
ogasawarajcrigby: Maverick linux master git repo should be up to date now.  Ubuntu-2.6.35-22.34 will be the day 0 upload.01:25
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jcrigbyogasawara, thanks04:00
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diwicsmb, to check if my patch will make Greg happy or if I'll get it back with "sorry, does not apply", is that the linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.32.y.git I should test against?10:15
smbdiwic, Yeah, that is his staging area there. Atm 2.6.35 is in support as well, but probably that only requires the part that you sent for Maverick. 10:17
jjohansenso what is the best way to get a ppa to build ddebs10:19
tgardnerjjohansen, don't the makefiles have some logic for detecting /CurrentlyBuilding (or some such noise) ?10:20
jjohansentgardner: hrmm I don't remember the CurrentlyBuilding stuff, I'll have to poke10:21
jjohansenI did find it odd that specifying skipdbg=false doesn't work10:22
jjohansenthe makefile overrides the value if not doing a full build apparently10:23
tgardnerjjohansen, look in debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk for CurrentlyBuilding10:25
jjohansentgardner: yep already there thanks10:26
jjohansenso in 0-common-vars.mk is there a particular reason we do 10:33
jjohansenifeq ($(full_build),false)10:33
jjohanseninstead of skipdbg?=true10:33
jjohansenit was kind of annoying having that override putting skipdbg=false when doing a build today10:33
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lagWhat are the chances of a Lucid kernel running on a Hardy userspace?12:23
jjohansenlag: it can be done, but it has a few gotchas that I can't remember12:25
jjohansenlag: one of the gotchas would be an upgraded apparmor userspace parser but that might not matter for what you are doing12:27
* jjohansen can't remember the others12:28
lagI have a user who insists his computer (ThinkPad X31) can't run Lucid12:28
lagHe is currently running Hardy, which has a PCMCIA bug which won't allow him to use his PCMCIA CF reader12:29
lagThe bug is fixed in Lucid12:29
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bjfapw, bug 611471, i just did the tracking bug, is it possible for you to verify the fix some time?14:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 611471 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "Fixup vesafb initialization patch which was mistakenly dropped. (affects: 1) (heat: 61)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61147114:55
apwthe reproduce by would be to modprobe/rmmod15:00
ogra_actgardner, so my hugging got you to confused ? ;)15:05
JFotgardner doesn't care for the hugs15:05
ogra_acJFo, well, he missed a changelog entry right after i hugged him :)15:05
JFoyou threw him off his concentration15:06
tgardnerogra_ac, I think it might have been the early afternoon beer15:06
ogra_acexcuses excuses !15:06
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ppetrakihey guys im having an issue with /proc/sysrq-trigger15:51
ppetrakiwhatever I send it just comes back with help15:52
ppetrakiI can set log levels, but nothing else15:52
ppetrakiany ideas15:52
ppetrakiapw, cnd, ^^^15:52
ivoksppetraki: use lower case latters :p15:54
ppetrakiivoks, hmm, perhaps the HELP should reflect that :-p15:55
cndppetraki, I'm not familiar with sysrq really15:55
ppetrakicnd, I'll let it slide15:56
ppetrakicnd, I discovered stap-server, going to give it a go today15:56
ppetrakithe image we're working on is too small to keep the symbols local15:56
cndapw, Sarvatt, I've got two finger scrolling on my dell mini 101215:56
cndand multitouch :)15:57
ppetrakithe neat thing is it operates on the concept of signed certs, so in theory we could have an stap server somewhere15:57
cndbut I can't fix the clicky issue in the kernel because the touches aren't tracked15:57
Sarvattcnd: what's the catch? :)15:57
ppetrakiwith all the debug symbols loaded on it, and all we would have to do would be to point an ip address at it via the client and run the scripts 15:57
cndSarvatt, no catch, just need a patch to the kernel15:57
cndppetraki, interesting15:57
cndSarvatt, apw, but the clicky issue can be fixed in the X input synaptics module I believe15:58
ppetrakicnd, yeah, today it's my laptop that's the server, and some ssh tunneling acrobatics15:58
Sarvatttap and 1 finger horizontal scroll are working along with the multitouch?15:58
cndunfortunately, it only supports two finger multitouch, so there's no way to get three finger tap out of this model15:58
Sarvatterr 1 finger vertical scroll15:58
cndSarvatt, tap and 1 finger vertical scroll always worked15:59
cndout of the bo15:59
cndbut now people will be able to do two finger scroll15:59
cndand two finger multitouch gestures :)15:59
Sarvattcnd: yeah I'm just worried I'm going to wake up one day and lose those features like magic trackpad people did :)16:00
Sarvattcnd: do synaptics properties still work? does it screw things up when you enable 2 finger scrolling via synaptics emulation at the same time or anything?16:02
