
* freeflying 01:48
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doctormoI need some help with a package that works ok in lucid, but fails to build for maverick.03:40
doctormoThe error is odd and unfamiliar to me. Permission denied executing ./configure03:41
pooliedoctormo: it's not +x permission03:41
pooliea few reasons that could have broken:03:41
poolie the permissions are actually different in this package03:41
poolie2- previously it was run with 'sh ./configure' and now it's not03:41
pooliethough that seems a bit unlikely03:41
poolie3- previously something was running autoconf, which recreated/chomdded it03:42
poolieseems unlikely too03:42
poolie"hope that helps"03:44
poolieit's probably #103:44
doctormopoolie: Checking the source dir, the configure file is +x, I wonder if it's in the deb source though like that.03:44
doctormoAh perhaps it's because the make source produces an output which is different... hmm, interesting weirdness.03:46
doctormoThis is why I dislike semi-abandoned codebases, no upstream to ask for help.03:47
ScottKmicahg: Looks like http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=320081 ?03:59
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 320081 in Server "www-misc/zoneminder-1.24.2 fails to build with ffmpeg-0.6" [Normal,New]04:00
pooliehello scottk04:00
ScottKHello poolie04:00
ScottKmicahg: http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=64281 looks interesting too.04:01
poolieScottK: could you sponsor, or give us some further feedback on, the SRU in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/63693004:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636930 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Upgrading a repository fails with 'Inter1and2Helper' object has no attribute 'source_repo'" [High,Triaged]04:03
pooliei think your concerns from last time are now addressed04:03
micahgScottK: k, I ended up pushing to PPA since they're empty04:03
micahgit builds fast04:03
ScottKpoolie: We're definitely into SRU territory now.04:03
pooliethat's fine04:03
ScottKIt's also late here, so I don't have time to sponsor it tonight.04:03
ScottKSince it's an SRU, it can't get accepted until Sunday, so no rush ....04:04
poolieright, it's not urgent04:04
pooliei'd just like to know if we have to do anything else to make it move04:04
micahgScottK: our diff is to fix a problem with ffmpeg04:05
ScottKmicahg: Are you sure we still need it?04:05
micahgScottK: that was what I was going to try next :)04:05
ScottKOK.  I'm off to sleep.  Good night.04:07
micahgScottK: night, thanks04:07
micahghyperair: hi, can you sponsor a debdiff?04:21
hyperairmicahg: fxscintilla?04:31
hyperairyou still haven't found another sponsor?04:31
hyperairi thought someone else was looking into it?04:31
micahghyperair: heh, no that's already built :), bug 65610104:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 656101 in zoneminder (Ubuntu) "Please merge zoneminder 1.2.4-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65610104:31
hyperairzoneminder eh04:31
fabrice_spNow that even universe is hard frozen, are sync request still processes (it's for bug 613926, that has been approved before freeze), or should I upload with ack-sync?04:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613926 in josm (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync josm 0.0.svn3514-2 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61392604:46
fabrice_spScottK, ^ (as you acked it)04:47
micahgfabrice_sp: he's offline, you can try slangasek04:47
fabrice_spthanks micahg ! I saw it in the log not so long ago04:48
fabrice_spwill wait to see if slangasek reply to your ping04:48
fabrice_spby the way, you have a second vote for Motuship ;-)04:49
micahgfabrice_sp: heh, thanks04:49
micahgupload rights come in handy towards the end of the cycle04:50
hyperairmicahg: you added a trailing empty line at the bottom of debian/changelog.05:05
hyperairmicahg: i'll just remove it, but please don't add it in the future.05:05
hyperairmicahg: one \n is enough =)05:05
micahghyperair: ugh, I don't have that in my debdiff05:06
hyperairmicahg: it's in your debdiff.05:06
hyperair@@ -222,3 +236,4 @@05:06
hyperair     various scripts; replaced with GPL.05:06
hyperair 05:06
hyperair  -- Peter Howard <pjh@northern-ridge.com.au>  Wed,  7 Feb 2007 14:09:01 +110005:06
hyperairsee that trailing +05:06
micahgoh, I think that came with it05:06
micahgI just didn't notice05:06
* micahg checks05:06
micahgyes, it was in the last upload :)05:06
hyperairnah, it didn't05:06
hyperairit wasn't.05:06
hyperairi debdiffed against the last upload.05:07
hyperairor rather, i import-dsc'd everything into git for proper examination05:07
micahghmm, you're right, it was grab-merge then :)05:07
micahgI've never seen that before, I'll watch for it now05:08
hyperairit could be a quirk of your text editor05:08
hyperairsome have a habit of adding one extra \n05:09
micahghyperair: from grab-merge patch:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/507743/05:09
* hyperair used apt-get source and dget05:10
hyperairhmm maybe someone should look into grab-merge.05:10
hyperairi mean not grab-merge, but merge.ubuntu.com's code itself05:10
hyperairmicahg: anyway apart from that it looks good, so i'll just testbuild and upload.05:11
micahghyperair: k, thanks, BTW, pbuilder fails05:11
hyperairi use sbuild.05:11
hyperairwhat happens in pbuilder?05:11
micahghyperair: underfined reference or something05:12
