
ryeduffydack, this is how public files look for me - http://ubuntuone.com/p/IwX/00:00
mkarnickirye: oops, got it with your link Oops-ID: 1740updownZdBeFaaHJGEEHEGfBbJFBBGdJaaaBDDJc484200:02
duffydackrye, not me, but I guess because I`m using the nice but increasingly U1 hell nautilus-elementary00:02
mkarnickirye: and refresh helped ;)00:02
duffydackI`ll look when I boot into maverick.00:02
mkarnickiduffydack: I'm also using nautilus-elementary00:02
mkarnickiit's lovely00:02
ryemkarnicki, yes, updown is another thing that awaits surgery00:02
mkarnickigot it00:03
ryemkarnicki, duffydack, that's why i did that publish thing - to be able to publish files via ubuntuone using anything00:05
duffydackwell it doesnt show anything different to me00:05
duffydackI dont use thumbnails if it matters..00:06
duffydackI just want a clear and simple indication its published.. no huge emblems needed, just a green/blue tick will do00:07
ryeduffydack, there has been even a branch to add property page to nautilus to be able to see all Ubuntu One data about the file, but id did not make it into the tree00:08
duffydackrye, I`d rather have it at a glance tbh00:08
ryeduanedesign, true00:09
duffydacknot guess if I published it once...00:09
ryeduanedesign, sorry :)00:09
ryeduffydack, true00:09
duffydackfor us simple folk, a clear green/blue will suffice :)00:09
* rye needs to start creating PPAs with various tiny customizations to ubuntuone-client00:10
* mkarnicki thinks it's a great idea00:10
duffydackI dont like the thumbnail idea because I dont like indexing thumbnails of pics I view once and never view again...00:11
duffydackhence, I end up with a shed full of .thumbnails00:11
duffydacksloppy slop slops00:11
duffydackjust gimme a file list of whats what, when, where00:11
ryeduffydack, well, i have only 184Mb of thumbnails :)... We need some sort of a cleanup thing too.00:12
duffydackofftopic but, 10.10 netbook, you need to view a folder in nautilus before it makes thumbs, before the 'fancy' file manager shows them00:13
duffydackthat 'fancy' thing is so limited.00:13
duffydackand there is no direct method of accessing a REAL file manager to manage and delete things, for the nubs it could be a pain00:14
duffydackanyway.  paint it blue or give it small www or something, we/i`ll be happy00:15
ryeduffydack, well, i will look into the thing that prevents public emblems from showing up on maverick tomorrow (well, in 6-8 hours :). Looks like i do not get them on every startup.00:20
ryeand so far - bye everyone! Thanks for your kind words about that hacked script :)00:20
mahenthanks for everything rye, good night !00:21
mahen(if that's the case)00:21
somethingintereshi, can someone just explain to me a bit about this 'controllable cache for listening to songs offline' with the ubuntu one mobile service? What does this mean exactly and how does it work?04:18
beunosomethinginteres, it downloads the song to your sd card04:22
beunoand avoids going to the servers and fetching them04:22
somethinginteresbeuno: oh ok so it just downloads the tracks to the phone itself? That's handy.04:24
beunoright, yes04:24
somethinginteresbeuno: thanks for that. As a follow up question are you aware of if it is possible to pay for Ubuntu One with Australian Dollars?04:25
beunosomethinginteres, not at the moment, not. Just USD, EUR AND GBP04:26
somethinginteresbeuno: OK thanks again. :)04:26
beunosomethinginteres, anytime04:27
=== zyga is now known as zyga-gone
izinucsI'm trying to sync with Evo.. it doesn't appear anything is happening.. where do I start looking to solve this?04:47
izinucsgot it all setup and hit the connect tab in Ubuntu one preferences.. I currently have 2 contacts in evo and ubuntu one shows only one.. Evo's set to use couch-db desktop as the default.. is that the issue?04:58
izinucsnvm.. I see there is an outage for contacts05:17
beunoizinucs, it has been fixed in Maverick05:17
beunoand the backport for lucid has been proposed05:17
beunothe server is fixed, but there needs to be an update to erlang05:18
izinucsk.. any projected time period? week(s), etc?05:27
beunoizinucs, for the lucid backport to land?05:27
izinucsah.. good.. thanks05:27
snap-lQuick question: Is there a way to stop a folder from being copied to one machine alone?06:13
snap-lie: If I have an Asus netbook with 4GB of storage, I'd rather it didn't get a 6GB folder06:13