cndSarvatt, no, there's no loss of functionality16:03
cndand the magic trackpad deal was a very specific case16:03
cndthere's no way we would do that to products that were working in one way in a previous ubuntu release, and then change it in a later one16:03
cndand even still, if you want synaptics-style functionality from the magic trackpad you can get it through an xorg.conf snippet16:04
manjoamitk, around ? I recall you showing us a utility to clone disks what is it called ?16:05
amitkmanjo: clone or sync?16:11
amitkand what up?!! :)16:11
manjoamitk, I want to reinstall my desktop so want to clone my /home 16:12
manjoamitk, sync might work too16:12
manjoamitk, all is well :) thanks for asking 16:12
amitkmanjo: clone with rsync, you don't really care about sync which will take a long time 16:13
manjoamitk, ah was it just rsync, I thought it was some other utility 16:14
amitkmanjo: unison is the utility for syncing, if I want to keep folders on two or more machines in sync16:16
amitkbut it takes a long time, first time. And since you only want to do a save and restore one, rsync is better16:16
manjoah that was it unison... ok will use rsync coz I won't want to wait too long for it16:17
achiangcnd: all your work on touch / multitouch... would it work with the netbook that's on sale at www.woot.com?16:20
Sarvattachiang: avoid that thing like the plague!16:21
achiangSarvatt: orly? 16:21
cndachiang, I think so16:21
Sarvattit's a poulsbo16:22
cndI believe that uses the hid-egalax driver16:22
achiangoh yuck!16:22
cndoooh.. that's a dealbreaker...16:22
* cnd is having to get used to two finger scrolling again :)16:22
achiangSarvatt: i thought you were going to make a comment on the resistive touchscreen or the shitty SSD. :)16:22
achiangbut poulsbo really is a deal breaker16:22
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cndpgraner, ping16:36
cndpgraner, actually, nm for now16:37
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pgranercnd, yea whateva'16:38
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tgardnerogasawara, lemme know when your build is complete. need to bounce tangerine for a security update.18:19
ogasawaratgardner: ack18:19
blueyedWhy would a 2.6.32 kernel from Linus tree oops on startup? I have tried both a config based on the Ubuntu one and from "make localyesconfig".18:27
blueyedUnfortunately I cannot get much info out of the oops: it scrolls by too fast and I cannot scroll up.18:28
keestgardner: can you ping me with tangerine is going down, so I can start watching for it to come back?18:28
blueyedMight this be related to init/upstart? (the system itself is Maverick)18:28
JFoblueyed, I don't think we'd expect a lucid kernel to work with Maverick user space18:30
tgardnerkees, yeah, gimme a bit. for some reason my initial attempt to update open_ssl wedged and I can't get the lock. 'Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock'18:30
JFoI wouldn't at least18:30
blueyedFair enough.. I want to test for a regression though.. and a Live CD would not work probably (it is about DVD burning) (and is too limited for bi-secting). Ideas?18:31
tgardnerkees, ok, my session finally timed out and dropped the lock. I've got the update done. just waiting on ogasawara18:31
ogasawarashould be just a few more minutes18:32
blueyedJFo: also, I could just boot into 2.6.31-22-generic (not manually built though)18:32
blueyedI should use the ubuntu kernel tree for bisecting then I guess.18:32
JFoI'd try an earlier Maverick kernel blueyed 18:33
keestgardner: cool18:33
JFoif you have one18:33
JFounless you are having issues with all Mav kernels18:33
blueyedJFo: I have.. but it regressed during Lucid already IIRC. yes. Thanks.18:33
JFoif the regression began in Lucid and you are on MAverick I'm not sure how to test/bisect on that machine now18:34
JFowithout nuke->pave->test18:35
JFobut that is suboptimal18:35
blueyedMy initial plan was using Linus' tree for bi-secting.. now I would use the maverick tree, no?18:36
JFoblueyed, have you tried the vanilla kernels in the kernel-ppa?18:38
blueyedJFo: as for if it is a problem with vanilla, I have tested vanilla tip yesterday, which had the same problem.18:39
blueyedJFo: I do not think the ppa has a huge history of kernels, does it?18:39
JFoit is rather large http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/18:41
blueyedcool, I'll use this then first. Thanks.18:42
JFono sweat18:43
ogasawaratgardner: build finished, go ahead and bounce.18:47
ogasawarakees: ^^18:47
keesogasawara: cool, thanks18:48
tgardnerkees, ogasawara: tangerine is bouncing.18:53
tgardnersee you guys tomorrow. off for beers and chinese food.18:54
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keesman. now I want beers and chinese food.19:03
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* kees ♥ tangerine19:30
* jjohansen -> lunch19:40
* ogasawara lunch20:07
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