wrong, and I'd rather have the symptom23:18
cwillufor instance, current compiz with snapping is unusable on slower systems, as it warps the mouse pointer back to the last window move location faster than you can move it23:19
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pooliehow do you mean getting them applied?23:26
pooliebest thing is to create a merge proposal on lp23:26
cwilluso, first step is to actually set up a ppa or such?23:28
pooliecwillu: no, you don't have to23:43
pooliejust put them in a bzr branch, push that to launchpad, then propose a merge23:43

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