beunosnap-l, not at the moment, no06:13
snap-lnuts. :)06:13
duanedesignmorning beuno06:55
beunohiya duanedesign06:56
duanedesignoh boy lot of activity after i left yesterday.06:58
mrandrzejak"sync in progress" but there is no upflow of data10:04
mrandrzejak38 B/s up10:05
duanedesignhello mrandrzejak10:26
duanedesignmrandrzejak: can you open a Terminal and run:10:26
duanedesignu1sdtool -s10:27
duanedesignmrandrzejak: might be doing Local_Rescan. You can also use the commands: u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l10:29
duanedesignu1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l10:29
duanedesignto get the number of items waiting to sync. You can track progress as that number gets smaller10:30
duanedesignmrandrzejak: i am stepping out for an hour. rye will probably be along shortly if you have more questions.10:31
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duanedesignmorning rye11:28
ryeduanedesign, morning!11:29
ryeduanedesign, http://ubuntuone.com/p/Ivh/11:29
duanedesignrye: what did you use to make that screencast?11:30
ryeduanedesign, recordmydesktop11:31
ryeduanedesign, recordmydesktop --follow-mouse --fps 24 --no-sound --no-frame --width 800 --height 60011:31
duanedesignrye: giving an open week session on screencasts so that is a nice tip '--follow-mouse'11:32
ryeduanedesign, yes, i tried full screen recording but it was too blurred11:33
ryeduanedesign, ... when i need to pack it in one screen and have browser run the video..11:34
ryeduanedesign, the thing with gtk-recordmydesktop is that there are no knobs to adjust the size of the capture window, i guess it will be easy to add11:34
duanedesignrye: i have had mixed results with recordmydesktop so i wrote a script that uses ffmpeg and parec11:35
duanedesigni have been having a heck of a time with mt paypal account...Been trying to buy isub for my iphone11:36
ryeduanedesign, well, i haven't yet been able to get past the first paypal gate - neither of my cards can be checked by paypal even after i had a talk with my bank(s). Paypal does not like me11:41
duanedesignrye: yes that is my current hurdle. I am hoping when i get my next statement it will have worked this time11:44
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popeyduanedesign: seen kazam?12:07
popey11:34:32 < rye> duanedesign, the thing with gtk-recordmydesktop is that there are no knobs to adjust the size of the capture window, i guess it will be easy to add12:09
popeythere is12:09
popeywell, no, not resize, but you can draw a box inside the rmd window12:10
ryepopey, drawing a box is not enough - i'd like to know the final dimensions of the capture area. E.g. a multiply of 1612:11
popeyI tend to use it on the command line and explicitly specify the dimensions and offset of the window12:12
popey$ recordmydesktop --width 640 --height 480 -x 200 -y 200 --full-shots --fps 15 --channels 1 --device hw:2,0 -v_quality 63 -s_quality 10 -v_bitrate 2000000 --delay 1012:12
popeye.g ^^12:12
ryeduanedesign, ok, now indicator shows content queue count too12:13
duanedesignthanks popey. have heard kazam mentioned by several people. Will definetly check it out.12:22
popeyduanedesign: developer is quite active too12:50
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NickLhonk, just bought some music and it appears in my one.ubuntu.com account but it's not syncing with rhythmbox. What should I do?13:34
ryeNickL, hi, what ubuntu version are you running?13:34
NickLrye: ^13:35
ryeNickL, ok, could you please run the following in the terminal - u1sdtool --status ?13:36
NickLrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/507983/13:37
ryeNickL, could you please open ubuntuone-preferences using Me Menu or System / Preferences / Ubuntu One and click 'Connect' on the Devices tab13:39
ryeNickL, that may be bug #65123713:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 651237 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "ubuntuone-launch fails to start syncdaemon if dbus call times out (affects: 1) (heat: 487)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65123713:39
NickLThanks rye, should is that all I need to do?13:40
ryeNickL, what's the current status in Ubuntu One preferences? Synchronizing?13:41
NickLrye: yes, synchronisation in progress13:41
NickLrye:  thanks, all done. Music is there now. Cheers.13:42