hyperairwell i'll see if it happens05:12
hyperairmicahg: looks like it built. i'll upload it then )05:16
micahghyperair: cool, thanks05:16
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fabrice_spI was thinking yesterday about the MOTU acronym meaning, and the fact that we want to get rid of the split between main and universe, and I was wondering: shouldn't we change Master of the Universe to Master of the Unseeded. I know that we loose something in the change, but that may be more accurate. What do you think?07:10
micahgfabrice_sp: when it happens, it seems appropriate07:10
fabrice_spmicahg, what do you mean? It's early for my english parser :-)07:12
micahgthe term is appropriate once the archive reorganization happens07:12
fabrice_spwell, atually, the reorganization is happening now07:13
fabrice_sp(otherwise you won't be able to upload to -mozilla set ;-) )07:13
micahgfabrice_sp: well, that's part of it, I'm sure it'll be discussed at UDS07:13
fabrice_spis there a planned session for that?07:14
micahgfabrice_sp: I don't see one yet07:15
fabrice_spoh. I'll wait a bit then (or send an email later). I have to  go now. Bye!07:17
micahgfabrice_sp: have a good day07:17
dholbachGood Morning!07:25
coolbhavigood morning dholbach !07:26
dholbachhey coolbhavi07:26
coolbhavihey dholbach how are you doing?07:27
dholbachgood good - how are you?07:27
coolbhavim doing fine too07:27
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LaneyWhile we still have components and component-based uploading, MOTU's current expansion is correct11:15
LaneyArchive Upload Rights for motu: archive 'primary', component 'universe' in maverick11:16
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RhondaOh, right, requestsync …11:50
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ari-tczewmicahg: package uploaded, but branch is still hanged,14:48
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micahgari-tczew: k, I'm not going to worry about it16:00
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ari-tczewI'm looking for someone who is familiar with licenses...17:56
ScottK!ask | ari-tczew17:59
ubottuari-tczew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:59
ari-tczewok, I have granted ACKs for new package (revu/clementine), but debian/copyright have to be checked by someone familiar with licenses.18:00
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ari-tczewScottK: maybe you? ^^18:13
ScottKari-tczew: Not until after release.  Too much other stuff to do.18:13
ari-tczewScottK: I understand. @start natty?18:14
ScottKari-tczew: Not before that.  No promises.18:14
Laneywhy do you think it's suspect?18:14
ari-tczewLaney: bdrung has suggested it with giving a comment on revu.18:15
fabrice_spScottK, about bug 613926: should I upload the sync with syncpackage, or it will be synced by an archive admin?18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613926 in josm (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync josm 0.0.svn3514-2 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61392618:15
fabrice_spyou acked it yesterday18:15
Laneyari-tczew: I think he just means that someone needs to check that d/copyright is correct18:16
Laneythe licenses used are fine18:16
ScottKfabrice_sp: Go ahead and upload it with syncpackage.18:17
ari-tczewLaney: did you look at clementine's d/copyright?18:19
Laneyyou need to check it's complete and correct18:20
ari-tczewLaney: this file is handled by upstream author. what do you think, can we trust him?18:21
Laneythe archive admin will check it, you need to too or risk a reject18:21
ari-tczewLaney: so I asked who is familiar with d/copyright18:21
ari-tczewbecause I'm not good person to do it.18:22
Laneywhy not?18:22
ari-tczewI'm not familiar with licenses.18:22
ari-tczewLaney: I thought that as motu I can upload package by myself (new package).18:22
LaneyWell first of all you should have a working knowledge of them. But second of all you don't really need to be: you just have to check that what is in copyright matches the license statements in the package, and that nothing has been missed out.18:23
Laneyari-tczew: all NEW source packages get a copyright review18:23
kklimondayou can if you are able to check d/changelog - that's the same for everyone18:23
ari-tczewLaney: ok, so when natty will be started, I'll subscribe ubuntu-archive18:25
Laneyit needs two acks18:25
ari-tczewLaney: bdrung and me18:25
Laneyneither of you have acked it on revu18:25
Laneyand you should review the copyright file...18:26
Laneyand the archive doesn't need to be subscribed to anything, they review from the NEW queue18:26
ari-tczewLaney: I'm not familiar with licenses. I'm looking for someone who is familiar with d/copyright.18:26
LaneyThis is a good time to learn. Archive administrators aren't the people to do this for you.18:27
ari-tczewLaney: oh, I just forgot. I'm only laborer.18:28
LaneyIt's fairly routine work, just takes a lot of time: checking that what is written there matches up with the source18:28
BlackZScottK: bug #655929: can I proceed with the upload of that package with the changes we mentioned?18:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655929 in ppa-purge (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please update ppa-purge to the 0.2.8 version" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65592918:34
ScottKBlackZ: Yes.18:34
BlackZScottK: thanks18:35
ScottKTime for me to run off again....18:37
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