ryeNickL, you are welcome, basically your syncdaemon was not connected to the server13:43
NickLI thought as much, but didn't know how to fix it. Seems pretty simple, so I'll follow the same steps if it happens again.13:44
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psypher246hello ubuntuone team, anyone home?14:06
kklimondahonk ^14:10
kklimondapsypher246: please wait until someone notices the trigger :)14:11
duanedesignhello psypher246 , what is up?14:16
psypher246hey duanedesign. still trying to get my files encrypted on u1, doesn't seem to be so simple14:18
psypher246and deleting the encrypted folder i created is not going away, how can I tell what is holding it upo14:18
duanedesignpsypher246: have you tried using 'u1sdtool --delete-folder'14:20
psypher246well when i run u1sdtool  --waiting-metadata i get thosusands of these14:21
psypher246Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=caa716fb-e0fc-4f55-a7a2-ef5a86dd01ee, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=a4079f9a-c477-49c0-bd02-d5deca7504e7, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=82ee56f9-d593-4318-bb1b-1cb4a170161c, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=a8e06244-6a09-4fe0-9d5b-6f73264483d6, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=fafa2673-b39c-497f-aa7f-05a4922291a5, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=1a52a20d-30bf-4bf7-b8ef-ac771f8a06c7, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246 Unlink(share_id=None, node_id=7fc33fb1-a0e2-402d-a88b-1247c1539e3a, parent_id=45d0a841-cf82-4d17-b742-a87bb9a7b732)14:21
psypher246is there any kind of time frame as to when u1 will be non beta?14:21
duanedesignpsypher246: yeah those are files you removed14:21
psypher246should have to u1sdtool --delete-folder ever14:22
psypher246yes i think they are, mnust be, list was clean b4 i deleted thousands of files14:22
psypher246so when will it update the web and delete the files and carry on with the queu and create the nbew files i added?14:28
ryepsypher246, are you running maverick?14:30
psypher246no still on lucid14:30
ryepsypher246, well, there is at least one second per one metadata item14:32
psypher246why does it take 1 second per item?14:34
psypher246ie why is the PC pretty much idle when it could be flying throuhg all of that at a much faster rate?14:35
nemchiki cannot seem to get my ubuntu one account to recognize the computer i'm on, i've followed the instructions to add a computer and it doesnt seem to be working - any help?15:29
duanedesignhello nemchik15:33
nemchikhi duanedesign15:33
duanedesignnemchik: what version of UBuntu are you on?15:34
nemchiki asked in the +1 channel they told me to come here :D15:34
duanedesignnemchik: when you opened ubuntu one from the me menu did it prompt you to add your computer?15:34
nemchikit opened the little panel like you get when you go through the system menu15:35
duanedesignnemchik: can you open System >  Preferences  > Password and Encryption Keys15:36
nemchikgot it15:37
duanedesignnemchik: ok, do you see an Ubunt One Token?15:37
nemchikpasswords: login15:38
nemchikthats it15:38
duanedesignif you click on the arrow(triangle) does the folder expand15:38
duanedesignstill no token?15:39
nemchikah hah! there is one15:39
duanedesignok. first close the Ubutn ONe preferences (if it is open)15:40
nemchikhang tight, i have a pending package update im gonna restart X real quick15:40
duanedesignno problemo15:40
nemchikok, fresh X15:42
duanedesignnemchik: if you right-click on the token and delete it.15:43
duanedesignnemchik: the next time you open Ubuntu One from the MeMenu you should be prompted to add your computer15:43
duanedesignor sign up for an account if you do not already have one15:44
nemchikhad one, clicked login, success, now i see my stuff it looks like (still says disconnected under the usage bar though)15:45
nemchiki dont quite understand everything about ubuntu one so this is a great learning experience :D15:45
duanedesignnemchik: sorry had some connection issues15:53
nemchikno worries15:53
duanedesignnemchik: you might need to click 'Connect' on the Ubutn one Preferences Panel15:54
nemchikit's greyed out15:54
duanedesignnemchik: can you open a Terminal and run the command:  u1sdtool -s15:55
nemchiklooking at my account in the web interface it added my cpu twice15:55
nemchikState: AUTH_FAILED15:56
nemchik    connection: With User With Network15:56
nemchik    description: auth failed15:56
nemchik    is_connected: False15:56
nemchik    is_error: True15:56
nemchik    is_online: False15:56
nemchik    queues: IDLE15:56
duanedesignnemchik: ok can you run the command:  u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c15:57
nemchikState: QUEUE_MANAGER15:59
nemchik    connection: With User With Network15:59
nemchik    description: processing queues15:59
nemchik    is_connected: True15:59
nemchik    is_error: False15:59
nemchik    is_online: True15:59
nemchik    queues: IDLE15:59
duanedesignnemchik: thats better :)15:59
duanedesignnemchik: i think it just needed to reastart with the new token16:00
nemchikgenius - by u1 folder now has the files :) so would this hopefully not happen again?16:00
duanedesignnemchik: yep, you should be good to go16:00
nemchiksweet, so i can now basically use that folder like a dropbox right?16:00
duanedesignnemchik: correct. You can also designate any folder in your $Home to sync with U116:01
duanedesignr-click Ubuntu One > Sync this folder16:01
nemchikand im told (OMG!Ubuntu website) that u1 rolled out some updates today for paid subsctiptions that actually make it cheaper than dropbox's paid services (i'll stick with free myself but it's cool to know)16:01
nemchikis there a way to keep the me menu but get rid of gwibber?16:02
nemchiki'm not a huge fan, but it seems like trying to remove gwibber always removes the me menu16:02
ryenemchik, nope, it should not remove me menu, me-menu does not depend on gwibber16:03
duanedesignnemchik: yeah, looks like you can remove the package gwibber16:03
duanedesignbut not 'gwibber-service'16:03
duanedesignlooks like gwibber-service wants to remove  indicator-me16:04
nemchikwhat is the point of gwibber service? i mean if gwibber would be gone why would gwibber service want to exist?16:04
dobeygwibber-service runs in the background to receive new notices/updates from the servers16:05
dobeygwibber itself is just a UI on top of the service16:05
dobeyas are other things16:05
dobeylike the u1 music store's "post to twitter" feature16:06
nemchikright (coolest thing about linux: gui is mostly just sending commands to cli anyway)16:06
dobeynot exactly16:06
vbabiyHey guys is there a speed issue with upload and downloading files?16:35
vbabiyI am getting about 2kb16:37
ryecan somebody with faster connection than GPRS check that? ^16:41
vbabiyI have a pretty good connecton: http://www.speedtest.net/result/981587744.png16:43
ryevbabiy, no, i mean I am now connected using GPRS so cannot test properly16:46
vbabiyah I see16:47
vbabiyalso where can I get the moible music app16:47
vbabiyI singed up for the beta and bought the 20pack16:47
duanedesignyeah i am getting 2mb16:48
duanedesignrye: ^16:49
vbabiyI am looking for the android app16:50
duanedesignvbabiy: to sync contacts, or are you looking for AndroidU1 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndroidU116:53
duanedesigncontact sync https://one.ubuntu.com/phones/16:54
JamesTaitvbabiy: Go to Android Market and search for Ubuntu One Music.17:27
vbabiyJamesTait: awesome didn't know it was there17:36
vbabiyIs there a ppa that I can run the lastest ubuntu one on a 10.04 box18:02
duanedesignvbabiy: yes18:16
vbabiyis there something more stable18:20
dobeyvbabiy: we should have the new versions available in ppa:ubuntuone/stable soon18:58
vbabiyalright, thanks18:59
=== karni is now known as mkarnicki
* mkarnicki tries to decipher the new captcha-based api-workflow document19:08
vbabiywhich file ubuntuone is in the process of syncing19:11
vbabiyis there a away to find ^19:12
mkarnickivbabiy: u1sdtool --current-transfers19:13
vbabiyI get 0's but the preferences window says its syncing19:14
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vbabiyIf banshee writes a rating to the a purchased song will that update on all my machines? I guess I am asking is that folder sync or only download.20:15
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mkarnickinessita: ping22:37
mkarnickinessita: nothing important, will catch you later about the new login api using captchas23:18
esnoeijs_hey, the status page says there is a problem with the contacts, but i don't really understand the info on it. Can someone explain me what the problems/symptoms are?23:50

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